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The Fundamentals of Business Consulting SMEs Perspective

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS CONSULTING: SME PERSPECTIVE Abdi R. Sastrawinata, SE., MM., CBA. SOME FACTS ABOUT BUSINESS CONSULTING FOR SME THE FACTS THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW!!! 7 FACTS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CONSULTING FOR SME 1 SMEs WANT IT SIMPLE, NOT COMPLICATED 2 “MEs WANT TO HEA‘ THE EA‘TH LANGUAGE , NOT ALIEN LANGUAGE 3 SMEs CARE ABOUT THE CONCEPT, BUT THEY CARE MORE ABOUT THE IMPLEMENTATION 4 SMEs VALUE THE PROCESS, BUT THE VALUE MORE ON THE RESULT 5 SMEs CAN NOT IMPLEMENT YOUR STRATEGY ALONE, YOU HAVE TO ASSIST THEM 6 SMEs ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO GROW WITH YOU, NOT TO GROW ON THEIR ON WHILE YOU WERE GONE (KONSULTAN = KONCO-NYA ORANG KESULITAN) 7 THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT IS: “MEs WON T LI“TEN TO WHAT YOU “AID, UNLE““ YOU A‘E CON“IDE‘ED C‘EDIBLE why ? THI“ I“ WHY…! IN CONSULTING SERVICES EVERYBODY JUDGE THE BOOK BY IT’“ COVER!!! THE FACT IS ALWAYS AND REMAINS THE SAME HOW TO BE A CREDIBLE CONSULTANT FOR SME? YOU DON’T ATTITUDE COMES FIRST! SET A CLEAR VISION TO BECOME A FAIR BUSINESS CONSULTANT LIE! YOU DON’T CHEAT! YOU AIM ONLY TO HELP THEM IN GROWING THEIR BUSINESS FOR BETTER ECONOMY! BY IMPLEMENTING THOSE RULES, YOU WILL BE PROTECTED FROM THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR THAT A CONSULTANT MIGHT HAVE: GREED! BY BREAKING THIS RULES, YOU WILL BUILD A DIRECT AND STRAIGHT CHANNEL TO LOOSE ALL THE TRUST GIVEN TO YOU! WITHOUT A TRUST, THERE IS NO FUTURE FOR YOU IN CONSULTING BUSINESS! #1 WOM (WORD OF MOUTH) TERBUKTI EFEKTIF! http://www.mediabistro.com HATI-HATI WOM MEMILIKI 2 SISI BAD SERVICE BAD WOM GOOD SERVICE GOOD WOM #2 SEMUA ORANG KINI TERHUBUNG #3 SEGALANYA KINI TRANSPARAN INFORMASI ADA DIMANA-MANA EVERYBODY KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND! TAKE A QUICK LOOK AT YOUR HOMETOWN, ANSWER THIS QUESTION: 1 WHICH BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE MOST? WHY? 2 WHICH BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU LIKE THE MOST? WHY? 3 IS THERE ANY OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO BECOME A BUSINESS CONSULTANT FOR THE SMEs AT THAT SECTOR? 4 DO YOU HAVE THE STRENGTH TO BECOME A BUSINESS CONSULTANT FOR THE SMEs AT THAT SECTOR? 5 IS THERE ANY WEAKNESS THAT YOU NEED TO OVERCOME IN BECOMING A BUSINESS CONSULTANT FOR THE SMEs AT THAT SECTOR? 6 IS THERE ANY THREAT THAT YOU NEED TO OVERCOME IN BECOMING A BUSINESS CONSULTANT FOR THE SMEs AT THAT SECTOR? THE ANSWER TO THOSE QUESTIONS WILL MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT YOU AND THE BU“INE““ THAT YOU’RE GOING TO ENTER! WHAT YOU SHOULD UNDERSTAND! READ THE NEWS, ANSWER THIS QUESTION: 1 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN POLITICAL “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? 2 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN LEGAL “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? 3 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN ECONOMIC “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? 4 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN “OCIAL “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? 5 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN CULTURE “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? 6 WHAT’“ GOING ON IN TECHNOLOGY “ECTOR THAT MIGHT AFFECT THE BUSINESS SECTOR THAT YOU WISH TO ENTER? THE ANSWER TO THOSE QUESTIONS WILL MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT THE LAND“CAPE IN THE BU“INE““ THAT YOU’RE GOING TO ENTER! MEMPELAJARI PERILAKU PELANGGAN BENTUK DATABASE PELANGGAN UNTUK MEMBANTU DORONG PEMBERIAN TESTIMONI UNTUK CIPTAKAN WOM POSITIF PERSONAL AMAN HANDAL CEPAT MEYAKINKAN WHAT YOU SHOULD MASTER! CONSULTING SERVICES DELIVERY PROCESS: FORMULATE-IMPLEMENT-EVALUATE YOU SHOULD MASTER! That’s why teaWHAT work is i porta t… IN CONSULTING SERVICES, TEAMWORK IS EVERYTHING! KEMAMPUAN BERKOMUNIKASI ADALAH TULANG PUNGGUNG CONSULTING SERVICES ELEMENTS OF PERSONAL COMMUNICATION Elements of Personal Communication: 7% Spoken words 38% Voice, Tone 55% Body Language CLAUDE SHANNON – WARREN WEAVER MODEL 1. Message 2. Sender Send Message 4. Channel 3. Form Receive Message Signal Encode / Decode Receive Message Sender 5. Receiver Noise Signal Decode / Encode Channel Feedback Feedback Send Message Receiver COMMUNICATION STYLE MODEL The Sociability Continuum INTROVERT- EXTROVERT- PEOPLE FOCUSED PEOPLE FOCUSED The Dominance Continuum INTROVERT- EXTROVERT- TASK FOCUSED TASK FOCUSED INDIKATOR DOMINASI 1 2 3 4 5 Kooperatif Kompetitif Penurut Otoriter Penyesuaian diri Dominasi Ragu-ragu Tegas Pendiam Lincah Kompromi Menekan Hati-hati Ambil Resiko Sabar Terburu-buru Puas diri Berpengaruh Diam Banyak bicara Pemalu Berani Suka mendukung Suka menuntut Santai Tegang Manahan diri Sombong INDIKATOR SOSIAL 1 2 3 4 5 Disiplin Urakan Terkontrol Ekspresif Serius Periang Terstruktur Tidak Terstruktur Penuh perhatian Spontan Tertutup Terbuka Kaku Lucu Menyendiri Akrab Formal Santai Menahan diri Cari perhatian Hati-hati Ceroboh Menyesuaikan diri Tampil beda Malu-malu Dramatis Sabar Menurut kata hati COMMUNICATION STYLE MODEL The Sociability Continuum The Dominance Continuum Zone 1 Hard to identified Excess Zone Intense and Rigid Zone 2 Easily identified IDENTIFYING COMMUNICATION STYLE 1 How they dress? 2 What is their background? 3 Ho s their orkpla e? 4 What word that can describe them? 5 How do they talk on the phone? 1 How they dress? EMOTIVE DIRECTIVE REFLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE Bright Conservative Conservative Casual 2 What is their background? EMOTIVE DIRECTIVE REFLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE • Artist • Art • Busi ess • Politi s • “ ie e • Te h i al • Pu li • “o ial 3 Ho s their orkpla e? EMOTIVE DIRECTIVE REFLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE • Mess ta le • Troph • Poster • Fa ous perso s picture • Wide ta le • Clea ta le • Ta le lo k • A ard • Certifi ate •“ ol • A ard • Pile of papers • Feels like ho e • Fa il pi ture • “ou e ir • Poster 4 What word that can describe them? EMOTIVE DIRECTIVE REFLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE • Opti isti • Fast • “po ta eous • E pressi e • E otio al • Pleasure • Co trol • Take o er • Co petitio • Nu er 1 • Fo us • “tro g determination • I patie t • Bus • Logi • I o ati e • Careful • Idealist • I di idualist • A urate • Hu le • Diplo ati • Not i a hurr • Predi ta le • Tough • Pea e • Frie dl 5 How do they talk on the phone? EMOTIVE DIRECTIVE REFLECTIVE SUPPORTIVE • “tro g oi e • Fast • ‘espo si e • Lots of i to atio • Frie dl • “tro g oi e • Fast • ‘espo si e • La k of i to atio • Dire ti e ords • Weak oi e • “lo • Careful • No i to atio • For al • Weak oi e • “lo • Careful • Little i to atio • “oft EMOTIVE STYLE CHARACTERISTICS Appearance is number 1, the rest is just detail. Love compliments. Optimistic and enthusiast. Like social interaction. Think emotionally, listen to feelings. Attracted to innovation. Paris Hilton (Artist) DIRECTIVE STYLE CHARACTERISTICS Logic. Fact based. Love to be praised over their success. Love to make a decision based on personal consideration. Result oriented. Like changes. Bill Gates (Businessman) REFLECTIVE STYLE CHARACTERISTICS Logic. Data based. Avoiding conflicts. Like a calm approach. Process oriented. Stephen Hawking (Scientist) Love to be praised over their accuracy and brilliance. SUPPORTIVE STYLE CHARACTERISTICS Love stability. Avoiding changes and risks. Logic. Fact based. Wants to be involved personally in doing activities. Love teamwork. Muhammad Yunus (Nobel Prize Winner) Avoiding conflict. Dislike debates. LISTENING SKILL FACT ABOUT LISTENING Most of us only listen about 25% content from overall conversation made with counterpart. On average, we digest the first 10 minutes conversation, and forgot the half of it within only 48 hours. We often listen to others, but often did ’t u dersta d what their sayi g. Prejudice POOR LISTENING Self Centered Lack of Focus TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE LISTENING ASKING QUESTION FOCUS LESS INTERUPTION EYE CONTACT AVOID WI“E GUY ATTITUDE CONTROLLING GESTURE CONTROLLING EMOTIONS TAKING NOTES VERBAL COMMUNICATION 1 2 ORAL WRITTEN ELEMENTS IN VERBAL COMMUNICATION 1 Articulation 7 Pace 2 Audibility 8 Color 3 Diction 9 Volume 4 Fluency 10 Rate 5 Intonation 11 Stressing 6 Pitch 12 Tone ELEMENTS IN NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Facial Expression The Gestures Eye Contact Non-Verbal Communication Touching Behavior Body Stance Talking Distance FACIAL EXPRESSION THE FACE IS FILLED WITH COMMUNICATION ASPECT. SHY ANGRY FACIAL EXPRESSION REFLECTS THE EMOTIONAL CONDITION OF A PERSON. HAPPY IT REFLECT HIS/HER MIND. SAD THE EXPRESSION LEADS TO PERCEPTION DEVELOPMENT GLOOMY PLEASE FACIAL EXPRESSION Making your face looks shinny: Think positive! Relax Be friendly to others FACIAL EXPRESSION Smile is an instant energy booster A smile can perceived you as a friendly, relax, open, and pleasing person to have. A smile reflects that you are happy and enjoying your work and your life. A smile can improve your vocal quality. How? By relaxing all muscles in the cheek. EYE CONTACT Reflects: Openness, honesty, current situation Benefits: Incresing the confidence level of your counterpart, especially when you deliver a warm eye contact and supported with smile.   Drop your stare around the eyes and nose area. Do t ake a ast e e o ta t. EYE CONTACT Business Gaze Social Gaze Intimate Gaze BODY STANCE Proper Stance to Stand MEN: Open feet, not more than the shoulder WOMEN: Closing feet BODY STANCE Imroper Stance to Stand BODY STANCE Lean Forward Reflect: Heavy interest about the conversation. Benefit: Make counterpart much more comfort in doing the conversation Stance your body toward your counterpart TOUCHING BEHAVIOR Hand Shakes Make sure that your hands are in dry condition efore ou shake our ou terpart s ha d. Aim for his/her palm, not only his/her fingers. To attra t our ou terpart s atte tio , shake his/her hands a couple of seconds longer, and start to talk before you let it go. THE GESTURES Placing your hand under the chin Reflects: A person is in the middle of a day dreaming. A person might be bored with the conversation. THE GESTURES Head nod Reflect: Confirmation, affirmation, likeness Do this: Between the sentence break in a conversation. When you need your counterpart to confirm what you were saying. THE GESTURES Cover your yawn with hands No finger pointing! If you want to show something, use the whole fingers THE GESTURES Avoid folding your hands and putting your hand(s) in your pocket in the middle of a conversation. You might be perceived as an unpleasant person. THE GESTURES Stand up straight! It provides you power and dignity. THE GESTURES “rrttttt…. Do t drag our feet a long the way! “rrttttt…. THE GESTURES Stop moving your feet while you were seated! THE GESTURES Stop knocking the table with your finger! Make your call later! THE GESTURES Do t pi k our ose, teeth, a d ears while having a conversation! THE GESTURES Do t pla ith our tie and/or your stationery! THE GESTURES Stop playing with your fingers! Last Impression is Important! People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL. (Maya Angelou) abdi.sastrawinata@gmail.com abdi_sastra @abdi_sastra