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Internship Report Submitted for the partial fulfilment of B.A.(honours) 8th semester examinations, 2016 Submitted by Examination Roll-3004 Session: 2012-2013 Department of Information Science & Library Management University of Dhaka 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost I would like to express my thanks to Allah of His love and strength that He has given to me to finish this logbook as my internship report. An internship is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. I consider myself very lucky and honoured to have so many wonderful people lead me through in completion of this internship. I thank to those who have supported me to perform the job training up to carrying out this report. Hereby, first I want to give my special thanks to our course co-coordinator Dr. S.M. Zabed Ahmed, Professor of Information Science and Library Management Department, University of Dhaka. I wish to express deep sense of gratitude to our honourable Sir Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman of Information Science and Library Management Department, University of Dhaka for his kind advice, motivation and cooperation. I express my deepest thanks to my internship supervisor Sir Dr. Md. Nasnshiruddin Munshi, Associate Professor of Information Science and Library Management Department, University of Dhaka for his scholastic guidance, valuable instructions, constructive criticism and help in carrying out this training work from the very successful completion. I would like to express my heart full gratitude for the patience, encouragement and support, to all of the professional, staffs and personnel of Dhaka University Central Library for providing me such an opportunity to learn about practical experience on library activities and all of the professionals and staffs of Dhaka University Science Library for guiding us in bibliographical data entry of books on Koha software. I am highly grateful to Sir Dr. S. M. Zabed Ahmed acting as a librarian at the Dhaka University Library. I am grateful to all my teachers of the Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka for their helpfulness, valuable suggestions and providing necessary information to complete the report perfectly. I would like to further thank to all my classmates for sharing their experiences, time and commitment especially during finishing this internship program. Md. Selim Reza Bappy Examination Roll No. : 3004 Session: 2012‐2013 Examination Year: 2016 List of Contents Contents Page No. Acknowledgement i List of Tables iii List of Figures iii List of Abbreviations vi Chapter-I: Introduction 1-5 1.1 Preamble 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Rationale of the study 2 1.4 Objectives 2 1.5 Methodology 3 1.6 Schedule of Internship 4 1.7 Organizational structure of the report 5 Chapter-II: Overview of DUL 7-18 Chapter-III: Koha: Some observations and experiences 20-39 Chapter-IV: Acquisition Section 41-49 Chapter-V: Processing Section 51-57 Chapter-VI: Circulation section 59-65 Chapter-VII: Reference Section 67-69 Chapter- VIII: Other sections 71-82 8.1 Planning and Development Section 71 8.2 Manuscript Section 74 8.3 Reprography Section 75 8.4 Accounts Section 78 8.5 Administration Section 79 8.6 Periodicals Section 80 Chapter-IX: Recommendations and Conclusion 84-87 References 89 List of Tables Table No. Table Name Page No. Table 1.1 Schedule of the Internship 4 Table 2.1 Background of DUCL 7 Table 2.2 Library Opening Hours 7 Table 2.3 DUL Collection 9 Table 2.4 Accommodation system of DUCL 11 Table 2.5 Accommodation system of Dhaka University Science Library 13 Table 4.1 Members of Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) 45 Table 6.1 Status of Book Lending Limit, Duration and Fine Details 65 Table 8.1 Charges for Reprographic Facilities 77 List of Figures Figures no. Figures name Page no. Fig. 2.1 Dhaka University Central Library 9 Fig. 2.2 Dhaka University Science Library 9 Fig. 2.3 Main Library Building layout 11 Fig. 2.4 Administrative building layout 12 Fig. 2.5 Science Library Building layout 13 Fig. 2.6 Diagrammatic Presentation of Library Personnel 18 Fig. 3.1 Logo of Koha 21 Fig. 3.2 System Overview 22 Fig. 3.3 Server information of Koha software in DUL 23 Fig. 3.4 First interface form which we start working on Koha 24 Fig. 3.5 Ways of Bibliographical Data entry either by “New record” or “New from Z39.50/SRU 24 Fig. 3.6 Searching book‟s availability in other libraries on Z39.50/SRU 25 Fig. 3.7 Import of book‟s bibliographical information from other libraries by Z39.50/SRU 25 Fig. 3.8 Staring New record of bibliographical data entry of books 26 Fig. 3.9.1 MARC Field 0## (000-015) 26 Fig. 3.9.2 MARC Field 008 27 Fig. 3.9.3 MARC Field 0## (016-028) 28 Fig. 3.9.4 MARC Field 0## (035-086) 28 Fig. 3.10 MARC Field 1## (100-130) 29 Fig. 3.11 MARC Field 2## (210-270) 30 Fig. 3.12 MARC Field 3## (300-365) 31 Fig. 3.13 MARC Field 4## (440-490) 32 Fig. 3.14 MARC Field 5## (500-505) is shown only 33 Fig. 3.15 MARC Field 6## (600-650) is shown only 34 Fig. 3.16 MARC Field 7## (700-720) is shown only 35 Fig. 3.17 MARC Field 8## (800-899) 36 Fig. 3.18 MARC Field 9## (906-942) 37 Fig. 3.19 Add Item process on Koha software 38 Fig. 3.20 Normal view of bibliographical data of an entered book in Koha software 39 Fig. 4.1 Library Administration Budget 43 Fig. 4.2 Library Materials Procurement and Maintenance Budget 44 Fig. 4.3 Tender Notice 2014-15 47 Fig. 4.4 Accession Register of DUL 48 Fig. 4.5 Interface of the Acquisition Module 48 Fig. 4.6 Workflow of Acquisition section 49 Fig. 5.1 Example of a manual Catalogue card 54 Fig. 5.2 The interface of Library Automation Software 55 Fig. 5.3 Interface of „search key‟ and „edit‟ books if necessary 56 Fig. 5.4 Interface of „import From Marc‟ or „Entry‟ of materials 56 Fig. 5.5 Interface of how to entry data by Author, Title, Imprint, Control, Subject, Accession, PhyDes, Notes then Click „save‟ button to save the data 57 Fig. 6.1 Circulation Section 59 Fig. 6.2 Users required materials searching interface 60 Fig. 6.3 Card catalog searching desks for users 61 Fig. 6.4 Sample of a book card 61 Fig. 6.5 Sample of a borrowers card 62 Fig. 6.6 Sample of an index card 62 Fig. 6.7 Book issue card for students 63 Fig. 6.8 Automated circulation module 64 Fig. 6.9 Issue Process in automated circulation 64 Fig. 7.1 Newspaper desk 68 Fig. 8.1 Searching for spine label 72 Fig. 8.2 Spine Label 73 Fig. 8.3 Barcode Label 73 Fig. 8.4 Manuscript 74 Fig. 8.5 Microfilm and its preserving box 75 Fig. 8.6 Index of microfilms 76 Fig. 8.7 Microfilm Reader 76 Fig. 8.9 Microfilm recorder 77 Fig. 8.10 User Interface for Access to the Online Journals 82 List of Abbreviations AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting AACR‐2 Anglo‐American Cataloguing Rules‐ 2nd Edition A2A Access to Archives A2i Access to Information AAD Access to Archival Database ACM Association for Computer Machinery AGORA Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture AI Artificial Intelligence ALA American Library Association ALISE Association for Library and Information Science Education. ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit AV Audio Visual BALID Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documenters B.A. Bachelor of Arts BANGLAJOL Bangladesh Journal Online BAS Bangladesh Academy of Sciences BIPC Bangladesh INASP-PERI Consortium CAD Cash Against Delivery CAS Current Awareness Service CD-ROM Compact Disk- Read Only Memory CPU Central Processing Unit DDC Dewey Decimal Classification DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journal DFD Data Flow Diagram DU Dhaka University DUCL Dhaka University Central Library DUL Dhaka University Library DULAP Dhaka University Library Automation Project DULIB Dhaka University Library Software DULIS Dhaka University Library Integrated Software DUP Dhaka University Press FTP File Transfer Protocol GLAS Graphical Library Automation System GBP Great Britain Pound HINARI Health Inter Network Access to Research Initiative HTTP Hyper text Transfer Protocol INASP International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications ISBN International Standard Book Number ISIS Integrated Set for Information Systems ISL Integrated Library Software ISLM Information Science & Library Management ISSN International Standard Serial Number LAB Library Association of Bangladesh LAN Local Area Network LC Library of Congress LCC Library of Congress Classification L/C Letter of Credit MARC Machine Readable Cataloguing OAC Open Access Catalog OAR Open Access Repository OCLC Online Computer Library Center ODLIS Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue PC Personal Computer PDF Portable Document Format PERI Program for Enhancement of Research Information RC Remote Control RFID Radio Frequency Identification SDI Selective Dissemination of Information SH Subject Heading TK Taka UDC Universal Decimal Classification UGC University Grand Commission ULC University Library Committee UNDP United Nations Development Program USD United states Dollar WWW World Wide Web Introduction 1.1 Preamble A library is a building or room or virtual space containing collection of books and other related sources of information for serving the people of the community. Library is now a very popular term for the mass people. It is now a vital social institution. No community is considered complete without a library. The spread of democracy, the extension of education, the intensification of research activities and the rapid increase in the production of recorded knowledge, have led to the enormous expansion of libraries and the development of their services. Education and library are the two fundamentally related term where no good results is possible with the existence of any of this. Library education means making a qualified librarians or information professional through organized and structured way with proper training. To make the library at the top of users finger library education is must be needed. According to UNESCO, the goal of library education is to develop professionals who are qualified to establish, manage, operate and evaluate user-oriented information systems and services (Large, 1987). Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, President of India, International Conference on Digital Libraries: Knowledge creation, preservation, access, and management on 24-27 February 2004 keynote address conclusion, said that Digital Library is a national mission. We should see that all the schools, colleges, and universities digitize their libraries in their own native languages and connect to the outside world within 4 years. We have to ensure availability of fiber optic cables, satellite communication and wireless infrastructure especially in remote areas. It is also essential to realize high bandwidth technology like Multiple 10 Giga Bits connectivity across the country. The topic of “ Digital Libraries” is currently the subject of worldwide debate and research. To some simply suggests “ Computerization of traditional libraries” to others, who have studied Information Science and Library Management, it calls for carrying out the function of libraries in a new way encompassing new types of information resources, new approaches to acquisition, new methods of storage and preservation, new approaches to classification and cataloguing, new modes of interaction with and for patrons more reliance on electronic system and networks and dramatic shifts in intellectual organizational and economic practices. A library is now providing a lot of technology oriented services for the user of its community. People can access a library and use its resources from anywhere of the world through the internet. 1.2 Background of this Study : As a mandatory part of the BA (Honors) Program, all the students of Information Science & Library Management, University of Dhaka have to complete this internship program. After this internship program each and every students have to submit an internship report mentioning their activities during the internship program under a supervisor. This internship program at the Dhaka University Library started on 14th December 2014 and finished on 20th January 2015 (30 working Days). All the students were divided into three groups to participate in all the section of DUL in an effective manner. At the end of this program, internship report (2 copies) on the overall functions and activities of Dhaka University Library (DUL) is to be submitted as partial fulfillment of the B.A. (Honors) 8th Semester Examination. 1.3 Rationale of the study: Theoretical knowledge is not at all in this era to provide efficient working ability in job life. Theoretical knowledge along with practical knowledge is crucial for any level of education and this combination comes through internship. The internship program at Dhaka University Library (DUL) is designed by the department of Information Science and Library Management to focus on the practical aspects of the library functioning and services. This internship program will help students to relate their theoretical knowledge with practical observations. It helps in acquiring practical experiences in different sections of the library. Through this study the present status of the library and its overall deficiencies could be identified and the possible solution may also be determined. 1.4 Objective of the study: The main objective of the study is to earn practical knowledge about the systems and services of The Dhaka University Library through direct participation and/or observation in the different sections of the library as an intern. This study is an opportunity to integrate career related experience into an undergraduate education by participating in planned, supervised work. The objectives of this study are to experience the theoretical knowledge at working level and identify the differences between the practical and theoretical aspects of knowledge. This objective may further be clarified as follows: To develop an overall idea about DUL services. To observe how the library activities are done in the library. To assess the existing condition of library resources and services. To gain practical experience by working on special projects. To measure the strengths and weakness of DUL. To measure the level of service providing by the staffs of the library. To identify major problems and their possible solutions. To discover the methods used in terms of processing of library reading materials. To evaluate the efficiency of the new library website. To investigate the existing condition of the library stack area. To realize the rich manuscript collection of the library. To provide career awareness for the students. Methodology : The success of a research work largely depends upon the methodology selected to conduct the whole process. I have used basically observation method and some concerned tools in this internship. The following methods were adopted for completing the present study: i. Observation: I have applied observation method because this method is very important to gather reliable data correctly. Through this method I obtain the required data by directly observing library personnel performing activities in their workplace. ii. Literature Review: Existing literatures on the topic were studied and reviewed to examine the status of library and information system of the Dhaka University Library. A comprehensive bibliography of the available literature has been compiled, and given at the end of the report. iii. Sampling: I had a daily dairy, financial Statements of DUL, Review of existing official files, documents, Website of DUL and Various educational websites, computerized screens and previous internship report etc. iv. Direct Participation: Direct participation in any work is very important to know and learn about the actual work process. I had observed the systems and services of the library and worked with the officers simultaneously. Direct participation also help me for making „activities and experience of the library‟ section. v. Personal Contact: I have gathered information by having personal contact with the library officers and employees by visiting different sections. This active method helps me to connect with the library personnel very closely and reveal how to work efficiently. vi. Personal Interview: Personal interview constructed to collected information from the concerned personnel through face-to-face interaction to clarify my concept about the major library operations. vii. Questionnaire: Basically unstructured questionnaire used in this internship. 1.6 Schedule of Internship: We were divided into Four groups where I was in Group-1. According to my group schedule the working time is shown below:  Work hour : Every day from Sunday to Thursday in both DU Central Library & Science Library: 1st session : 8.00 AM to 12.00 PM 2nd session : 12.00 PM to 2.00 PM Exception : Friday and Saturday.  Working duration: 1st January 2017 to 31st January, 2017 (except Friday and Saturday) Date Section Group Time 01 to 31 January-2017 (Except Friday and Saturday) Reader service 1,2,3 and 4 9:00 AM -1:00 PM 4,5,8 & 9 January-2017 Reprography 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Science Library 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 10,11,12 & 15 January-2017 Reprography 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Science Library 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 16 &17 January-2017 Acquisition 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Manuscript 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 18 & 19 January-2017 Acquisition 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Manuscript 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 22 & 23 January-2017 Planning and Development 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Processing 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 24 & 25 January-2017 Planning and Development 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Processing 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 26 & 29 January-2017 Accounts 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Administration 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM 30 & 31 January-2017 Accounts 3 & 4 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Administration 1 & 2 2:00 AM - 5:00 PM Table-1.1: Schedule of the Internship 1.7 Organizational structure of the report: The text of the report has been organized by a logical progression in the following nine chapters including major references: Chapter-I: Chapter one is devoted to the preamble of the study, rationale, objectives, methodology, and schedule of internship applied to the study and organization. Chapter-II: Chapter Two deals with the background and present condition of the Dhaka University Library. Chapter-III: Chapter III covers our working experience on Koha software in Science Library by providing computer screen capture of our working procedure. Chapter-IV: Chapter IV discusses about the methods and procedures carried out by the acquisition section for the acquisition of library reading materials. Chapter-V: Chapter V consists of the processes followed by the processing section to classify and catalogue the library reading materials and how this section operating data entry in DUL software. Chapter-VI: Chapter VI covers the activities of the circulation desk which is also considered as readers service, in order to manage the circulation of library materials among different types of library users. Chapter-VII: Chapter VII represents the existing status of the reference section and the services of this section provided to the library users. Chapter-VIII: Chapter VIII discusses about our experience and observation in other sections of such as planning and development, manuscript, reprography, accounts and Administration, periodicals sections of DUCL. Chapter-IX: Chapter IX serves the recommendations and conclusion of the study. Overview of DUL 2.1 Dhaka University Library (DUL): Established 1921 Starting collection 18000 books (inherited form the library of Dhaka college and Dhaka law college) Type Academic Library Location University of Dhaka First Librarian F.C. Turner First professional librarian M.S.Khan Present Collectiom The library has now about 7 lakh volume of books and bound journals. Moreover, it has over 30,000 rare and old manuscripts, numerous microfilms and microfiches Website http://www.library.ac.bd Table 2.1: Background of DUCL The Dhaka University Library is the central library of the University of Dhaka which started in 1921 with a collection of eighteen thousand(18,000) books received from Dhaka College and Law College. The Library now has over about seven lakh(7,00,000) books and journals. Dhaka university library is the biggest library among the public university libraries in Bangladesh. It is also the largest libraries in Bangladesh that has been playing a critical role in the expansion of higher education and research the country since the beginning of its construction. It has great value to the researcher and scholars as a knowledge repository. It serves so many researchers and students with its huge amount of rich collection. No other library in Bangladesh has such rich collection. 2.2 Background of DUL: The Dhaka University Library (DUL), established in 1921 with its parent organization on the 1st of July, 1921 with 18,000 books inherited from the libraries of the former Dhaka College and Dhaka Law College. F.C. Turner, the former principal of Dhaka College was the first librarian of the Dhaka University Library and Fakhruddin Ahmed succeeded him in the post in 1922. (Dhaka University Website). The library began in 1921 with 877 students, 60 teachers of 12 departments under three faculties art, science and law. Then the library was placed in the premises of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital and later it was transferred in the ground floor of a building situated at the north bank of the pond of Curzon Hall premises. Later, the library was transferred into the present Central Library Building. The former principal of Dhaka Collage was the first librarian of the Dhaka University Library (Wikipedia). 2001, a total of 185 persons were employed in the Dhaka University library (Mostafa,2004:124). The major financial sources for the libraries are the grants from the University Grants Commission (UGC) and minor sources of income include amounts collected as overdue charges from readers as well as money raised by the disposal of unwanted materials. Dhaka University library is known to have a stock of half a million of monographs, books, manuscripts, periodicals, microforms, and rare books with different types of special collections. 2.3 Library Collection: According to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan‟s law “Library is a growing organism”. Since DUL library collection has grown steadily. At present the Dhaka University Library about 7,00,000 books and magazines. Besides that the Library has 30,000 rare manuscript; 20,000 old and rare books and large number of Tracts (booklets, leaflets, pamphlets, and puthis). Some rare books and documents have also been collected in microform. In the same way, rare books and reports, puthis, Bengali Tracts and private collection of Buchanan on Bengal have been acquired from the British museum (Dhaka University Website). There are 265 titles of journals amongst which foreign 173, local 22 and gratis are 70. Some rare books and documents have also been collected in microform (microfilm and microfiche).For online facilities of foreign journals; an amount of US$ 18,000 has been paid as subscription to the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS). As a result, the teachers, researchers and students will be able to read and download more than 22 thousand foreign journals of 37 publishers. The library is enriched with available reference materials such as atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, annual reports, statistical year books and other publications. Dhaka University Library is also developing Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) terminals. After the majority of the retrospective data is captured on a computer (approximately 100,000) the Dhaka University Library staff started offering OPAC for users to browse the catalogue. Internet browsing facilities for research development is being developed as well. 2.4 Library types and location: Central library (located at the east side of Art’s building, south east side of social science building) Fig. 2.1 Dhaka University Central Library Science library (located in Mokarram Bhaban which is opposite of center of Physical Education of Dhaka University) Fig. 2.2 Dhaka University Science Library 2.5 Dhaka University Library (DUL) Layout: Dhaka University Library (DUL) is designed and divided into three sectors. The present total measurement of the buildings is 1,50,830 square feet but earlier, the total measurement of the Dhaka University Library was1,40,750 square feet. It is constructed out of bricks and cement with wide windows and space (Wikipedia). All the activities of the library are performed from three separate buildings where the first two buildings are under DUCL- Main library building Administrative building and Science library building. 2.5.1 Main library building: The ground floor of the main library building consists of the circulation desk, the reference room, the bound periodicals room, the news paper reading room, a rare books reading room, the Muktijuddho (War of Liberation) cell, the UN collections and the American Studies Corner, Korean corner etc. The computing division of the library which provides internet browsing facilities for students and faculty members and an online catalogue is also located in the ground floor. The Magazine floor of the library displays current journals. The first floor of the library includes reading rooms and books of thirteen disciplines viz. Sociology, Statistics, Political Science, Economics, Law, History, International Relations, Philosophy, Geography, Journalism, Anthropology, Social Welfare and Public Administration. The second floor of the library consists of reading rooms and books of fourteen disciplines, viz. Information Science and Library Management, Psychology, Religion, Linguistics, Business Administration, English, Bengali, Islamic History and Culture, Arabic, Urdu and Persian, Sanskrit and Pali, Islamic Studies. There are some reading rooms in the second floor. Here three hundred students can read at a time issuing books of above disciplines from the stack area. There is also a separate reading room for female students. The reading rooms are air-conditioned. There is a computer for students in the issue counter for searching books. There are nine carrels for teachers and researchers in the stack area. They can have this allotted for three months for their research purpose. On the other hand there are six chair-tables near the carrels for teachers. There is also a photocopy unit in the second floor. 2.6 Library Facilities: Printing: The computer printing service is only available in the Dhaka University library reprography section. CD/DVD Write: Only old and rare manuscripts, microfilm and microfiche in digital form are available for CD/DVD Write. Photocopy Service: The photocopy services are offered from the following locations: Main Library Building: Reading Room – 1st Floor Reading Room – 2nd Floor Administrative Building: Periodical Section – Ground Floor Reprography Section – 2nd Floor Science Library Building: Xerox section - Ground Floor Carrel Booking: Carrels are available in the main library that can only be reserved by the faculty members or researchers for higher studies. Online Catalogue Search: Computer terminals are available for use by faculty members and students to search the library OPAC. Borrowers‟ ID card: Faculty members, students and other library users need digital borrowers‟ ID card to use the library. Teachers‟ Book Issue Counter: Books can be issued, renewed and returned from this counter using automated system. A digital borrower‟s ID card is required. Cyber Centre: The Cyber Centre is located on the south side of the ground floor at Administrative Building. Resource Centre: A modern and international standard Resource Centre for Visually Impaired students is located on the ground floor of the Library Administrative Building. This Centre works in collaboration with the Sight Savers International for visually impaired students. The centre houses Braille Books, computers with specialized software and modern Braille Printers. Reading Rooms: Student Reading Room, Main library - First Floor The first floor of the Library consists of reading rooms and a books stack area. This floor contains books covering 12 disciplines eg.- Sociology, Statistics, Political Science, Economics, Law, History, Biography, Geography, Journalism, Anthropology, Social Welfare, and Public Administration. Student Reading Room, Main library - Second Floor The second floor of the library consists of reading rooms and a books stack area. This floor covers 11 disciplines e.g. - Information Science and Library Management, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Linguistics, Anthropology, Business Administration, English, Bengali, Arabic, Urdu and Persian. Student Reading Room, Science library - Ground Floor and First Floor Books and reading materials of the following disciplines are preserved in the stack area: Generalities, Cosmology, Psychology, Logic, Ethics (Moral Philosophy), Statistics, Pure Science, Mathematics, Astronomy and Allied Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Allied Sciences, Sciences of Earth and other worlds, Paleontology, Life Sciences, Botanical Sciences, Zoological Sciences, Technology (Applied Sciences), Medical Sciences, Engineering and Allied Operation, Agriculture and Related Technology, Home Economics and Family living, Chemical and related Technology, Manufactures, Buildings, General Geography and History, General Geography and Travel, General History of Ancient World, General History of Europe and General History of Asia. Reference Reading Room Main Library It is located on the south side of the ground floor of the main library building. Reference Collections provide comprehensive reference and research materials in the field of humanities, especially religion, philosophy, language, literature, art and history, as well as biography, bibliography, Encyclopedia, Dictionaries and current affairs. Reference and Thesis Room, Science Library Teachers and researchers can use thesis and reference tools from this room which are non-issuable. Periodicals Reading Room The periodicals section is located on the ground floor of the Administrative Building and Science Library Building. Library users can read journals in the bound volume. Archives, Rare Books and Special Collections Reading Room This room is located on the ground floor of the main library building. There are also confined books and documents available in Science Library. Current News Paper Reading Room Dhaka University library preserves all well-circulated daily newspapers in Bangladesh. Users can read these newspapers from 8am to 9pm in Main Library and Science Library. Old News Paper Reading Room Old and rare newspapers are preserved in the ground floor of the Administrative Building. These newspapers are only available in bound volume format Seminar Section Located on the ground floor of the Administrative Building. The students of Faculty of Arts, Law, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Education can issue one book from the Seminar Section. Manuscript Reading Room The library houses 30,000 handwritten manuscripts, many from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, in various languages and a large number of tracts (booklets, leaflets, pamphlets, and puthis) which are also preserved in microforms and CDs. Microfilm and Microfiche Reading Room Some old and rare documents are kept in microfilm or microfiche format which are preserved in reprography section. Personal Laptop: Library users can use their own laptops in the Library. Koha: Some observations and experiences 3.1 About Koha Software: The term “open source” refers to software that is free and that includes the original source code used to create it newly so that users can modify it to make it work better for them. Open source software may be free, a developer or distributor may charge for services, including special programming, installation, training, and technical support. Among various open source soft wares Koha is the most renowned one. Koha is the first free software library automation package. Koha is an open source Integrated Library System (ILS), used world-wide where more than 300 libraries are using Koha, including academic, public, school and special libraries in Africa, Australia, Canada, USA, France, India and, of course, New Zealand. Along with a committed team of programmers its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology. There is no cost for the license; we have the freedom to modify the product to adapt it to your needs, etc. The name comes from a Māori term for a gift or donation. 3.1.1 Development of Koha: Development of Koha started in New Zealand in 1999-2000 by a web development company called katipo communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand. Koha is developed using technologies like Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Apache and MySQL. It runs on Linux. Koha can be downloaded from the official site: www. koha-community.org. Koha is not a company - Koha is a world-wide project and a product. 3.1.2 History: From 2000, companies started providing commercial support for Koha, building to more than 20 today. In 2001, Paul Poulain (of Marseille, France) began adding many new features to Koha, most significantly support for multiple languages. By 2010, Koha has been translated from its original English into French, Chinese, Arabic and several other languages. Support for the cataloguing and search standards MARC and Z39.50 was added in 2002 and later sponsored by the Athens County Public Libraries. In France Paul Poulain co-founded BibLibre in 2007. In 2005, an Ohio-based company, Metavore, Inc., trading as LibLime, was established to support Koha and added many new features, including support for Zebra sponsored by the Crawford County Federated Library System. Zebra support increased the speed of searches as well as improving scalability to support tens of millions of bibliographic records. In 2007 a group of libraries in Vermont began testing the use of Koha for Vermont libraries. At first a separate implementation was created for each library. Then the Vermont Organization of Koha Automated Libraries (VOKAL) was organized to create one database to be used by libraries. This database was rolled out in 2011. Thirty-seven libraries have chosen to adopt Koha and moved to the shared production environment hosted and supported by Water Solutions. Previously Vermont used software from Follett. In 2011 the Spanish Ministry of Culture maintains KOBLI, a tailored version of Koha based on an earlier report 3.1.3 Features: Koha is web-based ILS, with a SQL database (MySQL preferred) backend with cataloguing data stored in MARC and it is built using library standards and protocols such as MARC 21, UNIMARC, Z39.50, SRU/SW, SIP2, SIP/NCIP, ensuring interoperability between Koha and other systems and technologies, while supporting existing workflows and tools. Koha has most of the features that would be expected in an ILS, including: Various Web 2.0 facilities like tagging, comment, Social sharing and RSS feeds Union catalog facility Customizable search Circulation and borrower management Full acquisitions system including budgets and pricing information (including supplier and currency conversion) Simple acquisitions system for the smaller library Ability to cope with any number of branches, patrons, patron categories, item categories, items, currencies and other data Serials system for magazines or newspapers Reporting Reading lists for members Fig. 3.1 Logo of Koha Koha software: at a glance: Koha Server Software: Server operating system: Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, MacOS, or other UNIX. Web server: Apache. Programming language: Perl. Database: MySQL. Koha Client Software: Koha requires a recent Internet browser. Mozilla is advised, but not obligatory. (Koha works with Internet Explorer.). Certain data validity checks are made on the client machine, JavaScript must be enabled. The public interface (OPAC) conforms to XHTML1.0 standards: the utility is thus compatible with alternate browsers. In particular, the OPAC can be used by people needing special assistive technology (Braille browsers, voice synthesis, text-based browsers, etc.). 3.1.4 Latest Version of Koha: The latest version of Koha which is used mostly now a day is LibLime Koha. LibLime Koha is web based, so there is no software to install on desktop computers, and LibLime hosting services means that no servers are required in the libraries. LibLime's IT experts manage all upgrades, backups and general system maintenance, and the Library's local IT staff can focus on the Library's many other projects. Fig. 3.2 System Overview ACQUISITION SECTION 4.1 Acquisition section: Acquisition section is an important section of the library. This section is in the first floor of the Administrative Building. Books and other library materials are procured in library through acquisition section. Books and journals of all Departments of the University are also procured by this section and after processing, copies of newly collected books are sent in the relevant departmental seminars as per the request of the chairman. It is also responsible for receiving materials through donation, gifts and exchanges. The last one is still not very well developed. It is hampered by inadequate inter library loan policy and initiatives. With the help of the university teaching departments, this section is responsible for the implementation of the University‟s acquisition policy. Harrods Librarians‟ Glossary defined Acquisition as, “The process of obtaining books and other documents for a library, documentation centre or archive”. The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science defined Acquisition Department as, “The administrative unit of a library which performs acquisition services”. As books makeup a vital part of the stock of the library, acquisition is regarded as fundamental function of a library. We were assigned for two days on 5 & 6 January, 2015 in acquisition section. During this time, Sir Md. Abdul Rashid, Deputy Librarian, who is the head of this section, provided us valuable information about how this section is working for DUL. 4.2 Collection building process of acquisition section: Dhaka University library mainly acquire documents by three ways among which last one has no implication or practice because of many constraints. However, the three ways are:  Purchase  Gifts or Donations  Exchange 4.3 Activities of acquisition section: There are basically two types of works in acquisition section. These are:  Procedure for acquisition of materials  Procedures after acquisition of materials 4.3.1 Procedure for Acquisition: In the Dhaka University Library the process of purchasing books is completed in three phases. They are as follows:  Budget Allocation  Book selection process  Procurement of Books Budget Allocation: In every fiscal year a budged is allocated to Dhaka University form the government approved by UGC. From this budget an amount is sanctioned for the Dhaka university library for procuring materials, maintenance activities and for payment of staffs. From this amount, an amount is fixed for the purchase of books in library. The 60% of the total procurement budget is allotted for books and 40% is allocated for the journals. After making the budget, deans of each faculty allocate the amount of money among departments of the university by the sub-committee of library committee (Deans convening meeting). Every department gets an amount of 50,000 taka each for the procurement of books and journals. Then the amount is re-allocated considering the number of students of the departments and the price of the books and journals of the departments. In the fiscal year of 2014-15 a total amount of 814.83 lacs taka has been allocated for the library for procuring materials, maintenance activities and for payment of staffs. (Revenue and development budget of 2014-15 Fiscal year, DU) Process for Budget Allocation: The approval of budget allocation process is done in the following phases:  The budget is passed in the Dhaka University Senate.  The Deans of the Faculties of Dhaka University allocates the budgets among the departments.  Library Committee (LC) checks the budget and gives recommendations to the Finance Committee (FC)  Finance Committee checks the budget and gives recommendations to the Dhaka University Syndicate.  Dhaka University Syndicate checks the budget and gives the approval.  Budget Allocation for 2014-15 Fiscal Year: Every year an amount is earmarked in the annual budget for procurement of books & journals of all the departments of the University. The budgetary amount increases or decreases as per pecuniary situation of the University. Generally, it increases after particular intervals; say after 1 year, or 2 years, 3 years etc. In 2014-2015 fiscal year, the total budget for procurement of books and journals (excluding the salary of the staffs) is 215.00 lacs tk. The whole budget of the library from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015 is collected by taking sample from the Revenue and Development Budget 2014-2015 as a snap shot and just the part of budget for library is mentioned below : Fig. 4.1 Library Administration Budget Fig. 4.2 Library Materials Procurement and Maintenance Budget Book selection process: The process for the procurement of books goes by the following steps:  At first, a letter is sent to each department (total 75 dept.) to the departmental head from the acquisition section by asking their demands for book.  If department does not give any response, then the section gives a reminder message to the department.  Then each department provide list of required materials to the acquisition section.  If book list exceeds the amount of certain budget then, a letter is sent to department again.  Again, then department send a list of needed books which does not exceeds the budget Otherwise acquisition section will procure books according to their own consideration.  Then library authority finally selects the book according to the requirement of the dept. which doesn‟t exceed the budget.  Apart departmental requirements, the Librarian can procure only reference books at his own discretion Processing Section Circulation Section Reference Section 7.1 Reference Section: It refers to the provision and organization of the reference work by a library. It is the personalized assistance rendered by the library staff to the users in finding information in connection with their study and research. It is also known as “information service” in modern context. Motto of reference service, “Right information to the right users at the right time in right personal way”. It is also said, “I don‟t know, but who knows I know”. Reference section is mainly used to refer a person to a place or person where his / her required information is available. The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science defined Reference Department as, “The department of a library which supplies information requested by library users and assists users in locating needed information, using all available reference sources, and performs other information services”. 7.2 Types of Reference Service: There are two types of reference services: 1. Ready reference service: The Ready Reference Service is done by supplying readily available materials. 2. Long range reference service. That takes time to prepare information for users. Is service is not available in DUCL. 7.3 About the facilities of Reference Section: It is situated in the south side of the ground floor. It also provides the following facilities: It provides reading room facilities. Sixty readers can use reference materials at a time here. Most of the reference materials are kept in open shelves. Usually old and bound journals are kept in shelves in the reference section. Teachers, researchers and students can use those according to their needs. Others section 8.5 Administration Section: The Administrative section is in the second floor of the administrative building. All sorts of administrative activities are performed here. This section caters all the administrative needs of the whole library. The administration section is headed by S.M.Zabed Ahmed, librarian of Dhaka University Central Library. We were assigned here for only one day on 18 January, 2015. 8.5.1 Activities:  Recruitment of 3rd class employees, 4th class employees.  Maintenance of personal files of all officers, class-III and class-IV employees.  Maintenance of all official records / documents.  Preparation of annual report both in Bengali and English.  Convention of meetings of all committees including Library Committee and writing proceedings thereof.  Disciplinary actions taken against the employees.  Sending recommendation to the higher authority for promotion.  Organizing the records of diploma and internship works.  Preparation and sending letters.  Preparation of the statement according to the qualification of the candidates for job.  Staffs leave record keeping.  Assign duty of all the employees. 8.5.2 Manpower: It has total 243 manpower available among which: Deputy Librarians are: 20 Assistant Librarians are: 22 Senior technical officers are: 4 Junior Librarians are: 17 Other officers are: 25 Total Officers are: 88 3rd class employees are: 62 4th class employees 93 Total Manpower: 243 8.6 Periodical section: In the recent years the most valuable resources of the Dhaka University Library is its periodicals collection. The DUL has a rich collection of printed periodicals which are now in bound volume form and can be accessed openly. Besides acquiring hard copy of periodicals the periodical section is now subscribing online journals through an online journal consortium. The Periodical Section is mainly situated in the 1st floor of the administrative building and the recently collected periodicals are displayed here and can be read by submitting library card. In the ground floor of the Administrative Building, the bound volume of periodicals are kept in open shelves and can be read in the reading room. Here 40 readers can read at a time. There is a unit of the reprography section from where users can take photocopy. We were placed here for two days on 19 and 20 January, 2015. In this time, head of this section Deputy Librarian Sir Md. Nazrul Islam had given us an overall idea about this section. 8.6.1 Procedure for Collecting Printed Periodicals: The periodical section collected printed journals in a large number in the past. For example it has collected 265 titles of periodicals in the session 2010-11 and among them 173 are foreign, 22 are local and 70 are foreign-local mixed which came by donations. But recently the subscription of printed journals is reduced and in recent future it may be totally stopped due to the subscription of online journals. However, the Periodical Section follows the following steps to subscribe the printed journal:  At first a letter is sent to department and department reply a list with 40% journal and 60% book.  According to the departmental list the periodical section prepare a faculty wise list of journals.  Then an advertisement of tender is published. Tender is given to the supplier who offer large discount along with better services.  Journals are subscribed by CAD.  The current journals are kept for 6 months and all the journal are kept in the first floor for one year and can be accessed by the user through the submission of their library card.  After a year, when a volume is completed, then it is sent to binding section and then acquisition and processing section.  After all of these functions, a volume is kept in the periodicals stack and reading room.  Free or gifted books and journals are received from this section. 8.6.2 Subscription of online journals: All periodical references especially journals related all information can be found from ULRICH‟S Periodical Directories. Bowker is the publisher of ULRICH‟S Periodical Directories. The Dhaka University Library subscribes online journals through the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS). At present BAS works with 58 institutions among which DUL is one. Online payment is paid by a consortium and BAS (Bangladesh Academy of Science) deals with it. An amount of US $ 18,000.00 is paid to Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) every year as subscription of Online Journals. Generally, DUCL subscribes online journals through the institution of INASP-PERI. This initiative started from the year 2007. At present there is no local hosting of resources. They are accessible from publisher‟s web-sites. There are total 37 publishers for online journal (about 22,000 journals) where teachers, students, researchers and other officers can free download. The Dhaka University Library also concentrates to build up a good collection of e-book to properly utilize its resources and to serve the user in the best possible way in order to increase greater accessibility to information in prompt. 8.6.3 Access to the Online Journals: The users can access the online journals and e-books through the library website. The resources subscribed through the BIPC can be accessed within the university network without ID and Password. But the titles from HINARI, AGORA and OARE can be accessed within the Dhaka University network using User ID and Password. Users should collect their User ID and Password from the Dhaka University Library. The users can also access the journals subscribed by the UGC through the library website. 8.6.4 Online Journals Accessible through the UGC: The University Grants Commission (UGC) took an initiative to collect online journal from different international online journal publishers and make them accessible to the users of the Public University Libraries. As a result the users of the DUL can access the online journals of the following e-journal publishers. Among them the first one is open access that is free of cost. Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ) ACM Digital Library Emerald JSTOR Fig. 8.10 User Interface for Access to the Online Journals Recommendation and Conclusion 9.1 Recommendations: Although, there are huge numbers of problems with Dhaka University Library, the solution is under control. Instead of all the limitations the Dhaka University Library is trying its best to serve their users by maintaining a minimum standard. The library has to maintain a good environment in the library with encouraging automated facilities to provide a comfortable atmosphere for using the library resources effectively. The government and the library authorities should take suitable measures for the improvement of the library. They have already took some important measures such as recruitment of staffs having background in Library and Information Science; introducing new library website and library automation software, institutional repository, open journal system, etc. which are already mentioned in the earlier chapter. However, the library authorities should take into consideration the reaction/opinions expressed by the respondents to take effective measure for providing better automation services in the library. After one month long internship program, I have noticed several problem of DUL during the factions and services. So some recommendations I have provided from my point of view that seek the kind consideration of the library authority which may be helpful for the better future of the library. The following recommendations are offered for working on Koha software and section wise: 9.1.1 Working on Koha software:  Not only in Science Library but also in DUCL, the Koha software should be implemented.  Before working on this software an orientation program should be held where a brief discussion will be held on this software.  Staff training program for Koha is must who will work on this software.  Computer number should be increased in order to provide working result quickly.  Computers should be maintained properly in order to avoid technical problems like unavailability of net connection during data entry, not showing screen on monitor, CPU problem etc.  Internet connection should be made fast to have better works from Koha. 9.1.2 Acquisition Section: There should be allocation of adequate budget for the procurement of books and other reading materials. The accession register should be maintained automatically. Professional skilled people should be appointed. The senior staff member should share their experience with the junior ones. The procedure of purchasing books and other reading materials should be made easy. The acquisition section should start performing their functions automatically by using the acquisition module of the software. 9.1.3 Processing Section: As it is one of the core sections of DUCL, professional skilled staffs should be appointed and also functions should be performed in a perfect way. Working area of this section should be increased. Proper cataloguing rules should be followed. Cutters‟ figure should be followed in determining author mark. Number of staff should be increased. Training should be provided in case of bibliographical data entry on DULIS properly. 9.1.4 Circulation Section: Staffs with high communication skill should be appointed on circulation desk. Library policy should be followed strictly by both the staffs and the users. The automated circulation should be introduced for all. The automatic issue and return by using the circulation module of the software should be performed in a skilled manner. They should use the exact Newark Charging System before being fully automated. The staffs should be trained on the operating of the barcode scanner and the software 9.1.5 Reference Section: Long range reference service should be provided to the user. There should be provision of reference module in the library automation software. Translation service should be provided. Reference materials should be increased. Computer, printer, barcode and related technological facilities should be introduced. Skilled reference librarian should be appointed. Skilled staffs with outstanding general knowledge should be appointed in this section. 9.1.6 Other Recommendations: The automation project should integrate the functions of all the sections of the library. The manuscript collections should be fully digitized by using CD-ROM technology so that the researcher can easily access them without any threat of being damaged by heavy use. The library should form a maintenance section to carry out stock verification and other type of maintenance activities. Library authority should facilitate Wi‐Fi Connection. So that users can cope up with the modern technological advancement which will make them capable to compete with the other renowned libraries throughout the world. The library should realize in case of new recruitment that the personnel must have sufficient subject knowledge and IT skill. The library management should concentrate on the development of skills of the existing staff by arranging regular training programs. It is essential for the personnel of Dhaka University Library to understand the use and the benefit of computerization and to know how to provide better library services. Number of computers should be increased. The major sections of the library (i.e. acquisition section, circulation section) should be accommodated in spacious rooms and should be equipped with required furniture‟s and equipments. Library should survey the user‟s interests every year or every two year to assess the demand of its legitimate users. The library should digitalize its existing materials and collect digital reading materials in a large scale. The library should develop full text databases for digitalized reading materials to provide access to its user in its digital resources. The library should offer internet browsing facilities for free. The library should take initiative to form information network among the public university libraries of Bangladesh so that the users can enjoy inter library loan facilities. Since the library has a good number of users who are conducting research so it may develop computerized SDI services for the researcher. The library should create awareness among the users to properly utilize its online journals and be highly beneficent from it by maintaining the rules for access. Library authority should take initiative about open shelves service so that students, teachers and researchers without doubt can collect their related reading materials using borrower ID card for their related books. The University syndicate should pay due attention to the library and allocate sufficient fund to support the growth and development of the Dhaka University Library. 9.2 Conclusion: DUL is one of the biggest academic libraries in Asia sub continent as well as in our country. It is an important institutional repository for the researcher as it contains valuable and rich collection Dhaka University has been playing a vital role in academic, socio‐economic, political and cultural affairs. It gears up to educate the lion share of population of the country. Most of the educationists, scientists, economists, politicians are generated from the Dhaka University. DUL caters to the need of all the teachers, researchers and students of the university. So, I think that, it is most essential to develop the library at any cost and should take the opportunity to modernize its services for its learned users. So, it was a great opportunity for the 4th year 8th semester students of the Department of Information Science and Library Management, DU to join in an internship program in the Dhaka University Library and earn practical knowledge about the library operations in practice. On the whole, this internship was a useful experience. I have gained new knowledge, skills and met many new people. I achieved several of my learning goals. I got insight into professional practice. I learned the different facets of working. The internship was also good to find out what my strengths and weaknesses are. This helped me to define what skills and knowledge I have to improve in the coming time. References References: http://koha-community.org Wikipedia website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koha_(software) http://www.slideshare.net/ Marc‟s website: http://www.loc.gov/marc/ Islam, K. M. Saiful. Essentials of Cataloguing and Classification. Dhaka: New Progati Prokashani, 2008. Papers provided by different section during Internship S. Chowdhury. The management of academic libraries: a comparative study of the University western cape Library and Dhaka university library. 2006. ( p. 6-8). Pryteerch, Ray. Harrod's Librarians' Glossary. England: Gower, 1987. The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science. -- 4th edition / edited by Michael Levine-Clark and Toni M. Carter. – US: ALA, c2013. Revenue and development budget of 2014-15 Fiscal year, DU. Dhaka University Website : http://www.library.du.ac.bd/ Different papers uploaded in the educational website : http://www.academia.edu/ Sample reports of interns of previous internship course. 44 | Page