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The aim of this work U to cany out a rtipdy of ti^ ecumxilation of poceatially toxic mcnls to be found in the air puciculates of r copstal arca which is d+ct to a m q h w k emissions of urban and Ulrdustnil sctivities. gimo its proximity to tbe rnd hshing iresports of CasteUóa and to the S d o iadustrial compkx, where an elaccricity pawer station. a p e t~p chcmical plant and an oil refinay are locatad To dre SW of t

Analysis by SEWEDX of Air Particles A. Boix. M.M. Jordan, T. Sanfeliu and J.M. ~incon* Science Deparáncnt, J~ruuney Unfvmity,12080 Car~cUon Spain m c ~Insamlvto , Eduardo TORO&tf Comandon Sciews ClCCEi).28080 Madrid, Spain 1110 de Ciencia de M The aim of this work U to cany out a rtipdy of ti^ ecumxilation of poceatially toxic mcnls to be found in the air puciculates of r copstal arca which is d+ct to a m q h w k emissions of urban and Ulrdustnil sctivities. gimo its proximity to tbe rnd hshing iresports of CasteUóa and to the S d o iadustrial compkx, where an elaccricity pawer station. a p e t ~ p chcmical plant and an oil refinay are locatad To dre SW of &t area uDder consideratioa. diere is an i m p o m t cowenaatioe of ceramic iodiistries manufacturing flom and wall tiles as well as OtlKxS producing glazes aad Caamic oolours. Atmospheric a#oeds from thc indushrial c d ama ue saidiad by using SEMIEDX to characterire the main miacralogical rnd chunicai compounds. I EXPERIMENTAL Samples were collecred in the indusaial a r a , very c l a c to the scaport by uiing a med-vol sampler (CMV-8D) belonging to ibdrola SA, spccially desi* for the oollection of air ~ uhwn the inhalable l ruge ~ of am#wpimic pgnicles in suspeosim in Ihe opea air. Each sampk wrresponds to a sampling periqd of 24 boinn and m intalce of 1.5 m 3 h . Millipore m e m b m filters 47 mm de diamctm, a lphrn area of 37 mm arad a poro size of 0.45 p w e e usad. These f d m an made up of esmrs of ctlluloge nitrates sad aceuues. mPtenals which are biologicaily i-. Before the SEMlEDX anaiysk waa d e d out, the fitkrs vmc d y z d by X-my diffmction with the aim of evaluating bprincipal inen phases praaiís in the samples. A Hitqhi S-2500 ekctron mimoscope provided with an EDX X-my dispersive analysis deiacior was used for ihie obsenracion and microanalysis of the filters. wortllng in U)kV and 0- I O keV and 0-20 keV energy ranges. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. The prcliminuy study of sample filiers obtained from rned-vd sampling s b w s by XRD a complcx composiiion with t k prt~cnceof quprtz. illiie. gypsum. Mite and ilmeniie traces. By analyzing ttiese film oo the SEM/eDX Sthe fdl0wi.q cimcats can be identified: Si, S. C1. K, Ca and traces of Al. Fe. Cu,Mg, Bq Zn CFigure 1). Micnwialysis r d t s confirms the pnsence of particks from the philo-siücatcs lgrwp cooMitutcd by a l u m i m w i and the existewx of ~ e 3 +y interchangcabk cations. Particles of quartz. carboasas. and baiite w m also dctecced due to the proximity of ihe sea (2). niere were also traces of b v y m d s W b l y coming fiom tbe and sprays which are occasionally usuj at thc sb@yard in die port of Csstellbn. Pamcks of barium wlphate w e n aisoseea. Buium i s o b usad as araw matenil in diecemmiccolours and gkca sector, in eoamels, barium cmbomtc, acts ur flux and has tbe lowurt meting point of al1 tbe allcslioe aarrh mttals (1). nie c x h n c c of q q c r is píobebly due to the neaire of rbe intaLe system of the mqxack used f a taking dre saxnpks. The sulphur probebly From the fumes given off by induswks which bznn fud oil (Figure 2). niis study neveals the importaoce of ihe of human vi^ oo the ampositioo of tbe a r m o q k k d a of tbe ama uader saidy and the valuabk Belp of SHM/EDX configurations for controlling the enWoomneal dfods. Im 0; mv Figure 1: Groupof pamCks dispersed oa the film~&and EDX average spemurn ; w.,jjk7 ..'.?;:.g, ., T, . <.:!Y* . :,;%-:,'L. -.: za.;:: ,., ," ,,;r;.3;j5-s5'.8...t %y.'$ -:.,.-: ,:,<.:ir F.:... , .. B. ' P. t.. *,'a. - 3: .** :iI*.r ..-,.,-. .. .. $ 11; . 4*.*q,;!;, 2 , {t - * . .::L. S y.: :,.;'$y?,:; c:. a,;. -'i.> ...i..j$S: .-:'h% L,?1-3ki; .T.-3 k v Figure 2: Sampk cmmpod entirely of rouodbd suphur grain and EDX specmun of sulpbur REmmmCES l . hilaterials Haodboolr for Tmditional and Mvanced Cemnics (1989) 2. Paeick J. Sbendan a al (1993) Atmospkric Enviroament 274 11ó9-1183. AcKNOwLmGMENS Ana Boix would liLe to expss her gratihlde ro the C o n r r l k ~de Cuhm, Edrccadd i Ci¿ncia for awarding rbe grant has cnabled her ío can-out this study , and to Ibcdmlri SA for the loan of the samplw u& in the k l d worlt.