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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/257436788 Central Paratethys paleoenvironment during the Badenian (Middle Miocene): evidence from foraminifera and stable... Article in International Journal of Earth Sciences · July 2009 DOI: 10.1007/s00531-008-0307-2 CITATIONS READS 12 74 4 authors, including: Laurent Emmanuel Natalia Hudackova 84 PUBLICATIONS 929 CITATIONS 32 PUBLICATIONS 298 CITATIONS Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6 SEE PROFILE Comenius University in Bratislava SEE PROFILE Renard Maurice Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6 145 PUBLICATIONS 1,790 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Laurent Emmanuel on 09 April 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0307-2 ORIGINAL PAPER Central Paratethys paleoenvironment during the Badenian (Middle Miocene): evidence from foraminifera and stable isotope (d13C and d18O) study in the Vienna Basin (Slovakia) Patrı́cia Kováčová Æ Laurent Emmanuel Æ Natália Hudáčková Æ Maurice Renard Received: 23 November 2006 / Accepted: 3 March 2008 / Published online: 28 March 2008  Springer-Verlag 2008 Abstract Stable isotope data of the foraminiferal carbonate shells and bulk sediment samples from the Central Paratethys were investigated to contribute to better knowledge of the paleoenvironmental changes in Badenian (Middle Miocene). Five benthic (Uvigerina semiornata, U. aculeata, Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium sp. and Heterolepa dutemplei) and three planktonic taxa (Globigerina bulloides, G. diplostoma and Globigerinoides trilobus), characterising the bottom, intermediate and superficial layers of the water column, were selected from the Vienna Basin (W Slovakia). The foraminiferal fauna and its isotope signal point out to temperature-stratified, nutrient-rich and consequently less-oxygenated marine water during the Middle/Late Badenian. Negative carbon isotope ratios indicate increased input of 12C-enriched organic matter to the bottom of the Vienna Basin. Positive benthic d18O implies that the global cooling tendency recorded in the Middle Miocene has also affected the intramountain Vienna Basin. In this time, the Central Paratethys has been in the process of isolation. Our stable isotope trend suggests that the communication with Mediterranean Sea has been still more or less active on the south of Vienna Basin (Slovak part) in the Late Badenian, whereas the seawater exchange towards north was apparently reduced already during the Middle Badenian. P. Kováčová (&)  N. Hudáčková Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina G, 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia e-mail: patriciakovacova@yahoo.com L. Emmanuel  M. Renard Biominéralisations et Paléoenvironnements et FR 32 CNRS (CEPAGE), Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, JE 2477, Case Postale 116, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France Keywords Middle Miocene  Foraminifera  Stable isotope  Paleoecology  Central Paratethys  Vienna Basin Introduction Paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstructions indicate that from the Oligocene through the Miocene the Central Paratethys underwent considerable environmental and paleogeographical changes. Evidence of warm-temperate climate (Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum) between 17 and 15 Ma was followed by gradual temperature decline in the Paratethys area (Gonera et al. 2000; Ivanov et al. 2002; Bicchi et al. 2003; Böhme 2003; Hudáčková et al. 2003; Báldi 2006). This regional climatic evolution is correlated with global changes from warm to cooler climate well known from the deep-sea records (e.g., Berger et al. 1981; Kennett et al. 1985; Vergnaud-Grazzini 1985; Miller et al. 1991; Zachos et al. 2001). A major cooling step took place at *14 Ma and is associated to the main growth phase of the Antarctic ice sheet (e.g., Shackleton and Kennett 1975; Savin et al. 1985; Miller et al. 1991; Pagani et al. 2000; Billups and Schrag 2002). Around that period (NN5/NN6 Zone), the tectonic movements of the Carpathian chain caused the Paratethys to become increasingly closed. The Paratethys was formed during the late Eocene and early Oligocene, as a system of seas situated between the Mediterranean and the Indo-Pacific oceans (e.g., Rögl 1998a; Dercourt et al. 2000). The closing and reactivating of seaways with the Indian Ocean in the East and the Mediterranean in the West caused environmental changes in water chemistry, salinity and climate or water depth during the Miocene. The Badenian stage (Langhian, Early 123 1110 Serravallian, 16.4–13 Ma,) was the last period of connection between the Paratethys and Mediterranean Tethys. Supported by the paleontological data, deep strait connected the Central Paratethys to the Mediterranean during the Early Badenian. The Middle Badenian period in the Central Paratethys is represented very often by evaporitic sedimentation (Carpathian Foredeep, Eastslovakian Basin and Transylvanian Basins) in relation with relative sea level drops (Buday et al. 1965; Kováč et al. 1998; Rögl 1998a). Nevertheless, in the investigated Vienna Basin, no significant evaporites of Middle Badenian age were found and the faunal evidence indicates a slight shallowing and decrease in salinity (Buday et al. 1965; Hudáčková et al. 2000). In the Late Badenian, nearly all stenohaline fauna groups such as corals, echinoids, planktonic foraminifera and molluscs as well (Latal et al. 2004) signify that the connection between Mediterranean and Paratethys is reduced. The closure of the active seaway towards the Mediterranean is the main factor that caused an isolation of the Paratethys fauna from the Mediterranean realm (e.g., Rögl 1998a). Planktonic and benthic foraminifera provide an important tool for reconstructions of environmental conditions and changes in the seawater (temperature, salinity, stratification, productivity) of present and past oceanic environments. The oxygen and carbon stable isotope composition (d13C, d18O) of calcitic shells is the main source of these parameters. Although several studies focused on the biostratigraphy of Miocene marine sequences from the Paratethys, the stable isotopes measurement in sediments of this age has been rather rare (Šutovská and Kantor 1992; Mátyás et al. 1996; Durakiewicz et al. 1997; Hladilová et al. 1998). Over the last years, several more recent isotope studies have been performed on Miocene fossils of the Paratethys (Gonera et al. 2000; Hudáčková and Kráľ 2000; Hudáčková et al. 2003; Bicchi et al. 2003; Bojar et al. 2004; Latal et al. 2004, 2006a, b; Báldi 2006). The aim of the present study is to contribute to a better knowledge of the paleoenvironmental changes of the Central Paratethys during Badenian, using the oxygen (d18O) and carbon (d13C) stable isotope data. We focused on the Slovakian part of Neogene Vienna Basin (Fig. 1a). Despite the fact that finding of suitable material has been hampered by poor preservation of the foraminiferal fauna, one outcrop and five boreholes representing relatively good preservation of foraminiferal tests were selected and analysed (Fig. 1b). Biostratigraphy The biostratigraphy of Central Paratethys is based mostly on planktonic and benthic foraminiferal species. The biozonation, usually used to define the open marine 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 sequences, based on phylogenetic lineages of the Globigerina and Globorotalia group, is not always effectively applicable in Paratethys. Therefore, an alternative biozonation based on planktonic foraminifera has been proposed and three biozones were defined for the Badenian stage: Orbulina suturalis, Globigerina druryi-Globigerina decoraperta and Velapertina indigena (Cicha et al. 1975). The present paper follows regional biostratigraphic subdivisions of Grill (1941) based on benthic foraminifera and planktonic zonation proposed by Cicha et al. (1975). The standard nannoplankton zonation of Martini (1971) was used in this study. Badenian stage in the Central Paratethys (Fig. 2) starts at 16.303 Ma (the base of Langhian; Harzhauser and Piller 2007) and ends at *12.7 Ma (Early Serravallian; Harzhauser and Piller 2004). In general, Badenian is subdivided into three substages—Moravian, Wielician and Kosovian (Cicha et al. 1975). The Badenian beginning falls within NN4 nannozone and ends during NN6 (Rögl 1998b). The NN4/NN5 boundary is defined by the last occurrence of Helicosphaera ampliaperta that is recently dated around 14.91 Ma (Lourens et al. 2004). According to Rögl (1998a), the Early/Middle Badenian boundary is situated approximately on 15 Ma. The boundary of NN5/ NN6 is limited by the last occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus at 13.65 Ma (Kováč et al. 2007). The age of investigated parts of boreholes was determined on the base of the present foraminiferal fauna and nannoplankton flora. Middle Badenian age (Spirorutilus carinatus Biozone, NN5) is assumed for cores Jakubov55 and Jakubov56. The foraminiferal association in Vysoká19 and Zohor1 supports the Late Badenian period (Bulimina/ Bolivina Biozone, NN6, Early Serravallian). The G. druryiG. decoraperta Biozone of Middle Badenian is identified in the lowermost part of DNV profile. In the upper part of DNV, the Bulimina/Bolivina Biozone of Late Badenian is proved. The studied interval of Kúty44 can be attributed to the Late Badenian (NN6, Early Serravallian) as well. Geological setting and description of investigated areas The investigated area, SSW–NNE-oriented Neogene Vienna Basin (Slovak part, Fig. 1a), represents a typical pull-apart basin situated along tensional fault zone between the Eastern Alpine and Western Carpathian mountain chains and the Bohemian Massif (Kováč 2000). Numerous boreholes and seismic data characterise it as intramountain basin with a polyphase history. The basin was filled by Neogene to Quaternary deposits with maximal thickness up to 5,500 m in its central part (Kilényi and Šefara 1989). Lower and Middle Miocene sedimentation started in marine conditions. The latest Middle Miocene and Upper Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 B Bratislava Eastern Alps Pannonian Basin Din KÚTY(K44) Vienna Basin JAKUBOV(J56) JAKUBOV(J55) VYSOKÁ (V19) es 0 Upper 13.369 C5AB 13.654 13.734 (Middle) Badenian C5B Lower 15 Langhian 14.784 MIDDLE C5AD foram. MIOCENE 14.194 Bulimina/ Bolivina Zone CALCAREOUS NANNOFOSSILS (Martini 1971) MICROFOSSILS & NANNOFOSSILS IN THE CENTRAL PARATETHYS MMi6 c Agglutinated C5AC 14 60 80 km Central Western Carpathian Units Outer Western Carpathian Units & Deposits of Cretaceous - Paleogene Basins Pieniny Klippen Belt REGIONAL STAGES Central Paratethys planktonic foraminifera (Cicha et al. 1975) Ammonia Serravallian 13.015 C5AA Stage Subseries Series Chronozones Polarity Time (Ma) 13 PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERA Mediterranean (Berggren et al. 1995) CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY REGIONAL STAGES Central Paratethys benthic foraminifera (Grill 1941, 1943; Rögl 1998) STANDARD ATNTS2004 (Gradstein 2004) 40 PRE-TERTIARY UNITS: DNV Dunaj Fig. 2 Stratigraphic chart and biozonal correlation of Badenian in the Central Paratethys 20 ZOHOR (Z1) A arid av a S L O V A K I A tern Eas Budapest or C Z E C H R E P U B L IC i M sin Carpa th na Vie n Ca ep de re s an Vienna tern Wes Ba at h ia n fo (B) T R I A U S A rp Fig. 1 Location of Vienna Basin in the Central Paratethys (a) and localization of investigated boreholes in the Vienna Basin (b) 1111 Zone MMi5 b b NN5 CPN8 Gt. decoraperta Gt. druryi 14.53 LO Praeorbulina sicana CPN6/7 Praeorbulina sp. - Orbulina suturalis 14.74 FO Orbulina suturalis 14.89 14.91 LO FO Praeorbulina Helicosphaera circularis ampliaperta Lower MMi4 lagenide CPN9 Velapertina indigena 13.65 LO Sphenolithus heteromorphus a Upper lagenide Zone NN6 a Zone 15.974 16 C5C 16.303 Miocene sediments were deposited in the brackish water conditions and the youngest ones in the freshwater, limnic to fluvial environments (Kováč 2000). The studied boreholes are situated in the north part of the Vienna Basin— Slovak part (Fig. 1b). The sediments mostly consist of marine greenish, grey to dark grey calcareous clays of the Studienka Formation (Špička 1969). In Jakubov55 borehole (Fig. 1b), two parts have been studied. Core Jakubov55-2 ranging from 1,677 to 1,672.4 m (samples 16–27) is composed of bioturbated grey claystone with admixtures of silt and carbonized plant debris. Foraminiferal assemblage documents the normal marine conditions in the deeper neritic zone during the Middle Badenian time. The studied Badenian sediments of core Jakubov55-1 (ranging from 1,669 to 1,663 m) represent bioturbated calcareous sandstone to sandy siltstone with carbonised plant debris. The foraminiferal assemblage, dominated mainly by agglutinated association 16.30 FO Praeorbulina sicana NN4 (Spirorutilus, Textularia, and Reophax), supports a shallow neritic environment with normal salinity during the Middle Badenian (Spirorutilus carinatus Biozone). Two samples (6, 7) were suitable for the stable isotope measurement on foraminiferal shells from borehole Jakubov55-1. The studied interval of Jakubov56 (core 3, Fig. 1b) ranged from 1,690 to 1,686 m (samples 29–32). This part of the core is represented by grey, homogenous and bioturbated silty sandstone to sandy siltstone with carbonised plant remnants. Foraminiferal and nannoplankton faunas indicate the Spirorutilus carinatus Biozone and NN5 nannoplankton Zone during the Middle Badenian. The samples from this part contain species characteristic for neritic to bathyal depths with oxygen-deficient bottom conditions. The Badenian sediments of borehole Zohor1 (Fig. 1b) comprise core 1 from 968 to 965 m (samples 1–6). Sediments are represented by light-grey sandy to clayey siltstone with charred plant debris. The occurrence of 123 1112 benthic foraminifera Bolivina dilatata maxima and nannoflora Discoaster exilis support the Upper Badenian age (Bulimina/Bolivina and NN6 Zone). Foraminiferal assemblages typical for neritic environment with oxygen deficiency at the bottom (e.g., Bulimina cf. elongata, Uvigerina semiornata brunensis, Heterolepa dutemplei, Cassidulina laevigata carinata) are presented in this part of the section. In the Vysoká19 borehole (Fig. 1b), the short studied Badenian part of core 8 (1,303–1,302 m, samples 1–4) is filled by grey fine-grained calcareous micaeous siltstone to sandstone, slightly bioturbated. Occurrence of benthic foraminifers as Bolivina dilatata maxima, Pappina liesingensis and Caucasina schischkinskyae, a typical Upper Badenian assemblage, supports the Bulimina/Bolivina Biozone (NN6). Nannoflora is poor, represented mainly by reworked individuals from Cretaceous to Paleogene. The fauna elements indicate neritic paleowater depth with typical anoxic events at the bottom of isolated basin. Abandoned brickyard near the Devı́nska Nová Ves (DNV, Fig. 1b), situated in the North-Eastern part of Vienna Basin, between Small Carpathians and Devı́n Carpathians mountain ridges, uncovers several stages of the Late Badenian sedimentary sequence. The studied interval consists of about 16 m of sediments (samples 1– 36), which are represented by grey, slightly laminated or massive clays and calcareous claystones. The lower part (samples 26–36) belongs to Middle Badenian. Upper Badenian age of Studienka Fm was determined in the middle and upper part (samples 1–25) according to foraminiferal assemblage belonging to the Bolivina/Bulimina Biozone (Globigerina bulloides, Gl. diplostoma, Bolivina dilatata maxima, Uvigerina sp. div. and Pappina neudorfensis) and nannoflora of NN6 Zone (Hudáčková and Kováč 1997; Hudáčková et al. 2003). The fauna supports sedimentation in relatively deep neritic environment with fluctuation of oxygen content in the bottom. In Kúty44 borehole (Fig. 1b), two cores were investigated. Core 2 ranged from 476 to 472 m and it is filled by grey ‘‘Leitha calc.’’ We analyse two samples (11 and 14) due to bad preservation of foraminiferal shells in the other parts. Core 1 ranging from 399 to 393 m (samples 1–7) is filled by grey clayey homogenous sandstone with admixtures of mica silt. The foraminiferal fauna indicates deposition during the Late Upper Badenian (NN6) in the shallow inner shelf environment and dominated by shallow-water Ammonia-Elphidium group. Materials and methods To find well-preserved samples in Vienna Basin was not simple because of poor and bad preserved foraminiferal 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 assemblages nearly in all available Badenian samples. Finally, one outcrop (DNV—Devı́nska Nová Ves-clay pit) and five boreholes (Kúty44, Jakubov55, Jakubov56, Vysoká19 and Zohor1, Fig. 1b) representing relatively good preservation of foraminiferal tests were selected to stable isotope measurements. Standard laboratory methods were used for the fossil separation. Approximately 200 g of the sediment for each sample was soaked in diluted hydrogen peroxide, washed under running water and wet-sieved over the two sieves, of which the upper one had meshes of 0.71 mm in diameter and the bottom one had meshes of 0.071 mm in diameter. After the material was dried at room temperature, planktonic and benthic foraminifera were picked, determined and conserved on Chapman’s slides for later retention. Geochemical study Stable isotope measurements were performed on foraminifera and bulk carbonates (DNV, Kúty44, Jakubov55, Vysoká19 and Zohor1). In all studied samples, the benthic foraminiferal assemblages were moderate to well preserved in contrast with poorly preserved and small-sized planktonic taxa. Because of poor preservation and sporadic occurrence in the samples, combined with a limited amount of rock samples from boreholes, picking up of planktonic specimens was possible only in the case of DNV locality. Concerning the benthic, the best-preserved specimens were picked, as it was possible. However, no particular foraminiferal species occurred in sufficient quantities throughout the cores. Therefore, five species of benthic foraminifera were analysed from the cores: in the core Kúty44, oxygen and carbon isotopes were determined in shallow-water benthic species Ammonia beccarii and Elphidium sp. in two samples (Kúty44-11 and Kúty44-14). Further analysed species was shallow-infaunal Uvigerina semiornata in the cores Jakubov55, Jakubov56, Zohor1, DNV and Vysoká19. If monospecific picking was not successful, mixed species of uvigerinids were used (samples Jakubov55-16, 17, 18, 27; Jakubov56-31, 32). The mixture comprised mainly U. semiornata and U. aculeata for which the similar isotopic values were obtained in Báldi (2006). In the cores Zohor1, Jakubov55 (samples 7, 23, 24), Jakubov56 (sample 29), oxygen and carbon isotopes were also measured in epifaunal Heterolepa dutemplei, which was abundant as well as in uvigerinids. Planktonic stable isotope data (only DNV samples) were achieved from analysis of wellpreserved intermediate-water dweller ([50 m, Keller 1985) Globigerina bulloides (in some samples mixed with G. diplostoma). In the samples DNV-28 and DNV-34, a prevailing, shallow-dwelling (0–50 m, Keller 1985) Globigerinoides trilobus was selected for stable isotope analyses. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 The paleotemperature equation of Shackleton and Kennett (1975) was used for calculation of the bottom water temperature:  T ¼ 16:9  4:38 d18 Oc  d18 Ow 2 þ 0:10 d18 Oc  d18 Ow This relationship is in the same form as obtained by Epstein et al. (1953) for molluscs. Another equation employed in this study is that of Erez and Luz (1983), which is developed for calculation of the surface water temperature:  2 T ¼ 17  4:52 d18 Oc  d18 Ow þ 0:03 d18 Oc  d18 Ow where T is paleotemperature (C), d18Oc = d18O of carbonate and d18Ow is the isotopic composition of the seawater in which the carbonate was precipitated (similar for both equations). We assume that the d18O value of water in Miocene was 0% (according to Gonera et al. 2000). Handpicked foraminifera were ultrasonically cleaned in distilled water for approximately 10 s, to remove contamination or diagenetic alterations, such as infilling and overgrowth. In average, 3 mg of specimens of foraminifera and about 7–8 mg of bulk sediment were used for each measurement. The stable isotopes were analysed using a SIRA 9 mass spectrometer (at the ‘‘Biominéralisations et Paléoenvironnements’’ Laboratory of the P. et M. CURIE University, Paris, France) after samples were treated with 100% phosphoric acid at 50C in a vacuum system for 15 min. All isotope results are reported in the d-notation as per mil (%) deviations to the PDB-1 standard. Reproducibility is 0.1% for d18O and 0.05% for d13C referred to an internal carbonate standard. 1113 in the middle part of the section. More or less similar situation is marked by d13C curve with values from -0.55 to +3% averaging at +0.11%. Extremely positive d13C (+3%) data were obtained from the lithified calcareous claystone (samples 21 and 23) what is related most probably to the diagenesis. Because of good preservation of both, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal shells, the DNV section provides the most complete isotope data. The benthic d18O values show very little scatter between +2.3 and +1.7% with average of +2%. Curve records slight increasing trend towards upper part of the studied section. Alike d13C values demonstrate narrow range from -0.87 to -0.05% (averaging -0.4%) with more significant variations in the lower part. The d18O values from planktonic Globigerina group shells range from -0.53 to +1.39% and d13C values range from -1.37 to +0.2%. The d18O curve shows larger variations with negative trend towards top in contrast to d13C data, which tend to have heavier values in the upper and lower part of the section. On samples 28 and 34, planktonic isotope measurement was carried out on predominant Gs. trilobus (range +0.78 to +1.37% for d13C and -1.63 to -1.18% for d18O). Considering the d18O differences between Globigerina and Globigerinoides taxa, it was observed that the deeper-water dwellers give more positive d18O signals than those living in shallower waters. Towards the top of the section, the increasing differences between d18O planktonic and benthic values are recorded. The oxygen isotopic data of the planktonic and benthic foraminiferal tests deviate from bulk carbonates by about 1.68 and 2.96%, respectively. The deviation in the carbon isotope values is 0.60 and 0.45% for the planktonic and benthic species, respectively. Results Core Jakubov55 Stable isotopes The d18O values of the bulk carbonates range from -1.92 to -5.13% (average -3.2%) showing a slight increasing trend of about 1% in the lower part (Jakubov55-2) and a strong negative shift of 2.5% in the upper part of the section (Jakubov55-1). At the same time, the benthic oxygen isotope values of Uvigerina species exhibit an increasing trend. For the H. dutemplei also, the increasing trend of 2.5% is observed, but it is depleted by about 1% in the lighter isotope compared to values of the uvigerinids. The bulk rock curves in core Jakubov55-1 record the most negative values from all studied samples (-2.28% for carbon and -4.77% for oxygen). The benthic foraminiferal values of uvigerinids exhibit some fluctuations, but in general, there is a rather slight decreasing trend in the lower part (Jakubov55-2) and positive shift toward the top (mean values -1.3% for the bottom and -0.08% in the The stable isotope ratios measured on bulk carbonates and various species of benthic and planktonic foraminifera shells are presented in Table 1. In some cases, when it was possible, two different taxa have been analysed from one sample with a view to compare the interspecies differences. Time evolution curves of isotopic ratios from planktonic and benthic foraminifera and from bulk carbonates are shown in Fig. 3 for both, carbon and oxygen stable isotopes. DNV—Devı́nska Nová Ves clay pit The d18O values of the bulk samples ranging from -2.06 to +0.06% (average -1.14%) show a decreasing trend in the lower and upper part of the section and an increasing trend 123 Core K44-1 Sample d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O reference U. semiornata U. semiornata H. dutemplei H. dutemplei A. beccarii d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O A. beccarii Elphidium Elphidium G. bulloides G. bulloides Gs. trilobus Gs. trilobus Bulk d13C Bulk 7 -1.51 -0.35 -2.21 -0.84 -0.68 0.17 -4.08 -2.34 K44-1 6 K44-1 5 0.34 -0.09 -3.92 -1 K44-1 4 0.16 -0.21 -3.33 -0.68 K44-1 3 0.03 -0.2 -3.6 K44-1 2 0.11 -0.35 -3.51 -1.45 K44-1 1 0.12 -3.48 -1.23 -1.28 K44-2 14 0.97 0.75 0.63 2.33 K44-2 11 1.07 0.05 0.33 1.68 0.1 -1.04 1.52 -0.72 -0.002 V19 1 2.21 -1.15 -2.5 V19 2 2.11 -1.24 -2.13 -0.45 V19 3 2.31 -0.8 -2.19 -0.38 -0.85 V19 4 2.16 -0.92 Z1 1 2.63 1.26 1.85 1.51 -3.03 -0.52 Z1 2 2.48 0.85 1.5 1.21 -2.68 -0.36 Z1 3 2.45 0.98 1.7 1.45 -2.94 -0.43 Z1 4 2.72 1.03 2.45 1.34 -2.98 -0.3 0.59 1.25 Z1 5 2.63 0.94 Z1 6 1.48 0.97 DNV 1 1114 123 Table 1 List of species used for stable isotope analyses and stable isotope data (d13C, d18O) of analyzed cores from Vienna Basin -2.25 -0.68 -3.34 -0.37 -4.77 -0.92 0.11 -0.25 -2.06 -0.2 2 0.26 -0.54 -1.9 3 0.24 -0.6 -1.95 -0.16 DNV 4 1 -1.07 -1.83 -0.32 DNV 5 1 -0.87 -1.68 -0.25 DNV 6 0.34 -1.33 -1.9 DNV 7 2.29 -0.72 2.09 0.2 -0.82 -0.71 0.23 DNV 8 2.02 -0.87 2.30 -0.28 -1 -1.42 0.09 DNV 9 2.24 -0.41 1.58 0.66 -1.08 -0.62 0.11 0.08 Dd18Ob-p -0.27 -0.14 DNV 10 2.06 -0.63 1.59 0.47 -1.09 -1.61 DNV 11 2 -0.5 1.57 0.43 -0.59 -1.26 -0.16 DNV 12 1.91 -0.45 2.19 -0.28 -0.59 -0.96 0.22 DNV 13 2.08 -0.54 1.62 0.46 -0.92 -1.08 0 DNV 14 0.33 -0.46 -1.12 -0.07 DNV 15 2.03 -0.26 1.35 0.68 -0.52 -0.96 -0.04 DNV 16 1.93 -0.67 1.30 0.63 -0.65 -0.59 0.04 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 DNV DNV Core d13C d18O d13C d18O Sample d18O reference U. semiornata U. semiornata H. dutemplei H. dutemplei A. beccarii DNV 17 DNV DNV DNV 20 DNV DNV 2.15 d13C Bulk 0.79 -0.73 -0.66 -0.03 18 0.61 -0.94 -1.24 -0.09 19 0.69 -0.65 -0.36 0.16 1.31 -0.46 0.06 0.25 21 -2.04 2.97 23 -0.62 3 -0.24 2.1 1.36 d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O A. beccarii Elphidium Elphidium G. bulloides G. bulloides Gs. trilobus Gs. trilobus Bulk -0.54 0.79 -0.52 DNV 24 2.1 -0.22 0.71 1.39 -0.07 -1.8 DNV 25 2.07 -0.19 0.93 1.14 -0.06 -0.49 DNV 26 1.96 -0.26 1.20 0.76 -0.19 -1.28 -0.09 0.76 1.08 -0.18 DNV 27 1.84 -0.2 DNV 28 1.7 -0.45 -1.25 -1.63 0.78 0.34 0.18 -1.39 -0.05 DNV 29 1.95 -0.06 -1.23 -0.13 DNV 30 1.76 -0.56 -1.2 -0.12 DNV 31 2.3 -0.05 DNV 32 1.82 -0.69 DNV 33 2.01 -0.58 DNV 34 DNV 35 DNV 36 2.28 0.02 -1.37 -0.2 -0.23 -0.37 0.1 1.44 0.65 -1.02 -0.79 -0.55 -0.53 0.2 0.74 -0.3 -1.18 1.37 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 Table 1 continued -1.81 -0.43 -0.44 -0.44 1.88 1.14 -0.38 J56 29 1.88 -0.03 J56 30 1.19 -0.38 J56 31 -0.51 J56 32 1.1 1.05 1.15 -1 -0.56 J55-1 1 -4.87 -2.09 J55-1 2 -4.95 -2.28 J55-1 3 -5.13 -2.25 J55-1 4 -4.92 -2.26 5 6 J55-1 7 J55-1 8 -3.68 -1.43 J55-2 9 -2.32 -0.4 J55-2 11 -2.41 -0.6 J55-2 14 J55-2 17 -4.67 -2.08 1.73 -0.08 -3.79 -1.56 0.88 1.05 -2.64 -0.71 -2.39 -0.61 -0.99 -1.44 -2.33 -0.72 1115 123 J55-1 J55-1 -2.83 -0.971 -3.01 -1.07 -2.67 -1.06 -3.44 -1.97 -2.69 -1.24 -2.52 -1.27 -1.92 -0.55 -2.42 -0.8 The Jakubov56 benthic oxygen isotope curve for Uvigerina species shows, in general, an increasing trend, except for a negative shift (1.6%) from sample 32 to 31. In addition, positive d13C shift is recorded from the lightest sample 31 (-1%) in the lower part to the most positive sample 29 (-0.03%) in the upper part of core. H. dutemplei has been analysed in the uppermost sample (29), where this species was abundant and shows heavier d13C value and lighter d18O value compared to uvigerinids. The short interval of Badenian sediments of Zohor1 core comprises six samples in which the d18O of bulk carbonates record an increasing trend with a positive shift of 2% (averaging at -3.29%). Oxygen isotope ratio of uvigerinids range from +1.48 to +2.72%. The d18O curve of H. dutemplei shows a similar increasing pattern to the uvigerinids, but it is around 1% more negative. The d13C values of bulk carbonate are negative and range from -0.92 to -0.3%. The similar slightly positive pattern has been observed for the both benthic analysed groups. The carbon values of Uvigerina shells range from +0.85 to +1.26% and from +1.21 to +1.51% for Heterolepa. The oxygen and carbon isotopic data of the benthic foraminiferal tests deviate from bulk rock samples by about 5.69 and 1.49% (for Uvigerina), and by about 3.83 and 1.86% (for Heterolepa), respectively. -0.55 -0.3 -0.7 18 J55-2 Core Zohor1 d13C d18O d13C d18O Sample d18O reference U. semiornata U. semiornata H. dutemplei H. dutemplei A. beccarii -0.97 -1.03 -1.99 -1.28 0.08 -0.09 -2.9 -1.3 -1.3 -0.96 0.6 -1.66 -1.31 -0.73 -1.73 Core Vysoká19 The oxygen and carbon isotope record from this core is very close to the results we have obtained in DNV site. The mean d18O values for the bulk carbonates and benthic foraminifera are -2.27 and +2.2%, respectively. Carbon isotope record demonstrates a similar slightly positive pattern for both, bulk and benthic analysed samples. The d13C values of Vysoká19 are a little depleted (-0.6% for bulk and -1.03% for benthic foraminifera) compared with DNV data. 24 25 26 27 J55-2 J55-2 J55-2 J55-2 22 23 J55-2 21 J55-2 J55-2 19 20 J55-2 Core Kúty44 J55-2 d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O d13C d18O A. beccarii Elphidium Elphidium G. bulloides G. bulloides Gs. trilobus Gs. trilobus Bulk lower part of core Jakubov55-1). H. dutemplei, the benthic species analysed from four samples in this section, shows increasing trend from minimal value -0.7% in the lower part to maximal value +1.05% in the upper part. Core Jakubov56 Core Table 1 continued 123 -2.07 -1.02 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 d13C Bulk 1116 The Kúty44 core was divided into two parts. From the lower part, Kúty44-2 has been analysed with two samples (11, 14) of which we were able to obtain the foraminiferal Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 1117 18 (?)13 Ma 13 δC δO (m) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 sandstone, siltstone 393 7 7 silty claystone Ammonia Biozone 395 6 Kuty-44 core 1 6 b Am calcareous claystone b Am 5 397 4 3 2 1 399 marly algae limestone 5 4 3 2 laminated claystone 1 massive claystone 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 473 Kuty-44 core 2 Am 14 14 b Am lithified calcareous claystone b E plant fragments, echinodermata bivalves, gasteropods, intraclasts 11 13 18 δC δO (m) tectonic disturbed clay E 11 476 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 bioturbation 0 2 1 3 4 5 2 G. bulloides 1 6 3 4 5 6 4 11 11 5 Uvigerina 14 b 16 17 18 13 δO δC 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 1302 4 U Vysoka-19 core 8 3 4 b b U 3 2 2 1 1 1303 24 11 27 14 29 29 30 30 31 Gst 32 33 34 32 33 34 15 36 35 (m) δC 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 1663 1 1 2 3 2 3 28 28 31 13 δO 26 27 26 13 18 23 24 25 25 12 21 35 36 Benthos Plankton (Globigerina) 1665 b Jakubov-55 core 1 Gst Spirorutilus carinatus Biozone 23 Uvigerina 21 10 G. decoraperta-G. druryi Biozone U 6 20 20 NN5 Hd 5 b 6 19 9 13.65 Ma b 18 15 17 18 2 3 4 U 968 (m) 16 19 NN6 Hd 1 5 b 15 8 2 3 4 13 14 13 G. bulloides 7 1 Zohor-1 core 1 12 12 DNV 965 9 10 10 13 δC 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (m) 8 8 9 6 18 δO 7 7 3 Bulimina i Bolivina Biozone 1 2 4 5 1667 U Hd Bulk Fig. 3 The Badenian d18O and d13C record of bulk sediment, planktonic and benthic foraminifera in Vienna Basin. The benthic data are represented by red colour (A. beccarii—Am in K44, Uvigerina—U in all other samples) and blue colour (Elphidium—E in K44, H. dutemplei—Hd in all other samples). Green and black marks 5 6 6 8 8 U Hd 7 1669 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 9 1673,4 Jakubov-55 core 2 9 b 11 b 11 14 17 18 20 14 17 18 20 19 U 21 22 23 24 1675,4 Hd 1676,4 26 25 27 δO (m) 1686 Jakubov-56 core 3 1688 19 U 21 22 Hd 23 24 25 26 27 13 δC 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Hd 29 29 U Hd U 30 30 31 (?)13.8 Ma 4 7 18 Plankton (Globigerinoides) b 32 31 32 1690 demonstrate planktonic (where Gst represents Gs. trilobus) and sediment data (b), respectively. The maximum and minimum age at the bottom and the top of figure (with interrogation mark) is estimative only. 123 1118 fauna in sufficient quantity necessary to the stable isotope measurements. The oxygen isotopes show a positive trend for the both, bulk carbonate (averaging at -0.31%) and benthic shells. There is a deviation between measured species Elphidium (average +0.48%) and A. beccarii (average +1%) of about 0.5%. In the upper part of core (Kúty44-1), benthic species A. beccarii has been analysed. The oxygen isotopes (average -0.4%) show an increasing trend in the lower part of the curve and negative shift of 1.85% towards top. The d18O data of the bulk carbonates range from -4.08 to -2.21% (average -3.4%) showing an increasing trend towards top. Discussion Signification of bulk carbonate and foraminiferal oxygen isotope ratio Numerous authors have shown that diagenesis do not screen primary environmental record of bulk carbonate as well for trace elements as stable isotopes (e.g., Renard 1986; Corfield 1994). The strontium isotope data in upper cretaceous pelagic sediments demonstrated that more than 80% of geochemical signal is of primary origin (Richter and Liang 1993). Through granulometric separation methods, Minoletti et al. (2001, 2005) and Minoletti (2002) have shown that bulk carbonates consist of foraminifera fragments, nannofossils (dominant) and microcrystal calcitic particles (between \3 and 5 lm) without any biological shapes or characteristic micro-structures. These particles correspond to the ‘‘micarbs’’(micron-sized calcitic fragments) of, e.g., Noël et al. (1993). Related to the environment and the age of marine sediments, Minoletti et al. (2001, 2005) and Beltran (2006) have shown that the origin of the micarbs could be various as follows: macro, micro or nannofossils fragmentation, physical–chemical precipitation or micrite exportation from the shelf. Optical microscope observations of studied sediments of Vienna Basin confirmed that bulk carbonates consist mostly of nannofossils, micarbs and some mollusc fragments. In various environments such as Pliocene of Sicily (Beltran 2006), Miocene of Pacific Ocean (Minoletti et al. 2001), Danian/Maastrichtian (Minoletti 2002; Minoletti et al. 2005) and Campanian (Beltran 2006) of Biscaye Bay and upper Aptian of Provence (Beltran 2006), it has been observed that the bulk carbonate d18O is intermediate between planktonic foraminifera d18O and nannofossil d18O, but close to this later signal. Thus, for the first time, we can consider bulk carbonate d18O as a good approximation of nannofossils isotope signal. In Devı́nska Nová Ves (DNV) section, the bulk carbonate’s stable oxygen isotope signal is lighter than that of planktonic foraminifera 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 (mean difference 1.68%, max -3.19%, min -0.22%) and benthic foraminifera (mean difference 2.96%, max -3.90%, min -2.04%). These differences could be related to biological processes (vital effects) and/or ecological parameters (depths or season of calcification). Modern results clearly show that the isotope values obtained in foraminiferal shells ‘‘do not follow’’ the bulk carbonate chemistry directly and the carbonate system can be modified by ‘‘vital processes’’ (Wolf-Gladrow et al. 1999). Planktonic foraminifera calcify close to oxygen isotopic equilibrium. For example, Erez and Luz (1983) propose a vital effect of -0.18% for symbiont-bearing Globerigenoides spp., and Spero and Williams (1988) propose a vital effect of +0.19% for symbiont-bearing O. universa. For nannofossils, vital disequilibrium effects are more important and two groups could be distinguished: a ‘‘heavier’’ group (E. huxeleyi phylogenic group including G. oceanica and P. lacunosa) with a positive vital disequilibrium of +1.6% (Dudley and Nelson 1989) and a ‘‘lighter’’ group including C. carterae and C. leptoporus coccoliths species and the calcareous dinoflagellate T. heimii with a negative vital disequilibrium of around -2%. If we consider that nannofossils mainly drive the d18O in bulk carbonate, the correction of vital effect using E. huxelyi data leads to a corrected mean bulk carbonate d18O of around -2.77% (ranging from -1.54 to -3.66%), very different from planktonic foraminifera ones (mean +0.53%, min -0.53% and max +1.39%). Compared to ecological conditions of planktonic foraminifera and coccoliths, this correction does not work and leads to unrealistic difference in terms of temperature and/or salinity gradient. On the contrary, if we use lighter group, vital effect-corrected mean bulk carbonate d18O is around 0.83% (ranging from -0.06 to +2.06) and becomes very close to planktonic foraminifera values. Even when we do not exclude a diagenetic overprint, our observations confirm that the bulk carbonate d18O is in good approximation to isotopic composition of surface water. The negative oxygen isotope ratios of Northern Vienna Basin carbonates (Jakubov55-1, Kuty44) could be related to the sea surface warmer temperature, lower salinity and/ or a more efficiency of meteoric diagenesis. The transitional aspect of isotopic evolution between the various domains does not plead for a major role of diagenesis. Sea surface temperatures could not be very different between central and north part of this small basin. Hence, we postulate that negative isotopic ratios could be related to fresh water influx and reflect the wide delta progradation of paleo-Danube river from the north-west (Kováč 2000) that affected the near-surface water (Fig. 4). Assuming that salinity increased by 10 p.s.u. when the seawater d18O increased by 1.2% (e.g., Shackleton 1987), we speculate that the d18O differences between DNV on the south and Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 1119 Badenian Paratethys, shows a high similarity (Fig. 7). In the contrary, the isotopic data of Uvigerina spp. from the northern part of basin (Jakubov55, Jakubov56, Middle Badenian, NN5) are lighter (mean values between +0.16 and -0.9%). Considering the shallow water environment, our lighter benthic d18O values could be related to warmer river-water (paleo-Danube) intrusion (Fig. 4), not only to the surface water but also to the lower parts of basin. Both bulk carbonate as well as benthic stable isotope results of Late Badenian advert to proximity to recent Mediterranean environment. It is disputable if Vienna Basin is comparable to open marine conditions. The d18O estimates for Mediterranean during Serravallian period (Vergnaud-Grazzini 1985) are lighter than those in the Vienna Basin. These variations can be attributed to the local environmental conditions, which may evocate a different evolution in small basins like Vienna Basin. Therefore, it is not always applicable to correlate Vienna Basin with an open-ocean record. In the Middle Miocene, the climate-cooling trend has been recorded by many approaches (e.g. Savin et al. 1975; Zachos et al. 2001) and a major Antarctic ice sheet expansion is reflected in increasing foraminiferal d18O values in deep-sea records. J55-1 K44 DNV Z1 Atlantic J55 -2 V19 Mediterranean 2 1 0 δ18O (‰) other sites, more on the north of Vienna Basin, which make *1–2.4%, represent salinity decrease from 10 to 20 p.s.u. Comparison of DNV bulk carbonate isotope ratios to the Middle Miocene data from Atlantic (Létolle 1979; Renard et al. 1979) and Mediterranean (Mader et al. 2004) shows that the DNV data are closest to Mediterranean ones (Fig. 5). This supports the hypothesis that during Bulimina/ Bolivina Biozone of Late Badenian (NN6), the south part of Slovakian Vienna Basin was probably still in communication with Mediterranean Sea. In shallow water environments, because of meteoric diagenesis impact and the importance of sediments shelf exportation process, interpretation of bulk carbonate d18O is more intricate. Nevertheless, comparison of isotopic results from northern part of Vienna Basin with DNV and Miocene marine data shows an evolution in relation with the paleo-oceanographic pattern. The northern Vienna Basin carbonates (Jakubov55, Kúty44 and Zohor1) represent more negative isotope ratios than the southern ones (DNV and partly Vysoká19) and Mediterranean carbonates. We believe that described isotope trend was a beginning of isolation of the Central Paratethys. The comparison with Mediterranean data suggests that communication with Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 6) during the Late Badenian has been partially active in the south of Vienna Basin (Slovak part). Northern area of Vienna Basin was restricted to open-marine exchange already during Middle Badenian. Benthic foraminiferal isotope data also support our hypothesis. The comparison of mean d18O and d13C values of +2.1 and -0.5%, respectively, for Uvigerina spp. (from DNV and Vysoká19, Late Badenian, NN6) to those published by Schmiedl et al. (2004) from the recent Mediterranean, as well as to the Late Badenian data given by Gonera et al. (2000) from the Polish part of the Central -1 -2 Bohemian Massif -3 Alpine-Carpathian Centralides -4 R ED EE P deltas FO K44 WIEN J56 J55 Flysch Zone Z1 Northern Calcareous Alps Vi en n aB as in V19 -5 DNV -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 δ13C (‰) Bratislava 0 20 40 km Fig. 4 Delta progradation of paleo-Danube river in Vienna Basin during Badenian (modified after Kováč 2000) Fig. 5 Bulk sediment stable isotope data from Vienna Basin (this work) compared to open-oceans results of Mid Miocene: Central Paratethys, Vienna Basin—J55-1 (Jakubov 55, core 1), J55-2 (Jakubov 55, core 2), DNV (Devı́nska Nová Ves-clay pit), V19 (Vysoká 19), Z1 (Zohor 1), K44 (Kúty 44); NE-N. Atlantic (Lètolle 1979; Renard 1979); Mediterranean (Mader et al. 2004) 123 1120 Fig. 6 Central Paratethys Sea connection with Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Badenian (according to Kováč et al. 2007) Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 Late Badenian - NN6 Zone FO R Kraków 0 ED E 100 km O UTER FL Brno YS IA N S TR A VIEN NA BA N SI C ARPATH Alpine-Carpathian externides Lviv AR P A TH Alpine-Carpathian -Dinaride internides IA NS C BA N S Pieniny Klippen Belt AR PA TH SI IA N SI N N BE BA EASTERN P CH C TERN WES E DA N U ALPS IN Beograd ID U AS E RN TH transgression I CARPATH ANS SO NB NI SE IN OA TIA U AP RT H S Neogene volcanics C AN AR BA SY ST E M RN I AN LV BASIN NO DIN TR AN SY PANNONIAN ZALA BASIN CR EA ST E Debrecen S I AN TH PA AR STYRIAN YRIAN BASIN ASIN Budapest ES Bucuresti Our benthic isotopes are very positive and show increasing oxygen trend (average +2%) from NN5 to NN6 (Fig. 3), implying that the Vienna Basin (accordingly Paratethys) has been affected by global cooling as well. Our results are supported by palynological evidence in Forecarpathian Basin (Ivanov et al. 2002) or by stable isotopes, as well as foraminiferal assemblages in Carpathian Foredeep (Bicchi et al. 2003) and Pannonian Basin (Báldi 2006), where the evidence of cooling at the end of Badenian has been recorded. The earlier-mentioned confirms that it was not only the paleogeographic changes but also the global climatic variations played an important role in Middle Miocene development of Central Paratethys. This change towards cooler conditions in the Late Badenian can be associated with Mi3 event of Miller et al. (1991) characteristic by increasing of d18O at about 13.6 Ma. Signification of carbon isotopes in relation to nutrients and paleoenvironment The d13C values are driven by the quantity of the light carbon (12C) present in the environment. This is related to the amount of organic matter input (mainly continental matter), because it is probably the most easily accessible reservoir of light carbon in the environment (Berger et al. 1981) to the marine primary productivity and to the oxygen content of the medium (extension of minimum oxygen layer). In the investigated Vienna Basin, the most probable nutrient source was the large paleo-Danube delta entry from the NW (Kováč 2000). During the limited connection with the open sea, the increasing river input could be an important element bringing the nutrients to the basin and consequently increasing the productivity. The amount of 123 organic matter input is generally reflected by the d13C of foraminiferal shells. The results of d13C measurements on planktonic foraminifera (available only from DNV) indicate that Globigerina has lighter values than Globigerinoides and benthic taxa. Usually, the benthic foraminifera record lower d13C when compared with planktonic taxa, because the bottom waters contain depleted d13C (Naidu and Niitsuma 2004). An increasing flux of organic matter toward the sea floor results in decrease of heavy carbon in infaunal benthic foraminifera like Uvigerina (McCorkle et al. 1990). Strikingly, in our data, carbon values of planktonic Globigerina gr. are *1% lower than those associated to benthic foraminifera. G. bulloides and G. diplostoma are nonsymbiotic species; hence, its d13C is not affected by symbiotic activity. G. bulloides is eutrophic species, often present in the central parts of upwelling zones with high biological productivity and indicate increase productivity in surface water (Loubère 1996). G. bulloides calcifying in the nutrient-rich waters should have lower d13C, because nutrients depleted surface waters in heavy carbon. Based on experimental results of Bemis et al. (2000), the feeding-enhanced metabolic rate will produce lower shell d13C values of G. bulloides. Since in our samples mostly small-sized planktonic foraminifera have been found, another explanation for low d13C of G. bulloides could be the ontogenetic effect, where smaller shells are relatively depleted in 13C (e.g., Berger et al. 1978; Spero and Lea 1996; Peeters et al. 2002). This pattern has been explained by higher respiration rates in younger (smaller) specimens, which involve more 12Cenriched respired CO2 during calcification (Berger et al. 1978; Bemis et al. 2000; Naidu and Niitsuma 2004). In addition, the temperature influence on G. bulloides shell Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 J55+J56 Mediterranean Ta Tasman sea SW Pacific 1121 DNV+V19 C. Paratethys (Gl-19, 21) Indian ocean 3 δ18O (‰) 2 1 0 -1 -1,5 -1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 δ13C (‰) Fig. 7 Benthic foraminiferal d13C and d18O results of Middle and Late Badenian (Late Langhian–Early Serravallian, NN5–NN6) from this study in comparison to previous works: Central Paratethys, Vienna Basin—J55 (Jakubov 55, NN5), J56 (Jakubov 56, NN5), DNV (Devı́nska Nová Ves-clay pit, NN6), V19 (Vysoká 19, NN6); Carpathian Foredeep—Uvigerina sp., NN6 (Gonera et al. 2000); Tasman Sea—Cibicidoides sp., NN5/NN6 (Kennett 1986) together with Uvigerina mix, Mid Miocene (Shackleton and Kenneth 1975); Indian ocean—O. umbonatus, Mid Miocene (Vincent et al. 1985); SW Pacific—Cbc. kullenbergi, Mid Miocene (Kennett 1986); Mediterranean—U. mediterraneana, Recent (Schmiedl et al. 2004) d13C has been observed. The specimens that calcified its shells in cold seawater should have higher d13C values than those that grew in warmer surface waters (e.g., Kroopnick et al. 1977; Bemis et al. 2000). According to parameters indicating nutrient-rich environment in DNV section and presence of mostly small-sized planktonic shells, we assume that the both factors (nutrients and ontogenetic effect) have evocated the lighter d13C in G. bulloides. The temperature may play a secondary role, since the temperature fractionation of carbon isotope is relatively small (Khim and Park 2000). The carbon isotope composition of symbiont-bearing Gs. trilobus is very often affected by photosynthetic symbionts that use elevated volume of 12 CO2 and so produce d13C-enriched chambers (Spero and Lea 1993). Since our Gs. trilobus shells exhibit positive d13C values (+0.78 to +1.37%), we believe that its carbon isotope signal was also influenced by the symbiotic activity. Availability of food (organic mater) and oxygen content is the most important parameter controlling the foraminiferal distribution (e.g., Sjoerdsma and Van der Zwaan 1992). Usually, both are closely related—the low oxygen levels presumably have originated from a high supply of organic matter. The decay of organic matter may lead to the presence of dysoxic or anoxic zones at the bottom. Tolerance to oxygen depletion then provides an ability of species to utilise the trophic environment associated with the high organic charge. In the studied interval, during NN6 benthic carbon curve exhibit a weakly negative trend that is probably related to benthic-enhanced eutrophication. The lighter benthic d13C values (average -0.4% for DNV; -1.03% for Vysoká19; -0.49% for Jakubov56; -1.33% for Jakubov55) in the studied area can represent increasing nutrient supply to the bottom water, which is also supported by presence of the benthic foraminiferal fauna strongly dominated by Uvigerina, Bulimina or Bolivina, indicating oxygen deficiency. Decreasing oxygen content at the bottom is recorded in the beginning of Serravallian (Late Badenian) in Mediterranean as well (Meulenkamp and Van der Zwaan 1990). The scarcity of benthic low-oxygen tolerant taxa and absence of oxic indices in the top of the section DNV suggest that low bottom water oxygen conditions prevailed during this period at the sediment–water interface, with reduced ventilation and increased flux of organic matter, confirmed also by high abundance of G. bulloides, a high productivity indicator. The studied parts of NN6 Zone (Bulimina/Bolivina Biozone) like DNV and Vysoká19 correspond with VB 7 cycle of relative sea-level changes, proposed by Hudáčková et al. (2000). A sea-level highstand is characterised as an ecologically stable environment, where the oxygen-poor zones may develop in the basins, accompanied by reduced circulation and well developed stratification of the water column. Similar conditions are well recorded also by our stable isotope data. More oxygenated environment is represented by benthic carbon signal from Zohor1 and Kúty44. Kúty section was deposited in the Late Upper Badenian in the shallow hyposaline inner shelf conditions, when the sea level started to drop following the process of C. Paratethys isolation. Then the lower salinity could probably hamper productivity in the surface water in case of Kúty. The positive benthic d13C in Zohor could probably indicate a lower primary productivity in the surface water that did not affect the bottom area. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage in Zohor consists mainly of oxygen-deficiency tolerant species; however, the well-developed individuals of oxic indices (e.g., Lenticulina sp.) always occur in the samples implying more or less oxygenated environment. Foraminiferal isotopic signal in relation to microhabitat Five benthic species analysed in this study prefer various types of microhabitat. Generally, the benthic taxa 123 1122 Uvigerina, suspected being the shallow-infaunal dwellers, inhabit the upper 0–2 cm in the sediment (e.g., Corliss 1991; Rathburn et al. 1996). This genus tolerates low oxygen conditions and utilizes the oxygen at the pore waters within the surface sediment (Gebhardt 1999). Uvigerina is a genus believed to precipitate its tests in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the ambient water (Woodruff et al. 1980) and is commonly associated with dysoxic waters (Grossman 1987) and organic-rich sediment (e.g. Boersma 1986). Diagenetic modification can lead to lighter isotope values (Kouwenhoven et al. 1999), whereas our data present a trend towards heavy d18O values, suggesting that diagenetic overprint could be minor. According to microhabitat groups proposed by Corliss (1991), H. dutemplei is considered as an epifaunal dweller inhabiting top 0–1 cm in the sediment. The microhabitat of shallow-water Elphidium sp. (analyzed in Kúty44-2) is discussed by many authors. Different species of Elphidium are regarded differently as infaunal, epifaunal to infaunal or epiphytic (e.g., Debenay et al. 1998) depending on the author. Corliss (1991) concludes that this species is found over a wide sediment depth range and does not appear to fall into any one-microhabitat category. Ammonia beccarii is a cosmopolitan species commonly regarded as an epiphytic form living on the calcareous algae Corallina officinalis or on the red algae Gigartina acicularis. Nevertheless, some living specimens were found in the superficial layer of sand collected in an area of strong currents (Debenay et al. 1998) and in some works is placed into epifaunal to shallow infaunal dwellers (e.g., Goldstein et al. 1995). These observations imply that A. beccarii may have an epifaunal or shallow infaunal habitat, as well as an epiphytic one. The d18O of benthic taxa investigated here more or less vary depending on the species. In some cases, when it was possible, we analyzed two species from one sample. Our data showed that shallow-infaunal Uvigerina exhibits enrichment of about 0.8% in the case of d18O relative to epifaunal taxa H. dutemplei in the same samples. The isotope values of A. beccarii show enrichment (about 0.5%) for oxygen relative to Elphidium sp. from the same samples. Schmiedl et al. (2004) described the d18O differences between live benthic foraminifera from western Mediterranean Sea, reflecting specific microhabitat demands. The mean oxygen values exhibit species-specific deviations from the composition of equilibrium calcite. Strongest disequilibria (lighter values) appear in epifaunal to shallow infaunal taxa, while deep infaunal taxa with heavy values are close to equilibrium. If the d18O vary in relation to sediment depth, this tendency could indicate rather epifaunal habitat for A. beccarii and epiphytic environment for Elphidium sp. in this study. Nevertheless, by reason that our studied taxa occupy roughly the same microhabitat and lack of data of intermediate and deep 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 infaunal habitants to compare with, we cannot affirm the particular relation between d18O and sediment depth. In contrast to Schmiedl et al. (2004), the data given by Rathburn et al. (1996) or the one more recently given by Fontanier et al. (2006) support no apparent systematic relationship between d18O and microhabitat depth. In the study of Fontanier et al. (2006), the data including all type of microhabitats clearly show that the pattern of increasing d18O with sediment depth cannot be followed. We assume that our d18O differences between various species found in the same interval within the cores represent interspecific taxonomic distance between these different taxa. Carbon isotopes in foraminiferal carbonate tests are commonly used as proxies of paleoproductivity (e.g., McCorkle et al. 1997). Our d13C data generally support suggestion that the carbon isotopic composition of benthic foraminifera is influenced by microhabitat preferences. Because the amount of oxygen as dissolved CO2 is small relative to that of the ambient water, the d18O composition of dissolved bicarbonate in the pore waters remains constant, thus only the d13C of the foraminifera is altered by the microhabitat effect (Grossman 1987). In present work, low d13C values of species living deeper in the sediment confirm that infaunal benthic foraminifera record the d13CDIC of ambient pore water, as has been observed by many authors (e.g. Grossman 1987; McCorkle et al. 1990, 1997; Schmiedl et al. 2004). Shallow-infaunal U. semiornata typically exhibits depletion of about -1% in case of d13C relative to epifaunal taxa H. dutemplei, from the same samples in Zohor1 and Jakubov55. In general, epifaunal species like H. dutemplei have higher d13C values closest to equilibrium with the bottom-waters in contrast to taxa living deeper in the sediment (McCorkle et al. 1990). This difference is partly related to microhabitat effects: pore water d13C is lower than bottom water d13C, because the decomposition (oxidation) of organic matter rich in 12C within sediments produces low bottom water d13CDICdissolved inorganic carbon (Grossman 1984; McCorkle et al. 1990). The carbon isotope values of epiphytic to inbenthic A. beccarii show depletion (about -2%) relative to Elphidium sp. in the same samples. Relatively wide d13C differences between these two taxa support our assumption of rather epibenthic habitat of A. beccarii in the studied borehole. Therefore, the carbon isotope contrast between these two species could be explained by influence of both taxonomic distance and microhabitat effect. Water temperature and stratification The d18O values of foraminiferal calcite shells are commonly used in the interpretation of paleotemperatures and Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 salinity changes (Erez and Luz 1983; McConnaughy 1989; Bemis et al. 1998). Ecological studies show that temperature has primary importance in controlling the distribution of the modern foraminifera (Bè 1977). This environmental relationship is therefore applied to the reconstruction of the paleotemperatures of oceans, and the climate-related assemblages of modern planktonic foraminifera are commonly used as a standard for the fossil ones (e.g., Bemis et al. 2000). The d18O values of the different planktonic species reflect their depth habitat, with the deeper dwellers showing more positive d18O, as expected from the colder temperatures at depth. Paleotemperatures (C) calculated for foraminiferal taxa living in bottom and surface waters, using equations given by Shackleton and Kennett (1975) and Erez and Luz (1983) indicate considerable (*6C) differences between the bottom and surface water temperature during the deposition of the studied sediments (Fig. 8). We calculated paleotemperature from DNV data due to the most complex record, and we can compare taxa from different depths. The planktonic and bulk curves in DNV have recorded greater variations than the benthic one. These evidences point to the rather uniform cold bottom-water temperature with reduced seasonal variation and the greater oscillation changes in the near-surface water. This confirms that the water column was not uniform and showed a temperature gradient. The average paleotemperature is *8.5C and *14.6C for bottom and intermediate water, respectively. As expected, highest values were obtained for Gs. trilobus (*23.3C) living in near-surface waters. The paleotemperature estimation coming from the palynological analysis in terrestrial region of Vienna Basin shows MAT (mean annual temperature) at 15.6–18.4C (Kováčová and Kováč 2006). The difference in the oxygen isotope composition between surface and deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifera can be used as a measure for water stratification (Mulitza et al. 1997). In the present study, we could compare only near-surface water dweller (Gs. trilobus) with intermediate dweller (G. bulloides) from DNV section. Globigerina taxa record more positive d18O (average +0.52%) than Gs. trilobus, which could indicate deeper calcification depth of G. bulloides. Nevertheless, considering the shallow-water environment of investigated Vienna Basin, the calcification depth might not be very different between the two species. Therefore, we assume that analysed taxa originated from two different growth seasons, although it is difficult to distinguish in Miocene. Gs. trilobus records quite strong negative d18O values (average -1.41%), which consequently advert to high temperature (*23.3C) that appears to be not realistic because of large differences between Globigerina and Globigerinoides taxa. Gs. trilobus is a symbiont-bearing species and is associated with ‘‘vital 1123 Fig. 8 d18O curves and paleotemperature (C) calculated from d18O data of bottom (Uvigerina sp.), intermediate (Globigerina bulloides) and surface water (Globigerinoides trilobus) foraminifers in Vienna Basin (DNV section). The equation of Shackleton and Kennett (1975) and Erez and Luz (1983) were used, assuming that the d18O of ambient water was 0%. The radiometric age (86Sr/87Sr) 13.54 Ma has been performed by Hudáčková and Kráľ (2000) effects,’’ which can strongly modify the isotopic signal (Spero and Williams 1988). Then, we assume that the surface water temperature could be a little bit lower than calculated one. During the Early Serravallian (Late Badenian), an increased stratification of the water column (beginning at about 13.6 Ma) in Mediterranean has been showed based on carbon and oxygen isotopes (Van der Zwaan and Gudjonsson 1986), which may related to the closure of the Mediterranean via. During this time, the Paratethys became to be more or less isolated and it appears that development in the investigated Vienna Basin led to the comparable conditions. Relatively large temperature variations in the intermediate-water environment (average *15C, 12C and 16C for the upper, middle and lower part of the section) and distinct differences between bottom and surface water indicate that the temperature stratification of the water column was relatively strong. The degree of stratification can be also expressed in Dd18O (=d18Obenthic - d18Oplanktonic). The Dd oxygen isotope world average is 2.25% for Middle-Late Miocene (Kennett 1986). Counted for Vienna Basin, Dd18O average is 1.5% (benthic Uvigerina spp.—planktonic intermediate dweller G. bulloides) and 3.3% (benthic Uvigerina spp.—planktonic shallow dweller Gs. trilobus) implying quite strong stratification of water column in this 123 1124 small, about 100–150 m deep intramountain basin during Late Badenian. The increasing stratification trend is also observed from Carpathian Foredeep (Gonera et al. 2000) and Pannonian Basin (Báldi 2006). These observations confirm that the water mass stratification was not just a regional effect, but a whole Central Paratethys has been affected. The Dd18O is not constant through the DNV section (Table 1). In the lower part between 15.5 and 13.5 m (Upper Middle Badenian), Dd18O fluctuates between 1.14 and 2.28% (mean 1.62%). From 12 to 9 m (Middle/Late Badenian transition), the oxygen isotopic gradient between bottom and surface water is considerably reduced as Dd18O only fluctuates between 0.76 and 1.2% (mean 0.87%). This reduction is mainly the fact of surface water, bottom water isotopic ratios being more or less constant. From 8.5 m to the top of the section (NN6), the oxygen isotopic gradient presents a new increase to fluctuate between 1.3 and 2.3% (mean 1.70%). This phenomenon could be evocated due to a climatic effect, only affecting surface water. The sea surface temperature is varying from 19 to 12C during (NN5 Zone) and towards top it returns to about 16C (NN6 Zone). In consequence of paleogeographic configuration, it is more probable that the Dd18O fluctuation reflects modification of basin circulation and connection with open sea during Badenian. Period with low Dd18O (NN5/NN6 Zone transition) could also correspond to an increase of saline water input from open sea due to better connection in ‘‘anti-estuarian’’ like circulation pattern (surface water inflow, deep water outflow; Kennett 1982), which is suggested for Middle Badenian in the Central Paratethys (Báldi 2006). Conclusions Foraminiferal shells and bulk carbonate stable isotope data of Vienna Basin (Central Paratethys) were investigated to evaluate the paleoenvironmental changes during the Badenian period (Middle Miocene). The shells of five benthic taxa and three planktonic species characterising the bottom, intermediate and superficial layers of the water column were analysed. Obtained results allowed to improve the knowledge about environmental conditions during the period of the last significant marine connection between Paratethys and Mediterranean. • The global climatic variations and local paleogeographic factors played an important role in the development of Central Paratethys. Based on the obtained positive benthic oxygen stable isotope results, it is presumable that the global cooling tendency relating with Antarctic ice sheet expansion in the Middle Miocene affected also the bottom waters in the 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2009) 98:1109–1127 • • small intramountain Vienna Basin. Our results are supported by observations from others areas of Central Paratethys, where the evidence of cooling at the end of Badenian has been recorded. Thus, we can conclude that it is not only the local trend but also the global climatic changes that could affect the evolution of Vienna Basin. The bulk carbonate proxies suggest an evolution in relation with the paleo-oceanographic pattern. Our observation confirmed that the oxygen isotope composition of bulk carbonate is in good approximation to that of surface water. We believe that the strong negative isotope ratio of Northern Vienna Basin relates to fresh water input of paleo-Danube already active on the NW, which affected the near-surface waters. The comparing of bulk carbonate and foraminiferal stable isotope results in this work with Mediterranean data showed that towards north of Vienna Basin, the interconnection with Mediterranean Sea was markedly reduced already in the Middle Badenian, while on the south, the exchange with open sea was still more or less active in the Late Badenian. Species composition and stable isotope signal of foraminiferal fauna point out to temperature-stratified, nutrient-rich and consequently less-oxygenated marine water during the Middle/Late Badenian. The oxygen isotope values show temperature stratification of the water column that is observed in Carpathian Foredeep and Pannonian Basin as well, and may relate to the closing processes of Mediterranean via. The d18O variations are larger in the planktonic foraminiferal shells compared to benthic and indicate greater influence of seasonal variation on the surface waters. The carbon isotope ratios indicate increased input of 12Cenriched organic matter to the bottom waters of the Vienna Basin during the Late Badenian. The periods of enhanced accumulation of organic matter at the seafloor were followed by oxygen depletion (because of decomposition) as indicated by the benthic foraminiferal ‘low-oxygen’ indicators. Acknowledgments The present work is a part of PhD study of P. Kováčová and stable isotope analyses have been realized during her stay in Laboratoire Biominéralisations et Paléoenvironnements (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, France), which was funded by the French embassy in Slovakia (French government’s scholarship). Authors thank Nafta a.s. Company for the core material. 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