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Nurul Asnida binti Mohd Ridzuan Dr. Maimunah binti Abdul Kadir ENGL2070: Introduction to Sociolinguistics (Section 2) 17 February 2017. Code Switching and Code Mixing Based on Hoffman (1991:116)’s research, there are seven reasons why bilingual switches their language when they speak, which are: Talking about particular topic. Farisya: Monda, aku jumpa basketball kat court la. Jom main nak? Monda: No hal la. Sape dapat shoot bola 10 kali, dia boleh request makanan apa-apa. Boleh? Quoting somebody else. Me: Sero nok make KFC la... Adik: Adik pon! Jom mitok ngan umi nok? Me: Adik la mitok, takut Kak Ngoh, nati, mesti umi oyak, “Takdop pitih mah eh, nok KFC KFC teh”. (oyak means said and “takdop pitih mah eh, nok KFC KFC teh” means I don’t have any money, why must KFC? Why not the other food- that cheaper than others. Being emphatic about something. Me: Omaigodddddd! Weyy, dia like gambar aku la! Hanim: Sapeee? Tuan Dotttt ke? Me: Ha a. Dia selalu like kalau aku post apa-apa. LOL. Interjection. Me: Hi Faiza. Are you busy? Sedih la weh. Aku rasa stress gila sekarang lepas pindah masuk Salahuddin… Faiza: Nope, Ida. Awattt? Repetition for clarification. Hazirah: Wey, aku rasa nak makan mangga muda la. Tapi tak suka la, nanti kena kopek buah tu pulak. Dah la takde pisau buang kulit. Me: Hah? Apa? Kopek buah? Wey Zira, kalau duk Kelate, mu jangan guna “kopek buah” tau. Hazirah: Hawatt? Salah ke? Apa maksud dia dalam Kelantan? Betul la aku guna. Kalau dalam Kelantan, korang guna apa untuk cakap kopek buah? Me: Hmm. Kalau Kedah betul la. Kalau dalam Kelantan lain sikit. Macam mana aku nak cakap eh? Maksud dia dalam Kelantan, boob. Aku takleh nak sebut perkataan tu kot BM. Mace mencarut etek. Intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor. Chinese student: Hi. I’m new student. I just move here today. Can you teach me how to use hot water in the shower?? Me: Oh really?? Sure, no problem. *showed to her* By the way, what course you take here, Sister? Chinese student: Course?? Sorry?? Me: Saraaaaa. Mace mana nie, dio tak faham course la. Sara: Emm. Course?? Oh yes, I mean, your programed that you study here. Chinese student: Ohh. I take Mass. Me: Oh Masss. Under Kuliyyah IRKHS la! Me too! Expressing group identity. Me: Weyyy Piza. Lamo doh tok jupo nga mu. Gano loni? Beres ko? (How’s life? Okay?) Fildza: Beres jah. Cumo raso sesok napas sikit padahal baru start sem. Hmm. (I’m okay. Just feel tired a little bit although we are starting new semester). On the other hand, Saville-Troike (1986:69) added the other reasons, which are: Softening and strengthening request or command. Me: Abah. Wak gapo tuuuuuuu? Busy ko? (Abah, what are you doing? Are you busy?) Abah: Dop eh. Ada nie. Baru gi kat lembu sakni. Bakpo da? ( Me: Abah... Takdop duit dah… Abah: Nanti send ko abah nombor account, nati abah masuk duit. Real lexical need. Ain: Setiap hari Isnin, kita kena pakai baju corporate. Selasa kalau boleh t-shirt Polo tu, kalau ladies, option, nak pakai boleh, tak nak pon takpe. Rabu pulak, pakai baju PO, and Khamis bebas! Me: Alaaaa, bosannya. Setiap hari kena pakai baju berseluar. Nanti dah tak boleh melawa, jangok-jangok, cantic-cantik! Argh. Ain: Monda, jangok tu ape?? Me: Hahahahaha. Jangok nie macam melawa-lawa la, Ain. To exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience. Ain: Umi, Ain sakit perut la. Toktau bakpo jadik gini. Umi: Ko period? Tokleh maye ko? Adik: Period tu gapo umi?? *He is my younger brother in my family. Ain: Sibuk je nok tau jugok. Mano buleh. Umi: Period nie, ABC la. Allah Bagi Cuti. Ore puan je boleh. Ore laki takdop ABC.