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Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis for the SPN Structure Seokhie Hong1⋆ , Sangjin Lee, Jongin Lim, Jaechul Sung, Donghyeon Cheon, and Inho Cho Center for Information and Security Technologies(CIST), Korea University, Seoul, KOREA, hsh@semi.korea.ac.kr Abstract. In the SPN (Substitution-Permutation Network) structure, it is very important to design a diffusion layer to construct a secure block cipher against differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis. The purpose of this work is to prove that the SPN structure with a maximal diffusion layer provides a provable security against differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis in the sense that the probability of each differential (respectively linear hull) is bounded by pn (respectively q n ), where p (respectively q) is the maximum differential (respectively liner hull) probability of n S-boxes used in the substitution layer. We will also give a provable security for the SPN structure with a semi-maximal diffusion layer against differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis. 1 Introduction and Motivation The Feistel structure has been used widely in the iterated block cipher. In this structure, the input to each round is divided into two halves. The right half is transformed by some nonlinear function and then xored to the left half and the two halves are swapped except for the last round. On the other hand, the SPN structure is designed using round function on the whole data block. Nowadays, the SPN structure is also attracting interest because it is highly parallelizable and easy to analyze the security against differential cryptanalysis(DC) and linear cryptanalysis(LC). The most well known attacks on block ciphers are DC[1,2,3] and LC[6,7]. In DC, one uses characteristic which describes the behavior of input and output differences for some number of consecutive rounds. But it may not be necessary to fix the values of input and output differences for the intermediate rounds in a characteristic, so naturally the notion of differential was introduced[15]. The same statements can be applied to LC, so that of linear hull was introduced[11]. However it seems computationally infeasible to compute the maximum probabilities of differential and linear hull if the number of rounds increases. ⋆ The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the Korea Research Foundation made in the program year of 1998. B. Schneier (Ed.): FSE 2000, LNCS 1978, pp. 273–283, 2001. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001  274 S. Hong et al. In [9], K. Nyberg and L.R. Knudsen showed that the r-round differential probability is bounded by 2p2 if the maximal differential probability of round function is p and r ≥ 4. Furthermore, the probability can be reduced to p2 if the round function is bijective. These results provide a provable security for the Feistel structure against DC. M. Matsui proposed a new block cipher of a Feistel network, MISTY[8] for which security can be shown by the existing results for Feistel structures. The round function of MISTY is itself a Feistel network which is proven secure. From this round function with small S-boxes, he provided sufficiently large and strong S-boxes with proven security. Fig. 1. One round of a SPN structure In the SPN structure the diffusion layer provides an avalanche effect, both in the contexts of differences and linear approximation, so the notion of branch number was introduced[16]. The branch number of a diffusion layer has been determined to be very important. A cipher with the low branch number may have a fatal weakness even though a substitution layer consists of S-boxes resistant against DC and LC. In this paper we will give a provable security for the SPN structure with a maximal branch number by theorem 1. This paper proceeds as follows; In section 2 we will introduce some notations and definitions. In section 3 a provable security for the SPN structure with a maximal diffusion layer against DC will be given. Provable security against LC will be given in section 4. Other results will be described in section 5. 2 Preliminaries In this section we define some notations and definitions. Throughout this paper we consider an SPN structure with mn-bit round function. Let Si be an m × m Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis 275 bijective S-box, i.e., m Si : Zm 2 → Z2 (1 ≤ i ≤ n). Definition 1. For any given ∆x, ∆y, Γ x, Γ y ∈ Zm 2 , the differential and linear probability of each Si are defined as follows; #{x ∈ Zm 2 |Si (x) ⊕ Si (x ⊕ ∆x) = ∆y} 2m  2 #{x ∈ Zm 2 |Γ x · x = Γ y · Si (x)} Si −1 LP (Γ x → Γ y) = 2m−1 DP Si (∆x → ∆y) = where Γ x · x denotes the parity of bitwise xor of Γ x and x. Definition 2. The maximal differential and linear probability of Si are defined by Si DPmax = max DP Si (∆x → ∆y) ∆x=0,∆y and Si = LPmax max LP Si (Γ x → Γ y), Γ x,Γ y=0 respectively. Si Si and LPmax are small enough and a In general, Si is called strong if DPmax Si Si substitution layer is called strong if DPmax and LPmax are small enough for all Si Si 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Let us denote by p and q the maximal value of DPmax and LPmax for 1 ≤ i ≤ n, respectively. That is, Si Si , q = max LPmax . p = max DPmax 1≤i≤n 1≤i≤n Even though p and q are small enough, this does not guarantee a secure SPN structure against DC and LC. Hence the role of the diffusion layer is very important. The purpose of the diffusion layer is to provide an avalanche effect, both in the contexts of differences and linear approximations. Definition 3. Differentially active S-box is defined as an S-box given a non-zero input difference and linearly active S-box as an S-box given a non-zero output mask value[5]. The number of differentially active S-boxes has an effect on probabilities of differential characteristics or differentials. Hence the concept of active S-box plays an important role in giving a provable security for the SPN structure. Conversely differentially(resp. linearly) inactive S-boxes have a zero input xor(resp. output mask value). Consequently they have always a zero output xor(resp. input mask value) with probability 1. Let x = (x1 , · · · , xn )t ∈ GF (2m )n then the Hamming weight of x is denoted by Hw(x) = #{i|xi = 0}. 276 S. Hong et al. Note “Hamming weight of X” does not count the number of nonzero bits but count the number of non-zero m-bit characters. Throughout this paper we assume that the round keys, which are xored with the input data at each round, are independent and uniformly random. By assumption on round keys, key addition layer in Fig.1 has no influence on the number of active S-boxes. Now we define a SDS function with three layer of substitution-diffusion-substitution as depicted in Fig.2. Fig. 2. SDS function Denote diffusion layer of this SDS function by D, input difference by ∆x = x⊕x∗ , output difference by ∆y = y ⊕y ∗ = D(x)⊕D(x∗ ), and finally input mask value and output mask values by Γ x and Γ y, respectively. The minimum number of differentially and linearly active S-boxes of the SDS function are defined as follows; nd (D) = min Hw(∆x) + Hw(∆y) ∆x=0 and nl (D) = min Hw(Γ x) + Hw(Γ y), Γ y=0 respectively[12]. nd (D) and nl (D) are lower bounds for the number of active Sboxes in two consecutive rounds of a differential characteristic and linear approximation, respectively. A diffusion layer is called maximal if the nd (D)(equivalently nl (D)) is n + 1. Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis 3 277 Provable Security against DC In this section we will give a provable security for the SPN structure with a maximal diffusion layer against DC. Throughout this paper we assume that the diffusion layer D of the SDS function can be represented by an n × n matrix M = (mij )n×n , where mij ∈ GF (2m ). That is,   m11 · · · m1n   M =  ... . . . ...  . mn1 · · · mnn J. Daemen et. al [4] showed that, for the diffusion layer D, the relation between input difference(resp. output mask value) and output difference(resp. input mask value) is represented by the matrix M (resp.M t ). That is to say, ∆y = M ∆x (resp. Γ x = M t Γ y). So we can redefine nd (D) and nl (D) as follows; nd (D) = min {Hw(∆x) + Hw(M ∆x)}, ∆x=0 nl (D) = min {Hw(Γ y) + Hw(M t Γ y)}. Γ y=0 Hence we only need to investigate the matrix M to analyze the role of the diffusion layer D. Let us call M ′ an s×k submatrix of M if M ′ is of the following form;   mi1 j1 mi1 j2 · · · mi1 jk  mi2 j1 mi2 j2 · · · mi2 jk    M′ =  . ..  .. ..  .. . .  . mis j1 mis j2 · · · mis jk Then we say that M contains M ′ as an s × k submatrix. The following lemma shows the necessary and sufficient condition for a diffusion layer to be maximal. Lemma 1. Let M be the n × n matrix representing a diffusion layer D. Then nd (D) = n + 1 if and only if the rank of each k × k submatrix of M is k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Proof Assume that nd = n + 1 and there exists a k × k submatrix Mk of M such that the rank of Mk is less than k for some 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Without loss of generality we may assume that   m11 · · · m1k   Mk =  ... . . . ...  . mk1 · · · mkk 278 S. Hong et al. By assumption there exists (x1 , · · · , xk ) = (0, · · · , 0) such that      m11 · · · m1k x1 0  .. . . ..   ..   ..   . . .  .  =  . . mk1 · · · mkk xk (1) 0 Let x = (x1 , · · · , xk , 0, · · · , 0)t . By equation (1),      x1 0 m11 · · · m1k mik+1 · · · m1n  .. ..   ..   ..  .. .. .. ..      . .  . . . .  .   .    mk1 · · · mkk mkk+1 · · · mkn   xk   0      Mx =   mk+11 · · · mk+1k mk+1k+1 · · · mk+1n   0  =  δk+1  .       . ..   ..   ..  .. .. .. ..      .. . . . . . .  . mn1 · · · mnk mnk+1 · · · mnn (2) δn 0 By the definition of nd (D), nd (D) ≤ Hw(x) + Hw(M x) ≤ k + n − k = n. This is a contradiction to nd = n+1. Therefore we obtained a sufficient condition. Assume that the rank of each k × k submatrix of M is k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n and nd < n + 1. Since nd < n + 1, there exists x = (x1 , · · · , xn )t ∈ GF (2m )n such that Hw(x) + Hw(M x) ≤ n. Without loss of generality we may assume that x1 , · · · , xs are all nonzero and xj = 0 for all j > s. Let y = M x, then Hw(y) ≤ n − s. In other words, the number of zero components in y is greater than or equal to s, so we can assume yi1 = · · · = yis = 0. We can easily check equation (3).        mi 1 1 · · · mi 1 s x1 y i1 0  .. . . ..   ..  =  ..  =  ..  . (3)  . . .  .   .   .  mis 1 · · · mis s xs y is 0 Hence we can get an s×s submatrix of M with rank less than s. It is a contradiction to the fact that the rank of each k × k submatix of M is k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n.  In [12], it was shown how a maximal diffusion layer over GF (2m )n can be constructed from a maximum distance separable code. If Ge = [In×n Bn×n ] is the echelon form of the generator matrix of (2n, n, n + 1) RS-code, then D : GF (2m )n → GF (2m )n x → Bx is a maximal diffusion layer by lemma 1. Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis 279 Fig. 3. Differential of SDS function Consider the differential with input difference ∆α = (∆α1 , · · · , ∆αn ) and output difference ∆β = (∆β1 , · · · , ∆βn ) as depicted in Fig.3. Then the probability of this differential is like that; DP (∆α → ∆β) n n DP Si (∆γi → ∆βi |∆α) DP Si (∆αi → ∆δi ) = ∆δ1 ,···,∆δn i=1 (4) i=1 Lemma 2. Let M be the n × n matrix representing a diffusion layer D and nd (D) = n + 1. In Fig.3, if Hw(∆α) = k and Hw(∆β) = n − s + 1(s ≤ k), there is a index set {i1 , · · · , is−1 } so that ∆αi1 = 0, · · · , ∆αis−1 = 0 and {∆δi1 , · · · , ∆δis−1 } are determined by the other ∆δi ’s. Note Since nd (D) = n + 1, s must be less than or equal to k. A index set {i1 , · · · , is−1 } depends on the location of the nonzero ∆α and ∆β. Proof Without loss of generality we may assume ∆β1 = 0, · · · , ∆βs−1 = 0 (or equivalently∆γ1 = 0, · · · , ∆γs−1 = 0). Let ∆δ ′ = (∆δi1 · · · , ∆δik )t be the collection of all non-zero components in ∆δ = (∆δ1 , · · · , ∆δn )t . That is, ∆δij = 0 for all 1 ≤ j ≤ k and ∆δt = 0 if t ∈ / {i1 , · · · , ik }. Let   m1i1 · · · m1is−1 m1is · · · m1ik   .. .. .. .. .. .. M′ =  . . . . . . . ms−1i1 · · · ms−1is−1 ms−1is · · · ms−1ik 280 S. Hong et al. By the definitions of M ′ and ∆δ ′ and the assumption on ∆β, M ′ ∆δ ′ equals 0. Let’s divide ∆δ ′ into two parts, ∆δI and ∆δII , and M ′ into MI and MII as followings; ∆δI = (∆δi1 · · · , ∆δis−1 )t , ∆δII = (∆δis · · · , ∆δik )t ,   m1is m1i1 · · · m1is−1    . . . . .. .. .. MI =   and MII =  .. ms−1is ms−1i1 · · · ms−1is−1  From M ′ ∆δ ′ = 0, we get the equation  · · · m1ik  .. .. . . . · · · ms−1ik MI ∆δI + MII ∆δII = 0(or equivalently MI ∆δI = MII ∆δII ). Since MI is an invertible matrix by lemma 1, we have the equation ∆δI = MI−1 MII δII . Hence {∆δi1 · · · , ∆δis−1 } are determined by {∆δis · · · , ∆δik }  Lemma 2 means that the summation in (4) is not taken for all ∆δi1 , · · · , ∆δik but taken for all ∆δj1 , · · · , ∆δjk−s+1 for some index set {j1 , · · · jk−s+1 } ⊂ {i1 , · · · , ik }. Now, we are ready to prove our main theorem. Theorem 1. Assume that the round keys, which are xored to the input data at each round, are independent and uniformly random. If nd = n+1, the probability of each differential of SDS function is bounded by pn . Proof Consider the differential as depicted in Fig.3. Let Hw(∆α) = k and Hw(∆β) = n − s + 1 (s ≤ k), then without loss of generality we may assume ∆α1 = 0, · · · , ∆αk = 0 (5) (equivalently, ∆δ1 = 0, · · · , ∆δk = 0) and ∆βj1 = 0, · · · , ∆βjn−s+1 = 0. (6) ( equivalently, ∆γj1 = 0, · · · , ∆γjn−s+1 = 0). Then, DP (∆α → ∆β) n n DP Si (∆γi → ∆βi |∆α) DP Si (∆αi → ∆δi ) = ∆δ1 ,···,∆δn i=1 i=1 n n DP Si (∆γi → ∆βi ) DP Si (∆αi → ∆δi ) = ∆δ1 ,···,∆δn n−s+1 k DP Sji (∆γji → ∆βji ) DP Si (∆αi → ∆δi ) = ∆δ1 ,···,∆δk i=1 (7) i=1 i=1 i=1 (8) Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis n−s+1 k DP Sji (∆γji → ∆βji ) (9) Si = DP (∆αi → ∆δi ) ∆δi1 =0,··,∆δik−s+1 =0 281 i=1 i=1 k−s+1 DP Sit (∆αit → ∆δit )ps−1 pn−s+1 ≤ ∆δi1 =0,···,∆δik−s+1 =0 (10) t=1 k−s+1 = pn DP Sit (∆αit → ∆δit ) ∆δi1 =0,···,∆δik−s+1 =0 t=1 n ≤p Equation (7) follows from the assumption on round keys; equation (8) follows from assumptions (5) and (6); equation (9) follows from lemma 2; and equation (10) follows from the definition of p.  This theorem gives a provable security for the SPN structure. For example, consider a 128-bit SPN structure with 16 substitution boxes, S1 , · · · S16 , and a maximal diffusion layer. If we let Si : GF (28 ) → GF (28 ) (1 ≤ i ≤ n) x → x−1 we can take p = 2−6 , so that the maximum differential probability of this SDS function is bounded by p16 = (2−6 )16 = 2−96 . Hence one gets a SPN structure which gives proven resistance of order 2−96 against DC. 4 Provable Security against LC In this section we will give a provable security for the SPN structure with a maximal diffusion layer against LC. We know that the rank of M equals that of M t for any matrix M and so applying lemma 1 and 2 gives the following result; If nd (D) is equal to n + 1, nl (D) is also n + 1 and vice versa. Therefore we have the following theorem. Theorem 2. If nl (D) = n + 1(or equivalently nd (D) = n + 1), the probability of each linear hull of SDS function is bounded by q n . 5 Provable Security against DC and LC with a Semi-maximal Diffusion Layer In this section we will show that the probability of each differential is bounded by pn−1 when nd (D) is equal to n. A diffusion layer is called semi-maximal with respect to DC(resp. LC) when nd (D)(resp. nl (D)) equals n. In general nd (D) is not equal to nl (D) but there are sufficient conditions that nl (D) is equal to nd (D)[14]. A diffusion layer is called semi − maximal if nd (D) and nl (D) are equal to n. 282 S. Hong et al. Lemma 3. If nd (D) = n, the rank of each k × k submatrix of M is greater than or equal to k − 1 for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n and there exists at least one s × s submatrix with rank s − 1 for some 1 ≤ s ≤ n. Proof Let nd (D) = n and suppose that there exists a k × k submatrix Mk of M whose rank is less than k − 1. That is, there exist at least two independent vectors v, w ∈ GF (2m )k so that Mk v = Mk w = 0. We can make a vector x ∈ GF (2m )k with Hw(x) ≤ k − 1 and Mk x = 0 by a linear combination of v and w over GF (2m ). From x and Mk we can get a vector X ∈ GF (2m )n such that Hw(X) ≤ k − 1 and Hw(M X) ≤ n − k. This is contradiction to the fact that nd (D) is equal to n. Hence the rank of each k × k submatrix of M is greater than or equal to k − 1 for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n. By lemma 1 there exists at least one s × s submatrix with rank s − 1.  We also state a statement similar to lemma 2; Let M be the n × n matrix representing a diffusion layer D and nd (D) = n. In Fig.3, if Hw(∆α) = k and Hw(∆β) = n − s(s ≤ k), there is a index set {ii , · · · , is−1 } so that {∆δi1 , · · · , ∆δis−1 } are represented by the other ∆δi ’s. The proof of this statement is similar to that of the lemma 2. Theorem 3. Assume that the round keys, which are xored to the input data at each round, are independent and uniformly random. If nd = n, the probability of each differential of SDS function is bounded by pn−1 . Proof We use the same notations as used in the proof of theorem 1. There is only one difference between the proof of theorem 3 and that of this theorem; Hw(∆β) is not n − s + 1 but n − s. Thus DP (∆α → ∆β) goes up by p−1 . Hence we have DP (∆α → ∆β) ≤ pn−1  We can easily check that if nl (D) = n, the probability of linear hull of SDS function is bounded by q n−1 . 6 Conclusion In the SPN structure, it is very important to design a diffusion layer with good properties as well as a substitution layer. Even though a substitution layer is strong against DC and LC, this does not guarantee a secure SPN structure against DC and LC if a diffusion layer does not provide an avalanche effect, both in the context of differences and linear approximations. In this paper we give the necessary and sufficient condition for diffusion layer to be maximal or semi-maximal. Also we proved that the probability of each differential(resp. linear hull) of the SDS function with a maximal diffusion layer is bounded by pn (resp. q n ) and that of each differential(resp. linear hull) of the SDS function with a semi-maximal diffusion layer is bounded by pn−1 (resp. q n−1 ). These results give a provable security for the SPN structure against DC and LC with a maximal diffusion layer or a semi-maximal diffusion layer. Therefore we Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis 283 expect to obtain a SPN structure with a higher resistance against DC and LC and a smaller number of rounds. References 1. E. Biham and A. Shamir, Differential Cryptanalysis of DES-like Cryptosystem, Journal of Cryptoloy, Vol.4, pp. 3-72, 1991. 2. E. Biham and A. Shamir, Differential Cryptanalysis of Snefru, Khafre, REDOC-II, LOKI and Lucifer, Advanced in cryptology-CRYPTO’91, pp. 156-171, SpringerVerlag, 1991. 3. E. Biham, On Matsui’s Linear Cryptanalysis, Advanced in cryptologyEUROCRYPT’94, pp. 341-355, Springer-Verlag, 1994. 4. J. Daemen, R. Govaerts and J. Vandewalle, Correlation Matrices, Proceedings of the first international workshop of the Fast Software Encryption, LNCS 1008, pp. 275-285, Springer-Verlag, 1994. 5. M. Kanda, Y. Takashima, T. Matsumoto, K. 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