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Hillel the Elder, Benno Elkan (a detail from the Knesset Menorah) Photo: Tamar Hayardeni RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN LATE ANTIQUITY February 5-7, 2017 Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Ibn-Gabirol 14, Jerusalem and The Hebrew University, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The Melton Centre for Jewish Educaion The Seymour Fox School of Educaion th Sunday, February 5 A tour in Jerusalem (Invited guests, organized by Yad Izhak Ben Zvi) Elisabeta Abate | Transmission of Knowledge and Praxis Concerning Women Purity in Rabbinic Judaism Yair Furstenberg | Response 13:30-15:00 Lunch (for the paricipants) Monday, February 6th Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Ibn-Gabirol 14, Jerusalem 9:30 - 11:30 Social Context of Religious Educaion Marc Hirshman | Greeings Cana Werman | Chair and Response Johannes Bergemann and Kersin Rausch | Libraries within the Tense Atmosphere between Donators and Society in Greco-Roman Aniquity Hallel Baitner | Priestly Midrash – Rabbinic View of Ancient Techniques of Knowledge Creaion Reinhard Kratz and Laura Schimmelpfennig | Social Straigraphy of Psalm 37 and its Interpretaion in the Pesher of Psalms 11:30-12:00 Cofee Break 12:00-13:30 Transmission of Knowledge and Praxis Peter Gemeinhardt | Chair Irene Salvo | The Transmission of Knowledge and Praxis Concerning Female Purity in Ancient Greece 15:00-17:00 Educaion, Ritual and Religion Yifat Monnickendam | Chair and Response Yonatan Moss | Learned in Translaion: Greek Educaion in the West Syrian Church in the Seventh Century Peter Gemeinhardt and Maria Munkholt Christensen | Holy Women and Men as Teachers in Late Anique Chrisianity Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler | Teaching Ritual – Teaching through Ritual: Rituals and Religious Educaion in Late Aniquity 17:00-18:00 Dinner (for the paricipants) 18:00-20:00 Educaion in Early Rabbinic Literature and Chrisianity A Public Event that will be Conducted in Hebrew with Simultaneous Translaion to English Greeings: Alon Kadish | Head of the Insitute for Research of Eretz-Israel Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Peter Gemeinhardt | Göingen University, Germany David Rosenthal | Chair Shlomo Naeh | The Curriculum in the Rabbinic Academy of Late Aniquity Brouria Biton-Ashkelony | Isidore of Pelusium and the Greek Paideia in Late Aniquity Moshe Halbertal | The Ethics of Teaching in Rabbinic literature Tuesday, February 7th The Hebrew University, Beit Maiersdorf, Mount Scopus 9:00-11:00 Texts and the Educaional Process Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler | Chair Konrad Oto | Paul‘s Interpretaion of the Exodus-Story in his Leters to the Corinthians Chrisina Bünger | Quotaions in Cicero‘s Leters “Ad Familiares“ and in Paul‘s Leters to the Corinthians Yakir Paz | “The Poet Teaches Us“: Reading Homer and the Torah Didacically Olga Lorgeoux | Teaching and Learning in the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem – Cyril of Jerusalem’s Pedagogical Reference to the Holy Places in his Catecheical Lectures Shimon Fogel | Spaial Typology of Rabbinic Learning Venues 13:30-14:30 Lunch (for the paricipants) 14:30-16:30 Educaional Techniques Florian Wilk | Chair and Response Dmitrij Bumazhnov | Narsai‘s Polemics against Deniers of Biblical Studies Soia Fomicheva | Educaional Background of Mar Narsai: between the “Tradiion of the School“ and Theodore of Mopsuesia‘s Exegesis David Satran | Imitaion (Mimesis) and Imaginaion in Early Jewish and Chrisian Educaion 16:30-16:45 Cofee Break 16:45-18:00 Conclusions and Discussion 11:00-11:30 Cofee Break Marc Hirshman | Concluding Remarks Reinhard Kratz | Concluding Remarks 11:30-13:30 Educaional seings 18:00 Closing Dinner Adiel Kadari | Chair Moulie Vidas | Teachers and Disciples in the Palesinian Talmud (for the paricipants)