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Intuitionistic Fuzzy Algebra

In this talk , author differentiate between the ordinary or classical set theory given by George Cantor in 1876 and the Fuzzy Set Theory given by L.A.Zadeh in 1965 with the Intuitionistic fuzzy set theory given by K,T. Atanssov in 1983. Author has given a detail work done in the intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups and discuss some of their importance.

CONTENT OF THE TALK ON INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY ALGEBRA 1. What are Intuitionistic fuzzy sets? How they are different from ordinary sets and fuzzy sets ? 2. Some examples of Intuitionistic fuzzy sets 3. Operation on Intuitionistic fuzzy sets ( like Union, Intersection, Complementation , Cartesian product of Intuitionistic fuzzy sets ) 4. (  ,  )-cut set of Intuitionistic fuzzy set and some of their results 5. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subgroups and their examples 6. Types of Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups ( like IFNSG , IFASG , IFCSG ) 7. Sum and Product of two Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups 8. Homomorphism of Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups 9. Translation of Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups under the Operators T+ and T10. t- Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and t- Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups 1. What are Intuitionistic fuzzy sets? Definition Let X be a non-empty set. An Intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) A of X is an object of the form A = { < x , A(x) , A(x) > : x X}, where A : X  [0, 1] and A : X  [0, 1] define the degree of membership and degree of non-membership of the element xX respectively and for any x X , we have 0  A(x) + A(x)  1 . Remark (1) When A(x) + A(x) = 1 , i.e. when A(x) = 1 - A(x) . Then A is called fuzzy set. (2) When A is ordinary subset of X , then ( a ) If x  A , then A(x) = 1 and ( b ) If x  A , then A(x) = 0 A(x) = 0 and A(x) = 1. 2. Some Examples of Intuitionistic fuzzy set Example (1) Let G be the Klein 4-group { e , a , b , ab } , where a2 = b2 = e and ab = ba. Define A = { < e , 0.9, 0.1 > , < a , 0.65 ,0.3 > , < b , 0.61, 0.29 > , < ab, 0.6, 0.31 >} be IFS in G. Example (2) Let G = S3 = { i , (12) ,(13) ,(23) ,(123),(132)}be the symmetric group. Consider the functions A : S3  [0, 1] and A : S3  [0, 1] defined by  1 ; if x = i   A ( x)   0 ; if x 2 = i 0.6 ; if x 3 = i  and  0 ; if x = i   A( x)  0.5; if x 2 = i 0.3 ; if x 3 = i  is intuitionistic fuzzy set A of S3 . 2. Operation on Intuitionistic fuzzy sets Definition (3.1) Let A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x X} and B = { < x , B(x) , B(x) > : x X} be any two IFS’s of X , then (i) A  B if and only if A(x)  B(x) and A(x)  B(x) for all xX (ii) A = B if and only if A(x) = B(x) and A(x) = B(x) for all xX (iii) AC = { < x, (AC )(x) , (AC )(x) > : x X} , where (AC )(x) = A(x) and (AC )(x) = A(x) for all xX (iv) ฀ A = { < x , A(x) , 1- A(x) > : x X} ( called the Necessity operator on IFS A) (v)  A = { < x , 1- A(x) , A(x) > : x X} ( called the possibility operator on IFS A) (vi) A  B = { < x, (A B )(x) , (A B )(x) > : x X} , where (A B )(x) = Min{ A(x) , B(x)} = A(x)  B(x) and (A B )(x) = Max{ A(x) , B(x) } = A(x)  B(x) (vii) A  B = { < x, (A B )(x) , (A B )(x) > : x X} , where (AB )(x) = Max{ A(x) , B(x)} = A(x) B(x) and (A B )(x) = Min{ A(x) , B(x) } = A(x)  B(x) (viii) A  B = { < ( x , y) , AB(x, y), AB (x, y) > : x  X and y Y} where AB(x, y) = Min{A(x), B(y)} and AB (x, y) = Max{A(x),B(y)} Note : Obviously, if A is an ordinary fuzzy set, then ฀ A = A =  A . This shows that IFS are proper extensions of the ordinary fuzzy sets. Definition (3.2) : Let ( X , . ) be a groupoid and A , B be two IFS’s of X . Then the Intuitionistic fuzzy sum and product of A and B are denoted by A + B and AB and are defined as follows : A + B = ( A+B , A+B ) , where   Sup min{A (a ),  B (b)} ; if x = a + b A+B ( x)     0   Inf max{ A (a ),  B (b)} ; if x = a + b  A+B ( x)     For any xX 1 A B( x)  ; otherwise , for all x  X   A B (x) , A B ( x)  , where   Sup  min{ A ( y),  B ( z)}] ; ; 0    A B (x)   and ; otherwise if x = yz if x is not expressible as x = yz  if x = yz  Inf  max{ A ( y),  B ( z)}] ; ; if x is not expressible as x = yz 1    A B (x)   and , 4. (  ,  )-cut set of Intuitionistic fuzzy set and some of their results Definition (4.1): (  ,  ) – Cut Set of Intuitionistic fuzzy set Let A be Intuitionistic fuzzy set of a universe set X . Then (  ,  )-cut set of A is a crisp subset C , (A) of the IFS A is given by C , (A) = { x : x X such that A(x)   , A(x)   } , where  ,   [ 0 , 1 ] with  +   1 . Proposition (4.2) If A and B be two IFS’s of a universe set X , then following holds (i) C , (A)  C  , (A) if    and (ii) C1- , (A)  C  , (A)  C , 1-(A)  (iii) A  B implies C , (A)  C , (B) (iv) C , (A  B) = C , (A)  C , (B) (v) C , (A  B)  C , (A)  C , (B) equality hold if  +  =1 (vi) C , ( A i ) =  C , (A i ) (vii) C0 , 1 (A) = X. (viii) C , ( A  B ) = C , ( A)  C , ( B) (ix) C,(AB) = C,(A) C,(B) (x) C , (A) + C , (B)  C , (A + B) and the equality holds if  +  =1 (xi) C , (A)C , (B)  C , (AB) and the equality holds if  +  =1 5. Intuitionistic Fuzzy Subgroups and their examples Definition (5.1) An IFS A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x G} of a group G is said to be intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup of G ( In short IFSG) of G if (i) (ii) (iii) A(xy)  Min {A(x) , A(y) } A(x-1) = A(x) A(xy)  Max {A(x) , A(y) } (iv) A(x-1) = A(x) , for all x , y G Equivalently, an IFS A of a group G is IFSG of G if A(xy -1)  Min{A(x) , A(y)} and A(xy -1)  Max{A(x) , A(y) }holds for all x , y G. Examples of Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups Example (5.2): Let G = S3 = { i , (12) ,(13) ,(23) ,(123),(132)}be the symmetric group. Consider the IFS A of G defined by  1 ; if x = i   A ( x)   0 ; if x 2 = i 0.6 ; if x 3 = i  and  0 ; if x = i   A( x)  0.5; if x 2 = i 0.3 ; if x 3 = i  Then A is IFSG of group G ( As it satisfies all the conditions of IFSG’s ) Example(5.3). Let G = D3 = < a , b : a 3 = b2 = e , ba = a 2b > be the dihedral group with six elements . Define the IFS A = ( A , A) of D3 by 0.8 0.7 A (x) =  if x  < b > if otherwise and 0.1 if x  < b > 0.2 if otherwise  A (x) =  i.e., A ={ < e, 0.8, 0.1>, < a , 0.7, 0.2>,< a 2 , 0.7, 0.2>,< b, 0.8, 0.1>,< ab, 0.7, 0.1>,< ba , 0.8, 0.1>} It is easy to verify that A is IFSG of G. Definition (5.4) An IFSG A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x G} of a group G said to be intuitionistic fuzzy normal subgroup of G ( In short IFNSG) of G if (i) A(xy) = A(yx) (ii) A(xy) = A(yx) , for all x , y G Remark (5.5): It is easy to verify that an IFSG A of a group G is normal if and only if (i) A(g-1 x g) = A(x) (ii) A(g-1 x g) = A(x) and , for all x , g G. Definition (5.6): Intuitionistic fuzzy left and right cosets Let G be a group and A be IFSG of group G . Let x G be a fixed element. Then the set xA ={(g , xA(g), xA(g)): g G} where xA(g) = A(x -1g) and xA(g) = A(x -1g) for all gG is called intuitionistic fuzzy left coset of G determined by A and x similarly , the set Ax = { ( g , Ax(g) , Ax(g) ) : g G } where Ax(g) = A(gx -1) and Ax(g) = A(gx -1) for all g G is called the intuitionistic fuzzy right coset of G determined by A and x . Remark (5.7) : It is clear that if A is intuitionistic fuzzy normal subgroup of G, then the intuitionistic fuzzy left coset and intuitionistic fuzzy right coset of A on G coincide and in this case, we call intuitionistic fuzzy coset instead of intuitionistic fuzzy left or intuitionistic fuzzy right coset . Theorem (5.8) Let A be intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup of a group G and x be any fixed element of G . Then (i) x . C , (A) = C , (xA) (ii) C , (A).x = C , (Ax) for all ,   [0,1] with  +   1 Theorem (5.9) : Let A be intuitionitic fuzzy subgroup of group G . Let x , y be elements of G such that A(x)  A(y) =  and A(x)  A(y) =  . Then (i) xA = yA  x -1y  C , (A) (ii) Ax = Ay  xy -1 C , (A) Example(5.10) : Let G be a group . Then A = { < x , A(x) , A(x) > , x  G : A(x) = A(e) and A(x) = A(e) } is intuitionistic fuzzy normal subgroup of G . Definition (5.11) Let G = D3 = < a , b : a 3 = b2 = e , ba = a 2b > be the dihedral group with six elements . Define the IFS A = ( A , A) of D3 by A ={ < e, 0.8, 0.1>, < a , 0.7, 0.2>, < a 2 , 0.7, 0.2>,< b, 0.8, 0.1>, < ab, 0.7, 0.1>, < ba , 0.8, 0.1>} It is easy to check that A is IFSG of G but A is not IFNSG of G, for A (ab) = 0.7  0.8 = A (ba ) . Theorem (5.12) : If A be an IFS of a group G. Then A is IFSG ( IFNSG ) of G if and only if C , (A) is a subgroup ( normal subgroup) of group G for all  ,   [0 ,1] with  +   1. Theorem (5.13) : If A and B be two IFSG’s ( IFNSG’s) of a group G, then A  B is IFSG ( IFNSG ) of group G. Remark (5.14): Union of two IFSG’s ( IFNSG’s) of a group G need not be IFSG (IFNSG ) of group G. Example (5.15): Consider the Klein four group. G = { e , a , b , ab } , where a2 = e = b2 and ab = ba For 0  i  5 , let ti , si [ 0, 1] such that 1 = t0 > t1 > …> t5 and 0 < s0< s1<…< s5 Define Intuitionistic fuzzy subset A and B as follows: A = { < x, A(x), A(x) > : x G} and B = { < x, B(x), B(x) > : x G} , where A(e) = t1, A(a) = t3 , A(b) = A(ab) = t4 , A(b) = A(ab) = s4, A(a)= s3, A(e)= s1 B(e) = t0, B(a) = t5, B(b) = t2, B(ab) = t5, B(b) = B(ab) = s5, B(a)= s2, B(e)= s0 Clearly A and B are IFSG of the group G . (i) Now A  B = { < x, (A B )(x) , (A B )(x) > : x G} , where (AB )(x) = Max{ A(x) , B(x)} = A(x) B(x) and (A B )(x) = Min{ A(x) , B(x) } = A(x)  B(x) Here (AB )(e) = t0, (AB )(a)= t3 , (AB )(b) = t2 , (AB )(ab) = t4 (A B )(e) = s0 , (A B )(a) = s2 , (A B )(b) = s4 , (A B )(ab) = s4 C t3 , s4(A) = { x : x G such that A(x)  t3 , A(x)  s4 } = {a , e } C t3 , s4(B) = { x : x G such that B(x)  t3 , B(x)  s4 } = { e } C t3 , s4(A B) ={ x : x G such that AB(x)  t3 ,  AB (x)  s4 } = { x : x G such that A(x) B(x) t3 ,  A (x)  B (x) s4 } ={e,a ,b} Since { e , a , b } is not a subgroup of G i.e. C t3 , s4(A B) is not a subgroup of G and hence A  B is not IFSG of group G. Theorem (5.16) Let A, B be IFSG’s ( IFNSG’s) of group G1 and G2 respectively. Then A B is also IFSG ( IFNSG ) of group G1  G2 . Remark(5.17) If A and B are IFS of group G1 and G2 respectively. If A  B is also IFSG of group G1  G2 , then it is not necessarily that both A and B should be IFSG of G1  G2. Example(5.18): Let G1 = { e1 , a } , where where x2 = y2 = e2 and a2 = e1 and let G2 = { e2 , x , y , xy }, xy = yx . Then G1  G2 = { (e1 , e2) , (e1 , x ), (e1 , y) , (e1 , xy), (a , e2), (a , x), (a , y) , (a , xy) } Let A = { < e1 , 0.7, 0.2 > , < a , 0.6, 0.3 > } and B = {< e2 , 0.9, 0.1 > , < x ,1, 0 >, < y , 0.8, 0.2 >, < xy , 0.7, 0.2 > } be IFS of G1 and G2 respectively. Then A  B = {< (e1 , e2) , 0.7, 0.2 > , < (e1 , x ), 0.7 , 0.2 > , < (e1 , y), 0.7, 0.2 > , < (e1, xy), 0.7, 0.2 > , < (a , e2) ,0.6, 0.3 > , < (a , x), 0.6, 0.3 > ,< (a , y), 0.6, 0.3>, < (a , xy) , 0.6 , 0.3 > } Here A  B is also IFSG of group G1  G2 , where as A is IFSG of G1 but B is not IFSG of G2 as C0.8, 0.2( B) = { x , y } is not a subgroup of G2 . Proposition(5.19) Let A and B be two IFSG’s of group G. Then AB is IFSG of group G if and only if AB = BA Corollary (5.20) Let A be IFSG of group G , then AA = A Definition (5.21) Let A is IFSG of a group G . Then A is called intuitionistic fuzzy abelian subgroup (IFASG) of G if and only if C , ( A) is an abelian subgroup of G for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1. Remark (5.22): If G is abelian group, then every IFSG of G is IFASG of G , but converse need not be true Example(5.23): Let G be abelian group and A be any IFSG of G , then C , ( A) being subgroup of G is also abelian , for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1 Thus A is IFASG of G. But converse of it is not true . Consider G = S3 = { i , (12) ,(13) ,(23) ,(123),(132)}be the symmetric group. Consider the IFS A of G defined by  1 ; if x = i   A( x)   0 ; if x 2 = i 0.6 ; if x 3 = i  and  0 ; if x = i   A( x)  0.5; if x 2 = i 0.3 ; if x 3 = i  Clearly A is IFSG of group G . Moreover C , ( A) = { i } or { i , (123) ,(132)}are abelian subgroups of G , for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1. Hence A is IFASG of G, but G is non-abelian group. Definition(5.24) Let A be IFSG of a group G , then A is called cyclic intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup (CIFSG) of group G , if C , (A) is a cyclic subgroup of G , for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1. Remark(5.25): (i) If G be a cyclic group, then every IFSG of G is CIFSG of G , but converse need not be true Proof. Let G = < x > be cyclic group and let A be any IFSG of G then We know that A(xn)  A(xn-1)  A(xn-2) ……..  A(x2)  A(x) and A(xn)  A(xn-1)  A(xn-2) ……..  A(x2)  A(x) holds for all nN Therefore if xm  C , (A) for some mN , then xm , xm+1 , xm+2 ,……  C , (A) i.e. C , (A) = < x -1> , which is a cyclic subgroup of G, for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1. Hence A is CIFSG of G. Converse need not be true : For example see example(5.23) A is cyclic intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup of G , but G is not cyclic. (ii) Every CIFSG of a group G is IFASG , but converse need not be true see example(5.23) 6. Homomorphism of Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups Definition (6.1): Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f : X  Y be a mapping . Let A and B be IFS’s of X and Y respectively . Then the image of A under the map f is denoted by f (A) and is defined as  f  A  ( y)   f  A  ( y) ,  f  A ( y)  , where 1 1    {  A ( x) : x  f (y)} and  {  A ( x) : x  f (y)}  f  A  ( y)   0 ; otherwise 1 ; otherwise      f  A  ( y)    {  ( x) : x  f  i.e. f  A  ( y)     A ( 0, 1) 1 (y)} , {  A( x) : x  f 1 (y)} ;  otherwise Also the pre-image of B under f is denoted by f -1( B) and is defined as f 1  B   x   (  f 1 B ( x) ,  f 1 B ( x)) where f 1 f 1  B ( x)   B ( f ( x)) and  B x   ( B ( f ( x)) ,  B ( f ( x)) ) f 1  B ( x) =  B ( f ( x)) i.e. Proposition (6.2) : Let f : X  Y be a mapping. Then the following holds (i) f  C ,  ( A)   C ,  ( f ( A )) ,  A  IFS( X ) (ii) f 1  C ,  ( B)  = C ,  ( f 1 ( B )) ,  B  IFS(Y) Theorem(6.3) : Let f : G1  G2 be surjective homomorphism. Let A be IFSG (IFNSG) { IFASG} [CIFSG ] of group G1. Then f (A) is IFSG (IFNSG) {IFASG}[CIFSG] of group G2 . Theorem (6.4) : Let f : G1  G2 be homomorphism of group G1 into a group G2. Let B be IFSG ( IFNSG) { IFASG}[CIFSG ] of group G2. Then f -1(B) is IFSG (IFNSG) { IFASG} [CIFSG ] of group G1 . Theorem(6.5) : Let G be a group and A be IFNSG of group G . Then there exists a natural homomorphism f : G  G/A defined by f (x) = xA ; for all x G Theorem(6.6) : Let A= { < x , A(x) , A(x) > , x  G such that. A(x) = A(e) , A(x) = A(e)} be IFNSG of group G and B be an IFS of group G and f : G  G/A be natural homomorphism defined by f (x) = xA , for all x G , then f -1( f (B)) = A  B 7. Translation of Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups under the Operators T+ and T- ) Definition(7.1) Let A = (A , A) be an IFS of X and   [ 0, 1]. We define T +(A)(x) = (T +(x),  T + (x)) and T -(A)(x) = (T -(x),  T - (x)) , where T +(x) = Min{ A(x) +  , 1} ,  T + (x) = Max{ A(x) -  , 0 } and T -(x) = Max { A(x) -  , 0} ,  T - (x) = Min{ A(x) +  , 1 } T+(A) and T-(A) are respectively called the - up and - down intuitionistic fuzzy operators of A. We shall call T + and T - as the intuitionistic fuzzy operator. Results (7.2) : The following results can be easily verified from definition (i) T0+(A) = T0 -(A) = A (ii) T1 +(A) = 1 (iii) T1 -(A) = 0 Remark (7.3) It can be easily checked that if A is IFS of X , then both T +(A) and T -(A) are IFS of X. In other words 0  T +(x) +  T +(x)  1 and for all x X 0  T -(x) +  T - (x)  1 , Example(7.4): Let X = {1, , 2 }. Let A = {< 1, 0.3, 0.4 > , <  ,0.1, 0.25 > , < 2 ,0.5, 0.3 >} be an IFS of X Take  = 0.2, then T +(A) = {{< 1, 0.5, 0.2 > , <  ,0.3, 0.05 > , < 2 ,0.7, 0.1 >} T -(A) = {{< 1, 0.1, 0.6 > , <  ,0, 0.45 > , < 2 ,0.3, 0.5 >} and Proposition(7.5) For any IFS A of X and   [0,1] , we have T +(Ac) = ( T -(A))c (ii) T - (Ac) = ( T +(A))c Remark (7,6) In general, for any given   [0,1], the operators T + and T - donot commute each other. In other words T -(T +(A)) and T +(T - (A)) may be different from A . Example(7.7) Let X = {1, , 2 }.Let A = {< 1, 0.3, 0.4 > , <  ,0.1, 0.25 > , < 2 ,0.5, 0.3 >} be an IFS of X Take  = 0.3, then T +(A) = {{< 1, 0.6, 0.1 > , <  ,0.4, 0 > , < 2 ,0.8, 0 >} And T -(A) = {{< 1, 0, 0.7 > , <  ,0, 0.55 > , < 2 ,0.2, 0.6 >} Now T -(T +(A)) = { < x , *T -(x), * T - (x) > ; x  X } , where *T -(x) = Max { T +(x) -  , 0 } and * T - (x) = Min {  T + (x) +  , 1 } Therefore T -(T +(A)) = {< 1, 0.3, 0.4 > , <  ,0, 0.3 > , < 2 ,0.5, 0.3 >}  A And T +(T - (A)) = { < x , **T +(x), ** T + **T +(x) = Min { T -(x) +  , 1 } and (x) > ; x  X } , where ** T + (x) = Max {  T - (x) -  , 0 } Therefore T +(T - (A)) = {< 1, 0.3, 0.4 > , <  ,0.3, 0.25 > , < 2 ,0.5, 0.3 >}  A It may be checked that if we take  = 0.2, then T -(T +(A)) = A Theorem (7.8): For any IFS A of X and   [0,1] (a) T -(T +(A)) = A    Min { 1 – p , q } , where and q = Min { A(x) : x X } and q = Max { A(x) : x X }. (b) T +(T - (A)) = A    Min { p , 1 - q }, where Proposition(7.9): For any IFS A of X and  ,   [0,1]  T(   )  A  if  + <1 (a) T  (T   A )  T  (T   A )    1 if  +  1 p = Max { A(x) : x X } p = Min { A(x) : x X }   T(   )  A  if  + <1 (b) T  (T   A )  T  (T   A )   if  +  1  0 Remark (7.10): For any IFS’s A and B of X with A  B , we have T +(A)  T +(B) and T - (A)  T - (B) , for all   [0,1] Translation of intuitionistic fuzzy groupsHere we study the action of T + and T - on IFSG of a group G. We prove that these operators takes on IFSG to an IFSG and preserve some properties of Intuitionistic fuzzy group. Theorem(7.11): If A is IFSG (IFNSG) of a group G, then T +(A) and T -(A) are IFSG (IFNSG) of G, for all   [0,1]. Remark(7.12) : If T +(A) or T -(A) is IFSG of group G , for a particular value of   [ 0,1] , then it cannot be deduced that A is IFSG of group G. Example(7.13): Let G be the Klein 4-group { e , a , b , ab } , where a2 = b2 = e and ab = ba. Define A = { < e , 0.9, 0.1 > , < a , 0.65 ,0.3 > , < b , 0.61, 0.29 > , < ab, 0.6, 0.31 >} be IFS in G. Take  = 0.4 , then T +(A) = { < e ,1 , 0 > , < a ,1 , 0 > , < b, 1 , 0 > , < ab , 1 , 0 >} = 1 Clearly , T +(A) is an IFSG of G , however A is not IFSG of G. Proposition (7.14) Let A be IFS of a group G such that T +(A) be IFSG (IFNSG) of G , for some   [0,1] with  < Min { 1- p , q } , then A is IFSG (IFNSG) of G , where p = Max { A( x ) : x G – GA } and q = Min { A( x ) : x G –GA } and GA = { x  G ; A( x ) = A( e ) and A( x ) = A( e ) } is a subgroup of G. Proposition (7.15) Let A be IFS of a group G such that T -(A) be IFSG (IFNSG) of G , for some   [0,1] with  < Min { 1- p* , q*}, then A is IFSG (IFNSG) of G , where p* = Max { A( x ) : x G –GA} and q* = Min { A( x ) : x G –GA } and GA = { x  G ; A(x) = A(e) and A(x) = A(e)} is a subgroup of G. Proposition (7.16): For any IFSG of a group G and x  G ,   [0,1], we have (i) (T +(A))x = T +(Ax) (ii) x(T +(A)) = T +(xA) (iii) (T -(A))x = T -(Ax) (iv) x(T -(A)) = T -(xA) Now , we give an example to show that translate of intuitionistic fuzzy abelian subgroups need not be intuitionistic fuzzy abelian subgroups Example (7.17): Let G = S3 = { i , (12) ,(13) ,(23) ,(123),(132)}be the symmetric group. Consider the IFS A of G defined by  1 ; if x = i   A ( x)   0 ; if x 2 = i 0.6 ; if x 3 = i  and  0 ; if x = i   A( x)  0.5; if x 2 = i 0.3 ; if x 3 = i  Clearly A is IFSG of group G . Moreover C , ( A) = { i } or { i , (123) ,(132)}are abelian subgroups of G , for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1 Thus A is IFASG of G. Now if we take  = 0.5 , then T +(A) = { < i , 1 , 0 > , < (12) , 0.5 , 0 > , < (13) , 0.5 , 0 > , < (23) , 0.5 , 0 >, < (123) , 1 , 0 > , < (132) , 1 , 0 > } and T -(A) = { < i , 0.5 , 0.5 > , < (12) , 0 , 1 > , < (13) , 0 , 1 > , < (23) , 0 , 1 >, < (123) , 0.1 , 0.8 > , < (132) , 0.1 , 0.8 > } When we take  = 0.5 and  = 0.2 , then C , ( T +(A) ) = S3 , which is not abelian Hence T +(A) is not IFASG of S3 . However C , ( T -(A) ) is either empty set or { i, (123) ,(132)} for all  ,   (0,1] with 0 <  +   1 Therefore T -(A) is IFASG of S3. 8. t - Intuitionistic fuzzy subset and t - Intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup Definition (8.1). Let A be an IFS of a group G. Let t  [0,1]. Then the IFS At of G is called the t- intuitionistic fuzzy subset of G w.r.t. IFS A and is defined as At  ( At , At ) , where  At ( g )  min{ A( g ), t} and  At ( g )  max{ A( g ), 1-t}, for all g  G Remark (8.2) : Clearly, A1 = A and A0 = 0 , where 0 (x) = (0, 1) Re sult. (8.3). Let At  (  At , At ) and Bt  (  Bt , Bt ) be two t-IFS of a group G. Then ( A B)t = At  Bt . Definition (8.4). Let A be an IFS of a group G. Let t  [0,1]. Then A is called t- intuitionistic fuzzy subgroup ( In short t- IFSG ) ( t – intuitionistic fuzzy normal subgroup ) (In short tIFNSG) of G if At is IFSG (IFNSG) of G. Proposition(8.5) If A is IFSG (IFNSG) of a group G, then A is also t- IFSG (t-IFNSG) of G. Remark (8.6). The converse of above proposition (8.5) need not be true Example (8.7). Let G = { e , a , b , ab }, where a 2 = b2 = e and ab = ba be the Klein four group. Define the IFS A = {< e , 0.1 , 0.1> , < a , 0.3 , 0.3> , < b , 0.3 , 0.4> , < ab , 0.2 , 0.4> } of G. Clearly , A is not IFSG of G . Take t = 0.05 . Then A(x) > t for all x G A(x) < 1- t for all x G also  A ( x)  min{ A( x), t}  t  A ( x)  max{ A( x), 1-t}  1  t , for all x  G and t t Therefore,  At ( xy)  min{ At ( x),  At ( y)} and  At ( xy)  max{ At ( x),  At ( y)} hold Further, as a 1  a , b1  b , (ab) 1  (ab). So  At ( x1 )   At ( x) and  At ( x1 )   At ( x) hold Hence A is t- IFSG of G. Example(8.8). Let G = D3 = < a , b : a 3 = b2 = e , ba = a 2b > be the dihedral group with six elements . Define the IFSG A = ( A , A) of D3 by 0.8 0.7 A (x) =  if x  < b > if otherwise and 0.1 if x  < b > 0.2 if otherwise  A (x) =  i.e., A ={ < e, 0.8, 0.1>, < a , 0.7, 0.2>,< a 2 , 0.7, 0.2>,< b, 0.8, 0.1>,< ab, 0.7, 0.1>,< ba , 0.8, 0.1>} Note that A is not IFNSG of G , for A (ab) = 0.7  0.8 = A (ba ) . Now, take t = 0.6 , we get min{ A( x1 g ), t} = t = min{ A( gx1 ), t} max{ A( x1 g ), 1- t} = 1- t = max{ A( gx1 ), 1- t} , for all x , g  G. i.e xA ( g )   A x ( g )  t and  xA ( g )   A x ( g )  1  t , for all x  G t t Hence A is t- IFNSG of G. t t and i. Proposition(8.9). Let A be a IFS of group G such that A(x-1) = A(x) and A(x-1) = A(x) hold for all x G. Let t < min{ p , 1- q } , where p = min{ A(x) : for all xG} and q = max{ A(x) : for all xG}. Then A is t-IFSG of G. Proposition(8.10). Intersection of two t-IFSG’s of a group G is also t-IFSG of G. Corollary(8.11). Intersection of a family of t-IFSG’s of a group G is again t-IFSG of G. Theorem(8.12) : Let f : G1  G2 be surjective homomorphism and A be (t-IFSG) [t-IFNSG] of group G1. Then f (A) is (t-IFSG) [t-IFNSG] of group G2 . Theorem (8.13) : Let f : G1  G2 be homomorphism of group G1 into a group G2. Let B be (t-IFSG) [t-IFNSG] of group G2. Then f -1(B) is (t-IFSG) [t-IFNSG] of group G1 . Proposition(8.14) Let G/ At denote the collection of all t – intuitionistic fuzzy cosets of an t-IFNSG A of G. i.e. G/ At = { At x : xG }. Then the binary operations  defined on the set G/ At as follows: At x  At y  At xy , for all x , y  G is a well defined operation and it form a group under the operations . Proposition(8.15) A mapping f : G  G/ At , where G is a group and G/ At is the set of all t-intuitionistic fuzzy cosets of the t-IFNSG A of G defined by f (x) = At x , is an onto homomorphism with ker f = N ( = Ct ,1-t(A)), where t [0,1] ) REFERENCES 1. P.K. Sharma “(, )-Cut of Intuitionistic fuzzy groups” International Mathematics Forum , Vol. 6, 2011, no. 53, 2605-2614 2. P.K. Sharma “Homomorphism of Intuitionistic fuzzy groups ” International Mathematics Forum , Vol. 6, 2011, no. 64, 3169-3178 3. P.K. Sharma “ Intuitionistic fuzzy groups”, International Journal of Data Ware housing & Mining, Vol. 1 , Issue 1 , (2011) , 86-94 4. P.K. 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