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Mangroves and climate change


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ut sospo;cut a0te1 uenup Ipeetle aneq satllltlce ueunH .srxoJsIsoce letnleu o] slealq] lsa1eal0 aleur;c crue0odotqluy 0r.ll J0 0u0 se peprcOet l{1apuu mou st e0ueqc ua (atTa,tsny,puapuaanfi!0,(us.ra,ttu2 <sa!/)ws rrrrr^"rt{:::;y;lt:#:O "uo"r.11geu'eof '(atuarusalto f4ts.rantu2 'salpnjs ,(utuurusulJo ,ezs.raatu2 raruzxuuo.ttnur pu? fqdatsoagli 1oo$9 'saqtus l?xuauuo,auE putl redat&oagto pua uoqpuuolU frllprf ,Ctirroryorf pqlq9 Tooqrs rlrg :X#:& #*Ur.f o0uel{c o}ptiltlo pue sanol0uen H*E= =.,ffi Mangroves and PeoPle Mangroves and climate change (continued) (Field' 1995; in the loss 0{ mangrove areas t0 hyper-saline flats by increases Ellison, 2000). ln many areas this will be exacerbated flows' in human demand for freshwater, reducing riverine levels and Projected increases in extreme high water event and frequency and 2004) Blackman, frequency (Woodworth and global climate from intensity 0f storms (IPCC, 2007) resulting and health' change may also alter mangrove ecosystem distribution from Furthermore, degradation 0f adjacent coastal ecosystems health' mangrove reduce may climate change and other stresses Coralreefs,whichoftenformano{fshorebarriercreatingcalm t0 conditions inshore, are known to be particularly vulnerable ( KIeypas, increases in c02 cOncentrati0ns and temperature changes '1999; Wilkinson 2008) wetlands In reality, the responses 0f mangroves and other coastal :=a to mangroves ln c0mlng level rise will present one of the greatest threats to climate change will be complex places where they are prevented from migrating landwards -=:ades particularly in and engineered coastal defences uses -. lther human land :-,i10 :ir3eylk Baba - range expansion and enhanced growth may 0ccur in a few places, but losses due to storms' rise are rncreasing salinities ancl, most particularly, relative sea-level losses mangrove likely to counter such positive tnfluences with net areas. Extending the research base at field locations' in many in aridity Changes in precipitation and concomitant changes growth' species the affect ':sultinglrom climate change will also 0ng0ing including development of detailed baseline surveys and (Field 1995; Duke et al' ,cmposition and distribution of mangroves impactsandOftheseparation0fSite-basedinfluencesfromglobal precipitatton are 998; Ellison 2000). While net increases in latitudes and higher at will be rredtcted globally, much of this to climate changes There is also a need t0 better plan our responses Already there lecreases are predicted for many subtropical regions' in rainfall in Western Africa South Asia' incorporates facilitates mangrove migration with sea-level rise and - iave been reductions monit0ring,willbeimporlanttoimproveourunderstandingofthese planning that change impacts on mangroves through coastal understanding of the consequence 0f shoreline changes ]entralandSouthernNorthAmericaandpartsofAustralia(IPCC, growth rates and biodiversity 2007). lncreased rainfall may increase of previously and increase mangrove area through the colonization By contrast' decreased Jn-vegetated areas of the landward fringe and diversity and productivity decreased 'ainfall will probably lead to :rect newly reclaimed coastal areas from flooding' , -:'r-raining coastal mangroves seawards from this wall ': :een as an important part of the coastal defences' the rtortunately, the coastal engineering also led to ; - and amalgamation of natural drainage depriving ,re ms into a small number of channels' natural their of le of the remaining mangroves t.shrvater inputs and has led to further dg1s1js1x1ion ' elatlve sed level r se' s used l0 ng sea levels ls hLgh y vailab e and the term gauge relatlv-" t0 a lixed reLtive to tne locailand as measured at a trde eustatjc changes ln sea level llut als6 l6cal benchmark Such a measure ncorporates trot only;glgbal pr3cesses such as EI oceatggraphic ancl charges lhat arise lrcm tectgiic mglement, c6asial-subsidence Nino phases. Note: The infLuerce 0l is o'* o, u tltt in tt. f*el of mangrove areas, the diminution of diversiqv (with Auicennia beconing dominant)' as well as to the significant increases in erosion at the coast due losses lack of new sediment inPuts' : ..laLization .:d loss. ,{n increasingly widespread threat is the reduction such ,r ireshwater inputs from upstream' Typically' the and -airnges are associated with dam-buiiding Larger ---.r."r.d use of freshwater for irrigation' ::ramples include the Zambezi Delta in Mozambique .rcl the Indus Delta in Pakistan' In the latter' water --ou's at the ,..1 mouth have been reduced by 90 per cent river now only flows into the sea Chairges in rlalgrove aieas cver iinle Mangroves are naturally dynamic and show considerinto areas able gains and losses as a result ofexpansion of new coastal sediments or losses from erosion or stolm damage. Such changes, however' are insignificant in comparison to changes driven by human impacts. The most comprehensive assessment of changes in (2007)' This mangrove area was conducted by FAO work current the with h", considerable overlaps ,,.,df and although we have revised area estimates for a