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GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL Geol. J. (2012) Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/gj.1347 Basin stratigraphy, sea-level fluctuations and their global tectonic connections— evidence from the Proterozoic Cuddapah Basin SARBANI PATRANABIS-DEB*, DILIP SAHA and VIKASH TRIPATHY Geological Studies Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India The Cuddapah Supergroup succession can be divided into four unconformity-bound sequences, namely, the Papaghni, Chitravati, Srisailam and Kurnool groups and formation representing four major cycles of sedimentation. The oldest sequence, the Papaghni Group is represented by fan-delta, prodelta and shallow shelf deposits. The rifting stage of the basin evolution is attested by the immature delta succession deposited as a major fault-controlled basin evolution, and was followed by the early subsidence stage. Basement uplift and a hiatus in deposition follows the first cycle of sedimentation. The Chitravati Group, representing the second cycle of sedimentation, consists of mature sandstones separated by a heterogeneous shale–sandstone–dolomite interval. The third cycle starts with the deposition of widespread coastal fluvial to shallow marine sandstone of the Srisailam Formation, and the fourth cycle is represented by the Kurnool Group consisting of conglomerates, feldspathic sandstones, supermature quartzarenites, minor shale and carbonates. Each cycle represents a rifting phase followed by a stable subsidence stage when the basin evolved into a large epicontinental sea. The supermature Gandikota Quartzite of the Chitravati Group and the Paniam Quartzite of the Kurnool Group represent relative sea-level fall and forced regression. The siliciclastics in each of the sequences display signatures of macrotidal sedimentation pointing to open ocean connection. The sequences further display signatures of passive margin sedimentation with multiple events of carbonate-shale rhythmite deposition. Mafic flows and dykes in the Papaghni and Chitravati groups reflect thermal anomalies associated with phased crustal extension; successive extensional phases were punctuated by basin inversion. Extensive and pulsed development of epicontinental seas as recorded in the Cuddapah sequences in the south Indian craton, possibly reflect global sea-level changes associated with supercontinent (eg. Columbia in the Palaeoproterozoic) break-up and assembly. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 21 March 2011; accepted 23 September 2011 KEY WORDS Proterozoic; Cuddapah Basin; stratigraphic evolution; sea-level fluctuations; global tectonics; India 1. INTRODUCTION The Purana basins of Peninsular India covering a time span from the late Palaeoproterozoic to the Neoproterozoic developed in different parts of the Indian craton (Figure 1). These basins host thick successions of generally unmetamorphosed and mildly deformed sedimentary successions, deposited primarily in tide- and storm-dominated shallow shelves, closely comparable with the Proterozoic cratonic successions in several other continents. It has been suggested that the Purana basins developed as cratonic rifts (Naqvi and Rogers, 1987; Chaudhuri et al., 2002; Rogers and Santosh, 2004) along weak zones within the assembled Archaean protocontinents or along the joins between them. Stratigraphic reconstructions suggest that many of the basins are polyhistoric and comprise multiple unconformity-bound sequences. The paucity of geochronologic data has hindered interbasinal correlation of *Correspondence to: S. Patranabis-Deb, Geological Studies Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata 700108, India. E-mail: sarbani@isical.ac.in the Purana successions across the Indian craton. Though these basins are considered to be of vital importance in reconstructing the history of Proterozoic supercontinent assembly (Rogers and Santosh, 2004), putting the stratigraphic development of the Purana basins in a global geodynamic context awaits more refined and adequate geochronologic data apart from a thorough basinal analysis. In this paper we focus on an integrated analysis of the stratigraphic evolution of the Cuddapah Basin, which consists of stacked cycles of different orders organized in varying styles of stratigraphic architecture. The cycles are interpreted in terms of basin development events. The stratigraphic architecture of the Cuddapah sequences has been studied in detail, and the stratigraphic trends have been reviewed in terms of basin tectonics. 2. GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND The Cuddapah Basin was first mapped in the 19th century (King, 1872; Ball, 1877), but gained significant attention only during the mid-20th century. The majority of the studies Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. s. patranabis-deb ET AL. Figure 1. (a) Generalized geological map of India showing Proterozoic basins of India and the location of the Cuddapah Basin (C); Khariar (K); Indravati (I); Pranhita-Godavari Rift (PGR); Chattisgarh (Ch) and Vindhyan (V). (b) Geological map of the Cudddaph Basin showing the subbasins, boundary thrusts of NFB (Nallamalai Fold Belt) and NSB (Nellore Schist Belt). Udaigiri and Vinjamuru groups represent two distinct domains within the NSB. In the western part of the basin the lower Cuddapah rock groups, Papaghni, Kurnool, Srisailam and Palnad are exposed in between the Gani-Kalva Fault (GKF), Atmakur Fault (AF) and Kona Fault (KF) (after Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987; Anand et al., 2003, Saha and Tripathy, 2012). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj were focused on the classification of the Cuddapah succession and reconstruction of the stratigraphy (King, 1872; Sen and Narasimha Rao, 1967; Rajurkar and Ramalingaswami, 1975; Meijerink et al., 1984; Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987; Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan, 2008; Saha et al., 2009) Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (Table 1). The outcrops of the basin-fill successions cover an area of about 45 000 km2 in the eastern part of the East Dharwar Craton (Figure 1). Nagaraja Rao et al. (1987) suggested that the Cuddapah Basin is a composite of four subbasins, the Papaghni, Kurnool, Srisailam and Palnad. Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj Table 1. Comparative stratigraphic column of the Cudappah Supergroup by earlier authors (Continues) CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj AL. Table 1. (Continued) (Continues) s. patranabis-deb ET Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Table 1. (Continued) (Continues) The Papaghni subbasin has an arcuate western boundary which is primarily depositional and is bordered on the south and the west by granites and gneisses of the basement complex (Peninsular Gneiss), which includes slivers of Archaean greenstone belts. The subbasin is represented by the Papaghni Group and the Chitravati Group, separated by an unconformity (Lakshminarayana et al., 2001; Chaudhuri et al., 2002, Saha and Tripathy, 2012). The age of sedimentation for the Papaghni rocks is at least older than 1900 Ma (Bhaskar Rao et al., 1995; Anand et al., 2003). The intensely deformed Nallamalai succession has long been considered to be a part of the Cuddapah Supergroup (King, 1872; Narayanswami, 1966; Meijerink et al., 1984; Lakshminarayana et al., 2001; Anand et al., 2003). However, recent studies indicate that a major thrust at the base of the Nallamalai succession has brought up the Nallamali Fold Belt (NFB) in its present position, juxtaposed against the Kurnool succession or in places against the Papaghni-Chitravati succession (Saha and Chakraborty, 2003; Chakraborti and Saha, 2009; Saha et al., 2010). A major intracontinental thrust, the Maidukuru Thrust (cf. Rudravaram line, Saha et al., 2010), in the western part of the Nallamalai Fold Belt (NFB) suggests that the Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Nallamalai succession may be allochthonous. The complexity of the lithostratigraphy is reflected in widely divergent stratigraphic classifications that have been proposed so far (King, 1872; Sen and Narasimha Rao, 1967; Rajurkar and Ramalingaswami, 1975; Meijerink et al., 1984; Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987; Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan, 2008; Saha et al., 2010). We have followed the stratigraphic classification by Saha and Tripathy, 2012, where the Nallamalai Group has been considered as an allochthonous unit, and thus has been excluded from our discussion. 3. AGE OF THE CUDDAPAH BASIN Radiometric dating by Ar/Ar method of mafic dykes/ sills within the Tadpatri Formation or U–Pb ages of Baddeleyite from the same horizon, suggests that sedimentation was initiated before 1.9 Ga (Anand et al., 2003; French et al., 2008). Widespread Proterozoic alkaline potassic–ultrapotassic magmatism comprising kimberlites, lamproites and lamprophyres is centred within and around the Cuddapah Basin (Madhavan et al., 1995; Chalapathi Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET AL. Table 1. (Continued) Rao et al., 2008; Chalapathi Rao and Srivastava, 2009). The Chelima lamproites, which intrude into the Cumbum Formation, the upper formation of the Nallamalai Group, gives a 1.38 Ga age (Chalapathi Rao et al., 1999). The upper limit of the sedimentation in the Kurnool Group is inferred to be >1.1 Ga, based on the carbonate and limestone xenoliths that were presumably derived from these horizons and hosted the 1.1 Ga Siddanpalle kimberlites of the Raichur kimberlite Field (Chalapathi Rao et al., 2010). Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. The assemblages of algal stromatolites in different formations of the Supergroup indicate a middle to upper Riphean age. However, the reports of diamonds in the basal conglomerates of the Banganapalle Quartzite (Kurnool Group), apparently derived from 1050 Ma kimberlites west of the Cuddapah Basin, or reports of a 980 Ma dolerite intruding the Kurnool rocks, keep the debate open that the Kurnool Group could be Neoproterozoic (e.g. Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan, 2008). Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Table 2. Stratigraphic column of the Cudappah Supergroup as adopted for the stratigraphic analysis CHITRAVATI GROUP 4975 m PAPAGHNI GROUP 2110 m CUDDAPAH SUPERGROUP KURNOOL GROUP (c. 500+ m) Group Formation Lithology Nandyal Shale Koilkuntala Limestone Paniam Quartzite Owk Shale Shale, siltstone Limestone, marly limestone Quartz arenite Shale, siltstone and minor quartz arenite Narji Limestone Micritic limestone Banganapalli Quartzite Conglomerate, arkosic and feldspathic sandstone ~~~~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~~~ Srisailam Pebbly grit, quartzite, Quartzite heterolithic shales and sandstone ~~~~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~~ Gandikota quartzite, pebble beds Quartzite Tadpatri Formation Shale, ash fall tuffs, quartzite, Stromatolitic dolomite with mafic flows, sills and dykes Pulivendla Quartzite Conglomerate and quartzite ~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~ Vempalle Stromatolitic dolomite, shale, basic Formation flows and intrusives Gulcheru Quartzite Conglomerate, feldspathic sandstone and quartzite Depositional Environment Outer shelf Carbonate platform Shelf bar-interbar Outer shelf Carbonate platform Fandelta to shallow shelf Fluvial to shallow marine Shelf bar-interbar (intertidal to subtidal) Shallow shelf Fluvial to shallow marine transition Rimmed carbonate platform (intertidal to subtidal) Fan delta-prodelta ~~~~ Unconformity ~~~~ Archaean granite, gneiss and greenstones 4. LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CUDDAPAH SUPERGROUP SUCCESSION The stratigraphic succession of the Cuddapah Supergroup comprises four unconformity-bound sequences, namely the Papaghni Group, the Chitravati Group, the Srisailam Formation and the Kurnool Group (Table 2). The Nallamalai Fold Belt is excluded from stratigraphic analysis because of the tectonic nature of its boundary with other rock groups. 4.1. Papaghni Group Best exposed in the Parnapalle area and Tandrapadu area the Papaghni Group unconformably overlies the Archaean gneiss and greenstones of the Dharwar Craton. It is unconformably overlain by the Chitravati Group. The maximum preserved thickness of the group is 2110 m. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 4.1.1. Gulcheru Quartzite The Gulcheru Formation consists of a basal conglomerate, feldspathic sandstone and sand–mud heterolithic rocks, deposited in alluvial to shallow marine shelf environments. The present description is based on two well-exposed sections, one near Tandrapadu village near Kurnool town and the other near Parnapalli village. The basal conglomerate beds range in thickness from 10 cm to 65 cm and are mostly massive or normally graded. Plane parallel or cross-stratified beds are also present in minor proportion. Pebble size varies from 2–25 cm, outsized clasts with long axis about 50–60 cm are also present. In the Tandrapadu section, the majority of the clasts are of quartz, whereas in the Parnapalli section clasts are mostly of banded hematite quartzite or red jasper (Figure 2a). Clasts of granite, quartzite, pegmatite, black and grey chert are also common. Smaller clasts are mostly angular to sub-rounded, while the Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET AL. Figure 2. (a) Massive bedded conglomerate with clasts of jasper and quartz (vertical section). Note the sandstone layers which are partially eroded out. (b) Trough cross-stratified medium-grained sandstone with coarse-grained ripples (arrow head) (vertical section). (c) Planar parallel-stratified, very coarse-grained sandstone. (d) Ripples on shallow scour pools. Hammer placed along the margin of the scour. Scale for a, c and d: length of hammer 28 cm. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj larger clasts are very well-rounded. The coarse sandy to gritty matrix consists of quartz and fresh, angular grains of white and pink feldspar. The matrix is locally highly ferruginous. The presence of fresh angular grains of feldspar indicates rapid uplift of the fresh bedrock, arid climatic conditions and rapid transfer of the detritus to the depositional site. Fluid escape structures are commonly seen in at the lower part of the succession within coarse-grained sandstone. The basal conglomerate passes into pebbly and gritty feldspathic sandstone. These coarse-grained sandstones are poorly sorted, are frequently trough cross-stratified (Figure 2b), mostly with unimodal palaeocurrent towards the east with a wide dispersal representing fluvial deposits in an alluvial fan Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. setting. The trough cross-stratified units alternate with planar cross-stratified units which in many instances exhibit poorly developed planar cross-stratification in the upper part representing sheetflood deposit (Figure 2c). The immature coarse-grained deposit finally passes upward into moderately well sorted medium-grained trough cross-stratified glauconitic sandstone with bifurcate or straight-crested wave ripples on top of the beds, often with different types of interference patterns. The trough cross-strata show bipolar, bimodal palaeocurrent patterns pointing to a tidal origin of the deposit. The overall facies association suggests a tectonically controlled alluvial fan system with multiple cycles of basement uplift and erosion during the basin opening stage. The massive, ungraded Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Figure 3. Representative photographs of the sedimentary structures showing the facies of the Vempalle Formation: (a) tepee structure (vertical section) (Scale: coin diameter 2 cm). (b) salt pseudomorphs, bedding-plane view (Scale: coin diameter 2 cm). (c) algal laminites, vertical section (width of the photograph 55 cm) (d) and plan view of circular type stromatolite structure (Scale: length of pencil 15 cm). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj conglomerate beds represent debris-flow deposits and dominate the lower part of the section. The gradational passage from debris flow to sheet flood and fluvial facies indicate peneplanation of the source. Interlaminated sandstone–siltstone and mudstone represents the prodelta phase and the passage to shelf bar–interbar deposits. The shallow scour pools mantled with ripple marks of diverse morphology (Figure 2d) suggest development of intertidal flats at the upper part of the Gulcheru Quartzite. 4.1.2. Vempalle Formation The Vempalle Formation constitutes the lowermost carbonate dominant unit of the Cuddapah Supergroup, and overlies 'the Gulcheru Quartzite with a gradational contact. Thin beds of splintery red mudstone alternate with siliciclasticand calcarenite beds in the basal part of the formation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Sandstone beds are almost always cross-stratified, and often with herringbone arrangement. Tepee structure (Figure 3a), desiccation cracks filled with lime mud or sand, molar-tooth structure and rhombic halite casts (Figure 3b) are common in the lower Vempalle Formation. The upper part is dominated by bedded dolomite with variable bed thickness ranging from 10 cm to 90 cm. They occur as lens-shaped bodies, slightly convex upward, and which slope away in all directions from the crest region, resembling shoaling-up bars. Algal laminites (Figure 3c) dominate in the lower part and stromatolites (Figure 3d) with isolated stacked hemispheroids (SH) to laterally linked hemispheroidal forms (LLH) (cf. Logan et al., 1964) are abundant in the upper part of the carbonate succession. Bar–interbar dolomite, stromatolites and mudstones suggests intertidal to subtidal origin for the carbonates of the Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET Vempalle Formation with multiple cycles of sea-level changes. The laminated shales with well-developed halite casts point to shallow sabkha sedimentation in an arid climate. The Vempalle Formation ends with deposition of thick brown shale with laterally persistent beds of chert. The common occurrence of up to a metre-thick sills and thinner dykes of basalt and/or dolerite with chilled margins within brown shale and dolomite at the upper part of the Vempalle succession points to tectonic perturbations. The shale–dolomite and the volcanic assemblages are followed by a major unconformity. The conglomerates and the pebbly sandstone above this unconformity consists of clasts of chert with stromatolite, vein quartz, chert, jasper and volcanics derived from the lower stratigraphic successions (King, 1872, Meijerink et al., 1984; Dasgupta and Biswas, 2006). 4.2. Chitravati Group The Chitravati Group unconformably overlying the Papaghni Group has a maximum preserved thickness of 4975 m (Meijerink et al., 1984; Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987). The constituent formations are the Pulivendla Quartzite, the Tadpatri Formation and the Gandikota Quartzite in ascending order. The succession is marked by the occurrence of mafic sills and dykes at various stratigraphic levels, mostly restricted to the Tadpatri Formation. 4.2.1. Pulivendla Quartzite The Pulivendla Quartzite (average thickness ~90 m) crops out around the northwest of Yagantipalli village, and unconformably overlies the Vempalle Formation with a ~10 m-thick zone of pebbly sandstone and conglomerate. The conglomerate occurs as small lenses within coarse-grained sandstone, and makes up only a small proportion of the whole section. The clasts are 2–8 cm in length and are mostly of quartzite, chert, jasper and volcanic rocks in a coarse-grained sandy matrix. The conglomerate beds are 10–15 cm thick and are usually massive, ungraded to normally graded. Several beds exhibit crudely developed planar cross-stratification in the upper part, whereas a few are planar stratified throughout the bed thickness with small trough cross-strata on top. The coarse-grained sandstone beds are mostly with trough and planar cross-strata (Figure 4a) and plane parallel strata. The conglomerate quickly passes upwards to well-sorted quartz arenite, deposited as shoaling-up bars with slight pinch-and-swell geometry. Poorly sorted fine-grained sandstone and siltstone fill up the lows between the shoal-bars forming inter-bars. Shallow scours with lag pebbles are common within this facies. Bars are internally profusely trough- and planar cross-stratified, mostly with small mud clasts aligned along the foresets. Reactivation surfaces and backflow ripples are commonly seen. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. AL. Locally, deformed cross-strata are also present. Stringers of very well rounded, very coarse sand and granules mantle the bedding plane surfaces in places. The upper surfaces of the beds are sculptured with symmetric to slightly asymmetric, sinuous to straight-crested ripples (Figure 4b), pointing to wave–tide dominated setting of deposition. Desiccation cracks are common on the upper surfaces of many beds. Palaeo-flow is towards the north and west. The high maturity of the sandstone indicates that the sediment accumulation was in critical balance, and deposition was at or very close to the mean sea-level. The mature sediments may be a likely indication of extensive sedimentary recycling. 4.2.2. Tadpatri Formation The Pulivendla Formation grades upward into a thick shale succession of the Tadpatri Formation, characterized by a lithologic assemblage dominated by sandstone, shale and dolomite (Figure 5a). The shale overlies sandstones of the Pulivendla Quartzite with a sharp contact and contains minor amounts of fine-grained sandstone (< 10%) deposited as thin layers or stringers. The shale with fine sandstone layers is inferred as a major storm succession (Howard and Reineck, 1981), deposited in an outer shelf environment below normal wave-base. The shale-dominated succession grades up into sandstone–mudstone heterolithics, intercalated with several sheet-like or sheet-lenticular beds of feldspathic sandstone and dolomite at different stratigraphic levels forming coarsening- and thickening-up succession. Sandstone and dolomite beds range in thickness from 15 to 50 cm and are mostly with planar- and wavy-parallel lamination, and lowangle hummocky- and swaley cross-stratification. They often exhibit different types of sole marks at the base, and waveformed symmetric to asymmetric ripples and combined-flow ripples on the upper surfaces. The dolomitic units commonly show algal laminites and stratiform stromatolites (Figure 5b). Dolerite sills, up to about 4–5 m thick, are associated with dolomites and shale. The thicker sills have a lateral spread of several hundreds of metres at Yagantipalli section. Chilled margins of the dolerite and contact metamorphic effect in the host carbonates are commonly seen. Mafic dykes and rhyolitic tuffs are also seen in the heterolithic sand–mud unit in the uppermost part of the Tadpatri Formation. The coarsening- and shallowing-up succession suggests a relative sea-level fall and a major regression from outer-shelf to inner-shelf environments, and deposition of sandstones and dolomite in storm- and tide-dominated environments. 4.2.3. Gandikota Quartzite The Gandikota Quartzite is major scarp-forming sandstone in the region. It overlies the Tadpatri Formation with a Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Figure 4. (a) Trough cross-stratified medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, the Pulivendla Quartzite. Note the asymptotic foresets with mudstone drapes. Bed thickness 28 cm. (b) Plan-view of wave ripples with tuning fork bifurcations. Hammer head = 16 cm. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj Figure 5. (a) Couplets of fine-grained sandstone and mudstone in the Tadpatri Formation (pen cap = 4 cm.) (b) Stratiform stromatolites in the Tadpatri Formation. (Scale: length of hammer 28 cm). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj gradational contact (Figure 6a, d). The transition between the two is marked by the presence of thin-bedded sandstoneshale (Figure 6c) which passes up to relatively thicker bedded quartzose sandstone and finally to the amalgamated bedded scarp forming the sandstone of the Gandikota Quartzite (Figure 6b) which could be traced laterally a few hundreds of metres around Gandikota Gorge. It consists mostly of medium- to coarse-grained, well sorted and well-rounded quartz- and feldspathic arenite. The sandstones are marked by a high degree of textural, compositional and structural uniformity throughout its outcrops. The beds range in thickness from 15 to 100 cm, and are mostly planar–tabular and trough cross-stratified with set thickness ranging from 50–70 cm. Deformed cross-strata and 30 to 80 cm wide ballCopyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and-pillow structures (Figure 6b) are common in the upper part of the section. Ripple or climbing-ripple cross-lamination, small-scale trough cross-stratification and wavy-parallel lamination may be locally abundant. Oppositely oriented crossstratified beds, HCS beds (Figure 6e) and massive beds with local abundance of mud flakes occur throughout the succession. In the uppermost part of the interval, the sandstone exhibits a variety of wave ripples with straight or bifurcated crests and different types of interference patterns which commonly mantle shallow swash pools. Spindle-shaped linear and polygonal shrinkage cracks occur on the bedding surfaces on the upper part. The Gandikota Quartzite represents a transition from inner shelf to intra-coastal tidal flat environments with frequent emergence of the depositional interface. The sediments were Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET AL. Figure 6. (a) Cross-section showing transition of the Tadpatri Formation and the Gandikota Formation. Tunnel height is 5 m. (b) Thick-bedded scarp forming Gandikota Quartzite with convolute laminae. Bed thickness 85 cm. (c) The transition zone between the Tadpatri Formation and the Gandikota Quartzite is marked by an alternation of thin-bedded sandstone and shale. (d) Thin-bedded silty shale unit of the upper Tadpatri Formation. (e) Hummocky cross-stratified sandstone bed, Gandikota Quartzite. (Scale: length of hammer 28 cm). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj deposited primarily as high-energy shallow wide bars and lowenergy interbars. 4.3. Srisailam Quartzite Formation The Srisailam Quartzite (600+ m) unconformably overlies the granite gneiss basement along its western contact and is in thrust contact with the Nallamalai Group along its southern boundary. It is composed mostly of well sorted, medium-grained, purple subarkose to quartz arenite, ferruginous and glauconitic in places. Individual beds range in thickness from 5 cm to 50 cm, but often amalgamate to 4 m-thick units. Successive beds are separated by siltstone and mudstone unit with beds ranging in thickness from 3 to 5 cm. The amalgamated beds occur as laterally persistent Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. sheet-like bodies with well-developed pinch-and-swell structures and sharp boundaries. The thick sandstone beds make up the spectacular Krishna Gorge section. The sandstones are texturally and compositionally very homogeneous and consist of well-rounded to sub-rounded, well sorted medium-grained quartz. The beds are profusely crossstratified, both trough and planar type, often with welldeveloped herringbone structures and backflow ripples. Individual cross strata tend to be 2 m and the sets are usually 2–3 m thick and are inclined up to 250 in places (Figure 7). The upper surfaces of the beds are sculptured with symmetric to slightly asymmetric, sinuous and straight-crested ripples often mantled by very coarse sands and granules. Desiccation cracks and wind ripples are observed on top of many of the thicker beds. Trough cross-stratified, mediumGeol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Figure 7. Planar cross-strata with asymptotic foresets. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj Figure 8. (a) Trough-cross stratified conglomerate and pebbly sandstone in the Banganapalli Formation. (b) Feldspathic sandstone under cross-polars. (c) Wave ripples with tuning fork bifurcation on top of the sandstone beds. (d) Wave ripples in medium-grained sandstone, enclosed within fine-grained sandstonemudstone (pencil length = 12 cm). This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj to coarse-grained immature channel-fill sandstones is present at different levels. Very well sorted sandstone of the Srisailam Formation with amalgamated cross-stratified beds with mudstone drapes and interlaminated sandstone– Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. siltstone and mudstone are products of flows modified by various tidal beats (Eriksson et al., 2006). Sands were transported during the ebb and flood stages, and mudstone accumulated during slack-water phases. Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET 4.4. Kurnool Group The Kurnool Group overlies the Papaghni and Chitravati groups and onlaps the gneissic basement with a major unconformity that extends over the entire Papaghni subbasin (Saha et al., 2009). The Palnad and Kunderu valley regions are considered as an extension of the Kurnool Basin. The Kurnool Group is more than 500 m thick, and is divided into six formations, comprising two carbonate platform units and two intervals of sandstones and shales. 4.4.1. Banganapalli Formation Kurnool Group sedimentation started with the deposition of the Banaganalpalli Formation conglomerate and coarse-grained pebbly sandstone, which unconformably overlies the Chitravati Group, Cumbum Shale and the basement granite and gneiss (King, 1872; Dutt, 1962; Meijerink et al., 1984; Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987, Saha et al., 2009). The conglomerates occur as laterally impersistent sheets and grades up to coarse-grained pebbly sandstone. The clasts are from 2 cm to 25 cm in size, subangular to subrounded and are mostly of red, green, or buff jasper, chert, dolomite, vein quartz, quartzite, phyllite and granite (Figure 8a). Rarely, silicified stromatolitic limestone clasts are also present. Conglomerate beds are massive, normally or reverse graded or are internally crudely planar parallel stratified. It grades up to multistorey bodies of trough cross-stratified coarse-grained feldspathic sandstone (Figure 8b) with sheet-like geometry. The cross-strata in these sandstones exhibit very uniform unidirectional flow towards S-SW in the Kurnool sub-basin and and S-SE in the Palnad sub-basin. It passes up to medium-grained pebbly quartzose sandstone with pinch-and-swell geometry. The sandstone beds are 50 to 80 cm thick, and wavy to planar laminated, or trough- and planar cross-stratified, often with asymptotic foresets. A few beds have wave ripple (Figure 8c), parting lineation, and current crescent on their upper surfaces. Several bedding surfaces are mantled by single grain-thick layers of small pebbles, or thin mud laminae. They are arranged in stacked fining-up, decimetre- to metre-scale cycles with wave ripples enclosed within fine-grained sandstone–mudstone heterolithics or mudstone (Figure 8d). Within a cycle, the abundance of mudstone drapes increases upwards, which points to a transgression of the shoreline during a rise in relative sea level. Beds exhibit intense soft-sediment deformation structures, such as overturned cross-strata, and ball-and-pillow structures in the upper part of the Banaganapalli succession. Fluidization often obliterates bedding structures imparting a massive appearance. The facies association in the lower part of the succession represents alluvial fan and braid plain deposit. The overlying scour-bounded fining-upward units are inferred to represent small shallow distributaries on top of braid bars. It passes up to fairly well sorted, medium-grained, subarkosic to quartzose sandstone forming small lenticular Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. AL. shoaling-up bodies with bimodal–bidirectional palaeocurrents. The positive relief sandbodies were deposited as tidal bars in a wave–tide dominated shallow coastal depositional regime (Figure 9). 4.4.2. Narji Limestone The Narji Limestone gradationally overlies the Banganapalli Quartzite. The limestones are mostly micritic (Figure 10a), grey and black often with profuse chert nodules (Figure 10b). Beds are 5 to 50 cm thick, planar tabular to slightly wavy type. Bed sets are laterally very persistent, and could be traced about 50 metres laterally. The grey limestone dominates the lower part of the Narji succession and commonly contains intercalated sandstone as discrete beds or as mixed siliciclastic carbonate beds. The sandstones occur as thin Figure 9. Lithologic log of the Banganapalli Formation showing facies distribution. Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Figure 10. (a) Grey micritic limestone under cross polars. (b) Chert nodule within grey micritic Narji Limestone (lens cap = 6 cm). (c) Mass-flow conglomerate comprising clasts of grey limestone floating in a matrix of micrite and very coarse grained sands within Narji Limestone. Limestone clasts were picked up by storm currents from early-lithified beds, and are redeposited. clast size varies from 2 cm to 30 cm. (d) Limestone–marl rhythmite, black Narji Limestone. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj stringers and discrete layers, 5–30 cm thick beds of mediumto fine-grained subarkosic glauconitic sandstone and coarse, well-rounded sandstone with sharp and erosional basal contact occurring at different levels. The interval also contains small pockets or thin sheets of intraformational lime–clast conglomerates (Figure 10c). The grey limestone passes up to black limestone forming laterally extensive sheet. Limestone bed thicknesses are very uniform ranging between 5–15 cm, and each and every bed is separated by 2–5 cm-thick layer of marl (Figure 10d). Pyrite occurs profusely in this unit. The black limestone grades upward to the ochre yellow coloured Owk Shale which marks the end of the platform development. 4.4.3. Owk Shale The Owk Shale with a maximum preserved thickness of about 100 m (Nagaraja Rao et al., 1987) overlies the Narji Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Limestone with a transitional contact. Coarse-grained clastics are conspicuously absent in the shale, though fine sandy/silty beds are present, mostly in the upper part of the succession. Welded tuff and volcaniclastic sandstones are present at certain stratigraphic levels within the Owk Shale. The shale beds are planar tabular in nature and are internally plane parallel-laminated or exhibit normal grading (Figure 11a). In the upper part of any section, sandstones appear as 5–25 cm tabular beds and passes up to the Paniam Quartzite with a fairly sharp contact (Figure 11b). We interpret that the Owk Shale formed in a muddy shelf over the black limestone as a result of a sea-level fall which is of basin-wide scale. 4.4.4. Paniam Quartzite The Paniam Quartzite overlies the Owk Shale with a sharp contact but through a thin transitional zone where 2–10 cmthick sandstone beds alternate with 10–15 cm thick muddy Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET AL. Figure 11. (a) Plane parallel laminated ochre yellow coloured Owk Shale. (b) The contact between the Owk Shale and the Paniam Quartzite. Note the sharp contact between the shale and the sandstone. Owk Shale is about 100 m thick at this point and almost always is capped by the Paniam Quartzite. Photo taken near Belum cave. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj Figure 12. Micrite–marl rhythmite of the Koilkuntala Limestone. The beds are separated by 2–4 cm thick marl layers and the bed sets form laterally persistent units. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/gj interval. It is characterized by medium-grained, well sorted quartzarenite which occurs as a flat-topped mountain (King’s Plateau Quartzite). The quartzite passes up to very well sorted medium- to fine-grained quartz arenite (99% quartz). The quartzite beds are all amalgamated to form beds greater than a metre thick. Beds are wavy parallel or lenticular in shape, internally mostly wavy parallel stratified or planar and trough cross-stratified with large foresets. Very well sorted sandstone with amalgamated cross-stratified beds are interpreted to be the products of wave reworked bars in an open environment. 4.4.5. Koilkuntala Limestone Buff to mauve coloured argillaceous limestone, devoid of any coarse clastics and stromatolites and mostly composed of micrite and marls characterize the Koilkuntala Limestone. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. It overlies the Paniam Quartzite with a gradational contact and in turn is overlain by the Nandyal Shale with a transitional zone of argillaceous limestone. Beds are 7–20 cm thick, occur as laterally persistent bed sets which are about 2 m thick. Beds are planar tabular (Figure 12) or wavy parallel, internally planar parallel laminated. The beds are separated by 2–4 cm-thick marl layers and form well developed micrite–marl rhythmite zones which could be traced for a few hundred metres. 4.4.6. Nandyal Shale The Nandyal Shale is dominated by brown colour laminated shale, and overlies the argillaceous limestone of the Koilkuntala Limestone through a transition zone of shale– limestone heterolithics. It is characterized by 5 – 15 cm thick beds, internally plane parallel laminated or with streaks of Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS Figure 13. Stratigraphic column of the Cudappah Supergroup, showing four major unconformity-bound tectono-stratigraphic sequences. Positions of desiccation cracks, tepee, ripples, hummocky cross-stratifications and stromatolites are shown on the right side of the column. fine sands and fading ripples. Thicker beds often exhibit normal grading or Ta-b or Ta-c divisions of the Bouma sequence, or display a sequence of structure with a 2–5 cm-thick basal zone of mudclast conglomerate floating within fine sand matrix, and a 3 – 4 cm-thick upper zone with thin planar lamination. Low-angle truncations between bed sets are commonly observed. The sand-deficient, mud-dominated very thick and widespread succession of Nandyal Shale is attributed to a major transgression during periods of relative tectonic quiescence in a wide shelf. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 5. STRATIGRAPHIC ARCHITECTURE AND DEPOSITIONAL CYCLES Analyses of sedimentary facies associations indicate that the Cuddapah Supergroup succession can be divided into four unconformity-bound sequences which were deposited within an overall similar tectonic–climatic regime. Different orders of cycles are recognized within each unconformitybound sequence, with a distinctive mode of deposition pointing towards a changing tectonic state of the basin (Figure 13). Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET 5.1. Papaghni cycle (Cycle I) The Cuddapah Supergroup deposition started with the basal Gulcheru Quartzite representing alluvial fans and fandelta deposits. The succession from the base of the Gulcheru Quartzite to the top of the Vempalle Formation is marked by lateral and vertical facies variation, rapid changes in the inferred rate of sediment influx and depositional bathymetry. The western part of the basin received very coarse detritus which points to rejuvenation of the hinterland drainage system, rapid flux of coarse detritus via high energy, high gradient streams, and multiple events of forced regression directly linked to the extension margin. The type section in south-eastern part, in contrast, is characterized by sub-mature sandstone, and the paucity of conglomerates point to slow subsidence. Unequal fault displacement in different sectors of the delta complex and intermittent uplift of fault blocks were the major controls on fan development (Patranabis-Deb and Chaudhuri, 2007, see also, Whipple and Trayler, 1996; Gawthorpe and Leeder, 2000) within an invariant climate and source rock lithology. The fault-controlled sedimentation of the thick wedge of immature clastics represents the syn-rift stage of basin evolution. The aggradation of the delta was controlled by a fluctuating balance between the rate of sediment supply, and creation of accommodation space at the basin margin. Intermittent uplift of fault blocks exposed fresh bed rock, generating a large amount of fresh feldspathic detritus. The fan-delta succession is gradationally overlain by stacked upward-fining, metre–scale cycles of dolomitic limestone and sandstone–mudstone heterolithics of the Vempalle Formation. The dolomite is characterized by the presence of algal laminites and stromatolites deposited in subtidal to intertidal environments with multiple fining-up and coarsening-up cycles. The facies association of dolomitic and the red mudstones, salt-pseudomorphs and mud-cracks attests to the intertidal to supratidal origin of the facies belt. During the Palaeoproterozoic time the Papaghni Group sediments were deposited in an extensive shallow sea covering a stable platform. The coarse clastics gave way to shelfal mud in the upper part of the Vempalle Formation indicating a maximum flooding event in the first cycle of sedimentation. Development of stacked cyclothems of different orders points to cyclic changes in the provenance that affected the generation and supply of detritus, and their dispersal. The presence of mafic flows on top of the cycle points to a change in the thermal behaviour of the basin. 5.2. The Chitravati cycle (Cycle II) The Chitravati Cycle consists of three lithostratigraphic units of formation status. The stratigraphic architecture of the sequence is best described as a cyclic occurrence of sandstone and mudstone-dominated intervals of different orders. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. AL. The largest order cyclicity is manifested by the Pulivendla Quartzite, followed by very thick heterogeneous shaledolomite dominated Tadpatri Formation and finally to the Gandikota Quartzite (Table 2 and Figure 13). The secondorder cycle in the Pulivendla Quartzite is represented by 100–130 m-thick upward-fining succession that exhibits a transition from fluvial to tide-influenced sedimentation. Successive bar–interbar succession is also very prominent within this sandstone which marks the fluctuations of the sea-level curve in a higher order scale. The succession from the base of the Tadpatri Formation to the top is marked by a number of coarsening-up (CU) sequences, represented by shale–sandstone or shale dolomite cycles which represents parasequences and may be equivalent to the punctuated aggradational cycles (PAC) of Goodwin and Anderson (1985) and Miller et al. (1997). Successive parasequence sets are arranged in retrogradational, progradational or aggradational stacking pattern. The scale may vary from a few centimetres to a few metres. However, very large order CU and fining-up (FU) cycles, almost hundreds of metres in scale, are also present within the Tadpatri succession. The bounding surfaces of each cycle are distinctly sharp and in most cases are erosional, pointing towards their development in the coastal zones (Kreisa, 1991). The unstable basin condition and depositional system are reflected by the highly heterogeneous succession with a number of coarsening-up and fining-up sequences or stacked cyclothems of different orders. The alternation of sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and dolostone points to cyclic changes in the provenance that affected the generation and supply of detritus, and their dispersal (Blair and Bilodeau, 1988). The presence of an abrupt disruption in the depositional motif of the Tadpatri Formation succession and changes in the calibre of detritus is the manifestation of a tectonically unstable condition of the basin, where rapid subsidence was not in balance with the rate of sediment supply and accumulation. The unstable condition is also reflected by mafic igneous activity represented by sills and dykes, as well as rhyolite flows and tuffs. The changes affected the generation and supply of detritus, emplacement of detritus in the basin, and their dispersal within the basin. The episodic or geologically instantaneous character of the cyclic changes is also reflected by sharp and/or erosional bounding surfaces of the higher order cycles. The tectonic stabilization is first reflected by mature quartz arenites of the Gandikota Quartzite. This represents the topmost part of the Chitravati Group cycle. Strong textural and mineralogical maturity of the Gandikota Sandstone points to repeated reworking by waves and currents in a wave–tide dominated sea. The absence of any coarse detritus further points to tectonic stabilization and peneplanation of the hinterland. Clean mature sands also indicate a balance between subsidence, sediment supply and accumulation. The development of extensive Gandikota sheet sandstones Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj CUDAPAH BASIN STRATIGRAPHY AND SEA-LEVEL FLUCTUATIONS further points to the development of a wide open shelf during this period. Signatures of high-energy storm and tidal activity are noted throughout the succession. The coastal sands were reworked during the slow subsidence stage resulting in the development of a widespread Gandikota blanket covering a large area beyond the active zone of syn-rift subsidence. Signatures of the tidal and storm activity are recorded throughout the Gandikota succession. The large tidal bars, with thick tidal bedding in the Gandikota Formation speak for a macrotidal regime. Abundance of ball-and-pillow structures in the upper part of the formation points to transient instability and fluidization of sediments which were possibly rapidly deposited. However, clean sands point to tectonic stabilized condition. absence of sand-sized clastics in the Narji and Owk successions indicates a high degree of peneplanation in the hinterland and increasing tectonic quiescence. Sand-sized detritus in the basal part of the limestone, constituting not more than 5% of the member attests to the linkage between the hinterland and the carbonate platform. The carbonate factory was terminated by the sediment influx of the Owk Shale. The welded tuff and volcaniclastic sandstones in the Owk Shale represent the basin inversion stage. The cycle was terminated by forced regression, represented by the Paniam Formation. The Paniam Formation comprising tidal sand-bodies with a number of fluvial cycles represents a major shift in sea level forming a forced regressive wedge and a sequence boundary. It gradationally passes up to the rhythmically deposited limestone– marl sequence of the Koilkuntala Limestone, which marks an episode of sea-level rise, with smaller order fluctuations. The cycle ended with the deposition of the Nandyal Shale. 5.3. The Srisailam cycle (Cycle III) The cyclicity in the Srisailam Formation is represented by coarsening- and thickening-up successions on the scale of a few tens of metres, from laminated fine-grained sandstone– shale, to rippled and cross-stratified sandstone and rarely conglomerate, mostly as channel lags. The large-scale cycles comprise successive, fining-upward successions or show cyclic alternation attributed to frequent shore zone regression and transgression and complex interplay of fluvial and shallow marine to aeolian environment (Biswas, 2005; Dasgupta and Biswas, 2006). Positive relief sandbodies with wavy to lenticular beds and wave ripples on top, locally with concentration of coarse sands and granules in the trough points to development of shoal water bars. The positive relief sandbodies, which accreted laterally and vertically and are separated by heterolithics, represent a complex coastal system which points to stable, passive tectonic margins with broad shallow coastal regions (Prothero and Schwab, 1996). 5.4. The Kurnool cycle (Cycle IV) The Kurnool Group cycle exhibits two major sub-cycles within the large cycle. The higher order cycles represent a deepening-up trend followed by a shallowing-up trend respectively. The Banganapalli Quartzite represents alluvial fan to fan-delta cycle, representing uplift of the basin margin and rejuvenation of the hinterland drainage system during the pre-Kurnool hiatus. Successive higher order CU sequences developed within an overall FU sequence. Relative sea-level rise caused overall transgression of the sea and the Narji carbonate platform was established on top of the fan complex. The carbonate–shale assemblage gradationally overlies the Banaganaplle Quartzite and in turn is overlain by the Owk Shale, attesting to continued subsidence and transformation of the basin into a large epicontinental sea. A nearly complete Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 6. TECTONISM, BASIN CONFIGURATION AND ORIGIN OF THE BASIN The unconformity-bound sequences in the Cuddapah Basin point to episodic uplift and subsidence of the basin floor which dictated the advance and retreat of ancient sea-ways. The scale of differential subsidence and/or uplift, removal of an entire sequence beneath sequence boundaries, and sequence architecture consisting of thick clastic wedges provide the compelling evidence for tectonically-driven sea-level changes and origin of the sequence bounding unconformities (see also, Galloway, 1989; Emery, 1996; Sloss, 1991; Miall, 1997; Bird and Dewey, 1970). The Cuddapah Supergroup sedimentation started at ca. 1900 Ma with the deposition of the Papaghni cycle. The Gulcheru Quartzite, the basal formation of the Papaghni Group records a major episode of fault-controlled sedimentation and represents the rifting stage of the basin. A large volume of quartzo-feldspathic detritus was generated from the up-thrown blocks of the granite–gneiss basement which resulted in the thick succession of conglomerates and arkosic sandstones deposited as alluvial fans and delta-plain deposits. It was followed by a marine incursion depositing shallow tidal deposits over the braid plain succession. The presence of cryptalgal-laminites and dolomites of the Vempalle Formation, with signatures of repetitive exposure and sabkha sedimentation marks the development of a stable platformal basin. The Pullivendla Quartzite provides the evidence for a second cycle of rifting with braid-fluvial sedimentation. The succession quickly passes on up to a wave- and tidedominated coastal deposit with high textural and compositional maturity. A slow rate of passive subsidence was in balance with the rate of sediment influx, which maintained Geol. J. (2012) DOI: 10.1002/gj s. patranabis-deb ET the base level of deposition within the shallow tidal range. With continued passive subsidence, the basin evolved into a large epicontinental sea with nearly complete cessation of coarse clastic sedimentation and deposition of an extensive shale–carbonate succession of the Tadpatri Formation. The Srisailam Formation sedimentation indicates development of wide shelf environment, with continuous wave activity and frequent exposure. The paucity of conglomerate and arkosic sandstones in the Srisailam Quartzite and high textural and compositional maturity of the siliciclastics indicate intense wave and wind action on the vegetation-free surface. The cycle marks a tectonically quiescent period of deposition in a stable cratonic shelf with slow rate of subsidence. The Kurnool Group with its thick succession of conglomerates, pebbly sandstones and arkosic sandstones in the Banganapalli Quartzite record a major rift succession. The rifting stage of the Kurnool Basin was rapidly followed by re-establishment of a stable shelf regime when an extensive carbonate platform of the Narji was developed. The close association of tidally deposited cratonic sandstones, and high quartz percentage in the Paniam Quartzite (ca. 89% quartz) and rhythmite in limestone, suggest that the Kurnool sediments formed in a passive margin basin (Beukes, 1987). Although data are meagre, particularly those relating to the early Proterozoic, there is growing evidence for two events of supercontinent assembly and break-up during the Proterozoic, the Columbia and the Rodinia. The oldest unconformity-bound sequence in the Cuddapah Basin (Cycle I) thus appear to represent a phase of sea-level rise prior to Columbia assembly. (Santosh, 2010). The event of extension and rifting is evidenced by the presence of conglomerate, arkose and the mafic dykes which intruded the lower part of the succession. This event of extension possibly may represent an initial phase of fragmentation of Columbia and separation of the south Indian craton from the North China craton (cf. Ravikant, 2010). The Cycles II and III were possibly associated with higher order sea-level fluctuations. The major basin-wide unconformity at the base of the Kurnool Group (Cycle IV) could possibly be related to a younger event of major rifting which may be related to fragmentation of Rodinia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work on the stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Cuddapah Basin was funded by the Indian Statistical Institute, and is a part of the Proterozoic research programme of the Institute. Sincere thanks to Prof. M. Santosh and Prof. Somnath Dasgupta for inviting us to write the paper for this volume. The manuscript was critically reviewed by Prof. N. J. Beukes, Prof. S. Banerjee and an anonymous reviewer, whose constructive comments are much appreciated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. AL. REFERENCES Anand, M., Gibson, S.A., Subbarao, K.V., Kelley, S.P., Dickin, A.P. 2003. Early Proterozoic melt generation processes beneath the intracratonic Cuddapah basin, Southern India. 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