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Ulasan filem Black Hawk Down

SKSJ 2053: TRANSFORMASI POLITIK DUNIA Nama: Arif Anwar bin Lokmanol Hakim No Matrik: A152409 Tajuk: Ulasan Filem ‘Black Hawk Down’ dan Teori Campur Tangan Negara Luar Filem ini mengisahkan jatuhnya dua helikopter tentera Amerika Syarikat, UH-60 Black Hawk setelah ditembak jatuh oleh pejuang Somalia dengan peluru roket mereka di bawah Presiden Muhammad Farah Aidid tahun 1993. Kisah ini tercerita dalam peristiwa sebenar, iaitu Perang Mogadishu, sebuah ibu kota negara di Somalia sebagai lanjutan kemuncak perang saudara namun bukannya perang agama tetapi lebih kepada kepuakan tentera dan parti kepentingan masing-masing yang tiada kesudahan. Di masa ini, PBB melalui Amerika Syarikat telah campur tangan bersama tentera Malaysia dan Pakistan untuk menghulur bantuan di tengah kelaparan rakyat Somalia. Dalam masa yang sama juga US melalui PBB campur tangan untuk menangkap Muhammad Farah Aidid kerana beliau menyerang pesawat tentera yang hanya hulukan bantuan sahaja dan mematikan perang tersebut namun tidak berjaya malah ramai tentera seperti dalam filem itu mati atau tercedera. Akhirnya, US yang ketika itu presidennya ialah Bill Clinton tarik diri dengan desakan rakyat US di sana. Sehingga kini negara tersebut masih berperang. Di sini akan diterangkan teori dan kerelevanan campur tangan negara kuasa luar yang dipanggil pandangan realis dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional dan kembalikan keamanan. Dengan adanya sikap permusuhan, perang kepercayaan dan konflik lainnya, kajian menjelaskan mengapa kekuatan tentera sering merupakan tindakan yang akhirnya diambil adalam suatu krisis meskipun tindakan lain dapat mendahului penggunaan tindakan tersebut pada tahap awal konflik atau krisis, penolakan, penyangkalan, tuntutan, peringatan tuduhan, ancaman dan tindakan-tindakan sejenis mungkin terjadi sedangkan perundingan formal lebih baik dan mudah dalam tahap penyelesaian konflik (seperti tindakan PBB dan US pergi membunuh presiden Somalia itu mencetuskan peperangan lebih teruk kerana peperangannya sehingga rakyat kebuluran). Bentuk bentuk tindakan umum yang biasanya dilakukan dalam konflik satu negara dengan tindakan lain: a. Nota protes b. Penyangkalan tuduhan c. Memanggil pulang duta besar yang ditempatkan di negara tersebut untuk rundingan d. Penarikan duta besar yang ditugaskan di negara konflik itu e. Ancaman “konsekuensi serius” jika tindakan tertentu lawan tidak berakhir f. Ancaman boikot atau embargo luaran secara terbatas atau tetap g. Pengaduan rasmi propaganda di dalam dan luar negeri h. Pemutusan rasmi hubungan diplomatik i. Tindakan menunjukkan kekuatan seperti pembatalan militer, mobilisasi sebahagiannya dan akhirnya tindakan tentera tanpa kekrasan j. Gangguan penutupan jalanan dan komunikasi antara rakyat negara yang bermusuhan k. Perang. Suatu konflik atau krisis mungkin melibatkan salah satu tindakan tersebut di atas dan banyak dapat dilakukan secara serentak. Beberapa petunjuk tentang timbulnya pelbagai tindakan dan paksaan yang timbul dalam konflik antarabangsal menyatakan yang digunakan dalam setiap konflik tersebut adalah: ancaman, paksaan dengan menggunakan kekuatan dan kemungkinannya adalah: a. Ancaman lisan untuk menunjukkan kekuatan b. Demonstrasi kekuatan, contohnya persiapan tentera, penangguhan cuti dan latihan tentera c. Penggunaan kekuatan tanpa korban jiwa. d. Penggunaan kekuatan yang menyebabkan kurang dari seribu kematian e. Perang yang menyebabkan lebih dari seribu kematian Suatu konfik yang dapat diselesaikan melalui diplomasi untuk mencapai hasil penyelesaian konflik dengan mengadakan perundingan. Suatu kompromi hanya merupakan suatu dari penyelesaian konflik yang dapat dicapai dan yang lima penyelesaian yang lainnya adalah: a. Penghindaran atau penarikan diri secara sukarela (seperti PBB lakukan setelah itu) b. Penaklukan dengan kekerasan c. Penundukan paksaan atau menyangkal (seperti PBB ingin tangkap Farah Aidid) d. Penyelesaian secara pasif yang efektif e. Penyelesaian secara damai. (Tasha 2011) RUJUKAN Tasha 2011. Politik International. http://tashagultomblog.blogspot.my/2011/06/politik-internasional.html. [26 Oktober 2016]. LAMPIRAN SINOPSIS (ENGLISH VERSION) Following the ousting of the central government and start of a civil war, a major United Nations military operation in Somalia was authorized with a peacekeeping mandate. Following the withdrawal of the bulk of the peacekeepers, Mogadishu-based Mohamed Farrah Aidid militia loyalists declare war on remaining UN personnel. In response, U.S. Army Rangers, Delta Force counter-terrorist operators, and 160th SOAR aviators are deployed to Mogadishu to capture Aidid, who has proclaimed himself president. To cement his power and subdue the population in the south, Aidid's militia, led by Yousuf Dahir Mo'alim (Razaaq Adoti), is shown seizing Red Cross food shipments, killing anyone who get in their way. A patrolling Black Hawk helicopter ('Super Six-Four' piloted by CWO Michael Durant played by Ron Eldard) requests permission to engage the militia after witnessing the massacre but he is told to stand down and return to base as the UN has jurisdiction. Outside Mogadishu, Delta Force operators capture Osman Ali Atto (George Harris), a faction leader selling arms to Aidid's militia and bring him to their main base at the Mogadishu Airport. Atto is interrogated by MG William F. Garrison (Sam Shepard) who states that they will not leave Somalia until they find Aidid. A mission is planned to capture Omar Salad Elmi and Abdi Hassan Awale Qeybdiid, two of Aidid's top advisers, the US force including experienced men as well as personnel new to the unit, including the young and naive PFC Todd Blackburn (Orlando Bloom), SPC John Grimes (Ewan McGregor) a desk clerk going on his first field mission. SSG Matthew Eversmann (Josh Hartnett) is given his first command - Ranger Chalk Four - by commanding officer CPT Mike Steele (Jason Isaacs) after his Lieutenant, 1LT Beales (Ioan Gruffudd), suffers an epileptic seizure. In Mogadishu, a paid informant gives the location of Aidid's advisors to Garrison, who soon gives the code word (Irene) thus commencing the operation. Delta Force operators, led by SFC Norm "Hoot" Gibson (Eric Bana) and SFC Jeff Sanderson (William Fichtner), capture Aidid's advisers inside the target building, but the Rangers and helicopters escorting the ground-extraction convoy take heavy fire, while Eversmann's Chalk Four is dropped a block away in error. Blackburn is severely injured after falling from one of the Black Hawk helicopters, so three Humvees led by SSG Jeff Struecker (Brian Van Holt) are detached from the convoy to return Blackburn to base. With many Rangers occupied by incoming militia forces, Hoot and his Delta Team volunteer to escort the Humvees. SGT Dominick Pilla (Danny Hoch) is shot and killed just as Struecker's column departs while manning one of the humvees' M2 Browning .50-caliber machine gun, and shortly thereafter Black Hawk Super Six One, piloted by CWO Clifton "Elvis" Wolcott (Jeremy Piven), is shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), crashing deep within the militia-controlled city. Both Wolcott and his co-pilot are killed on impact and both crew chiefs critically injured. Delta Force sniper SSG Daniel Busch (Richard Tyson) pulls himself out of the wreckage and attempts to defend the crash site from incoming militia, but is severely wounded by gunfire. Eversmann and the rest of Chalk Four reach the crash site on foot, providing covering fire while Busch is evacuated by a Little Bird scout/attack helicopter. Meanwhile, a vehicle convoy rerouted to evacuate them is stopped by militia roadblocks. Somali forces inflict heavy casualties, but two more Ranger units manage to reach the site on foot and occupy several nearby houses, awaiting evacuation. Durant is ordered to Super Six One's previous position but it is also shot down by an RPG. Having witnessed the crash, Mo'alim leads an enormous mob, consisting of his own militiamen and many angry locals, to the second crash site. Durant, sole survivor of the crash, attempts to exit the downed helicopter, but discovers that his leg is broken and he is unable to escape, so defends himself from incoming militia as best he can with his MP5. With CPT Steele's Rangers pinned down and sustaining heavy casualties no ground forces can reach Super Six-Four's crash site, nor reinforce the Rangers defending Super Six One. Onboard Super Six Two, a pair of Delta Force snipers, SFC Randy Shughart (Johnny Strong) and MSG Gary Gordon (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), volunteer to defend the crash site for the time being. Their requests are denied by command, as Mo'alim's mob has massed into the hundreds and there is no guarantee when reinforcements will arrive. Eventually, their third request is approved and the pair are landed at the site, where they find Durant still alive. Pulling him from the wreckage, Shughart and Gordon hold off the incoming Somali insurgents until Gordon is killed with a shot to the head. Shughart hands Gordon's CAR-15 to Durant, then kills several more insurgents before he is surrounded and shot to death by the mob when one gets close enough to dump his entire pistol magazine into Shughart. Durant is then found and nearly beaten to death before Mo'alim arrives to have the mob stand down so he can take Durant alive as a prisoner of war. McKnight's column gives up the attempt to reach the first crash site, returning to base with their prisoners and the casualties. Garrison begins assembling a second convoy to rescue those still trapped in Mogadishu, this time including tanks and APCs from Malaysian and Pakistani UN forces operating with the 10th Mountain Division. As night falls, Aidid's militia, led again by Mo'alim, launch a sustained assault on the trapped Americans at the first crash site. On route to Super Six One, Gibson receives an update on the status of the second crash site and is given permission to secure it, taking his Delta Team and a single Ranger with him. When he reaches Durant's crash site, he finds and scares away the remaining members of the mob, who have begun to strip the crashed helicopter of its parts as well as any remaining gear and ammunition on board. While they are unable to find the bodies of Gordon, Shughart and the rest of Six-Four's crew, Hoot finds a badly damaged Delta helmet and takes a brief moment to mourn his fallen comrades before destroying the remains of the helicopter to ensure the classified equipment on board cannot be salvaged by Aidid's militia. Meanwhile, a badly beaten Durant is being interrogated by one of Aidid's lieutenants, Firimbi (Treva Etienne), who, when Durant insists that the U.S. government will never trade him for Aidid's captured advisors, tells him even if Aidid himself is taken or killed, nothing will stop the killing. Throughout the night, militia attacks are fended off by strafing runs and rocket attacks from AH-6J Little Bird helicopter gunships of the Nightstalkers. The next morning, a joint Pakistani-Malay-American relief column is able to reach and save the American forces. Hoot and his team eventually regroup with Eversmann's "Chalk-Four", finally killing Mo'alim in the process with one of his own technicals. While casualties are evacuated inside the armored vehicles, a handful of Rangers and Delta Force soldiers are forced to run from the crash site back to the Pakistani compound, a sports stadium inside the UN Safe Zone, while under fire from the militia as they retreat back to friendly territory. The closing credits detail the results of the raid. Nineteen American soldiers were killed; over 1,000 Somali militants and civilians died. After 11 days of captivity Durant was released; Delta Force snipers Gordon and Shughart were the first soldiers to be awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously since the Vietnam War, and two weeks later President Bill Clinton withdrew Delta Force and the Rangers from Somalia. Major General William F. Garrison accepted full responsibility for the outcome of the raid. On August 1, 1996, Aidid was killed in a battle with a rival faction. General Garrison retired the following day.