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MOTIVATION TO DESTROY AN OBSSESION TO KILL What is the Maskirovka? Maskirovka Moscow has always had a flair for Deceiving and Deception, known in Russian as maskirovka. Its central tenet is to prevent an adversary from discovering Russian intentions by deceiving him about the nature, scope, and timing of an operation. Maskirovka covers a broad range of concepts, from deception at the strategic planning level to camouflage at the troop level. Russian military texts indicate that maskirovka is treated as an operational art to be polished by professors of military science and officers who specialize in this area CREATED FACADE with the HOPE • Tradecraft to Improve the economical and social system by the new leadership of Raul Castro s Era ANTECEDENT • • • • • Jan 9,2009 Raul Castro has begun a visit to Russia, the first by a Cuban leader since the end of the Cold War. A number of bilateral agreements are due to be signed during Castro's weeklong trip, the latest sign of warming ties between the two formerly close allies. WASHINGTON Russia is looking to expand its military presence and has its eye on Cuba and other Latin American countries. Defe se Mi ister “ergei “hoigu said ‘ussia has o e up ith a list of ou tries here it s considering opening military bases. They include Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Vietnam. Russia has made several inroads in Cuba, including in nuclear energy, train repair and air traffic control technology. Cuban President Raul Castro visited Moscow last year to attend the 70th anniversary celebration of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II and the Red Army's key role in the defeat. Cuban state media has cited the Russian military overtures, but the Castro administration has ot offered a pu li i di atio of hether the re el o ed. Gregor Weeks, the editor of the academic journal The Latin Americanist, doubts Cuba would allow the Russian government to open a military base on the island as it could be seen as a threat to the United States at a time when the island nation is seeking better relations with its larger northern neighbor. ANTECEDENT Russia and Cuba agree on 5-year development plan Felipe Pagliery • April 23, 2015 Russia and Cuba have signed far-reaching agreements that will benefit a five-year plan for the socioeconomic development of Cuba, the Russian media reported lavishly on Thursday (April 23). [O Wed esda ] e sig ed a priorit agree e t that eets the priorit eeds of our e o o , i dustr , tra sportatio a d other spheres, said Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, vice president of the Council of Ministers and chairman of the Cuban side attending the 13th Russo-Cuban Intergovernmental Meeting on Trade, Economic, Scientific, and Technical Cooperation that took place this week in Kazan, Tatarstan. “ergei La ro shaki g ha ds ith ‘i ardo Ca risas. M delegatio had the opportu it to e ha ge ie s ith the ‘ussia side on the active participation of the Russian Federation in programs that make up the plan for the socioeconomic development of Cuba for the period 20152020, he said. Ca risas ou terpart, Deput Pri e Mi ister D itri Olego i h ‘ogozi , sig ed the agree e ts for ‘ussia. The i ol e aero autics, metallurgy, medicine, railway transportation and other sectors. [http://progresoweekly.us/russian-official-praises-u-s-move-urges-caution/] In the field of aeronautics, Russia agreed to furnish Cuba with Ansat light helicopters, made in Kazan. Two of them will be immediately sent to Cuba, where eventual assembly, distribution and sale to other Latin American and Caribbean countries will take place. Plans include establishing a service center for Kazan helicopters in Cuba. In the field of medicine, the parties agreed on the sale of Cuban-made pharmaceuticals to Russia. Russia will test the products and, if it finds them satisfactory, will sell them in its territory. I te t o pro oti g its GLONA““ a igatio al s ste the ‘ussia o petitor to the U ited “tates GP“ , ‘ussia ill discuss with Cuba the construction of ground stations on the island. I ie of the U ited “tates refusal to pla e i its territor GLONA““ grou d statio s for the alli ratio sig als, e are quite willing to negotiate with the Republic of Cuba, thus solving the problem of providing users with the needed pre isio sig als, ‘ogozi said. Tatarstan will continue to provide Cuba with Kamaz trucks and heavy construction vehicles, in its desire to make Cuba a gateway to Latin America for its products. That ou tr s preside t, ‘usta Mi ikha o , told the Cu a delegates that Tatarsta petrochemicals, tire manufacture and mechanical engineering. ould also ooperate i de elopi g i dustries such as We eed to gi e e o e tu to our relatio ship, Mi ikha o said. Cu a has ee a ti el i iti g regio al ‘ussia repu li s to parti ipate i the rede elop e t a tualizatio of its e o omy. ‘e e tl , Fidel Castro s so , Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, and the Cuban ambassador to Russia, Emilio Losada García, visited Novosibirsk and Kazan to increase contacts between the scientific communities of Russia and Cuba. On Wednesday (April 21), a delegation from Novosibirsk led by First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Snatkov visited Cabrisas at the Cu a E ass i Mos o to reiterate his regio s i terest i e pa ded relatio s with Cuba on medicine, biotechnology and telecommunications. After the meeting of the intergovernmental commissions, Cabrisas flew to Moscow on Thursday (April 23) to discuss its results with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Next, Cabrisas will meet with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev. [Photo at top of Foreig Mi ister Sergei La ro a d Ri ardo Ca risas at the ta le i Mos o . To Ca risas’ right is Cu a A assador Emilio Losada García.] ANTECEDENT That ou tr s preside t, Rustam Minnikhanov, told the Cuban delegates that Tatarstan would also cooperate in developing industries such as petrochemicals, tire manufacture and mechanical engineering. We eed to gi e e o e tu to our relatio ship, Mi ikha o said. Cuba has been actively inviting regional Russian republics to participate in the rede elop e t a tualizatio of its e o o . ‘e e tl , Fidel Castro s so , Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, and the Cuban ambassador to Russia, Emilio Losada García, visited Novosibirsk and Kazan to increase contacts between the scientific communities of Russia and Cuba. On Wednesday (April 21), a delegation from Novosibirsk led by First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Snatkov visited Cabrisas at the Cuban Embassy in Moscow to reiterate his regio s i terest i e pa ded relatio s ith Cu a o edi i e, biotechnology and telecommunications. After the meeting of the intergovernmental commissions, Cabrisas flew to Moscow on Thursday (April 23) to discuss its results with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Next, Cabrisas will meet with Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev. [Photo at top of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ricardo Cabrisas at the table in Mos ow. To Ca risas’ right is Cu a A assador E ilio Losada Gar ía.] RED SIGNAL: Shoigu, in Cuba, means business, Russian analyst says Felipe Pagliery • February 13, 2015 ‘ussia s Defe se Mi ister, Ar Ge . “ergei K. “hoigu, arri ed i Ha a a o Frida Fe . 13 for t o da s of offi ial usi ess, after one-day stopovers in Venezuela and Nicaragua. Cuban Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frías and Sergei K. Shoigu meet in Havana.One of his firsts acts was to lay a wreath at the monument to the Russian servicemen who served in Cuba in the early 1960s. The memorial site, outside Havana, includes a cemetery for 68 servicemen who have died in Cuba since then. He also laid a wreath at the tomb of Cuban independence leader Antonio Maceo. After ard, “hoigu as take o a tour of the Cu a Ar s ta k di isio his Cu a ou terpart, Ge . Leopoldo Ci tra Frías, and the deputy defense minister, Gen. Álvaro López Miera. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Shoigu pointed out that many of the pieces or equipment are unique, in that they have ee odified Cu a ar orers. He des ri ed the as h rid u its, for e a ple, re uilt T-34 and T-55 tanks of 1940s vintage. Generals Cintra, López and Shoigu are seen walking past SAM-3 antiaircraft missiles of 1960s vintage.RUSSIAN SCHOLAR ANALYZES MINI“TE‘ “ T‘IP As Shoigu arrived in Havana, a renowned Russian politologist, Vladimir Anokhin, analyzed the purpose of his mission. A okhi , a politi al s ie tist ho is i e preside t of the ‘ussia A ade of Geopoliti al Pro le s, rote i the e site Current Co e tar that “hoigu s trip through three Lati A eri a ou tries a e a er fitti g respo se to the U ited “tates i its atte pts to e pa d its i flue e i Europe. ‘ussia politologist Vladi ir A okhi If e take i to a ou t our ilitar -technical cooperation with all other countries, Venezuela is ith us i first pla e, he rote. That is a histori al fa t. A d o e o e to e fro tiers of ooperatio ith Lati A erica. Alluding to agreements reached with Venezuela and Nicaragua on the use of ports and airfields for resupply, Anokhin wrote that we have achieved some serious results, a deployment of our bases — at least creating the conditions for our presence in the region. I do t thi k that “hoigu is o a tour of Lati A eri a, A okhi rote. This is a orki g isit. Defe se i isters do ot make courtesy visits. Defense ministers are case-specific. Most likely, some plans have already been made between the two countries, i ol i g a further de elop e t of ilitar ooperatio . Their for a d e te t are et to e see . Ho e er, A okhi oted, I ould ot e aggerate “hoigu s trip a d predi t a h potheti al Cari ea risis. Presu a l , this is a very smooth and gradual development of our influence in Latin America, especially since the United States has created all the conditions for the presence of opponents. A d ‘ussia i this ase is — if not the guarantor of security — a fairly personal partner to the Latin American republics against the United States. At the sa e ti e, the e pert e t o , I do ot e pe t a ajor ha ges i our ilitar -technical cooperation with Cuba now that the United States is trying to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba. ‘U“IA DEFEN“E MINI“TE‘ “ T‘IP TO CUBA As Shoigu arrived in Havana, a renowned Russian politologist, Vladimir Anokhin, analyzed the purpose of his mission. Anokhin, a political scientist who is vice president of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Pro le s, rote i the e site Curre t Co e tar that “hoigu s trip through three Lati A eri a ou tries a e a er fitti g respo se to the U ited “tates i its atte pts to e pa d its i flue e i Europe. ‘ussia politologist Vladi ir A okhi If e take i to a ou t our ilitar -technical ooperatio ith all other ou tries, Ve ezuela is ith us i first pla e, he rote. That is a histori al fa t. A d o e o e to e fro tiers of ooperatio ith Lati A eri a. Alluding to agreements reached with Venezuela and Nicaragua on the use of ports and airfields for resuppl , A okhi rote that e ha e a hie ed so e serious results, a deployment of our bases — at least reati g the o ditio s for our prese e i the regio . I do t thi k that “hoigu is o a tour of Lati A eri a, A okhi rote. This is a orki g visit. Defense ministers do not make courtesy visits. Defense ministers are case-specific. Most likely, some plans have already been made between the two countries, involving a further de elop e t of ilitar ooperatio . Their for a d e te t are et to e see . Ho e er, A okhi oted, I ould ot e aggerate “hoigu s trip a d predi t a h potheti al Cari ea risis. Presu a l , this is a er s ooth a d gradual de elop e t of our i flue e in Latin America, especially since the United States has created all the conditions for the presence of opponents. A d ‘ussia i this ase is — if not the guarantor of security — a fairly personal partner to the Latin American republics against the United States. At the sa e ti e, the e pert e t o , I do ot e pe t a ajor ha ges i our ilitar technical cooperation with Cuba now that the United States is trying to establish diplomatic relations with Cuba. Castro s ‘egi e suspe ted eha ior a out the Conteiner Terminal in Mariel • The re o ed populatio fro Mariel s to other part of the Country. • They announced that the container base will be operating with foreign workers • They stablished a Security Area around the container terminal • They have containers in other places without severe Security • They had very few movements of Merchant Ships MARIEL PORT (Poison Pill) • • • • • • • Cu a s Mariel port has a itious pla to e o e gia t feeder hu When the U.S. ban on trade with Cuba is lifted, plans are in place to... A new port and free-trade-zone are being built in the Cuban town of Mariel The development will cost $900 million and aims to attract international investment to Cuba Reforms in Cuba are opening up the economy and the state is rolling back its influence over many sectors, The $900 million project mirrors similar developments and FTZs that have sprung up in fast-growing communist nations such as China and Vietnam in recent decades -- although experts doubt whether Cuba will follow the same path as the "Asian Tigers." Cu a is shedding its old skin and it's becoming something else which is like a hybrid of odels Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations • The Mariel port has shown today just how important it is for the whole region and for Brazil.— Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff • "The BNDES financing for Mariel had two important impacts for the Brazilian economy," the bank said in a statement. "It contributed to Brazil's trade surplus by creating the conditions for high- alue te h ologi al e ports … a d supported the gro th of Brazilia industry." • Although Brazil may be hoping for better access to the U.S. market, Cuba and numerous U.S. businesses, especially in the agricultural sector, also are counting on increased commerce between their countries. • Possible Missile Threat from Mariel,Cuba Mariel Container Terminal No merchant shipt in the Port Cabana FKR BASE Cabana FKR Base (Land-Sea Missiles) MARIEL AND CABANA VIEW Maskirovska • USA is a prime target • Difficult to uncover • Moving by Truck or Train inside Cuban territory • If USA discovers these missile bases, it would serve as a huge leverage for negotiations with NATO defense troops in Europe Bibliografy First Slide https://osis.windhaveninsurance.com/policyaccess/polsum.php?caller=INS Second Slide http://www.joc.com/port-news/international-ports/cubas-mariel-port-has-ambitious-plan-become-giant-feederhub_20160704.html http://edition.cnn.com/2013/11/20/business/cuba-libre-could-new-port-communist/ RED ALERT Slide http://progresoweekly.us/shoigu-cuba-means-business-russian-analyst-says/ ANTECEDENT Slide [http://progresoweekly.us/russian-official-praises-u-s-move-urges-caution/] Author: Dr. Ed Prida pridaissues@gmail.com Member of Republican Party West Palm Beach