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Results from St. Edward’s University Faculty Survey April 2016 Conducted by the St. Edward’s University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors October 25, 2016 INTRODUCTION The St. Edward's University chapter of the American Association of University Professors conducted an anonymous survey of faculty in April of 2016. The intention of the SEU AAUP was to gather data on faculty’s perceptions of their experience as the University continues to develop as an institution of higher learning; specifically, the survey is meant to recognize and enhance SEU’s commitment to academic freedom and shared governance. The survey had 200 faculty respondents: 96 on the tenure track, 74 non-tenure track or contingent faculty (non-tenure track includes visiting, post docs, & full-time lecturers), five “other,” and 25 not disclosed. The length of time respondents had been at SEU was divided into three categories: 57 respondents with 0-4 years, 21 respondents with 5 to 7 years, 101 respondents with 8 or more years with, and 21 respondents undisclosed. As a community, the faculty is committed to help St. Edward’s University continue as a premier institution of higher learning. To that end, the faculty support the St. Edward’s Mission by teaching and mentoring students, providing service to the institution through leadership and administrative roles, and sharing our gifts, energy, and time. However, faculty’s most significant contribution to the St. Edward’s Mission is as educators. The survey was designed to elicit faculty opinions on important issues to facilitate faculty inclusion as full-partners in shared governance. It is in the spirit of facilitating open communication and contributing to shared governance that the SEU chapter of the AAUP shares the results of the survey. Note that many areas of the faculty survey were designed to correlate with St. Edward’s University’s Operating Principles. Of the eight Operating Principles, the first two listed below are especially relevant for the survey: We work collaboratively to attain our goals. We address concerns from a university-wide perspective, working together in the most effective and efficient ways to generate solutions and make decisions that benefit the university as a whole. We take our responsibilities to each other seriously, sharing information and meeting deadlines; giving and receiving constructive feedback for improving individuals, teams and processes; listening SEU AAUP PAGE 1 with open minds to each others' points of view; and providing personal support and assistance to each other. We collaborate with friends in the larger community, seeking their ideas and partnerships. We have open communication across the university. At St. Edward's open communication includes widely sharing information, requesting appropriate information before making decisions, clearly describing goals and decision-making processes, offering and accepting suggestions for improvement, and being receptive to others' ideas and to the changes indicated by our continuing assessment. We value open and direct communication, which is used to inform, educate, and foster improvement. We work to create the trust that makes open and direct communication possible. We treat each other respectfully. We are a continually developing organization. We seek to understand and promote diversity. We are good stewards of our organizational resources. We each take responsibility for excellence. We are dedicated to high standards of service. In addition to the eight principles, the AAUP and the faculty share a strong commitment to academic freedom and shared governance. As the university continues to grow, it is important that St. Edward’s University not follow the recent trend in higher education to overlook or discount the importance of our principles in face of economic concerns. The survey is the SEU AAUP’s attempt to advance a conversation among the various university parties about upholding our agreed upon principles. This survey reveals the common ground and diversity of SEU faculty perceptions, which will help with future open discussions and honest exchanges of opinion. SEU AAUP PAGE 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The survey had 200 faculty respondents: 96 on the tenure track, 74 non-tenure track or contingent faculty (non-tenure track includes visiting, post docs, & full-time lecturers), five “other,” and 25 not disclosed. The length of time respondents had been at SEU was divided into three categories: 57 respondents with 0-4 years, 21 respondents with 5 to 7 years, 101 respondents with 8 or more years with, and 21 respondents undisclosed. The high number of faculty not answering these items can be explained by fear of retaliation from the administration if identified. This fear was despite assurances that the data would not be available to administrators and was collected on an off-campus server. For the report, the forty-six survey items are divided into eight categories, making it easier to summarize. The chart on the next page does an excellent job of identifying overall trends. The eight categories are Job Satisfaction, Infrastructure, Peers, Resources, Teaching & Mentoring, Management & Policies, Compensation, and Tenure & Promotion. There were a wide range of opinions on individual items, which be explored in the report’s “Analysis of Items.” However, note that the ratings decrease as length of service or rank increase. In general, ratings in the first four categories––Job Satisfaction, Infrastructure, Peers, and Resources––were more positive than negative. The ratings for Teaching & Mentoring are only slightly negative. The ratings in the last four categories–– Management & Policies, Compensation, and Tenure & Promotion––suggest these are areas with clear room for improvement. The average of sixteen items into the category Management & Policies as displayed in the chart provides a simplistic view and obscures the information of individual items. Because of this, the sixteen individual items are discussed in more detail in the “Analysis of Items” section of the report. Compensation is an ongoing area of concern given the rising housing cost in the Austin area. The salaries of assistant professors have been under targeted goals for over a decade. SEU AAUP PAGE 3 Tenure & Promotion has remained an ongoing struggle for several years, and the survey seemed to reflect that frustration. SEU AAUP PAGE 4 SEU AAUP PAGE 5 Analysis of Items For purposes of analysis, the survey has been divided into eight constructs: Job Satisfaction, Peers, Infrastructure, Resources, Compensation, Management & Policies, Teaching & Mentoring, and Tenure & Promotion. An examination of the individual items within these constructs is helpful for understanding faculty opinions in order to define areas of interest, focus, and concern. For ease of explanation and analysis, the strongly agree and agree answers have been combined into an agree designation as have been the strongly disagree and disagree into a disagree report designation. The mean and measures of central tendency are displayed in Appendix A. The complete frequency data, except for the comments, appears in the tables in Appendix B. Survey Constructs or Groupings Job Satisfaction Peers Infrastructure Resources Compensation Management and Policies Teaching and Mentoring Tenure and Promotion 1-5 6-10 11-14 15-19 20-23 24-39 40-43 44-46 Job Satisfaction Items 1-5 The Job Satisfaction construct consists of items numbers 1-5. The first item, overall, I am satisfied with my job received agreement or strong agreement by 71% of the respondents. This was consistent regardless of rank, but there was a dip to 54% for faculty members who had been here for longer than eight years. The second item, My workload is reasonable found overall that 55% of the respondents agreed or strongly agreed. The responses here differed by both rank and years of service. By rank, professors responded positively at 54%, associate professors at 40%, assistant professors at 30%, and adjuncts at 77%. Positive responses by length of service for the three categories––4 or less, 5 to 7, and 8 or over––decreased as time in service increased 72%, 62%, and 45%. SEU AAUP PAGE 6 The third item, My colleagues have a positive attitude about the state of the university found more differentiated responses with 40% disagreeing, 38% agreeing, and 20% neutral. It further breaks down by rank and length of service. Agreement by professors at 28%, associate professors at 25%, assistant professors at 35%, and adjuncts at 90%. Agreement by length of service was at 61% for 4 or fewer years, 43% for 5 to 7 years, and 24% for 8 or more years. On its face, these responses would suggest that people who are more informed because of length of service and rank are less positive. Adjuncts, who are generally kept out of the loop, are less likely to be aware of problems. This is an item that will need further discussions to solidify conclusions. Item number four, If I had to do it all over again, I would still choose this university provides a powerful upbeat of the faculty with 70% agree or strongly agreeing. The differences by rank or length of service were relatively minor less than 10% from the 70%. Item number five, I am currently looking for another position was agreed to by 24% of the respondents. The biggest differences were the 10% of assistant professors and 35% of the adjuncts. These differences are easily explained if one has just been through the struggle of finding a position that is not something that one would want to do again so soon. For adjuncts, they are expected to be looking for full-time employment at decent wages. SEU AAUP PAGE 7 Peers Items 6-10 There were five items grouped under peers. These items were six through ten. The sixth item stated, there is a high level of cooperation and collegiality among my peers. There was a high level of agreement with this statement across the board among all groups from 70% of adjuncts and 78% of professors. The seventh item stated, different genders are fairly represented on the tenure-track faculty. This was agreed with by 45% of the faculty with 25% neutral and 15% not answered probably because of lack of awareness of the actual numbers. The high level of neutrals among adjuncts 31% and 28% not answered would support this interpretation because adjuncts would not normally be expected to have access to this kind of information. The eighth item stated, different minorities are fairly represented on the tenure-track faculty. This was agreed with by 18% of the faculty, 42% disagreeing, and 40% either neutral or not answering. As with the previous item adjuncts and those with less than four years of service were more likely to choose neutral or not answering. The ninth item stated, St. Edward’s University fosters collaboration among faculty. The responses were 61% agreement and only 18% disagreeing. There were only slight differences by rank and time in service. The tenth item stated, St. Edward’s University supports networking with colleagues in other institutions. The agreements and disagreements were nearly evenly split at 32% and 29% with 42% neutral or not replying. This would seem to indicate that the question is unclear or unknown. Since newer faculty and adjuncts fell more heavily into this latter category, it would seem to support the idea that it was not well known. SEU AAUP PAGE 8 Infrastructure Items 11-14 Item eleven states, St. Edward’s University provides me with adequate administrative staff to run my office. The responses indicate 39% agreement and 32% disagreement with 27% neutral or not replying. The neutral and not replying was 50% among adjuncts who may be unclear as to what to expect. Item twelve states, St. Edward’s University has an excellent information technology infrastructure. This item had one of the highest agreement rates of the survey at 64%. This level was consistent across all rank and time in service categories except associate professors were even higher at 75% agreement. Item thirteen states, Infrastructure and buildings are well maintained, and replaced or expanded when needed. Item thirteen was very similar to item twelve with high agreement of around 66%. It was consistent except for associate professors slightly higher at 75% and assistant professors slightly lower at 45%. Item fourteen states, St. Edward’s University provides support for me to balance the needs of work and family. This item was lower than the previous two with 40% agreement and 35% nonagreement with 25% neutral or not replying. The analysis shows similar scores by rank except for assistant professors who scored at 30% agreement. The length of time at SEU analysis shows that those with four years or less were more satisfied at 52% than those eight or more years, which were at a 32% level. This is hard to tease out, but it may mean that the expectations and experiences of those who have been here longer have noticed a recent decline in emphasis here or the more long term faculty members remember the repeated requests for a childcare or school facilities for children of faculty and staff, which have fallen on deaf ears. SEU AAUP PAGE 9 Resources: Items 15-19 Item fifteen states, the administration provides support and encouragement for my research activities. The results indicate 40% agreement and 24% disagreement with 36% either neutral or not answering. As one might expect there were differences by rank and length of service. Adjuncts only reported 17% agreement because that is not usually their goal. Assistant and associate professors reported 60% agreement and professors at 46%, which may reflect their career focus. This focus is also reflected in the length of service, which showed a spike to 57% agreement from those within the five-to-seven year category. Item sixteen states, St. Edward’s University provides an adequate research funding package for tenure track faculty members. This item reflects the perception of the research support in general for tenure track faculty. There was 22% agreement and 30% disagreement with 48% either neutral or not answering. Looked at by rank, there were widespread differences with 81% of adjuncts either neutral or not answering. This was reflected also in the length of service with 75% of four years or less recording either neutral or not answering. The five to seven years of service group and the associate professor groups had the highest agreement at 43%. Item seventeen states, St. Edward’s University provides access to all essential information services and journals. There was considerable agreement on this item in general at 55% and by the ranked faculty from 66% to 70%. Item eighteen states, St. Edward’s University is moving away from being a teaching institution to a research institution. There is 40% agreement and 30% disagreement. Ranked faculty members agree at higher rates from 60% to 69% with adjuncts at 16% with 70% either neutral or not answering. Item nineteen states, the shift towards a research orientation lessens my time for teaching. There is 47% agreement and 20% disagreement. This agreement was higher for those with 8 or more years at 54% compared to 20% for four years or less. SEU AAUP PAGE 10 Compensation: Items 20-23 Item twenty states, I believe that my annual salary is fair and competitive. There was high disagreement on this item at 53% with only 26% agreeing. Professors had the highest agreement at 43%. Assistant and associate professors were both below 30% agreeing. Adjuncts had the lowest level of agreement at 17% and 64% disagreeing. Item twenty-one states, St. Edward’s University negotiates pay fairly. Forty-six percent disagreed with this item and 19% agreed. This pattern was fairly consistent across all of the ranks and the three lengths of service categories. Item twenty-two states, the university follows the Faculty Compensation Committee’s (FCC) recommendations for salary and benefits. There was 17% agreement and 26% disagreement with 34% of respondents staying neutral and 22% not answering; this could indicate a lack of certainty on the part of many faculty members as to the administration’s lack of response to the FCC recommendations. Faculty who have been here for eight years or more only had a 10% agreement with the statement. Item twenty-three states, I am satisfied with my salary and benefits. There was a 52% disagreement with this statement and a 28% agreement. There is a variation in the agreement levels based on rank with the highest rank of professors being at 42% agreement dropping to 30% for assistant professors and 14% for adjuncts. The categories by length of service varied from 21% agreement for the four years or less group to 30% for eight years or more. The disagreement responses were a fairly consistent 50% to 54% across all three categories. SEU AAUP PAGE 11 Management and Policies: Items 24-39 Item twenty-four states, St. Edward’s University has effective and supportive leadership that responds to input from the faculty. There were 42% of the respondents who disagreed with that statement and only 31% agreed. By faculty rank, this was consistent except for associate professors who were 50% disagreement and adjuncts that were at 19% disagreement and 44% agreement. There were differences when looking at the issue from the length of service categories. Agreement among faculty with 0 to 4 years of service was at 51% and 57% whereas, among faculty members who have been here for eight years or more only 16% agreed and 58% disagreed. Item twenty-five states, institution administrators are accessible and listen to faculty and staff members. This was rather even at 38% disagreement and 35% agreement. There were differences by rank and years at SEU. Lower ranking faculty and shorter-term faculty were more likely to be in agreement at around 50%, but professors and faculty with 8 or more years of service were in agreement around 20%. Sixty-one percent of professors and fifty-five percent of the longer-term faculty were in disagreement. Item twenty-six states, the administration is an appropriate size for this institution. Fortyone percent disagreed and 28% agreed. Professors agreed at an 18% level and assistant professors at a 50% level. The length of service category also reveals a difference of opinion in the 41% level of agreement as faculty with eight or more years’ experience agreed at a 19% level and disagreed at a 63% percent level. Item twenty-seven states, St. Edward’s University provides adequate health care coverage for my family and me. There was 51% agreement with 20% disagreement. The ranked faculty who are eligible for health insurance ranged from 67% to 80% agreement, whereas only 6% of adjunct faculty agreed. Item twenty-eight states, Non-tenure track faculty are treated equitably. This statement was agreed with by only 24% of the respondents and disagreed with by 49%. There was 46% agreement by full-professors, 23% by associate professors, 16% by assistant professors, and 19% by adjuncts. Nineteen percent of the faculty members who have been here longer than seven years agree while 59% disagree. SEU AAUP PAGE 12 Item twenty-nine states, I am satisfied with the system of shared governance at St. Edward’s University. Overall, 25% agreed with this statement and 40% disagreed. Faculty members with higher rank disagreed at a higher rate with professors disagreeing at a 64% level. Faculty who had been here 8 years or more disagreed at 57% level. Item thirty states, I am satisfied that the Board of Trustees understands the needs of the faculty. This statement was agreed with by 16% of the respondents and disagreed with by 46%. The disagreement level was highest among professors and those having been at St. Edward’s University for eight years or more with both groups at 64%. Item thirty-one states, I am satisfied with the level of communications between the Board of Trustees and the faculty. This item was agreed with by 11% and disagreed with by 49%. Professors agreed with at a 4% level and disagreed at a 68% level. Those faculty who had been here eightyears or longer disagreed at a 66% level. Item thirty-two states, The vice president for academic affairs (VPAA) values faculty opinion. This was agreed with by 29% of the faculty and disagreed with by 35%. The disagreement level rises with rank 50% for professors, 39% for associate professors, and 25% for assistant professors. It also varies by length of time at SEU 46% of those here for eight years or more disagreeing, those from five to seven 38%, and those four years or less 9%. Item thirty-three states, The VPAA responds to inquiries in a timely manner. Overall, 37% agreed and 19% disagreeing. There was more agreement at the lower ranks with assistants at 68%. Item thirty-four states, The VPAA does everything possible to meet the needs of my School. This item was agreed with by 23% of the respondents and disagreed with by 38%. Item thirty-five states, I am satisfied with the leadership of the VPAA. This was agreed with by 28% of the faculty responding and disagreed with by 35%. The responses to this had some variation by rank and time in service. Professors agreed at 36% and disagreed at 50%. Associate professors agreed at a 41% level and disagree at a 33% level. Assistant professors were fairly evenly split at 45% agreement and 40% disagreement. Adjuncts agreed at a 13% level and disagreed at a 22% level. Length of time showed with 49% disagreement for the eight and over group and 11% for the four and under. SEU AAUP PAGE 13 Item thirty-six states, The president values faculty opinion. This received 24% agreement and 31% disagreement with the rest neutral or N/A. The agreement rates were consistent for the ranked faculty, but 16% for adjuncts. The disagreement rates were higher for professors and associate professors. Disagreement rates were elevated for faculty who have been here for eight years or more. Item thirty-seven states, The president responds to inquiries in a timely manner. This item had 64% neutral or N/A which could indicate a lack of information. Agreement was at 18% and disagreement at 17%. Item thirty-eight states, The president does all he can to meet the needs of my School. Agreement was at 19% and disagreement was at 27% with the rest neutral or N/A. Item thirty-nine states, I am satisfied with the leadership of the president. Agreement was at 38% and disagreement was at 22% with the rest neutral or N/A. SEU AAUP PAGE 14 Teaching and Mentoring: Items 40-43 Item forty states, St. Edward’s University provides adequate resources to support my teaching and mentoring duties. This was agreed with by 50% of the respondents and disagreed with by 32%. Rank did not make a significant difference, but there was a slight uptick in dissatisfaction with longer-term faculty. Item forty-one states, St. Edward’s University supports teaching and mentoring of junior faculty. This was agreed with by 45% of the respondents and disagreed with by 26%. There was very little variance based on rank or length of service. Item forty-two states, the administration supports flexibility in balancing research, teaching and mentoring duties. This was agreed with by 25% of the respondents and disagreed with by 38%. This was fairly consistent across ranks, but there was a little more dissatisfaction with longer-term faculty. Item forty-three states, Adjunct faculty are treated fairly and professionally. This was agreed with by only 29% of the respondents and disagreed with by 47%. Rank did make a difference with disagreement higher for assistant professors. The group with the least disagreement was surprisingly adjunct faculty. This may reflect how they are treated as individuals, but there was a slight uptick in dissatisfaction with longer-term faculty SEU AAUP PAGE 15 Tenure and Promotion: Items 44-46 The item, The tenure and promotion application process is clearly described to Faculty, received the ratings agree or strongly agree by 23% of the respondents. The rates of agreement differed by rank, professors at 19%, Associate Professors at 29%, Assistant Professors at 30% and non-tenure track faculty at 54%. This pattern suggests that the faculty who have completed at least one application for promotion or tenure largely disagree that the process is clearly explained. The pattern of responses by length of service indicate that familiarity with the application process differs by years of service, with 4 or less years at 19%, 5 to 7 years at 30%, and 8 or more years at 22%. Those in the mid-range (5 to 7 years) may be most familiar with the application process as this the time period in which faculty are first eligible to apply for promotion and tenure. The second item, The standards for tenure/promotion are fairly applied across Schools received the ratings Agree of Strongly Agree by 15% of the respondents. The rates of agreement differed by somewhat rank, professors at 26%, Associate Professors at 19%, Assistant Professors at 20% and non-tenure track faculty at 27%. These rates indicate that most faculty, regardless of rank, do not believe the standards across Schools are fairly applied. The pattern of responses by length of service differs by years of service, with 4 or fewer years at 14%, 5 to 7 years at 30%, and 8 or more years at 13%. Those in the mid-range (5 to 7 years) view the standards as fairly applied at double the rate of the early career and seasoned faculty members. Again, most faculty do not perceive the standards as being fairly applied across Schools. The third item, Raises for promotion are adequate received the ratings Agree or Strongly Agree by 16% of the respondents. The rates of agreement increase by rank, professors at 22%, Associate Professors at 21%, Assistant Professors at 15% and non-tenure track faculty at 19%. These rates indicate that most faculty, regardless of rank, do not agree that raises for promotion are adequate. The pattern of responses by length of service differs by years of service, with 4 or less years at 7%, 5 to 7 years at 25%, and 8 or more years at 17%. Again, most faculty do not perceive the raises for promotion are adequate. However, the mid-career faculty (5 to 7 years) perceived promotion raises as adequate much more than early-career faculty, who may not have applied for promotion yet, and full professors, who are not eligible for promotion. SEU AAUP PAGE 16 Conclusion and Next Steps American universities are under siege from external actors with ill formed opinions about the nature of a university. However, the dilemmas faced by St. Edward’s University––the Board, the Administration, and the Faculty––can be dealt with collectively. The current report identifies areas of faculty consensus and disagreement that can be used for in depth conversations, budgeting, strategic planning, and campus master planning. These areas include faculty perceptions about: 1. problems with shared governance, 2. tenure & promotion process 3. compensation 4. management and policies 5. teaching and mentoring, 6. resources, 7. peers, 8. excellent infrastructure, and 9. high job satisfaction It would seem that we can make the biggest gains by focusing on the first four. Again, these are some areas that can provide a basis for paying it forward by identifying areas for continuous improvement. This report of faculty’s views provides metrics with which to focus and prioritize the University’s next strategic plan. A similar survey should be run periodically to measure our progress. The SEU-AAUP and all faculty members look forward to the dialogs and conversations that will surely come. This report provides a place from which to begin again. APPENDICES SEU AAUP PAGE 18 Statistics N Valid Missing Mean Median Mode Satisfied with job 198 2 3.8232 4.0000 4.00 Workload reasonable 199 1 3.2814 4.0000 4.00 Positive colleagues 199 1 2.9598 3.0000 2.00 Do it again 197 3 3.8883 4.0000 5.00 Currently looking 198 2 2.3838 2.0000 1.00 Collegiality peers 197 3 3.7563 4.0000 4.00 Gender fairly represented 198 2 2.9545 3.0000 4.00 Minorities fairly represented 198 2 2.2222 2.0000 2.00a SEU fosters collaboration among faculty 198 2 3.5404 4.0000 4.00 SEU fosters networking other schools 197 3 2.8376 3.0000 3.00 SEU provides me adequate admin staff 197 3 2.5330 2.0000 4.00 Excellent IT Infrastructure 198 2 3.6616 4.0000 4.00 Well maintained infrastrucure 198 2 3.6061 4.0000 4.00 SEU supports balance with family 198 2 2.8131 3.0000 4.00 SEU supports research 199 1 2.6935 3.0000 4.00 SEU provides adequate research funding 199 1 2.0603 2.0000 0.00 SEU provides access to essential journals 197 3 3.3756 4.0000 4.00 Moving away from teaching to research 198 2 3.0202 3.0000 3.00 Shift towards research lessen my time for teaching 199 1 2.9095 3.0000 4.00a Annual salary is fair and competitive 199 1 2.5075 2.0000 2.00 SEU negotiates pay fairly 198 2 2.1667 2.0000 1.00 199 1 2.1759 3.0000 3.00 SEU follows the Faculty Compensation Committee's recommendations on salary and benefits I am satisfied with salary and benefits 199 1 2.5980 2.0000 2.00 Effective & supportive leadership that responds to input from faculty 198 2 2.7374 3.0000 3.00 Administrators are accessible and listen to faculty and staff 198 2 2.8030 3.0000 3.00 Administration is appropriate size for institution 199 1 2.5276 3.0000 3.00 SEU provides adequate health care coverage for my family and me 197 3 2.7766 4.0000 4.00 Non-tenure track faculty are treated equitably 197 3 2.4670 2.0000 2.00 Satisfied with system of shared governance 199 1 2.5930 3.0000 3.00 Trustees understand the needs of faculty 199 1 2.1407 2.0000 3.00 Satisfied with level of communications between trustees and faculty 198 2 1.9949 2.0000 1.00 VPAA values faculty opinion 199 1 2.5477 3.0000 3.00 VPAA responds to inquiries in a timely manner 197 3 2.7056 3.0000 3.00 VPAA does everything possible meet needs of my School 198 2 2.4040 3.0000 3.00 Satisfied with leadership of the VPAA 198 2 2.5051 3.0000 3.00 President values faculty opinion 198 2 2.5101 3.0000 3.00 President responds in a timely manner 196 4 2.3112 3.0000 3.00 President does all that he can meet needs of my School 197 3 2.3959 3.0000 3.00 Satisfied with leadship of president 199 1 2.8342 3.0000 3.00 SEU provides adequate resources for teaching and mentoring 198 2 3.1111 4.0000 4.00 SEU supports teaching and mentoring of junior faculty 199 1 2.9347 3.0000 4.00 SEU supports flexibility in balancing research, teaching, and mentoring duties 198 2 2.4394 2.5000 3.00 Adjunct faculty are treated fairly and professionally 198 2 2.6465 2.5000 2.00 Tenure and promotion application process is clearly described to Faculty 197 3 2.3046 2.0000 3.00 Standards for tenure/promotion are fairly applied across schools 195 5 2.0615 2.0000 3.00 Raises for promotion are adequate 198 2 1.9596 2.0000 1.00 a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown SEU AAUP PAGE 19 Appendix B: Frequencies 2016 Faculty Satisfaction Survey 1. Satisfied with job Satisfied with job Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 6 3.0 3.0 3.0 Disagree 33 16.5 16.7 19.7 Neutral 18 9.0 9.1 28.8 Agree 74 37.0 37.4 66.2 Strongly Agree 67 33.5 33.8 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Satisfied with job 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 Strongly Disagree SEU AAUP Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 20 2. Workload reasonable Workload reasonable Frequency Valid .00 Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Strongly Disagree 20 10.0 10.1 11.1 Disagree 44 22.0 22.1 33.2 Neutral 23 11.5 11.6 44.7 Agree 74 37.0 37.2 81.9 Strongly Agree 36 18.0 18.1 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Workload reasonable 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 21 3. Positive colleagues Positive colleagues Valid Percent Valid Percent 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Strongly Disagree 22 11.0 11.1 12.6 Disagree 59 29.5 29.6 42.2 Neutral 38 19.0 19.1 61.3 Agree 50 25.0 25.1 86.4 Strongly Agree 27 13.5 13.6 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Positive colleagues 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 22 4. Do it Again Do it again Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 1 .5 .5 .5 Strongly Disagree 6 3.0 3.0 3.6 Disagree 22 11.0 11.2 14.7 Neutral 30 15.0 15.2 29.9 Agree 64 32.0 32.5 62.4 Strongly Agree 74 37.0 37.6 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Do it again 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 23 5. Currently looking Currently looking Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 11 5.5 5.6 5.6 Strongly Disagree 53 26.5 26.8 32.3 Disagree 52 26.0 26.3 58.6 Neutral 35 17.5 17.7 76.3 Agree 25 12.5 12.6 88.9 Strongly Agree 22 11.0 11.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Currently looking 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 24 6. Collegiality peers Collegiality peers Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Strongly Disagree 4 2.0 2.0 3.6 Disagree 26 13.0 13.2 16.8 Neutral 25 12.5 12.7 29.4 Agree 86 43.0 43.7 73.1 Strongly Agree 53 26.5 26.9 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Collegiality peers 100 Frequenc 80 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 25 7. Gender Fairly Represented Gender fairly represented Valid Percent Valid Percent 29 14.5 14.6 14.6 8 4.0 4.0 18.7 Disagree 22 11.0 11.1 29.8 Neutral 49 24.5 24.7 54.5 Agree 64 32.0 32.3 86.9 Strongly Agree 26 13.0 13.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 .00 Strongly Disagree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Gender fairly represented Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 26 8. Minorities fairly represented Minorities fairly represented Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 27 13.5 13.6 13.6 Strongly Disagree 30 15.0 15.2 28.8 Disagree 53 26.5 26.8 55.6 Neutral 53 26.5 26.8 82.3 Agree 30 15.0 15.2 97.5 5 2.5 2.5 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Minorities fairly represented 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 27 9. SEU fosters collaboration among faculty SEU fosters collaboration among faculty Valid .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 Strongly Disagree 12 6.0 6.1 7.1 Disagree 24 12.0 12.1 19.2 Neutral 38 19.0 19.2 38.4 Agree 83 41.5 41.9 80.3 Strongly Agree 39 19.5 19.7 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Frequency System Total SEU fosters collaboration among faculty 100 Frequenc 80 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 28 10. SEU fosters networking other schools SEU fosters networking other schools Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 18 9.0 9.1 9.1 Strongly Disagree 14 7.0 7.1 16.2 Disagree 36 18.0 18.3 34.5 Neutral 65 32.5 33.0 67.5 Agree 42 21.0 21.3 88.8 Strongly Agree 22 11.0 11.2 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU fosters networking other schools Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 29 11. SEU provides me adequate admin staff SEU provides me adequate admin staff Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 33 16.5 16.8 16.8 Strongly Disagree 24 12.0 12.2 28.9 Disagree 42 21.0 21.3 50.3 Neutral 21 10.5 10.7 60.9 Agree 57 28.5 28.9 89.8 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 20 10.0 10.2 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 SEU provides me adequate admin staff 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 30 12. Excellent IT Infrastructure Excellent IT Infrastructure Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Strongly Disagree 6 3.0 3.0 4.5 Disagree 26 13.0 13.1 17.7 Neutral 36 18.0 18.2 35.9 Agree 76 38.0 38.4 74.2 Strongly Agree 51 25.5 25.8 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Excellent IT Infrastructure 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 31 13. Well maintained infrastructure Well maintained infrastrucure Valid .00 Percent Valid Percent 2 1.0 1.0 Cumulative Percent 1.0 Strongly Disagree 11 5.5 5.6 6.6 Disagree 26 13.0 13.1 19.7 Neutral 28 14.0 14.1 33.8 Agree 88 44.0 44.4 78.3 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Frequency System Total 43 21.5 21.7 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Well maintained infrastrucure 100 Frequenc 80 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 32 14. SEU supports balance with family SEU supports balance with family Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 13 6.5 6.6 6.6 Strongly Disagree 27 13.5 13.6 20.2 Disagree 43 21.5 21.7 41.9 Neutral 36 18.0 18.2 60.1 Agree 59 29.5 29.8 89.9 Strongly Agree 20 10.0 10.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total SEU supports balance with family 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 33 15. SEU supports research SEU supports research Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 34 17.0 17.1 17.1 Strongly Disagree 23 11.5 11.6 28.6 Disagree 25 12.5 12.6 41.2 Neutral 37 18.5 18.6 59.8 Agree 48 24.0 24.1 83.9 Strongly Agree 32 16.0 16.1 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU supports research 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 34 16. SEU provides adequate research funding SEU provides adequate research funding Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 54 27.0 27.1 27.1 Strongly Disagree 28 14.0 14.1 41.2 Disagree 31 15.5 15.6 56.8 Neutral 42 21.0 21.1 77.9 Agree 26 13.0 13.1 91.0 Strongly Agree 18 9.0 9.0 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU provides adequate research funding 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 35 17. SEU provides access to essential journals SEU provides access to essential journals Valid Percent Valid Percent 8 4.0 4.1 4.1 Strongly Disagree 14 7.0 7.1 11.2 Disagree 20 10.0 10.2 21.3 Neutral 44 22.0 22.3 43.7 Agree 76 38.0 38.6 82.2 Strongly Agree 35 17.5 17.8 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 3 1.5 200 100.0 SEU provides access to essential journals 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 36 18. Moving away from teaching to research Moving away from teaching to research Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 13 6.5 6.6 6.6 Strongly Disagree 18 9.0 9.1 15.7 Disagree 41 20.5 20.7 36.4 Neutral 46 23.0 23.2 59.6 Agree 40 20.0 20.2 79.8 Strongly Agree 40 20.0 20.2 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Moving away from teaching to research 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 37 19. Shift towards research lessen my time for teaching Shift towards research lessen my time for teaching Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 35 17.5 17.6 17.6 Strongly Disagree 15 7.5 7.5 25.1 Disagree 24 12.0 12.1 37.2 Neutral 31 15.5 15.6 52.8 Agree 47 23.5 23.6 76.4 Strongly Agree 47 23.5 23.6 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Shift towards research lessen my time for teaching 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 38 20. Annual salary is fair and competitive Annual salary is fair and competitive Frequency Valid .00 Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 4 2.0 2.0 2.0 Strongly Disagree 43 21.5 21.6 23.6 Disagree 64 32.0 32.2 55.8 Neutral 37 18.5 18.6 74.4 Agree 38 19.0 19.1 93.5 Strongly Agree 13 6.5 6.5 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Annual salary is fair and competitive Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 39 21. SEU negotiates pay fairly SEU negotiates pay fairly Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 23 11.5 11.6 11.6 Strongly Disagree 48 24.0 24.2 35.9 Disagree 44 22.0 22.2 58.1 Neutral 46 23.0 23.2 81.3 Agree 30 15.0 15.2 96.5 7 3.5 3.5 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU negotiates pay fairly 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 40 22. SEU follows the Faculty Compensation Committee's recommendations on salary and benefits SEU follows the Faculty Compensation Committee's recommendations on salary and benefits Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 44 22.0 22.1 22.1 Strongly Disagree 25 12.5 12.6 34.7 Disagree 28 14.0 14.1 48.7 Neutral 67 33.5 33.7 82.4 Agree 24 12.0 12.1 94.5 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 11 5.5 5.5 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 SEU follows the Faculty Compensation Committee's recommendations on salary and benefits Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 41 23. I am satisfied with salary and benefits I am satisfied with salary and benefits Valid Percent Valid Percent 3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Strongly Disagree 40 20.0 20.1 21.6 Disagree 63 31.5 31.7 53.3 Neutral 36 18.0 18.1 71.4 Agree 42 21.0 21.1 92.5 Strongly Agree 15 7.5 7.5 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 1 .5 200 100.0 I am satisfied with salary and benefits Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 42 24. Effective & supportive leadership that responds to input from faculty Effective & supportive leadership that responds to input from faculty Valid Percent Valid Percent 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Strongly Disagree 41 20.5 20.7 23.2 Disagree 42 21.0 21.2 44.4 Neutral 46 23.0 23.2 67.7 Agree 41 20.5 20.7 88.4 Strongly Agree 23 11.5 11.6 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Effective & supportive leadership that responds to input from faculty 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 43 25. Administrators are accessible and listen to faculty and staff Administrators are accessible and listen to faculty and staff Valid Percent Valid Percent 6 3.0 3.0 3.0 Strongly Disagree 39 19.5 19.7 22.7 Disagree 37 18.5 18.7 41.4 Neutral 47 23.5 23.7 65.2 Agree 44 22.0 22.2 87.4 Strongly Agree 25 12.5 12.6 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 2 1.0 200 100.0 Administrators are accessible and listen to faculty and staff 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 44 26. Administration is appropriate size for institution Administration is appropriate size for institution Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 14 7.0 7.0 7.0 Strongly Disagree 43 21.5 21.6 28.6 Disagree 40 20.0 20.1 48.7 Neutral 46 23.0 23.1 71.9 Agree 38 19.0 19.1 91.0 Strongly Agree 18 9.0 9.0 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Administration is appropriate size for institution 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 45 27. SEU provides adequate health care coverage for my family and me SEU provides adequate health care coverage for my family and me Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 37 18.5 18.8 18.8 Strongly Disagree 26 13.0 13.2 32.0 Disagree 13 6.5 6.6 38.6 Neutral 20 10.0 10.2 48.7 Agree 70 35.0 35.5 84.3 Strongly Agree 31 15.5 15.7 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU provides adequate health care coverage for my family and me Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 46 28. Non-tenure track faculty are treated equitably Non-tenure track faculty are treated equitably Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 10 5.0 5.1 5.1 Strongly Disagree 44 22.0 22.3 27.4 Disagree 52 26.0 26.4 53.8 Neutral 43 21.5 21.8 75.6 Agree 31 15.5 15.7 91.4 Strongly Agree 17 8.5 8.6 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Non-tenure track faculty are treated equitably 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 47 29. Satisfied with system of shared governance Satisfied with system of shared governance Frequency Valid Valid Percent Cumulative Percent .00 14 7.0 7.0 7.0 Strongly Disagree 30 15.0 15.1 22.1 Disagree 49 24.5 24.6 46.7 Neutral 56 28.0 28.1 74.9 Agree 30 15.0 15.1 89.9 Strongly Agree 20 10.0 10.1 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Satisfied with system of shared governance 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 48 30. Trustees understand the needs of faculty Trustees understand the needs of faculty Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 25 12.5 12.6 12.6 Strongly Disagree 48 24.0 24.1 36.7 Disagree 44 22.0 22.1 58.8 Neutral 50 25.0 25.1 83.9 Agree 20 10.0 10.1 94.0 Strongly Agree 12 6.0 6.0 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Trustees understand the needs of faculty 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 49 31. Satisfied with level of communications between trustees and faculty Satisfied with level of communications between trustees and faculty Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 28 14.0 14.1 14.1 Strongly Disagree 52 26.0 26.3 40.4 Disagree 45 22.5 22.7 63.1 Neutral 51 25.5 25.8 88.9 Agree 10 5.0 5.1 93.9 Strongly Agree 12 6.0 6.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 2 1.0 200 100.0 Satisfied with level of communications between trustees and faculty 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 50 32. VPAA values faculty opinion VPAA values faculty opinion Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 21 10.5 10.6 10.6 Strongly Disagree 40 20.0 20.1 30.7 Disagree 29 14.5 14.6 45.2 Neutral 51 25.5 25.6 70.9 Agree 34 17.0 17.1 87.9 Strongly Agree 24 12.0 12.1 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total VPAA values faculty opinion 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 51 33. VPAA responds to inquiries in a timely manner VPAA responds to inquiries in a timely manner Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 32 16.0 16.2 16.2 Strongly Disagree 26 13.0 13.2 29.4 Disagree 12 6.0 6.1 35.5 Neutral 55 27.5 27.9 63.5 Agree 42 21.0 21.3 84.8 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 30 15.0 15.2 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 VPAA responds to inquiries in a timely manner 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 52 34. VPAA does everything possible meet needs of my School VPAA does everything possible meet needs of my School Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 23 11.5 11.6 11.6 Strongly Disagree 41 20.5 20.7 32.3 Disagree 34 17.0 17.2 49.5 Neutral 54 27.0 27.3 76.8 Agree 25 12.5 12.6 89.4 Strongly Agree 21 10.5 10.6 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total VPAA does everything possible meet needs of my School 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 53 35. Satisfied with leadership of the VPAA Satisfied with leadership of the VPAA Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 22 11.0 11.1 11.1 Strongly Disagree 42 21.0 21.2 32.3 Disagree 28 14.0 14.1 46.5 Neutral 51 25.5 25.8 72.2 Agree 30 15.0 15.2 87.4 Strongly Agree 25 12.5 12.6 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Satisfied with leadership of the VPAA 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 54 36. President values faculty opinion President values faculty opinion Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 22 11.0 11.1 11.1 Strongly Disagree 37 18.5 18.7 29.8 Disagree 25 12.5 12.6 42.4 Neutral 66 33.0 33.3 75.8 Agree 28 14.0 14.1 89.9 Strongly Agree 20 10.0 10.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total President values faculty opinion Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 55 37. President responds in a timely manner President responds in a timely manner Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 46 23.0 23.5 23.5 Strongly Disagree 21 10.5 10.7 34.2 Disagree 12 6.0 6.1 40.3 Neutral 80 40.0 40.8 81.1 Agree 17 8.5 8.7 89.8 Strongly Agree 20 10.0 10.2 100.0 196 98.0 100.0 4 2.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total President responds in a timely manner 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 56 38. President does all that he can meet needs of my School President does all that he can meet needs of my School Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 29 14.5 14.7 14.7 Strongly Disagree 34 17.0 17.3 32.0 Disagree 21 10.5 10.7 42.6 Neutral 75 37.5 38.1 80.7 Agree 19 9.5 9.6 90.4 Strongly Agree 19 9.5 9.6 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total President does all that he can meet needs of my School 80 Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 57 39. Satisfied with leadship of president Satisfied with leadship of president Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 20 10.0 10.1 10.1 Strongly Disagree 28 14.0 14.1 24.1 Disagree 15 7.5 7.5 31.7 Neutral 61 30.5 30.7 62.3 Agree 52 26.0 26.1 88.4 Strongly Agree 23 11.5 11.6 100.0 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Satisfied with leadship of president Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 58 40. SEU provides adequate resources for teaching and mentoring SEU provides adequate resources for teaching and mentoring Valid Percent Valid Percent 7 3.5 3.5 3.5 Strongly Disagree 24 12.0 12.1 15.7 Disagree 40 20.0 20.2 35.9 Neutral 27 13.5 13.6 49.5 Agree 69 34.5 34.8 84.3 Strongly Agree 31 15.5 15.7 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 .00 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU provides adequate resources for teaching and mentoring Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 59 41. SEU supports teaching and mentoring of junior faculty SEU supports teaching and mentoring of junior faculty Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 19 9.5 9.5 9.5 Strongly Disagree 24 12.0 12.1 21.6 Disagree 28 14.0 14.1 35.7 Neutral 37 18.5 18.6 54.3 Agree 62 31.0 31.2 85.4 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 29 14.5 14.6 199 99.5 100.0 1 .5 200 100.0 SEU supports teaching and mentoring of junior faculty Frequenc 60 40 20 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 60 42. SEU supports flexibility in balancing research, teaching, and mentoring duties SEU supports flexibility in balancing research, teaching, and mentoring duties Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 23 11.5 11.6 11.6 Strongly Disagree 34 17.0 17.2 28.8 Disagree 42 21.0 21.2 50.0 Neutral 50 25.0 25.3 75.3 Agree 30 15.0 15.2 90.4 Strongly Agree 19 9.5 9.6 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total SEU supports flexibility in balancing research, teaching, and mentoring duties 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 61 43. Adjunct faculty are treated fairly and professionally Adjunct faculty are treated fairly and professionally Frequency Valid .00 Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 4 2.0 2.0 2.0 Strongly Disagree 42 21.0 21.2 23.2 Disagree 53 26.5 26.8 50.0 Neutral 42 21.0 21.2 71.2 Agree 35 17.5 17.7 88.9 Strongly Agree 22 11.0 11.1 100.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Total Missing Percent System Total Adjunct faculty are treated fairly and professionally 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 62 44. Tenure and promotion application process is clearly described to Faculty Tenure and promotion application process is clearly described to Faculty Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 35 17.5 17.8 17.8 Strongly Disagree 29 14.5 14.7 32.5 Disagree 36 18.0 18.3 50.8 Neutral 50 25.0 25.4 76.1 Agree 32 16.0 16.2 92.4 Strongly Agree 15 7.5 7.6 100.0 197 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 200 100.0 Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Tenure and promotion application process is clearly described to Faculty 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 63 45. Standards for tenure/promotion are fairly applied across schools Standards for tenure/promotion are fairly applied across schools Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 37 18.5 19.0 19.0 Strongly Disagree 40 20.0 20.5 39.5 Disagree 31 15.5 15.9 55.4 Neutral 57 28.5 29.2 84.6 Agree 21 10.5 10.8 95.4 9 4.5 4.6 100.0 195 97.5 100.0 5 2.5 200 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total Standards for tenure/promotion are fairly applied across schools 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 64 46. Raises for promotion are adequate Raises for promotion are adequate Valid Percent Valid Percent .00 32 16.0 16.2 16.2 Strongly Disagree 51 25.5 25.8 41.9 Disagree 46 23.0 23.2 65.2 Neutral 37 18.5 18.7 83.8 Agree 26 13.0 13.1 97.0 100.0 Strongly Agree Total Missing Cumulative Percent Frequency System Total 6 3.0 3.0 198 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 200 100.0 Raises for promotion are adequate 60 50 Frequenc 40 30 20 10 0 .00 SEU AAUP Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree PAGE 65 APPENDIX C Please add any additional comments. 1. Dean Shreiber is doing an excellent job of moving MSB toward AACSB accreditation. As Dr. Martin stated at a previous meeting, this is the 'gold standard' and our students deserve this. Great job everyone: Dr. Martin, thank you for your leadership; Dr. Boyd, thank you for your leadership. 2. I find this survey incredibly biased. An undergraduate student could easily discern the biased nature of the questions - so it is a bit insulting to distribute this survey to faculty under the guise of a "faculty satisfaction survey". This is a blatant attempt to insult Dr. Martin and Dr. Mary Boyd. Please don't use the terms "the President of the University" or "the VPAA" - these are PEOPLE, not merely offices. Shame on whoever is trying to create and perpetuate an atmosphere of divisiveness at SEU (and, I'm NOT speaking about the administration!). 3. Have experienced the university re: changes in diversity and growth spurts while being mission-focused 4. I appreciate this opportunity to provide some feedback to the administration, IN the twelve years I have taught at St. Edward's, it is the first time I have had such an opportunity. Given that I am an adjunct, I am most concerned with the exploitation of and limitations placed on adjunct faculty. It seems a self-defeating strategy. The university would benefit from rewarding excellent work and loyalty on the part of adjuncts, as their continuing to teach at the school is in the school's long term best interest, If we adjuncts were truly transient, given that more than adjuncts make up more than half the faculty, what kind of university would it be if no one taught for more than a couple of years? How could students rely on their professors to be available to write recommendations, to confer with, to develop relationships with? Just this past semester I wrote eleven recommendation letters. Adjuncts teach the bulk of the introductory courses. We are the school's front line, and we play a huge role in the students' most important first impressions and decisions about whether this is the right school for them. So shouldn't the school foster a relationship with the adjuncts that encourages their loyalty? 5. I would like to see greater transparency in average salary amounts by rank and by school, and more clarity regarding the relation between promotion and salary raises. 6. Overall, I'm satisfied with my position at SEU. My biggest challenge is my workload--attempting to balance teaching, service and research along with other responsibilities off campus. I applaud recent efforts to allocate time for research (SPICE) and feel supported in both my teaching and research endeavors (even if not compensated as much as I'd like). Thanks for this survey. 7. Please, would you be a trendsetter in improving your treatment of adjuncts? Better still, hire some of us on the tenure track or offer health care and faculty development funds if we teach more than two classes per semester. I love what I do but it is increasingly more humiliating to have a PhD and make $16,000 per year and keep a positive attitude towards St. Ed's. 8. Pay raise now! APPENDIX C 9. "Behavioral" above is misspelled. The TA who put this page together should be docked a day's pay 10. I am thrilled and honored to work at St. Edward's, and therefore passionate about bettering the acting/dance facilities, as well as making adjunct pay equal to that of adjunct pay at other central Texas universities. 11. Despite the obvious bias to the questions, thanks for the opportunity to express my satisfaction. Compared to friends at other institutions, St Ed's is great. 12. To continue teaching here, I have been using my savings because of the cost of living in Austin. I've come to a point where funding my job with my savings is no longer possible and I am looking for another occupation. Working for a school that has gone from being a community which valued everyone to an institution that seems to value only the bottom line and how many checks it can get on national rankings has become soul crushing. 13. Why is "Education" not an option on #50? 14. Thank you for access to CTE and all the wonderful resources! 15. Why isn't satisfaction with faculty leadership included in this survey? There are a lot of faculty members who have superiority complexes on this campus. Get over yourselves, colleagues, we all drink from the same well! Leading the senate and/or the FEC does NOT give you the right to be an asshole. 16. Great job, Dean Nancy. You took on a difficult position and are leading with excellence as we strive for AACSB accreditation. 17. why is "Education" not included in the Schools? 18. Can you not spell Behavioral? Why is there no School of Education? That pretty much says it all. SOE is the step child of SEU; ironic since the Holy Cross brothers are teachers by trade. 19. There is no support for professional development and for research. 20. The MAPS program is a joke - we are a university of humans and it's the human interaction the makes students want to stay here. Get rid of it. 21. So happy to be at St. Edward's! 22. I think we are very fortunate to have our leadership 23. I will never again attend a president/faculty small group session with George Martin. I found him to be unnecessarily defensive, condescending, and argumentative. The last session I attended was a complete waste of my precious time. Dr. Martin spent 20 minutes reiterating what he's said in speeches before. I left thinking "this guy is not at all interested in my opinion, perspective, or suggestions." 24. The survey appears to be open to anyone, and can be filled out multiple times by a single person. The results can't be reliable. 25. I am very satisfied. I'm happy to work at St. Edward's. I think the VPAA is very responsive and has done incredible things to provide more resources to support faculty needs since her brief time being here. 26. I think that most faculty dissatisfaction, where it exists, is a result more of lack of information/backchanneling/rumors/transparency problems than any sort of real conflict between schools or between the faculty and the administration. St. Ed's is a rumor-heavy place--and the rumors are almost always false. Overall, this is a good place to work. Now pay the adjuncts better, give them appropriate office APPENDIX C space, or stop hiring adjuncts and shrink the size of the university's offerings. Persisting in present fashion re: the adjuncts may be what other schools do, but that does not make it right. 27. Behavioral is spelled incorrectly in number 50. 28. Great school and students. 29. I believe that administration, especially the president and vpaa are out of touch with the needs of the university and how to align with the disruptors facing higher education 30. Our University is at a major inflection point and needs to utilize the goodwill and expertise of its faculty to move forward by incorporating faculty into the decision processes. Our University is sans faculty governance and operates with a top down command and control "management" approach which reflects a complete lack of trust by our current administration in the many excellent faculty and staff who toil daily to make our University a better place for our students. 31. My school is not listed in 50 above. 32. Chairs need more release time to do their job properly, including mentoring junior faculty. 33. Education left off schools. 34. This used to be a great place to work. 35. I teach in the School of Education, which is not on question 50. 36. I teach primarily in CULF 37. The place stinks. It was never perfect, no workplace is. But the last few years have seen a markedly downward spiral in respect for our traditions and the folks who have been here awhile. Yikes.