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4511N.3 Notificotion requirements. RTCs/MCs/FXDs shall inform the

appropriate department of the SES of the following events:

a. Commencement of operotions. RTC/MC/FXD shall notify within five (5) business days from the start of operations of each of its offices.

b. Newly-occredited RSAs. Except for E-Money lssuer, RTC shall notify within five (5) business days from contract signing of its newly accredited RSAs. c. Chonge of tie-up portner/s. RTC shall notify within five (5) business days from the addition and/or termination of tie-up partner/s and shall submit the following documents, if applicable:

(1) Notarized tie-up agreement/s which shall be consularized if originated/signed abroad; and

(2) Proof that the RTC or counterparty is authorized to engage in the remittance business and is subject to the anti-money laundering laws of the country where it operates.

d. Transfer of locotion RTC/MC/FXD shall notify within five (5) (21 Audited financial statements (AFS) which shall be submitted not later than 30 June following the reference calendar year. The AFS for entities with total assets of at least fifty (50) million pesos shall be opined upon by any of the Bangko Sentral-selected External Auditors;

(3) Quarterly reports on the total value of money changingforeign exchange transactions which shall be submitted within ten (10) business days from the end ofthe reference quarter; and

(4) Quarterly reports on the total value of foreign remittance transactions which shall be submitted within ten (L0) business days from the end of the reference quarter. A submitted report that, upon validation by the Bangko Sentral, is found to be non-compliant with the reporting requirements prescribed herein or in subsequent guidelines may be considered as willful failure or refusal to comply with a regulation and shall be classified as "Erroneous". On the other hand, a report that was able to comply with the reporting requirements or guidelines of this regulation after the submission deadline for said report may be considered as willful delay and shall be classified as "Deloyed'. Finally, a report that was not able to comply with the reporting requirements or guidelines of this regulation by the time the next report becomes due or upon the lapse of thirty (30) business days from the report's submission deadline, whichever comes first, may be considered as willful failure or refusal to comply with a regulation and shall be classified as "Unsubmitted".

The reports required under this Subsection shall be considered Unsubmitted after the lapse of thirty (30) For a report initially considered Erroneous but subsequently complied with the reporting requirements or guidelines within the prescribed deadline, the penalty shall be derived by multiplying the penalty of P60 against the number of times the subject report was submitted before being considered compliant.

For Delayed reports, the penalty of P60 shall be multiplied by the number of calendar days delayed. lf the report is initially considered Erroneous but was able to comply with the reporting requirements or guidelines but after the prescribed deadline (i.e., Deloyed), the penalty shall be the sum of the penalty for being Erroneous before deadline and the penalty for being Delayed as previously described.

For Unsubmitted reports, computation of the penalty shall be based on three times (3x) the number of days applied for determining a report to be unsubmitted (i.e., 30 days). 9 4511N.16 Transitory Provisions. All Bangko Sentral CORs previously issued to RTCs/MCs/FXDs shall remain effective for a period of six (6) months from effectivity of this Circular. Upon the expiration of the transitory period, all previously-issued Bangko Sentral CORs shall be considered automatically cancelled, unless otherwise extended by the Bangko Sentral. Section 2. Appendix N-8 shall be entirely deleted and amended to include Employment contract/Certification of employer on the amount of compensation paid to the foreign national during the validity of the contract stating whether the same had been paid in foreign exchange or in pesos, and if in foreign exchange, proof that the foreign exchange was previously sold for pesos to AABs; ACR l-Card and DOLE Alien Employment permit of the foreign national; Applicant's notarized certification that the FX remitted is net of local expenses incurred or net of previous transfers abroad; and lf amount to be remitted comes from sources other than salaries, information regarding the sources supported by appropriate documents should be submitted.

Foreign nationals' income taxes due to foreign governments ACR-I Card and DOLE Alien Employment foreign governments Permit; and Photocopy of income tax return covering the income tax payment sought to be remitted.

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Sales proceeds of domestic assets by foreign expatriates a. ACR l-Card; ano b. Photocopy of proof of sale of asset/s. Certification from the head office that the share in head office expenses remain unpaid and outstanding;

and Audited financial statements of the philippine branch.



Insurance/Reinsurance premium due to foreign insurance companies Bi ll ings/l nvoices of i nsu ra nce com pa n ies/brokers a b road.


Claims against domestic insurance companies by brokers abroad

Bi ll in gs/l nvoices from foreign insu rer/ rei nsu rer