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AIM−GP and Parallelism Peter Nordin Physical Resource Theory Chalmers University of Technology Sweden Frank Hoffmann LS11 University of Dortmund Germany Frank D. Francone RML Technologies, Inc. USA Wolfgang Banzhaf LS11 University of Dortmund Germany Markus Brameier LS11 University of Dortmund Germany Abstract Many machine learning tasks are just too hard to be solved with a single processor machine, no matter how efficient algorithms we use and how fast our hardware is. Luckily genetic programming is well suited for parallelization compared to standard serial algorithms. This paper describes the first parallel implementation of an AIM-GP system creating the potential for an extremely fast system. The system is tested on three problems and several variants of demes and migration are evaluated. Most of the results are applicable to both linear and tree based systems. Keywords: Genetic Programming, Machine Code GP, Parallelism 1. Introduction The hardware speed of desktop computers is growing exponentially. This means that every year new application areas can be addressed with machine learning and adaptive systems. The constant development of new algorithms and implementation methods also enables us to explore previously impossible terrain. However there are absolute physical limitations to even the fastest serial computer with the most efficient algorithm. The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence might be to build an algorithm with capabilities of the human mind. The problem is that if we were to simulate the maximum computing capability of the human brainwith all synapses activea serial computer must be smaller than a single atom to accomplish this. This fact is due to limitations caused by the speed of light and there is nothing we can do about it except for extending our algorithms to parallel computers. In addition, parallel desktop computers are becoming mainstream with seamless support from operating systems making multiprocessor systems uncomplicated to use. the most studied linear GP method. But as seen above, even a very efficient algorithm will eventually benefit from parallelization. This paper documents the implementation of a parallel AIM-GP algorithm and experiments design to evaluate it. A large part of the results count for tree based systems, too. 2. Method The method can be subdivided into AIM-GP implementation, hardware, and parallelization: 2.1 AIM−GP AIM-GP uses a linear representation directly corresponding to binary machine code. Crossover is performed as a string crossover between instructions while mutation switches instruction or selected bits within the instruction. In the experiments we use the PowerPC chip from Motorola and the original version of AIM-GP without instruction blocks. For further details on AIM-GP see (Nordin 1997, Banzhaf et al . 1998, Nordin et al. 1999). 2.2 Hardware To connect several processors into a parallel computer is not a trivial task. Several different architectures exist. In our experiments we have used the Parsytec Power Explorer, one of the most widespread commercial systems. The power explorer is a MIMD machine (multiple instruction multiple data system) with up to 64 power PC processors. The configuration used for the experiments was a 16 processor variant, but the approach will port directly to 64 processors. Each node in the computer consists of a PowerPC601, a T414 support transputer processor, 32 MB of RAM and Boot ROM as seen in Figure 1. The support processor manages efficient serial communication between nodes, see Figure 2. Genetic programming has proven to be a very robust, efficient and broadly applicable method. The good news in this context is that it is also very suitable for parallelization which has been successfully demonstrated (Andre and Koza 1996). Some parallel approaches even display nearly "super linear speed-up" over the simple serial approach. This means that the parallel version of the algorithm is more efficient even if it is simulated on a purely serial machine (Andre and Koza 1996). This is a very beneficial property of a machine learning algorithm and it has led to unique and impressive projects such as the 1000 processor Alpha machine under construction in John Koza's team. AIM-GP (Automatic Induction of Machine Code with Genetic Programming) is formerly know as CGPS. This method induces binary machine code directly without any interpreting steps enabling speed-ups of two orders of magnitude. AIM-GP is the fastest GP approach and Figure 1: A node in the Power XPlorer Figure 4: Connection of Nodes Figure 2: The T414 Transputer The PowerPC is a conventional cached RISC processor also used in for instance Macintosh computers. We use the standard set-up with the Ultrix operation system. 2.3 GP and parallelization There are several ways to parallelize the GP algorithm. It could be divided both with regard to fitness cases and to the population. However, the most common way to achieve parallelization is through "demes". The notion of demes was introduced by Wright in 1943 as a description of a phenomenon in natural evolution where an animal population is divided into subpopulations (Wright 1943). Between the otherwise separated subpopulations infrequent migration takes place. This model is often referred to as the island model, see Figure 5. Demes are argued to reduce the possibility for evolution to end up in a local minimum and this increase the efficiency of the paradigm. This "super linear speed-up" has been observed in simulations of evolutionary algorithms. Figure 3: The PowerPC processor The nodes of the the Parsytec Power Explorer are coupled together in a grid as seen in Figure 4. Figure 5: Island Model The demes can be arranged in different patterns. Two of the most common are the "stepping stone model as ring" and "the stepping stone model as lattice" (Kimura 1953), see Figure 6. Figure 6: Stepping Stone model as ring and lattice A related approach using demes is the neighborhood model. Here the individual can migrate to more than the closest island, they can move within a predefined "neighborhood distance", see Figure 7 (Gorges-Schleuter 1989). Figure 8: A node with AIM−GP The emigration of individuals takes place through an input/output queue where the export thread is responsible for sending it to another node. In a similar way there is an immigration queue and an immigration thread on the receiving island. The immigration individual in the simplest case replaces a random existing individual. Figure 7: Neighborhood model There exists several implementations of parallel EAs in research. Tanese (Tanese 1989) used an island model of a GA for a parallel machine. He concluded that migration rates have a decisive influence on the performance of the algorithm and that it is possible to achieve at least linear speed-up by adding new nodes. Andre and Koza implemented a parallel GP system on a transputer network (Andre and Koza 1996). 2.4 Design of the AIM-GP system To maximize performance we knew that we needed to keep communication between nodes to a moderate level. We also wanted to keep the system flexible and portable using standard Ultrix features. The main design of an AIM-GP node is illustrated in Figure 8. AIMGP uses 8 of the 32 registers of the PowerPC (r03 r10), while the machine instructions in the function set were add, addi, subf, mullw, mulli, and, andi, or, ori, xor, xori, eqv, nand, nor, slw, srw, sraw. The output of the system can be presented both as assembler and decompiled into C, for example: 00000000: 00000004: 00000008: 0000000C: 00000010: 00000014: 00000018: 0000001C: 00000020: 00000024: 00000028: 0000002C: 00000030: 00000034: 00000038: 0000003C: 00000040: 00000044: 00000048: 7D032378 7C051838 7CE85038 7C883C30 7C683C30 7CA54A14 7CE54BB8 7C8643B8 7C644378 7CA449D6 7CE623B8 7C880278 7D0A1838 7C842038 7C895430 7CE019D6 7C834B78 7C834B78 4E800020 * or r03,r08,r04 ; and r05,r00,r03 ; and r08,r07,r10 ; srw r08,r04,r07 ; * srw r08,r03,r07 ; add r05,r05,r09 ; nand r05,r07,r09 ; nand r06,r04,r08 ; * or r04,r03,r08 ; mullw r05,r04,r09 ; nand r06,r07,r04 ; * xor r08,r04,r00 ; * and r10,r08,r03 ; * and r04,r04,r04 ; * srw r09,r04,r10 ; mullw r07,r00,r03 ; or r03,r04,r09 ; * or r03,r04,r09 ; blr ; int individual_function(int r03, int r04, int r05, int r06, int r07, int r08) { r03 = r08 | r04; r08 = r03 >> r07; r04 = r03 | r08; r08 = r04 ^ r00; r10 = r08 & r03; r04 = r04 & r04; r09 = r04 >> r07; r03 = r04 | r06; return r03; } 3. Experiments 3.1 Evaluation problems We selected three problem classes to evaluate the properties of the parallel AIM−GP: 1. 2. 3. generalization. The output of the individual is interpreted as one of two cases depending on if its greater than or less than a certain threshold value. The individual is free to use all of the machine code instruction in the PPC AIM-GP implementation. A boolean problem A function regression problem An image classification problem Twenty runs with different random seeds were performed for each of the problem set−ups. All problems were either run for a maximal number of tournaments or until a perfect solution (fitness 0) was found. The fitness function always used the sum of the absolute values of errors. Both mutation and crossover probabilities were set to 90%. Function regression For function regression we used a polynomial which allowed for scaling of difficulty: f ( x , y ) = 5( x 4 + y 3 ) − 3 x 2 Each time the fitness cases consisted of 200 randomly selected values. The instructions in the function set consisted of the operations add, sub, mul. Figure 8: Exampe image segmentatio Parity function The parity function takes a number of N bits and outputs "1" if the number of "ones" is even or "0" otherwise: N e= ⊕b n=0 n In this case the function set was {and, or, nand, nor} with the constants 1 and 0. We deliberately sustained from using the xor instruction to make the problem harder. Using the xor AIM-GP solves the problem almost immediately. The parity function belongs to the hardest class of Boolean function with a very rough search space. Partitioning of Images Images classification is a growing application domain due to increasing use of digital images and due to decreasing cost of hardware. The objective of the problem is to divide the pixels of an image into two classes depending on properties of the original pixels in the image. Figure 8 illustrates the output of an individual segmenting the image in two areas with two gray-tones. The individual is feed by x and y coordinates and expected to give the class of that pixel as output. 500 randomly selected pixels are used for individual fitness and another 500 are used for Figure 9: Input image data Initial populations show individuals usually overfitting stripes to certain points as in Figure 10. Later more complex, often fractal patterns appear, see Figure 11. Finally a fitting geometry evolves as in Figure 8. Figure 10: Stipes: uses only one input system uses tournament selection. The migration rate is measured in relation to number of tournaments. With a very high migration rate (every 250th tournament) we get a development as in Figure 13. The high migration rate results in a worse final fitness. With a migration every 1000nd tournaments we get a graph as depicted in Figure 14. We conclude that migration is important for the parallelization of a GP system and we can see a 15 fold increase in performance in the best migration setting compared with runs without migration. On the other hand too much migration is not optimal. In all test cases we see worse performance with too high migration. 4.3 Migration Strategies The method by which an individual is selected for emigration controls the quality of the emigrating individual. In our experiments we evaluated several different approaches. We used random emigration, emigration of the best and tournament emigration. Tournament emigration chooses the winner of the last tournament as emigrant giving a random distribution of better individuals but seldomly the best individual in the population. Figure 11: Pattern which uses both inputs 4. Results In this work the parallel AIMGP system has been investigated in relation to the influence of migration on the learning process. The system has been configured using a sub−population size of 1000 individuals for all 16 processing nodes. Each experimental result is documented as an average of the 20 runs performed. 4.1 Migration Effects The migration between demes has a qualitative and a quantitative effect. The migration frequency specifies how many individuals migrate each time interval. The qualitative part defines which individuals are allowed to migrate. 4.2 Migration Frequency In all our experiments migration rate is varied by changing the frequency of migration instead of the number of individuals that are emigrated from each deme during each migration phase. This is different from (Andre and Koza 1996) who took the latter approach. Our migration technique is strongly motivated by nature where migration is a rather continuous process. During each migration step only one individual is selected from each deme and moved to all adjacent nodes in the transputer network as shown in Figure 4. In addition to the motivation by nature there are some technical advantages: The workload of the links is reduced and synchronization problems occur less frequently. A test run without migration is shown in Figure 12 where the fitness development of all isolated demes can be seen. Effectively, this means running the problem with different random seeds 16 times simultaneously. The GP Tables 1-9 summarize our results for the three problems and the three migrations strategies respectively. Tables 1 and 2, for instance, show how random migration and tournament migration tend to perform similarly in relation to the best fitness found, the number of evaluations and the number of executed instructions per run. Average values and standard deviations (σ) are given for all three measures. In comparison, emigration of the best performs worse (see Table 3) probably due to a higher tendency to get stuck in local optima. Only runs with very fast search might do better with emigration of the best since a more elitistic approach is better as a global optimum is being approached. There seems to be a trade-off between fast progress in fitness and loss of diversity with emigration of the best as illustrated in Figure 19. Loss of diversity lets the evolutioary process run into local sub-optima because no new genetic material can be created. This is especially the case if best individuals are reproduced in different demes with high migration rates. In contrast, Figure 18 shows a rather continuous improve in fitness for the random strategy when the migration rate is increased. The selection of individuals which are to be replaced by the immigrants can also affect performance. We have studied three basic methods: random selection, selection of the worst individual and tournament selection where the loosers of the tournament are selected for replacement. We found that there is little difference in performance. Even random selection appears to be a robust method. σ Fitness % No solution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 185 30 Evaluations*106 162 240 198 219 346 2569 σ Evaluations Instructions*106 13 49 25 20 99 588 7790 12823 9852 10504 σ Instructions 856 3078 1658 1836 19523 161755 6349 37683 Table 1: Random emigration (function regression) Migration distance Figure 12: Fitness over time (in million evaluations) of best individual in all 16 demes without migration ∞ 250 500 1000 2000 3000 Fitness 0 0 72 0 0 355 σ Fitnes % No solution 0 0 72 0 0 185 0 0 5 0 0 20 Evaluations*106 272 164 480 381 272 2569 σ Evaluations Instructions*106 82 14 304 125 39 588 9811 7650 σ instructions 1068 921 28086 14309 19492 2655 14954 161755 2480 37683 Table 2: Tournament emigration (function regression) 250 500 1000 2000 3000 ∞ Fitness 79 0 0 72 218 355 σ Fitness % No solution 55 0 0 72 150 185 10 0 0 5 10 20 Evaluations*106 1371 444 252 637 982 2569 σ Evaluations Instructions*106 472 137 46 321 415 588 80121 25400 13374 38064 σ instructions 30563 8821 2910 20575 Migration distance 60188 161755 26577 37683 Table 3: Emigration of the best (function regression) Figure 13: Fitness over time of best individual in all demes with migration every 250 tournaments Migration distance 250 500 1000 2000 3000 Fitness 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,9 1,7 6,2 σ Fitnes % No solution 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,8 0,8 20 20 15 20 25 95 Evaluations*106 988 930 865 834 1085 2014 172 169 171 160 164 78 σ Evaluations Instructions*106 σ Instructions ∞ 23344 21198 21382 19862 258084 477506 7 2 3 0 45273 42213 43789 41124 43065 29289 Table 4: Random emigration (parity function) Migration distance Fitness σ Fitnes 500 1000 2000 3000 1 1 0,9 0,8 1,1 6,2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,8 ∞ 20 20 20 20 35 95 6 710 765 835 973 1144 2014 σ Evaluations Instructions*106 179 164 162 172 171 78 % No solution Evaluations*10 Figure 14: Fitness over time of best individual in all demes with migration every 1000 tournaments. 250 σ Instructions 16696 17718 19812 23400 277529 477506 2 5 2 7 45829 43833 41783 44068 43968 29289 Table 5: Emigration of the best (parity function) Migration distance Fitness 250 500 1000 2000 3000 ∞ 0 0 0 0 0 355 Migration distance 250 500 1000 2000 3000 ∞ Fitness 0,2 12 12 8 10 6,2 σ Fitnes % No solution 0,1 1 1,2 1,15 1,2 0,8 10 20 25 25 20 95 801 790 1063 999 998 2014 157 184 177 187 156 78 Evaluations*10 6 σ Evaluations Instructions σ Instructions 19013 18767 25620 24087 240227 477506 1 8 7 0 40300 47350 45369 47971 40384 29289 Table 6: Tournament emigration (parity function) Migration distance Fitness σ Fitness 100 400 1000 2000 34 34 37 57 ∞ 97 8 9 8 14 9 Table 7: Random emigration (image partitioning) Migration distance Fitness σ Fitness 100 400 1000 2000 24 49 54 68 ∞ 97 8 14 23 14 9 Figure 20: Progress of fitness for the different migration strategies and migration frequency 250 (function regression) Table 8: Emigration of the best (image partitioning) Migration distance Fitness σ Fitness 100 400 1000 2000 41 33 44 58 ∞ 97 5 3 3 5 9 Table 9: Tournament migration (image partitioning) 5. Summary Our AIM−GP system has been parallized efficiently on a transputer network. Results have been presented for different problem domains using different migration strategies and migrations rates. In general the deme approach has proven a usefull concept for parallization . Acknowledgement Peter Nordin gratefully acknowledges support from the Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences. Bibliography Figure 18: Best fitness over time (in million evaluations) for random migration and different migration frequencies (function regression) Figure 19: Best fitness over time for elitist migration and different migration frequencies (function regression) [Andre and Koza 1996] Andre, D. and Koza, J. (1996) Parallel Genetic Programming: A Scalable Implementation Using The Transputer Network Architecture. In Angeline, P.J. and Kinnear, K.E. (eds.), Advances in Genetic Programming 2, MIT Press, Cambrige. [Banzhaf et al., 1998] Banzhaf, W., Nordin, P. Keller, R. E., and Francone, F. D. 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