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12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Simulation of green roof hydrological behavior with a reservoir model Emmanuel Berthier1*, David Ramier1, Bernard de Gouvello2 1 CETE d’île-de-France, 12 rue Teisserenc de Bort, 78190 Trappes, France : Université Paris-Est, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment et Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains, 6-8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77455 Champs-sur-Marne cedex 2 ; France * Corresponding author, emmanuel.berthier@developpement-durable.gouv.fr 2 Abstract Extensive green roof technique (EGR) is becoming increasingly used for sustainlable rainwater management, but tools to properly design it need still development. The work presented herein is a first step to build a simple and robust model of green roof hydrological behavior, in order to be used to assist in the stage of EGR design. The type of model tested (reservoir model with the force-restore scheme in the substrate) appears suitable to reproduce the hydrological behavior of a 146m2 EGR during one year. An original and relevant method was used to study the sensitivity and the calibration of the model. Such model allows also to access important information, like the variation of storage water capacity in the EGR, key variable for runoff retention and regulation. Keyword Green roof ; Runoff ; Modelling Introduction Vegetated roofs offer a priori advantages, for best management practise (BMP), at the building level (improving thermal and acoustic insulation, increasing durability of the seal) and city level (improving air quality and landscape aesthetics, reducing the urban heat island, increasing urban biodiversity). The technique also contributes to sustainable rainwater management, helping to get closer to the natural cycle (storage and evapotranspiration). Green roofing knows a strong growth for the past few years in France, the most widely used technique is the Extensive Green Roof (EGR) which is less demanding in maintenance and adaptable to new projects as well as rehabilitation projects because of its low overweight. In order to properly design and size EGR for rainwater management, studies and research have been conducted on their hydrological behavior. These studies focus on the amount of runoff at the outlet of experimental roofs (see Mentens et al., 2006 for a summary and Palla et al. 2008 ; Uhl and Schiedt, 2008 for recent studies). They show that EGR has a double effect on runoff: (i) reduction, through storage and evapotranspiration, and (ii) regulation, with attenuation and delay of peak discharge by retention. All EGR have followed a marked seasonal pattern, with efficiency (runoff reduction and regulation) much more important in spring and summer. Only a few recent studies involve modelling (Baraglioli et al., 2008, Palla et al., 2009) but have not yet opportunities on a robust tool for extrapolating results to other roofs and other climates. Our work aims to develop a simple and robust model to reproduce the hydrologic behavior of Berthier et al. Page 1 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 EGR ; the tool developed could be used to assist in the EGR design but also to better assess the impact of technology on rainwater management at the city scale. The study presented herein is a first step towards this objective, first step consisting in developing and testing a model on an existing database. The first section presents the rainfall-runoff database used. The second section describes the structure chosen for the model. A sensitivity analysis and calibration of the model is developed in section three. Finally the model results are evaluated and analyzed for the purpose in section four, before a short conclusion. The database Data used for this work comes from a green roof of 146m2 located in the Paris region (France) on the CSTB building (De Gouvello, 2007). The roof structure consists of a layer of vegetation with type Sedum (carpet laid sod) and a monolayer of substrate of a 10mm thickness (mixture of volcanic materials, pozzolana and organic). A sterile area exists on the perimeter, which represents 13% of the EGR area. The experimental device includes a weather station, a rain gauge (bucket volume equivalent to 0.2mm of water) and a runoff discharge measurement at the outlet of the roof by tipping bucket, with a volume of 3L (equivalent to 0.02mm of water). The measurements were carried out continuously in 2004 and 2005 at a 3min time-step. After a rigorous review and validation of data, one year of data from March 20, 2004, 00h is adopted for the simulation work, with a lack of data for 6 internal non-rainy periods of cumulative duration of 3h. An estimate of potential evapotranspiration is necessary for the simulation: from the data of the weather station on site and the nearby station of the French Weather Service, a value of potential evapotranspiration is calculated for each day with the Penman-Monteith formula (Choisnel, 1988). These daily values are discretized at a 3min time-step by introducing the diurnal cycle. During the study period, rainfall represented 566mm, a value close to the average annual value, and observed runoff totalized 251mm (runoff coefficient of 44%). Figure 1. Picture of the 146m2 CSTB EGR Development of the model To simulate the hydrological behavior of such EGR, different types of model could be investigated. The first one is “physically-based” model which included the resolution of the diffusion equation in the substrate, via the Richards equation, and adequate boundaries condition at the atmosphere interface and at the bottom of the structure. It is the approach retained by Palla et al. (2009) for example. The interest of this type of model is a detailed, dynamic and rigorous representation of flows in the structure. At the opposite, this type of model has numerous parameters: some of these parameters require generally calibration due Berthier et al. Page 2 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 to a lack of knowledge and limiting measurements. The well-known problem of overparameterization and equifinality for physically-based model appears (Beven, 2006). To develop a robust model useful on other climate and other EGR ungauged, this is a real limit. On the other hand, reservoir model which could be qualified of global or conceptual, are known to be robust because they need less parameters. The force-restore scheme has been used to represent water transfer in soil layer: its application on large scale catchment with limited database has been successful (Noilhan and Planton, 1989). In this context, our study focused on the development of a reservoir model with the force-restore scheme to reproduce the hydrological behavior of the CSTB EGR. The model consists of two reservoirs, one for the vegetation layer and the other for the substrate layer (Figure 2). Each reservoir stores water and exchanges fluxes at its limits. Calculation of the different variables, at each time-step t (index i), are sum up hereafter (see Table 1 for the variables and parameters signification): Flow calculation at the time-step i, in function of the storage at the time-step (i-1): if P(i)=0 if Sveg(i-1)>0, Eveg(i)=min[Sveg(i-1),ETP(i)] ; Esub(i)=0 ; else Eveg(i)=0 ; Esub(i)=min[ETP(i),Ssub(i-1)-Csub_wilt].LAIveg/3 ; else P(i)>0 Eveg(i)=Esub(i)=0 ; Isub(i)=max[P(i)-(Cveg-Sveg(i-1)),0] ; R(i)=max[Ksub/(dsub.t).(Ssub(i-1)-Csub_fc),0] Calculation of the new storage for the time-step i: Sveg(i)=Sveg(i-1)+P(i)-Eveg(i)-Isub(i) ; Ssub(i)=Ssub(i-1)+Isub(i)-Esub(i)-R(i) ; Figure 2. Vertical scheme of the CSTB EGR and of the two reservoirs model developed It is assumed that during rainy period, evapotranspiration is null. Two key parameters are important for the hydrological behavior of the substrate: (i) if the stored water is less than the field capacity Csub_fc, then there is no free runoff toward the substrate bottom, and (ii) drying the substrate by evapotranspiration takes place as the stored water remains above the wilting point of vegetation Csub_wilt. Berthier et al. Page 3 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Table 1. Signification and values of variables and parameters used in the model 1 Name Unit P ETP mm mm Sveg Cveg LAIveg Eveg mm mm mm dsub Isub Ssub Csub max Csub fc Csub wilt mm mm mm mm mm mm Ksub mm/s Esub mm R mm Designation Entry data Observed rainfall Potential evapotranspiration Vegetation layer Storage in the vegetation layer Storage capacity of the vegetation Leaf Area Index Evaporation from the surface of the vegetation Substrate layer Substrate thickness Infiltration in the substrate layer Storage in the substrate layer Storage capacity of the substrate layer Field capacity of the substrate layer Wilting point of the substrate layer Parameter for the dynamic of the gravitational drainage in the substrate layer Evapotranspiration from the substrate layer Output variable Runoff at the outlet of the EGR Value1 0.2 2.5 [0.2-5] 100 35 [25-45] 20 [10-25] 5 [1-10] 1.6 10-3 [0.1-10 10-3] : for model parameter only; for parameter to be calibrated, the range of possible values is added in brackets Model’s parameterization following sensitivity and calibration studies The model is applied continuously throughout the selected period at the time-step of 15s: this low value of time-step allows a simplified temporal discretization. The input data, available at the 3min time-step, are averaged every 15s. For analysis, the simulated results are expressed at different time-step. Calibration proves useful because of certain unknown parameters and of the limited observations (focusing only on runoff discharge). After an examination of the information available from the CSTB EGR and from the literature, 5 parameters need to be calibrated: LAIveg, Csub_max, Csub_fc, Csub_wilt and Ksub. The range of their possible values has been defined from physical consideration, as the values for the non-calibrated parameters (see Table 1). Calibration is carried out using a multicriteria method, in conjunction with a sensitivity study. This method has been presented in detail by both Gupta et al. (1999) and Bastidas et al. (1999). The aim of this method is to conduct a set of simulations using parameters randomly chosen from the range of their possible values (5000 simulations are performed in our case). The quality of these simulations has been estimated on runoff discharge with the well-known Nash and Budget criteria. The values of these criteria allow splitting the simulation into two subsets according to Pareto rank (Yapo et al., 1998): one subset of ‘acceptable simulations’, i.e. simulations for which the two criteria are considered ‘good’, and the other subset regrouping the ‘unacceptable simulations’. From these two subsets, the cumulative distributions of each parameter are then computed. A parameter will be considered sensitive if a significant difference can be identified between the distribution of the ‘acceptable simulations’ and the ‘unacceptable simulations’. Figure 3 contains these distributions for the five parameters tested and shows that only LAIveg and Ksub are sensitive. Berthier et al. Page 4 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Figure 3. Cumulative distribution of the five parameters tested in the sensitivity study: dashed line is for the entire simulation, continuous line only for the ‘acceptable simulations’ Berthier et al. Page 5 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Model calibration stems from this sensitivity study: the subset of ‘acceptable simulations’ provides the best parameter set according to the selected criteria and the final values of the various parameters are chosen from among the subset of ‘acceptable simulations’. The value adopted for LAIveg is situated in the middle of the possible range value (2.5) and the value for Ksub is in the first part of the possible range value (1.6 10-3 mm/s). For the other non-sensitive parameters, a value in the middle of the possible range is adopted (see Table 1 for the final value). Performance and results of the model The performance of the calibrated model is acceptable: Nash criterion reaches the value of 0.77 (good value is considered from 0.80) and budget criterion is close to zero (6%). The scattergram between observed and simulated runoffat a 1hour time-step is satisfactory (Figure 4) with a determination coefficient, R2, of 0.85: it appears difference for some low values, the model slightly overestimates the middle values and underestimates the few highest values. Figure 4. Scattergram between observed and simulated runoff (1h time-step and for the whole year of simulation) Figure 5 illustrates these results during a selected rainy period of about 17 days during fall season. It can be observed a good agreement between observed and simulated runoff discharges. The model encounters difficulties to reproduce the beginning of low rain event, the simulated runoff being over-estimated. The tail end of hydrograph is also slightly underestimated by the model. To improve this result, a linear reservoir model has been tested to better represent the transfer of runoff through the 146m2 green roof. Despite the attempt of calibration of the time-response parameter, the result are not convincing (not shown). It also can be noticed that the observed runoff value are in increment of 0.02l/s about, which corresponds to a tipping of the 3L bucket: this value is a bit high for representing the runoff dynamic during usual rain event. Berthier et al. Page 6 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Figure 5. Comparison of the observed and simulated runoff discharged at a 3min time-step during a fall period (duration of 17day about) Such model allows also to have information on the hydrologic behavior of the EGR, and especially the variation of water storage in the substrate layer, key variable in perspective of runoff reduction and regulation. The variation of water amount stored in the substrate during the year is represented in Figure 6.a: for the first part of the year, the substrate is entirely unsaturated during the dry periods and the storage is equal to the wilting point value of 5mm. In contrary, during the second part of the simulation, rainier, substrate storage never reaches the unsaturated condition and stays all time above 10-15mm. It has to be noticed that the maximum storage value of 35mm is never reached. Figure 6.b shows the histogram of the water amount available for storage in the substrate for the whole year: for almost one third of the year, the water amount available for storage in the substrate is around 30mm, which is an interesting value for runoff reduction and regulation. At the opposite for 40% of the year, the available storage is less than 18mm. (a) (b) Figure 6. (a): water amount stored in the substrate layer during the simulated year; (b): histogram of the water amount available for storage in the substrate during the year simulated Berthier et al. Page 7 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil, 10-15 September 2011 Conclusion and outgoing The work presented herein is a first step to develop a robust model of green roof hydrological behavior. After a stage of validation and calibration, the model tested (reservoir storage model with the force-restore scheme in the substrate layer) presents rather good performance: in comparison with an one-year rain-runoff database on a 146m2 EGR, the Nash criterion is 0.77 at a 3min time-step and Budget criterion is +6%. This model allows also to study the variation of water storage capacity and our results show that the maximum water storage capacity is never reached. Thus, such a model seems able to be used to assist in the design of EGR in the aim of rainwater management. In term of prospects, the actual limit of the work is certainly the limited database used to develop and calibrated the model. If the objective is to develop a robust model allowing extrapolation to other EGR structures and climates, the work must take into account more important database in term of duration, EGR structure, climate, and also measured variables (especially water storage in the EGR). It is the subject of an important experimental ongoing program, called TVGEP. References Baraglioli A., Guillon A., Kovacs Y., Senechal C., 2008. Studies on the quantity impacts of green roofs. 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh (Scotland). Bastidas LA, Gupta HV, Sorooshian S, Shuttleworth WJ, Yang, ZL, 1999. Sensitivity analysis of a land surface scheme using multicriteria methods. Journal of Geophysical Research 104: 19,48119,490. DOI: 10.1029/1999JD900155. Beven K. 2006. A manifesto for the equifinality thesis. Journal of Hydrology 320: 18–36. Choisnel E., 1988. 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