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First Announcement VIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NATURAL PRODUCTS CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS 22 – 25, November 2016 Termas de Chillan – Chile On behalf The Chilean Society of Chemistry, through the Division of Natural Products Chemistry invite you to participate in the VIII International Symposium on Natural Products Chemistry and Applications to be held at the Gran Hotel Termas de Chillan, Chillan, Chile, 22 - 25 November, 2016. The organizers are the University of Bio Bio, University of Talca, Federico Santa María Technical University and the Division of Chemistry of Natural Products of the Chilean Society of Chemistry. Organizing committee: Presidente: Dr. Julio Alarcón Enos Vice-Presidente: Dr. Luis Espinoza Secretario: Dr. Gerardo Cabello Tesorero: Dr. Margarita Gutiérrez Cabrera Coordinador: Dr. Carlos L. Céspedes A. Scientific Comitee: - Dr. Luis Lillo - Universidad Del Bio Bio - Dr. Pedro Aqueveque - Universidad de Concepcion - Dra. Margarita Gutierrez - Universidad de Talca - Dr. Aurelio San Martín B. - Universidad de Chile - Dr. Gabriel Vallejos C. - Universidad Austral de Chile - Dr. Jose G. Avila - Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Dr. Massuo Kato - Universidad de Sao Paulo - Dra. Cecilia Carpinella - Universidad de Católica de Cordoba - Dr. Cesar Catalan - Universidad Nacional de Tucuman - Dr. Luis Espinoza - Universidadad Federico Santa Maria - Dr. Alejandro Urzua M. - Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Dr. Victor Fajardo - Universidad de Magallanes - Dr. Glauco Morales - Universidad de Antofagasta - Dr. Carlos Hincapie - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - Dra. Carolina Chegwin A. - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dra. Barbara Moreno - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dra. Tatiana Lobo E. - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dra. Lydia Yamaguchi - Universidad de Sao Paulo - Dr. Luis F. Echeverri - Universidad de Antioquia - Dr. Juan R. Salazar - Universidad La Salle - Dr. Paulo C. Vieira - Universidad de Sao Carlos - Dr. Diego Sampietro - Universidad Nacional de Tucuman - Dr. Juan C. Marin - Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Dr. Jose Becerra A. - Universidad de Concepción - Dr. Alejandro Madrid - Universidad de Playa Ancha - Dr. Ivan Montenegro - Universidad de Valparaiso - Dr. Jianbo Xiao - Universidad de Macau, China. - Dr. Milen Goergiev - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. - Dr. Strahil Berkov - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Dra. Damaris Silveira - Universidade de Brasilia Aims: Bring together national and international researchers in the area of natural products, from universities and research organizations, in order to disseminate the results of research in the area. The Symposium includes the presentation of plenary lectures on the modalities of invited-lecture, short lecture and plenary conference, with national and international speakers. In addition there will be poster session in the following subjects: - Chemistry of Natural Products. - (Ethno) botany (ethno) pharmacology. - Medicinal Chemistry - Industrial applications - Ecological Chemistry - Biological Activities - Biotechnology - Metabolomics - Toxicology (ecotoxicology, genotoxicity, etc) Target audiences: - Researchers / academics from universities and public and private entities. - Researchers at research institutes (public and private) - Postdoctoral Students - Graduate Students (PhD and Master) - Undergraduates - Entrepreneurs - General public National speakers: - Dr. Guillermo Schmmeda H. - Dr. Andrés Quiroz - Dr. Alejandro Urzúa - Dr. Luis Espinoza - Dr. Víctor Fajardo - Dr. Alejandro Madrid - Dr. Julio Alarcón - Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes - Dr. Pedro Aqueveque - Dr. Ivan Montenegro - Universidad de Talca Universidad de La Frontera Universidad de Santiago de Chile Universidad Tec. Federico Sta María Universidad de Magallanes Universidad de Playa Ancha Universidad del Bio Bio Universidad del Bio Bio Universidad de Concepción Universidad de Valparaiso International speakers: 1.- Prof. Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ph.D. MD Anderson Cancer Center. The University of Texas. “Targeting Inflammatory Pathways by Nutraceuticals for Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Diseases.” 2.- Prof. Dr. Horacio Olivo. Associate Professor. Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Experimental Therapeutics. Division: Medicinal and Natural Products Chemistry. College of Pharmacy. The University of Iowa. Iowa, USA. "Chemistry and Biology of Peroxisomicines". 3.- Prof. Dr. Massuo Jorge Kato. Profesor Titular. Departamento de Química Fundamental. Instituto de Química - Universidade de São Paulo. "Bioactivity and biosynthesis of polyketides from Peperomia species" 4.- Prof. Isao Kubo, Ph.D. –Full Professor- Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3114, USA- “Melanin synthesis inhibitors in B16-F10 melanoma cells from plants“. 5.- Prof. Noriyoshi Masuoka, Ph.D. - Full Professor, Department of Life Science, Faculty of Science, Okayama University of Science, Ridai-cho, Kitaku, Okayama, 700-0005 JAPAN- “Property of alkyl phenol inhibitors for xanthine oxidase” 6.- Dr. José Darías – Universidad La laguna, España 7.- Dr. Fernando Echeverri L. – Profesor Titular- Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia: “PORQUE HAY TANTAS MOLECULAS NATURALES BIOACTIVAS PERO TAN POCOS MEDICAMENTOS?”. 8.- Prof. Dr. Paulo Cezar Vieira. – Prof. Titular- Universidad de Sao Carlos, Brazil: “Search for Natural Products as Inhibitors of Cathepsins”. 9.- Dr. Juan Rodrigo Salazar. Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo completoUniversidad La Salle, México DF., México: "La química de las cactáceas como fuentes para la obtención, diseño y síntesis de anti-inflamatorios" 10.- Dr. Armando Ariza-Castolo. – Profesor e Investigador Titular, Depto. De Quimica, CINVESTAV, I.P.N., México DF., México: “Aplicaciones de la RMN a la determinación estructural de productos naturales”. (este titulo es tentativo, Armando va a enviar el definitivo) 11.- Dr. José Guillermo Avila A. – Profesor Titular C, UBIPRO, FES-Iztacala, UNAM, México DF, México. “Actividad fotoprotectora de productos naturales”. 12.- Dr. Alfonso Romo de Vivar Romo. Profesor emérito UNAM, México DF. Mexico. Titulo por confirmar. 13.- Dra. Ma. Cecilia Carpinella. (Univ. Católica de Córdoba, Argentina). Estudio de las propiedades y mecanismos de acción de principios activos derivados de plantas nativas de Argentina con actividad antibacteriana y antitumoral 14.- Dr. Cesar Catalán. Profesor Titular. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina. –“Chemistry and biological activity of asteraceae from Argentina. : Tribes Vernonieae and Heliantheae”. 15.- Dra. Sara Palacios. Universidad Catolica de Cordoba, Argentina. 16.- Prof. Robert Verpoorte, Ph.D., University of Leiden, The Netherlands. 17.- Prof. Alvaro Viljoen, Ph.D., Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria. 18.- Prof. Silas Villas-Boas, Ph.D., The University of Auckland. New Zealand. 19.- Prof. Jaume Bastidas, Ph.D., Universidad de Barcelona. "Los alcaloides de las Amaryllidaceae: pasado presente y futuro". 20.- Dr. Juan Camilo Marin, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 21.- Prof. David S. Seigler, Ph. D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ill, USA. The Chemistry of Chocolates. 22.- Dr. Xianbo Xiao, Universidad de Macau, Macau, China. 23.- Prof. Dra Dâmaris Silveira, Laboratório Controle da Qualidade Ciências Farmacêuticas/Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde. Universidade de Brasília 24.- Prof. Dra. Shela Gorinstein. Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, School of Pharmacy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Call for Papers (abstracts) • I di ate i hi h su je t ou a t our abstract to be included. • The di e sio s of the poster • A stra ts a ust e 8 s. e se t i “pa ish, Portuguese or E glish la guage. • Acceptance of the abstract will be informed via E-mail. • Deadline of receipt of abstracts: September 20, 2016. The book of abstracts forms part of the records of the Chilean Book Chamber and therefore is a special book with ISBN number and to this effect strongly as soon as possible send their abstracts requested. • Please, let us k o if ou ill pu lish our o tri utio at so e of the jour als of “ • A stra ts ust e su itted o li e posiu . e-mail to: Dr. Gerardo Cabello, E-mail: gcabello@ubiobio.cl Dr. Carlos Cespedes, E-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com, Instructions: • Authors ust su it a stra ts i Word for at. Title: la k Arial, 11 or 12 pt, single spaced, centered and capital). Text: 10 pt, single space. Authors: Name of each author separated by commas. The name of the author who will present the work must be underlined, eg: Rosa Menendez, Daniel Ramirez. Institutions, Address, E-mail. Abstracts should contain: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and any reference if needed. The leaf margins justified in 3.0 cms on all four sides. Maximum length, letter-size (A4) sheet. Important: Special Editions: Food and Chemical Toxicology will publish a special issue with selected papers from the meeting. These articles must be into of scope of this journal, with some toxicological aspect clearly defined. Phytochemistry Reviews will publish a special issue with selected papers from the meeting. These articles must be into of scope of this journal and be under review format. All papers for international journals must be submitted under respective platform (Elsevier and Springer) and be previously accepted by guest editors. Guest Editors: Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes and Dr. Julio Alarcon. There is an additional possibility that Phytochemistry Letters publish a special issue with selected papers from the meeting. Please, the authors who wish to publish their contributions in this journal should promptly notify that option to Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes, e-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com Registration Fees Registration fees (in US dollars, even before July 30, 2016. After that date there will be a surcharge of US $ 50.00 (fifty US dollars)) Private Sector US $ 850.00.Academic Sector: - Single room US $ 800.00.- Double room US $ 700.00.- Triple room US $ 650.00.Students US $ 450.00.Payment of the registration fee includes hotel (four nights, rooms with Wi-Fi, with buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner included) and access to the conference program and abstract book, use of audiovisual, coffee during scientific sessions, welcome cocktail and dinner closing. Companions will have the same rights as participants paying registration. The Grand Hotel Termas de Chillan includes: • 4 ights a o dinner). odatio . With reakfast, lu h a d di er, Co ktail Ope i g a d Closi g • A ess to heated s i i g pool ith i eral ater at a te perature of 37 ° C. This pool has a covered area and an outdoor exit with whirlpool sectors. • A ess to outdoor pool ith ater at roo te perature, ith dou le hirlpool a d s ste streams. (This pool works only in summer). • A ess to “au a a d stea aths Allus Wellness & SPA. • A ess to g . • Dail A ti ities Tea et .. . • A ess Te is Courts ** • Ga e roo E perie e a d E tertai e t. Karaoke, da e lasses ... ith Pool, Pi g-Pong, foosball, Wii, Play Station. • Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas. For students it has enabled Pirimahuida Lodge & Spa Hotel (same board as the Grand Hotel T. Ch.): The value of the student registration is in a shared room and includes: • 4 ights a o odatio . • Wi-Fi in rooms and public areas. • Full oard Breakfast i Pirimahuida) (Lunches and dinners in Gran Hotel Termas). Payment must be made payable to: Name: HOTELERA SOMONTUR S.A. Bank: Bank CORPBANCA CURRENT ACCOUNT: # 40-668378 FOR BANK-TRANSFERS: RUT # 85.229.600-3, to name: HOTELERA SOMONTUR S.A. All payments must be made with copy to : mparra@termaschillan.cl, and cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com, Phone Chillan office: +56 42 2 434202 | Cel. 9-8831507 (M. Parra). +56-42-2 463276/77 Cel. 9-90752237 (C.L. Cespedes). For credit card payments please request the excel-format to: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com, and mparra@termaschillan.cl, in order to send the form. Chillan Office Phone: Tel. Chillán +56 42 2 434202 | Cel. 9-8831507 Telefono Oficina Chillan :Tel. Chillán +56 42 2 434202 | Cel. 9-8831507 For more information contact: Dr. Julio Alarcon Enos, e-mail: jualarcon@ubiobio.cl Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes, e-mail: cespedes.leonardo@gmail.com Hotels: - In a second circular will be sent the hotel information City Chillan, each participant must make a reservation at the host hotel. Chillán: Chillan is a city and commune of Chile, capital of the province of Nuble, Bio Bio region. Administrative, economic and cultural center of the province, is the second most populous longitudinal or Chilean Central Valley city, is located in an equidistant position of the two largest urban centers of the country, Santiago and Concepcion. Ñuble River Valley, which together with the Nuble and Chillan river surrounding the city, allowing the production of various agricultural products, especially grapes and berries. Chillan is crossed by numerous streams and canals, remnants of agricultural activity in the respective areas. Getting to Chillan: By air: From the airport exit to take a flight to the city of Concepcion, after a stopover and step through customs / immigration at the International Airport of Santiago de Chile, the airport of the city of Concepcion Cit Carriel Sur is called. From Santiago International Airport Buses run directly to the bus terminal (Tur-Bus). You can also hire a shuttle service to take you to the bus terminals and / or Train Station. From the southern bus terminal in Santiago, Chillan buses depart throughout the day with a frequency of 15-20 minutes, there are several bus lines can be recommended: Eme-Bus, Linatal, South Pullman, Tur-Bus, etc. . From Central Station, get the Terra-South train to the city of Chillan. From the city of Concepción: For the shuttle from Airport-South Carriel Concepción City a minibus service which is an additional cost of US $ 20.00.From the Gran Hotel Isabel Riquelme in Chillan City, will also minibuses, which will cost US $ 10.00.These services are direct to the doors of the Gran Hotel Termas de Chillan or Pirimahuida Hotel. Arrivals will be coordinated by Dr. Gerardo Cabello Secretary, Dr. Carlos L. Cespedes Coordinator and Ms. Margarita Parra. • pre-congress courses: During the week before the event course will be held. (From 14 to 18 November). - "Modern Methods in NMR Natural Products and associated software (Mestre-lab)" - Speakers: Dr. Armando Ariza-Castolo. Professor and Researcher Career, Chemistry Department, CINVESTAV, IPN, Mexico DF, and Dr. Manuel Perez, MESTRELAB. - Meta olo i s