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Apollo’s sacred island, Delos, is an extended archaeological site, which contains important monuments dating from prehistoric to Hellenistic times. In this article the orientation of some of the most significant monuments of the site are studied. Each monument has been measured by means of modern accurate geodetic and astrogeodetic methods and instrumentation so that its plan, its main (longitudinal) axis, the profile of the perceptible horizon as seen from the monument and the astronomical azimuth of the main axis are determined. Special attention and study have been reserved to the Cave of Kynthos (Andron), as the latter was considered as an ancient observatory. This study attempts also a possible dating of the measured monuments based on their orientation and its relation to special celestial bodies. All data deduced by measurements and calculations, as well as historical information have been used for the creation of a database in Macromedia software.

Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 55‐68 Copyright © 2009 MAA Printed in Greece. All rights reserved. THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS George Pantazis1*, Evangelia Lambrou1, Konstantinos Nikolitsas1, Maria Papathanassiou2, Athanasios Iliodromitis3 1 National Technical University of Athens School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Topography 2 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Algebra and Geometry, e‐mail: mpapatha@math.uoa.gr 3 Rural and Surveying Engineer, NTUA Received: 22/3/2008 Accepted: 7/8/2008 Corresponding author: gpanta@central.ntua.gr ABSTRACT Apollo’s sacred island, Delos, is an extended archaeological site, which contains im‐ portant monuments dating from prehistoric to Hellenistic times. In this article the orien‐ tation of some of the most significant monuments of the site are studied. Each monument has been measured by means of modern accurate geodetic and as‐ trogeodetic methods and instrumentation so that its plan, its main (longitudinal) axis, the profile of the perceptible horizon as seen from the monument and the astronomical azimuth of the main axis are determined. Special attention and study have been reserved to the Cave of Kynthos (Andron), as the latter was considered as an ancient observatory. This study attempts also a possible dating of the measured monuments based on their orientation and its relation to special celestial bodies. All data deduced by measurements and calculations, as well as historical information have been used for the creation of a database in Macromedia software. KEYWORDS: Geometric documentation, astrogeodetic observations, azimuth, Dating, data base, Delos monuments. GEORGE PANTAZIS et al 56 valley by the sea. The cult of Apollo was established there in very early times and by about the 9th century BC Delos was already considered the birthplace of Apollo and his Sanctuary had been built. The earlier Propylaea of the Sanctuary, as well as the Oikos of the Naxians, were built by the Naxians (Pic. 1). The earlier building, the “Pro‐Oikos”, considered as the earliest temple of Apollo, is dated back to the 7th century BC or earlier. In the second half of the 7th century the Oikos of the Naxians took its final form; its foundation was of large granite blocks and its main entrance was on its east side. The saved building dates in the 575 BC and has another entrance in the west side, which became its main en‐ trance. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION Delos was the most famous and sa‐ cred of all Greek islands in antiquity (Fig.1). According to Homeric Hymn to Apollo, Goddess Leto, pregnant by Zeus, wandered in the Aegean Sea because of Hera’s rage, the Zeus’s wife. Only a small and “invisible” (a‐delos) rock float‐ ing around the Aegean sea dared to offer its ground to Leto to give birth. When Zeus anchored the floating rock to the sea floor, the rock became “visible” (delos), the Delos island! Leto gave birth first to Artemis and next day to Apollo. Remains of a prehistoric (probably Mi‐ noan) settlement, dating in the 3rd mil‐ lennium BC, were found on the summit of Kynthos mountain. In the late 15th century BC, the Myceneans settled in the n o i h t n y K n i a t n u o m s o h t n y K f o e v a C n o i a r e H s n a i n e h t A e h t f o e l p m e t s ' o l l o p A e l p m e t s o r o P s ' o l o p A n o . .o t e L s n a i x a N e h t f o s o k i O e l p m e t t a e r G s ' o l l o o p i s A i m e t r A n o e h t a c e d o D Figure 1. The archaeological site of Delos Island. THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS 57 marble for its construction. It was an amphiprostyle Doric temple, with six columns on each narrow side and thir‐ teen on each of the long ones. The Tem‐ ple of the Athenians has been inaugu‐ rated very probably in 417 BC by Nikias. Picture 1. The Oikos of the Naxians. Immediately after the Oikos of the Naxians, the three temples of Apollo are lo‐ cated, one next to the other. All three tem‐ ples have their entrance on the west side. The oldest among them is the Poros Temple built during the rulership of Peisistratos, tyrant of Athens in 540‐528 BC (Pic. 2). Picture 3. The Apollo’s Great temple. Picture 2. The Poros Temple and the Apollo’s temple of the Athenians. In the same area other sanctuaries are the following; The Artemision, a sanctu‐ ary sacred to Artemis, Apollo’s sister, has been built during the Independence on much earlier remains; inside the cella are clearly seen a rectangular structure, dating in the early 7th (or late 8th) century BC, and parts of a much longer Mycenean building. Large granite blocks are still visible in its foundation. The en‐ trance of this prostyle temple is faced towards east and it had a portico with six Ionian columns (Pic. 4). Two years later, in 476 BC, the con‐ struction of the second temple of Apollo, the Great Temple, in Doric order began. It is the only peripteral temple on Delos, the construction of which was inter‐ rupted in 454 BC, when the League’s funds had been transferred to Athens, and went on again during the Independ‐ ence (314‐166 BC), but the temple was never completed (Pic. 3). Finally, in 425‐ 420 BC the Athenians built the third temple of Apollo, sending white Pentelic Picture 4. The Artemision GEORGE PANTAZIS et al 58 The Dodecatheon contained altars of the twelve gods, whose archaic statues are dated to 500 BC. It was a small Doric am‐ phiprostyle temple dating in the early 3rd century BC. The Letöon is a temple being dated in the 6th century BC (Pic. 5,6). Picture 5. The Dodecatheon. Picture 6. The Letöon. Far up the hill the later Heraion, is a Doric temple being dated in circa 500 BC, which has been built upon an older temple being dated in the 7th century BC. A marble altar is located south of the temple (Pic. 7). Picture 7. The Heraion. On the way towards the summit of the Kynthos mountain, the Antron (Cave), regarded as the most ancient temple of Apollo, is formed in a natural cavity in the rock, roofed by enormous granite slabs and closed in front by a wall. In the center of its interior there is the granite pedestal of Heracles’s Helle‐ nistic statue and a table of offerings in front of it. In the outside court there are two tables and a cylindrical altar. On the summit of Kynthos mountain, there is the sanctuary of Zeus Kynthios and Athena Kynthia. Evidence of the cult of Zeus being dated in the 6th century BC, but that of Athena was later introduced (Pic. 8). Picture 8. The sanctuary of Zeus Kynthios and Athena Kynthia. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION To investigate the orientation of the monuments geodetic and astrogeodetic measurements were carried out with adequate accuracy by means of modern digital total stations. The geodetic meth‐ odology, developed for this purpose and used for the study of several monuments with reliable results, has been applied for the determination of the accurate as‐ tronomical orientation of ten significant monuments in the archaeological site on Delos Island. THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS The application of this modern accu‐ rate astrogeodetic method in the deter‐ mination of the main axis of a monu‐ ment, as far as it is possible according to its present state of preservation, aims to the optimization of the tracing the main axis and in this way to minimize the er‐ rors in the measurements of its orienta‐ tion, and consequently of that of the monument. It becomes then clear that the so resulting accurate data refer to our efforts for a better understanding of the orientation of an ancient monument and not to any attempt to estimate and criti‐ cize the accuracy of the orientation of the monument planned or achieved by its architect and builders. The method for the determination of the accurate astronomical orientation of a monument is based both on precise measurements and calculations, so that the exact plan of the monument is cre‐ ated, and on astrogeodetic observations to the star Polaris (alpha Ursae Minoris), so that the astronomical orientation of the monument is precisely calculated (Pantazis 2002). Shortly, this method re‐ quires the determination of the astro‐ nomical azimuth of one side of the poly‐ gonometric network, a work done through observations of the Polaris with a digital total station. Actually, through 50 sightings of Polaris made in 15 min‐ utes the astronomical azimuth of one side of the polygonometric network has been determined with an accuracy of ±0.5 arcsec, which is much higher than any other achieved by using classical methods with poles and compass. Under the condition that these monuments have been oriented towards the Sun (rising or setting), we are able to calculate their possible date. For this rea‐ son the profile of the perceptible hori‐ zon, as it is seen from the monument 59 should be measured very accurately, so that the accurate drawing of it may be created. Moreover, the investigation is extended to other fixed stars, whose path could intersect the main (longitudinal) axis of the monument in the specific point on characteristic dates of the year. In this investigation the following temples are included: - The three temples of Apollo - The Artemision (temple sacred to Artemis) - The Letöon (temple sacred to Leto) - The Dodecatheon (temple sacred to the twelve gods) - The Heraion (temple sacred to Hera) - The Oikos of the Naxians - The Kynthion (temple on the top of Kynthos mountain) - The Cave of Kynthos mountain THE ORIENTATION MONUMENTS OF THE The astronomical orientation of each one of the monuments was determined according to the following steps: - The drawing of the accurate plan of the monument. We used modern geo‐ detic methods in order to measure it and draw it digitally in an arbitrary lo‐ cal reference system. Figure 2 illus‐ trates the plans of the monuments. The orientation of the plan relative to the astronomical North. The orientation of the local reference system was based on astrogeodetic observations to Po‐ laris. - The determination of the main (longi‐ tudinal) axis of the monument. The method of the least squares is used for the determination of the best fitting line to selective characteristic points of the monument. GEORGE PANTAZIS et al 60 - The calculation of the astronomical azimuth of the main axis of the monument. The astronomical azimuths (Αz) of the surveyed monuments as well as their uncertainties are shown in Table 1, while Figure 3 illustrates the same values on a circular (mathematical) horizon. The differences observed in the de‐ termined uncertainties regarding the main axis of the monuments are due to two very important factors: a) the size of the monument, espe‐ cially its length, and b) the number of points used for the determination of its main axis. The reason becomes obvious: the greater is the length of a monument, the greater also is the number of points used in the measurements and consequently, the greater is the accuracy achieved in the tracing of the line of its main axis. In Table 1 there are also given the ori‐ entations of these monuments according to the old measurements and calcula‐ tions of H. Nissen (Nissen 1907) and to the recent ones of M. Papathanassiou – Z. Papadopoulou (M.P.) (Papathanas‐ siou ‐ Papadopoulou 1997), who have used the simple classical method of poles, compass and altimeter for their measurements. According to M. Pa‐ pathanassiou the accuracy of their ob‐ servations is between ±1/4 and ±1/2 of the degree. Monument Αz (o΄) Apollo’s Great temple 83ο 20΄ Apollo’s Poros temple 83ο 35΄ Apollo’s temple of the Athenians 83ο 18΄ Dodecatheon 97ο 02΄ Artemision 107ο 14΄ Heraion 351ο 28΄ Letöon 5ο 25΄ Oikos of the Naxians 77ο 11΄ Kynthion (South wall) 102ο 50΄ ± 3΄ 92ο 12΄ ± 8΄ 91ο 97ο 55΄ ± 8΄ 99ο Kynthion (South‐East wall) Cave of Kynthos mountain σAz (′) ± 3΄ ± 6΄ Αz (o΄) by Nissen Αz (o΄) by M.P 84ο 45΄ 83ο 83ο ± 3΄ 83ο 30΄ ± 3΄ 97ο ± 10΄ 106ο ± 3΄ ± 5΄ ± 2΄ 352ο 4ο 45΄ 5ο 77ο 30΄ 102ο 30΄ Table 1: The astronomical azimuths of the ten monuments. ‐ THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS Fig.2: The oriented plans relative to the astronomical north and the dating diagrams. 61 GEORGE PANTAZIS et al 62 Fig. 3: The astronomical azimuths of the ten monuments. ( ) 95 100 15 15 = AD year = BC year 10 02 60 80 2 40 2 20 Altitude (ο) The exact date of the monuments was determined according to our methodol‐ ogy which is based on the exact drawing of three lines for each one of them. The date of the foundation of the monument is given by the point of intersection of these three lines, namely, the main (lon‐ gitudinal) axis of the monument, the profile of the perceptible horizon as it is seen from the monument and the path of the Sun (Fig. 4). In order to find the Sun’s path the most approximate to the point of inter‐ section of the profile of the perceptible horizon and the line of azimuth of the main axis of a monument, we checked different lines of the Sun’s path in differ‐ ent days and years. Figure 4 illustrates the example in the case of the Apollo’s Great Temple. 10 95 2 90 2 70 2 50 2 2 30 2 99 2 2 10 2 02 70 10 02 2 3 2 2 2 2 60 80 30 02 702 0 1 5 1 2 15 2 40 02 90 2 19 0 11 2 0 02 2 21 12 140 602 02 1 18 2 0 20 20 Αzimuth (o) Altitude (ο) THE DATING OF THE MONU‐ MENTS 10 100 Fig. 5: The change of the apparent path of the Sun through the centuries. Fig. 4: The dating of the Apollo Great Temple Two symmetric dates have been found for each monument. Table 2 illus‐ THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS 63 • trates the results. Figure 5 displays the progressive change of the apparent path of the Sun through the last thirty centu‐ ries, namely, from the 1000 BC to 2100 AD, based on made by the digital plane‐ tarium Skymap Pro Version 8 (Marriot 2001). The uncertainty of the dating of each temple it is calculated according to the formula: Date uncertainty • tronomical azimuth of the main axis (table 1). d Sun is the annual change of the diurnal path of the Sun in the year of the estimated date (the uncer‐ tainity on their estimated ʺdates of foundationʺ depend also on the er‐ rors made by the builders in align‐ ing the monuments, and that such errors are, of course, unknown). = ± σ Αz /d Sun where: Monument Apollo’s Great temple Apollo’s Poros temple Apollo’s temple of the Athenians Dodecatheon Artemision Oikos of the Naxians Cave of Kynthos mountain Kynthion (South wall) Kynthion (South‐ East wall) σ Αz is the uncertainty of the as‐ 1st date 14/04/500 BC 15/04/510 BC 15/04/420 BC 09/10/600 BC 25/02/700 BC 29/08/600 BC 26/04/900 BC 26/10/575 BC 05/10/550 BC 2nd date 11/09/475 BC 11/09/510 BC 09/09/420 BC 17/03/600 BC 30/10/700 BC 29/04/600 BC 05/09/900 BC 28/02/575 BC 23/03/550 BC Uncertainty (years) ± 21 ± 38 ± 20 ± 17 ± 72 ± 13 ± 55 ± 22 ± 47 Table 2: The dates of the monuments We should point out that the calcu‐ lated foundation dates of these monu‐ ments are in agreement with both the related historical and archaeological evi‐ dence. The temples of the Heraion and the Letöon can’t be dated by using the Sun path as their main axis is oriented to‐ wards the North. that this cave has been used “for the observation of the sky”. The front of the cave is closed by a wall having an entrance (Pic. 9) the height of which is about 4.25m. In the center of its interior there is the pedestal of Heracles statue and in the outside court there is a cylindrical altar. THE CAVE OF KYNTHOS MOUN‐ TAIN Special reference should be done to the Cave of the Kynthos mountain. It is the only cave in the island, formed in a natural cavity of the ground. Its strange construction and its orientation are unique. Some scholars identified it with the “cave of the Sun” mentioned by Homer, while others were of the opinion Picture 9. The entrance of the cave. 64 GEORGE PANTAZIS et al The cave is roofed by enormous gran‐ ite slabs which form a gap (picture 10) permitting to the sunrays to pass through during some hours in special days during the year. Figure 6: The plan of the cave. Picture 10. The profile of the gap projected to the sky as it is seen from the interior of the cave. For a better study of the construction of the cave we have drawn both its plan (Figure 6) and its West‐East longitudinal section (Figure 7). The main axis of the cave is defined by the line passing through the center of the altar outside the cave and that of the pedestal of the statue in the middle of its interior. The calculated astronomical azimuth of the main axis of the cave is 97ο 55΄±8′. The results of our research for a possible orientation related to the annual path of the sun are as follows: • The sunrays crossed the main axis of the cave through the gap on the roof in the two equinoxes, namely in 26/4/900 BC (vernal equinox) and in 5/9/900 BC (fall equinox). • The Sun was visible from the place of the statue during three hours per day from the spring equinox to the summer solstice and also at its return to the autumn equinox, namely during six months. Figure 7: The longitudinal section of the cave. INVESTIGATION RELATIVE THE FIXED STARS TO We should point out that we have checked especially two constellations which mythology and tradition have closely related to Delos island, namely the cluster of Pleiades in Taurus and the Orion. Although a possible explanation based on a stellar orientation seems not convincing because of the lack of any historical or archaeological evidence, there are some very important relations between Orion and Apollo in Greek my‐ thology; Orion, «the tallest and most beau‐ tiful of men», was a huge and brave hunter who felt in love to Eos (namely, the Dawn), Pleione (η Tauri), the hyper‐ borean virgin Opis and other maiden. He actually was an old solar deity of the region of the Aegean who did not sur‐ vive Apollo’s new cult. He was killed THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS either by Artemis’s arrows in the island of Ortygia (Homer, Odyssey, V 123) or by a scorpion’s sting and then he became a constellation in the sky (Aratos, Phaenomena, 635). It is well know that whenever a new deity rivals an older one to impose his cult, the new cult in‐ corporates in itself many rituals and tra‐ ditions of the old one. Usually both old and new deities are identified or they silently share the same cult. Conse‐ quently, the orientation of Apollo’s Great temple towards delta Orionis, one out of three stars of Orion’s belt (delta, epsilon and zeta Orionis), seems to be an indication of a strong link between the two solar deities of the island. Taking into account also that both Apollo and Artemis were archers and killed with their arrows their rivals and enemies, it seems very likely that the three stars of Orion’s belt were linked with the sacred triad of Delos, namely, Apollo, Artemis and Leto. On the other hand, Aries (the ram played a very important role in temple orientation, as from about the middle of the second millennium BC until about the third century AD, he was the constel‐ lation of the vernal equinox. According to F.C. Penrose, at least eight Greek tem‐ ples at various places and dates ranging from 1580 to 360 BC were oriented to the star alpha Arietis; those of Zeus and his daughter Athena being especially thus favored, as Aries is the symbol of Zeus in the sky. Therefore no wonder that the Kynthion, sacred to Zeus and Athena, has been oriented to Aries. We should also point out that the axis of Oikos of the Naxians is oriented towards the ris‐ ing Sun in 29/04/600 BC, very likely indi‐ cating the beginning of spring. The star beta of the Little Bear ( Ur‐ sae Minoris) might have been considered 65 by the Greeks as the pole‐star, for it was near the north celestial pole about 1000 BC. So our search included the following prominent stars: of Pleiades; , , and of Orion; , and of the South Cross; and of Libra; of Leo, of Virgo; of Dragon; of the Little Bear (Ursa Minor). The results of this search are shown in Table 3. Star Monument Hour Apollo’s Great Setting δ Orionis temple 21h 24m22sec Oikos of the Rising a Arietis Naxians 4h 35m 50sec Setting a Arietis Kynthion 5h 53m 4sec β Ursae Letöon Rising Minoris Date 14/4/500 BC 29/4/600 BC 26/10/575 BC 26/10/575 BC Table 3: Possible orientation towards promi‐ nent fixed stars. THE DATABASE A data base had been created, so that any visitor can easily acquire all neces‐ sary information regarding these monuments (Picture 11). Picture 11. The first page of the data base. The data base created in Macromedia software is easily accessible by any user. As the file has an executable extension (.exe), the user does not need any special software in order to open and run this GEORGE PANTAZIS et al 66 file in any pc. As the total size of the file is 70Mb, the data base is accessible and it can be widely used. More analytically the pages of the data base are as follows: - About Delos. In this page there are given geographic, mythological and historical information regarding the island, the archaeological site and the excavations. This page also in‐ cludes the final conclusions regard‐ ing the astronomical orientation of the monuments (Picture 12). - - level have been registered (Picture 14). Photographs. All photographic mate‐ rial displayed here for the documen‐ tation of the monument is taken dur‐ ing the measurements “in situ”. Historical data. This page refers shortly to the most significant his‐ torical data related to the monument with an emphasis to its date accord‐ ing to other sources. Picture 14. The positioning page. Picture 12. The page “About Delos.” - There follows a series of pages refer‐ ring to each one of the monuments (Pic‐ ture 13). - The plan. This page displays the ac‐ curate digital plan of the monument, measured by means of modern geo‐ detic instruments (total station) and oriented in relation to the astronomi‐ cal North. Orientation. This page gives the as‐ tronomical azimuth of the main lon‐ gitudinal axis of the monument and the uncertainty of its calculation (Pic‐ ture 15). Picture 13. The initial page referred to a monument. - Positioning. Here, the coordinates of a selected point of the monument in the World geodetic reference system (WGS 84) and in the Hellenic geo‐ detic reference system (GGRS 87) as well as its height above the mean sea Picture 15. The orientation page THE ORIENTATION OF DELOS’ MONUMENTS - - Dating. Here the following are given: a) the foundation date of the monu‐ ment under the presupposition that it has been oriented according to the apparent path of the Sun, as it is seen from the monument. b) the diagram of the profile of the perceptible horizon in which there are also shown the following lines: - The main longitudinal axis of the monument with the correspond‐ ing figure of its astronomical azimuth. - The apparent path of the Sun at the specific date of its founda‐ tion. So it is clearly seen the point of in‐ tersection of these three lines on the diagram. 67 odology and the results of the search for a possible relation between the orientation of the monument and the rising or setting of some prominent fixed stars (Picture 16). CONCLUSIONS ‐ REMARKS ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ Picture 16. The page referred to the dating. The same page includes also the uncertainty of the calculation of the year of the foundation of the monu‐ ment according to the applied meth‐ ƒ The geodetic methodology used in the search of a monument’s orienta‐ tion has been proved both as very accurate and easy in its application. The time needed for the detailed in‐ vestigation of a monument, includ‐ ing measurements and the elabora‐ tion of the data, covers one day of fieldwork and two days of calcula‐ tions. By using the geodetic methodology we can calculate the coordinates x, y, z of each measured point of the monument. Then, based on them, any horizontal plan or longitudinal section of the monument can be drawn in order to facilitate the fur‐ ther research and have a better documentation of the monument. This data base is very useful both for the registration and the spreading of the results of the project. The choice of its software makes the data base easily accessible to any visitor who is interested in it. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors express their many thanks to the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, sponsor of this project. REFERENCES Lambrou E. (2003) Development of a Methodology for astrogeodetic Determinations, using Digital Geodetic Instruments, PhD Thesis (in Greek), NTUA, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering. 68 GEORGE PANTAZIS et al Lambrou E., Pantazis G. (2003) On the date of Early Christian Basilicas (Central Greece), Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Special Issue , Vol. 6, No 3, pp 49 – 56. Lebégue A. (1876) Recherches sur Delos, Paris, E. Thorin, Libraire ‐ editeur. 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