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The Web is a great resource and archive of news articles for the world. We present a framework, based on probabilistic topic modeling, for uncovering the meaningful structure and trends of important topics and issues hidden within the news archives on the Web. Central in the framework is a topic chain, a temporal organization of similar topics. We experimented with various topic similarity metrics and present our insights on how best to construct topic chains.

Topic Chains for Understanding a News Corpus Dongwoo Kim and Alice Oh KAIST Computer Science Department Daejeon, Korea dw.kim@kaist.ac.kr, alice.oh@kaist.edu Abstract. The Web is a great resource and archive of news articles for the world. We present a framework, based on probabilistic topic modeling, for uncovering the meaningful structure and trends of important topics and issues hidden within the news archives on the Web. Central in the framework is a topic chain, a temporal organization of similar topics. We experimented with various topic similarity metrics and present our insights on how best to construct topic chains. We discuss how to interpret the topic chains to understand the news corpus by looking at long-term topics, temporary issues, and shifts of focus in the topic chains. We applied our framework to nine months of Korean Web news corpus and present our findings. 1 Introduction The Web is a convenient and enormous source for learning about what is happening in the world. One can go to the Web site of any major news outlet or a portal site to get a quick overview of the important issues of the moment. However, it is difficult to use the Web to understand what has been happening over an extended period of time. We propose a computational framework based on probabilistic topic modeling to analyze a corpus of online news articles to produce results that show how the topics and issues emerge, evolve, and disappear within the corpus. The problem of understanding a corpus of news articles over an extended period of time is challenging because one has to discover an unknown set of topics and issues from a large corpus of disparate sources, find and cluster similar topics, discover any short-term issues, and identify and display how the topics change over time. A narrower but similar problem has been studied in the TDT (topic detection and tracking) field [1] where the goal is to identify new events and track how they change over time. The events, however, are defined as happenings at certain places at certain times, and so they compose a small subset of general news topics and issues. For example, an earthquake in Haiti is an event, but the prolonged decline of real estate sales is not. The latter makes up a large portion of news, but the TDT community would only cover the former, whereas our research covers both. The probabilistic topic modeling community offers solutions such as Dynamic Topic Models [2] and Topics Over Time [3] for discovering topics and looking at how they change over time, but those models do not capture how topics newly emerge and disappear because they assume the same set of topics exist from the beginning through the end of the time-series data. We propose topic chains, a framework for analyzing a sequential corpus, composed of similar topics appearing within a specified sliding window. Topic chains present a temporal and similarity-based organization of topics found by latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4]. Topic chains can be used to identify general topics, such as labor unions or the stock market, which occur in long topic chains. Short-term issues, such as the death of Michael Jackson, can be seen in short topic chains. Some short-term issues can be embedded within a long topic chain because they are related to general topics. One example of such issue is the recall of Toyota cars which is related to the general topic of the automobile industry. Those issues embedded within general topics can be identified by looking at focus shifts shown by words that change significantly within the topic chain. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: – We compare six frequently used similarity metrics using log likelihood of data for finding similar topics. We show that the two most frequently used metrics, cosine similarity and KL divergence, do not give the best results. – We define and construct topic chains using the best similarity metric we found. We then illustrate how to further analyze topic chains to identify general topics and short-term issues. – Overall, we propose a framework for understanding how topics and issues emerge, evolve, and disappear through time in a corpus of online news articles. This framework includes a set of analyses for a sequential corpus that other similar tools do not provide. 2 Related Work This work can be positioned with respect to three related research areas: topic and event detection and tracking, probabilistic topic modeling, and temporal news mining. Topic detection and tracking (TDT) is a well-studied task, summarized in Allan’s book [1], and followed up by a line of research around event threading [5– 7]. Both TDT and event threading solve a narrowly defined problem of looking for articles related to one or more events, where an event is defined as something that happens at a certain place at a certain time in the real world. We solve a much broader problem of discovering all topics and issues that occur in the corpus, whether or not they are directly related to concrete events in the world. Also, our definition of issues is more general than the definition of events by the TDT task. For example, the H1N1 influenza issue of 2009 is a series of related events such as deaths, vaccinations, and travel warnings, as well as non-events such as the safety of the vaccine, spatiotemporal course of the pandemic, and susceptibility of populations. We borrow two central aspects of the TDT task which are the discovery of new events and the evolution of events over time. We substitute our general definition of topics for their events such that our framework discovers new topics and how they evolve over time. Probabilistic topic models [8] such as the frequently used latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4] discover all topics, regardless of event-like characteristics, that are highly represented in a corpus, and extensions to LDA, [9, 2, 10, 3] consider the temporal aspect of the corpus as well. In [9], Wang et al. worked with asynchronous text streams to find common topics from documents with different timestamps. They found highly discriminative topics from asynchronous data and synchronized the documents according to topics. With dynamic topic models (DTM) [2], Blei and Lafferty analyzed how topics evolve over time in a sequential corpus, and they demonstrated how topics in the journal Science changed from 1881 to 1999. One limitation with DTM is that it only models the changes of word distributions within the topics and assumes the set of topics stays constant throughout the corpus, so it does not model how topics appear and disappear over time. The same limitation exists for the topic trend detection in [10]. With Topics over Time (TOT) [3], Wang and McCallum jointly model topics and timestamps to analyze when in the sequential data the topics occur. This model can discover when new topics appear and then disappear, but in this model, the topics stay the same over time. In our framework, different but similar topics form a topic chain so we can observe how the topics evolve over time. Previous work on temporal news mining include [11–13]. Leskovec et al. [11] look at the news cycle by tracking how memes travel widely through the media sites and blogs. While this approach is very interesting, it does not capture the broad and overall picture of what topics and issues emerge and spread through the media sites. Shahat and Guestrin’s work [12] looks at how two news articles can be connected through a series of articles in between them to form a coherent chain of articles. This is an effective solution to get a big picture of the story that connects two news articles. Mei and Zhai’s work [13] is probably the closest to our work, but they work with data that is filtered for specific topics, such as the Asia Tsunami. They extend this work in [14] to include the spatial dimension. Our work aims to present an overall picture of topics and issues including how to identify general topics as well as temporal issues. 3 Overall Framework Suppose there is a corpus of twelve months of news articles from major online newspapers that a user wishes to understand. A good way to do that is to break down the problem into finding the following details about the corpus: – Topic: a topic is a major subject discussed in the corpus. Examples are “winter olympics”, “healthcare reform”, “the stock market”. – Long-Term Topic: if a topic lasts for a long time, we say it is a long-term topic. Examples are “the stock market”, “Afghanistan war”, “education”. – Temporary issue: if a topic lasts for a short time, we say it is a temporary issue. Examples are “the winter olympics”, “earthquake in Haiti”, “death of Michael Jackson”. – Focus Shift: a topic chain exhibits different focuses for each individual topic in the chain. An example of a focus shift is “Greece, moratorium” to “Europe, recession” in the “economy” long-term topic. We propose a framework to analyze the corpus to find the topics, long-term topics, temporary issues, and focus shifts. In this section, we explain the parts that compose the overall framework. 1. Discovering Topics: We discover the topics in the corpus with latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) [4], the most widely used method of probabilistic topic modeling. LDA models topics as multinomial distributions of words. 2. Measuring Topic Similarity: We compare several methods for measuring topic similarity so that we can use the best method to find similar topics. We look at six popular similarity metrics and compare them in terms of log likelihood of data. 3. Constructing Topic Chains: A topic chain is a sequence of similar topics through time. Using the topic similarity metric, we look for similar topics within a sliding time window and add links between two similar topics to construct topic chains. 4. Long-Term Topics and Temporary Issues: After constructing the topic chains, we can identify long-term topics such as the stock market, temporary issues such as the Olympics. We can also identify focus shifts in long-term topics. 4 Topics The first step in our analysis is finding topics in the corpus. Because we are looking at news data which are sequential by nature, we divide the corpus into several time slices, and for each time slice, we find a set of topics that are most salient in the documents within the time slice. We first describe the topic model we used for finding the topics, then we describe our dataset and the topics found in it. 4.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation LDA [4] is a widely used method for probability topic modeling. LDA is a generative model that models a document using a mixture of topics. In the generative process, for each document d, a multinomial distribution θd over topics is randomly sampled from a Dirichlet with parameter α, and then to generate each word, a topic zn is chosen from this topic distribution, and a word, wn , is generated by randomly sampling from a topic-specific multinomial distribution φzn . A topic-specific multinomial distribution φzn is also randomly sampled from a Table 1. Four topics discovered by LDA for the news dataset. Topics are randomly chosen and are represented by top ten probability words. Topic 1 is about “soccer game”, topic 2 is about “market” and “business”, topic 3 is about “smart phones”, and topic 4 is about “research”. Each topic is a multinomial distribution over words. Topic 1 Top words Probability game 0.030 player 0.026 league 0.025 coach 0.023 soccer 0.016 season 0.012 leader 0.011 competition 0.011 advance 0.007 pro 0.007 Topic 2 Topic 3 Top words Probability Top words Probability growth 0.035 Apple 0.024 business 0.034 smartphone 0.018 recovery 0.031 internet 0.017 crisis 0.026 iphone 0.016 prospect 0.024 mobile phone 0.013 policy 0.023 Google 0.012 investment 0.020 computer 0.011 strategy 0.018 usage 0.010 market 0.016 advertise 0.010 consume 0.015 information 0.008 Topic 4 Top words Probability research 0.078 professor 0.042 science 0.018 doctorate 0.017 discovery 0.016 analysis 0.012 technology 0.010 universe 0.010 plant 0.009 experiment 0.009 Dirichlet with parameter β. From the generative process, we obtain the likelihood of a document: p(w, z, θd , Φ|α, β) = N Y p(wn |φzn )p(zn |θd ) · p(θd |α) · p(Φ|β). n=1 The Dirichlet parameters α and β are vectors that represent the average of the respective distributions. In many applications, it is sufficient to assume that such vectors are uniform and to fix them at a value pre-defined by the user, and these values act as smoothing coefficients. 4.2 Corpus We collected over 130K news documents from the Web editions of three major Korean newspapers1 between 2009-07-01 and 2010-04-10. Each news outlet covers a wide range of topics such as politics, economy, sports, entertainment, and culture, and show their own perspectives on cultural and social phenomena. For the topic modeling task, we refined each document using a Korean morpheme analyzer and part-of-speech (POS) tagger provided by ETRI2 . In the Korean language, each word can be broken down into morphemes. The morphemes are the smallest meaningful units, and each morpheme has a POS tag associated with it. Most of the morphemes do not carry semantic meaning but are instead used as syntactic markers, and almost every verb, adverb, and adjective can be broken down into morphemes with a noun token and one or more syntactic markers. After preprocessing the documents as described, we divided the corpus into 28 time slices, ten days each. The average number of documents in each time 1 2 http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/, http://www.donga.com/, http://www.hani.co.kr/ http://www.etri.re.kr slice is 4,715, and the average number of unique words in each group is 13,611. We extracted 50 topics with LDA for every time slice using Gibbs sampling. To reduce the effort of estimating hyperparameters, we used symmetric Dirichlet priors. More specifically, for α and β, we adopted the commonly used values of 0.1 and 0.01 respectively. We set the number of topics to be 50 for one time slice, so the total number of topics is 1,400 for the entire corpus. We randomly chose 4 topics from the corpus and show them in Table 1, each topic represented with the words that have the highest probabilities in that topic. 5 Topic Similarity To construct topic chains, we need to measure the similarity between a pair of topics. In previous topic modeling research where topic similarity must be measured, cosine similarity [15] and Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence [16] are frequently used without any formal validation. There exist, however, several wellknown metrics that can be used to measure topic similarity, so we compared them to see which metric would be best for our purpose. We considered six metrics and evaluated each metric using the negative log likelihood of corpus. 5.1 Six Metrics of Topic Similarity A topic, φi , is a multinomial distribution over the vocabulary, but it can also be viewed as a ranked list of words, or a |W | dimensional vector, where each dimension i is a probability of wi in that topic. A topic can also be represented by a set of topic words–words with a probability over a threshold. These various perspectives allow the following metrics for measuring similarity between topic φi and topic φj : – Cosine Similarity measures the similarity between two vectors by finding the cosine of the angle between them. – Jaccard’s Coefficient measures the similarity and diversity of two sets. It is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of two sets. – Kendall’s τ Coefficient measures the association between two ranked lists. – Discounted Cumulative Gain(DCG) measures the effectiveness of the ranked results of a web search algorithm. – Kullback-Leibler Divergence is a non-symmetric measure of the difference between two probability distributions p and q. – Jensen-Shannon Divergence is the symmetric variation of KL divergence. Each metric considers a different aspect of the relationship between two topics. Kendall’s τ and DCG consider the ranks of words within a topic. KL divergence and JS divergence consider the divergence of multinomial topic probabilities, and lower divergence would indicate higher similarity between two topics. Cosine similarity measures the angle of two vectors, and Jaccard’s coefficient 1945000 Negative Log Likelihood 1935000 1925000 1915000 1905000 1895000 1885000 D C G * JS * KL e in os C 0. 5 cc Ja ar cc ar d- d- 0. 3* .5 * -0 al Ja nd Ke Ke nd al -0 .3 * 1875000 Similarity Metrics Fig. 1. Comparison of negative log likelihood for six similarity metrics using a boxplot. Negative log likelihood was computed for the corpus using the set of topics where five topics were substituted with the five most similar topics from another time slice, identified by each of the six similarity metrics. A better similarity metric gives a lower negative log likelihood. JS divergence and Jaccard’s coefficient with 0.5 cumulative probability mass achieve better performances than the other metrics. An asterisk (*) next to a metric indicates statistically significant differences between the metric and JS divergence using t-test, p < 0.01. looks at the association between two sets. Jaccard’s coefficient must use a partial set of words because it looks at the intersection and the union of the two sets of words that represent the topics. We use the top probability words that contribute to the cumulative probability mass, which is a parameter that must be set. We also use a partial set of top probability words for Kendall’s τ . This is because Kendall’s τ is equally affected by the differences among high probability words and the differences among low probability words, but the words that have low probabilities in both topics should not contribute to the similarity score as much. 5.2 Comparing the Metrics We compared the six metrics with the negative log likelihood of the corpus which measures how well the model explains the corpus. Starting from a set of topics extracted for a time slice, we substitute five topics with the topics from another time slice that are found to be most similar according to each of the six metrics to form six modified sets of topics. By comparing the negative log likelihoods using the modified sets of topics, we can see which metrics found the most similar topics. The process is as follows: 1. Train LDA for two consecutive time slices to get two sets of topics Φt−1 = t−1 t−1 t−1 t t t t t {φt−1 1 , φ2 , φ3 , ...φk } and Φ = {φ1 , φ2 , φ3 , ...φk }. 2. Compute the similarity score between φit−1 and φtj for every i, j. 3. Select top five pairs of similar topics from the two topic sets. 4. Substitute the original topics Φt = {φt1 , φt2 , φt3 , ...φtk } with the five most sim(t−1) ilar topics from t − 1. So the Φtnew = {φt1 , φi , φt3 , ...φtk }, where i is a one of the five most similar topics from the previous time slice. 5. Finally, using Φtnew , calculate the log-likelihood of data at time t. To evaluate the metrics, we selected the first two consecutive time slices, and then trained LDA on each time slice 30 times. Using these 30 pairs of LDA results, we calculated the similarities of all topic pairs, replaced the most similar topics, and computed the negative log likelihoods. As Figure 1 shows, JS divergence and Jaccard’s Coefficient produced the lowest log likelihood scores, which we interpret to mean they performed the best among the six metrics. As we noted before, Jaccard’s coefficient and Kendall’s τ use a subset of the vocabulary–top probability words that contribute to a cumulative probability mass. The average size of the set of words with probability mass 0.5 is 39.56, and 0.3 is 13.58. The results show that Jaccard’s coefficient can find similar topics at probability mass of 0.5, using only the top 40 words. Kendall’s τ does not show good performance compared to Jaccard’s coefficient although they use the same set of words. This result indicates that the ranking of top probability words does not matter much in judging topic similarity. DCG does not perform well for this topic similarity task even though it is a good metric of comparing ranked results in information retrieval (IR). This is because the typical results of IR include relevance scores, but the topics found by LDA do not have analogous scores to be used in place of relevance scores. We further tested Jaccard’s Coefficient with various probability masses. However, selecting a proper probability mass can be corpus-dependent. Hence, we conclude that JS divergence is best in terms of performance and generality, so we use JS divergence as the topic similarity metric in the rest of the paper. 6 Topics and Issues Using the similarity discussed in the previous section, we construct topic chains to understand the topic trends in the main stream news. In this section, we discuss the construction of topic chains and associated parameters, interpretation of long topic chains, and the characteristics of short topic chains. 6.1 Constructing Topic Chains We construct topic chains by finding similar topics within a certain time window. We use two parameters, similarity cut and sliding window, and follow this process: 1. Calculate the similarity between topic φti and topic φjt−1 for all topics at time t − 1. 200 Window Size 1 Window Size 3 Window Size 6 Number of Topic Chains 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 JS Divergence Cut Fig. 2. Number of topic chains with different similarity cuts using JS divergence. The number of topic chains is significantly changed at JS divergence of 0.4. We chose JS divergence of 0.4 to construct topic chains. 2. If there are one or more topics such that sim(φti , φt−1 j ) is greater than the similarity cut, we make links between all such topic pairs, and move to the next topic φti+1 . 3. If there are no similar topic pairs, we calculate similarity between φti and Φt−2 4. Repeat, going back one more time slice, until one or more similar topics are found, or the time gap between the two time slices exceeds the sliding window size. The two parameters, similarity cut and the window size, play important roles in determining the characteristics of the topic chains constructed. We discuss each of them below. Similarity Cut There is no standard similarity cut at which we can say two topics are similar, so we construct several topic chains, varying the similarity cut and looking at the effect on the resulting topic chains. Figure 2 shows how the number of topic chains changes with similarity cut using JS divergence. We define the size of a topic chain to be the number of topics in that chain, and we count topic chains whose size is greater than one. We also experimented with various sizes of the sliding window. If we set the JS divergence cut to a large value, then all topic nodes would be disconnected, and the total number of topic chains of size greater than one would be 0. Conversely, if we set the JS divergence cut to 0, then all topic nodes would be connected, and the number of topic chains would be 1. As Figure 2 shows, the number of topic chains changes significantly at 0.4. To see the relationship between JS divergence values and the similarity of two topics in a qualitative way, we can look at pairs of topics and the JS divergence values. From the qualitative analysis and the analysis of the number of topic chains, we decided that 0.4 is an appropriate threshold of JS divergence for constructing topic chains. 07M 0W 34T 78.26 07M 0W 21T 86.41 07M 0W 33T 70.03 07M 1W 1T 130.4 07M 1W 4T 113.6 07M 1W 5T 102.9 07M 2W 7T 229.5 07M 2W 10T 184.2 07M 2W 30T 184.9 07M 0W 38T 75.02 08M 0W 14T 102.0 07M 0W 8T 108.5 07M 1W 9T 170.1 07M 1W 10T 174.5 07M 2W 4T 307.2 07M 2W 49T 291.1 08M 0W 1T 120.7 08M 1W 41T 138.8 07M 0W 27T 117.0 08M 2W 8T 261.1 09M 0W 35T 234.5 09M 1W 48T 172.4 09M 1W 8T 237.7 09M 2W 17T 187.6 10M 1W 35T 134.4 07M 0W 10T 112.0 07M 1W 46T 135.1 07M 2W 45T 235.2 08M 0W 21T 151.6 08M 0W 37T 114.5 10M 0W 20T 494.0 10M 2W 32T 353.4 11M 0W 29T 223.7 11M 1W 19T 279.5 07M 0W 48T 82.50 07M 1W 23T 124.6 07M 2W 9T 174.3 12M 0W 13T 227.9 12M 0W 26T 296.0 12M 1W 3T 214.1 12M 1W 42T 320.8 10M 2W 17T 299.6 12M 0W 8T 216.0 12M 1W 17T 204.9 11M 1W 45T 164.0 11M 2W 46T 167.5 11M 2W 21T 151.6 12M 0W 17T 162.1 12M 1W 29T 202.6 12M 2W 45T 177.6 12M 1W 1T 174.6 12M 2W 41T 255.8 12M 1W 48T 129.9 12M 2W 12T 166.6 07M 1W 34T 170.9 07M 0W 17T 60.64 08M 0W 29T 81.55 07M 0W 31T 93.05 07M 0W 6T 99.31 07M 1W 40T 116.0 07M 1W 41T 118.4 07M 2W 32T 161.0 07M 2W 13T 211.3 08M 0W 44T 111.0 08M 0W 17T 151.3 08M 0W 13T 137.7 08M 1W 48T 109.1 08M 1W 10T 150.4 08M 1W 40T 160.1 08M 1W 45T 110.5 08M 2W 14T 229.3 08M 2W 40T 141.4 08M 2W 30T 188.8 07M 1W 44T 145.6 07M 2W 15T 246.4 08M 2W 42T 209.3 09M 0W 0T 153.4 09M 0W 13T 197.9 09M 1W 42T 187.0 09M 2W 24T 221.6 07M 0W 21T 86.41 07M 0W 33T 70.03 07M 1W 4T 113.6 07M 1W 5T 102.9 07M 2W 10T 184.2 07M 2W 30T 184.9 12M 0W 6T 149.7 12M 0W 4T 141.9 12M 0W 10T 187.3 12M 1W 12T 181.6 12M 1W 16T 130.5 12M 1W 40T 209.7 12M 0W 28T 193.4 12M 1W 24T 193.7 12M 2W 8T 143.3 12M 2W 4T 216.4 01M 0W 13T 41.88 07M 0W 8T 108.5 07M 0W 27T 117.0 07M 1W 10T 174.5 07M 2W 3T 332.0 07M 0W 33T 70.03 09M 0W 7T 289.7 09M 1W 37T 337.3 10M 1W 3T 192.1 10M 2W 1T 348.6 10M 2W 13T 225.7 11M 0W 19T 257.8 11M 0W 9T 176.9 11M 0W 23T 211.4 11M 1W 19T 279.5 11M 1W 42T 362.0 11M 1W 41T 214.2 11M 1W 20T 220.0 12M 0W 1T 287.5 11M 2W 27T 205.5 12M 1W 6T 210.9 12M 1W 17T 204.9 11M 2W 39T 227.3 11M 2W 47T 341.4 12M 0W 13T 227.9 07M 1W 9T 170.1 07M 2W 4T 307.2 12M 0W 11T 143.8 08M 0W 32T 134.9 08M 0W 7T 121.9 08M 1W 25T 197.8 08M 1W 26T 101.4 08M 2W 41T 192.4 08M 0W 24T 185.5 08M 1W 27T 233.2 08M 2W 6T 312.3 09M 0W 30T 220.9 10M 1W 36T 206.6 10M 2W 22T 274.3 11M 0W 21T 158.6 08M 0W 26T 186.5 08M 1W 14T 255.7 08M 2W 25T 295.3 09M 0W 20T 261.8 09M 1W 27T 250.0 09M 2W 18T 356.0 10M 0W 24T 521.2 08M 0W 46T 113.7 08M 1W 47T 134.9 08M 1W 3T 105.6 08M 1W 31T 126.6 08M 1W 34T 141.3 08M 1W 4T 129.2 08M 1W 36T 239.4 08M 1W 38T 158.8 08M 2W 0T 170.3 08M 2W 2T 150.4 08M 2W 3T 154.6 08M 2W 11T 186.5 08M 2W 27T 177.4 08M 2W 33T 277.5 08M 2W 15T 204.5 09M 0W 22T 214.9 09M 0W 29T 224.4 08M 1W 1T 200.8 08M 2W 12T 152.2 08M 2W 46T 122.3 08M 2W 34T 198.2 08M 2W 45T 231.2 09M 0W 6T 159.3 09M 0W 26T 133.4 09M 0W 44T 184.3 09M 0W 41T 237.4 09M 1W 21T 138.6 09M 1W 49T 210.5 09M 1W 25T 199.3 09M 2W 6T 248.2 09M 2W 1T 175.0 09M 2W 14T 269.7 10M 0W 7T 359.8 10M 0W 10T 289.3 10M 0W 47T 287.4 09M 0W 36T 197.3 09M 0W 37T 164.8 09M 0W 18T 137.9 09M 0W 23T 146.5 09M 0W 31T 164.4 09M 0W 3T 195.5 09M 0W 15T 184.4 09M 1W 3T 255.7 09M 1W 18T 176.3 09M 1W 22T 143.6 09M 1W 24T 165.9 09M 1W 28T 180.1 09M 1W 34T 177.7 09M 1W 40T 189.2 09M 2W 9T 214.8 09M 2W 0T 200.3 09M 2W 26T 244.3 09M 2W 16T 154.6 09M 1W 26T 149.5 10M 0W 37T 379.5 10M 0W 36T 209.3 10M 1W 12T 106.2 11M 0W 28T 119.4 09M 2W 23T 254.6 10M 0W 32T 492.1 10M 1W 29T 135.9 10M 1W 16T 233.7 11M 0W 42T 140.3 11M 0W 14T 133.5 11M 1W 15T 140.7 09M 1W 4T 231.2 09M 1W 43T 156.4 09M 1W 44T 292.8 09M 1W 9T 241.1 09M 2W 35T 174.8 09M 2W 42T 155.5 09M 2W 45T 399.7 09M 2W 49T 276.3 12M 2W 25T 160.8 01M 0W 34T 61.04 11M 2W 12T 305.4 02M 1W 14T 219.1 01M 1W 2T 186.6 02M 2W 14T 177.1 01M 2W 48T 165.2 02M 0W 38T 145.3 09M 2W 32T 188.7 09M 2W 41T 252.2 09M 2W 44T 248.0 10M 0W 22T 370.1 10M 0W 26T 212.7 10M 0W 27T 393.7 10M 0W 28T 333.6 10M 1W 47T 254.5 10M 1W 41T 121.2 10M 0W 33T 239.3 10M 1W 28T 154.3 10M 0W 35T 305.0 10M 0W 2T 321.5 10M 0W 17T 379.9 10M 0W 30T 350.6 10M 1W 22T 196.9 10M 1W 38T 168.3 10M 1W 40T 186.6 10M 1W 44T 219.8 10M 2W 12T 213.4 10M 2W 0T 305.9 10M 2W 15T 183.2 10M 2W 34T 377.8 10M 2W 36T 238.1 11M 0W 2T 119.1 11M 0W 40T 205.7 10M 1W 2T 189.5 10M 1W 37T 262.5 10M 1W 20T 232.2 10M 1W 4T 162.1 10M 1W 13T 170.8 10M 2W 4T 183.0 10M 2W 10T 250.3 10M 2W 44T 227.4 10M 2W 41T 241.8 10M 2W 28T 220.4 11M 0W 35T 134.7 10M 2W 8T 220.7 10M 2W 20T 291.7 10M 2W 23T 274.6 10M 2W 35T 185.3 10M 2W 45T 162.8 11M 0W 4T 132.5 11M 0W 22T 293.6 11M 0W 26T 124.0 11M 0W 36T 217.2 11M 0W 49T 159.1 11M 1W 3T 194.6 11M 0W 47T 145.7 11M 0W 45T 123.1 11M 1W 1T 140.9 11M 1W 11T 185.0 11M 1W 35T 179.9 11M 0W 0T 176.8 11M 0W 48T 240.6 11M 1W 7T 208.1 11M 1W 28T 324.4 11M 2W 37T 179.4 11M 2W 11T 257.4 11M 2W 40T 159.4 12M 0W 3T 260.2 11M 0W 13T 164.2 11M 1W 22T 190.5 11M 1W 27T 201.7 11M 1W 40T 213.1 11M 2W 6T 164.8 11M 2W 17T 163.4 11M 1W 9T 291.3 11M 2W 24T 287.0 12M 0W 47T 211.0 11M 1W 18T 140.1 11M 1W 46T 169.0 12M 0W 31T 178.2 12M 1W 36T 200.0 11M 2W 13T 131.0 11M 2W 28T 142.7 12M 1W 43T 120.0 12M 2W 0T 202.6 11M 2W 5T 159.2 11M 1W 10T 268.9 11M 1W 12T 198.1 11M 1W 49T 273.2 11M 1W 13T 275.7 11M 1W 21T 231.4 11M 2W 30T 211.0 11M 2W 32T 236.6 11M 2W 34T 228.5 11M 2W 35T 228.7 11M 2W 43T 218.1 11M 2W 49T 204.5 12M 0W 29T 203.5 11M 2W 23T 173.9 12M 0W 7T 215.2 12M 0W 20T 226.8 12M 1W 49T 210.6 12M 1W 15T 162.7 12M 1W 44T 193.8 12M 2W 49T 152.4 12M 2W 17T 217.5 12M 2W 37T 231.9 11M 2W 10T 155.8 11M 2W 33T 145.1 11M 2W 19T 271.9 12M 0W 11T 143.8 12M 0W 25T 155.6 12M 0W 42T 233.2 12M 1W 18T 140.6 12M 0W 18T 143.1 12M 0W 27T 112.5 12M 0W 41T 191.6 12M 0W 15T 216.0 12M 0W 46T 159.3 12M 1W 10T 145.5 12M 1W 14T 142.5 12M 1W 20T 194.5 12M 1W 25T 231.2 12M 1W 27T 156.8 12M 2W 34T 154.0 12M 0W 40T 280.6 12M 0W 23T 179.7 12M 0W 9T 196.5 12M 1W 30T 264.8 12M 1W 31T 123.9 12M 1W 32T 177.3 12M 1W 33T 201.5 12M 2W 7T 170.9 12M 2W 16T 200.5 12M 2W 20T 307.0 12M 2W 13T 160.4 12M 0W 21T 204.2 01M 0W 9T 112.1 01M 0W 45T 78.13 12M 0W 30T 121.9 12M 0W 48T 308.4 12M 0W 24T 140.6 12M 1W 2T 143.0 12M 1W 7T 178.1 12M 1W 47T 112.1 12M 1W 0T 160.0 12M 1W 34T 149.4 12M 1W 41T 260.4 12M 1W 46T 169.1 12M 2W 21T 160.8 12M 2W 27T 155.3 12M 2W 39T 112.0 12M 2W 46T 122.8 12M 2W 48T 235.5 12M 2W 11T 198.3 12M 2W 33T 133.9 12M 2W 2T 126.6 01M 0W 38T 40.48 01M 0W 11T 102.4 01M 0W 16T 62.12 01M 0W 26T 72.61 01M 1W 3T 49.54 12M 2W 5T 132.3 12M 2W 30T 161.5 01M 0W 32T 65.18 01M 0W 42T 61.69 01M 2W 40T 204.8 01M 1W 7T 81.27 01M 1W 42T 81.03 02M 0W 33T 195.3 01M 0W 18T 56.21 01M 1W 5T 78.32 01M 1W 32T 154.5 01M 0W 37T 41.30 01M 0W 19T 108.6 01M 1W 14T 74.30 01M 1W 23T 178.5 01M 0W 23T 54.77 01M 1W 33T 101.3 01M 2W 47T 76.50 02M 1W 15T 145.5 01M 0W 39T 102.9 01M 1W 41T 115.6 01M 2W 32T 102.1 02M 0W 26T 74.02 01M 0W 49T 148.1 01M 0W 47T 58.68 01M 1W 45T 193.2 01M 1W 49T 89.76 01M 2W 5T 229.9 02M 0W 47T 96.71 02M 1W 23T 113.2 01M 1W 38T 148.0 01M 1W 18T 191.5 01M 2W 12T 191.8 01M 2W 14T 155.8 02M 0W 22T 160.6 02M 0W 37T 143.3 03M 0W 16T 149.4 03M 1W 43T 138.3 03M 0W 17T 151.0 03M 1W 37T 163.7 01M 1W 31T 61.66 01M 2W 36T 140.8 01M 1W 29T 141.6 01M 2W 26T 81.10 02M 0W 43T 73.85 02M 1W 33T 219.0 02M 1W 31T 162.9 02M 2W 23T 217.4 02M 2W 17T 149.3 03M 0W 15T 127.6 01M 1W 12T 160.7 01M 2W 10T 171.3 02M 0W 16T 146.1 02M 0W 18T 193.3 02M 1W 42T 170.4 02M 2W 4T 132.7 03M 0W 6T 150.7 02M 2W 10T 186.0 02M 2W 16T 197.0 03M 0W 7T 194.3 03M 1W 28T 190.5 01M 1W 46T 108.9 01M 1W 36T 113.2 01M 2W 30T 116.3 01M 2W 31T 120.7 01M 2W 41T 92.82 02M 0W 23T 138.4 02M 0W 15T 80.65 02M 1W 25T 204.5 02M 1W 22T 132.0 02M 2W 37T 159.7 02M 2W 18T 167.7 02M 2W 31T 126.1 03M 1W 41T 158.9 03M 1W 35T 211.2 03M 0W 14T 139.6 03M 0W 18T 164.4 01M 1W 11T 104.5 01M 1W 17T 106.1 01M 2W 44T 139.2 01M 2W 4T 224.8 03M 2W 38T 194.8 03M 2W 4T 179.7 03M 2W 11T 145.0 03M 2W 22T 176.0 03M 2W 45T 158.1 03M 2W 1T 170.3 04M 0W 27T 58.27 04M 0W 30T 83.01 04M 0W 15T 57.49 04M 0W 42T 66.10 04M 0W 16T 67.07 04M 0W 26T 63.00 02M 0W 30T 105.1 02M 0W 27T 55.77 02M 0W 46T 72.83 02M 1W 2T 114.1 02M 1W 5T 149.2 02M 1W 6T 139.9 02M 1W 8T 86.81 02M 1W 27T 165.7 02M 2W 38T 112.1 02M 0W 6T 66.62 02M 2W 30T 128.9 02M 2W 35T 120.3 02M 0W 19T 169.7 02M 0W 1T 110.2 02M 0W 48T 141.5 03M 0W 21T 163.8 03M 1W 17T 178.0 03M 0W 22T 194.9 03M 1W 44T 170.7 12M 1W 26T 142.9 12M 2W 15T 165.7 03M 2W 41T 214.7 03M 0W 19T 135.5 02M 1W 1T 160.9 02M 1W 26T 245.6 02M 1W 17T 144.7 02M 2W 2T 168.7 02M 2W 6T 259.8 02M 2W 7T 115.8 03M 0W 5T 176.5 03M 0W 9T 266.7 03M 0W 38T 132.6 03M 1W 19T 277.4 03M 1W 38T 268.1 03M 1W 36T 160.1 03M 1W 46T 159.9 03M 2W 23T 318.1 03M 2W 48T 148.6 04M 0W 28T 122.4 02M 1W 43T 127.3 02M 2W 9T 128.0 02M 1W 39T 160.9 02M 1W 7T 121.4 02M 1W 49T 146.8 02M 2W 15T 123.3 02M 2W 40T 171.6 02M 2W 28T 141.3 02M 2W 29T 130.1 03M 0W 26T 140.1 02M 1W 44T 163.6 03M 0W 30T 218.3 03M 1W 47T 199.9 03M 2W 35T 173.9 04M 0W 18T 120.3 03M 2W 27T 198.7 03M 2W 32T 191.6 04M 0W 23T 85.85 04M 0W 29T 84.74 02M 1W 32T 143.6 02M 1W 11T 155.2 02M 1W 46T 189.8 02M 1W 18T 201.6 02M 1W 28T 180.7 02M 1W 38T 167.6 02M 1W 35T 226.6 02M 2W 32T 156.0 02M 2W 34T 177.8 02M 2W 36T 154.0 02M 2W 39T 201.9 02M 2W 49T 214.4 02M 2W 43T 176.8 02M 2W 47T 132.0 02M 2W 48T 185.8 03M 0W 12T 155.4 03M 0W 2T 162.9 03M 0W 1T 201.3 03M 0W 37T 253.4 03M 0W 20T 206.5 03M 1W 39T 117.4 03M 1W 8T 254.4 02M 1W 0T 226.4 02M 2W 41T 113.7 02M 2W 25T 209.4 02M 2W 5T 138.1 03M 0W 23T 136.3 03M 0W 27T 246.7 03M 0W 34T 140.4 03M 1W 45T 163.1 03M 1W 3T 261.0 03M 1W 29T 239.6 03M 1W 10T 249.6 03M 2W 29T 143.0 03M 2W 31T 301.3 03M 2W 42T 241.8 03M 2W 33T 238.3 04M 0W 32T 63.06 02M 2W 33T 112.1 02M 2W 1T 117.0 03M 0W 31T 188.2 03M 0W 48T 184.6 03M 0W 46T 130.6 03M 0W 49T 93.48 03M 1W 11T 175.0 03M 1W 31T 228.3 03M 1W 40T 170.4 03M 1W 5T 128.0 03M 1W 22T 173.9 03M 2W 25T 188.0 03M 0W 40T 123.6 03M 1W 25T 124.2 03M 1W 7T 136.9 03M 1W 33T 201.0 03M 2W 6T 137.2 03M 2W 7T 145.0 03M 2W 19T 124.4 03M 1W 14T 194.6 03M 1W 1T 282.2 03M 2W 9T 183.9 03M 2W 24T 301.4 04M 0W 49T 83.59 04M 0W 7T 104.7 03M 0W 4T 220.8 03M 1W 6T 263.1 02M 0W 17T 83.46 02M 1W 20T 169.0 03M 2W 30T 231.6 02M 1W 48T 170.6 02M 2W 20T 129.4 04M 0W 46T 98.31 03M 0W 1T 201.3 03M 2W 37T 222.7 03M 2W 42T 241.8 02M 2W 49T 214.4 03M 1W 13T 156.6 08M 2W 14T 229.3 07M 2W 1T 198.0 08M 0W 4T 122.9 08M 1W 24T 128.4 08M 2W 48T 171.3 08M 2W 18T 153.0 09M 0W 4T 143.6 09M 1W 15T 136.2 11M 2W 25T 156.9 12M 0W 17T 162.1 11M 2W 9T 159.5 12M 0W 6T 149.7 12M 1W 1T 174.6 12M 1W 48T 129.9 12M 2W 12T 166.6 01M 0W 3T 51.24 01M 0W 28T 60.40 01M 0W 25T 51.30 11M 2W 46T 167.5 12M 0W 37T 138.9 12M 1W 12T 181.6 12M 2W 3T 144.4 11M 2W 21T 151.6 12M 1W 16T 130.5 08M 1W 48T 109.1 08M 2W 30T 188.8 11M 0W 34T 173.4 11M 2W 14T 235.5 12M 0W 2T 133.5 12M 0W 10T 187.3 12M 1W 21T 156.6 12M 2W 9T 121.6 11M 2W 7T 215.5 12M 1W 11T 151.7 07M 0W 8T 108.5 07M 0W 27T 117.0 07M 1W 10T 174.5 07M 1W 24T 226.3 07M 0W 4T 149.1 07M 2W 3T 332.0 07M 2W 25T 312.0 08M 0W 49T 210.2 07M 0W 10T 112.0 07M 0W 13T 95.21 07M 1W 36T 188.0 07M 1W 46T 135.1 09M 0W 7T 289.7 07M 2W 9T 174.3 07M 2W 0T 175.6 08M 0W 33T 114.3 08M 0W 40T 139.9 09M 1W 16T 241.8 10M 1W 3T 192.1 10M 2W 1T 348.6 10M 2W 13T 225.7 09M 2W 21T 224.5 11M 0W 46T 205.9 11M 0W 29T 223.7 11M 0W 19T 257.8 11M 1W 14T 257.4 11M 1W 42T 362.0 11M 1W 41T 214.2 11M 2W 47T 341.4 12M 0W 1T 287.5 11M 2W 27T 205.5 12M 0W 26T 296.0 12M 1W 3T 214.1 12M 1W 42T 320.8 12M 1W 6T 210.9 12M 1W 17T 204.9 09M 1W 13T 162.6 11M 1W 20T 220.0 11M 2W 15T 233.1 09M 2W 29T 201.0 12M 1W 29T 202.6 12M 2W 41T 255.8 01M 1W 38T 148.0 01M 2W 10T 171.3 09M 0W 2T 166.2 09M 1W 7T 186.5 09M 2W 36T 209.8 10M 0W 18T 243.6 10M 0W 42T 301.0 10M 1W 43T 163.0 10M 0W 9T 273.2 10M 2W 33T 225.6 10M 2W 39T 249.7 10M 1W 24T 167.2 07M 0W 29T 52.55 02M 2W 17T 149.3 03M 0W 18T 164.4 07M 1W 2T 180.1 07M 2W 20T 249.4 07M 2W 21T 234.8 08M 0W 3T 139.2 08M 1W 16T 166.0 07M 1W 22T 143.5 07M 1W 31T 225.6 07M 2W 22T 211.6 07M 2W 24T 338.7 08M 0W 8T 135.0 08M 1W 5T 139.8 07M 1W 14T 128.9 07M 1W 7T 147.2 07M 1W 30T 198.2 07M 2W 35T 178.8 07M 2W 40T 292.3 08M 1W 39T 136.7 08M 2W 44T 230.2 09M 0W 34T 219.3 08M 2W 43T 192.3 09M 1W 41T 137.8 09M 2W 44T 248.0 10M 0W 28T 333.6 07M 2W 31T 174.0 08M 0W 0T 120.9 08M 1W 2T 148.1 09M 0W 18T 137.9 09M 1W 22T 143.6 10M 1W 13T 170.8 10M 2W 45T 162.8 07M 1W 48T 173.7 07M 2W 38T 190.3 07M 1W 47T 162.4 07M 2W 48T 211.8 07M 2W 44T 267.8 08M 0W 9T 118.2 08M 0W 11T 157.8 08M 0W 25T 193.1 08M 0W 12T 114.5 08M 1W 0T 152.1 08M 0W 32T 134.9 07M 2W 23T 157.2 08M 0W 20T 153.4 08M 1W 3T 105.6 08M 1W 13T 92.15 08M 1W 25T 197.8 08M 2W 22T 247.0 08M 2W 2T 150.4 09M 0W 45T 155.5 08M 2W 41T 192.4 09M 0W 10T 201.9 09M 0W 30T 220.9 09M 1W 4T 231.2 09M 1W 10T 235.2 09M 2W 35T 174.8 09M 2W 47T 274.3 10M 1W 27T 132.3 08M 2W 7T 160.7 09M 1W 2T 215.2 10M 0W 34T 362.1 09M 1W 45T 187.1 09M 2W 12T 208.1 10M 1W 36T 206.6 10M 0W 6T 314.4 10M 2W 22T 274.3 10M 1W 6T 152.7 10M 1W 32T 152.9 10M 2W 16T 240.5 11M 0W 15T 150.5 07M 2W 46T 163.9 08M 1W 29T 180.8 08M 2W 28T 256.3 08M 1W 11T 155.4 09M 0W 17T 161.4 09M 1W 14T 179.8 09M 2W 20T 189.8 10M 0W 48T 258.6 10M 2W 42T 178.7 08M 0W 7T 121.9 12M 0W 22T 156.1 12M 0W 12T 188.7 12M 1W 9T 140.8 12M 2W 19T 175.6 09M 2W 14T 269.7 10M 0W 47T 287.4 08M 0W 46T 113.7 08M 1W 47T 134.9 08M 1W 36T 239.4 08M 1W 38T 158.8 08M 2W 0T 170.3 08M 2W 33T 277.5 08M 2W 15T 204.5 08M 1W 31T 126.6 08M 2W 3T 154.6 08M 1W 34T 141.3 09M 0W 23T 146.5 08M 1W 1T 200.8 08M 2W 11T 186.5 08M 2W 46T 122.3 09M 1W 43T 156.4 09M 0W 36T 197.3 09M 1W 3T 255.7 09M 2W 26T 244.3 10M 0W 37T 379.5 10M 0W 36T 209.3 10M 1W 12T 106.2 11M 0W 28T 119.4 11M 2W 43T 218.1 08M 2W 5T 255.6 09M 0W 37T 164.8 09M 0W 31T 164.4 09M 0W 3T 195.5 09M 1W 9T 241.1 09M 1W 18T 176.3 09M 1W 28T 180.1 09M 1W 34T 177.7 09M 2W 49T 276.3 09M 2W 9T 214.8 10M 1W 34T 239.0 10M 2W 41T 241.8 10M 1W 31T 155.1 11M 0W 36T 217.2 10M 2W 24T 167.4 11M 1W 13T 275.7 12M 0W 21T 204.2 09M 0W 44T 184.3 09M 1W 21T 138.6 09M 2W 16T 154.6 10M 0W 7T 359.8 10M 2W 30T 305.7 11M 1W 49T 273.2 08M 2W 34T 198.2 09M 0W 26T 133.4 09M 2W 42T 155.5 09M 2W 6T 248.2 10M 1W 20T 232.2 12M 1W 33T 201.5 09M 0W 6T 159.3 09M 0W 41T 237.4 09M 1W 49T 210.5 09M 2W 40T 281.5 10M 2W 23T 274.6 11M 2W 35T 228.7 08M 2W 12T 152.2 08M 2W 45T 231.2 09M 1W 24T 165.9 09M 0W 29T 224.4 09M 1W 25T 199.3 09M 2W 1T 175.0 10M 0W 10T 289.3 11M 1W 37T 330.5 11M 0W 14T 133.5 09M 0W 15T 184.4 10M 1W 2T 189.5 10M 2W 8T 220.7 09M 1W 44T 292.8 09M 2W 23T 254.6 09M 2W 11T 203.8 09M 2W 45T 399.7 11M 2W 37T 179.4 10M 1W 7T 227.8 09M 2W 3T 174.8 11M 2W 1T 111.2 12M 0W 38T 139.6 09M 2W 32T 188.7 09M 2W 41T 252.2 10M 0W 21T 346.7 10M 0W 26T 212.7 10M 0W 27T 393.7 10M 0W 33T 239.3 10M 1W 41T 121.2 10M 0W 30T 350.6 10M 1W 44T 219.8 10M 2W 36T 238.1 11M 0W 2T 119.1 11M 1W 29T 230.9 11M 0W 8T 137.5 09M 2W 43T 216.4 10M 1W 37T 262.5 10M 0W 14T 256.6 10M 2W 4T 183.0 10M 1W 45T 155.8 10M 2W 20T 291.7 10M 2W 44T 227.4 11M 0W 4T 132.5 11M 1W 9T 291.3 11M 0W 26T 124.0 11M 1W 1T 140.9 11M 2W 24T 287.0 11M 1W 18T 140.1 11M 1W 43T 205.1 12M 0W 36T 112.6 11M 2W 13T 131.0 11M 2W 5T 159.2 12M 1W 2T 143.0 12M 2W 21T 160.8 12M 0W 29T 203.5 10M 2W 10T 250.3 10M 2W 28T 220.4 11M 0W 35T 134.7 11M 0W 22T 293.6 11M 0W 49T 159.1 11M 1W 3T 194.6 11M 2W 19T 271.9 11M 1W 11T 185.0 11M 0W 48T 240.6 11M 1W 28T 324.4 12M 0W 3T 260.2 12M 1W 36T 200.0 12M 0W 31T 178.2 12M 2W 0T 202.6 12M 2W 17T 217.5 12M 1W 43T 120.0 12M 2W 5T 132.3 01M 0W 32T 65.18 11M 0W 13T 164.2 11M 1W 40T 213.1 12M 2W 6T 211.3 01M 0W 33T 93.41 12M 2W 23T 284.7 02M 2W 14T 177.1 12M 0W 41T 191.6 12M 0W 15T 216.0 12M 1W 14T 142.5 12M 1W 20T 194.5 12M 1W 25T 231.2 12M 0W 40T 280.6 12M 0W 23T 179.7 12M 0W 9T 196.5 12M 0W 48T 308.4 12M 1W 7T 178.1 12M 1W 0T 160.0 12M 1W 30T 264.8 12M 1W 31T 123.9 12M 1W 32T 177.3 12M 1W 41T 260.4 12M 2W 27T 155.3 12M 2W 46T 122.8 12M 2W 20T 307.0 12M 2W 7T 170.9 12M 2W 11T 198.3 12M 2W 33T 133.9 12M 2W 2T 126.6 01M 0W 38T 40.48 01M 0W 37T 41.30 01M 0W 19T 108.6 01M 0W 39T 102.9 01M 0W 11T 102.4 01M 0W 16T 62.12 01M 0W 26T 72.61 01M 1W 3T 49.54 01M 1W 14T 74.30 01M 1W 23T 178.5 01M 1W 41T 115.6 01M 1W 32T 154.5 01M 0W 9T 112.1 02M 0W 4T 70.51 01M 0W 49T 148.1 01M 1W 45T 193.2 01M 2W 5T 229.9 01M 2W 40T 204.8 02M 0W 18T 193.3 02M 0W 33T 195.3 01M 0W 47T 58.68 01M 1W 49T 89.76 01M 0W 6T 138.8 01M 1W 18T 191.5 01M 1W 12T 160.7 01M 2W 4T 224.8 01M 2W 12T 191.8 02M 0W 6T 66.62 02M 0W 19T 169.7 02M 0W 22T 160.6 02M 1W 2T 114.1 02M 2W 22T 274.0 02M 1W 33T 219.0 03M 1W 1T 282.2 02M 2W 23T 217.4 03M 2W 24T 301.4 03M 0W 7T 194.3 02M 2W 38T 112.1 03M 0W 21T 163.8 03M 1W 17T 178.0 04M 0W 7T 104.7 03M 2W 41T 214.7 01M 2W 14T 155.8 01M 1W 31T 61.66 01M 2W 36T 140.8 01M 2W 26T 81.10 02M 0W 37T 143.3 01M 1W 36T 113.2 01M 1W 11T 104.5 01M 2W 41T 92.82 02M 0W 43T 73.85 01M 1W 17T 106.1 01M 2W 44T 139.2 01M 1W 0T 148.3 02M 0W 48T 141.5 02M 0W 42T 155.1 02M 1W 5T 149.2 02M 0W 1T 110.2 02M 2W 30T 128.9 02M 1W 31T 162.9 02M 2W 10T 186.0 02M 2W 16T 197.0 02M 0W 27T 55.77 02M 0W 46T 72.83 02M 1W 1T 160.9 02M 1W 6T 139.9 02M 1W 8T 86.81 02M 1W 27T 165.7 02M 2W 2T 168.7 02M 2W 35T 120.3 02M 0W 30T 105.1 03M 0W 0T 114.2 02M 1W 17T 144.7 02M 2W 7T 115.8 03M 0W 38T 132.6 03M 0W 19T 135.5 03M 1W 36T 160.1 02M 2W 37T 159.7 03M 1W 46T 159.9 04M 0W 36T 70.01 03M 1W 41T 158.9 04M 0W 10T 72.98 03M 0W 14T 139.6 03M 1W 28T 190.5 04M 0W 45T 81.85 03M 2W 15T 178.4 03M 2W 48T 148.6 02M 1W 43T 127.3 02M 1W 39T 160.9 02M 1W 7T 121.4 02M 1W 49T 146.8 02M 2W 9T 128.0 02M 2W 15T 123.3 02M 2W 40T 171.6 02M 2W 28T 141.3 02M 2W 29T 130.1 03M 1W 2T 156.3 03M 0W 26T 140.1 02M 1W 44T 163.6 03M 0W 30T 218.3 03M 2W 39T 127.6 04M 0W 18T 120.3 03M 1W 47T 199.9 03M 1W 39T 117.4 03M 2W 27T 198.7 03M 2W 32T 191.6 04M 0W 23T 85.85 04M 0W 29T 84.74 02M 1W 32T 143.6 02M 1W 11T 155.2 02M 2W 32T 156.0 02M 2W 34T 177.8 03M 0W 12T 155.4 03M 0W 2T 162.9 03M 2W 18T 201.8 03M 1W 8T 254.4 04M 0W 47T 69.58 02M 1W 46T 189.8 02M 2W 36T 154.0 02M 1W 28T 180.7 02M 2W 43T 176.8 02M 1W 38T 167.6 02M 1W 35T 226.6 02M 2W 47T 132.0 02M 2W 48T 185.8 03M 2W 8T 162.5 04M 0W 12T 83.44 03M 2W 30T 231.6 04M 0W 46T 98.31 11M 1W 16T 197.9 11M 2W 48T 156.0 12M 1W 48T 129.9 01M 0W 3T 51.24 01M 0W 28T 60.40 01M 0W 25T 51.30 09M 1W 25T 199.3 09M 1W 0T 180.5 08M 0W 24T 185.5 08M 1W 14T 255.7 11M 0W 27T 123.2 11M 0W 41T 153.3 11M 0W 5T 199.6 10M 0W 24T 521.2 10M 1W 40T 186.6 10M 1W 17T 239.3 10M 2W 34T 377.8 11M 1W 45T 164.0 11M 2W 21T 151.6 12M 0W 4T 141.9 12M 1W 16T 130.5 01M 1W 5T 78.32 01M 2W 47T 76.50 11M 0W 24T 177.0 11M 1W 33T 199.1 11M 2W 46T 167.5 12M 2W 8T 143.3 12M 0W 43T 215.4 12M 1W 0T 160.0 12M 1W 38T 236.5 12M 2W 46T 122.8 12M 2W 6T 211.3 11M 2W 31T 163.9 11M 2W 12T 305.4 11M 2W 29T 231.4 12M 0W 34T 255.3 12M 0W 16T 215.6 12M 1W 13T 241.2 02M 0W 26T 74.02 02M 1W 15T 145.5 02M 0W 0T 44.09 03M 0W 1T 201.3 03M 0W 6T 150.7 03M 0W 15T 127.6 07M 2W 2T 206.2 08M 2W 12T 152.2 09M 1W 43T 156.4 09M 2W 42T 155.5 07M 0W 40T 61.41 07M 0W 15T 55.89 07M 1W 26T 83.50 07M 1W 29T 92.94 07M 2W 27T 151.0 07M 0W 25T 139.3 08M 1W 8T 199.9 08M 2W 49T 233.1 10M 1W 10T 197.3 10M 2W 5T 277.3 11M 2W 4T 115.2 12M 1W 47T 112.1 12M 2W 14T 132.7 11M 2W 8T 187.8 11M 1W 34T 154.3 11M 1W 0T 201.6 11M 2W 0T 178.7 12M 0W 2T 133.5 12M 0W 45T 178.9 02M 1W 23T 113.2 02M 2W 20T 129.4 02M 1W 26T 245.6 02M 0W 38T 145.3 02M 2W 6T 259.8 02M 1W 20T 169.0 03M 0W 9T 266.7 03M 0W 5T 176.5 12M 1W 21T 156.6 12M 1W 11T 151.7 12M 2W 9T 121.6 01M 0W 23T 54.77 01M 1W 46T 108.9 01M 1W 33T 101.3 01M 2W 31T 120.7 01M 2W 32T 102.1 02M 0W 15T 80.65 02M 0W 47T 96.71 02M 1W 22T 132.0 02M 2W 31T 126.1 03M 1W 22T 173.9 03M 0W 18T 164.4 03M 0W 16T 149.4 07M 0W 6T 99.31 07M 1W 41T 118.4 07M 0W 23T 162.2 07M 1W 44T 145.6 07M 2W 13T 211.3 07M 1W 33T 158.5 08M 0W 17T 151.3 07M 2W 41T 272.5 08M 1W 10T 150.4 08M 2W 36T 191.2 09M 0W 0T 153.4 09M 1W 11T 231.2 07M 2W 15T 246.4 08M 0W 13T 137.7 08M 1W 40T 160.1 09M 0W 12T 188.7 10M 0W 19T 493.3 07M 0W 24T 82.32 07M 1W 45T 207.9 07M 2W 18T 204.9 07M 2W 28T 298.5 08M 0W 31T 132.9 07M 1W 49T 129.9 07M 1W 18T 106.3 07M 2W 16T 130.1 08M 0W 5T 64.80 08M 1W 19T 148.8 07M 2W 29T 265.3 08M 2W 42T 209.3 09M 0W 13T 197.9 09M 1W 39T 187.9 09M 2W 24T 221.6 09M 2W 19T 186.1 10M 2W 43T 245.1 11M 0W 12T 220.0 11M 0W 34T 173.4 11M 1W 5T 220.7 11M 2W 7T 215.5 11M 2W 26T 133.0 12M 0W 28T 193.4 12M 2W 28T 144.8 12M 1W 24T 193.7 12M 2W 4T 216.4 12M 2W 10T 212.1 01M 0W 27T 69.58 01M 1W 37T 95.19 01M 2W 21T 105.3 07M 1W 0T 161.9 11M 2W 1T 111.2 11M 1W 12T 198.1 11M 2W 34T 228.5 12M 0W 38T 139.6 08M 0W 3T 139.2 08M 1W 5T 139.8 07M 2W 23T 157.2 09M 1W 22T 143.6 08M 1W 13T 92.15 10M 1W 11T 140.7 11M 0W 32T 164.6 10M 1W 1T 185.9 10M 2W 2T 303.4 07M 2W 20T 249.4 08M 1W 16T 166.0 09M 0W 18T 137.9 09M 2W 11T 203.8 10M 2W 40T 164.8 10M 1W 39T 202.9 07M 1W 35T 118.2 08M 2W 21T 167.5 10M 0W 0T 287.8 09M 1W 42T 187.0 07M 2W 19T 181.2 08M 0W 42T 132.5 08M 0W 23T 147.4 08M 1W 43T 168.0 10M 0W 5T 361.6 10M 2W 27T 220.3 11M 2W 44T 143.1 11M 2W 14T 235.5 07M 0W 31T 93.05 08M 2W 30T 188.8 09M 2W 48T 184.2 09M 2W 7T 251.0 10M 1W 42T 186.6 11M 1W 4T 265.9 12M 0W 10T 187.3 07M 2W 32T 161.0 08M 0W 44T 111.0 08M 1W 48T 109.1 09M 1W 31T 176.8 10M 0W 15T 306.0 11M 0W 43T 192.6 12M 1W 40T 209.7 01M 2W 48T 165.2 01M 2W 39T 60.95 02M 2W 4T 132.7 09M 2W 34T 186.6 11M 0W 25T 173.0 12M 2W 23T 284.7 07M 0W 17T 60.64 07M 1W 40T 116.0 08M 1W 24T 128.4 08M 2W 18T 153.0 09M 0W 4T 143.6 09M 1W 15T 136.2 10M 0W 4T 254.8 10M 1W 0T 129.0 10M 2W 26T 161.7 11M 0W 7T 135.2 01M 0W 46T 156.4 07M 0W 42T 102.3 07M 1W 34T 170.9 08M 0W 4T 122.9 08M 2W 48T 171.3 08M 2W 14T 229.3 09M 2W 31T 210.9 09M 2W 15T 286.8 10M 0W 38T 354.9 11M 0W 28T 119.4 12M 0W 32T 121.0 07M 2W 1T 198.0 07M 2W 34T 192.2 08M 1W 32T 141.8 08M 1W 44T 201.9 09M 0W 25T 185.3 09M 1W 12T 222.7 10M 1W 31T 155.1 10M 2W 24T 167.4 11M 1W 15T 140.7 12M 2W 39T 112.0 07M 1W 28T 134.0 08M 0W 38T 157.8 08M 2W 40T 141.4 09M 2W 16T 154.6 10M 0W 36T 209.3 12M 0W 14T 106.9 07M 1W 6T 175.8 07M 2W 14T 236.9 08M 0W 29T 81.55 08M 1W 45T 110.5 09M 1W 21T 138.6 07M 0W 3T 125.3 07M 1W 27T 171.6 07M 2W 39T 147.1 08M 2W 46T 122.3 09M 0W 26T 133.4 10M 1W 12T 106.2 11M 0W 14T 133.5 01M 1W 2T 186.6 01M 0W 13T 41.88 02M 1W 18T 201.6 02M 2W 39T 201.9 07M 1W 25T 183.8 09M 0W 6T 159.3 10M 0W 2T 321.5 11M 1W 37T 330.5 12M 1W 45T 169.9 01M 1W 22T 56.44 02M 1W 0T 226.4 03M 0W 37T 253.4 09M 1W 36T 205.1 09M 2W 18T 356.0 11M 0W 16T 255.5 11M 2W 9T 159.5 12M 1W 22T 140.9 01M 0W 18T 56.21 02M 2W 49T 214.4 08M 1W 42T 210.7 08M 2W 10T 220.6 09M 1W 27T 250.0 11M 1W 23T 243.9 11M 1W 17T 162.1 12M 0W 37T 138.9 12M 1W 12T 181.6 02M 1W 34T 190.7 08M 0W 10T 161.1 08M 2W 6T 312.3 09M 0W 20T 261.8 09M 2W 1T 175.0 10M 0W 10T 289.3 10M 2W 11T 380.6 10M 1W 30T 161.7 10M 2W 49T 241.0 11M 1W 32T 162.3 07M 0W 20T 90.48 07M 2W 8T 273.8 08M 1W 27T 233.2 08M 2W 25T 295.3 09M 2W 14T 269.7 10M 0W 47T 287.4 09M 2W 28T 186.6 10M 0W 29T 270.7 10M 1W 5T 140.6 10M 2W 6T 223.8 12M 0W 6T 149.7 12M 2W 3T 144.4 08M 1W 4T 129.2 08M 2W 27T 177.4 09M 0W 22T 214.9 08M 2W 4T 209.9 09M 0W 38T 201.6 10M 1W 9T 152.8 10M 2W 19T 207.9 11M 2W 25T 156.9 12M 0W 17T 162.1 12M 2W 12T 166.6 07M 2W 36T 251.9 08M 1W 9T 159.9 08M 2W 1T 226.8 09M 2W 13T 172.8 10M 0W 43T 253.7 09M 0W 45T 155.5 10M 0W 13T 226.5 10M 2W 25T 204.8 07M 1W 2T 180.1 07M 2W 21T 234.8 08M 0W 8T 135.0 04M 0W 32T 63.06 03M 0W 35T 230.6 03M 1W 38T 268.1 07M 1W 22T 143.5 07M 1W 31T 225.6 07M 1W 14T 128.9 07M 1W 7T 147.2 07M 1W 30T 198.2 07M 0W 2T 83.10 07M 1W 48T 173.7 07M 2W 38T 190.3 07M 1W 47T 162.4 07M 2W 48T 211.8 07M 0W 43T 146.0 07M 2W 24T 338.7 07M 2W 31T 174.0 07M 2W 35T 178.8 07M 2W 40T 292.3 07M 2W 43T 186.3 07M 2W 44T 267.8 08M 0W 9T 118.2 08M 0W 11T 157.8 08M 0W 25T 193.1 08M 0W 32T 134.9 08M 0W 0T 120.9 08M 2W 19T 184.4 09M 0W 44T 184.3 08M 1W 39T 136.7 08M 2W 43T 192.3 09M 0W 34T 219.3 09M 1W 41T 137.8 09M 2W 44T 248.0 10M 0W 28T 333.6 10M 1W 13T 170.8 10M 2W 45T 162.8 09M 0W 48T 147.1 09M 1W 14T 179.8 10M 0W 48T 258.6 08M 0W 28T 116.0 11M 1W 47T 166.5 11M 2W 42T 204.4 12M 0W 22T 156.1 12M 1W 9T 140.8 12M 2W 42T 161.9 08M 2W 41T 192.4 09M 0W 10T 201.9 09M 2W 41T 252.2 09M 2W 35T 174.8 09M 1W 2T 215.2 10M 0W 27T 393.7 10M 1W 27T 132.3 09M 1W 10T 235.2 09M 2W 47T 274.3 10M 0W 34T 362.1 10M 0W 25T 400.8 11M 1W 39T 188.5 10M 1W 36T 206.6 08M 0W 20T 153.4 08M 0W 7T 121.9 08M 1W 25T 197.8 08M 0W 26T 186.5 08M 1W 26T 101.4 08M 1W 36T 239.4 09M 0W 43T 246.4 08M 2W 33T 277.5 09M 2W 46T 309.9 08M 0W 46T 113.7 08M 1W 38T 158.8 08M 1W 47T 134.9 08M 2W 0T 170.3 08M 2W 15T 204.5 10M 1W 20T 232.2 10M 2W 23T 274.6 11M 2W 19T 271.9 12M 0W 42T 233.2 12M 2W 47T 189.8 09M 0W 23T 146.5 08M 1W 34T 141.3 08M 1W 1T 200.8 08M 0W 6T 110.5 08M 2W 11T 186.5 08M 2W 45T 231.2 09M 0W 24T 123.3 09M 0W 41T 237.4 09M 2W 6T 248.2 10M 2W 10T 250.3 10M 0W 7T 359.8 11M 0W 22T 293.6 11M 1W 49T 273.2 12M 0W 21T 204.2 12M 1W 33T 201.5 12M 2W 16T 200.5 08M 1W 31T 126.6 09M 1W 49T 210.5 09M 2W 40T 281.5 10M 1W 47T 254.5 08M 2W 3T 154.6 09M 1W 24T 165.9 09M 0W 29T 224.4 10M 0W 22T 370.1 11M 2W 35T 228.7 11M 0W 21T 158.6 12M 2W 11T 198.3 01M 0W 11T 102.4 12M 0W 48T 308.4 12M 1W 41T 260.4 09M 0W 36T 197.3 09M 0W 37T 164.8 09M 1W 3T 255.7 09M 1W 18T 176.3 09M 2W 26T 244.3 10M 0W 37T 379.5 10M 1W 34T 239.0 10M 2W 41T 241.8 09M 0W 31T 164.4 09M 0W 3T 195.5 10M 0W 30T 350.6 10M 0W 17T 379.9 09M 2W 9T 214.8 10M 1W 44T 219.8 10M 1W 4T 162.1 10M 2W 36T 238.1 10M 2W 35T 185.3 11M 1W 29T 230.9 09M 1W 34T 177.7 09M 2W 0T 200.3 09M 0W 15T 184.4 09M 1W 40T 189.2 10M 1W 19T 209.1 10M 1W 2T 189.5 10M 2W 8T 220.7 09M 1W 6T 198.3 09M 2W 23T 254.6 10M 1W 16T 233.7 11M 1W 7T 208.1 11M 1W 35T 179.9 11M 2W 37T 179.4 12M 1W 39T 222.8 01M 1W 28T 91.68 01M 2W 46T 88.06 02M 2W 24T 124.0 03M 0W 28T 150.0 09M 2W 3T 174.8 09M 2W 10T 203.8 10M 0W 12T 292.4 10M 1W 26T 144.2 11M 0W 8T 137.5 11M 1W 43T 205.1 11M 2W 5T 159.2 12M 0W 49T 196.9 12M 1W 26T 142.9 12M 2W 15T 165.7 09M 2W 30T 227.8 09M 2W 32T 188.7 10M 0W 33T 239.3 10M 0W 21T 346.7 10M 0W 26T 212.7 10M 1W 28T 154.3 10M 1W 41T 121.2 10M 2W 12T 213.4 09M 2W 43T 216.4 10M 0W 14T 256.6 10M 2W 4T 183.0 10M 2W 28T 220.4 11M 0W 35T 134.7 10M 1W 45T 155.8 10M 2W 44T 227.4 11M 0W 4T 132.5 11M 0W 49T 159.1 11M 1W 3T 194.6 11M 0W 26T 124.0 11M 1W 1T 140.9 11M 0W 2T 119.1 03M 0W 35T 230.6 11M 1W 28T 324.4 11M 1W 22T 190.5 11M 2W 6T 164.8 11M 2W 11T 257.4 11M 1W 27T 201.7 12M 0W 46T 159.3 12M 1W 27T 156.8 11M 2W 17T 163.4 11M 1W 10T 268.9 11M 2W 33T 145.1 11M 2W 32T 236.6 12M 0W 25T 155.6 12M 0W 20T 226.8 12M 0W 3T 260.2 12M 0W 47T 211.0 12M 1W 44T 193.8 12M 1W 36T 200.0 12M 2W 24T 199.7 12M 2W 37T 231.9 12M 0W 31T 178.2 12M 2W 0T 202.6 12M 1W 34T 149.4 12M 1W 43T 120.0 12M 2W 5T 132.3 01M 0W 32T 65.18 01M 1W 7T 81.27 03M 1W 2T 156.3 02M 1W 14T 219.1 11M 0W 48T 240.6 11M 1W 11T 185.0 11M 2W 40T 159.4 12M 0W 30T 121.9 11M 1W 18T 140.1 11M 2W 13T 131.0 01M 1W 4T 132.1 01M 2W 33T 115.3 02M 0W 41T 105.1 03M 0W 4T 220.8 02M 0W 17T 83.46 10M 0W 3T 312.6 12M 1W 15T 162.7 12M 2W 17T 217.5 02M 0W 33T 195.3 02M 2W 14T 177.1 02M 1W 48T 170.6 09M 2W 33T 193.6 10M 0W 1T 334.5 10M 2W 38T 215.0 11M 2W 30T 211.0 12M 0W 29T 203.5 12M 0W 7T 215.2 12M 1W 49T 210.6 01M 2W 1T 115.0 09M 0W 16T 148.5 11M 1W 9T 291.3 11M 1W 6T 282.0 11M 2W 3T 260.1 12M 1W 37T 264.3 02M 2W 9T 128.0 12M 2W 49T 152.4 02M 1W 4T 196.9 10M 1W 37T 262.5 10M 2W 20T 291.7 11M 2W 24T 287.0 11M 0W 38T 230.9 11M 2W 22T 251.3 12M 0W 35T 227.4 12M 1W 5T 225.1 12M 2W 31T 242.1 01M 0W 33T 93.41 11M 2W 20T 160.5 02M 2W 13T 164.8 09M 1W 44T 292.8 09M 2W 45T 399.7 10M 1W 7T 227.8 10M 2W 7T 364.5 11M 0W 31T 243.0 11M 1W 26T 297.6 12M 0W 0T 248.8 01M 2W 40T 204.8 12M 2W 25T 160.8 02M 0W 29T 97.04 08M 2W 23T 139.6 09M 2W 27T 134.2 10M 0W 32T 492.1 11M 0W 0T 176.8 11M 0W 47T 145.7 11M 2W 49T 204.5 11M 1W 13T 275.7 11M 2W 43T 218.1 11M 0W 36T 217.2 09M 1W 28T 180.1 11M 1W 21T 231.4 10M 2W 30T 305.7 01M 1W 32T 154.5 11M 2W 23T 173.9 12M 0W 12T 188.7 12M 1W 35T 146.9 09M 1W 4T 231.2 10M 2W 22T 274.3 01M 0W 34T 61.04 02M 2W 17T 149.3 03M 0W 29T 210.0 07M 1W 21T 146.4 08M 1W 23T 127.3 08M 2W 2T 150.4 08M 2W 28T 256.3 09M 0W 30T 220.9 11M 0W 13T 164.2 11M 1W 40T 213.1 12M 2W 19T 175.6 08M 1W 0T 152.1 08M 1W 3T 105.6 08M 2W 22T 247.0 09M 2W 49T 276.3 10M 0W 6T 314.4 11M 0W 11T 151.4 12M 1W 2T 143.0 08M 1W 29T 180.8 07M 2W 46T 163.9 09M 1W 9T 241.1 08M 2W 7T 160.7 09M 0W 17T 161.4 10M 1W 32T 152.9 10M 2W 16T 240.5 11M 0W 15T 150.5 02M 1W 42T 170.4 03M 0W 17T 151.0 08M 2W 5T 255.6 08M 0W 12T 114.5 08M 1W 11T 155.4 09M 1W 45T 187.1 09M 2W 12T 208.1 10M 1W 6T 152.7 10M 2W 42T 178.7 12M 2W 21T 160.8 11M 2W 38T 142.2 09M 2W 20T 189.8 12M 0W 36T 112.6 02M 0W 9T 64.04 02M 1W 43T 127.3 01M 1W 29T 141.6 01M 2W 30T 116.3 02M 0W 23T 138.4 02M 1W 25T 204.5 02M 2W 18T 167.7 03M 0W 22T 194.9 12M 0W 18T 143.1 12M 0W 27T 112.5 12M 0W 41T 191.6 12M 0W 15T 216.0 12M 1W 10T 145.5 12M 1W 14T 142.5 12M 1W 20T 194.5 12M 1W 25T 231.2 12M 2W 34T 154.0 12M 0W 40T 280.6 12M 0W 23T 179.7 12M 0W 9T 196.5 12M 1W 7T 178.1 12M 2W 33T 133.9 12M 2W 2T 126.6 12M 1W 30T 264.8 12M 1W 31T 123.9 12M 1W 32T 177.3 12M 2W 27T 155.3 01M 0W 16T 62.12 01M 0W 26T 72.61 12M 2W 20T 307.0 01M 0W 9T 112.1 12M 2W 7T 170.9 01M 0W 38T 40.48 01M 1W 3T 49.54 01M 0W 37T 41.30 01M 0W 19T 108.6 01M 0W 39T 102.9 02M 0W 27T 55.77 01M 1W 14T 74.30 01M 1W 23T 178.5 01M 1W 41T 115.6 02M 1W 8T 86.81 02M 0W 4T 70.51 03M 0W 0T 114.2 01M 0W 49T 148.1 01M 1W 45T 193.2 01M 2W 5T 229.9 02M 0W 18T 193.3 01M 0W 47T 58.68 01M 1W 49T 89.76 01M 0W 6T 138.8 01M 1W 18T 191.5 01M 1W 12T 160.7 01M 2W 4T 224.8 01M 2W 12T 191.8 02M 0W 6T 66.62 02M 0W 19T 169.7 02M 0W 22T 160.6 02M 1W 2T 114.1 02M 2W 22T 274.0 02M 1W 33T 219.0 02M 2W 38T 112.1 03M 1W 1T 282.2 02M 2W 23T 217.4 03M 0W 21T 163.8 01M 2W 14T 155.8 01M 1W 31T 61.66 01M 2W 36T 140.8 02M 0W 37T 143.3 03M 0W 7T 194.3 01M 2W 26T 81.10 01M 1W 36T 113.2 01M 2W 41T 92.82 02M 0W 43T 73.85 02M 2W 16T 197.0 03M 0W 14T 139.6 01M 1W 11T 104.5 01M 1W 17T 106.1 01M 2W 44T 139.2 02M 0W 1T 110.2 02M 1W 31T 162.9 02M 2W 10T 186.0 01M 0W 24T 87.48 01M 1W 0T 148.3 02M 0W 30T 105.1 02M 0W 42T 155.1 02M 1W 6T 139.9 02M 2W 35T 120.3 02M 2W 37T 159.7 03M 0W 19T 135.5 02M 0W 48T 141.5 01M 1W 10T 78.12 02M 0W 46T 72.83 02M 1W 1T 160.9 02M 1W 5T 149.2 02M 1W 16T 133.7 02M 1W 27T 165.7 02M 2W 2T 168.7 02M 2W 30T 128.9 02M 1W 17T 144.7 02M 1W 44T 163.6 02M 1W 39T 160.9 02M 2W 7T 115.8 02M 2W 15T 123.3 02M 2W 40T 171.6 03M 0W 38T 132.6 03M 0W 26T 140.1 03M 0W 30T 218.3 02M 1W 7T 121.4 02M 2W 28T 141.3 03M 1W 32T 113.2 02M 1W 37T 207.7 03M 0W 45T 224.7 03M 2W 29T 143.0 04M 0W 41T 90.92 03M 2W 35T 173.9 07M 2W 22T 211.6 08M 2W 34T 198.2 08M 1W 2T 148.1 08M 2W 44T 230.2 09M 1W 5T 215.2 11M 1W 25T 182.4 02M 2W 5T 138.1 03M 0W 34T 140.4 03M 1W 45T 163.1 03M 2W 40T 176.8 03M 1W 6T 263.1 02M 2W 6T 259.8 03M 0W 9T 266.7 02M 2W 25T 209.4 03M 0W 27T 246.7 03M 1W 4T 200.4 03M 1W 10T 249.6 03M 2W 33T 238.3 03M 1W 13T 156.6 03M 1W 48T 247.6 03M 2W 28T 220.6 02M 2W 41T 113.7 03M 0W 23T 136.3 03M 0W 20T 206.5 03M 2W 3T 177.6 04M 0W 24T 83.73 03M 2W 38T 194.8 04M 0W 27T 58.27 03M 0W 4T 220.8 02M 1W 26T 245.6 02M 2W 20T 129.4 03M 1W 19T 277.4 03M 2W 23T 318.1 04M 0W 28T 122.4 12M 0W 27T 112.5 12M 1W 10T 145.5 02M 1W 14T 219.1 01M 1W 2T 186.6 02M 0W 38T 145.3 02M 1W 20T 169.0 03M 0W 5T 176.5 02M 1W 48T 170.6 02M 2W 24T 124.0 03M 0W 28T 150.0 12M 0W 18T 143.1 12M 2W 34T 154.0 03M 1W 35T 211.2 02M 0W 41T 105.1 01M 0W 46T 156.4 01M 2W 48T 165.2 01M 1W 28T 91.68 01M 2W 46T 88.06 02M 0W 17T 83.46 11M 2W 33T 145.1 12M 0W 25T 155.6 12M 2W 13T 160.4 01M 0W 45T 78.13 04M 0W 30T 83.01 12M 2W 25T 160.8 11M 2W 10T 155.8 12M 0W 11T 143.8 12M 1W 18T 140.6 12M 1W 44T 193.8 12M 2W 37T 231.9 03M 2W 4T 179.7 01M 2W 33T 115.3 01M 0W 34T 61.04 11M 1W 10T 268.9 11M 2W 32T 236.6 12M 0W 20T 226.8 01M 1W 29T 141.6 02M 0W 23T 138.4 02M 1W 25T 204.5 02M 2W 18T 167.7 03M 0W 22T 194.9 01M 1W 4T 132.1 12M 1W 13T 241.2 02M 1W 4T 196.9 11M 2W 17T 163.4 12M 1W 27T 156.8 12M 2W 24T 199.7 01M 2W 30T 116.3 11M 2W 12T 305.4 12M 0W 34T 255.3 02M 2W 13T 164.8 11M 1W 27T 201.7 12M 0W 46T 159.3 12M 0W 47T 211.0 01M 1W 7T 81.27 02M 0W 9T 64.04 11M 2W 29T 231.4 12M 0W 16T 215.6 03M 0W 29T 210.0 11M 1W 22T 190.5 11M 2W 6T 164.8 11M 2W 11T 257.4 12M 0W 42T 233.2 11M 2W 40T 159.4 12M 1W 15T 162.7 12M 1W 34T 149.4 12M 1W 26T 142.9 12M 2W 15T 165.7 11M 2W 30T 211.0 12M 0W 30T 121.9 12M 0W 49T 196.9 12M 2W 31T 242.1 12M 2W 39T 112.0 10M 0W 17T 379.9 10M 1W 28T 154.3 10M 2W 12T 213.4 10M 2W 38T 215.0 11M 1W 25T 182.4 11M 1W 6T 282.0 11M 2W 3T 260.1 12M 1W 37T 264.3 09M 2W 30T 227.8 10M 1W 26T 144.2 10M 2W 25T 204.8 11M 0W 32T 164.6 11M 0W 38T 230.9 11M 2W 22T 251.3 12M 0W 35T 227.4 12M 1W 5T 225.1 12M 1W 47T 112.1 09M 2W 10T 203.8 10M 0W 12T 292.4 10M 0W 13T 226.5 10M 2W 40T 164.8 10M 2W 7T 364.5 11M 0W 31T 243.0 11M 1W 26T 297.6 12M 0W 0T 248.8 10M 0W 3T 312.6 10M 1W 11T 140.7 10M 1W 16T 233.7 11M 1W 7T 208.1 11M 1W 35T 179.9 09M 2W 33T 193.6 10M 0W 0T 287.8 10M 0W 32T 492.1 11M 0W 0T 176.8 11M 0W 47T 145.7 12M 1W 39T 222.8 11M 2W 4T 115.2 12M 0W 14T 106.9 09M 1W 6T 198.3 09M 1W 40T 189.2 09M 2W 0T 200.3 10M 1W 4T 162.1 10M 2W 35T 185.3 11M 1W 21T 231.4 11M 2W 49T 204.5 11M 1W 15T 140.7 12M 2W 47T 189.8 12M 2W 16T 200.5 11M 2W 31T 163.9 12M 1W 45T 169.9 12M 1W 35T 146.9 12M 2W 42T 161.9 12M 2W 10T 212.1 08M 2W 27T 177.4 09M 0W 22T 214.9 09M 1W 27T 250.0 10M 1W 17T 239.3 10M 2W 11T 380.6 11M 0W 16T 255.5 12M 1W 38T 236.5 01M 2W 21T 105.3 08M 1W 4T 129.2 08M 2W 25T 295.3 09M 0W 20T 261.8 09M 2W 18T 356.0 10M 0W 24T 521.2 11M 1W 23T 243.9 12M 0W 43T 215.4 01M 0W 27T 69.58 08M 1W 14T 255.7 08M 2W 6T 312.3 10M 1W 47T 254.5 12M 0W 7T 215.2 12M 1W 49T 210.6 12M 2W 49T 152.4 01M 2W 1T 115.0 08M 0W 26T 186.5 08M 1W 27T 233.2 10M 0W 22T 370.1 11M 0W 21T 158.6 11M 2W 23T 173.9 11M 1W 39T 188.5 11M 2W 20T 160.5 11M 2W 26T 133.0 08M 0W 24T 185.5 08M 1W 26T 101.4 09M 0W 43T 246.4 09M 2W 46T 309.9 10M 0W 25T 400.8 11M 0W 11T 151.4 11M 1W 47T 166.5 11M 2W 42T 204.4 02M 0W 29T 97.04 03M 0W 17T 151.0 07M 0W 2T 83.10 07M 2W 43T 186.3 08M 0W 28T 116.0 09M 0W 48T 147.1 03M 2W 1T 170.3 07M 0W 12T 131.0 07M 1W 16T 197.1 07M 2W 5T 197.8 08M 0W 35T 86.74 08M 2W 26T 135.8 09M 0W 39T 110.4 09M 1W 33T 145.7 11M 0W 44T 161.3 11M 1W 30T 184.0 12M 1W 1T 174.6 12M 2W 45T 177.6 07M 0W 11T 74.81 07M 1W 12T 136.8 07M 2W 26T 138.5 08M 0W 19T 85.82 08M 1W 37T 120.5 02M 0W 39T 77.89 02M 2W 45T 174.4 07M 1W 0T 161.9 07M 2W 19T 181.2 08M 0W 42T 132.5 08M 2W 21T 167.5 03M 1W 44T 170.7 04M 0W 26T 63.00 07M 0W 22T 62.42 07M 1W 38T 103.9 10M 1W 49T 123.9 10M 2W 46T 177.9 11M 0W 30T 148.1 11M 2W 45T 166.5 12M 0W 39T 179.3 12M 2W 29T 237.6 02M 0W 16T 146.1 09M 0W 47T 136.8 11M 0W 23T 211.4 11M 2W 16T 229.3 12M 0W 8T 216.0 08M 2W 9T 182.6 09M 0W 8T 151.8 09M 1W 46T 161.0 10M 1W 8T 185.0 10M 2W 48T 367.8 10M 2W 17T 299.6 11M 0W 9T 176.9 11M 1W 19T 279.5 12M 0W 13T 227.9 08M 1W 6T 154.7 08M 2W 31T 187.9 09M 2W 22T 232.6 10M 0W 40T 352.1 10M 0W 39T 295.3 11M 2W 39T 227.3 01M 0W 48T 140.2 08M 1W 21T 148.1 08M 2W 16T 217.5 09M 0W 46T 212.7 10M 1W 23T 283.6 01M 1W 44T 85.36 07M 1W 11T 138.5 07M 2W 17T 237.1 08M 0W 45T 129.5 08M 2W 20T 233.3 09M 0W 14T 212.1 09M 1W 29T 229.5 09M 2W 25T 313.3 10M 0W 44T 464.8 01M 2W 13T 88.71 07M 0W 48T 82.50 07M 2W 45T 235.2 08M 0W 37T 114.5 08M 1W 12T 166.7 08M 2W 38T 304.9 09M 1W 37T 337.3 07M 1W 23T 124.6 07M 2W 47T 244.0 08M 0W 21T 151.6 08M 1W 35T 269.2 09M 0W 32T 316.7 09M 1W 8T 237.7 01M 0W 30T 85.10 12M 2W 4T 216.4 01M 1W 37T 95.19 02M 1W 42T 170.4 02M 2W 31T 126.1 07M 1W 35T 118.2 08M 0W 5T 64.80 12M 1W 24T 193.7 01M 1W 33T 101.3 02M 0W 47T 96.71 02M 1W 22T 132.0 07M 1W 18T 106.3 07M 2W 16T 130.1 11M 1W 12T 198.1 11M 2W 34T 228.5 12M 0W 28T 193.4 01M 0W 23T 54.77 01M 2W 32T 102.1 02M 0W 15T 80.65 07M 0W 24T 82.32 07M 1W 49T 129.9 07M 2W 29T 265.3 08M 0W 23T 147.4 10M 0W 5T 361.6 12M 0W 45T 178.9 12M 2W 28T 144.8 01M 2W 31T 120.7 07M 0W 23T 162.2 07M 1W 45T 207.9 07M 2W 28T 298.5 09M 1W 5T 215.2 09M 1W 39T 187.9 09M 2W 19T 186.1 10M 2W 43T 245.1 11M 1W 5T 220.7 04M 0W 22T 84.62 09M 0W 35T 234.5 12M 2W 38T 208.2 08M 1W 43T 168.0 08M 2W 42T 209.3 10M 1W 1T 185.9 10M 2W 2T 303.4 12M 1W 40T 209.7 07M 2W 18T 204.9 08M 0W 31T 132.9 09M 0W 13T 197.9 09M 1W 42T 187.0 09M 2W 24T 221.6 10M 1W 39T 202.9 01M 1W 46T 108.9 03M 2W 22T 176.0 04M 0W 42T 66.10 07M 2W 15T 246.4 08M 0W 13T 137.7 08M 1W 40T 160.1 09M 0W 12T 188.7 09M 1W 11T 231.2 11M 0W 12T 220.0 02M 1W 23T 113.2 03M 2W 45T 158.1 08M 2W 36T 191.2 11M 1W 0T 201.6 11M 2W 0T 178.7 01M 0W 13T 41.88 03M 0W 16T 149.4 07M 1W 44T 145.6 07M 1W 33T 158.5 07M 2W 41T 272.5 08M 1W 10T 150.4 11M 0W 25T 173.0 01M 1W 22T 56.44 03M 1W 37T 163.7 07M 0W 6T 99.31 07M 1W 41T 118.4 10M 2W 27T 220.3 01M 2W 39T 60.95 02M 0W 0T 44.09 03M 0W 15T 127.6 03M 1W 43T 138.3 07M 0W 31T 93.05 07M 2W 13T 211.3 08M 0W 17T 151.3 09M 0W 0T 153.4 10M 1W 42T 186.6 12M 2W 8T 143.3 01M 1W 5T 78.32 07M 0W 17T 60.64 07M 1W 40T 116.0 07M 2W 32T 161.0 08M 0W 44T 111.0 10M 0W 15T 306.0 10M 1W 0T 129.0 11M 2W 8T 187.8 12M 0W 4T 141.9 12M 1W 22T 140.9 01M 0W 18T 56.21 07M 0W 42T 102.3 07M 1W 34T 170.9 08M 1W 45T 110.5 08M 2W 40T 141.4 09M 2W 7T 251.0 10M 0W 4T 254.8 11M 0W 7T 135.2 11M 1W 34T 154.3 12M 2W 45T 177.6 07M 0W 15T 55.89 07M 1W 29T 92.94 07M 2W 39T 147.1 08M 0W 29T 81.55 09M 1W 31T 176.8 09M 2W 34T 186.6 10M 2W 26T 161.7 11M 2W 44T 143.1 04M 0W 16T 67.07 10M 2W 32T 353.4 02M 1W 32T 143.6 07M 1W 28T 134.0 07M 2W 34T 192.2 08M 1W 32T 141.8 08M 1W 44T 201.9 09M 2W 31T 210.9 11M 1W 4T 265.9 10M 2W 5T 277.3 02M 2W 4T 132.7 10M 1W 33T 258.7 02M 2W 32T 156.0 07M 0W 3T 125.3 07M 1W 6T 175.8 08M 1W 8T 199.9 08M 2W 49T 233.1 09M 0W 25T 185.3 10M 1W 10T 197.3 11M 0W 43T 192.6 11M 1W 45T 164.0 10M 2W 49T 241.0 03M 2W 11T 145.0 09M 2W 38T 362.8 03M 0W 12T 155.4 07M 0W 25T 139.3 07M 1W 27T 171.6 07M 2W 14T 236.9 08M 0W 38T 157.8 09M 1W 12T 222.7 09M 2W 15T 286.8 10M 1W 30T 161.7 10M 0W 38T 354.9 11M 0W 24T 177.0 11M 2W 48T 156.0 10M 1W 5T 140.6 10M 2W 6T 223.8 03M 0W 6T 150.7 10M 0W 20T 494.0 01M 2W 6T 100.5 07M 2W 27T 151.0 11M 0W 5T 199.6 11M 1W 33T 199.1 02M 1W 15T 145.5 09M 2W 5T 267.0 12M 2W 48T 235.5 07M 1W 26T 83.50 07M 2W 2T 206.2 10M 0W 2T 321.5 10M 1W 40T 186.6 10M 2W 34T 377.8 11M 0W 41T 153.3 04M 0W 15T 57.49 08M 2W 8T 261.1 12M 1W 46T 169.1 07M 0W 40T 61.41 07M 1W 25T 183.8 08M 2W 10T 220.6 09M 1W 36T 205.1 09M 1W 0T 180.5 09M 2W 28T 186.6 10M 0W 29T 270.7 02M 0W 26T 74.02 10M 1W 18T 233.7 12M 0W 24T 140.6 08M 0W 10T 161.1 08M 1W 42T 210.7 08M 2W 4T 209.9 09M 0W 38T 201.6 11M 1W 17T 162.1 02M 1W 18T 201.6 10M 2W 18T 297.2 11M 1W 46T 169.0 07M 0W 20T 90.48 07M 2W 8T 273.8 07M 2W 36T 251.9 08M 1W 9T 159.9 08M 2W 1T 226.8 10M 1W 9T 152.8 10M 2W 19T 207.9 02M 2W 39T 201.9 10M 0W 23T 395.3 01M 1W 42T 81.03 07M 0W 12T 131.0 07M 1W 16T 197.1 07M 2W 5T 197.8 11M 1W 32T 162.3 11M 2W 45T 166.5 10M 1W 49T 123.9 01M 2W 47T 76.50 02M 1W 0T 226.4 03M 1W 29T 239.6 07M 2W 49T 291.1 12M 2W 30T 161.5 07M 0W 11T 74.81 07M 1W 12T 136.8 11M 0W 27T 123.2 11M 1W 16T 197.9 11M 2W 15T 233.1 10M 1W 24T 167.2 01M 2W 10T 171.3 03M 0W 37T 253.4 03M 1W 3T 261.0 03M 2W 31T 301.3 10M 2W 15T 183.2 01M 0W 42T 61.69 07M 0W 22T 62.42 08M 0W 35T 86.74 09M 1W 33T 145.7 09M 2W 13T 172.8 10M 0W 43T 253.7 10M 2W 46T 177.9 11M 0W 44T 161.3 11M 1W 30T 184.0 02M 1W 49T 146.8 02M 1W 11T 155.2 02M 1W 46T 189.8 02M 2W 29T 130.1 02M 2W 34T 177.8 02M 2W 36T 154.0 03M 2W 34T 161.4 03M 0W 2T 162.9 02M 2W 33T 112.1 02M 1W 24T 171.1 03M 0W 46T 130.6 03M 0W 48T 184.6 03M 1W 40T 170.4 03M 1W 31T 228.3 03M 1W 22T 173.9 03M 2W 25T 188.0 02M 2W 1T 117.0 02M 2W 8T 109.5 03M 0W 31T 188.2 02M 2W 3T 140.1 03M 0W 49T 93.48 03M 1W 0T 132.1 03M 1W 11T 175.0 03M 1W 21T 185.9 03M 1W 5T 128.0 03M 1W 34T 208.4 03M 1W 2T 156.3 03M 2W 26T 155.3 03M 2W 39T 127.6 03M 1W 4T 200.4 03M 1W 32T 113.2 03M 1W 42T 219.4 03M 2W 2T 183.0 03M 2W 3T 177.6 03M 2W 17T 192.1 03M 2W 18T 201.8 03M 2W 40T 176.8 03M 2W 43T 134.0 03M 2W 47T 227.7 04M 0W 11T 100.7 04M 0W 24T 83.73 04M 0W 39T 82.15 04M 0W 47T 69.58 04M 0W 41T 90.92 W # # A A A 03M 2W 5T 124.5 04M 0W 10T 72.98 01M 1W 4T 132.1 01M 0W 46T 156.4 01M 1W 28T 91.68 09M 2W 46T 309.9 10M 0W 21T 346.7 11M 0W 8T 137.5 11M 1W 43T 205.1 12M 0W 49T 196.9 01M 0W 33T 93.41 12M 0W 34T 255.3 01M 2W 46T 88.06 09M 2W 30T 227.8 10M 1W 26T 144.2 11M 2W 1T 111.2 02M 0W 41T 105.1 12M 2W 28T 144.8 09M 2W 10T 203.8 10M 0W 12T 292.4 10M 2W 38T 215.0 11M 1W 25T 182.4 12M 0W 38T 139.6 01M 2W 33T 115.3 12M 2W 23T 284.7 12M 2W 9T 121.6 09M 2W 3T 174.8 10M 0W 3T 312.6 10M 2W 25T 204.8 11M 0W 32T 164.6 11M 1W 6T 282.0 11M 2W 3T 260.1 12M 0W 35T 227.4 12M 2W 31T 242.1 12M 1W 13T 241.2 12M 2W 6T 211.3 12M 2W 42T 161.9 09M 2W 33T 193.6 10M 0W 0T 287.8 10M 1W 11T 140.7 10M 2W 40T 164.8 11M 0W 38T 230.9 11M 1W 26T 297.6 11M 2W 22T 251.3 12M 1W 5T 225.1 12M 0W 14T 106.9 11M 2W 29T 231.4 12M 0W 16T 215.6 12M 1W 38T 236.5 12M 1W 9T 140.8 09M 2W 11T 203.8 10M 1W 7T 227.8 10M 2W 7T 364.5 11M 0W 31T 243.0 12M 0W 0T 248.8 11M 2W 4T 115.2 11M 1W 37T 330.5 09M 1W 6T 198.3 09M 2W 2T 159.5 10M 0W 41T 273.6 10M 2W 29T 184.8 10M 1W 31T 155.1 10M 2W 24T 167.4 10M 1W 17T 239.3 10M 2W 11T 380.6 11M 0W 16T 255.5 11M 1W 23T 243.9 11M 2W 31T 163.9 12M 0W 43T 215.4 12M 2W 19T 175.6 04M 0W 38T 94.99 11M 0W 45T 123.1 11M 2W 28T 142.7 08M 1W 37T 120.5 08M 2W 26T 135.8 09M 0W 39T 110.4 09M 1W 7T 186.5 11M 0W 30T 148.1 12M 1W 29T 202.6 12M 2W 41T 255.8 01M 1W 38T 148.0 07M 1W 38T 103.9 07M 2W 26T 138.5 09M 0W 2T 166.2 09M 2W 36T 209.8 10M 0W 42T 301.0 10M 0W 9T 273.2 10M 2W 39T 249.7 03M 1W 23T 216.7 10M 2W 0T 305.9 10M 1W 38T 168.3 09M 1W 13T 162.6 10M 1W 43T 163.0 03M 2W 21T 221.9 11M 0W 40T 205.7 10M 1W 22T 196.9 08M 0W 20T 153.4 08M 1W 29T 180.8 08M 2W 22T 247.0 09M 1W 10T 235.2 09M 2W 47T 274.3 10M 0W 25T 400.8 12M 2W 10T 212.1 10M 2W 33T 225.6 12M 0W 39T 179.3 12M 2W 29T 237.6 02M 0W 16T 146.1 02M 2W 45T 174.4 08M 0W 43T 163.3 10M 0W 35T 305.0 11M 2W 16T 229.3 12M 0W 8T 216.0 12M 1W 42T 320.8 01M 0W 48T 140.2 09M 0W 47T 136.8 10M 0W 18T 243.6 10M 2W 17T 299.6 08M 0W 19T 85.82 08M 1W 6T 154.7 08M 2W 9T 182.6 09M 0W 8T 151.8 09M 1W 46T 161.0 09M 2W 29T 201.0 10M 1W 8T 185.0 10M 2W 48T 367.8 03M 0W 42T 198.9 08M 1W 28T 196.5 09M 0W 33T 165.3 10M 0W 39T 295.3 12M 0W 26T 296.0 12M 1W 3T 214.1 12M 2W 38T 208.2 08M 0W 1T 120.7 12M 1W 18T 140.6 07M 2W 0T 175.6 08M 0W 40T 139.9 10M 0W 40T 352.1 11M 0W 29T 223.7 11M 1W 14T 257.4 12M 2W 48T 235.5 07M 0W 29T 52.55 07M 1W 11T 138.5 07M 2W 9T 174.3 08M 0W 33T 114.3 08M 1W 21T 148.1 08M 2W 31T 187.9 09M 2W 22T 232.6 09M 2W 21T 224.5 10M 2W 32T 353.4 11M 0W 46T 205.9 12M 0W 24T 140.6 08M 1W 7T 159.2 12M 2W 13T 160.4 07M 0W 48T 82.50 07M 1W 23T 124.6 07M 2W 17T 237.1 08M 0W 45T 129.5 09M 1W 16T 241.8 10M 1W 23T 283.6 10M 2W 18T 297.2 11M 1W 46T 169.0 08M 2W 39T 136.8 01M 0W 45T 78.13 07M 0W 13T 95.21 07M 1W 46T 135.1 07M 2W 45T 235.2 08M 0W 37T 114.5 08M 2W 16T 217.5 09M 0W 46T 212.7 09M 1W 29T 229.5 09M 2W 25T 313.3 10M 0W 44T 464.8 10M 1W 33T 258.7 10M 1W 18T 233.7 11M 0W 45T 123.1 09M 1W 48T 172.4 10M 1W 35T 134.4 09M 1W 2T 215.2 01M 1W 37T 95.19 07M 2W 47T 244.0 08M 2W 20T 233.3 09M 0W 14T 212.1 09M 2W 38T 362.8 10M 0W 20T 494.0 10M 2W 15T 183.2 09M 2W 17T 187.6 10M 0W 46T 207.7 11M 2W 10T 155.8 09M 0W 10T 201.9 01M 0W 27T 69.58 08M 0W 21T 151.6 08M 1W 12T 166.7 08M 2W 38T 304.9 09M 0W 32T 316.7 09M 2W 5T 267.0 10M 0W 23T 395.3 10M 1W 38T 168.3 10M 2W 0T 305.9 11M 0W 40T 205.7 07M 0W 38T 75.02 07M 1W 5T 102.9 07M 2W 30T 184.9 09M 2W 2T 159.5 10M 0W 41T 273.6 07M 0W 10T 112.0 07M 1W 36T 188.0 08M 1W 35T 269.2 08M 2W 8T 261.1 09M 1W 8T 237.7 07M 2W 25T 312.0 08M 0W 49T 210.2 08M 1W 28T 196.5 09M 0W 35T 234.5 07M 0W 4T 149.1 07M 1W 24T 226.3 07M 2W 49T 291.1 08M 0W 43T 163.3 10M 0W 35T 305.0 10M 1W 22T 196.9 01M 1W 44T 85.36 10M 1W 29T 135.9 08M 0W 12T 114.5 10M 0W 6T 314.4 11M 0W 11T 151.4 11M 1W 39T 188.5 11M 2W 20T 160.5 12M 0W 12T 188.7 12M 1W 35T 146.9 03M 2W 8T 162.5 01M 2W 13T 88.71 10M 2W 29T 184.8 08M 2W 28T 256.3 08M 2W 7T 160.7 10M 1W 32T 152.9 10M 2W 16T 240.5 11M 1W 0T 201.6 04M 0W 12T 83.44 02M 0W 39T 77.89 09M 1W 26T 149.5 08M 1W 0T 152.1 08M 1W 11T 155.4 09M 0W 17T 161.4 09M 1W 45T 187.1 09M 2W 12T 208.1 11M 2W 0T 178.7 12M 1W 11T 151.7 02M 2W 24T 124.0 02M 1W 34T 190.7 07M 1W 4T 113.6 08M 0W 28T 116.0 09M 2W 7T 251.0 11M 0W 25T 173.0 12M 0W 45T 178.9 03M 0W 28T 150.0 01M 0W 30T 85.10 08M 1W 41T 138.8 08M 0W 25T 193.1 08M 2W 10T 220.6 09M 1W 31T 176.8 10M 1W 42T 186.6 10M 2W 27T 220.3 01M 2W 1T 115.0 07M 1W 9T 170.1 08M 2W 29T 151.6 07M 2W 43T 186.3 08M 0W 10T 161.1 08M 1W 42T 210.7 08M 2W 48T 171.3 10M 0W 15T 306.0 02M 1W 4T 196.9 04M 0W 17T 119.5 07M 2W 10T 184.2 07M 2W 38T 190.3 09M 0W 4T 143.6 09M 2W 34T 186.6 04M 0W 22T 84.62 07M 2W 4T 307.2 08M 0W 14T 102.0 07M 2W 1T 198.0 09M 1W 15T 136.2 12M 0W 2T 133.5 12M 1W 21T 156.6 02M 2W 13T 164.8 08M 1W 7T 159.2 07M 0W 21T 86.41 07M 2W 48T 211.8 08M 0W 9T 118.2 08M 1W 32T 141.8 08M 2W 18T 153.0 10M 0W 4T 254.8 11M 0W 7T 135.2 11M 1W 34T 154.3 11M 2W 44T 143.1 03M 0W 29T 210.0 12M 1W 46T 169.1 11M 0W 42T 140.3 07M 2W 8T 273.8 08M 0W 4T 122.9 08M 1W 24T 128.4 10M 1W 0T 129.0 10M 2W 26T 161.7 03M 1W 48T 247.6 01M 1W 42T 81.03 09M 0W 40T 154.6 07M 1W 48T 173.7 07M 2W 44T 267.8 10M 1W 6T 152.7 11M 0W 15T 150.5 11M 1W 47T 166.5 11M 2W 42T 204.4 12M 0W 22T 156.1 03M 2W 28T 220.6 12M 2W 30T 161.5 07M 1W 1T 130.4 07M 1W 33T 158.5 07M 2W 41T 272.5 09M 2W 20T 189.8 02M 0W 29T 97.04 01M 0W 42T 61.69 07M 2W 7T 229.5 07M 1W 30T 198.2 07M 2W 40T 292.3 09M 1W 14T 179.8 10M 0W 48T 258.6 10M 2W 42T 178.7 02M 0W 0T 44.09 11M 2W 28T 142.7 07M 0W 34T 78.26 07M 1W 7T 147.2 07M 2W 35T 178.8 08M 0W 0T 120.9 08M 1W 39T 136.7 08M 2W 43T 192.3 09M 0W 48T 147.1 01M 1W 22T 56.44 09M 1W 48T 172.4 10M 1W 35T 134.4 07M 1W 14T 128.9 07M 2W 31T 174.0 08M 1W 2T 148.1 09M 1W 5T 215.2 01M 2W 39T 60.95 04M 0W 38T 94.99 09M 2W 17T 187.6 10M 0W 46T 207.7 11M 0W 42T 140.3 07M 1W 31T 225.6 07M 2W 24T 338.7 08M 0W 8T 135.0 08M 2W 44T 230.2 09M 0W 34T 219.3 01M 1W 44T 85.36 09M 0W 33T 165.3 09M 2W 2T 159.5 10M 0W 41T 273.6 10M 1W 29T 135.9 10M 2W 29T 184.8 07M 1W 22T 143.5 07M 2W 22T 211.6 08M 1W 5T 139.8 01M 2W 13T 88.71 08M 2W 39T 136.8 09M 1W 26T 149.5 07M 1W 2T 180.1 07M 2W 21T 234.8 08M 0W 3T 139.2 03M 1W 23T 216.7 08M 0W 1T 120.7 08M 1W 41T 138.8 08M 2W 29T 151.6 07M 1W 0T 161.9 07M 2W 20T 249.4 08M 1W 16T 166.0 08M 2W 21T 167.5 03M 2W 21T 221.9 07M 0W 38T 75.02 08M 0W 14T 102.0 09M 0W 40T 154.6 07M 1W 35T 118.2 07M 2W 19T 181.2 08M 0W 42T 132.5 11M 2W 26T 133.0 02M 0W 39T 77.89 02M 2W 45T 174.4 07M 1W 1T 130.4 07M 1W 18T 106.3 07M 2W 16T 130.1 10M 2W 2T 303.4 11M 0W 12T 220.0 11M 2W 7T 215.5 03M 0W 42T 198.9 07M 2W 7T 229.5 07M 0W 24T 82.32 07M 1W 49T 129.9 07M 2W 29T 265.3 08M 0W 23T 147.4 10M 1W 39T 202.9 11M 1W 5T 220.7 11M 2W 14T 235.5 02M 1W 34T 190.7 04M 0W 17T 119.5 07M 0W 34T 78.26 07M 0W 23T 162.2 07M 1W 45T 207.9 07M 2W 28T 298.5 09M 1W 39T 187.9 09M 2W 19T 186.1 10M 0W 5T 361.6 10M 1W 1T 185.9 10M 2W 43T 245.1 11M 0W 34T 173.4 11M 1W 4T 265.9 12M 1W 22T 140.9 01M 0W 25T 51.30 07M 2W 18T 204.9 08M 0W 31T 132.9 08M 1W 43T 168.0 08M 2W 36T 191.2 10M 2W 5T 277.3 11M 0W 43T 192.6 11M 2W 8T 187.8 12M 0W 37T 138.9 12M 2W 3T 144.4 07M 0W 42T 102.3 07M 1W 29T 92.94 07M 2W 39T 147.1 08M 1W 44T 201.9 09M 1W 12T 222.7 09M 2W 15T 286.8 10M 1W 10T 197.3 11M 0W 24T 177.0 11M 1W 33T 199.1 11M 2W 25T 156.9 01M 0W 28T 60.40 07M 0W 15T 55.89 07M 1W 28T 134.0 07M 2W 34T 192.2 08M 1W 8T 199.9 08M 2W 49T 233.1 10M 0W 38T 354.9 11M 0W 5T 199.6 11M 1W 16T 197.9 11M 2W 9T 159.5 12M 2W 29T 237.6 07M 0W 3T 125.3 07M 1W 6T 175.8 07M 2W 14T 236.9 08M 0W 38T 157.8 10M 1W 30T 161.7 10M 2W 49T 241.0 11M 0W 41T 153.3 11M 1W 17T 162.1 01M 0W 48T 140.2 07M 1W 27T 171.6 07M 2W 27T 151.0 09M 0W 25T 185.3 10M 1W 5T 140.6 10M 2W 6T 223.8 11M 0W 44T 161.3 11M 1W 32T 162.3 11M 2W 48T 156.0 12M 2W 38T 208.2 07M 0W 25T 139.3 07M 1W 26T 83.50 07M 2W 2T 206.2 09M 1W 0T 180.5 09M 2W 28T 186.6 10M 0W 29T 270.7 10M 1W 49T 123.9 10M 2W 46T 177.9 11M 1W 30T 184.0 11M 2W 45T 166.5 01M 0W 30T 85.10 07M 0W 40T 61.41 07M 1W 25T 183.8 08M 2W 4T 209.9 09M 0W 38T 201.6 10M 1W 9T 152.8 10M 2W 19T 207.9 11M 0W 27T 123.2 07M 0W 20T 90.48 07M 2W 36T 251.9 08M 1W 9T 159.9 09M 1W 33T 145.7 09M 2W 13T 172.8 10M 0W 43T 253.7 10M 1W 24T 167.2 11M 0W 30T 148.1 07M 0W 12T 131.0 07M 1W 16T 197.1 07M 2W 5T 197.8 08M 0W 35T 86.74 08M 2W 1T 226.8 09M 0W 39T 110.4 09M 1W 7T 186.5 07M 0W 11T 74.81 07M 1W 12T 136.8 08M 0W 19T 85.82 08M 1W 37T 120.5 08M 2W 26T 135.8 09M 0W 2T 166.2 10M 0W 42T 301.0 10M 2W 33T 225.6 11M 1W 20T 220.0 11M 2W 15T 233.1 12M 0W 39T 179.3 12M 1W 6T 210.9 07M 0W 22T 62.42 07M 2W 26T 138.5 08M 1W 6T 154.7 08M 2W 9T 182.6 10M 2W 39T 249.7 11M 0W 23T 211.4 11M 2W 16T 229.3 09M 2W 36T 209.8 10M 0W 18T 243.6 10M 1W 43T 163.0 10M 2W 48T 367.8 11M 0W 9T 176.9 11M 1W 41T 214.2 11M 2W 27T 205.5 07M 1W 38T 103.9 07M 2W 0T 175.6 08M 0W 40T 139.9 09M 1W 13T 162.6 09M 2W 29T 201.0 10M 1W 8T 185.0 10M 2W 13T 225.7 07M 0W 29T 52.55 07M 1W 11T 138.5 08M 0W 45T 129.5 09M 0W 47T 136.8 09M 1W 46T 161.0 09M 2W 22T 232.6 10M 0W 40T 352.1 10M 1W 3T 192.1 10M 2W 1T 348.6 07M 2W 17T 237.1 09M 0W 8T 151.8 09M 1W 29T 229.5 09M 2W 21T 224.5 10M 0W 39T 295.3 10M 1W 23T 283.6 11M 0W 19T 257.8 11M 1W 42T 362.0 11M 2W 47T 341.4 08M 2W 31T 187.9 09M 0W 14T 212.1 09M 1W 16T 241.8 10M 1W 33T 258.7 11M 1W 14T 257.4 11M 2W 39T 227.3 08M 1W 21T 148.1 08M 2W 20T 233.3 09M 0W 46T 212.7 09M 2W 25T 313.3 10M 0W 44T 464.8 10M 1W 18T 233.7 10M 2W 18T 297.2 11M 0W 46T 205.9 08M 0W 33T 114.3 08M 1W 12T 166.7 08M 2W 16T 217.5 09M 0W 7T 289.7 09M 1W 37T 337.3 09M 2W 38T 362.8 10M 0W 23T 395.3 07M 0W 13T 95.21 07M 1W 36T 188.0 07M 2W 47T 244.0 08M 1W 35T 269.2 08M 2W 38T 304.9 09M 0W 32T 316.7 09M 2W 5T 267.0 10M 0W 46T 207.7 07M 2W 25T 312.0 08M 0W 49T 210.2 08M 1W 28T 196.5 08M 2W 39T 136.8 09M 0W 33T 165.3 07M 0W 4T 149.1 07M 1W 24T 226.3 07M 2W 3T 332.0 08M 0W 43T 163.3 08M 1W 7T 159.2 08M 2W 29T 151.6 09M 0W 40T 154.6 04M 0W 5T 88.05 03M 0W 40T 123.6 03M 1W 25T 124.2 03M 1W 7T 136.9 03M 1W 33T 201.0 03M 2W 6T 137.2 03M 2W 7T 145.0 03M 2W 19T 124.4 w N C C D W 03M 1W 14T 194.6 03M 0W 11T 139.1 03M 1W 34T 208.4 03M 1W 32T 113.2 03M 1W 42T 219.4 03M 0W 13T 134.7 03M 1W 12T 260.8 03M 2W 2T 183.0 03M 2W 17T 192.1 03M 2W 9T 183.9 03M 2W 16T 172.0 03M 2W 26T 155.3 03M 2W 43T 134.0 03M 2W 47T 227.7 03M 2W 49T 194.1 04M 0W 9T 119.8 04M 0W 11T 100.7 04M 0W 39T 82.15 04M 0W 49T 83.59 03M 2W 5T 124.5 W # # A A A w N C C D W W # # A A A w N C C D W W # # A A A w N C C D W W # # A A A w N C C D W W # # A A A w N C C D W 02M 1W 28T F g 3 S x sets o top c cha ns constructed w th s d ng w ndows o s zes one to s x For each set o top c cha ns every top c cha n starts at the same vert ca pos t on W th n each top c cha n top cs are tempora y ordered the o dest (first) top c at the top and go ng down to the most recent top c at the bottom The number o nodes nd cates the tota number o top cs that are connected w th one or more s m ar top cs B ue nodes are those that be ong to the argest top c cha n n the ast set o top c cha ns constructed w th the s d ng w ndow o s ze s x B ue nodes start out n the first set o top c cha ns as sma top c cha ns and they agg omerate as the s ze o s d ng w ndow ncreases The u -s ze figure s ava ab e at http //u ab ka st ac kr/research/top ccha n/ Sliding Window Size The s ze of the s d ng w ndow s a so an mportant factor for construct ng the top c cha ns If we use a s d ng w ndow of s ze one t means that we on y cons der the prev ous t me s ce to find the s m ar top cs for the top cs of the current t me s ce However th s Markov assumpt on s not genera y he pfu as s m ar top cs can appear over non-consecut ve t me s ces so proper cons derat on of the s d ng t me w ndow s needed to capture these top c trends We vary the s ze of the s d ng w ndow from one to s x and observe the changes n the resu t ng top c cha ns F gure 3 shows the top c cha ns of s ze greater than one for the var ous w ndow s zes w th the r descr pt ve stat st cs F rst the number of nodes nd cates the tota number of top cs that be ong n top c cha ns Th s number exc udes s ng eton top cs and shows how many top cs v” ú™ョ・ û3 m . ¹ケ 8 7ュ タ* . ú™ョ・ O=ニ V û3 タ* )· µ ~。 。é v d@ µ* タ* û O ”. チm ョ ソ4 タ* û3 ) ャ V ! ̨ʼ ッ Ñ}K アフ OP 3イ ö ú ùP # レィ öÊレィ sR fý アフ 3イ | | V" z5 。é O=ニ 3ã 5 ノs K アフ ™ィ タm Ó| タ? ヤ̀z ョË ö ィ タV ÛI mィ Zc fý 08M 2P 25T company, business, market, manufacturing, production J チm íù4 z $ oK アí : Chian, Europe, automobile, Russia, EU, FTA, 5 zョ R- ョケ4 ヲc ョケ hÏ î ケ automobile, Europe, Hyundai Motors, KIA Motors, German i Motors, customer, oil 。 6|4 l i ミÈ 4 │̶ s タ* û3 d@ µ î ¥( ョË mケ z?4 d@ タ* ミ4 3X Ë34 ョî P íù customer, representative, Toyota, Hyundai Motors, Japan Fig. 4. Detecting focus shifts using difference of a word probability along the topic chain. Each rectangle represents a topic node, and contains top probability words. Edges connect two similar topics within a sliding window of size six, and the words next to the edge are the named entities whose probabilities are changed the most between two topics. xxM yyP zzT represent month, period, and topic number, respectively. Ö ^7 V l. Ÿs Aù @ :ö OP 'Ô ùP O, Jí U£& ù­ヤ ・ョ) = Ë 3 z& *̅ ・ )· タ* fý X ? ゚ミ4 íù ゚ミ íù4 $ |e 'Ô ùP OP O, ïG fý タ? V? O, 'Ô µ Pユ ニ„ J }ù $ $ J O=ニ z zシ:P ョO 5( . 3 Ôョ *m 3 J Zc Ÿs OP ùP 'Ô O, 6.2 ミ@ Jí タ? シ? (|@イ|4 . ィ @ 3î| ・ Focus Shifts When we construct topic chains, we find that there are long topic chains and short or singleton topic chains. Long topic chains tend to cover very general topics such as politics, economy, and sports, and we call them long-term topics. 4̅ *̅ 'Ô v” }v lf タ* ソ4 )· û3 d@ & U£& Zc ゚ミ4 &m ゚ミ =ケ =ケ4 @ öP 4 >* =4= ィ< íù 。é öÊレィ s 4Ï 4̅ *̅ |4 'Ô :ö out of 1,400 total, are matched with one or more similar topics within the time window. The number of nodes increases at a faster rate from window size one to four and at a slower rate from window size four to six, and through that, we can see that similar topics do not necessarily appear in consecutive time slices. Other graph characteristics also change with the size of the sliding window as shown in Figure 3. The total number of topic chains decreases as we increase the window size. This means many of the distributed small topic chains merge as the size of the sliding window increases. This is further evidenced by increases of both the average chain size and the average chain depth. The width of topic chain is the maximum number of topics of the same time slice in that chain. Unlike other increasing characteristics, the average width of the topic chain remains stable throughout the size of the sliding window. This is expected because topics of the same time slice represent different aspects of mainstream news. Figure 3 illustrates how similar topics agglomerate as we vary the size of the sliding window. We painted in blue nodes of the largest topic chain at a sliding window of size six. We also painted the same nodes at the other sizes of the sliding window. At the window size of one, there are fourteen separate topic chains painted in blue. These chains join together to form larger chains as we increase the size of the sliding window. 'Ô ùP Ôョ ž4 Šj4 3O| û シ@ タ* )· タ* û3 ソ4 d@ 4̅ |4 'Ô *Ì ̅ 。é =4= アí V" エŽ öィ ィ< ú 'Ô 4̅ |4 エ™ uタ |4 <= 4̅ öP 'Ô 3 ョ uタ メu 'Ô ミ 3O| V l. Samsung Electronics, LG, Europe, Samsung, mobile phone 0 . v öP 4̅ *̅ 'Ô ンツ z? íù 3î 09M 0P 22T market, sales, automobile, product, company oil, solar, patent, energy, Samsung ソ4 タ* û3 ) Šj4 Xî タ? Oil, carbon dioxide, Posco, natural ga 07M 2P 36T technology, develop, environment, energy, produce 08M 2P 27T automobile, production, energy, sales, market 09M 0P 20T company, industry, technology, field, recruitmen , Chian, business hÏ ̲ battery, KIA Motors, Hyundai Motors, Electronic car, gasoline solar, automobile, Toyota, hydrogen, GM Daewoo % green, Busan, robot, solar, employee =ケ jù íù z? íù4 ョX V l. zョ automobile, hybrid, Hyundai Motors, Japan, T ùP öP 'Ô |4 s 08M 1P 4T automobile, vehicle, electric power, electricity,model Samsung electornics, LG, patent, Samsung, China │ íù ̇ë $ タ* û3 ソ4 07M 0P 12T green, industry, develop, technology, fi 07M 1P 16T develop, technology, automobile, investment, industry Posco, Qualcomm, black, shipbuilding, california 08M 1P 14T company, business, corporation, firm, technology V l. ィ< ö 。 5O h­*ù z5 h " green, solar, Japan, energy, carbon ョî ョX| $H ョX û @ 07M 0P 11T automobile, Vietnam, KIA Motors, vehicle, sales T . ョË )· タ* ソ4 û3 d@ Jí V l. 6|4 V" X? Zc Interpreting Long-Term Topic Chains Looking at a long-term chain is like looking at a section of the newspaper. Many of the long-term topic chains could be labelled as “politics”, “business”, or “sports”, and the topics in those chains reflect a wide variety of subjects within those general news categories. There are also long-term topics, such as H1N1, which are more specific news items but last for a long time. Our topic chains contain more helpful information for interpreting these long-term topics. For example, you can look at the “H1N1” topic chain and read off when the topic first emerged and when it disappeared. You can also see that the topic evolved from talking about “swine flu”, to “travel”, to “vaccinations” and “deaths”. Named Entities in Topic Evolution Looking at the topic chains, where each node is shown with the top probability words for each individual topic, we can see the general evolution of the topic chain, but it is difficult to interpret the evolution to see what happened. This is because the words that represent the individual topics may be too general and occur in many topics throughout the topic chain. For example, words like season, home run, game, and coach are always top probability words in a topic chain about baseball. Those frequently occurring top words tell us what the general topic trend is, but it may be more interesting to see how the focus shifts for each topic within the chain. To identify the words that can help to understand the focus of the topic chain at each time slice, we hypothesized that the words tagged as named entities– people, places and organizations–would be good discriminating words of the different focuses within the topic chain. We illustrate these named entities with the most changes in probabilities in Figure 4. Each rectangle represents a topic with the top five probability words. An edge connects two similar topics, and the words next to the edge are the named entities that change the most between the two topics. For example, topics 1 and 3 are both about the automobile industry, but the named entities green, solar, Japan, and energy, show that the focus is on green energy for topic 3. We can indeed find a related news article from the time period of topic 3 with the headline “Toyota makes eco-friendly solar car”. Also we can see the evolution of the topic from 2 to 3. Topic 2 represents the general green (environmental-friendly) industry. By incorporating the focus words automobile, hybrid, Hyndai Motors, and Toyota this topic evolves into the topic of environmental-friendly automobiles, topic 3. From topic 3 to 4, the electric car and its battery problems received attention from news, and from 4 to 5, other alternative sources of energy, solar and hydrogen became the focus. 6.3 Short Topic Chains and Singleton Topics We discussed long topic chains in the previous section, but short topic chains– chains of two or three topics, or singleton topics–are important for two reasons. First, most of the short topic chains are about temporary issues. If a topic lasts over a long period of time, it would become part of a long topic chain. That means singleton topics and short topic chains are likely to be about temporary Table 2. Examples of single node topic chains. First to sixth topics are temporary issues. First issue refers to the missile launch from North Korea, second issue is related to the death of Michael Jackson, fifth issue is related to the romance of Korean top actor and actress, and sixth issue is talking about Arbor Day on April 5. These are typical cases of temporary issues. However, the last example is not a coherent topic. 0P 0P 0P 2P 0P 0P 0P Date 07M 2009Y 07M 2009Y 10M 2009Y 12M 2009Y 01M 2010Y 04M 2010Y 02M 2010Y Topic North Korea, missile, launch, range, UN Security Council, ship, navy, East sea, ballistic missile Jackson, family, funeral, cherish the memory of, Michael Jackson, son, LA, publish, report, death melamine, dry milk, region, environment, investigation, food, pollution, mercury, produce flight, airport, passenger, airplane, search, terror, time, security, explosion, aircraft Hyesoo Kim, actor, 2010, ski, Haejin Ryu, once, 4, soul, colleague, lover tree, recover, park, culture, movement, development, environment, ecology, forest, designation Obama, Republicans, Jeju island, game, Jeju, golf, White house, Woods, gamers, budget issues, and we can see that is true for the examples of singleton topics and short chains listed in Table 2. Topics such as the death of Michael Jackson, reinforcing airport security at the end of the year, and romance between top actors do not last for a long time and can be considered as temporary issues. Second, some of the singleton topics are useless. When we extract topics with LDA, the results do not consist of only meaningful topics. Sometimes LDA extracts topics that are not understandable as coherent topics. For example, the last topic in Table 2 is not a coherent topic. Constructing topic chains leaves bad results of LDA to be isolated as singleton topics. Conversely, topics that form long topic chains tend to be coherent. Evaluation of topics found by LDA is an on-going challenging research problem[17], so our topic chain framework may offer one solution of evaluating topics found in a sequential corpus. We will explore this in future work. 7 Discussions In this paper, we proposed a framework for analyzing a corpus of news articles over a contiguous time period. Our framework discovers topics from the corpus, constructs topic chains using a topic similarity metric, identifies long-term topics and temporary issues, and detects focus shifts within each topic chain. An important contribution in this work is a comparison of various topic similarity metrics. We looked at six commonly used metrics and compared them using the negative log likelihood of corpus. A secondary use of the topic chains is as an analysis tool to evaluate the quality of topics by a topic model. Most of the work on probabilistic topic modeling typically assume that the latent space is semantically meaningful, and so the topics are not systematically evaluated. In this work, we found that most of the topics that belong to long topic chains are semantically meaningful, whereas singleton topics are less coherent. Further analysis of the relationship among topics in the sequential corpus may find an effective way to analyze semantic meaningfulness of the topics. References 1. 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