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Microvita and the Coronavirus by Dr. Hans-Joachim Rudolph & Ac. Vimalananda Avadhuta, Microvita Research e.V. When we talk about the Coronavirus, we usually think of spherical particles with a spiky surface. Additionally, we might remember that it is a large virus, having an envelope which contains a single-stranded RNA genome. But all this is not really correct, because what we call virus is actually a virion: And a virion is definitely not the same as a virus. The idea that a virus and a virion are distinct was first proposed by Claudiu Bandea in 1983 (1). Bandea presented viruses as organisms, which pass in their ontogenetic cycle through two distinctive phenotypic phases: (a) the vegetative phase and (b) the phase of a viral particle. In the vegetative phase, their component molecules are dispersed within the host cell, showing all major physiological properties of living organisms: metabolism, growth and reproduction. Accordingly, the infected cell should be considered to be the virus, while the virions are only its reproductive forms. Therefore, calling the virion ‘a virus’ is as wrong as confusing the sperm cell with a human being (2). Consequently, we may conclude that the infected eukaryotic cells, in which viral factories have taken control of the cell machinery, became viruses themselves, with the viral factory being the equivalent of the nucleus. As such, they remain particular types of organisms, because they do not encode own ribosomes and cell membranes, but borrow these from the cells in which they live. In general, viral replications occur in nine stages, namely 1. absorption, 2. activation, 3. entry, 4. uncoating, 5. synthesis of virus components, 6. transcription, 7. capsid self-assembly, 8. ejection and 9. release. Among these, the capsid self-assembly is quite mysterious. It may occur in the cell’s nucleus, in the cytoplasm or at the plasma membrane. In case of SARS-CoV-2, it happens at the membranes of the cytoplasmic Golgi apparatus. Figure 1: Life cycle of SARS-CoV-2 (© covid19-pandemie.org / CC BY-SA 4.0) (1 Anheftung = Absorption, 3 Eindringen = Entry, 4 Freisetzung = Uncoating, 8 Ausschleusung = Release) However, the assembly of molecular components into a microscopic structure of higher order is not at all self-evident. It needs more rationalization than what is usually provided. In this article, we offer an explanation that involves microvita, “the mysterious emanations from cosmic factor“, where the idea is based on the following paragraphs from discourse No 1 in P.R. Sarkar’s “Microvitum in a Nutshell“ (3): It is a human characteristic that whatever we know regarding any subject or any object, when we know that it exists but its characteristics or other particulars are not known to us, we say it is "mysterious". So regarding these microvita, we may say they are mysterious. That is why I used the term "microvitum, the mysterious emanation of cosmic factor". They are not of protoplasmic order, and hence the question of their protozoic structure or metazoic structure does not arise. They are something mysterious. Now, these microvita are not of the same density or the same subtlety. Some of them come within the range of a highly developed microscope; and some of them may not come within the range of a microscope, but by their actional expression or through their actional faculty or as a result of their actional vibrations, they may come within the scope of our perception. They are of subtle order. There may be still more subtle forms of microvita which may not come directly within the scope of our perception but may come within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the range of perception in a limited sphere. So these microvita may be broadly divided into three categories -- first, those coming within the scope of a microscope; secondly, those not coming within the scope of perception but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration; and thirdly, those not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. Such perception -- that special type of perception -- may be felt or realised by persons having highly developed minds, having spiritually oriented minds. Regarding these microvita of crude order which may come within the scope of a microscope, people give them the name "virus". They say, "This disease is of virus origin." But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum, and not virus. Figure 2: Modified Four Chamber Model (5), derived from P.R. Sarkar’s Microvita and Cosmology (4) As discussed earlier, microvita can be understood as the operators, mediating a parallelism between different planes of existence. But unlike those discussed in my previous publication (6), virus-related microvita are supposed to mediate a parallelism between (A) objective and (B) objective, between propensities and our objective world. In other words, while they may or may not influence micro- or macrocosmic propensities, they are ultimately bound to affect the biological process of capsid selfassembly. In particular, we can say that such microvita are able to form synchronised clusters, so that their interaction with the component molecules allows for a morphogenetic field, in which the components arrange themselves to become viral capsids. By definition, such microvita are negative, as their function is clearly pro-matter, and not propsychic. Figure 3: A set of negative microvita influencing an assembly of component molecules (7) And on the other hand, it can be concluded that positive microvita mitigate the morphogenetic field of viral self-assembly, i.e. the viral morphogenesis, which is the decisive step in virus replication. Now, if the decisive step in virus replication is orchestrated by microvita, we should comply with P.R. Sarkar’s statement that for the designation of the origin of viral diseases, “the better term will be microvitum, and not virus“. There is, however, a second factor: Just like biochemical reactions are controlled by enzymes, morphogenetic fields are controlled by microvita. But enzymes cannot work without substrates. Likewise, appropriate macrocosmic propensities must be available, so that microvita can arrange for the assembly of SARS-CoV-2 capsids. In this respect, the general living conditions in megacities, and the accumulation of rotten meat in urban factories, markets and kitchens in particular, might provide the circumstances, which attract these propensities - an assumption that is supported by numerous outbreaks in the proximity of such places (8). References (1) Bandea C. 1983. A new theory on the origin and the nature of viruses. Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 105 (591-602): 4. (2) Claverie J.-M. 2006. Viruses take center stage in cellular evolution. Genome Biology, Volume 7 (1175-1179): 6. (3) Sarkar P.R. 1988. Microvitum - The mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor. In: Microvitum in a Nutshell, pp 1-5. AMPS Publications, Tiljala, Kolkata. (4) Sarkar P.R. 1988. Microvita and Cosmology. In: Microvitum in a Nutshell, pp 153-158. AMPS Publications, Tiljala, Kolkata. (5) Rudolph H.-J. 2015. A New Science of Reality - Part II. In: Crimson Dawn, Special Edition on Microvita, pp. 55-58, Ananda Marga Publications, New York. (6) Rudolph H.-J. 2020. Microvita and the Corona Pandemic. Prout Journal, Volume 31 |(38-41): 8. (7) Rudolph H.-J. 2017. Microvita - A New Science of Reality. pp 41-50. Authorhouse, Bloomington. (8) Shapiro P. 2020. One Root Cause of Pandemics Few People Think About. Scientific American, Volume 322 (pp NA): 3.