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Installing Koha on Windows XP


KOHA is the most popular Free/Open Source Integrated Library Management System. The documentation was compiled by me in 2011-12 for my MLIS students at IGNOU. The official KOHA doesn't support Windows platform. Somebody had developed this installer for XP but its for testing/learning purpose only and not meant to be used for a production server. The version is very old and there were functional limitations. Also Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft. It has not been tested with later versions of Windows. So, user discretion is required.

Installing Koha on Windows XP For MLIS Online by Amandeep Kapila 0 Introduction KOHA is an Integrated Library System with all the features that are required in day to day library management operations. The software is logically divided into modules based on the functions that are performed. The modules are Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial Control and Acquisition. KOHA has the client server architecture. The software is installed on a server and can be accessed using any of the commonly used web browsers like Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. It doesn’t require any specially designed client to access the services on the server by the library staff and the library users. It can also interact with external databases from remote locations using network. KOHA can be accessed using two interfaces. The first interface is the Web OPAC. It is for the library users. Depending on the network settings the OPAC can be made available locally or globally over the internet. The second interface is meant for the library staff. It needs login ID and password to access the services on the server securely. Different kind of users can be given different permissions depending on the kind of job he/she is supposed to perform. KOHA requires PERL to run and uses Apache web server and MySql database. So these are the prerequisites that are required on any server to install KOHA. KOHA was developed for Linux platforms but is now available for Windows too. Installation on Windows is quite simple. All you need is the right versions of all the prerequisites applications. Here is how to install KOHA on windows. 1 1.1 Installing Apache 1.1..1 Download apache httpd-2.2.17-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8o.msi file from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi#apache22 Figure 1 Note: I have downloaded the latest OpenSSL version for Windows 32 and x86 machines. If you have some another version but the correct file (compatibility with window XP and your hardware) then there is no problem, it should work. But don’t try a version less than Apache 2. 1.1.2 Installation: - Click on the downloaded file to start the installation. Figure 2 1.1.3 It will open a dialogue box, here Click on Run. Figure 3 2 1.1.4 A pop up will open and close showing the installation progress, Figure 4 1.1.5 Installation Wizard window will open. Here click Next. Figure 5 3 1.1.6 Installation will move on to the next screen. Select the radio button by clicking I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement. Click to Accept the Terms of Use Figure 6 1.1.7 Next screen will list the License Agreement terms. Click Next. Figure 7 4 1.1.8 In the next dialogue box provide the information according to your settings or just make up something as under, Network domain localdomain Server Name localhost Administrator’s Email Address <Your Email ID> Leave the rest of settings to as they are. Figure 8 1.1.9 Keep the installation settings to the default of Typical in the next dialogue box and click next. 5 Figure 9 1.1.10 In the next window you can change the installation directory if you wish. Change it to Apache Group by clicking Change button. A new window will open up. Click to Change the Installation Location Figure 10 1.1.11 Change the installation location to Apache Group. Click OK. Figure 11 6 1.1.12 The dialogue box will close and we will return back to the previous box with the new installation location. Click Next. Figure 12 1.1.13 In the next window click Install and the installation process will start. 1.1.14 During the installation process the DOS window will open up showing that it is starting the apache service. If there is some problem then a message will be displayed here with probable reasons for the same. Now Verify if the installation is successful by opening a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox and typing in the address bar http://localhost or http://<Your IP>. It should display a web page with text It Works in bold. Congrats your installation is successful. 1.1.15 You have a working web server on your machine. An Apache Logo will appear in your system tray with Green mark on it showing that your web server service is running. You can click it to start, stop and restart it. Before proceeding with the installation of other applications test your apache installation by Stopping, then Starting and then Restarting your web server to see if it works OK. Then restart you computer and check if apache starts automatically. It should. Apache Logo Figure 13 7 1.1.16 If it doesn’t work then there was some problem with the installation. Uninstall it, delete the directory Apache Group from the C://Program Files/ and restart your machine. Reinstall apache again. Hope this time it will work. 1.2 Installing MySql 1.2.1 Download MySql file mysql-5.1.53-win32.msi from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ Note: In case you have some problem installing or configuring MySQL 5.1 try the older version MySQL 4. This seems to be more reliable on windows XP. The installation steps are the same. 1.2.2 Double Click on the downloaded file to initiate the installation process. Figure 14 1.2.3 Security Warning dialogue box will open up. Click on Run to start the installation. Figure 15 1.2.4 The Window Installer popup will appear, showing the progress. Figure 16 8 1.2.5 MySql Setup Wizard dialogue box will open. Click here Next. Figure 17 1.2.6 Next screen will ask for Setup Type. Three types are listed there but as per the koha documentation we should install it to C:\mysql folder which is not the default folder so we need to do a custom install. Choose Custom radio button and click Next. Figure 18 9 1.2.7 The next screen is the Custom Setup screen. Here change the installation destination directory by clicking on Change… button. Figure 19 1.2.8 A dialogue box will open. Here change the installation location as C:\mysql and click OK. Figure 20 10 1.2.9 The installer will return back to Setup Wizard screen with new location as Install To. Click Next. Figure 21 1.2.10 The next screen will show the final settings that you have chosen last time before starting with the installation. If you want to make any changes you can click go back otherwise you can click Install. Figure 22 11 1.2.11 The next screen will show the progress of the installation process. Figure 23 1.2.12 After the installation is complete the MySQL Enterprise subscription page will appear. Click Next. Figure 24 12 1.2.13 The next screen is for MySQL Enterprise Monitor Service. Click Next. Figure 25 1.2.14 The next window will be the last in the installation process. It will show that the installation wizard has completed the installation. The Configure the MySQL Server now check box will be ticked by default and you should leave it like that. Click Finish. Figure 26 13 1.2.15 The Installation Wizard dialogue box will close and the Server Instance Configuration Wizard dialogue box will open. Click Next. Figure 27 1.2.16 The next dialogue box will list configuration types. There are two types of configuration, Detailed Configuration and Standard Configuration. For our purpose Standard Configuration will do, so select the corresponding radio button and click Next. Figure 28 14 1.2.17 In the next dialogue box leave the default settings as it is. Make sure the Launch the MySQL Server automatically check box is ticked. Also tick the Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH check box as it will help you access MySQL from command line if needed. Click Next. Figure 29 1.2.18 In the next screen set the security options. Furnish the root password and confirm it for MySQL. The easiest one is root. However you can provide anything you wish but you should remember it. You won’t need this password unless you wish to access your database directly. But the good practice is that you should set a password for your MySQL. Don’t forget to Tick the Enable root access from remote machines check box. It can be usefull later. Click Next. Figure 30 15 1.2.19 The next screen will show you the steps it will perform to complete the configuration. Click Execute. Figure 31 1.2.20 Monitor the steps being completed. If there is any problem at any stage redo the configuration. Reinstall MySQL if needed. Figure 32 16 1.2.21 If all the steps are completed successfully and you get the following message Contrats, you installation/configuration is complete and successful. Figure 33 1.2.22 If the installation fails try after disabling the windows firewall or any external firewall/antivirus/anti-spyware you are using on your PC. If this doesn’t help uninstall the MySQL from windows Add/Remove programme utility, remove any installation files from C: drive. 1.3 Installing Perl 1.3.1 Download Perl file ActivePerl- from http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads page. 1.3.2 Double click the installation file to initiate the installation. Figure 31 17 1.3.3 Security Warning dialogue box will open up. Click on Run to start the installation. Figure 32 1.3.4 The Window Installer popup will appear, showing the progress. Figure 33 18 1.3.5 Next the Active Perl Setup Wizard dialogue box will appear. Click Next. Figure 34 1.3.6 In the next screen is License Agreement dialogue box. Tick the check box next to I accept the terms in the License Agreement. Click Next. Figure 35 19 1.3.7 The next screen is the Custom Setup window. Here you should change the location of installation leaving the rest of the settings as they are. To change the location click on the Browse button, a new window popup window will open. Figure 36 1.3.8 In this new popup window change the destination folder as C:\usr and click OK. Figure 37 20 1.3.9 Setup will return back to the Setup Wizard window with new location as destination folder. Click Next. Figure 38 1.3.10 The next screen is the list of setup options. Leave the settings as they are and click Next. Figure 39 21 1.3.11 Next comes the Ready to install window. If you are sure you have customized the installation as you needed it click on the Install button. The installation will start. Figure 40 1.3.12 Monitor if the installation proceeds unhindered. Figure 41 22 Figure 42 1.3.13 After the installation is complete the following screen will appear letting you know of the same. Click Finish. Figure 43 23 1.4 Installing KOHA 1.4.1 Download koha file from http://cid-6ac4b4f2fe0a3144.office.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Koha2.2.9W32-R1.EXE 1.4.2 Double click on the installation file to start the installation. Figure 44 1.4.3 Koha installation Wizard will open. It will check for all the supporting applications. Figure 45 1.4.4 If the installation Wizard finds something wrong with any of the supporting applications it will show a message otherwise it will open a dialogue box listing all the supporting applications with version found on your PC. If it shows some warns about some of the supporting applications Cancel the installation rectify the problem. If everything is in order click Next. Figure 46 24 1.4.5 The next is the Copyright screen. Click I Agree. Figure 47 1.4.6 Next screen is the Warning screen. Read the warning message carefully and click Next. Figure 48 25 1.4.7 Next follows the Release Notes screen. All the information related to the current release is provided here. If interested go through it and then click Next. Figure 49 1.4.8 Follows the Choose Installation Type screen. For new users the default setting Full installation is recommended. However if you are well versed with KOHA and are installing on your production server you can choose Custom installation and make your choices. Click Next. Figure 50 26 1.4.9 The next screen is the MARC Field Definitions screen. Here you can make choices between MARC21 or UNIMARC in French, English and Ukranian. The default selection is MARC21 and we are going to use it for our purpose. Figure 51 1.4.10 The next screen is the Yaz Toolkit License screen. Yaz Toolkit is an external toolkit that has been integrated with KOHA and we need to separately agree the license terms. Click I Agree. Figure 52 27 1.4.11 In the next screen Backup Replaced Files, leave all the default settings as they are and click Next. Figure 53 1.4.12 The next screen is the Start Installation screen. If you want to make any changes to the information you have provided/selected you can do so now by clicking on Back button, otherwise click on the Next and the installation will start. Figure 54 28 1.4.13 Next screen is the Installation screen. It will show the installation progress. Let the installation complete. Figure 55 1.4.14 In case you have installed or tried to install KOHA on this PC a popup dialogue box open telling you about an existing Configuration File and ask you if you want to replace the configuration file. Click Yes. Figure 56 29 1.4.15 A DOS window will open. Here the process of Unpacking, Generating and Updating of files will be enumerated. Figure 57 1.4.16 The process will take quite some time. The progression speed will depend on the processing speed and memory size (RAM) of your PC. After all the files have been installed installer will try to connect to the MySQL database. In case it is not able to establish a connection it will ask you to setup the connection manually. It will open a dialogue box where you need to enter the password for root user. Once connected the Installation Complete dialogue box will open. Click Finish. 1.4.17 Now the final popup will come asking you to restart your PC. It is necessary. So click OK. Figure 58 30 1.4.18 Now check your installation. Open any of the web browser you are using. In the address box type http://opac to view the OPAC page. Figure 59 To view the staff client interface type http://intranet in your web browser. It will open the login window. The default login ID (Card Number) is koha and password is also koha. Figure 60 31 Once you login you go the staff client home page. Figure 61 32