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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2011, Article ID 574756, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/574756 Research Article Modular Locally Constant Mappings in Vector Ultrametric Spaces Kamal Fallahi1 and Kourosh Nourouzi1, 2 1 Department of Mathematics, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O. Box 16315-1618, Tehran 1541849611, Iran 2 School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), P.O. Box 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran Correspondence should be addressed to Kourosh Nourouzi, nourouzi@kntu.ac.ir Received 16 November 2010; Revised 15 February 2011; Accepted 23 February 2011 Academic Editor: Norimichi Hirano Copyright q 2011 K. Fallahi and K. Nourouzi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We give some sufficient conditions for mappings defined on vector ultrametric spaces to be modular locally constant. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries A metric space X, d in which the triangle inequality is replaced by      d x, y ≤ max dx, z, d z, y ,   x, y, z ∈ X , 1.1 is called an ultrametric space. Generalized ultrametric spaces were given in 1, 2 via partially ordered sets and some applications of them appeared in logic programming 3, computational logic 4, and quantitative domain theory 5. In 6, the notion of a metric locally constant function on an ultrametric space was given in order to investigate certain groups of isometries and describe various Galois groups over local fields. Locally constant functions also appear in contexts such as higher  ramification groups of finite extensions of Qp , and the Fontaine ring BdR . Also, metric locally constant functions were studied in 7, 8. On the other hand, vector ultrametric spaces are given in 9 as vectorial generalizations of ultrametrics. Hence, locally constant functions, in modular sense, can play the same role in vector ultrametric spaces as they do in usual ultrametric spaces. 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis In this paper, we introduce modular locally constant mappings in vector ultrametric spaces. Some sufficient conditions are given for mappings defined on vector ultrametric spaces to be modular locally constant. We first present some basic notions. Recall that a modular on a real linear space A is a real valued functional ρ on A satisfying the conditions: 1 ρx  0 if and only if x  0, 2 ρx  ρ−x, 3 ραx  βy ≤ ρx  ρy, for all x, y ∈ A and α, β ≥ 0, α  β  1. Then, the linear subspace   Aρ  x ∈ A : ραx −→ 0 as α −→ 0 1.2 of A is called a modular space. A sequence xn ∞ n1 in Aρ is called ρ-convergent briefly, convergent to x ∈ Aρ if ρxn − x → 0 as n → ∞, and is called Cauchy sequence if ρxm − xn  → 0 as m, n → ∞. By a ρ-closed briefly, closed set in Aρ we mean a set which contains the limit of each of its convergent sequences. Then, Aρ is a complete modular space if every Cauchy sequence in Aρ is convergent to a point of Aρ . We refer to 10, 11 for more details. A cone P in a complete modular space Aρ is a nonempty set such that i P is ρ-closed, and P /  {0}; ii a, b ∈ Ê, a, b ≥ 0, x, y ∈ P ⇒ ax  by ∈ P; iii P ∩ −P  {0}, where −P  {−x : x ∈ P}. y whenever Let be the partial order on Aρ induced by the cone P, that is, x y − x ∈ P. The cone P is called normal if 0 x   y ⇒ ρx ≤ ρ y ,   x, y ∈ Aρ . 1.3 The cone P is said to be unital if there exists a vector e ∈ P with modular 1 such that x ρxe, x ∈ P. 1.4 Example 1.1. Consider the real vector space C0, 1 consisting of all real-valued continuous functions on 0, 1 equipped with the modular ρ defined by ρx  max |xt|2 , t∈0,1 x ∈ C0, 1. 1.5 It is not difficult to see that C0, 1 is a complete modular space and P  {x ∈ C0, 1 : xt ≥ 0, ∀t ∈ 0, 1} is a normal cone in C0, 1. 1.6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Example 1.2. The vector space C1 0, 1 consisting of all continuously differentiable real-valued functions on 0, 1 equipped with the modular ρ defined by   ρx  max |xt|  max x′ t, t∈0,1 t∈0,1   x ∈ C1 0, 1 1.7 constitutes a complete modular space. The subset P  x ∈ C1 0, 1 : xt ≥ 0, ∀t ∈ 0, 1 1.8 is a unital cone in C1 0, 1 with unit 1. The cone P is not normal since, for example, xt  tn 1, for n ≥ 1 does not imply that ρx ≤ ρ1. Throughout this note, we suppose that P is a cone in complete modular space Aρ , and is the partial order induced by P. Definition 1.3. A vector ultrametric on a nonempty set X is a mapping d : X × X → Aρ satisfying the conditions: CUM1 dx, y 0 for all x, y ∈ X and dx, y  0 if and only if x  y; CUM2 dx, y  dy, x for all x, y ∈ X; CUM3 If dx, z p and dy, z p, then dx, y p, for any x, y, z ∈ X, and p ∈ P. Then the triple X, d, P is called a vector ultrametric space. If P is unital and normal, then X, d, P is called a unital-normal vector ultrametric space. For unital-normal vector ultrametric space X, d, P, since   d x, y    ρ d x, y e,   d y, z    ρ d y, z e, 1.9 from CUM3 we get dx, z        max ρ d x, y , ρ d y, z e, 1.10 and therefore        ρdx, z ≤ max ρ d x, y , ρ d y, z . 1.11 Let X, d, P be a unital-normal vector ultrametric space. If x ∈ X and p ∈ P \ {0}, the ball Bx, p centered at x with radius p is defined as         B x, p : y ∈ X : ρ d x, y ≤ ρ p . 1.12 The unital-normal vector ultrametric space X, d, P is called spherically complete if every chain of balls with respect to inclusion has a nonempty intersection. 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis The following lemma may be easily obtained. Lemma 1.4. Let X, d, P be a unital-normal vector ultrametric space. 1 If a, b ∈ X, 0 p and b ∈ Ba, p, then Ba, p  Bb, p. 2 If a, b ∈ X, 0 ≺ p q, then either Ba, p Bb, q  ∅ or Ba, p ⊆ Bb, q. Definition 1.5. Let X, d, P be a unital-normal vector ultrametric space. A mapping f : X → P\{0} is said to be modular locally constant provided that for any x ∈ X and any y ∈ Bx, fx one has ρfx  ρfy. 2. Main Theorem Theorem 2.1. Let X, d, P be a spherically complete unital-normal vector ultrametric space and T : X → X be a mapping such that for every x, y ∈ X, x  / y, either        ρ d Tx, Ty < max ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty 2.1       ρ d Tx, Ty ≤ ρ d x, y . 2.2 or Then there exists a subset B of X such that T : B → B and the mapping fx  dx, Tx, x ∈ B 2.3 is modular locally constant. Proof. Let E  {Ba }a∈X where Ba  Ba, da, Ta. Consider the partial order ⊑ on E defined by Ba ⊑ Bb iff Bb ⊆ Ba , 2.4 where a, b ∈ X. If E1 is any chain in E, then the spherical completeness of X, d, P implies that the intersection Ω of elements of E1 is nonempty. Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Suppose that 2.1 holds. Let b ∈ Ω and Ba ∈ E1 . Obviously b ∈ Ba , so ρda, b ≤ ρda, Ta. For any x ∈ Bb , we have ρdx, b ≤ ρdb, Tb   ≤ max ρdb, a, ρda, Ta, ρdTa, Tb      < max ρdb, a, ρda, Ta, max ρda, Ta, ρdb, Tb by 2.1   2.5 ≤ max ρdb, a, ρda, Ta, ρdb, Tb   ≤ max ρda, Ta, ρdb, Tb  ρda, Ta,   ρdx, a ≤ max ρdx, b, ρdb, a ≤ ρda, Ta. So for every Ba ∈ E1 , Bb ⊆ Ba ; that is, Bb is an upper bound in E for the family E1 . By Zorn’s lemma, there exists a maximal element in E1 , say Bz . If b ∈ Bz , ρdb, z ≤ ρdz, Tz, and we get   ρdb, Tb ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdz, Tz, ρdTz, Tb      by 2.1 < max ρdb, z, ρdz, Tz, max ρdz, Tz, ρdb, Tb   ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdz, Tz, ρdb, Tb 2.6   ≤ max ρdz, Tz, ρdb, Tb  ρdz, Tz. Then ρdb, Tb ≤ ρdz, Tz. 2.7 Since b ∈ Bb ∩ Bz , we have Bb ⊆ Bz by Lemma 1.4. But Tb ∈ Bb , so T : Bz → Bz . Now we show that ρfb  ρfz for every b ∈ Bz . It is clear that ρdb, Tb ≤ ρdz, Tz, for all b ∈ Bz . Suppose ρdb, Tb < ρdz, Tz for some b ∈ Bz . We have ρdb, z ≤ ρdz, Tz, and   ρdz, Tz ≤ max ρdz, b, ρdb, Tb, ρdTb, Tz      by 2.1 < max ρdb, z, ρdb, Tb, max ρdb, Tb, ρdz, Tz   ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdb, Tb, ρdz, Tz 2.8   ≤ max ρdb, Tb, ρdz, Tz  ρdz, Tz. which is a contradiction. Thus f is modular locally constant on Bz . 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis Suppose that 2.2 holds. As above, let b ∈ Ω and Ba ∈ E1 . Obviously b ∈ Ba , so ρda, b ≤ ρda, Ta. For any x ∈ Bb , we have ρdx, b ≤ ρdb, Tb   ≤ max ρdb, a, ρda, Ta, ρdTa, Tb     by 2.2 ≤ max ρdb, a, ρda, Ta 2.9  ρda, Ta. Thus   ρdx, a ≤ max ρdx, b, ρdb, a ≤ ρda, Ta,   ρdx, a ≤ max ρdx, b, ρdb, a ≤ ρda, Ta. 2.10 So, for every Ba ∈ E1 , Bb ⊆ Ba ; that is, Bb is an upper bound for the family E1 . Again, by Zorn’s lemma there exists a maximal element in E1 , say Bz . For any b ∈ Bz , we have   ρdb, Tb ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdz, Tz, ρdTz, Tb     ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdz, Tz, ρdz, b by 2.2 2.11  ρdz, Tz. This implies that b ∈ Bb ∩ Bz , and Lemma 1.4 gives Bb ⊆ Bz . Since Tb ∈ Bb , so T : Bz → Bz . If z  Tz, then fx  0 on Bz and this yields the result. If z /  Tz, we show that ρfb  ρfz for every b ∈ Bz . Since ρdb, Tb ≤ ρdz, Tz for any b ∈ Bz , let us suppose that for some b ∈ Bz , ρdb, Tb < ρdz, Tz. So ρdb, z ≤ ρdz, Tz and   ρdz, Tz ≤ max ρdz, b, ρdb, Tb, ρdTb, Tz     ≤ max ρdb, z, ρdb, Tb, ρdz, b by 2.2 2.12  ρdb, z, thus ρdb, z  ρdz, Tz. But ρdb, z  ρdz, Tz > ρdb, Tb implies that z ∈ Bz , but z ∈ / Bb and hence Bb  Bz which contradicts the maximality of Bz . This completes the proof. In the following, we assume that X, d, P is a spherically complete unital-normal vector ultrametric space. Corollary 2.2. Let T : X → X be a mapping such that for all x, y ∈ X, x /  y,           ρ d Tx, Ty < max ρ d y, Tx , ρ d x, Ty . 2.13 Then there exists a subset B of X such that T : B → B and the mapping f defined in 2.3 is modular locally constant. Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Proof. Since         ρ d y, Tx ≤ max ρ d y, x , ρdx, Tx ,           ρ d x, Ty ≤ max ρ d x, y , ρ d y, Ty , 2.14 for all x, y ∈ X, x /  y, we get           ρ d x, y ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d Tx, Ty , ρ d Ty, y 2.15 for all x, y ∈ X, x /  y. Now, if        max ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty < ρ d Tx, Ty , 2.16 then             ρ d Tx, Ty < max ρ d y, Tx , ρ d x, Ty by 2.13          ≤ max ρ d x, y , ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty by 2.14        ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d Tx, Ty , ρ d Ty, y       ρ d Tx, Ty , by 2.16 2.17 which is a contradiction. Thus ρdTx, Ty ≤ max{ρdx, Tx, ρdy, Ty}, and so        ρ d x, y ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty . 2.18 Therefore           ρ d Tx, Ty < max ρ d y, Tx , ρ d x, Ty ,        ≤ max ρ d x, y , ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty     ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty .   by 2.13   by 2.14   by 2.18 2.19 Now, Theorem 2.1 completes the proof. Corollary 2.3. Let T : X → X be a mapping such that for all x, y ∈ X, x /  y,       ρ d Tx, Ty < ρ d x, y . 2.20 Then there exists a subset B of X such that T : B → B and the mapping f defined in 2.3 is modular locally constant. 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis Proof. We have           ρ d x, y ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d Tx, Ty , ρ d Ty, y          < max ρ d x, y , ρdx, Tx, ρ d Ty, y by 2.20     ≤ max ρdx, Tx, ρ d y, Ty , 2.21 for all x, y ∈ X, x /  y. Again, Theorem 2.1, completes the proof. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the referee for his/her valuable comments on this paper. The second author’s research was in part supported by a grant from IPM No. 89470128. References 1 S. Priess-Crampe and P. Ribenboim, “Generalized ultrametric spaces. I,” Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, vol. 66, pp. 55–73, 1996. 2 S. Priess-Crampe and P. Ribenboim, “Generalized ultrametric spaces. II,” Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg, vol. 67, pp. 19–31, 1997. 3 S. Priess-Crampe and P. Ribenboim, “Ultrametric spaces and logic programming,” Journal of Logic Programming, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 59–70, 2000. 4 A. K. Seda and P. 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