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DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION Editors: Dr. A. R. Kulkarni Mrs. S. P. Khandekar Mrs. A. S. Raibagkar Ms. A. M. Acharya Contents Messages Preface Acknowledgement Keynote Address by Mr. Nilesh Lele Sr. No. Topic Page No. 1 Bio - chemical evaluation of french bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) germplasm under Kolhapur conditions Dr. V. K. Garande and R. A. Whankate 1-7 2 Utilization of underutilized vegetables in ready-to-eat vegetable curry mix with vegan meat balls Mrs. Snehal Khandekar and Ms. Prajwala Lad 8-22 3 A study of “multigrain muffin” – enriched with soy milk Snehal Manjrekar, Rachana Kalamkar and Anuradha Shekhar 23-28 4 Brix optimization of dragon fruit wine Ajay Parit, Nikhil Jadhav, Shreyas Vibhute, Ashwini Kurane and Dr. A. K. Sahoo 29-32 5 Assessing effect of phytoestrogen treatment on clinical assessment of menopausal women. Mrs. S. C. Shinde and Dr. R. M. Kamble 33-39 6 Development of cereal based probiotic beverage as functional food S.D. Patekar, S.T. Hingade and C.G. Sonwane 40-47 7 Development of Multi-millet Dumplings enriched with fibre and protein Shruti Sherlekar, Shejal Suvarna and Anuradha Shekhar 48-54 8 Evaluation of Market Samples of Kapikacchu (Mucunapruriens L.DC) to find out its Adulteration and check for the genuine quality of drug for the presence of L-Dopa Dr. Rahul Jadhav and Dr. Charushila Giri 55-70 Food waste management at KIT‟s college of engineering, Kolhapur G. D. Mali and D. S. Mali Ayurveda Dietetic Principle- the answer to combat diseases Gampawar Ketaki and Dr. Sanjeev Tonni 71-78 11 Nutraceuticals in ayurveda w.s.r.t. ajasrikarasayana (dietary/general rejuvenation) Dr.Amulya Murthy Akuand and Dr. Sanjeev S. Tonni 85-93 12 Formulation of instant soup mix with utilization of raw banana and waste from cauliflower Dhanashree Magdum and Snehal Khandekar 94-101 13 Formulation of mead to study its characteristics: a novel finding in alcoholic beverage. Shobha Rasam, Vinaya More and Neelam Jirage 102-112 14 Formulation and characterization of lemon wadi from lemon peels Sonwane C.G., Patekar S.D. and Bhosale P.B. 113-119 15 Serving a Baked Multigrain Kachori fortified with Drumstick Leaves and Curry Leaves: Reformulation of a popular Indian snack in a Healthy way Nisha Powar, Tejal Shendre, Sonali Sankpal and Ashwini Raibagkar 120-130 16 Shelf- life study of a product, „nutriecrisps– bajra flakes chivda‟ to promote the consumption of millets. Purva Sawant, Neha Muzumdar and Anuradha Shekhar 131-139 17 Shelf Life study of the Product (Ragi Bites) Sanvika Mahadik, Charmi Thaker and Anuradha Shekar 140-143 18 To develop a product and study the shelf-life of nutritious multigrain “nutritionem chips” Riya Manjrekar and Anuradha Shekar 144-151 19 Combine Preservation of Nutritious Banana And Lemon Juice By Freezing And Canning Snehal S. Pai 152-158 9 10 79-84 20 Development of an innovative food product shaped as edible bottle for PCOS. Gargi Natekar, Neha Mishra and Anuradha Shekar 159-165 21 Development of curry leaves (Murraya Kanengji) chutney and analyzed its Nutritional profile. Pooja Gaikwad and Dr. Tasneem Naheed Khan 166-174 22 Impact of Health Education on Knowledge Regarding Beverages among Urban Adolescent of Belagavi - An intervention study Ms. Bhagyashri B. M., Dr. Ashwini N. and Dr. Mubashir A. 175-182 23 Preparation and standardization of onion peel powder jelly Ms. Rumana Patait, Ms. Asavari Kulkarni,Ms. Shivani Kamat, Ms. Smital Kamble, Mr. Ansar Momin, Mrs. A. M. Kurane, Dr. A. K. Sahoo and Dr. A. A. Gatade 183-187 24 Standardization of multi-nutrient cake and its shelf life study Shreya Sudesh Katalkar and Anuradha Shekar 188-192 25 The Study of Pre-treatments Effect on Fishy Flavour and Nutritional Value of Fish Powder. Ms. Misal Saraswati Dattu, Mrs. S .S. Wadikar and Mrs. M. H. Jadhav 193-196 26 Formulation, Nutritional evaluation and shelf life study of a ready to eat snack –“Seed Rose Brittle” – A functional theraputic food product Nikita Kochrekar, Aishwarya Gupte and Anuradha Shekhar 197-204 27 Bioengineered fruits: genetics, safety & health - an overview Ms. Pranjali Shinde and Mrs. Snehal Khandekar 205-215 28 Study On Formulation of RTE Manchurian Mix Nikita N. Jarag, Sakshi S. Pisal and Shweta A. Patil 216-223 29 Understanding the conventional functional foods for making lives healthier: a critical review defining a nutritional perspective. Ms. Janvi Ganwani and Dr. Neelam Jirage 224-234 30 Fat replacers - a novel food ingredient in development of functional dairy food Dr. D. D. Patange 235-244 31 Development of instant weaning food from legumes and dehydrated vegetable powder Pratik A. Mahajan, Mansi M. Mahadadalkar, Yashwant S. Mali and Mrs. Neha A. Patil 245-255 32 Giya Tori combo for junk food: A critical appraisal Dhanashree Kulloli and Rajasee Nimbalkar 256-263 33 A Case Study on Corporate Social Responsibility and Environment Dr. A. R. Kulkarni 264-278 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION Published 2020: PP: 197-204 Copyright © Dr. A. R. Kulkarni ISBN: 978-93-5406-329-9 Formulation, Nutritional Evaluation And Shelf Life Study Of A Ready To Eat Snack –“Seed Rose Brittle” – A Functional Theraputic Food Product Nikita Kochrekar1, Aishwarya Gupte2 and Anuradha Shekhar3 1 2 Students, Department of Food science and Nutrition Dr.B.M.N. College of Home Science, Mumbai. 3 Vice-principal & Head of the Department - Food Science and Nutrition, Dr.B.M.N. College of Home Science, Mumbai. Email: shekaranuradha@yahoo.co.in ABSTRACT Food product development is a wide-reaching industry effecting both progressing and progressed countries with corollary for human health as well as socio economic development. If we intercede rightly through food, we can preclude future outcomes of nutritional deficiencies. The aim is to develop and irradiate health snack and assess the Nutritional quality and acceptability.[1]A ready to eat nutritious snack has been developed, with a combination of multiple seeds and rose petals with jaggery in an optimized proportion of 22:1:23 in respective amounts. The nutrient composition, organoleptic qualities, shelf life study of the product were analyzed. The product contained 5gm- protein, 7gm fat, 22gm carbohydrates, 3 gm dietary fiber, 3mg iron, 124mg calcium in per 20 grams of brittles. Sensory evaluation of the product revealed that color, taste, texture, aroma, appearance and overall quality were in acceptable range with mean score of 7.8 on 10. Shelf life of a product was done for 30 days under normal conditions. The product was stored in brown craft paper bag. The product indicated the potential of seeds as a nutritious food in all aspects and specially for iron deficiency anemia. KEYWORDS: Shelf life, Pumpkin seeds, Standardization, Anemia, Rose brittle, Healthy snack INTRODUCTION India has started to observe a dramatic change in food supply systems due to rapid urbanization, diet diversification and lifestyle changes. The demand for convenient foods is an overarching trend in all countries and among all the income population due to consumer lifestyle changes. In addition to that convivence snacking, consumer being health conscious, they look for new trends in the technology and for the foods which will serve not only purpose of variety but also provide good nutrition. One such convenient option for snacking is protein bars which was first introduced in the US. Jaggery is basically traditional non cane 197 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION sugar consumes in some countries in Asia and America. Multiple seeds such as pumpkin seed-, muskmelon seeds, cucumber seeds, chia seeds, watermelon seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are introduced into the diet as an alternative healthy snack of renewed interest due to its nutritive and health promoting value.[3][4]All of the abovementioned seeds are rich in iron, protein, magnesium and other micronutrients. It has more protein than normal groundnuts. The functional components of all seeds and jaggery have health benefits that can reduce risk of certain cancers, lowers blood pressure, blood sugar level and improves prostate and bladder health.[3] Keeping in mind, the need of ready to eat and healthy snacking and functional properties of multiple seeds, it is combined with jaggery to make it more nutritious and tastier. Hence, a study has been constructed in which this nutritious Brittle was formulated which was analyzed for its nutrient value and shelf life. This paper mainly discusses about organoleptic evaluation and shelf life of the formulated product.[1] AIM– To discuss about organoleptic evaluation and shelf life of the formulated product. OBJECTIVE 1) To develop a food product for every age group but especially made for people who are suffering from iron deficiency anemia. 2) To study the shelf life of “seed rose brittle”. 3) To study the packaging, budgeting, marketing and organoleptic evaluation. 4) To develop a nutrition label. 5) To develop, standardize the product to make it more nutritious than other normal brittles. MATERIALS Seeds provide nutrient dense energy to our body while leaving a low environmental foot on the earth. The rose seed brittle is made up of chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flex seeds, sunflower seeds, cucumber seeds, muskmelon seeds, watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, hazelnut, jaggery and rose petals, these ingredients were selected on the basis of their nutritional composition and regular demand of usuage. The standard brittle was made with Jaggery as base. Jaggery was chosen not only for its holding capacity but also because it is gluten free and lactose free, as seeds does not have 198 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION taste of their own, jaggery was taken in order to provide sweetness and also improves nutritional quality as it is good source of iron and helps to boost immunity. Peanuts and hazelnut which are source of protein and monounsaturated fatty acid respectively were added to provide good texture and crunchiness to the finalised product. All the seeds are high in protein, iron, antioxidants and many other micronutrients. The quantity of jaggery is almost equal to in total of seeds to develop calorie dense nutrition brittle. Table 1: Ingredient and amount to prepare 20g (1 brittle) Ingredient Amount Chia seeds 2g Sunflower seeds 2g Muskmelon seeds 2g Flax seeds 4g Pumpkin seeds 2g Cucumber seeds 2g Watermelon seeds 2g Sesame seeds 5g Hazelnut 2g Groundnut 5g Rose petals 1g Jaggery 23g Figure-1 199 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION METHADOLOGY Roasting all the seeds Melting and Heating Jaggery Adding the roasted seeds in the melted jaggery After mixing, adding it in a tin Cutting the briitles in the appropriate shaoes Laying the brittle with rose petals Let it set for an hour Remove the brittles and they are ready for packaging Sensory Evaluation of the product In order to study shelf life of the product organoleptic evaluation was done perodically for 4 weeks. In the first week it was seen that chia seeds gives poppy effect after taste in the mouth. So the amount of chia seeds were reduced and sensory evaluation done in the seond trial. Scoring taste with hedonic rating scale was used. Characteristics evaluated were taste, texture, after taste, flavour and overall acceptibility and were scored out of seven points which were; 7= like extremely, 6= like moderately, 5= like slightly, 4= nor like nor dislike, 3= dislike slightly, 2= dislike moderatly, 1= dislike extremly. The result of the evaluation is shown in following figures. 200 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Fig. 2 Sensory Evaluation Overall acceptibility After taste Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Flavour Texture Taste 0 2 4 6 8 Fig.3 Results of Sensory Evaluation Periodically for 4 Weeks The above chart provides us information about the sensory evaluation done periodically over a period of 4 weeks.this chart states that the food product made was in its best quality for 3 weeks and hence and be used best before 3 weeks from manufacturing. In the fourth week as we can see there was an after taste of the seeds like flax,chia,etc and the texture became a little sticky due to the jaggery content in it. To enhance the after taste of the seeds, rose petals are added which gives a flavoursome delectable taste. Also to reduce the stickiness of jaggery, effective packaging techniques are used, which minimals the contact of moisture with the food product.The overall acceptability,flavour,taste of the food product has been great for all the 4 weeks. 201 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION Nutrition Label Nutritional label contains information about nutrients in the food to help the consumer make healthier food choices. It guides the consumer about the nutritional efficiency of the product. Along with the nutritional information label provide incentives to manufactures to develop product that helps in public health and also in following dietary recommendations. Hence the nutritional label was developed. Fig.4 : Nutritional Label Fig.5 : Suggested Labelling Packaging Material Packing material used was plastic wrapping on both side in order to keep brittle properly. Wrapped brittle then put in the brown kraft stand paper bag as it helps to keep the fresh and provides complete barrier to air, moisture and bacteria. The cost of total packaging material used is Rs. 375/- Fig.6 Plastic Wrapping used for Primary wrapping material. 202 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION Fig.7 Brown kraft bags used for final packaging material. Fig. 8: Final Packaged Product Budgeting and marketing The totsl budget for the new product or service includes all costs from development to the delivery product. Budgeting of the prodcut helps us in various ways like managing money efficiently, allocating appropriate resources, planing for future sales and metting your objectives. Cost calculation for 54 seed rose brittles – Ingredient Chia seeds (100g) Sunflower seeds (70g) Muskmelon seeds (70g) Flax seeds (200g) Pumpkin seeds (70g) Cucumber seeds (70g) Watermelon seeds (70g) Sesame seeds (250g) Hazelnut (50g) Groundnut (250g) Rose petals (50g) Jaggery (1250g) Cost (Rs.) 50 60 60 30 60 70 32 110 52 33 50 70 All the ingredients has been brought from the wholesale market to increase the profit. Cost calculation for the ingredients of 54 brittles is given below – 54 brittles were prepared and sold at 30/- each (Total Rs.1080 ). The profit made was of Rs. 10/- per brittle. For formulating the price of per piece the following assests were taken in consideration -: materials, gas, travelling, packaging, electricity. 203 DISCOVERING HEALTHY FOODS THROUGH FOOD PROCESSING AND NUTRITION Therefore we can estimate :100 pieces – 1000/- profit 1000 pieces – 10000/- profit The bars were displyed in the college campus for the students and staff members. CONCLUSION A nutrotious and low processing product has been sucessfully made and marketed. The shelf life was seen to be for 3 weeks. The studies also prove that it can help in boosting antioxident activity, lowering blood pressure, act as a good source of plant protein and reduces bad cholesterol. It contains good amount of iron and thus can help to prevent iron deficinecy anemia. In addition, it also has been reported to possess prebiotic and antioxidant properties which help in prevention of various health diseases.[2] The study therefore recognizes the potential incorporation of multiple seeds in the formulation of variety of convenience foods owing to its nutritional composition and organoleptic properties.[5][6] REFERNCES 1) Siriguppa sneha et al (2019). “Organoleptic evaluation of the beckwheat bar”, International journal of engginering and scientific research. 2) Syali ugale et al (2019} “Standardization and shelf life study of soya oasts chocolate bar”, International journal of food and nutrition science. 3) Pingali et al (2004). “Globalisation of Indian diets and the transformation of food supply system”, Indian journal of agricultural markeeting. 4) Navjot kaur et al. “Chia seed based nutri bar; optimization, analysis and shelf life”, Food technology and Nutrition, School of Agricultue. 5) Daily news and analysis, sept 2016. High prevalence of lifestyle disorders making Indians Diet conscious. 6) Agbaje et al (2014). Sensory preference and mineral contents of cereal bars made from rice flakes and Sunnah foods . Journal of environmetal science and food technology. 204 College of Non-conventional Vocational Courses for Women, CSIBER Trust, Kolhapur Accredited by NAAC with ‘B’ grade (2.79 CGPA-3rd Cycle) Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur Shivaji University Road, Kolhapur-416004 MS, India Phone No. (0231)2535405 Website: www.cncvcw.edu.in