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PREVENTION OF THEFT AND MUTILATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM LIBRARY Ibrahim Nuhu Athuman B.A (Library and Information Studies) Dissertation University Of Dar es Salaam July, 2019 PREVENTION OF THEFT AND MUTILATION OF LIBRARY MATERIALS ATUNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM LIBRARY By Ibrahim Nuhu Athuman A dissertation submitted to the Information Studies Programme, University of Dar es Salaam in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Studies CERTIFICATION The undersigned certify that the supervisor has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by the University of Dar es Salaam a dissertation entitled: prevention in theft and mutilation of library materials at university of Dar es salaam libraryin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Library and Information Studies. …………………………………………………. Mr. Matiyas (Supervisor) Date…………………….. DECLARATIONAND COPYRIGHT I, Ibrahim Nuhu Athuman, declare that this dissertation is my own original work and that it has not been presented to any other University for similar or any other degree award. Signature………………………………. This dissertation is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the copyright Act 1966 (the copyright is available to works of authors who are nationals of or have their habitual residence in Tanzania) and other international and national enactment, in that behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part, except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical scholarly review or discourse with acknowledgement, without the written permission of director of undergraduate studies, on behalf of both author and University of Dar es Salaam. DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my lord, Jesus Christ, He has been my strength and my guardian, and his favors enabled me to complete this study successfully. AKNOWLEDGEMENT “Always talks are lighter than actually doing and single stone cannot stand with a pot on it”. This is reflected in this work of collecting different materials from different places and people until I arrived at the end product, where many people have contributed to help me in different stages of this work, it is hard to mention them all, but I wish to thank them all. However, I would like to pay special thanks to the following: First, Special thanks go to my supervisor who is also my instructor Mr. Matiyas, who has been my guidance and use a lot of his time helping me to complete my research. Second, Madam Mizza Alex Fungo from Institute of finance management (IFM) library, the librarian of Institute of Finance Management (IFM) for giving me giving me her time and efforts in making sure I complete this work. Third is my mother, Atwaje Twihuvila Kigahe for encouraging me throughout my studies. Thanks are due to my brother Said Idrisa, my sister Zulfa Nuhu and my friend Airin Kimuya who have encouraged me to work hard during the whole period of my studies at the University of Dar es Salaam. My thanks also should go to my classmates who turned out to be close friends and held very useful discussions. I also extend my sincere appreciations to the Library Staff at UDSM library I visited several times for my research, for their assistance and consultations. Finally, but not least, many thanks to individual respondents with whom I have conducted interviews and who completed questionnaires and gave their views, which were also instrumental in the success of this report. ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to find out the preventions of library materials from theft and mutilation. The main objective of the research was to find out ways to prevent library materials from theft and mutilation at Dr. Wilbert Chagula at university of Dar es Salaam library. The researcher chose Dr. Wilbert Chagula library at university of Dar es Salaam library as a case study. To protect the library materials from theft and mutilations the library security system and the help of library security camera is very important. Library security systems are very useful in Libraries because they reduce the problem of theft and mutilation. Chapter one presents background to the problem, statement of the problem, then the objectives of the study, Research questions, significance of the study, and limitation of the study and definition of key terms. Chapter two presents literature review. Chapter three presents research methodology, study area, data collection methods, population of the study and Sampling techniques used. Chapter four presents data analysis and Chapter five provides summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations. TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION i DECLARATIONAND COPYRIGHT ii DEDICATION iii AKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix ABBREVIATION x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1 1.3 Main Objective of the study 2 1.4 Specific objectives 2 1.5 Significance of study 2 1.6 Research question 2 1.7 Scope and Limitation of the study 2 1.8 Definition of terms 3 1.8.1 Library 3 1.8.3 Mutilation 3 1.84 Theft 3 1.85 Security system 3 1.8.6 Electromagnetic library security system 3 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Historical background 4 2.3 Literature gap 6 2.4 Summary 6 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 7 3.1 Introduction 7 3.2 Research design 7 3.3 Target Population 7 3.4 Methods of data collection 7 3.5 Source of data 8 3.51 Primary data 8 3.5.2 Secondary data 8 3.6 Instruments 8 3.6.1 Observation guide 8 3.6.2 Interview guide 8 3.7 Area of study 9 3.8 Sample size & sampling Techniques 9 3.9 Data quality control 9 3.9.1 Triangulation 9 3.9.2 Data analysis 9 3.9.3 Ethical issues 9 3.10 Scope and limitation 10 3.11 Summary 10 CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS 11 4.1. INTRODUCTION 11 4.2. QUESTIONNAIRE 11 4.3 Demographic information 12 4.4: the usage of the library 14 4.5 Theft and Mutilation of library materials 16 4.6 Causes of theft and Mutilation of library materials 21 4.7 Impact of theft and mutilation of library materials 22 4.8 Suggested Preventive Method to reduce Theft and Mutilation of Library Materials 24 4.8 DATA COLLECTED FROM: OBSERVATION METHOD 26 4.9 DATA COLLECTED FROM: INTERVIEW METHOD 27 4.10 Conclusion 28 CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 29 5.1 Introduction. 29 5.2 Summary of the findings. 29 5.4 Recommendations 30 REFERENCES 31 APPENDICES 34 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Questionnaires distributed and responses Table 2: Gender of respondents Table 3: Age distribution Table 4: Years of Experience Table 5: Years of study to students Table 6 : the usage of the library Table 7: Library stock Table 8: photocopy facilities Table 9:is it free or do users have to pay Table 10: students and library staffs experiencing theft and mutilation Table 11: how do you know library materials has been mutilated or stolen Table 12: the ways used by users to steal library materials Table 13:causes of theft and mutilation in your library Table 14: Does mutilation and theft of library materials affects the quality of teaching, learning and research. Table 15: problem when using mutilated materials Table 16: role of photocopying service in reducing theft and mutilation Table 17 the good library system of controlling theft and mutilation Table 18: prevention of theft and mutilation of library materials Table 19: What should be done to the user who has mutilated or steal library material LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4.4.1 the most used library service Figure 4.5.2 how long did it take you to notice that material has been mutilated Figure 4.5.3vulnerable library section Figure 4.5.4: forms of library mutilation Figure 4.5.5, most mutilated or stolen in your library Figure 4.6.1: reasons for someone to steal or mutilate library materials Figure 4.7.2 effect of theft and library mutilation ABBREVIATION CCTV : Closed circuit Television. EM: Electromagnetic. ICT Information Communication Technology RFDI: Radio frequency identification. OPAC: Online public catalogue SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Scientist UDSM: University of Dar es Salaam CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Mutilation and theft of library materials is one of the major problems which affect the provision of services in many libraries, this problem started to exist since users have been able to access the materials, the report of such actions date back to the beginning of library history (Shuman, 1999). All types of libraries are facing the problem of theft and mutilation of library materials, but academic libraries, seem to suffer more than other libraries, which is caused by the popularity and intensive usage of academic libraries by patrons for different purposes (Crayery, 2001). Most of the times theft and mutilation of library materials have been done by library patrons and staff also. The acts are mostly influenced by scarcity of materials, also because some users don’t have enough money to buy books since most of those books are very expensive, poor security system in these libraries is also a reason that contributes to the problem of mutilation and theft of library materials (Ajala, 2008). Prevention of library materials is one of the library’s basic functions, to prevent the library materials from theft and mutilation so that they can be available for use by all users (Udoudoh, 2013). 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Librarians in all types of libraries desired to serve their users with quality information, academic libraries aim to provide (among other things) quality information for school’s curriculum and to support research needs for students and the faculty (Isebe, 2014). But the problem of theft and mutilation of library materials hinders librarians to achieve such desired goals of providing quality service and satisfying users with their needs. Past research on the topic of mutilation of library materials did not offer the ending solution in selected academic libraries and until now theft and mutilation is still a continuing problem. Theft and mutilation of library materials reduce the quality of library services and also frustration to users as they failto get information they need. (Mwantimwa, 2007). This problem also exists at D.r Wilbert Chagula Library at the present. There is the necessity of finding a solution to this problem so as to improve library services. This study addresses this problem at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. 1.3 Main Objective of the study The general objective of this study is to find out ways to prevent library materials from theft and mutilation with reference to Dr. Wilbert Chagula at university of Dar es Salaam library. 1.4 Specific objectives To investigate the major causes for which, users steal and mutilate the library materials. To identify various ways used to steal and mutilate library materials To find out the impact of theft and mutilation of library materials in teaching, learning and research at the University of Dar es Salaam. 1.5 Significance of study Findings of this study are expected to create awareness among management and general staff and could be the source for developing an effective library prevention policy on theft and mutilation problem 1.6 Research question What are the major causes of theft and mutilation of library materials? What are the ways used to steal and mutilate library materials? Whatis theimpact of theft and mutilation of library materials in teaching, learning and research activities at the University of Dar es Salaam? 1.7 Scope and Limitation of the study Due to financial constraints and limitation of time given, this study will be conducted at D.r Wilbert Chagula Library at the University of Dar es Salaam. It is also where this researcher is currently based. 1.8 Definition of terms Library Refers to the collection of sources of information and similar resources which is made accessible to a defined community for reference and borrowing Irwin, (1947, 96). Academic library These are libraries which are attached to academic institutions above the secondary school level, these library serves two complementary purposes which are to support the school’s curriculum and research of the students Curzon, S & Jennie Q (2009,11).  Mutilation To cut up, destroy, or alter radically or physically harm as to impair use, notably by cutting off or otherwise disabling a vital part, such as a limb. To destroy beyond recognition, (figuratively) to render imperfect (memidex,2019). 1.84 Theft Is the taking of another person's property or services without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of the property (criminal findlaw,2019) 1.85 Security system Refers to the method by which something is secured through a system of interworking components and devices (Safewise,2018) 1.8.6 Electromagnetic library security system Is the security system that is used for protecting valuable library collections. Its security markers are made of specialized magnetic materials that respond to low-level magnetic fields generated by detection devices at the library exit. The markers are sensitized or desensitized with staff accessories or patron self-checkout devices. A properly desensitized item does not set off the alarm at the EM security gate. If the item has not been desensitized, however, an alarm will sound at the library exit (Bibliotheca,2019) CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Literature reviewed in this chapter discusses the problem of theft and mutilation of library materials, causes for mutilation and theft of library materials and the impact of theft and mutilation on library materials. Historical background The library refers to the collection of sources of information and similar resources which is made accessible to a defined community for reference and borrowing Irwin, (1947, 96p). Theft and mutilation of library material have become a serious problem to many libraries, especially in third world countries. Each year the loss of books and periodicals from theft and mutilation in University libraries seriously undermines free access to library materials. theft is a crime of taking a property illegally thus causing a gap or absence of that property. While mutilation is about the damage, cutting or tearing the materials. such as marking inside the book, underlining the sentence or paragraphs, removing pages or cutting pages, removing binding, removing electronic theft devices, or in any other way damaging library materials (Mwantimwa, 2007). Accessing or changing any computer system, network computer program, or data without prior authorization from a Library or Systems official. There are literatures on theft of library materials or loss of resources through theft, different writers have discussed various reasons about loss, theft and mutilation of library materials. According to Bello (1998) who has conducted a study on theft and mutilation in technological university libraries in Nigeria, the writer says that there is a lack of security in many university libraries. Akinfolarin (1994) reports that users take advantage of tiny windows that have no barrier to hinder book passage and throw books outside. To libraries that are not automated it is even easier for students to commit such acts since there are no security systems to detect a mutilated page or a book, some libraries are automated but have the problem of poor electricity supply thus users take advantage of stealing library materials when electric power goes out since the electromagnetic system used to detect library materials would not sense the materials.Some students to remains in the library at the time library is closed for a short break whereby a student who remains inside the library can easily steal and mutilate library materials. Mwantimwa (2007) in his study of mutilation of library materials and its impact on teaching, learning and research in selected academic libraries in Tanzania, he wrote selfishness to be one of the reasons for students to mutilate library materials, he wrote “Others do it because they want to be the only ones in their class who have read that chapter before the final exam, and this is selfish behavior”. (2007,11p)When demands for library materials increases especially at the end of semester during the exams, this state influence this act of selfishness. Lorenzen, M. (1996) on Security issues of academic libraries, andissues concerned with the user dissatisfaction in the library service which can influence the act of theft and mutilation. Mentions also that some users are not familiar with all services provided in the library for example photocopying and scanning, thus they decide to mutilate books or steal them. Adefarati, E.O.(2003) in his study of book theft and mutilation of library collection in tertiary institutions in Nigeria reveals ways users use to steal books from the library is by hiding them in their clothes. In most libraries especially those which do not have electronic security systems which could detect the scanned pages facilitate this act, as users could conceal the materials before getting through the security. Oyesiku (2004) noted borrowing to be one of the ways used by users to steal and mutilate library materials, a user can borrow the material and that is when one gets the opportunity to mutilate a book by tearing off important pages, many librarians are not checking the pages when the book is returned thus a user who has mutilated the material cannot be caught, and also some use this way to steal materials from the library. Theft and mutilation of library materials led to decline of books and other materials to serve users in the library, thus many users became frustrated since they will not find materials they need. According to Mwantimwa (2007) in his study of mutilation of library materials and its impact on teaching, learning and research in selected academic libraries in Tanzania, he noted that“Collection in most academic libraries in Ethiopia is dismally small and yet 93% of these libraries lose too many volumes every year, thus creating shortage of library materials in all type”. (2007,16p). Mutilation and theft of library materials led to cost in time and money and time of its recovery According to Mwantimwa (2007) in his study of mutilation of library materials and its impact on teaching, learning and research in selected academic libraries in Tanzania, he noted that “Replacement costs of lost or damaged material is far more expensive than the original Cost of the item since incidents of mutilations are on the increase and library budgets Cannot afford the consequences of widespread abuse”. (2007,14p) Literature gap Throughout the review of this literatures, it was found out that the main focus of the study was on causes for mutilation and theft but the prevention has not been discussed in depth especially for a library that lacks automated system, and also noted that discussion on solution to these problems have not been addressed satisfactorily in Dr. Wilbert Chagula library at the University of Dar es Salaam. Summary This researcher noted that there are few pieces of literatures in Tanzania that have addressed the issue of theft and mutilation of library materials particularly at the university of Dar es Salaam library. Thus in this chapter the researcher has used some few available literatures which have discussed the problem of theft and mutilation of library materials from other Universities, also researcher has presented the literature gap. CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction This chapter presents research methodology used to collect data for this work. Kothari (1995) define research methodology as ¨a way to systematically solve the research problem¨. The methodology is presented in the sections below. Research design Research design refers to the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and analysing measures of the variables specified in the research problem (Creswell, 2014). The researcher has used both qualitative and quantitative research design in order to gain a more complete and comprehensive understanding of the research problem. Target Population Targeted population are specific respondents to be involved in the study under some given criteria. Be involved in the study, as respondents will be Library staff, and other users/readers, such as students and lecturers. The reasons for opting such targeted population is that; because these are the main users of the library so in this point it is going to be easier for them to assist the researcher to get the fact information concerning the particular study. Methods of data collection Data can be defined as basic individual items of numeric or other information gathered through observation. Example of data include a sequence of bits, a table of numbers, the characters on a page, the recording of sounds made by a person speaking or a moon rock specimen. Data can be observational, laboratory experimental etc. (Zins, 2007). Inferences based on imaginations cannot provide current answer to research questions. The relevance adequacy and reliability of data determine the quality of the findings of a study; therefore, under this study the researcher expect to use both primary and secondary sources of data. Interviewing method, questionnaires and observation for primary data and the organizational documents for secondary. Source of data Two types of sources of data were used to collect data, namely primary and secondary data, as follows Primary data Refers to an original data source, that is, one in which the data are collected first-hand by the researcher for a specific research purpose or project. In this study primary data was collected in a number of ways. However, the most common techniques were self-administered surveys, interviews and observation, (Salkind, 2010). Secondary data Secondary data was collected through books, journals andiinternet resources, findings were reviewed and major points summarized. Instruments The researcher has used the following instruments to collect data from this study Observation guide The researcher has used observation method, whereby in this method the information was sought through researcher’s own direct observation without asking the respondents. The method helped to observe what was currently happening, for example at the way people were using the service, or at the way staffs were operating different systems and interaction of users with library material. Interview guide The researcher has also used interview method, to interview librarians and users of the library in D.r Wilbert Chagula library at University of Dar es Salaam whereby questions were asked orally using structured questions which were asked face to face between the researcher and respondent. The necessity of this method was that, it helped to obtain more information, where the questions were asked directly by a researcher and answers were obtained from the respondents. Questionnaire guide Through this method a researcher was able get answers to questions by using a form that has questions whereby the form was answered by respondents. This method was very useful when respondents were not easily approachable in their working places, and it was a simple method because it was less expensive, also it was free from bias of the interviews because answers were written in respondents own words. Area of study The study was conducted at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library in the University of Dar es Salaam which is located in Dar es Salaam region, the library was selected because this researcher is based here. Sample size & sampling Techniques Sampling is a strategy which was used to select the small group to represent the whole large population because it is not easy to include all people. In this study convenient sampling was used in D.r Wilbert Chagula library at University of Dar es Salaam. This study selected a number of 35 respondents who are library users, of whom 15 who were library staff and the rest which are 20 were students. Data quality control Data control in this study was fulfilled through the following procedures. Triangulation Triangulation in research is the use of more than one approach to researching a question. The objective is to increase confidence in the findings through the confirmation of a proposition using two or more independent measures. The use of triangulation improves validity and reliability of data collected (Babbie, 1989). Data analysis The data collected from the field were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Content analysis was used to analyse qualitative research and analysis statistical packages for social Scientists (SPSS) were used to analyse quantitative data. Ethical issues The researcher ensures confidentiality of data and the consents were informed concerning the purpose of the study before responding, the questions were structured in a way that helps to avoid embarrassing the consent, also researcher assured respondents that data collected would be used for academic purpose only. Scope and limitation The study focused on the prevention in theft and mutilation of library materials at D.r Wilbert Chagula library. The major limitation was the time given to the researcher in collecting data and financial constraints. Summary This chapter presented the research design, target population and sample size, data collection methods, area of study, sampling technique, data quality control, data analysis, ethical issues, scope and limitation. CHAPTER FOUR: DATA PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS 4.1. INTRODUCTION The main purpose of this study is to investigate the prevention of theft and mutilation of library materials at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library, Data from this study was collected using the combination of methods namely interview, observation and questionnaire with both open and close ended questions. The results are presented in the form of graphs, tables and description of them. 4.2. QUESTIONNAIRE. Questionnaires were distributed and responses received. The questionnaires were distributed to library staff and students who are library users of Dr. Wilbert Chagula library, as shown in Table below Table 1: Questionnaires distributed and responses. Category Frequency Percentage Response frequency College of social science 9 25.7 9 College of humanity 5 14.3 5 University of Dar es salaam school of law 2 5.7 2 College of engineering and Technology 4 11.4 4 Library staff 15 42.9 15 Total 35 100 35 Source: Field data, July 2019 As shown on the table 1, all questionnaires were returned in total of 35 questionnaires that were distributed to library users, where 20 were for library patrons who were drawn from first to fourth year from four different colleges namely ‘COSS’,’COHU’,’UDSOL’ and ‘COET’, and other 15 questionnaires to library staff from various sections in Dr. Wilbert Chagula library for such as reference, Social Sciences, Law, Science section and East Africana. 4.3 Demographic information Question 1 to Question 4 sought to find out biographical details of respondents in this study, the background information included college(patrons), gender, age, years of experience (library staff), year of study(patrons). 4.3.1 Gender of respondents Respondents who were library users, both library staff and students were asked about their genders, so as to know the gender background of the respondents, the table below illustrates the findings Table 2: Gender of respondents N=35 Category Library staffs Students frequency percentage frequency Percentage Male 7 46.7 10 50 Female 8 53.3 10 50 Total 15 100 20 100 Source, Field data source, July 2019 Table 2 indicates that the number of Female respondents were higher than the number of male respondents, both genders showed the interest in participating whereby out of 35 respondents 17 (49%) were males and the rest 18(51%) were females. 4.3.2 Age distribution Library users were asked to specify their age on questionnaires. Figure below summarizes the result on the respondent’s age, N=35 Table 3:Age distribution Category Library staffs Students frequency percentage frequency Percentage 20-24 years - - 15 75 25-39 years 12 80 5 25 40 years and above 3 20 - - Total 15 100 20 100 Source, Field data July 2019 Table 4: Years of Experience of library staffs, N=15 Category Frequency Percent 1-5 years 6 40 6-10 years 6 40 11-20 3 20 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in Table 4, the years of experience of library staff were as follows: Six (40%) of respondent’s years of experience were between 1-5, other six (40%) of respondent’s years of experience were between 6-10 years and other three (20%) were between 11-20 years, it is clear that respondents in this study had a wide range of experiences Table 5: Years of study to students (patrons), N=20 Category Frequency Percent first year 3 16 second year 7 37 third year 5 26 fourth year 4 21 Total 20 100 Source: Field data, July 2019 As shown in table 5, the years of studies of patrons were as follows: Three (16%) students were first year, seven (37%)students were second year’s students, other five (26%) students were third year’s and lastly four students (21%) were in their fourth year. High number of respondents had sufficient experience and familiarity on the issues related to this topic. 4.4: the usage of the library Question 5: to Patrons: How often do you use the library? Table 6 N=20 Category Frequency Percent Every day 16 85 once in a week 2 10 once in a month 1 5 Total 20 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in Table 6, majority of students who were sixteen (85%) use library Every day, two (10 %) use library once in a week and only one (5%) use library once in a month. From these findings it is clear that most of the users use library more frequently, the availability of free network internet service is believed to attract many students to use the library. Question no 6: to patrons Which kind of library service do you use the most? In this question, respondents were asked to choose as many options as applicable by putting a tick from the list of options provided. Answers were as follows Figure 4.4.1 the most used library service N=20 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in figure 4.4.1 above, five (25%) respondents mostly use internet services in the library, three (20%) respondents use reference services the most and 12 (55%) respondents are use borrowed materials from the library. The results show that out of 20 respondents who were patrons, none of the students use interlibrary loan services or photocopying services. Question no 16: to library staff Is the stock of your library adequate and proportional to the library users? In this question, respondents who are library staffs were asked if the stock fits the total number of users who need the service, the respondents were required to respond to a close ended question (Yes or no): answers were as follows, Table 7: N=15 Category Frequency Percent Yes 13 86.7 No 2 13.3 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in Table 7, the majority of respondents who were thirteen (86.7%) library staffs answered “NO”, and two (13.3%) answered Yes. Generally, the stock of Dr. Wilbert Chagula library is not adequate and proportional to library users. This is likely to influence habit of stealing or mutilating the pages of the few relevant material that can be found by the users. Question no: 19: is your library having photocopy facilities In this question addressed library staffs and the results were as follows, Table 8: N=15 Category Frequency percent Yes 15 100 No - - Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in table 8, all respondents who are library staffs answers “YES”, this finding meant that the library has the photocopy machine, which could help to minimize loss and mutilation. Question no: 21: to library staff Is photocopying service free or do users have to pay? The question was asked to respondents so as to find out if users have to incur cost in order to use the service. Table 9: N=15 Category Frequency Percent Free - - Not free 15 100 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in table 9 above, the photocopying service is not for free, whereby the cost of the service can be a limitation for users to use such service, referring to figure 4.4.1 where out of 20 respondents it was found that none of students are using photocopying service can justify cost to be one of the factors that pause the usage of such service. 4.5 Theft and Mutilation of library materials Question no.4 to library staff: do you experience theft and mutilation in your library. Question no.7 to patrons: do you know that there’s theft and mutilation of library materials. These two questions were asked to respondents who are library staff and patrons whereby the questions sought to find out if both users were aware of the existence of the problem, and answers were as follows Table 10: library staffs, N=15 , students, N=20. Category Frequency Percentage Staff students Staff Students Yes 15 20 100 100 No - - - - Total 15 20 100 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in table 10,majority of respondents were found to be aware for the existence of the problem under study whereby in table 10 of library staffs, all 15(100%) respondents says “YES” referring to the presence of theft and mutilation at Dr.Wilbert Chagula library, and students who are the patrons ,all 20 (85%) respondents answers “YES”, Generally from the findings obtained from the field the problem of theft and mutilation was found to exist and many library users are aware of the problem. Question no.5 to library staff: how do you know library materials has been mutilated or stolen in your library? This question was addressed to library staff so as to find out how librarians know that a certain material has been missing in the library or mutilated, the following figure below shows the result Table 11 N=15 Category Frequency Percent when a student is caught at the check point 2 13.3 some students caught by a librarian when stealing 1 6.7 after conducting shelving 3 20 when they can’t find materials needed by users 3 20 through electromagnetic library security system 4 26.7 after conducting library stocktaking 2 13.3 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. Table 11 shows, two (13.3%) of respondent said they noticed students have mutilated or had stolen a book when a student is caught at the main check point of the library with a library material. one (6.7%) of the respondents said some students were caught by a librarian when stealing, three (20%) of respondents said after conducting shelving. Other three (20%) of respondents said when they can’t find materials needed by users. Four (26.7%) of respondents said through electromagnetic library security system installed at library main checkpoint that alerts when material has not been checked out. And two (13.3%) library staff said after conducting library stocktaking. Question no.9 to library staff: how long did it take you to notice that material has been mutilated? Figure 4.5.2 N=15 Source, Field data July 2019. In response to question 8 that was addressed to library staffs, the findings were as follows as shown in figure 4.5.2. Three (15%) respondents said every two days. Seven (35%) of respondents said one week, two (10%) respondents said two weeks and three (15%) of respondents said one month. Question no.9 to patrons: N=15 In which library section you have noticed mutilation This question was addressed to respondents and it was aimed at finding out the sections in the library that users have noticed mutilated. Responses are summarized in Figure 4.5.3 below Source, Field data July 2019. As shown from figure 4.5.3, eighty (40%) respondents said social science general collection, two (10%) respondents said social science special reserve, two (10%) said science collection, two (10%) said science special reserve. one (5%) said law collection, two (10%) said east Africana and other three (15%) said reference section. Generally, from the findings social science general collection is the most affected section in Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. Question no.6: to library staff, N=15 What type of materials are most mutilated or stolen in your library? On this question, the researcher aims at finding out the library materials which are most mutilated and stolen, and the results were as follows Figure 4.5.5, N=15: Source, Field data July 2019. In response to question number 6 for library staffs as shown in figure 4.5.5, Nine (60) of respondents said books, three (20%) of respondents said Newspaper, one (6.7%) of the respondents said journals, one (6, 6%) of respondents said maps and the last one out of fifteen respondents said thesis, from this findings, it can be seen that books are the most mutilated or stolen library materials. Question no.7: to library staff, N=15 What are the forms of library mutilation? This question was addressed to library staffs and the following forms of mutilation were mentioned as shown on a finding below. Figure 4.5.4:N=15 Source, Field data July 2019. In response to question six, as shown in figure 4.5.4, eight (53.3%) of respondents said by tearing book pages, two (13.3%) respondents said cutting by razor blade, three (20%) respondents said folding page, one (6.7%) said folding pages and other one (6.7%) said staining, generally from this finding, the most used form of mutilation by users is tearing pages of the book, Question no.11: to library staff, N=15 In your opinion, what do you think are the ways used by users to steal library materials? Table 12 N=15 Category frequency percentage concealment 6 40 library personnel collaboration 1 6.7 Remaining in the library when it is closed 3 20 borrowing a book when electricity is not available 5 33.3 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. In response to Table 12, six (40%) respondents said concealment, five (33.3%) respondents said many users tends to borrow library materials when electricity power is not available so that the electromagnetic security system will not alert, three (20%) and one (6.7) respondent said a student steal by collaborating with library personal whereby a librarian could deactivate the material to escape security alarm. 4.6 Causes of theft and Mutilation of library materials Question no.8 to students (patrons): what do you think is the reason for someone to steal or mutilate library materials? The researcher provided option in a checklist where respondents could identify the reason he or she thinks is appropriate by putting the tick to all that applies in a list of options. And on question number 12 for library staffs, the researcher asked a similar, the aim of the question was to find out the causes of theft and mutilation of library materials, and the findings were as follows, Figure 4.6.1: question No.8 for Patrons, N=20: reasons for someone to steal or mutilate library materials (Source, Field data July 2019) As shown in figure 4.6.1 above, respondents who were students put a tick to multiple reasons that applies, whereby, eleven (55%) students out of 20 says the reason is lack of committed staffs, six(30%) students out of 20 says the reason is lack of good security system, seventeen(85%) respondents says the reason is selfishness, fifteen(75%) respondents propose the reason to be lack of cooperation between staffs and users, only seven(35%) respondents out of 20 thinks the reason is existence of penalty for delay to return books and eighteen(90%) respondents says the reason is shortage of books in the library. Table 13. Question no.12 to library staffs, N=15: What do you think are the mainly causes of theft and mutilation in your library? Category Frequency percent Shortage of library materials 12 80 Poor security measures 10 67 Electric outage 13 87 Selfishness 14 93 Lack of enough photocopying facilities 13 87 Source, Field data July 2019. Table 13, shows that twelve (80%) respondents recognize causes of theft and mutilations to Shortage of library materials, ten (67%) to Poor security measures, thirteen (87 %) Electric outages, fourteen (93%) to selfishness, and other thirteen (87%) to Lack of enough photocopying facilities. From the findings above it shows that the main cause of library theft and mutilations was selfishness, power outages and lack of enough photocopying facilities at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. 4.7 Impact of theft and mutilation of library materials Question no.10 to Patrons, Mutilation and theft of library materials affects the quality of teaching, learning and research. This question was addressed to library patrons by giving options of answers to respond to, and the following were the result Table 14 N=20 Category Frequency Percent strongly agree 13 65 agree, 7 35 Total 20 100 Source, Field data July 2019. In response to question 9, as shown in Table 14, thirteen (65%) respondents strongly agree, seven (35%) respondents agree, there were no respondents who strongly disagree or disagree, generally as shown from the findings it is clear that theft and mutilation of library has a negative impact on learning, teaching and research. Question no.11 to Patrons What do you think are the effect of theft and library mutilation to Dr. Wilbert Chagula library? This question was addressed to patrons and the following were the result. Figure 4.7.2: N=20 Source, Field data July 2019. In response to question no: 11, as shown in figure 4.7.2; five respondents said delay of information, two (10%) of respondents said shortage of reference materials, five (25%) respondents said cost in terms of time and money, four (20%) respondents said low quality services and frustration, four (20%) respondents said user and library staff dissatisfaction. Question no.13 to Patrons Do you encounter any problem when using mutilated materials? Table 15, N=20 Category frequency Percentage Yes 20 100 No - - Total 20 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in Table 15, all 20(100%) respondents said yes, thus it was found that users face problems when using mutilated materials. 4.8 Suggested Preventive Method to reduce Theft and Mutilation of Library Materials Question no: 20: To library staff How does photocopying service help to reduce theft or mutilation within the library? Table: role of photocopying service in reducing theft and mutilation at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library Table 16: N=15 Category Frequency Percentage it reduce theft and mutilation by providing copy of information needed 3 20 it does not help since there is only one photocopy machine available 10 66.7 it does not help since it is not used at night shift 2 13.3 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019. As shown in Table 16, Ten (70%) respondents out of fifteen who are library staffs answered that the photocopying machine at Dr. Wilbert Chagula does not help to reduce the problem of theft and mutilation because there is only one machine that is available, two (12%) library staffs answered that the machine was not used during night shifts as this can also explain why most of students are not using photocopying service as it was found on figure 4.3.6. Three (18%) library staffs answered that the photocopying services reduce theft and mutilation by providing copy of information needed. From these findings, photocopying service at Dr. Wilbert Chagula does not help to reduce theft and mutilation. Question no.14 to library staff In your opinion, what is the good library system of controlling theft and mutilation of library materials? Table 17, N=15 Category Frequency Percentage Checking in and out at check point 1 6.7 Both electronic and physical security system 7 46.7 Electromagnetic library security system 2 13.3 CCTV camera 5 33.3 Total 15 100 Source, Field data July 2019 In response to question 14, as shown in Table 17, one (6.7%) respondent said checking in and out at check point, seven (46.7%) of respondent said both electronic and physical security system, two(13.3%) said electromagnetic library security system, five(33.3%) said CCTV camera. Question no.16 to Patrons In your opinion what do you think is the solution for prevention of theft and mutilation of library materials? Table 18, N=20 Category frequency Percent Establishment of prevention policy 15 75 More photocopies machine 20 100 More multiple copies of books and other materials 18 90 Provision of electronic security system 16 80 Extension of loan period for student 10 50 Installation of security camera 20 100 Staff should more cautious 15 75 Source, Field data July 2019 As shown in Table 18, fifteen (75%) patrons suggested establishment of prevention policy, twenty (100%) patrons suggested more photocopies machine, eighteen (90%) suggested more multiple copies of books and other materials, sixteen (80%) suggested provision of electronic security system, ten (50%) suggested extension of loan period for student, twenty (100%) suggested installation of security camera and fifteen (75%) suggested staff should be more cautious. Question no.22 to library staff What should be done to the user who has mutilated or steal library material? This question was asked with an aim to find out punishment that could be appropriate to Offenders. And the following were the results Table 19, N=20 Category Frequency Percent paying for replacement 7 35 withdraw from borrowing privileges 3 15 suspended from the library 5 25 facing disciplinary actions. 5 25 Total 20 100 Source, Field data July 2019 From Table 19, seven respondents (35%) suggested paying for replacement, three (15%) suggested withdraw from borrowing privileges, five (25%) suggested suspended from the library and five (25%) suggested facing disciplinary actions. 4.8 DATA COLLECTED FROM: OBSERVATION METHOD The researcher also got various data from observing the situation in the library; I was observing different activities conducted at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. The following were among the things that I have observed during my research. Library security system In Dr. Wilbert Chagula Library the electromagnetic security system could sometimes alert even to some of users who may not be having any library material, this indicate that the system is not efficient and could even not sense other materials which are taken out illegally. Secondly there CCTV camera near check points but there were no security cameras near shelves where mutilation and theft are taken place as this could tempt someone to steal without fear of not being seen, also the security guards and librarians at the checkpoints are not all cautious to all users as they only check the students but not lectures, staffs or foreigners whereby they could also be involved in mutilation and theft ,In generally the security system at Dr.Wilbert Chagula is not effective. Access to computer In Dr. Wilbert Chagula library I have observed that there very few computers, which are mainly used for searching materials in the library through the use of OPAC (online public access catalog) and there no computers which helps users to use electronic resources, such situation attracts theft and mutilation of library materials The use of Photocopy machine, I observe that there is only one photocopy machine at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library and the service is not offered at all during night shifts but only during day, existence of only one photocopy machine discourage users to use the service, also during the night shift users cannot use the service at all, these situation may tempt a user to steal or mutilate library materials, also the existence of charges for using the service led some of users who wants many copies to steal the books rather than spending the money due to financial constraint. User’s behavior (user’s remaining inside the library when it is closed) I was able to observe user’s behavior and find out how users interact with library system, in Dr. Wilbert Chagula library, many users have the behavior of remaining inside the library when the library it is closed for a while, some librarians are aware of the situation but decide to be ignorant of the situation, such act facilitate user’s to steal and mutilate library materials. Electricity supply I also observe at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library, there is no reliable electric supply or other alternative such as use of generators, whereby poor electric supply is a threat to security of library materials whereby the electric security system depends on electricity supply, thus poor availability of electricity at Dr. Wilbert Chagula attracts some users to use it as advantage to steal library materials by being aware that the electromagnetic system will not be alerting. 4.9 DATA COLLECTED FROM: INTERVIEW METHOD The researcher conducted face to face interview with respondents at Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. Researcher conducted interview with librarians, these questions were asked through the few listed questions concerning the topic. Through interviewing, the answers of the research questions were as follow. Research question no. 1 What are the major causes of theft and mutilation of library materials? The major causes of theft and mutilation of library materials is selfishness, as some people mutilate books because they want to be the only one in their class to read that chapter, poverty is one of the major reasons as many stolen books and mutilated ones are those that are expensive and many users cannot afford them. Also some are stealing so as to avoid coming into the library as these type of users prefer to read in their hostels, also others stole books as a result of inadequate library materials and there are those who steal books due to the short period of loaning by the library. Research question no. 2 What are the ways used to steal and mutilate library materials? in this question, I interview the librarians and the answers was as follows The librarian says that by hiding them under the cloths and laboratory coats, followed by wrapping them up with their notebooks, lack of attention on the part of library staffs and collaboration with librarians to steal library materials is one of the ways used to steal. Research question no. 3 What is the impact of theft and mutilation of library materials in teaching, learning and research activities at the University of Dar es Salaam? The librarians answered the question that Mutilation and theft of library materials is costly to the library as replacement costs of lost or damaged material is far more expensive than the original, also theft and mutilation of library materials reduces the quality of library services thus led to User and library staff dissatisfaction Research question no. 4 Which security system could be useful for Dr. Wilbert Chagula library? This was the research question that this researcher had to ask for the librarians and the answers were as follows: Security cameras in the library is useful as it can be used to record movements and making user afraid to steal or mutilate because they know they are going to be noticed. But electromagnetic security system is also a good system as it can sense library materials when people illegally pass with a material through check point. But also the physical security systems are useful and affordable thus in summary librarians recommended that both security systems could be useful for Dr. Wilbert Chagula library. 4.10 Conclusion In summary different responses of research questions from questionnaire method were presented in figures and tables, data from observation method was also presented and lastly there was interview methods that also presents the answers from research questions that were asked by the researcher. CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction. This is the last chapter that presents summary of the findings, conclusion and recommendations of the research findings. 5.2 Summary of the findings. The study has revealed the effective use of both physical and electronic library security systems as a way of preventing the library materials from theft and mutilation. In order to make the library remain with good quality of services to their user’s efforts should be made to protect the library materials from theft and Mutilations. Based on the presentation and data analysis, theft and mutilation of library materials by users exist in Dr. Wilbert Chagula library, from findings a lot of factors are responsible for theft and mutilation of library materials by users, such as financial constraints that led users to fail purchasing their needed books, secondly is poor security system, short time provided for books borrowed from the library, also inadequate photocopy services. It was noted that the way users use to steal or mutilate library materials are through tearing of relevant pages of books, hiding them under their laboratory cloth, wrap them with their notebooks, collaboration with library staff, folding pages of books so as to prevent the page from closing. Underlining sentences on a book with a pen. The users suggested measures to be put in place to reduce the act of theft and mutilation of library materials such as the provision of more photocopying machines, acquisition of multiple copies of library materials such as books, an extension of loan periods and provision of security cameras. 5.3 Conclusion The results of this study show that the problem of theft and mutilation is costly and destructive to the library materials. Therefore, library management should maintain the security system and buy enough materials so as to discourage theft and mutilation of library materials. 5.4 Recommendations Based on the findings of the study, the following are key recommendations aimed at preventing theft and mutilation of library materials, Creating awareness through user’s education, Users should be given education relating to the problem of theft and mutilation, they should know about the cost and difficulties of replacement of stolen or mutilated materials, also they should be warned that theft and mutilation is a crime. 5.4.2 Install the electronic library security systems, security camera and physical security system, these security systems will help to reduce the problem of theft and Mutilation of Library materials when they are all used in a library. According to my short survey of other libraries I found the libraries which have these security systems do not experience much of this problem. 5.4.3 Photocopy It is recommended that library should buy more photocopy machines. electricity supply It is recommended that library should find an alternative source of power for example use of generators so as to ensure availability of electricity at all time during working hours. Access to computers It is recommended that library should buy more computers in the library so as to improve access to electronic resources. . Establishment of library prevention policy Library should introduce safety and security policy and all librarians should abide by it . REFERENCES Adefarati, E. O. (2003). The effect of pilfering, book theft and mutilation of library collection in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Library. Adeoye M.O, Oladapo Y.O & Abimbola, M.O (2018). 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The questionnaires will assist a researcher to write the report on solution/suggestion or recommendations on prevention in theft and mutilation of library materials Data collected will be used for academic purpose only, and all responses provided will be treated as confidential. Questionnaire can be completed in few minutes, you’re co-operation is highly encouraged. The researcher would like to thank you in advance for time you will take in assisting him in this regard Instruction: Please fill in the blanks or tick where applicable. Gender Male ( ) Female ( ) Age 20-24 years ( ) 25-39 years ( ) 40 years and above ( ) Years of experience in office 1-5 year ( ) 6-10yrs ( ) 11-20yrs( ) 20years-above( ) Do you experience theft or loss of library materials in your library? Yes ( ) No ( ) How do you know that library material has been stolen in your library? ………………………………………………………………………….. PUT A TICK TO ALL THAT APPLIES What type of materials that are mostly stolen...? Books ( ) Newspaper ( ) Journals ( ) Periodicals ( ) Maps ( ) Thesis ( ) What are the forms of library mutilation? Is there any security system to prevent materials in your library? Yes ( ) No ( ) In your opinion, what do you think are the ways used by users to steal library materials? …………………………… What do you think are the mainly causes of theft and mutilation in your library? What measures do you take or your library takes for the stolen books or mutilated o library materials? ………….. In your opinion what is the good security system of controlling theft of library materials? checking in and out at check point ( ) Both electronic and physical security system ( ) security guards ( ) Electromagnetic library security system( ) cctv camera ( ) Other…… Is the stock of your library adequate and proportional to the library user? • Yes ( ) • No ( ) Who is responsible at the check points in your Library? library assistant principle library assistant Academic staff Security guards Both categories Other…………….. Is your library having photocopy facilities? • Yes ( ) • No ( ) If yes how does it help to reduce theft or mutilation within the library? Is photocopying service free or users have to pay? What should be done to the user who has mutilated or steal library material? ………………………………………………………………………………… Questionnaire for Students Dear Respondents Iam student persuading Bachelor of Arts in library and information studies at UDSM. Iam conducting a research on prevention of theft and mutilation of library materials at D.r Wilbert Chagula library in order to fulfil requirement for being awarded a degree. The questionnaires will assist a researcher to write the report on solution/suggestion or recommendations on prevention in theft and mutilation of library materials.Data collected will be used for academic purpose only, and all responses provided will be treated as confidential. Questionnaire can be completed in few minutes. The researcher would like to thank you in advance for time you will take in assisting him in this regard. Instruction: Please fill in the blanks or tick where applicable. Name of college ………………… Gender …… Age 20-24 years { } 25-29 years { } 30-34 years { } 35-39 { } Year of study First year { } Second year { } Third year { } Fourth year { } How often do you use library? a) Every day. { } b) Every week { } c) Every month { } d) Never { } Which kind of library service do you use the most internet service { } lend materials { } use reference service { } interlibrary loan service photocopying service { } Do you know that there is theft and mutilation of library materials? a) Yes { } b) No { } What do you think is the reason for someone to steal or mutilate library materials? a) Lack of committed staff { } b) Lack of good security system { } c) Lack of photocopy facilities { } d) Lack of cooperation between library staff and users { } e) Existence of penalty for delay to return the book { } h) Other (specify)……………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………… In which library section you have noticed mutilation Social Science General Collection Social Science Special Reserve Science Collection Other (specify 10 .Mutilation and theft of library materials affects the quality of teaching, learning and research. Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree Disagree Don’t know 11. What do you think are the effect of library mutilation and theft on teaching, learning and research? Delay of information Shortage of reference materials Other (specify) 12 .What should be done to the students caught mutilating or stealing library materials? Suspended Expelled Withdraw from using the library Others (specify)…………. 13 Do you encounter any problem when using mutilated material? a) Yes { } b) No { } 14 Have you ever remained in the library when it has been closed? a) Yes { } b) No { } 15 In your opinion what do you think is the solution for prevention of theft and mutilation library materials? APPENDIXII OBSERVATION GUIDELINES ACTIVITIES AND FACILITIES AMOUNT LOCATION Electronic security system Use of library service Library materials Access to computers Photocopy Machines User behavior APPENDIX III Interview guide for key library staff informants INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR UNIVERSITY OF DAR-ES-SALAAM LIBRARY MANAGEMENT STAFF What are the major causes of theft and mutilation of library materials? What are the ways used to steal and mutilate library materials? Whatis theimpact of theft and mutilation of library materials in teaching, learning and research activities at the University of Dar es Salaam? Which security system could be useful for Dr. Wilbert Chagula library? 2