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International journal of medical science and clinical Invention Volume 1 issue 5 2014 page no.194-202 ISSN: 2348-991X Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana George A. Pesewu1*, Venus Norshie1, Nana A. Boakye1, Michael A. Olu-Taiwo1, David N. Adjei1, Felix C. Mills-Robertson2, Samuel Osei-Djarbeng3, Richard H. Asmah1, and Patrick F. Ayeh-Kumi1 Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MEDLAB), School of Allied Health Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, P. O. Box KB 143, Korle-Bu, Accra, Ghana, W/A. 2 Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sciences and Technology (KNUST), Private Mail Bag, Kumasi, Ghana, W/A 3 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumasi Polytechnic, P. O. Box 854, Kumasi, Ghana, W/A Abstract: Good quality drinking water can be polluted in many several ways of which faecal and soil pollution are the most important with respect to microbial agents. The aim of the study was to assess the contamination status of drinking water stored in household poly tanks in 5 selected student hostels at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Accra, Ghana. Questionnaires were administered to residents to obtain information about the poly tanks and the usage of water from the tanks by users. Samples of the poly tank water were collected aseptically and 100 ml filtered through sterile membrane filters with 47 mm diameter and 0.45 µm pore size obtained from Merck Millipore, USA. The membrane filters were aseptically placed on prepared sterile agar plates including, Harlequin agar for total coliforms and Escherichia coli, media-faecal coliforms (m-FC) for faecal coliforms, and plate count agar for total viable counts, respectively. The inoculated Harlequin and plate count agar plates were incubated at 37° for 24 h whiles the inoculated m-FC plate was also incubated at 44° for 24 h. From the questionnaires administered, 26% of the study participants said they use the poly tank water for drinking, 70% uses it for cooking, whiles all use it for bathing, and washing purposes. Mean counts of the indicator bacteria in the household storage poly tanks ranged 2.5-3.5 log10 CFU/100 ml for total viable count, 2.3-3.2 log10 CFU/100 ml for total coliforms, 2.1-2.6 log10 CFU/100 ml for E. coli, and 0.5-2.9 log10 CFU/100 ml for faecal coliforms. From the study all the selected household storage water poly tanks were contaminated with faecal indicator bacteria including faecal coliforms and E. coli above the recommended World Health Organization (WHO) standards of concentration of faecal coliforms must be zero in safe drinking water. However, further studies are also recommended to be done to understand the effect of type of water storage tank (i.e. plastic, concrete, etc) on the water contamination. 194 Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] Key words: Poly Tanks; Drinking Water; Total Coliforms; Faecal Coliforms; Escherichia coli bacillary dysentery, and others can be transmitted 1. Introduction in this manner (Cabral, 2010). Therefore All living organisms depend on water for their microbial contamination of drinking water existence and good drinking water with a high remains a significant threat and constant vigilance quality is essential for the well-being of all people is essential, especially in developing countries around the world (Pund & Ganorkar, 2013). An including Ghana. For example, the erratic supply adequate supply of water is necessary for a of pipe borne water and shortage of water in the healthy life but waterborne diseases are major Accra Metropolis for some time now has resulted causes of death in most parts of the world in people depending on commercial water especially in developing countries due to the supplies. These water supplies may not be of good consumption of contaminated water (Fawell & quality and may even contain pathogenic Nieuwenhuijsen, 2003). microorganisms which can cause all forms of It is known that there are various sources of obtaining drinking water but the two most important sources include surface water (rivers and reservoirs) and ground water. Unfortunately, many pathogens can be transmitted through the water supply and there are reports that some of these pathogens enter water from the faeces of infected people and are then ingested and thereby transmitted to others according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2003). A lot of diseases 195 including cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhoeal diseases including typhoid or enteric fever. Considering the nature of our Ghanaian setting where these days there is indiscriminate disposal of human excreta even into rivers and other water bodies; and the water distribution system is mostly compromised with polluted water seeping into the water supplies it is worthwhile investigating these household water tanks for possible bacteria contaminations to prevent an outbreak of gastrointestinal infections in the future. Therefore the objective of this study Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] was to assess the bacteriological contamination ml of water samples were collected from the status of drinking water stored in household poly storage tanks into sterile bottles aseptically. Each tanks in the student hostels at the Korle-Bu sample collected was preserved in a light-proof Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Accra, Ghana insulated ice chest with ice-packs to ensure that the microorganisms remained viable though II. Materials and Methods dormant. The samples were then transported Sample Collection and Transportation immediately to the Microbiology Laboratory In the present investigations, student hostels at the (ML) of the Water Research Institute (Council for KBTH were selected for the study. The selected Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR), Accra, hostels included: Accra School of Hygiene, for the bacteriological analysis. School of Allied Health Sciences, Medical School Bacteriological Analysis hostels (Blocks B and Q), and College of Health The membrane filtration method was used in the Sciences hostel (Block D). Before the start of the determination of three parameters, namely; total investigations prepared questionnaires were coliform, faecal coliform, and E. coli counts. Total administered to the students to find out their use viable count was also determined using the of water from the tanks. Hostel managers were standard pour plate method. also interviewed for information about the poly tanks. A total of 100 samples were collected from Total Coliform and E. coli Determination the household water tanks of the various student The membrane filter was removed with a sterile hostels. Samples of the water for the laboratory forceps and then incubated on a Harlequin agar investigations were collected according to the (HA; Lab M Limited, Topley House, UK) at 37°C American Public Health Association (APHA, for 24 h. The membrane filter was placed on the 1998) sampling guidelines on the standard medium by rolling action to prevent air bubbles operating procedures for bacteriological from forming at the membrane-medium interface. examination of water and wastewater. About 200 196 Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] Coliforms were detected as rose-pink colonies on to cool undisturbed to solidify on a flat table top. the HA plate whiles E. coli were detected as blue- The media were incubated at 37°Ϲ for 24 h. All green colonies on the HA agar plate. The total bacteria colonies appearing on the media surface numbers of colonies appearing on each plate were and embedded in the media were counted with the counted and recorded. aid of a magnifying lens and identified using various biochemical, serological tests, and the Faecal Coliform Determination results recorded. The membrane filter was removed with the aid of Statistical analysis a sterile forceps and incubated on media-faecal coliform (m-FC: Acumedia, USA) at 44°C for 24 Descriptive statistics such as means and h. Faecal coliforms were detected as blue colonies percentages were used in the analysis of the on the m-FC agar plate. The total numbers of results. Also, the student’s t-test was used to find colonies appearing on each plate were counted out significant differences between the parameters and their mean recorded. studied. P-values >0.05 were taken as statistically insignificant difference. Total Viable Count Determination III. Results The viable bacteria count were determined using modifications of standard pour plate method with plate count agar (PCA; Oxoid Limited, Basingstoke, UK) as medium as previously described by Wohlsen et al. (2006). Briefly, 1 ml portions of the water samples were transferred into an empty sterile plates and 15 ml of molten PCA which has been cooled to 45°C was added and swirled to mix well. The mixture was allowed 197 Many bacterial infections are transmitted by water through the faecal-oral route. In the present investigations, a total of five hostels were selected and 120 questionnaires were completed by residents of the selected hostels. Water samples were collected twice from 10 water poly tanks in these selected hostels. Table 1 shows the use of poly tank water by the residents of the hostels. From the table it can be observed that 31 (26%) of Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] purposes, 83 (70%) also use it for cooking Table II. The comparative means (log10 CFU/100 ml) of the indicator bacteria among the surveyed tanks water samples purposes while all of residents in the hostels use Tank the students use the poly tank water for drinking FC EC TVC 2.9 2.6 3.5 0.5 0 3.3 2.1 2.0 2.8 0.7 0 2.5 0 0 2.6 2.4 3.5 2.6 3.5 2.2 2.9 2.2 2.6 2.1 3.4 TC the water for both bathing and washing purposes. A Table I. Various uses of the tank water among 120 respondents in the students hostels at KBTH, Accra B Uses Percentage D (%) E Drinking Frequency 31 26 C 3.1 2.5 3.0 F 2.5 G Cooking 83 2.8 70 H Bathing 120 100 I Washing 120 100 J The comparative means of the indicator bacteria 2.3 2.9 2.9 2.7 3.2 2.6 3.1 2.6 among the surveyed household poly tanks water samples in selected student hostels in KBTH, Accra Metropolis are presented in Table 2. 2.9 2.9 TC, Total coliform; FC, Faecal coliform; EC, Escherichia coli TVC, Total viable count; CFU/ml, colony forming units per milliliter It can be observed from the table that all the water samples were contaminated with two or more bacterial faecal indicators. The total viable count ranged 2.5-3.5 log10 CFU/100 ml of the 198 Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] water samples. Similarly, the total coliforms (Shittu et al., 2008). From the study it was counts ranged 2.3-3.2 log10 CFU/100 ml whiles E. observed that more than half of the residents in the coli counts ranged 2.1-2.6 log10 CFU/100 ml of selected student hostels use the water in the the analysed poly tank water samples. Also, faecal household poly tanks for cooking and drinking coliform counts ranged 0.5-2.9 log10 CFU/100 ml purposes. Three of the poly tanks (B, D, and E) in the study. The highest percentage bacterial were cleaned recently. Therefore it is possible that counts of the household poly tank water samples cleaning of the 3 poly tanks (emptied and cleaned) was observed for total viable counts (32%) might have lowered their total coliform and faecal followed by total coliform (30%), faecal coliform coliform counts (Table 2). In a similar related (21%), and E. coli (17%) as presented in Fig. 1. work in Bermuda, it was reported that emptying and cleaning is a procedure which can significantly lower poly tank water contamination (Levesque et al., 2008). However it must be noted that a build-up of sediment in water tanks can serve as sources of the supply of suitable nutrients on which bacteria can grow and multiply as previously proposed by House and Reed (1997). Fig. 1. Percentage (%) bacterial contamination of Topping up of two of the recently cleaned storage the surveyed household polytank water samples tanks (I and J) a week before the second sampling against the various indicator bacteria monitored. with water from the Ghana National Fire Service water tankers might have increased the faecal IV. Discussion coliform and E. coli counts of these storage water Potable water is the water that is free from disease producing microorganisms and chemical substances that are dangerous to human health 199 poly tanks (Table 2). It is therefore possible that these water tankers for commercial purposes may Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] contain faecal bacteria that contaminated the Sule et al. (2011) reported that 10% of their water samples. samples studied were devoid of coliforms. In a All the household storage poly tanks water samples analysed had their water testing positive for total viable count (32%), total coliforms (30%), faecal coliforms (21%), and E. coli (17%) as presented in Fig. 1. Also, the mean counts of the indicator bacteria were all found out to be above the recommended Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and World Health Organization (WHO) standards of concentration of faecal coliforms must be zero in good drinking water which raises a public health concern. It has been proposed by other research workers that the use of E. coli as a unique indicator of microbial water contamination is questionable because the sources of this water supplied by commercial operated water tankers in the Accra Metropolis are unknown and microorganisms may as contain multiples of previously proposed by Lévesque et al. (2008). However the presence of faecal coliforms and E. coli in particular gives an indication of faecal contamination of the water in these household storage poly tanks. In Nigeria, 200 similar related study in Peshawar, Pakistan, it has been reported that about 90% of the drinking water samples and the distribution system studied testing positive for total coliforms (Roohul et al., 2012). Also E. coli was isolated from only 20% of the samples analyzed and reported that the water contamination may be due to leakage in pipes and cross contamination from waste waters (Roohul et al., 2012). The present study have therefore proposed that the bacteriological quality of water in a household water storage poly tank might depend on the source from which it was drawn and also the handling of the water in the tank by the users. V. Conclusion From the study it was observed that a higher proportion of the residents in the selected student hostels use the household storage poly tanks water for drinking and cooking purposes. Therefore contamination of the storage poly tanks water with coliform bacteria and most importantly faecal coliform and E. coli raise a public health concern. Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 The presence of E. coli in the water indicates the tank water has been faecally polluted. Drinking water polluted with faeces can expose the human body to various water borne diseases and therefore the water needs to be treated before using for any [2014] References American Public Health Association (APHA, 1998). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 20th ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. domestic purpose. Further studies are also Cabral JPS (2010). Water microbiology. Bacterial recommended to be done to understand the effect pathogens and water. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public of type of water storage tank (i.e. plastic, concrete, Health 7, 3657-3703. etc) on the water contamination. Fawell J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ (2003). Acknowledgements Contaminants in drinking water. Br. Med. Bull. We are very grateful to Dr. Kwabena Kankam- 68:199-208. Yeboah (Head, Surface Water Division), Dr. House SJ, Reed RA (1997). Emergency water Alexander Opoku Anim (Head, Environmental sources: Guidelines for selection and treatment. Biology & Health Division), Mr. Mark Akrong Loughborough, UK, Water, Engineering and (Research Scientist, Environmental Biology & Development Centre (WEDC). Health Division), Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Belo (Technologist, Microbiology Laboratory), Mr. Lévesque B, Pereg D, Watkinson E, Maguire JS, Borbor Bissonnette L, Gingras S, Rouja P, Bergeron MG, Serlom (Technologist, Microbiology Laboratory), and Ms. Sylvia Amponsah (Principal Dewailly Technical Officer); all of the Water Research microbiological quality of drinking water from Institute (WRI), Council for Scientific and household tanks in Bermuda. Can. J. Microbiol. Industrial Research (CSIR), Accra for their 54:495-500. tremendous support during the sample analysis. Pund D A, Ganorkar RP (2013). Study of some Declaration of Conflict of Interest: None physicochemical parameters of drinking water 201 E (2008). Assessment of Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 [2014] sources in Tembhurkheda and Jarud Region Dist. 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Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 42: 350-356. Cite as : Bacteriological Assessment of the Quality of Water Stored in Household Poly Tanks in Student Hostels in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana; Vol 1|Issue05|Pg:194-202 203 View publication stats [2014]