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© 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Decadal variation of fish species composition in Patharghata fish landing station of Bangladesh 1 Shyama Prasad Bepari, 2Nabonita Pal, 3Pavel Biswas, 4Sufia Zaman and 5Abhijit Mitra 1,2,3,4 5 Department of Oceanography, Techno India University, West Bengal, Kolkata-700091, India Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 B.C. Road, Kolkata 700019, India Abstract: Secondary data of fish landing was collected from Patharghata fish landing station of Bangladesh during 2007 and 2017 to evaluate the Catch Diversity Index, which is a measure of fish composition/diversity from the catch volume. ANOVA performed on the data exhibited significant variation between months and years, which confirms a change in fish diversity over a period of time. A more detailed analysis is needed to link the data bank with climate change. Keywords – Patharghata fish landing station, fish composition, Catch Diversity Index, ANOVA. I. INTRODUCTION Bangladesh has 710 km long coastline extending from the tip of Teknaf in the Southeast to the west coast off Satkhira, which has enabled the country to achieve the goal of sustainable fish production. The country has recorded surplus fish production with an annual output of 41.34 lakh MT against a demand of 40.50 lakh MT in 2016-2017. The fishery sector is contributing significantly to food security of the country through providing safe and quality animal protein; almost 60 percent animal protein comes from fish. It contributes 3.61 percent to the national GDP and around one-fourth (24.41 percent) to the agricultural GDP of the country. More than 11 percent of total population of Bangladesh are engaged with this sector on full time and part time basis for their livelihoods. This has significantly strengthened the backbone of National Economy of the country. Bangladesh earns a considerable amount of foreign currencies by exporting fish, shrimps and other fish products. The picture of fishery sector also needs to be evaluated in the backdrop of climate change as there are several reports of compositional variation of fishes in response to changing salinity and temperature. Rapid change from physical forcing usually favours production of smaller, low-priced, opportunistic species that discharge large numbers of eggs over long periods (IPCC, 1996). Reports of decline of species numbers in fish due to increase of salinity have been published by several workers (Carpelan, 1967; Copeland, 1967; Hammer, 1986). The main causes behind the alteration of fish community structure (preferably the increase in the abundance and diversity of trash fishes) due to increase in salinity (a consequence of seawater ingression because of warming effect) are: 1. Reproductive failure of fishes thriving in hyposaline environment (mostly commercially important fishes) 2. Interaction of other environmental parameters with salinity to cause excessive mortality (synergistic effect) of commercially important fishes that prefer hyposaline condition 3. Loss of primary food supply due to exceedance of salinity tolerance for that organism, and, 4. Direct mortality of hyposaline water loving fishes due to exceedance of salinity tolerance The fish landing stations are the best test beds to monitor and analyse the change in fish composition. Hence an attempt has been taken in this research programme to evaluate the change in fish composition by considering the data of premonsoon 2007 and 2017 fish catch from Patharghata fish landing station of Bangladesh. The secondary data collected from authentic sources from the Govt. of Bangladesh is the foundation stone for evaluating the diversity of fish species in the Patharghata landing station. These data were collected to meet the following objectives: a. b. Evaluation of Catch Diversity Index on the basis of catch statistics of landing stations through modification of Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index. Evaluation of temporal variation of fish composition (considering the fish catch of 2007 and 2017) through ANOVA. It is to be noted in this context that in this paper, the catch of the premonsoon season (March-June) has been considered to meet the objectives. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS The entire network of the present work consists of the following phases: a. Collection of authentic secondary data of fish catch from Patharghata landing station (Source: Report of Fishery Department, Govt. of Bangladesh). b. Evaluation of Catch Diversity Index by modifying Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index as per the expression: H = - JETIR1906995 n n loge N N Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 460 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 where, www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) H = Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index n = No. of individuals per species N = Total number of individuals of all species In this research programme, ‘n’ is considered as landing volume of individuals per species and ‘N’ is treated as total landing volume of all species We used the C+ programme to compute the Catch Diversity Index which is a modified version of Shannon Weiner Species Diversity Index. The ground zero data to evaluate the index was collected during the premonsoon period of 2007 from the Patharghata landing station of Bangladesh. III. RESULTS Table 1 and 2 reflect the month-wise fish catch (in Kg) during premonsoon periods of 2007 and 2017. Table 1: Month wise fish composition from the catch of landing stations in Patharghata during 2007 Species JETIR1906995 Pre-Monsoon March April May June Tenualosa ilisha 180 380 23558 31993 0 Polynemus paradiseus 36778 36700 7262 0 Sillaginopsis sp. 5131 5140 0 0 Dussumieria acuta 11119 12120 501 3900 Epinephelus sp. 0 0 0 0 Katsuwonus sp. 17106 0 1100 12010 Penaeus spp. 1710 17220 0 0 Anguilla sp. 1710 1160 0 0 Eleutheronema tetradactylum 102 1120 500 0 Coilia sp. 2565 2500 3506 0 Nemapteryx sp. 0 0 2275 0 Otolithoides sp. 6842 6800 1020 0 Kajikia sp. 5264 1362 2121 0 Aetomylaeus sp. 205 204 200 0 Auxis sp. 0 0 0 4210 Aspidoparia sp. 0 0 0 4780 Rastrelliger sp. 0 0 0 6788 Lates calcarifer 0 0 0 0 Hexanematichthys sp. 0 0 0 0 Plotosus sp. 0 0 0 0 Acanthopagrus sp. 0 0 0 0 Pangasius sp. 0 0 0 0 Coryphaena sp. 0 0 0 0 Pampus sp. 0 0 0 0 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 461 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Harpadon nehereus 0 0 0 0 Escualosa sp. 0 0 0 0 Heteropriacanthus sp. 0 0 0 0 S 12 11 10 6 N 88712 84706 42043 351618 Catch Diversity Index 1.7619 1.6621 1.4600 0.4388 Table 2: Month wise fish composition from the catch of landing stations in Patharghata during 2017 Species JETIR1906995 Pre-Monsoon March April May June Tenualosa ilisha 11299 3481 75156 13881 8 Polynemus paradiseus 16419 4956 3743 0 Sillaginopsis sp. 6794 3592 0 0 Dussumieria acuta 8582 3899 6789 4867 Epinephelus sp. 0 0 0 0 Katsuwonus sp. 3288 424 1000 2000 Penaeus spp. 22214 6193 14975 0 Anguilla sp. 0 4598 0 0 Eleutheronema tetradactylum 3509 576 3000 0 Coilia sp. 6594 4988 8999 0 Nemapteryx sp. 2221 0 7802 0 Otolithoides sp. 4562 1953 6809 0 Kajikia sp. 2462 11691 14778 4401 Aetomylaeus sp. 5988 3111 11202 0 Auxis sp. 0 0 0 15880 Aspidoparia sp. 5260 8986 9575 4599 Rastrelliger sp. 0 0 0 22399 Lates calcarifer 0 3288 4923 0 Hexanematichthys sp. 0 0 0 0 Plotosus sp. 0 4577 0 0 Acanthopagrus sp. 0 0 0 0 Pangasius sp. 999 0 0 0 Coryphaena sp. 0 0 0 0 Pampus sp. 0 0 0 0 Harpadon nehereus 0 0 0 0 Escualosa sp. 5692 0 0 0 Heteropriacanthus sp. 0 0 0 0 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 462 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) S 15 15 13 7 N 105883 66313 168751 192964 Catch Diversity Index 2.445 2.5054 1.978 1.0079 IV. DISCUSSION Bangladesh has rich fish diversity owing to presence of a long coastal stretch somewhere studded with mangroves. The fish catch of the fish landing stations serves as a first order analytical tool for fish diversity evaluation. The common species observed in the catch basket are attached as Annexure A. Out of a total 27 commonly caught fish species, the dominance of Tenualosa ilisha, Dussumieria acuta, Kajikia sp., Aspidoparia sp. is noted. Penaeus spp. are also caught, but their complete absence in June is a striking feature, which speaks of the seasonal affinity of the species in the water bodies. June is the onset of monsoon, which is characterised by low salinity and hence many stenohaline species cannot adjust to high dilution factor of the aquatic phase. ANOVA carried out with Catch Diversity Index shows significant variations between years and months (p < 0.05) (Table 3). This may be attributed to change in the water quality due to climate variation as witnessed in Indian part of Sundarbans (Mitra, 2013; Mitra and Zaman, 2014; Mitra and Zaman, 2015; Mitra and Zaman, 2015). However, there is high probability that factors like pollution and other anthropogenic parameters create a ‘noise’ in the overall scenario of compositional variation of fishes in the Patharghata fish landing station (as anthropogenic factors with their magnitude have not been considered in this paper). A more critical analysis considering the continuous data bank and covering all seasons along with surrounding anthropogenic factors may drive the work towards the lane of climate change. Table 3: Temporal variation of Catch Diversity Index (CDI) Source of Variation Between Years SS df 0.8537 1 98 Between Months Error 2.5139 86 0.0311 0.0103 3 97 3.3989 7 47 P-value 82.117 33 0.8379 3 92 F 0.8537 98 58 Total MS F crit 0.0028 39 10.127 96 80.596 0.0022 9.2766 56 95 28 Comment: There are significant variations in CDI of fish species in Bangladesh between years and stations (p < 0.05) REFERENCES [1] Carpelan LH (1967) Invertebrates in Relation to Hypersaline Habitats. Invertebrates in Super saline waters. University of Texas Contribution Marine Science 12: 219-229. [2] Copeland BJ (1967) Environmental Characteristics of Hypersaline Lagoons. University of Texas Contribution Marine Science 12: 207- 218. [3] Hammer UT (1986) Saline Lake Ecosystems of the world. Dr. W Junk Publishers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. [4] IPCC (1996) The Regional Impacts of Climate Change. WG II, Chapter 6. Executive Summary. [5] Mitra, A. (2013) In: Sensitivity of Mangrove ecosystem to changing Climate. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-; 81-3221509-7, 323. [6] Mitra, A. & Zaman, S. (2014) Carbon Sequestration by Coastal Floral Community. Published by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) TERI Press, India. [7] Mitra, A. & Zaman, S. (2015) Blue carbon reservoir of the blue planet. Published by Springer. ISBN 978-81-322-2106-7 (Springer DOI 10.1007/978- 81-322-2107-4). [8] Mitra, A. & Zaman, S. (2016) Basics of Marine and Estuarine Ecology. Springer. ISBN 978-81- 322-2705-2. Annexure A Common Name Scientific Name Hilsha Tenualosa ilisha JETIR1906995 Pictures Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 463 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 Taposy Polynemus paradiseus Tular dadi Sillaginopsis sp. Dhella Dussumieria acuta Boll Epinephelus sp. Tunna Katsuwonus sp. Shrimp Penaeus sp. Byne Anguilla sp. Lakka Eleutheronema tetradactylum Bairagi Coilia sp. JETIR1906995 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 464 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 Kanta Nemapteryx sp. Poma Otolithoides sp. Golpata Kajikia sp. Shapla Pata Aetomylaeus sp. Surma Auxis sp. Rass Aspidoparia sp. Kauwa Rastrelliger sp. Koral Lates calcarifer Med Hexanematichthys sp. JETIR1906995 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 465 © 2019 JETIR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6 Mochon Plotosus sp. Jaba Acanthopagrus sp. Pangas Pangasius sp. Dolphin Fish Coryphaena sp. Rupchada Pampus sp. Loitta Harpadon nehereus Gober ati Escualosa sp. Rangachokha Heteropriacanthus sp. JETIR1906995 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 466