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CHAPTER 3 Systems Documentation Techniques LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you should be able to: 1. Prepare and use data flow diagrams to understand, evaluate, and document information systems. 2. Prepare and use flowcharts to understand, evaluate, and document information systems. 3. Prepare and use business process diagrams to understand, evaluate, and document information systems IN TEG RAT IVE CASE S&S What a hectic few months it has been for Ashton Fleming! He helped S&S get started, helped get S&S through its weeklong grand opening, and was swamped with processing all the transactions from the highly successful grand opening. Because of its rapid growth, S&S has outgrown the initial rudimentary accounting information system (AIS) that Ashton selected. Lacking time and expertise, Ashton has engaged Computer Applications (CA), a systems consulting firm, to help S&S select and install a new and more powerful AIS. During Ashton’s first meeting with Kimberly Sierra, CA’s manager, she asked about S&S’s system requirements and management’s expectations. Ashton had yet to think through these issues, so he could not answer her specifically. When she asked how S&S’s system worked, Ashton plunged into a discussion about the use of various company documents, but Kimberly seemed unable to absorb his detailed explanations. Ashton thought that part of his discussion was helpful, but overall it was irrelevant to the issue at hand. Ashton came away impressed by CA and Kimberly. He also realized the need to understand S&S’s information requirements more clearly. From his days as an auditor, Ashton knew the value of good system documentation in helping unfamiliar users both understand and evaluate a system. Good system documentation would be a big help to him and Kimberly, as well as to Scott and Susan as they evaluate the current and proposed systems. After sharing his conclusions with Susan and Scott, they enthusiastically approved Ashton’s plan to document the current and proposed systems. They supported his taking a 48 leadership role in moving toward a new system and were especially interested in diagrams or charts that would document their system and help them understand and evaluate it. Introduction Documentation explains how a system works, including the who, what, when, where, why, and how of data entry, data processing, data storage, information output, and system controls. Popular means of documenting a system include diagrams, flowcharts, tables, and other graphical representations of data and information. These are supplemented by a narrative description of the system, a written step-by-step explanation of system components and interactions. In this chapter, we explain three common systems documentation tools: data flow diagrams, flowcharts, and business process diagrams. Documentation tools are important on the following levels: documentation - Narratives, flowcharts, diagrams, and other written materials that explain how a system works. narrative description - Written, step-by-step explanation of system components and how they interact. 1. At a minimum, you must be able to read documentation to determine how a system works. 2. You may need to evaluate documentation to identify internal control strengths and weaknesses and recommend improvements as well as to determine if a proposed system meets the company’s needs. 3. More skill is needed to prepare documentation that shows how an existing or proposed system operates. This chapter discusses the following documentation tools: 1. Data flow diagram (DFD), a graphical description of data sources, data flows, transformation processes, data storage, and data destinations 2. Flowchart, which is a graphical description of a system. There are several types of flow charts, including: a. Document flowchart, which shows the flow of documents and information between departments or areas of responsibility b. System flowchart, which shows the relationship among the input, processing, and output in an information system c. Program flowchart, which shows the sequence of logical operations a computer performs as it executes a program. 3. Business Process diagrams, which is a graphical description of the business processes used by a company Accountants use documentation techniques extensively. Auditing standards require that independent auditors understand the automated and manual internal control procedures an 49 50 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS entity uses. One good way to gain this understanding is to use business process models or flowcharts to document a system, because such graphic portrayals more readily reveal internal control weaknesses and strengths. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 requires an internal control report in public company annual reports that (1) states that management is responsible for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and (2) assesses the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls. SOX also specifies that a company’s auditor must evaluate management’s assessment of the company’s internal control structures and attest to its accuracy. The auditor’s attestation should include a specific notation about significant defects or material noncompliance found during internal control tests. This means that both the company and its auditors have to document and test the company’s internal controls. To do so, they must be able to prepare, evaluate, and read different types of documentation, such as business process models and flowcharts. Documentation tools are also used extensively in the systems development process. In addition, the team members who develop information systems applications often change, and documentation tools help the new team members get up to speed quickly. Documentation is easier to prepare and revise when a software package is used. Once a few basic commands are mastered, users can quickly and easily prepare, store, revise, and print presentation-quality documentation. The documentation tools in this chapter are used throughout the book. Data Flow Diagrams data flow diagram (DFD) - A graphical description of the flow of data within an organization, including data sources/ destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data storage. FIGURE 3-1 Data Flow Diagram Symbols A data flow diagram (DFD) graphically describes the flow of data within an organization. It uses the first four symbols shown in Figure 3-1 to represent four basic elements: data sources and destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data stores. For example, Figure 3-2 shows that the input to process C is data flow B, which comes from data source A. The outputs of process C are data flows D and E. Data flow E is sent to data destination J. Process F uses data flows D and G as input and produces data flows I and G as output. Data flow G comes from and returns to data store H. Data flow I is sent to data destination K. Figure 3-3 assigns specific titles to each of the processes depicted in Figure 3-2. Figures 3-2 and 3-3 will be used to examine the four basic elements of a DFD in more detail. In Chapters 12 through 16, the basic DFD has been adapted so that it shows internal controls, using the triangle symbol (highway warning symbol) shown in Figure 3-1. The internal controls are numbered and an accompanying table explains the internal control. Users who do not wish to indicate internal controls simply ignore the triangle symbol. SYMBOL NAME EXPLANATION Data sources and destinations The people and organizations that send data to and receive data from the system are represented by square boxes. Data destinations are also referred to as data sinks. Data flows The flow of the data into or out of a process is represented by curved or straight lines with arrows. Transformation processes The processes that transform data from inputs to outputs are represented by circles. They are often referred to as bubbles. Data stores The storage of data is represented by two horizontal lines. An internal control. The internal controls are numbered and explained in an accompanying table. See Chapters 12–16. Internal Control CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES 51 FIGURE 3-2 Data Store (H) Basic Data Flow Diagram Elements Data Flow (G) Data Source (A) Data Flow (B) Process (C) Data Flow (D) Process (F) Data Flow (I) Data Destination (K) Data Flow (E) Data Destination (J) A data source and a data destination are entities that send or receive data that the system uses or produces. An entity can be both a source and a destination. They are represented by squares, as illustrated by items A (customer), J (bank), and K (credit manager) in Figure 3-3. A data flow is the movement of data among processes, stores, sources, and destinations. Data that pass between data stores and a source or destination must go through a data transformation process. Data flows are labeled to show what data is flowing. The only exception is data flow between a process and a data store, such as data flow G in Figure 3-3, because the data flow is usually obvious. In data flow G, data from the accounts receivable file is retrieved, updated, and stored back in the file. Other data flows in Figure 3-3 are B (customer payment), D (remittance data), E (deposit), and I (receivables data). If two or more data flows move together, a single line is used. For example, data flow B (customer payment) consists of a payment and remittance data. Process 1.0 (process payment) splits them and sends them in different directions. The remittance data (D) is used to update accounts receivable records, and the payment (E) is deposited in the bank. If the data flow separately, two lines are used. For example, Figure 3-4 shows two lines because customer inquiries (L) do not always accompany a payment (B). If represented by the same data flow, the separate elements and their different purposes are obscured, and the DFD is more difficult to interpret. Customer (A) 1.0 Process Payment (C) Deposit (E) Bank (J) 2.0 Update Receivables (F) data flow - The movement of data among processes, stores, sources, and destinations. Data Flow Diagram of Customer Payment Process (G) Remittance Data (D) data destination - The entity that receives data produced by a system. FIGURE 3-3 Accounts Receivable (H) Customer Payment (B) data source - The entity that produces or sends the data that is entered into a system. Receivables Information (I) Credit Manager (K) 52 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Customer Inquiries (L) FIGURE 3-4 Splitting Customer Payments and Inquiries process - The action that transforms data into other data or information. data store - The place or medium where system data is stored. Customer (A) Customer Payment (B) 1.0 Process Payment (C) Processes represent the transformation of data. Figure 3-3 shows that process payment (C) splits the customer payment into the remittance data and the check, which is deposited in the bank. The update receivables process (F) uses remittance (D) and accounts receivable (H) data to update receivable records and send receivables data to the credit manager. A data store is a repository of data. DFDs do not show the physical storage medium (such as a server or paper) used to store the data. As shown in Figure 3-3, data stores (H) are represented by horizontal lines, with the name of the file written inside the lines. SUBDIVIDING THE DFD context diagram - Highest-level DFD; a summary-level view of a system, showing the data processing system, its input(s) and output(s), and their sources and destinations. DFDs are subdivided into successively lower levels to provide ever-increasing amounts of detail, because few systems can be fully diagrammed on one sheet of paper. Also, users have differing needs, and a variety of levels can better satisfy differing requirements. The highest-level DFD is referred to as a context diagram because it provides the reader with a summary-level view of a system. It depicts a data processing system and the entities that are the sources and destinations of system inputs and outputs. For example, Ashton drew Figure 3-5 to document payroll processing procedures at S&S. The payroll processing system receives time card data from different departments and employee data from human resources. The system processes these data and produces (1) tax reports and payments for governmental agencies, (2) employee paychecks, (3) a payroll check deposited in the payroll account at the bank, and (4) payroll information for management. Ashton used the description of S&S’s payroll processing procedures in Table 3-1 to decompose the context diagram into successively lower levels, each with an increasing amount of detail. Read this description and determine the following: ● ● How many major data processing activities are involved? What are the data inputs and outputs of each activity (ignoring all references to people, departments, and document destinations)? FIGURE 3-5 Departments Ta x Context Diagram for S&S Payroll Processing Time Ca rds Payroll Processing System rm m or eF o Ne w E m p l o y e eF ng E m plo y e e C h a Human Resources ent aym dP n rt a po Re yee Checks Emplo Pa yro ll C h eck Government Agencies Employees Bank Pa y ro ll R ep or t Management CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES 53 The narrative in Table 3-1 describes five data processing activities: 1. Updating the employee/payroll master file (first paragraph). 2. Handling employee compensation (second, fifth, and sixth paragraphs). Later in this chapter, you will see a breakdown of this activity into smaller parts in a lower-level DFD. 3. Generating management reports (third paragraph). 4. Paying taxes (fourth paragraph). 5. Posting entries to the general ledger (last paragraph). The five activities and all data inflows and outflows are shown in Table 3-2. TABLE 3-1 Narrative Description of Payroll Processing at S&S When employees are hired, they complete a new-employee form. When a change to an employee’s payroll status occurs, such as a raise or a change in the number of exemptions, the human resources department completes an employee change form. A copy of these forms is sent to payroll. These forms are used to create or update the records in the employee/payroll file and are then stored in the file. Employee records are stored alphabetically. Some S&S employees are paid a salary, but most are hourly workers who record their time on time cards. At the end of each pay period, department managers send the time cards to the payroll department. The payroll clerk uses the time card data, data from the employee file (such as pay rate and annual salary), and the appropriate tax tables to prepare a two-part check for each employee. The clerk also prepares a two-part payroll register showing gross pay, deductions, and net pay for each employee. The clerk updates the employee file to reflect each employee’s current earnings. The original copy of the employee paychecks is forwarded to Susan. The payroll register is forwarded to the accounts payable clerk. The time cards and the duplicate copies of the payroll register and paychecks are stored by date in the payroll file. Every pay period, the payroll clerk uses the data in the employee/payroll file to prepare a payroll summary report for Susan so that she can control and monitor labor expenses. This report is forwarded to Susan, with the original copies of the employee paychecks. Every month, the payroll clerk uses the data in the employee/payroll file to prepare a two-part tax report. The original is forwarded to the accounts payable clerk, and the duplicate is added to the tax records in the payroll file. The accounts payable clerk uses the tax report to prepare a two-part check for taxes and a two-part cash disbursements voucher. The tax report and the original copy of each document are forwarded to Susan. The duplicates are stored by date in the accounts payable file. The accounts payable clerk uses the payroll register to prepare a two-part check for the total amount of the employee payroll and a two-part disbursements voucher. The original copy of each document is forwarded to Susan, and the payroll register and the duplicates are stored by date in the accounts payable file. Susan reviews each packet of information she receives, approves it, and signs the checks. She forwards the cash disbursements vouchers to Ashton, the tax reports and payments to the appropriate governmental agency, the payroll check to the bank, and the employee checks to the employees. She files the payroll report chronologically. Ashton uses the payroll tax and the payroll check cash disbursement vouchers to update the general ledger. He then cancels the journal voucher by marking it “posted” and files it numerically. TABLE 3-2 Activities and Data Flows in Payroll Processing at S&S ACTIVITIES DATA INPUTS New-employee form Employee change form DATA OUTPUTS Updated employee/payroll file Pay employees Time cards Employee/payroll file Tax rates table Employee checks Payroll register Updated employee/payroll file Payroll check Payroll cash disbursements voucher Prepare reports Employee/payroll file Payroll report Pay taxes Employee/payroll file Tax report Tax payment Payroll tax cash disbursements voucher Updated employee/payroll file Update general ledger Payroll tax cash disbursements voucher Payroll cash disbursements voucher Updated general ledger Update employee/payroll file 54 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Ashton exploded his context diagram and created the Level 0 DFD (called Level 0 because there are zero meaningful decimal points—1.0, 2.0, etc.) shown in Figure 3-6. Notice that some data inputs and outputs have been excluded from this DFD. For example, in process 2.0, the data inflows and outflows that are not related to an external entity or to another process are not depicted (tax tables and payroll register). These data flows are internal to the “pay employees” activity and are shown on the next DFD level. Ashton exploded process 2.0 (pay employees) to create a Level 1 DFD (it has one meaningful decimal place—2.1, 2.2, etc.). Figure 3-7 provides more detail about the data processes FIGURE 3-6 Human Resources Employee Change Form Time Ca rds Departments New Employee Form E Level 0 DFD for S&S Payroll Processing 2.0 Pay Employees 1.0 Update Employee/ Payroll File Employees s eck Ch e e oy pl m Payroll Check Bank Payroll Cash Disbursements Voucher Employee/Payroll File Payroll Tax Disbursements Voucher 5.0 Update General Ledger General Ledger 4.0 Pay Taxes 3.0 Prepare Reports Tax Report and Payment Payroll Report Governmental Agencies Management FIGURE 3-7 Level 1 DFD for Process 2.0 in S&S Payroll Processing Tax Rates Table Time Cards Employees Pa yro ll R egi s Employee/Payroll File te r ks Chec r Employee Vo uc he 2.1 Process Payroll 2.2 Prepare Cash Disbursements D ash Payroll C is b Payroll C heck u m rse en ts Bank CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES involved in paying employees, and it includes the tax rates table and the payroll register data flow omitted from Figure 3-6. In a similar fashion, each of the Figure 3-6 processes could be exploded, using a Level 1 DFD, to show a greater level of detail. Some general guidelines for developing DFDs are shown in Focus 3-1. You can practice creating the different levels of a DFD by drawing them for the comprehensive problem, called Accuflow Cash Disbursements Process, at the end of the chapter FOCUS 3-1 Guidelines for Drawing a DFD 1. Understand the system. Develop this understanding by observing organization data flows, observing and interviewing those who use and process the data or having them complete a questionnaire; by reading a narrative description of the system; or by walking through system transactions. 2. Ignore certain aspects of the system. A DFD is a diagram of the origins, flow, transformation, storage, and destinations of data. Only very important error paths are included; unimportant error paths are ignored. Determining how the system starts and stops is not shown. 3. Determine system boundaries. Determine what to include and exclude. Include all relevant data elements, because excluded items will not be considered during system development. 4. Develop a context diagram. A context diagram depicts system boundaries. In the diagram’s center is a circle with the name of the system. Outside entities the system interacts with directly are in boxes on either side, connected by data flows depicting the data passed between them. DFDs in successively more detail depict data flows inside the system. 5. Identify data flows. Identify all data flows (significant movement of data) entering or leaving the system, including where the data originate and its final destination. All data flows come from and go to a transformation process, a data store (file), or a source or destination. Data flows can move in two directions, shown as a line with arrows on both ends (see G in Figure 3-3). 6. Group data flows. A data flow can consist of one or more pieces of datum. Data elements that always flow together should be grouped together and shown as one data flow until they are separated. If the data do not always flow together, show them as separate data flows. 7. Identify transformation processes. Place a circle wherever work is required to transform one data flow into another. All transformation processes should have one or more incoming and outgoing data flows. 8. Group transformation processes. Transformation processes that are logically related or occur at the same time and place should be grouped together. Do not combine unrelated items into a single transformation process. If data are not processed together, or are sometimes processed differently, separate them. 9. Identify all files or data stores. Identify each temporary or permanent data repository, and identify each data flow into and out of it. 10. Identify all data sources and destinations. Include them on the DFD. 11. Name all DFD elements. Except for data flows into or out of data stores (the data store name is usually sufficient to identify the data flow), data elements should be given unique and descriptive names representing what is known about them. Naming data flows first forces you to concentrate on the all-important data flows, rather than on the processes or stores. Processes and data stores typically take their names from the data inflows or outflows. Choose active and descriptive names, such as “update inventory” and “validate transaction,” rather than “input data” or “update process.” Process names should include action verbs such as update, edit, prepare, reconcile, and record. 12. Subdivide the DFD. A cluttered DFD is hard to read and understand. If you have more than five to seven processes on a page, decompose the context diagram into high-level processes. Explode these high-level processes into successively lower-level processes. 13. Give each process a sequential number. Giving each process a sequential number (lower to higher) helps readers navigate among the DFD levels. 14. Refine the DFD. Work through data flows several times. Each subsequent pass helps refine the diagram and identify the fine points. Organize the DFD to flow from top to bottom and from left to right. 15. Prepare a final copy. Do not allow data flow lines to cross each other; if necessary, repeat a data store or destination. Place the name of the DFD, the date prepared, and the preparer’s name on each page. 55 56 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS content (page 65).You can then compare your diagrams to the solution at the very end of the chapter (pages 78–80).You can also read the detailed explanation of how the solution was prepared. Flowcharts flowchart - An analytical technique that uses a standard set of symbols to describe pictorially some aspect of an IS in a clear, concise, and logical manner. A flowchart is a pictorial, analytical technique used to describe some aspect of an information system in a clear, concise, and logical manner. Flowcharts record how business processes are performed and how documents flow through the organization. They are also used to analyze how to improve business processes and document flows. Most flowcharts are drawn using a software program such as Visio, Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Flowcharts use a standard set of symbols to describe pictorially the transaction processing procedures a company uses and the flow of data through a system. Flowcharting symbols are divided into four categories, as shown in Figure 3-8: 1. 2. 3. 4. Input/output symbols show input to or output from a system. Processing symbols show data processing, either electronically or by hand. Storage symbols show where data is stored. Flow and miscellaneous symbols indicate the flow of data, where flowcharts begin or end, where decisions are made, and how to add explanatory notes to flowcharts. General guidelines for preparing good flowcharts are presented in Focus 3-2. FIGURE 3-8 Common Flow Charting Symbols Symbol Name Explanation Input/OutputSymbols 1 2 3 Document An electronic or paper document or report Multiple copies of one paper document Illustrated by overlapping the document symbol and printing the document number on the face of the document in the upper right corner Electronic output Information displayed by an electronic output device such as a terminal, monitor, or screen Electronic data entry Electronic data entry device such as a computer, terminal, tablet, or phone Electronic input and output device The electronic data entry and output symbols are used together to show a device used for both Computer processing A computer‐performed processing function; usually results in a change in data or information Manual operation A processing operation performed manually Processing Symbols CHAPTER 3 Symbol Name SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES Explanation 57 FIGURE 3-8 Continued Storage Symbols N Database Data stored electronically in a database Magnetic tape Data stored on a magnetic tape; tapes are popular back‐up storage mediums Paper document file File of paper documents; letters indicate file‐ordering sequence: N = numerically, A = alphabetically, D = by date Journal/ledger Paper‐based accounting journals and ledgers Flow and Miscellaneous Symbols Document or processing flow Direction of processing or document flow; normal flow is down and to the right Communication link Transmission of data from one geographic location to another via communication lines On‐page connector Connects the processing flow on the same page; its usage avoids lines crisscrossing a page Off‐page connector An entry from, or an exit to, another page Terminal A beginning, end, or point of interruption in a process; also used to indicate an external party Decision A decision‐making step Annotation Addition of descriptive comments or explanatory notes as clarification TYPES OF FLOWCHARTS Document flowcharts were developed to illustrate the flow of documents and data among areas of responsibility within an organization. They trace a document from its cradle to its grave, showing where each document originates, its distribution, its purpose, its disposition, and everything that happens as it flows through the system. A special type of flowchart, called an internal control flowchart is used to describe, analyze, and evaluate internal controls. They are used to identify system weaknesses or inefficiencies, such as inadequate communication flows, insufficient segregation of duties, unnecessary complexity in document flows, or procedures responsible for causing wasteful delays. Until he automates the other parts of S&S, Ashton decides to process payroll manually. The document flowchart Ashton developed for the manual payroll process at S&S, as described in Tables 3-1 and 3-2, is shown in Figure 3-9. document flowchart - Illustrates the flow of documents and data among areas of responsibility within an organization. internal control flowchart - Used to describe, analyze, and evaluate internal controls, including identifying system strengths, weaknesses, and inefficiencies. 58 Accounts Payable Payroll 1 1 Departments Payroll Register B Tax Report Time Cards New–Employee Data Prepare Tax Payment & CD Voucher Prepare Payroll Check, CD Voucher Prepare Paychecks & Payroll Register; Updatefile Tax Tables Update Employee/ Payroll File; Store Forms in File Payroll Register 1 Tax Report 1 2 2 Payroll Tax CD Voucher1 Payroll CD Voucher 1 1 Payroll Register 1 1 2 A/D 2 2 Time Cards Tax Payment Check Payroll Check 2 1 D Employee Checks Prepare Monthly Tax Report 2 1 Prepare Payroll Report each Pay Period Tax Report Payroll Report B FIGURE 3-9 Document Flowchart of Payroll Processing at S&S D A A = Stored Alphabetically D = Stored by Date N = Stored Numerically CD = Cash Disbursements C CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Employee Changes PART I Human Resources Management (Susan) General Ledger (Ashton) C A D 1 Payroll Tax CD Voucher 1 Payroll CD Voucher Tax Payment Check 1 1 1 Payroll Check Tax Report E Payroll Report 1 Employee Checks 1 Payroll Tax CD Voucher 1 Payroll CD Voucher 1 Payroll Tax CD Voucher Payroll CD Voucher1 1 Signed Tax Payment Check 1 1 Signed Payroll Check Tax Report General Ledger Payroll Report 1 Signed Employee Checks Payroll CD Voucher1 1 Payroll Tax CD Voucher E Governmental Agencies Bank Employees D FIGURE 3-9 N SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES Post to General Ledger & Mark Voucher Posted CHAPTER 3 Approve & Sign Checks Continued 59 60 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOCUS 3-2 Guidelines for Preparing Flowcharts 1. Understand the system. Develop this understanding by interviewing users, developers, and management or having them complete a questionnaire; by reading a narrative description of the system; or by walking through system transactions. 2. Identify the entities to be flowcharted. Identify departments, job functions, and external parties. Identify business processes, documents, data flows, and data processing procedures. 3. Organize flowchart. Design the flowchart so that data flows from top to bottom and from left to right. Where appropriate, ensure that all procedures and processes are in proper order. Show where documents or processes originate, where data is processed, and where data is stored and sent. Show the final disposition of all documents to prevent loose ends that leave the reader dangling. Show data entered into or retrieved from a database as passing through a processing operation (a computer program) first. In document system flowchart - Depicts the relationships among system input, processing, storage, and output. 4. 5. 6. 7. flowcharts, divide the flowchart into columns with labels. Clearly label all symbols. Write a description of the source, input, process, output, or destination inside the symbol. Use arrowheads on all flow lines Page connectors. If a flowchart cannot fit on a single page, clearly number the pages and use off-page connectors to move from one page to another. Where desired, on-page connectors can be used to avoid excess flow lines and to produce a neat-looking page. Clearly label all connectors to avoid confusion. Draw a rough sketch of the flowchart. Be more concerned with capturing content than with making a perfect drawing. Few systems can be flowcharted in a single draft. Review it with the people familiar with the system. Make sure all uses of flowcharting conventions are consistent. Draw a final copy of the flowchart. Place the flowchart name, date, and preparer’s name on each page. You can practice creating a document flowchart by drawing one for the comprehensive problem, called Accuflow Cash Disbursements Process, at the end of the chapter content (page 65).You can then compare your diagram to the solution at the very end of the chapter (pages 76–77).You can also read the detailed explanation of how the solution was prepared. A system flowchart depicts the relationships among system input, processing, storage, and output. The sales processing flowchart in Figure 3-10 represents Ashton’s proposal to capture sales data using state-of-the-art sales terminals. The terminals will capture and edit (are all necessary date entered, etc.) the sales data and print a customer receipt. The terminals periodically send all sales data to corporate headquarters so that the accounts receivable, inventory, and sales/marketing databases and the general ledger can be updated. Management and other users can access the files at any time by using an inquiry processing system. System flowcharts are used to describe data flows and procedures within an AIS. Each of the business process chapters (Chapters 12–16) uses a systems flowchart to provide an overview of how each business process works. PROGRAM FLOWCHARTS program flowchart - Illustrates the sequence of logical operations performed by a computer in executing a program. A program flowchart illustrates the sequence of logical operations performed by a computer in executing a program. The relationship between system and program flowcharts is shown in Figure 3-11. A program flowchart describes the specific logic used to perform a process shown on a system flowchart. Business Process Diagrams business process diagram - A visual way to describe the different steps or activities in a business process. A Business Process Diagram (BPDs) is a visual way to describe the different steps or activities in a business process. For example, there are many activities in the revenue cycle. Among them are receiving an order, checking customer credit, verifying inventory availability, and confirming customer order acceptance. Likewise, there are multiple activities involved in the CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES FIGURE 3-10 Display Sales Data Edit Sales Data & Print Customer Receipt Sales Terminal Customer Receipt System Flowchart of Sales Processing at S&S Input Sales Data Update Databases Accounts Receivable Database Sales/ Marketing Database Inventory Database General Ledger Inquiry Processing System Customer Account Status Storage 61 Inventory Status Sales Analysis System Flowchart Program Flowchart Input Enter and Edit Input Data Process If a Condition is Met Yes Output Perform Calculation and Update Record Updated Database FIGURE 3-11 Relationship Between System and Program Flowcharts No 62 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS expenditure cycle. Among them are shipping the goods ordered, billing the customer, and collecting customer payments. All of these activities can be shown on a BPD to give the reader an easily understood pictorial view of what takes place in a business process. While BPDs can describe interactions within an entity as well as interactions between entities, the BPDs in the textbook do not document the activities performed by external parties. Thus, a BPD for the revenue cycle will only describe the functions performed by the selling company and a BPD for the expenditure cycle only depicts the activities performed by the purchasing company. The Business Process Modeling Initiative Notation Working Group established standards for drawing BPDs. A free introductory tutorial is available at the BPMI website (http://www .bpmi.org/downloads/Introduction_to_BPMN89.pdf).There are many different symbols that can be used in drawing a BPD. The text uses only a limited set of those symbols, as shown in Figure 3-12, to produce easy to create and understand BPDs. General guidelines for preparing good business process guidelines are presented in Focus 3-3. In the text, the emphasis on BPDs is less on obeying the rules governing their preparation and more on their clearly communicating the activities involved in the business process being depicted. Ashton prepared the BPD in Figure 3-13 to document payroll processing at S&S based on the narrative contained in Table 3-1. You can practice creating a BPD by drawing one for the comprehensive problem, called Accuflow Cash Disbursements Process, at the end of the chapter content (page 65).You can then compare your diagram to the solution at the very end of the chapter (pages 80–81).You can also read the detailed explanation of how the solution was prepared. FOCUS 3-3 Guidelines for Preparing Business Process Diagrams 1. Identify and understand the business processes. Develop this understanding by observing organization business processes and data flows, observing and interviewing those involved in the business process, reading a narrative description of the system, or walking through system transactions. Identify departments, job functions, and external parties. Identify business processes, documents, data flows, and data processing procedures. 2. Ignore certain items. Like DFDs, BPDs depict what happens, but do not specify how (i.e., by means of what technology) a process activity occurs. Therefore, BPDs do not need to be revised every time the technology used to accomplish the activity is changed. Unlike flowcharts, you do not need to show the documents as they flow through the system or show where they are stored. 3. Decide how much detail to include. Like a DFD, varying levels of detail can be shown. A BPD can show only higher-level activities or those higher-level activities can be broken up into subactivities that show more details. If the BPD is drawn in sufficient detail, it is easy to evaluate whether duties are properly segregated by examining the duties performed in every row. 4. Organize flowchart. BPDs usually consist of two columns and as many rows as needed to explain the process. The first column shows the different employees or departments involved in the business process. The second column shows the activities performed by the employee shown in the first column. Each row, referred to as a “swim lane” contains the activities performed by the indicated employee or department. BPDs depict the major steps in a process sequentially, reading from left to right and top to bottom. 5. Enter each business process on the diagram. Show where each business process begins and ends. Show each activity in the business process in the order it takes place and in the appropriate row, using the appropriate symbols. Write an appropriate description inside each symbol; most activity descriptions will start with an action verb (take order, ship goods, etc.). Add annotation information as appropriate to make the diagram more understandable. Use arrowheads on all data flow lines to show the direction of the flow. 6. Draw a rough sketch of the BPD. Be more concerned with capturing content than with making a perfect drawing. Few systems can be diagramed in a single draft. Review it with the people familiar with the system. Refine the BPD as need until the business process is depicted accurately and the diagram is easily understood. 7. Draw a final copy of the BPD. Place the BPD name, date, and preparer’s name on each page. CHAPTER 3 Symbol Name SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES FIGURE 3-12 Explanation Start/Begin Business Process Diagram Symbols The start or beginning of a process is represented by a small circle. The end of a process is represented by a small bolded circle. End Activity in a process An activity in a process is represented by a rounded-edge rectangle. An explanation of the activity is placed inside the rectangle. Decision A decision made during the process is represented by a diamond. An explanation of the decision is placed inside the symbol. The flow of data or information is indicated by an arrow. Flow Annotation information Information that helps explain a business process is entered in the BPD and, if needed, a bolded dashed arrow is drawn from the explanation to the symbol. Employee Activities Performed New Employee Complete new employee form Human Resources Complete employee change form From Departments Payroll Receive employee timecards Prepare employee paychecks, payroll summary Accounts Payable Susan Ashton FIGURE 3-13 Business Process Diagram of Payroll Processing at S&S Prepare payroll register, tax report Update employee/ payroll files Prepare tax check, total payroll check, & disbursement voucher Approve & sign paychecks, tax check, and payroll check Disburse checks & reports to employees, bank, and government Forward cash disbursement vouchers Update general ledger, cancel journal vouchers 63 64 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS Summary and Case Conclusion Ashton prepared DFDs (Figures 3-6 and 3-7), a flowchart (Figure 3-9), and a BPD (Figure 3-13) of S&S’s payroll processing system to document and explain the operation of the existing system. He was pleased to see that Scott and Susan were able to grasp the essence of the system from this documentation. The DFDs indicated the logical flow of data, and the flowcharts illustrated the physical dimensions of the system, and the BPD showed the activities in each business process. Susan and Scott agreed that Ashton should document the remainder of the system. The documentation would help all of them understand the current system. It would also help Ashton and the consultants design the new system. In fact, the payroll documentation had already helped them identify a few minor changes they wanted to make in their system. Using Figure 3-9, Susan now understands why the payroll clerk sometimes had to borrow the only copy of the payroll report that was prepared. She recommended that a second copy be made and kept in the payroll department. Susan also questioned the practice of keeping all the payroll records in one employee/payroll file. To keep the file from becoming unwieldy, she recommended that it be divided into three files: personal employee data, pay period documentation, and payroll tax data. A discussion with the payroll clerk verified that this approach would make payroll processing easier and more efficient. Over the next few weeks, Ashton documented the remaining business processes. This process helped him identify inefficiencies and unneeded reports. He also found that some system documents were inadequately controlled. In addition, he got several ideas about how an automated system could help him reengineer the business processes at S&S. By substituting technology for human effort, outdated processes and procedures could be eliminated to make the system more effective. When Ashton completed his analysis and documentation of the current system, Susan and Scott asked him to continue his work in designing a new system. To do that, Ashton must thoroughly understand the information needs of the various employees in the company. Then he can design a new system using the tools that were explained in this chapter. Systems development is discussed in Chapters 20 through 22). KEY TERMS documentation 49 narrative description 49 data flow diagram (DFD) 50 data source 51 data destination 51 data flow 51 process 52 data store 52 context diagram 52 flowchart 56 document flowchart 57 internal control flowchart 57 system flowchart 60 program flowchart 60 business process diagram (BPD) 60 AIS in Action CHAPTER QUIZ 1. A DFD is a representation of which of the following? a. the logical operations performed by a c. decision rules in a computer program computer program d. computer hardware configuration b. flow of data in an organization 2. Documentation methods such as DFDs, BPDs, and flowcharts save both time and money, adding value to an organization. a. True b. False 3. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Flowcharts make use of many symbols. c. DFDs help convey the timing of b. A document flowchart emphasizes the events. flow of documents or records containd. Both a and b are false. ing data. CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES 4. A DFD consists of the following four basic elements: data sources and destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data stores. Each is represented on a DFD by a different symbol. a. True b. False 5. All of the following are guidelines that should be followed in naming DFD data elements EXCEPT: a. Process names should include action c. Name only the most important DFD verbs such as update, edit, prepare, elements. and record. d. Choose active and descriptive names. b. Make sure the names describe all the data or the entire process. 6. The documentation skills that accountants require vary with their job function. However, they should at least be able to do which of the following? a. Read documentation to determine how c. Prepare documentation for a newly the system works. developed information system. b. Critique and correct documentation d. Teach others how to prepare that others prepare. documentation. 7. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A flowchart is an analytical technique c. Flowcharts are easy to prepare and used to describe some aspect of an revise when the designer utilizes a information system in a clear, concise, flowcharting software package. and logical manner. d. A system flowchart is a narrative repb. Flowcharts use a standard set of symresentation of an information system. bols to describe pictorially the flow of documents and data through a system. 8. Which of the following flowcharts illustrates the flow of data among areas of responsibility in an organization? a. program flowchart c. system flowchart b. computer configuration chart d. document flowchart 9. All of the following are recommended guidelines for making flowcharts more readable, clear, concise, consistent, and understandable EXCEPT: a. Divide a document flowchart into colc. Design the flowchart so that flow proumns with labels. ceeds from top to bottom and from left b. Flowchart all data flows, especially to right. exception procedures and error roud. Show the final disposition of all docutines. ments to prevent loose ends that leave the reader dangling. 10. How are data sources and destinations represented in a data flow diagram? a. as a square d. as two parallel lines b. as a curved arrow e. none of the above c. as a circle COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEM ACCUFLOW CASH DISBURSEMENTS PROCESS SoftData, a vendor, sends an invoice to Accuflow for data warehousing support services. The invoice is sent directly to Megan Waters, the accounts payable clerk, who manually records the invoice in the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. Once the invoice is recorded, it is forwarded to Stan Phillips, the cash disbursements clerk, for processing. Stan prepares a check to pay the invoice and sends the check and invoice to John Sterling, the company treasurer. John approves and signs the check and cancels the invoice. John then mails the check to SoftData and returns the canceled invoice to Stan for recording in the cash disbursements journal and filing. Once a week, Megan manually posts disbursements from the cash disbursements journal to the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. 65 66 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS REQUIRED Prepare a document flowchart, a BPD, a context diagram, a Level 0 data flow diagram, and a Level 1 DFD for the Accuflow cash disbursement process. To maximize learning from this problem, do your best to solve it before looking at the solution at the end of the chapter. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 3.1. Identify the DFD elements in the following narrative: A customer purchases a few items from a local grocery store. Jill, a salesclerk, enters the transaction in the cash register and takes the customer’s money. At closing, Jill gives both the cash and the register tape to her manager. 3.2. Do you agree with the following statement: “Any one of the systems documentation procedures can be used to adequately document a given system”? Explain. 3.3. Compare the guidelines for preparing flowcharts, BPDs, and DFDs. What general design principles and limitations are common to all three documentation techniques? 3.4. Your classmate asks you to explain flowcharting conventions using real-world examples. Draw each of the major flowchart symbols from memory, placing them into one of four categories: input/output, processing, storage, and flow and miscellaneous. For each symbol, suggest several uses. 3.1. Prepare flowcharting segments for each of the following operations: a. processing transactions stored on a sequential medium such as a magnetic tape to update a master file stored on magnetic tape b. processing transactions stored on magnetic tape to update a database c. querying a data base and printing the query result d. using a terminal to enter paper-based source document data and send it to a remote location where a corporate computer updates the company database e. using a terminal to query your customer sales database f. a scheduled automatic backup of a database to an external hard drive g. use a terminal to enter employee hours recorded on time cards to update both the payroll transaction file and the wage data in the payroll master file h. use a terminal to access a price list in the sales database to complete a purchase order. An electronic copy of the purchase order is sent to the vendor and a backup copy is printed and filed by vendor name i. make an airline reservation using your home computer 3.2. Employees at the Dewey Construction Company enter the work they perform on jobtime tickets. Most construction sites have data input terminals that employees use to enter the time they start and stop work and the job code that represents the project they are working on. Every night the job-time ticket data for that day is sent electronically to company headquarters where it is stored until payroll is processed. A few construction sites are so remote that employees still fill out paper job-time tickets. These tickets are express mailed weekly to company headquarters where they are scanned and processed. Payroll is processed weekly. The job-time tickets are used to update the payroll database as well as the work-in-process database. Since all employees are paid electronically, no checks are printed; instead, the payroll system deposits an employee’s net pay in the employee’s bank account. Payments are made to government tax bodies and the company handling the employee’s and the company’s 401K plan contributions. All disbursements are accompanied by a report summarizing the disbursement. The system also produces pay stub data that is stored in a payroll transaction file that is accessible PROBLEMS CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES to employees over the internet. An electronic summary payroll report is created and sent to the payroll supervisor. REQUIRED a. Prepare a system flowchart for Dewey Construction Company’s payroll processing. b. Prepare a BPD for Dewey Construction Company’s payroll processing. 3.3. At ANGIC Insurance Company begins processing casualty claims when the claims department receives a notice of loss from a claimant. The claims department prepares and sends the claimant four copies of a proof-of-loss form on which the claimant must detail the cause, amount, and other aspects of the loss. The claims department also initiates a record of the claim, which is sent with the notice of loss to the data processing department, where it is filed by claim number. The claimant must fill out the proof-of-loss forms with an adjuster’s assistance. The adjuster must concur with the claimant on the estimated amount of loss. The claimant and adjuster each keep one copy of the proof-of-loss form. The adjustor files his copy numerically. The adjustor sends the first two copies to the claims department. Separately, the adjuster submits a report to the claims department, confirming the estimates on the claimant’s proof-of-loss form. The claims department authorizes a payment to the claimant, forwards a copy of the proof-of-loss form to data processing, and files the original proof-of-loss form and the adjuster’s report alphabetically. The data processing department prepares payment checks and mails them to the customers, files the proof-of-loss form with the claim record, and prepares a list of cash disbursements, which it transmits to the accounting department where it is reviewed. REQUIRED a. Prepare a document flowchart to reflect how ANGIC Insurance Company processes its casualty claims. b. Prepare a BPD to reflect how ANGIC Insurance Company processes its casualty claims. 3.4. Beccan Company is a discount tire dealer operating 25 retail stores in a large metropolitan area. The company purchases all tires and related supplies using the company’s central purchasing department to optimize quantity discounts. The tires and supplies are received at the central warehouse and distributed to the retail stores as needed. The perpetual inventory system at the central facility maintains current inventory records, designated reorder points, and optimum order quantities for each type and size of tire and other related supplies. Beccan has a state-of-the-art computer system and uses the following five documents in its inventory control system. r Retail stores requisition. The retail stores electronically submit a retail store requisition to the central warehouse when they need tires or supplies. The warehouse shipping clerk fills the orders from inventory and authorizes store deliveries. r Purchase requisition. The system notifies the inventory control clerk when the quantity on hand for an item stored in the central warehouse falls below the designated reorder point and prepares a purchase requisition. The inventory control clerk adjusts the purchase requisition as needed, approves it, and forwards it to the purchasing department. r Purchase order. The systems uses the data in the purchase requisition to prepare a purchase order and tentatively select a vendor based on selection criteria built into the system such as price and availability. The purchasing agent adjusts the order or vendor selection as needed, approves it, and e-mails it to the vendor. A copy of the purchase order is sent to accounts payable. r Receiving report. For every purchase order, the system prepares a receiving report showing the goods ordered, but not the quantities ordered. When the goods arrive, the receiving clerk enters the date they arrived and the quantity of each item received. The completed receiving report is sent to accounts payable. r Invoice. Vendors send Beccan an electronic invoice that shows the goods shipped, their prices, and the total amounts owed. 67 68 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS The following departments are involved in Beccan’s inventory control system: r Retail stores. Each store counts its inventory at the end of every quarter and reconciles it to the corporate database. On a weekly basis, each store reviews its inventory to determine what to requisition from the central warehouse. When a store runs out of inventory, or dangerously low, it can send a rush order to the warehouse. r Inventory control department. Responsible for the maintenance of all perpetual inventory records, including quantity on hand, reorder point, optimum order quantity, and quantity on order for each item carried. r Warehouse department. Maintains the physical inventory of all items carried in stock. All orders from vendors are received (receiving clerk) and all distributions to retail stores are filled (shipping clerks) in this department. r Purchasing department. Places all orders for items needed by the company. r Accounts payable department. Maintains all open accounts with vendors and other creditors. Accounts payable reviews and reconciles the vendor invoice, purchase order, and receiving report. Any discrepancies are cleared up and the vendor invoice is paid within 10 days of the receipt of goods by electronically transferring the amount due to the vendor’s bank account. REQUIRED a. Prepare a BPD that documents Beccan’s business processes. (CMA Examination, adapted ) 3.5. As the internal auditor for No-Wear Products, you have been asked to document the company’s payroll processing system. Based on your documentation, No-Wear hopes to develop a plan for revising the current system to eliminate unnecessary delays in paycheck processing. The head payroll clerk explained the system: The payroll processing system at No-Wear Products is fairly simple. Time data are recorded in each department using time cards and clocks. It is annoying, however, when people forget to punch out at night, and we have to record their time by hand. At the end of the period, our payroll clerks enter the time card data into a payroll file for processing. Our clerks are pretty good—though I’ve had to make my share of corrections when they mess up the data entry. Before the payroll file is processed for the current period, human resources sends us personnel changes, such as increases in pay rates and new employees. Our clerks enter this data into the payroll file. Usually, when mistakes get back to us, it’s because human resources is recording the wrong pay rate or an employee has left and the department forgets to remove the record. The data are processed and individual employee paychecks are generated. Several reports are generated for management—though I don’t know what they do with them. In addition, the government requires regular federal and state withholding reports for tax purposes. Currently, the system generates these reports automatically, which is nice. REQUIRED a. Prepare a context diagram and Level 0 DFD to document the payroll processing system at No-Wear Products. b. Prepare a document flowchart to document the payroll processing system at NoWear Products. 3.6. Ashton Fleming has decided to document and analyze the accounts payable process at S&S so the transition to a computerized system will be easier. He also hopes to improve any weaknesses he discovers in the system. In the following narrative, Ashton explains what happens at S&S: Before S&S pays a vendor invoice, the invoice must be matched against the purchase order used to request the goods and the receiving report that the receiving department prepares. Because all three of these documents enter the accounts payable department at different times, a separate alphabetical file is kept for each type CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES of document. The purchase orders that are forwarded from purchasing are stored in a purchase order file. The receiving reports are stored in a receiving report file. When vendor invoices are received, the accounts payable clerk records the amount due in the accounts payable file and files the invoices in the vendor invoice file. S&S pays all accounts within 10 days to take advantage of early-payment discounts. When it is time to pay a bill, the accounts payable clerk retrieves the vendor invoice, attaches the purchase order and the receiving report, and forwards the matched documents to Ashton Fleming. Ashton reviews the documents to ensure they are complete, prepares a twopart check, forwards all the documents to Susan, and records the check in the cash disbursements journal. Susan reviews the documents to ensure that they are valid payables and signs the checks. She forwards the check to the vendor and returns the documents and the check copy to the accounts payable clerk. The clerk files the documents alphabetically in a paid invoice file. At the end of every month, the accounts payable clerk uses the accounts payable ledger to prepare an accounts payable report that is forwarded to Susan. After she is finished with the report, Susan files it chronologically. REQUIRED a. Prepare a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document accounts payable processing at S&S. b. Prepare a document flowchart to document accounts payable processing at S&S. 3.7. Ashton Fleming has asked you to document the cash receipts system at S&S. Ashton’s narrative of the system follows: Customer payments include cash received at the time of purchase and payments received in the mail. At day’s end, the treasurer endorses all checks and prepares a deposit slip for the checks and the cash. A clerk deposits the checks, cash, and deposit slip at the local bank each day. When checks are received as payment for accounts due, a remittance slip is included with the payment. The Treasurer sends this to accounts receivable. The remittance slips are used to update the accounts receivable file at the end of the day. The remittance slips are stored in a file drawer by date. Every week, accounts receivable generates a cash receipts report and an aged trial balance using the accounts receivable ledger. The cash receipts report is sent to Scott and Susan and one of them reviews it. A copy of the aged trial balance is sent to the credit and collections department where it is reviewed. REQUIRED a. Develop a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD for the cash receipts system at S&S. b. Prepare a document flowchart for the cash receipts system at S&S. c. Prepare a business process diagram for the cash receipts system at S&S. 3.8. A mail-order skin and body care company advertises in magazines. Magazine subscribers initiate most orders by completing and sending coupons directly to the company. The firm also takes orders by phone, answers inquiries about products, and handles payments and cancellations of orders. Products that have been ordered are sent either directly to the customer or to the company’s regional offices that handle the required distribution. The mail-order company has three basic data files, which contain customer mailing information, product inventory information, and billing information based on invoice number. During the next few years, the company expects to become a multimillion-dollar operation. Recognizing the need to computerize much of the mail-order business, the company has begun the process by calling you. REQUIRED Draw a context diagram and at least two levels of DFDs for the preceding operations. 69 70 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3.9. The local college requires that each student complete an online registration request form. The system checks the accounts receivable subsystem to ensure that no fees are owed. Next, for each course, the system checks the student transcript to ensure that he or she has completed the course prerequisites. Then the system checks class availability and if there is room adds the student’s Social Security number to the class list. The report back to the student shows the result of registration processing: If the student owes fees, a bill is sent and the registration is rejected. If prerequisites for a course are not fulfilled, the student is notified and that course is not registered. If the class is full, the student request is annotated with “course closed.” If a student is accepted into a class, then the day, time, and room are shown next to the course number. Student fees and total tuition are computed and shown on the report. Student fee data is interfaced to the accounts receivable subsystem. When registration is complete, course enrollment reports are prepared for the instructors. REQUIRED a. Prepare a context diagram and at least two levels of DFDs for this process. b. Prepare a flowchart to document this process. 3.10. Prepare a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD for each of the following situations. a. Prepare and file a tax return with the tax owed to the Internal Revenue Service. b. A customer pays an invoice with a check. Accounts receivable is updated to reflect the payment. The check is recorded and deposited into the bank. c. A customer places an online order to purchase merchandise. The order is approved, filled, and sent to the customer with an invoice. d. An inventory request is received by the purchasing department. The purchasing department prepares and sends a purchase order to the appropriate vendor. e. A vendor invoice is received, reviewed, and compared against the appropriate purchase order, then paid and filed. f. A bill of lading for ordered inventory is received from a vendor, recorded, checked against the appropriate purchase order, and filed. 3.11. Melanie is doing a study on various weight-loss plans and needs to determine an individual’s weight status by calculating his body mass index. To calculate a person’s body mass index, height must be measured in meters and weight measured in kilograms. The index is calculated by dividing a person’s weight by the square of his height. The result is then compared to the following scale to determine the person’s weight status: Below 18.5 = underweight; 18.5−24.5 = normal weight; over 25.0 = overweight. Five hundred people have agreed to participate in Melanie’s study. With so many calculations to perform, she would like a computer program that will do this calculation for her. She decides to prepare a flowchart to help her properly design the computer program. REQUIRED Prepare a program flowchart to help Melanie program this process. 3.12. Match the flowchart or DFD segments in the right column to an appropriate description in the left column. DFD’S 1. Statements are prepared and sent to customers from data contained in the accounts receivable data store. 2. A vendor sends a sales invoice to the accounts payable process. A. B. CHAPTER 3 3. The cash receipt process updates the cash receipts data store. FLOWCHARTS 4. A 2-part check is manually prepared from data on a vendor invoice. SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES C. D. 5. The system prepares a check that is mailed to the customer. E. 6. A report is prepared from data stored on magnetic tape. F. 7. Billing data are entered into a system from a terminal and used to update both the sales order data base and the customer data base. G. 8. Data from a cancelled paper invoice are used to update the cash disbursements file. H. 9. The system prepares two copies of a sales order; one copy is sent to the customer and the other is filed. I. 10. An accounts receivable aging report is prepared from the accounts receivable master file and the cash receipts master file. J. 71 72 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS 3.13. Replicate the following flowchart in Visio, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or some other documentation software package. Shipping Order Sales Order Entry Display Process Sales Orders To Shipping Picking Ticket To Warehouse Sales Order Entry Sales Invoice Records Sales Invoice Master File Customer Master File Prepare Sales Invoices Accounts Receivable Master File Summary Report Sales Invoice D To Customer 3.14. Replicate the following DFD in Visio, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or some other documentation software package. Customer 1.1 Take Order Order Data Order 1.2 Approve Credit Customer Acknowledgement 1.3 Check Inventory Availability Approved Order Sales Order Sales Order Shipping Billing Picking Ticket Inventory Warehouse CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES CASE 3-1 Dub 5 You are the systems analyst for the Wee Willie Williams Widget Works (also known as Dub 5). Dub 5 has been producing computer keyboard components for more than 20 years and has recently signed an exclusive 10year contract to provide the keyboards for all Dell and HP personal computers. As the systems analyst, you have been assigned the task of documenting Dub 5’s order-processing system. Customer orders, which are all credit sales, arrive via e-mail and by phone. When an order is processed, a number of other documents are prepared. You have diagrammed the overall process and the documents produced, as shown in the context diagram shown below. The following documents are created: ● ● ● ● Order processing creates a packing slip, which the warehouse uses to fill the order. A customer invoice is prepared and sent once the goods have been shipped. When orders are not accepted, an order rejection is sent to the customer, explaining why the order cannot be filled. A receivables notice, which is a copy of the customer invoice, is sent to the accounting department so accounts receivable records can be updated. After reviewing your notes, you write the following narrative summary: When an order comes in, the order-processing clerk checks the customer’s credit file to confirm credit approval and ensure that the amount falls within the credit limit. If either of these conditions is not met, the order is sent to the credit department. If an Order Customer Customer Invoice order meets both conditions, the order-processing clerk enters it into the system on a standard order form. The data on the form is used to update the company’s customer file (in which the name, address, and other data are stored), and the form is placed in the company’s open order file. When the credit department receives a rejected order, the credit clerk determines why the order has been rejected. If the credit limit has been exceeded, the customer is notified that the merchandise will be shipped as soon as Dub 5 receives payment. If the customer has not been approved for credit, a credit application is sent to the customer along with a notification that the order will be shipped as soon as credit approval is granted. Before preparing a packing slip, the system checks the inventory records to determine whether the company has the products ordered on hand. If the items are in stock, a packing slip is prepared and sent to the warehouse. Once notification of shipped goods has been received from the warehouse, a customer invoice is prepared. A copy is filed by the order-processing department, another is sent to the customer, and another is sent to the accounting department so that accounts receivables can be updated. A note is placed in the customer file indicating that the invoice has been sent. From the information presented, complete a Level 0 DFD for order processing, a Level 1 DFD for the credit review process for Dub 5, and a BPD of order processing. Packing Slip Order Processing Warehouse Shipping Notice Order Rejection Customer Invoice Copy Accounting 73 74 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS AIS in Action Solutions QUIZ KEY 1. A DFD is a representation of which of the following? a. the logical operations performed by a computer program [Incorrect. This is a description of a program flowchart.] ▶ b. flow of data in an organization [Correct.] c. decision rules in a computer program [Incorrect. A DFD is a graphical representation of how data move through an organization. Decision rules are objective statements specific to computer programs.] d. computer hardware configuration [Incorrect. A computer hardware configuration shows how various parts of a computer fit together.] 2. Documentation methods such as DFDs, BPDs, and flowcharts save both time and money, adding value to an organization. ▶ a. True [Correct. A picture is worth a thousand words: Many people learn more and learn it more quickly by studying the DFD, BPD, or flowchart of a system than by reading a narrative description of the same system.] b. False [Incorrect] 3. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. Flowcharts make use of many symbols. [Incorrect. The statement is true. See Figure 3-8 for an illustration of the many symbols used in flowcharts.] b. A document flowchart emphasizes the flow of documents or records containing data. [Incorrect. The statement is true. The reason it is called a document flowchart is that it shows the flow of documents or records containing data.] ▶ c. DFDs help convey the timing of events. [Correct. DFDs show data movement, but not necessarily the timing of the movement.] d. Both a and b are false. [Incorrect. As explained above, a and b are true statements.] 4. A DFD consists of the following four basic elements: data sources and destinations, data flows, transformation processes, and data stores. Each is represented on a DFD by a different symbol. ▶ a. True [Correct. The four elements of DFDs are illustrated in Figure 3-1.] b. False [Incorrect] 5. All of the following are guidelines that should be followed in naming DFD data elements EXCEPT: a. Process names should include action verbs such as update, edit, prepare, and record. [Incorrect. Action verbs should be used to name process data elements. See item 11 in Focus 3-1.] b. Make sure the names describe all the data or the entire process. [Incorrect. Data element names should reflect what is known about the element. See item 11 in Focus 3-1.] ▶ c. Name only the most important DFD elements. [Correct. All data elements should be named, with the exception of data flows into data stores, when the inflows and outflows make naming the data store redundant. See item 11 in Focus 3-1.] d. Choose active and descriptive names. [Incorrect. Active and descriptive names should be used in naming data elements. See item 11 in Focus 3-1.] 6. The documentation skills that accountants require vary with their job function. However, all accountants should at least be able to do which of the following? ▶ a. Read documentation to determine how the system works. [Correct. All accountants should at least be able to read and understand system documentation.] b. Critique and correct documentation that others prepare. [Incorrect. Although senior accountants may critique and correct documentation prepared by junior CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES accountants, at a minimum all accountants need to be able to read and understand documentation.] c. Prepare documentation for a newly developed information system. [Incorrect. Some accountants may need to develop internal control documentation, but system developers and analysts normally prepare systems documentation.] d. Teach others how to prepare documentation. [Incorrect. Most accountants will not be asked to teach documentation skills.] 7. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a. A flowchart is an analytical technique used to describe some aspect of an information system in a clear, concise, and logical manner. [Incorrect. This is the definition of a flowchart given previously in the text.] b. Flowcharts use a standard set of symbols to describe pictorially the flow of documents and data through a system. [Incorrect. The symbols used for flowcharting are shown in Figure 3-8.] c. Flowcharts are easy to prepare and revise when the designer utilizes a flowcharting software package. [Incorrect. There are a number of good flowcharting software packages that make it easy to draw and modify flowcharts.] ▶ d. A system flowchart is a narrative representation of an information system. [Correct. A flowchart is a graphical rather than a narrative representation of an information system.] 8. Which of the following flowcharts illustrates the flow of data among areas of responsibility in an organization? a. program flowchart [Incorrect. A program flowchart documents a computer program.] b. computer configuration chart [Incorrect. A computer configuration chart illustrates how computer hardware is arranged and implemented.] c. system flowchart [Incorrect. A system flowchart illustrates the relationship among inputs, processes, and outputs of a system, but not areas of responsibility.] ▶ d. document flowchart [Correct. A document flowchart traces the life of a document from its cradle to its grave as it works its way through the areas of responsibility within an organization.] 9. All of the following are recommended guidelines for making flowcharts more readable, clear, concise, consistent, and understandable EXCEPT: a. Divide a document flowchart into columns with labels. [Incorrect. Dividing the flowchart into columns helps make it more readable, clear, concise, consistent, and understandable.] ▶ b. Flowchart all data flows, especially exception procedures and error routines. [Correct. Including all exception procedures and error routines clutters the flowchart and makes it difficult to read and understand.] c. Design the flowchart so that flow proceeds from top to bottom and from left to right. [Incorrect. Flowcharts should be prepared so that they are read like a book.] d. Show the final disposition of all documents to prevent loose ends that leave the reader dangling. [Incorrect. All documents should be placed either in a file or sent to another entity.] 10. How are data sources and destinations represented in a data flow diagram? ▶ a. as a square [Correct. See Figure 3-1.] b. as a curved arrow [Incorrect. A curved arrow represents a data flow. See Figure 3-1.] c. as a circle [Incorrect. A circle represents a process. See Figure 3-1.] d. as two parallel lines [Incorrect. Two parallel lines represent a data store. See Figure 3-1.] e. as none of the above [Incorrect. Option a is correct.] 75 76 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEM SOLUTION FLOWCHART The first step in preparing a document flowchart is to become familiar with the problem. The next step is to identify the primary actors or major players. In this problem there are three major players: Megan Waters (accounts payable clerk), Stan Phillips (cash disbursement clerk), and John Sterling (treasurer). Since we are documenting Accuflow’s cash disbursement process, we are not interested in the internal workings of the vendor, SoftData. As a result, we do not include its activities on our flowchart. Now that we have identified the major players, we can list their functions in Table 3-3. Note that forwarding to and receiving from the next major player are not considered functions in preparing document flowcharts. TABLE 3-3 Accuflow’s Table of Functions ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK (MEGAN WATERS) CASH DISBURSEMENTS CLERK (STAN PHILLIPS) TREASURER (JOHN STERLING) Receives invoice Records invoice Posts cash disbursement Prepares check Records cash disbursement Files cancelled invoice Approves and signs check Cancels invoice Mails check We will now explain, step by step, how to create the document flowchart solution for Accuflow shown in Figure 3-14. To document the functions of the three major players, divide the document flowchart into three columns, one for each player. It is usually best to arrange the columns in the order in which they occur and to use the primary function of the major player as the column name. Because the accounts payable clerk receives the invoice from the vendor, we place her in the first column. After the accounts payable clerk records the invoice, she sends it to the cash disbursements clerk, who prepares a check and sends it to the treasurer. Therefore, the cash disbursements clerk should be in the second column, and the treasurer should be in the last column, as illustrated in Figure 3-14. Because the process begins with an invoice from an external party (a vendor), a terminal symbol with the term “From Vendor” is placed in the upper left portion of the Accounts Payable Clerk column. Next, a document symbol with the words “Vendor Invoice” printed inside it is placed below the terminal symbol. An arrow representing the document’s flow and the order of operations connects the two symbols. According to the narrative, Megan manually records the invoice in the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. Thus, a manual process symbol with the words “Record Invoice” is placed below the invoice document symbol, and the two symbols are connected with an arrow. Then, a journal/ ledger symbol is placed to the side of the manual process and an arrow is used to connect the two symbols. A new vendor invoice symbol is drawn below the record invoice symbol. Because the vendor invoice moves from the accounts payable clerk to the cash disbursements clerk, the vendor invoice symbol is placed at the top of the cash disbursements column with an arrow connecting the two representations of the same document. We redraw the vendor invoice symbol in the cash disbursements clerk column to make the flowchart easier to read. To show that the cash disbursement clerk prepares a check to pay the vendor invoice, a manual process symbol with “Prepare Check” inside it is placed next to the vendor invoice. We could have placed it below the invoice symbol but put it beside it to save space. Two document symbols are placed below the manual process for the vendor invoice and the newly prepared check. The cash disbursements clerk then sends the invoice and check to the treasurer. As a result, the vendor invoice and check appear in the Treasurer column. A manual CHAPTER 3 Accounts Payable Clerk SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES Cash Disbursements Clerk Treasurer From Vendor Vendor Invoice Vendor Invoice Record Invoice Prepare Check Vendor Invoice Vendor Invoice Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledger Check Check Approve & Sign Check; Cancel Invoice Vendor Invoice Cash Disbursements Journal Post Cash Disbursements (Weekly) Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledger Cancelled Invoice Cancelled Invoice Signed Check Cash Disbursements Journal Record Payment To Vendor Cancelled Invoice D symbol with “Approve & Sign Check; Cancel Invoice” inside is used to show that the check is signed and the invoice is cancelled. The documents are again shown in the flowchart, this time with new titles (Cancelled Invoice and Signed Check) to show the changed nature of the documents. The treasurer sends the signed check to the vendor, which is illustrated using a terminal symbol with words “To Vendor” written in it. The cancelled invoice is used to record the cash disbursement in the cash disbursements journal, so it is sent back to the middle column (Cash Disbursements). A manual process symbol with “Record Payment” inside it and an arrow is used to show that the disbursement is recorded in the cash disbursements journal, represented by a journal/ledger symbol. To illustrate that the cancelled invoice is filed by date, it is shown, using appropriate arrows, as exiting the record payment manual process and entering a file. A “D” is placed in the file symbol to indicate that the documents are filed by date. Each week, the accounts payable clerk manually posts entries from the cash disbursements journal to the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. To show this, the cash disbursements journal symbol is reproduced in the accounts payable clerk column, and a manual process symbol with the words “Post Cash Disbursements (Weekly)” is placed under it. An arrow shows data from this journal being entered into the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. This completes the document flowchart for the Accuflow Company’s cash disbursements process. FIGURE 3-14 Accuflow’s Document Flowchart 77 78 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTEXT DIAGRAM A context diagram is an overview of the data processing being documented. As such, a context diagram includes a single transformation process (circle or bubble) and the data sources and data destinations that send data to or receive data from the transformation process. Thus, the first step in preparing a context diagram is to draw a single circle or bubble and then label it with a name that best describes the process being documented. In this case, “Cash Disbursements System” effectively describes the process (see Figure 3-15). FIGURE 3-15 Invoice Accuflow’s Context Diagram Vendor Check Cash Disbursements System The next step is to draw and label squares for the entities that either send data to the cash disbursements process or receive data from the cash disbursements process. In this example, there is a single entity—the vendor that acts as both a source and a destination of data to/from the cash disbursements process. In other processes, an outside entity could be just a source or a destination of data, and there could be more than one source or destination of data. The last step is to connect the process (circle) with the source/destination (square) with arrows representing data flows. We have two arrows representing an invoice sent to Accuflow’s cash disbursement process and a check sent to the vendor from Accuflow. LEVEL 0 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM In the context diagram, we saw the entire cash disbursements process in one bubble. In a Level 0 DFD, we break down the cash disbursements process into its major functions. In reading the narrative, we find the following five primary steps in the cash disbursements process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Receive vendor invoice and record payable Prepare the check Sign and send the check and cancel the invoice Record the cash disbursement Post the cash disbursements to the accounts payable ledger Each of these processes is represented by a circle or bubble in Figure 3-16. Since this is the Level 0 DFD, we assign each of these processes a real number, with the first digit after the decimal point being a zero. We also place the circles in the order that the data should flow in the process. As a result, “Receive and Record Invoice” is assigned process 1.0, “Prepare Check” is assigned process 2.0, “Approve and Sign Check” is 3.0, “Record Cash Disbursement” is 4.0, and “Post Cash Disbursement to Accounts Payable Ledger” is 5.0. This numbering system allows us to decompose these processes into more detailed subprocesses and still keep a consistent numbering system. Thus, if we needed to decompose process 3.0 to a more detailed level, we could assign subprocess bubbles as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc. We can even provide greater detail by decomposing process 3.1 into subprocesses 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, etc. Next, we place the data sources and data destinations on the Level 0 DFD. Because we had only one data source and destination (i.e., the vendor), we draw a square and label it “Vendor.” It is very important that we reconcile back to the context diagram when we prepare the different levels of DFDs. That is, the same data sources and destinations that appeared on the context diagram must also appear on the Level 0 DFD. No new data sources and destinations may appear on the Level 0 DFD. If, when preparing the Level 0 DFD, you discover that a data source/destination is necessary to document the system properly, then you must revise the context diagram with the new data source/destination, because the context diagram should represent the entire process. CHAPTER 3 SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES 79 FIGURE 3-16 Vendor Accuflow’s Level 0 Data Flow Diagram Vendor Invoice 1.0 Receive & Record Invoice Accounts Payable (AP) Subsidiary Ledger Vendor Invoice Signed Check Vendor Invoice & Check 3.0 Approve & Sign Check 2.0 Prepare Check Cash Disbursements (CD) Journal Cancelled Invoice 4.0 Record Cash Disbursement Cancelled Invoices 5.0 Post CD to AP Ledger Once the data source/destinations and processes are drawn, we then connect them by drawing the arrows between the appropriate symbols. These arrows represent the data moving or flowing from one process to another and from one source or destination to or from a particular process. Accordingly, we have a vendor invoice moving from the vendor to the “Receive and Record Invoice” process and from that process to the “Prepare Check” process. The vendor invoice and a check move from the “Prepare Check” process to the “Approve and Sign Check” process. We also have arrows leaving process 3.0 to represent the signed check being sent to the vendor and the cancelled invoice going to process 4.0, “Record Cash Disbursements.” Some processes require that data be stored. As a result, we also draw any necessary files or data stores. The Level 0 DFD is the first time data stores appear in a DFD set. (Note: Data stores should not be represented on a context diagram.) Data store labels should identify the data being sent to or from it. As a result, labeling the data flows to or from data stores is normally unnecessary. Data stores are prepared by drawing two parallel lines and inserting the name of the data store between the parallel lines. In Figure 3-16 we have three data stores: the cash disbursements journal, accounts payable subsidiary ledger, and the cancelled invoices data store. Because the cash disbursements journal is updated in process 4.0, a data flow is sent from the process 4.0 circle to the cash disbursements journal data store. To show that the accounts payable ledger is updated when invoices are received (process 1.0), an arrow is drawn from that process to the accounts payable ledger. To show that accounts payable is updated with data from the cash disbursements journal (process 5.0), a data flow arrow is drawn from the cash disbursements data store to process 5.0, and another data flow arrow is drawn from process 5.0 to the accounts payable subsidiary ledger data store. The update takes place weekly, but unlike document flowcharts, a DFD does not indicate the timing of data flows. 80 PART I CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS LEVEL 1 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM When additional detail is needed to document data flows, a process bubble may be decomposed further. As indicated in Focus 3-1, to be clear, understandable, and easy to read, a DFD should contain no more than seven process bubbles. In the Accuflow example, we broke the company’s data flows into five main processes. Each of these five processes can be further decomposed. To illustrate this, we will decompose process 3.0. The narrative indicates that the treasurer approves and signs the prepared check, sends it to the vendor, and cancels the invoice to prevent duplicate payments. Therefore, we will break down process 3.0 into process 3.1 (approve and sign check), 3.2 (send check to vendor), and 3.3 (cancel invoice). To display the three processes, we draw three circles and label them as shown on Figure 3-17. We also draw the data flows and label them. Notice that the vendor data source/destination is not needed on the Level 1 DFD since it is already shown on Level 0. Since it would clutter the DFD, and because we are showing greater detail on the Level 1 than on the Level 0 for one particular process, we do not replicate all of the processes and data stores in the Level 0 DFD. BUSINESS PROCESS DIAGRAM The first step in preparing a business process diagram is to identify and understand the business processes to be diagramed. This includes identifying the primary players in Accuflow’s cash disbursement process: Megan Waters (accounts payable clerk), Stan Phillips (cash disbursement clerk), and John Sterling (treasurer). Since we are documenting Accuflow’s cash disbursement process, we do not include the vendor, SoftData, as one of our major players. Table 3-3 (page 76) lists the functions performed by the three people involved in cash disbursements). We will now explain each step in creating the BPD solution for Accuflow shown in Figure 3-18. The first step is to create two columns to show the employees involved and the activities they perform. Next, we create three rows, sometimes called “swim lanes” to show the three employees and the activities each of them performs in the cash disbursements process. Because the process begins when Megan Waters receives an invoice from a vendor, a circle is placed in the upper left portion of the Accounts Payable Clerk column to show where the cash disbursement process begins (see Figure 3-12 for the BPD symbols).The first activity (shown by a rectangle in the BPD) is entering the vendor invoice in the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. An arrow representing the document’s flow and the order of operations connects the beginning of the process (circle) and the first FIGURE 3-17 Signed Check Accuflow’s Level 1 Data Flow Diagram 3.2 Send Check to Vendor Signed Check Invoice Vendor Invoice & Check 3.1 Approve & Sign Check 3.3 Cancel Invoice Cancelled Invoice CHAPTER 3 Employee Megan Waters Accounts Payable Clerk Stan Philips Cash Disburse‐ ments Clerk John Sterling Treasurer SYSTEMS DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUES Activities Performed From vendor Weekly Enter vendor invoices in accounts payable subsidiary ledger Use cash disbursements journal to update accounts payable journal Prepare check to pay invoices Use canceled invoice to update cash disbursements journal Approve & sign check, cancel invoice Disburse vendor checks To provide better control over the checks and to prevent fraud, John sends checks to vendors rather than return them to Stan FIGURE 3-18 Accuflow’s Business Process Diagram activity (rounded rectangle). Since we got the invoice from someone not represented in a swim lane, we write “From Vendor” above the rectangle. The next activity is preparing checks to pay the invoices. Since that is done by Stan Phillips, the cash disbursements clerk, we draw the appropriate rectangle in his swim lane and connect the two rectangles with an arrow to indicate process flow. Note that, unlike a flowchart, in a BPD we do not show the documents created, their flow, or where they are stored. The emphasis is on the activities performed and the process flow. The third activity in the cash disbursements process is John Sterling, the Treasurer, approving and signing the checks and canceling the invoice (marking it paid). That rectangle is drawn, the appropriate explanation placed inside it, and an arrow is drawn to show the process flow. The fourth activity is the Treasurer sending the signed check to the vendor. There is no row or swim lane for the vendor; instead, the rectangle with “disburse vendor checks” communicates that the checks are sent to the external party. Internal controls can be highlighted on a BPD by explaining them and drawing a dotted arrow to the appropriate activity. In the Accuflow BPD, the annotation symbol (see Figure 3-8) is used, with the internal control description written inside the three-sided rectangle. John sends the canceled invoice to Stan who updates the cash disbursements journal, represented by another rectangle in Stan’s swim lane and a connecting arrow between the two swim lanes. Accuflow receives and pays for invoices every day and updating cash disbursements is the final daily activity in that business process. Hence, the bolded circle to the right of the rectangle to indicate the end of that process. There is one more activity in the process—Megan uses the cash disbursement journal to update the accounts payable journal. Since the timing of the activity is different (weekly rather than daily), it is shown as a separate activity with its own beginning and end. A dotted line connects the rectangles in Stan’s and Megan’s swim lanes to show that the flow is different than the other flows. The word “Weekly” is placed above the activity rectangle to indicate the different timing. This completes the business process diagram for Accuflow’s cash disbursements process. 81