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Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Applied Mathematics and Computation journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/amc Novel selection schemes for harmony search Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar a,b,⇑, Iyad Abu Doush c, Ahamad Tajudin Khader a, Mohammed A. Awadallah a a School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia Department of Computer Science, Al-zaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan c Computer Science Department, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan b a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Harmony search algorithm Selection schemes Evolutionary Algorithm Selective pressure Memory consideration Genetic Algorithm a b s t r a c t Selection is a vital component used in Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) where the fitness value of the solution has influence on the evolution process. Normally, any efficient selection method makes use of the Darwinian principle of natural selection (i.e., survival of the fittest). Harmony search (HS) is a recent EA inspired by musical improvisation process to seek a pleasing harmony. Originally, two selection methods are used in HS: (i) memory consideration selection method where the values of the decision variables are randomly selected from the population (or solutions stored in harmony memory (HM)) to generate a new harmony, and (ii) selecting a new solution in HM whereby a greedy selection is used to update the HM. The memory consideration selection, the focal point of this paper, is not based on natural selection principle which draws heavily on random selection. In this paper, novel selection schemes which replace the random selection scheme in memory consideration are investigated, comprising global-best, fitness-proportional, tournament, linear rank and exponential rank. The proposed selection schemes are individually altered and incorporated in the process of memory consideration and each adoption is realized as a new HS variation. The performance of the proposed HS variations are evaluated and a comparative study is conducted. The experimental results using benchmark functions show that the selection schemes incorporated in memory consideration directly affect the performance of HS algorithm. Finally, a parameter sensitivity analysis of the proposed HS variations is analyzed. Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Harmony search (HS) algorithm, a population-based metaheuristic algorithm, which was proposed by Geem et al. [1] has nowadays attracted the attention of the optimization research community due to its impressive advantages: it stipulates fewer mathematical requirements and iteratively generates a new solution after considering all the existing solutions [2]; it has a novel stochastic derivative which reduces the number of iterations required to converge towards local minima [3]; it can handle both discrete and continuous variables. In other words, such advantages are related to simplicity, flexibility, adaptability, generality, and scalability [4]. HS algorithm has been successfully tailored for several optimization problems such as structural optimization, multi-buyer multi-vendor supply chain problem, timetabling, flow shop scheduling [5–11], and many others as shown in [12]. The basic structure and performance of HS algorithm have been improved overtime to keep pace with the requirements of the applications being developed [13,14]. This is done by tuning HS parameters ⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia. E-mail address: mohbetar@cs.usm.my (M.A. Al-Betar). 0096-3003/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2011.11.095 6096 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 [2,15–17] and/or hybridizing it with characteristics of other effective optimization methods [18]. Theoretically, mathematical analysis of the exploratory power capability of HS algorithm has been investigated [19]. As HS is an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) [18], it begins with a set of provisional solutions stored in harmony memory (HM). At each evolution, a new solution called new harmony is generated based on three operators: (i) memory consideration, which selects the variable values of new harmony from HM solutions; (ii) random consideration, used to diversify the new harmony, and (iii) pitch adjustment which is responsible for local improvement. The new harmony is then evaluated to replace the worst solution in HM, if it is better. The solutions in HM will evolve iteratively in the hope of obtaining a better solutions in the next evolutions. This process is looped until a stop criterion is satisfied. In the memory consideration operator, selection is the process of choosing the values of the variables from the solutions stored in HM that will be used to generate the new harmony. In EA, selection is an artificial process which mimics the natural selection (i.e., survival of the fittest). Selection is the most influential element used in EA where the fitness value of the solutions has a great impact on the evolution process. In fact, the fitness value in EA has essential features for individuals: it is clearly defined, direct, and valuable which logically makes it an active fitness-based component [20]. Basically, the characteristic of being more or less directed toward specific (i.e., best) individuals is the common property of implementing the selection scheme in EA [20]. The memory consideration operator in HS algorithm originally selects the value of the variables randomly from any solution, yet it gives less consideration to the natural selection principle where the fittest solutions should have higher probability to give a value of variables to generate the new harmony. In EA, several selection schemes, which imitate the natural selection principle, have been proposed to guide the search process. This paper investigates selection schemes for memory consideration to emulate Darwin’s principle of the ‘survival of the fittest’. Along with the original random selection scheme proposed by Geem et al. [1], five others were investigated: global-best, proportional, tournament, linear ranking, and exponential ranking selection schemes. These selection schemes are borrowed from other powerful EAs (i.e., Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [21,22] and Genetic Algorithm (GA) [23]) and altered to be applicable for HS algorithm. Using standard benchmark functions, the experimental results show that the selection schemes incorporated with memory consideration have a high impact on the performance of HS algorithm. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: HS algorithm is overviewed in Section 2. The novel selection schemes incorporated with memory consideration are discussed in Section 3. Results of the experiments are presented in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and gives suggestions for possible future directions. 2. Harmony search algorithm principles HS is an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) inspired by musical improvisation process [1], where a group of musicians improvise the pitches of their musical instruments, practice after practice, seeking for a pleasing harmony as determined by an audio-aesthetic standard. Analogously in optimization, a set of decision variables is assigned with values, iteration by iteration, seeking for a ‘good enough’ solution as evaluated by an objective function. HS has five main steps illustrated as a flowchart in Fig. 1 and described as follows: Step 1: Initialize the problem and HS parameters. Normally, the optimization problem is initially modeled as: min {f(x)jx 2 X}, where f(x) is the objective function; x = {xiji = 1, . . . , N} is the set of decision variables. X = {Xiji = 1, . . . , N} is the possible value range for each decision variable, where Xi 2 [LBi, UBi], where LBi and UBi are the lower and upper bounds for the decision variable xi respectively and N is the number of decision variables. The parameters of the HS algorithm required to solve the optimization problem are also specified in this step: Fig. 1. The flowchart of the HS algorithm. M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 6097 (a) The Harmony Memory Consideration Rate (HMCR), used in the improvisation process to determine whether the value of a decision variable is to be selected from the solutions stored in the harmony memory (HM). (b) The Harmony Memory Size (HMS) is similar to the population size in Genetic Algorithm. (c) The Pitch Adjustment Rate (PAR), decides whether the decision variables are to be adjusted to a neighbouring value. (d) The distance bandwidth (BW), also known as fret width (FW) [13], determines the distance of adjustment in the pitch adjustment operator. (e) The Number of Improvisations (NI) corresponds to the number of iterations. These parameters will be explained in more detail in the next steps. Note that the HMCR and PAR are the two parameters which control the three operators of HS algorithm (i.e., (i) memory consideration is controlled by HMCR, (ii) random consideration is controlled by 1-HMCR, and (iii) pitch adjustment is controlled by PAR). Step 2: Initialize the harmony memory. The harmony memory (HM) is an augmented matrix of size N  HMS which contains sets of solution vectors determined by HMS (see (1)). In this step, these vectors are randomly generated as follows: xji ¼ LBi þ ðUBi  LBi Þ  Uð0; 1Þ; 8i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N and "j = 1, 2, . . . , HMS, and U(0,1) generate a uniform random number between 0 and 1. The generated solutions are stored in HM in ascending order according to their objective function values. 2 x11 6 6 2 6 x1 6 6 HM ¼ 6 6 . 6 .. 6 4 xHMS 1 x12  x22  .. .  xHMS 2 x1N 3 7 7 x2N 7 7 7 7: .. 7 . 7 7 5 ð1Þ    xHMS N Step 3: Improvise a new harmony. In this step, the HS algorithm will generate (improvise) a new harmony vector from scratch, x0 ¼ ðx01 ; x02 ; . . . ; x0N Þ, based on three operators: (1) memory consideration, (2) random consideration, and (3) pitch adjustment. Memory consideration. In memory consideration, the value of the first decision variable x01 is randomly selected from the historical values, fx11 ; x21 ; . . . ; xHMS g, stored in HM vectors. Values of the other decision variables, ðx02 ; x03 ; . . . ; x0N Þ, are 1 sequentially selected in the same manner with probability (w.p.) HMCR where HMCR 2 (0, 1). It is worth noting that the selection scheme in memory consideration is random and that the natural selection principle is not used (i.e., the value of decision variable is selected from any solution using unguided selection scheme). Random consideration. Decision variables that are not assigned with values according to memory consideration are randomly assigned according to their possible range by random consideration with a probability of (1-HMCR) as follows: x0i 8 0 g w:p: < xi 2 fx1i ; x2i ; . . . ; xHMS i : x0i 2 X i HMCR; w:p: 1  HMCR: Pitch adjustment. Each decision variable x0i of a new harmony vector, x0 ¼ ðx01 ; x02 ; x03 ; . . . ; x0N Þ, that has been assigned a value by memory considerations is pitch adjusted with the probability of PAR where PAR 2 (0, 1) as follows Pitch adjusting decision for x0i ( Yes w:p: PAR; No 1  PAR: w:p: If the pitch adjustment decision for x0i is Yes, the value of x0i is modified to its neighboring value as follows: x0i ¼ x0i þ Uð1; 1Þ  FW. Step 4: Update the harmony memory. If the new harmony vector, x0 ¼ ðx01 ; x02 ;    ; x0N Þ, is better than the worst harmony xworst stored in HM in terms of the objective function value (i.e., xworst = xHMS in case HM is sorted), the new harmony vector is included to the HM, and the worst harmony vector is excluded from the HM. This is a greedy selection scheme where the principle of natural selection is applied. Step 5: Check the stop criterion. Step 3 and step 4 of HS algorithm are repeated until the stop criterion (maximum number of improvisations) is met. This is specified by NI parameter. 6098 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 The procedure of HS algorithm can be presented as in Algorithm 1: Algorithm 1. Harmony search algorithm Set HMCR, PAR, NI, HMS, FW. xji ¼ LBi þ ðUBi  LBi Þ  Uð0; 1Þ; 8i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N and "j = 1, 2, . . . , HMS {generate HM solutions} Calculate (f(xj)), "j = (1, 2, . . . , HMS) Sort(HM) itr = 0 while (itr 6 NI) do x0 = / for i = 1, . . . , N do if (U(0, 1) 6 HMCR) then g {memory consideration} x0i 2 fx1i ; x2i ; . . . ; xHMS i if (U(0,1) 6 PAR) then x0i ¼ x0i þ Uð1; 1Þ  FW {pitch adjustment} end if else x0i ¼ LBi þ ðUBi  LBi Þ  Uð0; 1Þ {random consideration} end if end for if (f(x0 ) < f(xworst)) then Include x0 to the HM. Exclude xworst from HM. end if itr = itr + 1 end while 3. Selection schemes In HS algorithm, there are two places where the selection process has to be triggered: (i) In memory consideration, where the HS selects the value of each decision variable randomly from its corresponding values stored in HM solutions with a probability HMCR. (ii) In step 4: update the HM, where the HS uses a greedy selection to replace the new improvised harmony with the worst harmony stored in HM. The selection process used in memory consideration is the focal point of this paper. In the original HS algorithm, this selection scheme selects a random solution from HM by an unguided process, yet it minimizes dependence on Darwinian’s selection principle of ‘survival of the fittest’. Generally speaking, the selection scheme in EA directs the search into considering better individuals and enforces a high diversity of population [24]. The selection scheme has to maintain the diversity of the population so as not to fall into a premature convergence [25]. Selection is the force that provides EA with the convergence level. Selecting many solutions from the memory will lead to a premature convergence, while selecting a small number of solutions will make the algorithm progress slower [26]. In EAs, any selection scheme has two phases: selection and sampling [27]. In the selection phase, each solution in the population is assigned with selection probability based on its fitness value. In the sampling phase, the solutions of the next population are sampled based on the selection probability. Selection schemes are classified into static and dynamic selection [20]. In static selection scheme, the selection probability of each solution is determined in advance and then remains constant during the search. Examples of this scheme include tournament selection [28], linear rank [27], and exponential rank [26]. In contrast, the dynamic selection scheme updates the selection probability of each solution in the population at each evolution. Another classification categorizes the selection schemes into fitness-proportionate and rank-based [26].The fitness-proportionate class calculates the selection probability based on the absolute fitness value of each individual while in rank-based class, the selection probability is determined based on fitness ranking rather than absolute fitness. A simple example of fitness-proportionate is the traditional proportional selection scheme [23]. Some selection schemes have scaling problems which can lead to a premature convergence (e.g., proportionate selection). Other selection schemes suffer from the non balance between fitness and the ability of reproduction (e.g., linear rank) [26]. 6099 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Conventionally, the selective pressure, an informal term characterizing the strength of a selection scheme, is linked to the process of evaluating any selection scheme. In HS algorithm, the selective pressure can be defined as the probability of selecting the values of the variables from the better solution compared to the average probability of selection of all solutions in HM. In general, the main aim of the selective pressure is to focus on regions of the search space known to have better solutions. There is a tendency to use a higher selective pressure to result in an efficient selection method [29]. However, the selective pressure has a direct influence on the algorithm diversity. Higher selective pressure leads to higher exploitation and less exploration, thus leading to a premature convergence. In this paper, six selection schemes incorporated in the memory consideration are presented including the original random selection mechanism. The selection schemes proposed are altered in a way that are applicable for HS. These selection schemes were adopted in the memory consideration phase in a way that selects a variable from a solution in the harmony memory. The selection is performed according to the HMCR and it is used to choose one variable from the solutions in the harmony memory. The discussion will take into consideration how each selection method calculates the selection probability and the way of sampling (or assigning) the values of each decision variable in the new harmony. The selection schemes are illustrated in the following subsections where the following assumptions are made to standardize the terms used: (i) The solutions, [x1, x2, . . . , xHMS]T, stored in HM of size HMS are ordered in accordance with their fitness values where, x1 is the best solution (i.e., f(x1) < f(xi), "i = (2, . . . , HMS)) and xHMS is the worst. (ii) The selection probability of the solutions, (x1, x2, . . . , xHMS), is pointed as (p1, p2, . . . , pHMS) where pi is the selection probability of the solution i, "i 2 (1, 2, . . . , HMS). (iii) The selective pressure of any solution is determined by its selection probability, where a solution with a higher selection probability is expected to have a higher selective pressure. P (iv) For any selection scheme, the accumulative selection probability is unity (i.e., HMS i¼1 pi ¼ 1). 0 (v) The value of each decision variable xi ; 8i 2 ð1; 2; . . . ; NÞ in the new harmony (to be mentioned later) meets the probability of HMCR. At the end of each subsection which defines a selection scheme described below, we introduce a simple numerical example to clarify how the selection method is used in HS algorithm. We used the Sphere function (defined in Table 7) for all the examples. In all examples, HMS = 5, HMCR = 0.9, and PAR = 0.3. 3.1. Random selection scheme The random selection scheme as defined by Geem et al. [1] works as follows: (i) Selection probability: all solutions stored in the HM have equal selection probability to select the value of any decision variable, i.e., {p1 = p2 =    = pHMS}. (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is randomly sampled from any solution stored in HM, such as x0i ¼ xki , where k  U(1, 2, . . . , HMS). Note that the selective pressure is equal for all the solutions stored in HM. Example 3.1. In this selection scheme, all the values stored in the HM have the same chance to be selected (see Table 1). The probability of selecting any solution from the harmony memory is the same as this selection scheme will randomly select any of the solutions. 3.2. Global-best selection scheme The global best is a primary concept of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [21,22] which was used by Omran and Mahdavi [18] in pitch adjustment with a successful performance. The global best selection scheme modifies the random selection Table 1 Example of random selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) pi 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 3.7 7.6 12.8 17.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Total 1.0 6100 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 2 Example of global-best selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) pi 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 3.7 7.6 12.8 17.7 1.0 0 0 0 0 Total 1.0 scheme in memory consideration so that the memory consideration can select the values of the new harmony from the best solution in the HM. Global-best selection scheme works as follows: (i) Selection probability: the selection probability of the best solution is unity (i.e., p1 = 1) while the selection probability of the remaining solutions is zero (i.e., pi = 0, "i 2 (2, . . . , HMS)). (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is sampled from the best harmony stored in the HM such as x0i ¼ xjk , where j = arg minj2[1,HMS] f(xj) ^ k 2 (1, 2, . . . , N). This selection scheme focuses on the single best solution in HM and this gives it a superior selective pressure. Example 3.2. In this selection scheme the best solution in the harmony memory will be selected (see Table 2). The probability of selecting any solution from the harmony memory other than the best solution is zero. 3.3. Proportional selection scheme The Proportional (or Roulette wheel) selection scheme is the most traditional selection method proposed by Holand [23]. In this method, the selection probability depends on the absolute fitness value of any solution compared to the absolute fitness values of the other solutions stored in HM. Proportional selection scheme works as follows: (i) Selection probability: the selection probability pi for the solution i is proportional to its fitness value1 based on: f ðxi Þ pi ¼ PHMS : j j¼1 f ðx Þ ð2Þ (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is sampled from the solution k in the HM, such as x0i ¼ xki , where k is chosen using the roulette wheel method shown in Algorithm 2: Algorithm 2. Pseudocode for the roulette wheel method 1: Set r  U(0, 1). 2: Set found = False 3: Set sum_prob = 0. 4: Set k = 0. 5: while (i 6 HMS) AND NOT (found) do 6: sum_prob = sum_prob + pi 7: if (sum_prob P r) then 8: k=i 9: found = True 10: end if 11: i = i + 1 12: end while 13: return (k) In Algorithm 2, r randomly picks a value uniformly from U(0, 1); sum_prob has accumulative selection probabilities where P the sum prob ¼ ji¼1 pi is the accumulative selection probability of solution xj. Note that the accumulative selection probability of solution xHMS is unity. 1 The selection probability is proportional to the fitness value in the case of maximization objective function. However, in case of minimization, the selection probability is proportional to the value (1/fitness value). 6101 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 It should be borne in mind that this selection scheme is dynamic as the selection probability of each solution in HM is reevaluated at each iteration [20]. There are some shortcomings in the implementation of this selection method [30]: (i) The outstanding solution in HM normally has a higher selection probability and thus higher selective pressure which leads to premature convergence due to the diversity loss. (ii) Once the solutions stored in HM have similar fitness values, the selective pressure becomes almost equal for all solutions and thus the memory consideration serves the unguided selection process. (iii) Once the fitness values of the HM solutions are transposed, this selection scheme behaves differently. Example 3.3. In this selection scheme, the roulette wheel method is used to select one of the solutions in the harmony memory. Table 3 shows the selection probability of the HM solutions. The solution with a better fitness value (i.e., minimum one in our example) has the highest probability to be selected (see Fig. 2). 3.4. Tournament selection scheme The tournament selection scheme is initially proposed by Goldberg in [28]. It randomly samples k solutions from the entire solutions stored in the HM, and then selects the solution with the best fitness from that tournament. Tournament selection scheme works as follows: (i) Selection probability: the size of tournament is k, the solutions in the k-tournament are randomly selected. The selection probability of each solution in the k-tournament is determined as follows: pi ¼ 1 k HMS    ðHMS  i þ 1Þk  ðHMS  iÞk : ð3Þ Eq. (3) was proved in [20], p.173. (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is sampled from the solution xj where j is the index of the best solution in the k-tournament. Table 3 Example of proportional selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) 1/f(xi) 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 3.7 7.6 12.8 17.7 0.833 0.270 0.132 0.078 0.056 Total pi sum_probi 0.6085 0.1972 0.0964 0.0570 0.0365 1.369 0.6085 0.8057 0.9021 0.9591 1.0 1.0 Fig. 2. The selection process of roulette wheel method used for Example 3.3. Table 4 Example of tournament selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) Tournament elements pi 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 3.7 7.6 12.8 17.7 X U X U U 0 1.0 0 0 0 Total 1.0 6102 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 This mechanism has certain advantages over other selection schemes: It does not require the ranking of the whole population first and its selective pressure, which is tuned based on the size of tournament (i.e., k), can be adjusted easily [31]. Example 3.4. In this selection scheme, assume we have a tournament size k = 3. Then three solutions from the HM are randomly selected to enter the tournament (e.g., x2, x4, x5). Table 4 shows the selection probability of the HM solutions in the tournament. The HS algorithm will select the best solution from the solutions participated in the tournament (i.e., x2). 3.5. Linear ranking selection scheme Linear ranking is another selection scheme that was inspired to cover the drawbacks of the proportional selection scheme [27]. The rationale behind the rank selection schemes is to determine the selection probability of the solutions stored in HM according to the solution fitness rank. This selection scheme is static [20], where the selection probability is determined in advance and remains constant during the search process. Linear ranking selection scheme works as follows: (i) Selection probability: Considering the assumption above, Let g+ = HMS  p1 and g = HMS  pHMS where g+ is the expected values of the best solutions in HM while g is the expected value of the worst. Both g+ and g determine the slope of the linear function. The ranked selection probability of the solution xi is determined by linear mapping as follows [31]: Table 5 Example of linear ranking selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) 1 1.2 2 3.7 3 7.6 4 12.8 5 17.7   1 i1  gþ  ðgþ  g Þ  HMS1 pi ¼ HMS   pi ¼ 15  1:8  ð1:8  0:2Þ  11 51   1 21 pi ¼ 5  1:8  ð1:8  0:2Þ  51   pi ¼ 15  1:8  ð1:8  0:2Þ  31 51   1 41 pi ¼ 5  1:8  ð1:8  0:2Þ  51   pi ¼ 15  1:8  ð1:8  0:2Þ  51 51 Total pi sum_probi 0.36 0.36 0.28 0.64 0.2 0.84 0.12 0.96 0.04 1.0 1.0 Fig. 3. The selection process of roulette wheel method used for Example 3.5. Table 6 Example of exponential ranking selection scheme. Rank(i) f(xi) ci pi sum_probi 1 2 3 4 5 1.2 3.7 7.6 12.8 17.7 s=1 s = 0.9 s = 0.92 = 0.81 s = 0.93 = 0.729 s = 0.94 = 0.6561 0.244 0.22 0.198 0.178 0.16 0.244 0.464 0.662 0.84 1.0 4.0951 1.0 Total Fig. 4. The selection process of roulette wheel method used for Example 3.6. Function name Sphere function Schwefel’s problem 2.22 [34] Step function Rosenbrock function Rotated hyper-ellipsoid function Schwefel’s problem 2.26 [34] Rastrigin function Ackley’s function Griewank function Six-Hump Camel-Back function Shifted Sphere function [35] Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 [35] Shifted Rosenbrock [35] Shifted Rastrigin [35] Expression P 2 f1 ðxÞ ¼ N i¼1 xi P QN f2 ðxÞ ¼ N jx i¼1 i j þ i¼1 jxi j f3 ðxÞ ¼ PN i¼1 ðbxi þ 0:5cÞ2 2 2 2 i¼1 ð100ðxiþ1  xi Þ þ ðxi  1Þ Þ 2 PN Pi f5 ðxÞ ¼ i¼1 j¼1 xj pffiffiffiffiffi  PN  f6 ðxÞ ¼  i¼1 xi sinð jxi jÞ f4 ðxÞ ¼ PN1 PN 2 i¼1 ðxi  10 cosð2pxi Þ þ 10Þ   qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  P  PN 2ffi N 1 1 f8 ðxÞ ¼ 20 exp 0:2 30  exp 30 i¼1 xi i¼1 cosð2pxi Þ þ 20 þ e   PN 2 QN xiffi 1 p f9 ðxÞ ¼ 4000 þ1 i¼1 xi  i¼1 cos i f7 ðxÞ ¼ f10 ðxÞ ¼ 4x21  2:1x41 þ 13 x61 þ x1 x2  4x22 þ 4x42 f11 ðxÞ ¼ f12 ðxÞ ¼ f13 ðxÞ ¼ f14 ðxÞ ¼ PN 2 i¼1 zi PN i¼1 PN1 i¼1 PN þ f bias1 , where z = x  o P i j¼1 zj 2 þ f bias2 , where z = x  o ð100ðziþ1  z2i Þ2 þ ðzi  1Þ2 Þ þ f bias6 , where z = x  o 2 i¼1 ðzi  10 cosð2pzi Þ þ 10Þ þ f bias9 , where z = x  o Search range Optimum value Category [16] Landscape xi 2 [100, 100] min(f1) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Unimodal Fig. 5(a) xi 2 [10, 10] min(f2) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Unimodal Fig. 5(b) xi 2 [100, 100] min(f3) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Fig. 5(c) xi 2 [30, 30] min(f4) = f(1, . . . , 1) = 0 Unimodal & discontinues Multimodal xi 2 [100, 100] min(f5) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Unimodal Fig. 5(e) xi 2 [500, 500] min(f6) = f(420.9687, . . . , 420.9687) = 12569.5 Multimodal Fig. 5(f) xi 2 [5.12, 5.12] Fig. 5(d) min(f7) = f(0, . . . ,0) = 0 Multimodal Fig. 5(g) min(f8) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Multimodal Fig. 5(h) xi 2 [600, 600] min(f9) = f(0, . . . , 0) = 0 Multimodal Fig. 5(i) xi 2 [5, 5] min(f10) = f(0.08983,0.7126) = 1.0316285 Multimodal Fig. 5(j) xi 2 [100, 100] min(f11) = f(o1, . . . , oN) = f_bias1 = 450 Unimodal Fig. 5(k) xi 2 [100, 100] min(f12) = f(o1, . . . , oN) = f_bias6 = 450 Unimodal Fig. 5(l) min(f13) = f(o1, . . . , oN) = f_bias6 = 390 Multimodal Fig. 5(m) Multimodal Fig. 5(n) xi 2 [32, 32] xi 2 [100, 100] xi 2 [5, 5] min(f14) = f(o1, . . . , oN) = f_bias9 = 330 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 7 Benchmark functions used to evaluate HS variations. 6103 6104 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 pi ¼   1 i1 ;  gþ  ðgþ  g Þ  HMS HMS  1 ð4Þ P where i is the rank index of the solution xi, "i 2 (1, 2, . . . , HMS). The assumption: HMS i¼1 pi ¼ 1 and pi P 0, "i 2 (1, 2, . . . , HMS) + +  + required that 1 6 g 6 2 and g = 2  g be fulfilled. Normally, the value of g determines the selective pressure which is determined in advance and g+ = 1.1 is recommended [32]. (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is sampled from the solution k in the HM, such as x0i ¼ xki , where k is chosen using the roulette wheel method shown in Algorithm 2 (i.e., the kth solution is selected according to the accumulative probability that exceeds a generated random number between 0 and 1). The main advantage of the linear rank selection scheme over the proportional selection scheme is that the selection probability of each solution is calculated according to its rank amongst the other solutions while completely ignoring its absolute fitness value. Therefore, the selective pressure toward the better solutions in HM will remain constant during the search and can be directly tuned. For example, g+ = 1 means the linear rank behaves like random selection scheme and the more the g+ is, the higher the selective pressure will be [20]. Example 3.5. In this selection scheme assume that we set g+ = 1.8 and g = 2.0  1.8 = 0.2. Table 5 shows the selection probability of the HM solutions. The solution with the highest rank (i.e., minimum one in our example) has the highest probability to be selected (see Fig. 3). Notice that the probability to select the best solution in HM is 36%, but in the proportional selection example it was 60%. 3.6. Exponential ranking selection scheme Exponential ranking selection scheme ranks the solution in the HM based on the parameter s. The best harmony in the HM takes value of c1 = 1; the second best takes value of c2 = s which is normally initiated by s = 0.99; the third best takes a value of c3 = s2, and so on where the worst harmony takes the value cHMS = sHMS1 [26]. The exponential ranking selection scheme works as follows: Table 8 Average and standard deviation (±SD) of the benchmark function results (N = 30). RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Sphere 0.000160 (0.000040) 0.006461 (0.030978) 0.000015 (0.000020) 0.000142 (0.000029) 0.000091 (0.000024) 0.000019 (0.000008) Schwefel’s problem 2.22 0.034538 (0.003866) 0.045706 (0.006015) 0.002006 (0.001262) 0.037457 (0.004649) 0.031569 (0.006278) 0.007842 (0.002587) Step 0.066667 (0.253708) 0.500000 (0.973795) 0 (0) 0.100000 (0.305129) 0 (0) 0 (0) Rosenbrock 117.843170 (76.628913) 124.025995 (107.399321) 30.026920 (7.021281) 83.690387 (52.833365) 46.766364 (32.385750) 28.327790 (0.151823) Rotated hyper-ellipsoid 1.699282 (2.357059) 2.292142 (2.944390) 0.000312 (0.000345) 0.657533 (0.707746) 0.096644 (0.092144) 0.002056 (0.000959) Schwefel’s problem 2.26 12565.077806 (3.005930) 12558.505089 (4.829678) 2203.020353 (1975.703106) 12566.355475 (1.399210) 12566.276635 (1.514636) 9765.646522 (400.078376) Rastrigin 0.023025 (0.008560) 0.196085 (0.374963) 0.001285 (0.003057) 0.055979 (0.181802) 0.016256 (0.004429) 0.004098 (0.001511) Ackley 0.016520 (0.043104) 0.413872 (0.565199) 0.001441 (0.001359) 0.008976 (0.001106) 0.007014 (0.000901) 0.003184 (0.000896) Griewank 1.013306 (0.005998) 1.029366 (0.013548) 1.0 (0) 1.010203 (0.004265) 1.000327 (0.001182) 1.0 (0) Camel-Back 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030303 (0.003514) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) Shifted Sphere 449.993429 (0.028288) 449.967505 (0.154257) 44.053145 (297.878663) 449.999864 (0.000032) 449.999853 (0.000035) 5801.689232 (1761.064344) Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 448.576769 (2.095817) 445.623957 (4.688459) 7.587749 (363.076144) 449.360161 (0.487774) 449.398467 (0.780534) 962643.85 (337586.125628) Shifted Rosenbrock 708.424874 (509.815690) 669.236922 (268.145930) 7046753224.53 (5901733106.68) 524.65 (69.68) 1084.67 (1555.89) 538096756.73 (365049813.89) Shifted Rastrigin 329.978672 (0.007523) 329.794801 (0.385365) 19.432458 (219.905715) 329.944092 (0.181181) 329.944487 (0.183369) 220.091523 (13.008728) M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Fig. 5. The Benchmark functions landscape where the value of N = 2 (2 dimensions) [16]. (i) Selection probability: the probability pi of each solution in HM is calculated as follows: ci pi ¼ PHMS m¼1 c m : 6105 6106 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 (ii) Sampling method: the value of the decision variable x0i is sampled from the solution k in the HM, such as x0i ¼ xki , where k is chosen using the roulette wheel method shown in Algorithm 2. It is worth mentioning that the value of s determines the selective pressure, where less value of s leads to a higher selective pressure toward the better solutions in HM. Similar to the linear ranking, exponential ranking is a static selection scheme where the pi, "i 2 (1, 2, . . . , HMS) is determined in advance and remains constant during the improvisation process. Example 3.6. In this selection scheme, assume that we set s = 0.9. Table 6 shows the selection probability of the HM solutions. The solution with the highest rank (i.e., minimum one in our example) has the highest probability to be selected (see Fig. 4). Notice that the probability for the next solutions in the rank decreases exponentially. 4. Experimental results In this section, the novel selection schemes are experimentally evaluated. We can distinguish between six variations of HS algorithm proposed here, each uses a particular selection scheme incorporated with memory consideration: 1. Random Harmony Search (RHS): it uses the memory consideration with the random selection scheme as presented in the basic HS algorithm provided by Geem et al. [1]. 2. Global best Harmony Search (GHS): it uses the memory consideration with the global best selection scheme. 3. Proportional Harmony Search (PHS): it uses the memory consideration with the proportional selection scheme. 4. Tournament Harmony Search (THS): it uses the memory consideration with the tournament selection scheme. 5. Linear rank Harmony Search (LHS): it uses the memory consideration with the linear rank selection scheme. 6. Exponential rank Harmony Search (EHS): it uses the memory consideration with the exponential rank selection scheme. Table 9 Average and standard deviation (±SD) of the benchmark function optimization results (N = 100). RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Sphere 4892.013579 (700.314356) 5393.138129 (586.390725) 119.370522 (653.816515) 4380.318009 (552.126809) 852.302703 (352.041369) 0.001731 (0.000161) Schwefel’s problem 2.22 42.459929 (2.879765) 44.695749 (2.871720) 0.086208 (0.007149) 39.629331 (2.764928) 6.683879 (3.580716) 0.236241 (0.027654) Step 4425.333333 (852.587030) 5043.833333 (598.187266) 0 (0) 3948.2 (510.755316) 1018.6 (545.990943) 0 (0) Rosenbrock 969493.55 (218828.81) 1027153.59 (224211.79) 98.936182 (0.029634) 668189.580 (173673.80) 277098.42 (145290.05) 98.91 (0.048918) Rotated hyper-ellipsoid 6862896.283514 (850847.47) 6802092.41 (705232.53) 1.125397 (0.170532) 5860588.30 (708999.73) 1755382.89 (802470.66) 4.314254 (0.796516) Schwefel’s problem 2.26 37588.628251 (440.572658) 36470.868644 (465.672247) 2908.950239 (691.709848) 37381.761069 (350.186404) 37414.901804 (527.578331) 15739.064 (715.492858) Rastrigin 182.497453 (14.287768) 197.286827 (13.082067) 0.097375 (0.010190) 176.965641 (9.493890) 24.069768 (11.861607) 0.324566 (0.042217) Ackley 8.895488 (0.473758) 9.150285 (0.269468) 0.009122 (0.000590) 8.490273 (0.297285) 4.254100 (0.974013) 0.017168 (0.001176) Griewank 45.620787 (5.844016) 48.904743 (5.496883) 2.619533 (8.870547) 40.452075 (4.330871) 10.206330 (5.138715) 1.0 (0) Camel-Back 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030553 (0.002476) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) Shifted Sphere 5158.825040 (795.410406) 5613.799773 (719.834724) 278407.341820 (74663.594770) 4880.198954 (749.542902) 4669.191452 (664.643158) 126659.790727 (16588.027310) Shifted Schhwefel’s problem 1.2 7833949.65 (1020500.74) 8125598.15 (835206.7) 821885275.41 (270240857.76) 7388540.03 (1294747.2) 6837621.25 (1123004.54) 300276334.35 (47957703.17) Shifted Rosenbrock 116417446.08 (0605134.25) 85960756.91 (26417592.27) 70592340595.53 (25969177436.57) 100453092.05 (29267458.89) 97356117.09 (28689373.95) 48927513458.55 (9851096031.24) Shifted Rastrigin 126.924707 (17.579457) 99.553717 (18.839925) 5.325311 (66.060053) 126.992802 (14.044825) 135.840579 (17.863249) 707.733716 (59.057874) 6107 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 10 Effect of HMS (f1, . . . , f5). Sphere HMS ? 5 10 20 50 RHS 0.000160 (0.000040) 0.006461 (0.030978) 0.000015 (0.000020) 0.000142 (0.000029) 0.000091 (0.000024) 0.000019 (0.000008) 0.036357 (0.072431) 0.002766 (0.006853) 0.006609 (0.036125) 0.000179 (0.000123) 0.000096 (0.000023) 0.000033 (0.000010) 0.642108 (0.445383) 0.000403 (0.000941) 0.000004 (0.000003) 0.000191 (0.000119) 0.000130 (0.000050) 0.000050 (0.000015) 2.855776 (1.088880) 0.000269 (0.000110) 0.000004 (0.000004) 0.000186 (0.000050) 0.000098 (0.000024) 0.000019 (0.000008) 0.034538 (0.003866) 0.045706 (0.006015) 0.002006 (0.001262) 0.037457 (0.004649) 0.031569 (0.006278) 0.007842 (0.002587) 0.032875 (0.005349) 0.050841 (0.016817) 0.001703 (0.001173) 0.034668 (0.003467) 0.030632 (0.005202) 0.010056 (0.002691) 0.038883 (0.004833) 0.051191 (0.010538) 0.001863 (0.001265) 0.033580 (0.004348) 0.030805 (0.009053) 0.015005 (0.003571) 0.053601 (0.012880) 0.048181 (0.008790) 0.001692 (0.001161) 0.036165 (0.004085) 0.031862 (0.005560) 0.007179 (0.002444) 0.066667 (0.253708) 0.500000 (0.973795) 0 (0) 0.100000 (0.305129) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.100000 (0.305129) 1.100000 (1.561388) 0 (0) 0.166667 (0.379049) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.166667 (0.379049) 1.166667 (1.440386) 0 (0) 0.200000 (0.484234) 0.033333 (0.182574) 0 (0) 0.433333 (0.773854) 1.500000 (1.502871) 0 (0) 0.266667 (0.449776) 0 (0) 0 (0) 117.843170 (76.628913) 124.025995 (107.399321) 30.026920 (7.021281) 83.690387 (52.833365) 46.766364 (32.385750) 28.327790 (0.151823) 220.475942 (364.969628) 93.678236 (57.248350) 32.553870 (20.868209) 90.586506 (67.123934) 54.232748 (56.258399) 28.121431 (0.144448) 255.064299 (452.166133) 128.756664 (95.996117) 32.770401 (21.937167) 109.353441 (99.081458) 60.211818 (97.682424) 28.172755 (0.138265) 243.081964 (187.608657) 152.331539 (155.738582) 37.771613 (49.056014) 137.846810 (166.294679) 67.200212 (114.059247) 28.334054 (0.177648) 1.699282 (2.357059) 2.292142 (2.944390) 0.000312 (0.000345) 0.657533 (0.707746) 0.096644 (0.092144) 0.002056 (0.000959) 22.566722 (44.672302) 2.302721 (2.143413) 0.179117 (0.979688) 2.181854 (2.558510) 0.185594 (0.273466) 0.004724 (0.001642) 115.826804 (87.433481) 2.623966 (2.807320) 0.000162 (0.000165) 1.040252 (1.182715) 0.265863 (0.417295) 0.006872 (0.002339) 689.390995 (331.129509) 1.998528 (2.310558) 0.000224 (0.000245) 1.307339 (1.305965) 0.123458919 (0.179185944) 0.002215 (0.000782) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Schwefel’s problem 2.22 RMC GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Step RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rotated hyper-ellipsoid RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS All HS variations use the same parameter settings: HMS = 5, HMCR = 0.94, PAR = 0.3, FW = 0.01, and NI = 50,000. These values are similar to what has been suggested in the state of the art methods [18,19,16,33]. For THS, the tournament size is randomly chosen in each iteration from the range k 2 [1, HMS] [31]. For LHS, g+ = 1.1, this value is recommended [32,31]. Furthermore, for EHS, s = 0.99 which is conventionally used in the literature [26]. Table 7 6108 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 11 Effect of HMS (f6, . . . , f10). Schwefel’s problem 2.26 HMS ? 5 10 20 50 RHS 12565.077806 (3.005930) 12558.505089 (4.829678) 2203.020353 (1975.703106) 12566.355475 (1.399210) 12566.276635 (1.514636) 9765.646522 (400.078376) 12564.265655 (2.213120) 12559.441240 (4.556557) 2426.291663 (1959.720136) 12565.953538 (2.043225) 12565.143803 (1.578924) 11120.686040 (257.670599) 12561.564693 (3.374582) 12559.502545 (3.530191) 2616.553868 (1947.811844) 12567.638605 (1.057520) 12564.520220 (1.667966) 11755.926553 (192.684783) 12558.709396 (4.831471) 12557.482791 (5.169041) 2771.479103 (1888.479503) 12565.161477 (2.549264) 12566.312429 (2.042455) 9665.536039 (403.785597) 0.023025 (0.008560) 0.196085 (0.374963) 0.001285 (0.003057) 0.055979 (0.181802) 0.016256 (0.004429) 0.004098 (0.001511) 0.057812 (0.180192) 0.197699 (0.457671) 0.001946 (0.005292) 0.023606 (0.005902) 0.017953 (0.004397) 0.006924 (0.001839) 0.028560 (0.006662) 0.196527 (0.456079) 0.001547 (0.004451) 0.023959 (0.009061) 0.018674 (0.006980) 0.009927 (0.002500) 0.074707 (0.180819) 0.134627 (0.300670) 0.004762 (0.021636) 0.025075 (0.007525) 0.016375 (0.003051) 0.003618 (0.001566) 0.016520 (0.043104) 0.413872 (0.565199) 0.001441 (0.001359) 0.008976 (0.001106) 0.007014 (0.000901) 0.003184 (0.000896) 0.009195 (0.001052) 0.401566 (0.535652) 0.001576 (0.001523) 0.011610 (0.011013) 0.006977 (0.000869) 0.004356 (0.000542) 0.060283 (0.121080) 0.419704 (0.529091) 0.001887 (0.001787) 0.009720 (0.002356) 0.007343 (0.000889) 0.005112 (0.000788) 0.255074 (0.213804) 0.288598 (0.4654) 0.022335 (0.116335) 0.009594 (0.001417) 0.007248 (0.000630) 0.003278 (0.000601) 1.013306 (0.005998) 1.029366 (0.013548) 1.0 (0) 1.010203 (0.004265) 1.000327 (0.001182) 1.0 (0) 1.016792 (0.005291) 1.034955 (0.018194) 1.000285 (0.001562) 1.016277 (0.004926) 1.000556 (0.001237) 1.0 (0) 1.019490 (0.007272) 1.033735 (0.020249) 1.000815 (0.004462) 1.012887 (0.005959) 1.001526 (0.001891) 1.0 (0) 1.029672 (0.010497) 1.032718 (0.014583) 1.000926 (0.005074) 1.015080 (0.004517) 1.000276 (0.000632) 1.0 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030303 (0.003514) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.029417 (0.005148) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.028544 (0.005353) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.027044 (0.006968) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Ackley RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Griewank RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Camel-Back RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS overviews a summary for 14 global minimization benchmark functions used to evaluate HS variations most of which previously used in [18,19,16,33]. These benchmark functions provide a trad-off between unimodal and multimodal functions. The benchmark functions were implemented with N = 30, with the exception of Six-Hump Camel-Back function which is two-dimensional. 6109 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 12 Effect of HMS (f11, . . . , f14). Shifted Sphere HMS ? 5 10 20 50 RHS 449.993429 (0.028288) 449.967505 (0.154257) 44.053145 (297.878663) 449.999864 (0.000032) 449.999853 (0.000035) 5801.689232 (1761.064344) 449.952173 (0.066867) 449.997914 (0.006297) 61.992347 (351.697802) 449.999836 (0.000047) 449.999558 (0.001111) 1564.074747 (564.247272) 449.080676 (0.715846) 449.975845 (0.117046) 65.941970 (325.644115) 449.999677 (0.000943) 449.803558 (0.292858) 563.030971 (333.673069) 447.346657 (0.997764) 449.998649 (0.004441) 88.298670 (356.051269) 449.999736 (0.000138) 449.999855 (0.000026) 6782.140049 (2246.940511) 448.576769 (2.095817) 445.623957 (4.688459) 7.587749 (363.076144) 449.360161 (0.487774) 449.398467 (0.780534) 962643.859146 (337586.125628) 440.575037 (12.064484) 446.900812 (2.371801) 48.748413 (366.028440) 449.306417 (0.620477) 446.233794 (10.729268) 238586.347616 (85736.815683) 342.039896 (83.134743) 447.007381 (2.969228) 30.589766 (250.455121) 448.947347 (1.054469) 430.097120 (19.033536) 109703.244954 (28581.765755) 133.717632 (264.256639) 445.681188 (3.581369) 12549052.147661 (7460382.813876) 448.456252 (1.718936) 449.199970 (0.896531) 797791.908693 (261548.135419) 708.424874 (509.815690) 669.236922 (268.145930) 7046753224.531870 (5901733106.686030) 524.653409 (69.681007) 1084.673868 (1555.891786) 538096756.733454 (365049813.891163) 773.660439 (410.812620) 639.603577 (219.631609) 6889896637.119450 (5865437364.049110) 612.299599 (311.906230) 621.604601 (241.341910) 34547026.133884 (27745770.571293) 1068.621323 (441.752368) 633.309018 (217.061108) 7103446635.977660 (5889942140.050610) 628.466939 (346.863811) 1594.394129 (2720.440038) 13325923.630313 (8825456.901390) 1688.826050 (765.688456) 736.164160 (502.833419) 8340784887.250140 (6283241721.998830) 732.084477 (479.936003) 1402.137436 (2895.136300) 493718995.794013 (307787653.539773) 329.978672 (0.007523) 329.794801 (0.385365) 19.432458 (219.905715) 329.944092 (0.181181) 329.944487 (0.183369) 220.091523 (13.008728) 329.978787 (0.003549) 329.760177 (0.480308) 19.810110 (220.432428) 329.976592 (0.007343) 329.877843 (0.301960) 271.293158 (11.461811) 329.939431 (0.180093) 329.791225 (0.375381) 26.033217 (228.850667) 329.977373 (0.006508) 329.909797 (0.251353) 292.070951 (5.894586) 329.928320 (0.185015) 329.825402 (0.343330) 43.677657 (217.643887) 329.976892 (0.005781) 329.945351 (0.183094) 220.502055 (19.241208) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS For experimental evaluations, extensive experiments were executed on an Intel 2 GHz Core 2 Quad processor with 4 GB of RAM where the proposed HS variations were programmed in a Visual Basic source code for implementation as a VBA macro in Microsoft Excel under Windows XP. 4.1. Comparison of HS variations Table 8 summarizes the results of the HS variations using the 14 benchmark functions. Each HS variation runs 30 independent simulations where the numbers in the table refer to the averages and standard deviations (±SD) among them. The best solutions (lowest is best) were highlighted in bold. Apparently, PHS achieves 5 best results for Sphere, Schwefel problem 2.22, Rotated hyper-ellipsoid, Rastrigin, and Ackley benchmark functions. Furthermore, it achieves the best results for Step function as do the LHS and EHS, both of which achieve results close to those of PHS. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that PHS and EHS obtained the global optima for Griewank. Additionally, EHS achieves the best results for Rosenbrock. 6110 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 13 Effect of HMCR (f1, . . . , f5). Sphere HMCR ? 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.94 0.99 RHS 13385.691929 (2146.077956) 14406.529011 (2216.422013) 3833.355787 (1536.059589) 14160.709048 (2065.217690) 13650.201071 (2166.098253) 13379.312301 (2501.620413) 8311.927426 (1356.416961) 3632.597243 (668.276661) 4182.798038 (674.562269) 38.700047 (57.834317) 3657.978865 (704.222747) 3617.508857 (604.039061) 3286.705496 (669.879655) 481.759146 (285.499584) 7.177465 (3.252494) 10.659350 (4.028915) 0.331216 (1.814097) 4.677996 (1.686677) 6.518513 (1.840438) 0.908095 (1.329842) 0.000045 (0.000011) 0.000160 (0.000040) 0.006461 (0.030978) 0.000015 (0.000020) 0.000142 (0.000029) 0.000174 (0.000089) 0.000091 (0.000024) 0.000019 (0.000008) 0.000054 (0.000011) 0.000079 (0.000014) 0.000001 (0.000001) 0.000054 (0.000014) 0.000053 (0.000011) 0.000038 (0.000007) 0.000006 (0.000004) 41.639832 (3.203389) 45.761401 (4.152859) 10.878600 (3.049702) 43.119330 (3.506341) 42.298595 (3.867776) 24.558445 (3.597564) 17.199224 (1.488143) 24.150648 (2.362887) 0.354016 (0.404194) 18.729076 (2.014781) 14.998578 (3.366113) 2.525801 (1.025773) 0.100211 (0.053129) 0.197292 (0.087142) 0.002824 (0.001950) 0.092001 (0.040555) 0.070642 (0.027949) 0.012099 (0.003456) 0.034538 (0.003866) 0.045706 (0.006015) 0.002006 (0.001262) 0.037457 (0.004649) 0.031569 (0.006278) 0.007842 (0.002587) 0.021108 (0.003145) 0.031184 (0.004261) 0.000298 (0.000480) 0.023720 (0.002626) 0.016705 (0.003584) 0.002746 (0.001645) 13576.1 (1916.775244) 13539.233333 (2108.729421) 4306.7 (1542.477768) 13920.466667 (1900.673197) 13016.466667 (1806.008568) 8440.166667 (1815.289434) 2969.766667 (567.516470) 3868.5 (809.058062) 24.966667 (48.713436) 3266.333333 (626.639771) 2776.633333 (587.233930) 439.066667 (257.966575) 3.7 (2.614944) 5.866667 (4.882999) 0.066667 (0.365148) 2.933333 (2.585548) 1.0 (1.339068) 0 (0) 0.066667 (0.253708) 0.5 (0.973795) 0 (0) 0.1 (0.305129) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.866667 (1.569831) 3.8 (1.954658) 0 (0) 0.466667 (0.681445) 0 (0) 0 (0) 16106288.879178 (4092308.388348) 15550378.899778 (4054232.307771) 3045216.858275 (2249315.226145) 16901017.570312 (4104059.944059) 14493326.330574 (2879955.062135) 8925029.067344 (3175529.252219) 1166619.941830 (432261.233485) 1207334.453418 (459770.971943) 6491.623239 (11679.465486) 1122131.200951 (485067.318647) 1068623.563909 (432719.031885) 99295.792411 (76259.334135) 234.292452 (118.344928) 257.577912 (139.254415) 34.869515 (32.972775) 259.304117 (279.312686) 157.535061 (86.767240) 28.605786 (0.142966) 117.843170 (76.628913) 124.025995 (107.399321) 30.026920 (7.021281) 83.690387 (52.833365) 46.766364 (32.385750) 28.327790 (0.151823) 112.093375 (93.487657) 129.990442 (154.420529) 28.705396 (0.106917) 94.359608 (95.014819) 21.121689 (0.307178) 27.735304 (0.158584) 2071321.818398 (331568.210759) 2712378.998175 (404401.948675) 502872.490024 (199149.350594) 2259662.340477 (334501.239205) 2243477.592655 (427571.054013) 1297959.123786 (214244.549103) 452332.646285 (93732.407759) 549031.328285 (98172.563452) 2379.272682 (4782.371649) 441794.649055 (84914.608777) 387720.642166 (118582.390240) 44983.227650 (21783.9193) 1395.288265 (838.374323) 2019.995553 (692.761540) 22.577391 (123.658390) 805.206422 (567.015006) 228.677901 (556.331634) 0.006386 (0.002703) 1.699282 (2.357059) 2.292142 (2.944390) 0.000312 (0.000345) 0.657533 (0.707746) 0.096644 (0.092144) 0.002056 (0.000959) 0.127790 (0.161650) 0.133346 (0.118304) 0.000033 (0.000083) 0.066067 (0.056603) 0.006888 (0.003716) 0.000515 (0.000333) GHS PHS THS LHS LHS EHS Schwefel’s problem 2.22 RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Step RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rotated hyper-ellipsoid RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS For the Schwefel problem 2.26, its landscape houses a considerable number of local optimal solutions (see Fig. 5(f)), the THS yields the best results. For the problem with few dimensions (i.e., Six-Hump Camel-Back function), all HS variations achieved the global optima, except for PHS which does not seem to perform well in problems with negative objective 6111 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 14 Effect of HMCR (f6, . . . , f10). Schwefel’s problem 2.26 HMCR ? 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.94 0.99 RHS 8303.350550 (360.847028) 7466.540469 (289.143266) 3524.055289 (343.364091) 8216.976080 (303.626384) 8136.751080 (334.836210) 6553.247474 (373.420156) 10776.905643 (332.829573) 9913.277768 (277.334706) 3051.180683 (373.145741) 10678.062535 (316.933667) 10674.482171 (290.202535) 7990.475154 (340.340718) 12540.393465 (11.477858) 12527.479645 (14.907758) 2440.739299 (1928.133062) 12547.680559 (7.649327) 12542.602541 (9.706397) 9663.167388 (333.880749) 12565.077806 (3.005930) 12558.505089 (4.829678) 2203.020353 (1975.703106) 12566.355475 (1.399210) 12566.276635 (1.514636) 9765.646522 (400.078376) 12569.380545 (0.397496) 12558.592263 (9.533928) 1771.722956 (682.868236) 12569.486607 (0.000003) 12569.486603 (0.000017) 8175.786826 (586.874435) 172.210442 (13.989671) 193.098615 (11.154884) 54.261724 (11.575599) 177.204324 (17.950621) 167.222467 (17.539388) 95.875402 (12.001916) 77.149308 (10.148819) 97.369166 (12.130768) 1.643696 (2.068213) 83.218505 (9.112650) 53.742464 (15.417749) 9.062587 (4.993626) 0.734054 (1.018480) 1.373929 (0.772191) 0.069624 (0.374484) 0.732212 (0.698371) 0.138169 (0.302808) 0.009813 (0.002806) 0.023025 (0.008560) 0.196085 (0.374963) 0.001285 (0.003057) 0.055979 (0.181802) 0.016256 (0.004429) 0.004098 (0.001511) 0.283342 (0.446301) 0.643486 (0.776714) 0.000056 (0.000114) 0.181564 (0.375826) 0.007314 (0.001892) 0.001002 (0.000603) 16.396270 (0.579309) 16.698272 (0.603631) 10.691385 (1.356335) 16.693556 (0.352639) 16.429132 (0.457300) 14.213152 (0.926789) 11.360224 (0.693393) 12.322284 (0.713047) 0.695067 (0.839222) 11.724200 (0.662869) 10.624278 (1.096440) 4.655906 (1.083871) 1.130017 (0.378863) 1.250415 (0.409927) 0.036798 (0.191172) 0.696607 (0.581026) 0.099773 (0.224880) 0.005060 (0.000719) 0.016520 (0.043104) 0.413872 (0.565199) 0.001441 (0.001359) 0.008976 (0.001106) 0.007014 (0.000901) 0.003184 (0.000896) 0.124098 (0.286872) 1.152401 (0.552550) 0.000182 (0.000303) 0.222890 (0.397543) 0.004657 (0.000737) 0.001587 (0.000584) 123.797913 (17.627900) 132.203527 (18.559296) 35.180631 (13.681459) 133.562186 (18.989586) 126.655631 (22.322125) 79.922554 (16.958112) 31.966569 (5.869759) 38.566093 (7.187923) 1.229053 (0.455415) 32.340364 (6.235961) 30.415470 (6.996733) 5.659690 (3.604465) 1.103008 (0.041158) 1.138027 (0.051657) 1.002088 (0.011434) 1.071751 (0.032548) 1.022861 (0.021871) 1.0 (0) 1.013306 (0.005998) 1.029366 (0.013548) 1.0 (0) 1.010203 (0.004265) 1.000327 (0.001182) 1.0 (0) 1.001733 (0.002652) 1.023487 (0.012445) 1.0 (0) 1.000130 (0.000516) 1.0 (0) 1.0 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031363 (0.000552) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031433 (0.000562) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031331 (0.001080) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030303 (0.003514) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.028199 (0.004752) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Ackley RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Griewank RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Camel-Back RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS function values. THS achieves best results for Shifted Sphere and Shifted Rosenbrock while LHS do so for Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 and Shifted Rastrigin. It can be noticed that PHS fails to converge towards the local minima using Schwefel problem 2.26 and shifted benchmark functions (i.e., benchmarks with negative optimum values). In general, the HS variations that rely on the survival of the 6112 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 15 Effect of HMCR (f11, . . . , f14). Shifted Sphere HMCR? 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.94 0.99 RHS 19630.795393 (3487.911419) 23072.571493 (3771.602898) 57650.551553 (10543.993398) 18594.695114 (3301.196427) 17920.970721 (2805.136835) 28287.141192 (5347.510754) 4099.899148 (943.666535) 4587.016496 (887.356027) 55295.491238 (16612.828395) 4190.842656 (976.198717) 3767.407463 (1060.013986) 15849.388852 (3083.085058) 440.801139 (4.437129) 435.857873 (6.823155) 51.223005 (304.903698) 444.047616 (3.277870) 444.003131 (2.571498) 6875.280860 (2085.974382) 449.993429 (0.028288) 449.967505 (0.154257) 44.053145 (297.878663) 449.999864 (0.000032) 449.999853 (0.000035) 5801.689232 (1761.064344) 449.999944 (0.000012) 449.999922 (0.000017) 37.881562 (327.639583) 449.999948 (0.000012) 449.999948 (0.000010) 9648.902039 (3551.016093) 2885066.800695 (547757.318472) 3474800.177185 (502236.100967) 12098172.855862 (2810527.276444) 2702792.044380 (531774.020856) 2778052.714359 (621631.033434) 5316697.941202 (1023675.084742) 541367.085876 (144130.896074) 665947.119087 (169487.312245) 12667039.378369 (4342679.961145) 529740.888224 (144290.901977) 534085.025449 (153878.464012) 2624643.829040 (561317.065535) 923.445319 (779.689891) 818.875706 (714.870085) 12519628.321040 (6913043.146503) 548.508886 (479.351228) 546.131889 (558.315875) 946598.695551 (309138.764095) 448.576769 (2.095817) 445.623957 (4.688459) 7.587749 (363.076144) 449.360161 (0.487774) 449.398467 (0.780534) 962643.859146 (337586.125628) 449.909240 (0.071694) 449.164700 (0.963215) 3.149386 (370.066516) 449.933552 (0.052206) 449.881405 (0.168799) 1462195.730501 (614484.813975) 2493508055.65 (671812125.10) 2704947010.80 (559299220.84) 11250821202.65 (2929600446.89) 2528546142.86 (749284094.78) 3080870183.75 (1081953171.84) 7444237142.56 (2608916736.73) 161593258.29 (53005324.12) 134732044.38 (28216680.37) 9925934290.28 (3691278276.48) 142655121.30 (60455692.29) 201877843.28 (64395609.22) 2782334691.19 (1290789519.36) 3665.25 (2056.82) 3853.28 (2228.08) 7317582585.23 (5851292954.48) 2530.25 (966.08) 4146.85 (2987.26) 586791506.70 (448348311.40) 708.42 (509.81) 669.23 (268.14) 7046753224.53 (5901733106.7) 524.65 (69.68) 1084.67 (1555.89) 538096756.73 (365049813.89) 515.19 (105.665219) 589.40 (309.94) 7989915411.29 (6726120405.2) 497.01 (106.87) 1106.80 (1876.38) 936285819.81 (859070474.69) 113.853612 (18.421266) 92.234926 (23.180497) 22.169026 (65.504743) 117.373058 (17.101148) 121.295565 (19.722645) 57.986591 (28.420962) 237.896037 (14.074702) 209.170882 (12.361670) 22.456136 (149.615234) 231.675296 (14.645463) 234.384802 (12.464922) 135.416742 (18.775319) 329.235541 (0.848076) 328.662812 (1.026431) 13.372751 (206.828562) 329.236875 (0.924232) 329.292073 (0.718992) 213.371518 (14.874533) 329.978672 (0.007523) 329.794801 (0.385365) 19.432458 (219.905715) 329.944092 (0.181181) 329.944487 (0.183369) 220.091523 (13.008728) 329.883883 (0.304559) 329.009433 (0.880254) 9.220330 (205.361164) 329.951564 (0.184239) 329.884316 (0.302282) 190.606780 (21.842108) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS shifted shwefel RMC GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS fittest principle, with increasing selection pressure toward good solutions in HM, achieve better results than RHS. However, GHS, which focuses on a single best solution during the search, reports the worse results because it reaches the stagnation state quickly and thus gets trapped into a chronic premature convergence. It is worth mentioning that GHS quickly converges to the optimal solution with a small variable problem; this is supported by [36]. On the other hand, for a large-variable problem, RHS is better than GHS, as indicated by Geem [37]. 4.2. Scalability study: results for 100-dimensional problems In this section, the effect of larger dimensions (i.e., N = 100) on the performance of the HS variations is investigated using the same 14 functions. The same parameter values as N = 30 were used. Similar to the previous section, the results shown in Table 9 were summarized in terms of averages and standard deviations over 30 experimental replications. Almost the same performance is achieved by HS variations when N = 100 as is the case when N = 30. However, the results are not better than those produced for 30-dimensional problems. In general, increasing the number of decision variables (or dimensionality) affects the results produced. 6113 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 16 Effect of PAR (f1, . . . , f5). Sphere PAR ? 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 RHS 0.133907 (0.202981) 1.346008 (1.393879) 0 (0) 0.017991 (0.029106) 0.000008 (0.000007) 0 (0) 0.000160 (0.000040) 0.006461 (0.030978) 0.000015 (0.000020) 0.000142 (0.000029) 0.000091 (0.000024) 0.000019 (0.000008) 0.000306 (0.000045) 0.000399 (0.000082) 0.000093 (0.000023) 0.000281 (0.000046) 0.000225 (0.000040) 0.000141 (0.000027) 0.000474 (0.000053) 0.000546 (0.000084) 0.000210 (0.000029) 0.000447 (0.000057) 0.000392 (0.000049) 0.000291 (0.000041) 1.472575 (0.621702) 0.000710 (0.000127) 0.000348 (0.000038) 0.000636 (0.000083) 0.000544 (0.000048) 0.000452 (0.000054) 0.008738 (0.001587) 0.011690 (0.002477) 0 (0) 0.008286 (0.000980) 0.004661 (0.002488) 0 (0) 0.034538 (0.003866) 0.045706 (0.006015) 0.002006 (0.001262) 0.037457 (0.004649) 0.031569 (0.006278) 0.007842 (0.002587) 0.063275 (0.005586) 0.080272 (0.020648) 0.018180 (0.002401) 0.062532 (0.010118) 0.063910 (0.018937) 0.033930 (0.005303) 0.083910 (0.005158) 0.106835 (0.021475) 0.041664 (0.003829) 0.085019 (0.008713) 0.083045 (0.011766) 0.064174 (0.005251) 0.117016 (0.006585) 0.136174 (0.039449) 0.072625 (0.004060) 0.103019 (0.005112) 0.099194 (0.007546) 0.089539 (0.005083) 0.166667 (0.461133) 1.233333 (1.330889) 0 (0) 0.166667 (0.379049) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.066667 (0.253708) 0.5 (0.973795) 0 (0) 0.1 (0.305129) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.466667 (0.628810) 0.6 (0.563242) 0 (0) 0.1 (0.305129) 0.033333 (0.182574) 0 (0) 0.3 (0.534983) 0.633333 (0.668675) 0 (0) 0.2 (0.406838) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.2 (0.406838) 1.033333 (0.718395) 0 (0) 0.033333 (0.182574) 0.033333 (0.182574) 0 (0) 113.546312 (105.692823) 152.883849 (151.546040) 28.744643 (0.095267) 133.552966 (157.413585) 64.646110 (73.471376) 28.432161 (0.166898) 117.843170 (76.628913) 124.025995 (107.399321) 30.026920 (7.021281) 83.690387 (52.833365) 46.766364 (32.385750) 28.327790 (0.151823) 120.287603 (115.107853) 256.824615 (518.070593) 28.732086 (0.141087) 102.286522 (115.792191) 46.988788 (37.444652) 28.296981 (0.171988) 109.828521 (114.270002) 82.633893 (41.441610) 28.753828 (0.088401) 103.014173 (90.020970) 42.580754 (35.1159) 28.286736 (0.173620) 238.145233 (300.350529) 138.212136 (162.133049) 28.822421 (0.075403) 104.937745 (197.664022) 52.246348 (77.536016) 28.386760 (0.156310) 26.280221 (43.215604) 299.091275 (243.322493) 0 (0) 3.159110 (3.826037) 0.034586 (0.066560) 0 (0) 1.699282 (2.357059) 2.292142 (2.944390) 0.000312 (0.000345) 0.657533 (0.707746) 0.096644 (0.092144) 0.002056 (0.000959) 0.646677 (0.504016) 1.325384 (0.929971) 0.011611 (0.004470) 0.616927 (0.373182) 0.173462 (0.127058) 0.024971 (0.005341) 1.062798 (0.909879) 1.143171 (0.718233) 0.036255 (0.008140) 0.544081 (0.255314) 0.237000 (0.193782) 0.062492 (0.010963) 236.695652 (170.191723) 1.969047 (0.997719) 0.078743 (0.009617) 0.737874 (0.297685) 0.300925 (0.148477) 0.103862 (0.014820) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Schwefel’s problem 2.22 RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Step RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rotated hyper-ellipsoid RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EMC The experimental results lend support to the selective pressure as proposed in theory. This is substantiated by observing improved results once the selective pressure is emphasized. RHS which uses random selection scheme has the weakest selective pressure and almost yields the worst results. 6114 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 17 Effect of PAR (f6, . . . , f10). Schwefel’s problem 2.26 PAR ? 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 RHS 12565.233443 (1.349985) 12555.246417 (4.201373) 1930.816247 (257.157573) 12564.609578 (2.817102) 12564.817663 (2.247382) 9754.924388 (447.051939) 12565.077806 (3.005930) 12558.505089 (4.829678) 2203.020353 (1975.703106) 12566.355475 (1.399210) 12566.276635 (1.514636) 9765.646522 (400.078376) 12567.246115 (1.345060) 12560.741672 (3.758277) 1984.641531 (330.429936) 12567.442546 (1.611844) 12568.044501 (1.153994) 9782.942586 (399.855744) 12567.364869 (1.049734) 12564.030872 (3.405302) 1991.777837 (336.090707) 12568.172572 (1.381856) 12568.271565 (0.850622) 9780.412165 (316.793690) 12559.767407 (4.473321) 12565.848625 (1.129113) 2597.534628 (656.294850) 12568.153924 (0.880607) 12568.420966 (0.863088) 9633.318907 (320.991393) 0.001548 (0.001087) 0.305786 (0.468188) 0 (0) 0.001211 (0.000538) 0.000523 (0.000285) 0 (0) 0.023025 (0.008560) 0.196085 (0.374963) 0.001285 (0.003057) 0.055979 (0.181802) 0.016256 (0.004429) 0.004098 (0.001511) 0.085392 (0.182081) 0.168768 (0.301249) 0.015859 (0.003800) 0.056915 (0.014787) 0.045016 (0.007181) 0.028988 (0.005622) 0.182526 (0.302866) 0.266863 (0.375605) 0.039874 (0.004374) 0.111697 (0.183145) 0.108075 (0.181295) 0.060753 (0.006383) 0.191263 (0.181621) 0.463059 (0.489460) 0.071921 (0.008010) 0.113154 (0.017680) 0.106054 (0.015541) 0.090489 (0.008980) 0.003624 (0.002018) 0.456250 (0.375673) 0 (0) 0.003423 (0.001698) 0.001573 (0.000534) 0 (0) 0.016520 (0.043104) 0.413872 (0.565199) 0.001441 (0.001359) 0.008976 (0.001106) 0.007014 (0.000901) 0.003184 (0.000896) 0.012789 (0.001032) 0.150562 (0.354139) 0.006436 (0.000675) 0.012913 (0.001144) 0.011277 (0.000972) 0.008591 (0.001140) 0.016900 (0.003452) 0.140894 (0.255022) 0.010872 (0.001339) 0.016601 (0.001533) 0.015209 (0.000973) 0.012849 (0.000899) 0.143087 (0.219096) 0.241919 (0.412374) 0.014294 (0.000993) 0.055304 (0.153902) 0.017591 (0.000871) 0.016310 (0.001023) 1.014512 (0.005651) 1.039656 (0.019701) 1.0 (0) 1.013661 (0.006576) 1.002474 (0.004162) 1.0 (0) 1.013306 (0.005998) 1.029366 (0.013548) 1.0 (0) 1.010203 (0.004265) 1.000327 (0.001182) 1.0 (0) 1.009190 (0.005345) 1.021360 (0.009361) 1.0 (0) 1.008389 (0.004365) 1.000043 (0.000179) 1.0 (0) 1.007701 (0.00451) 1.017232 (0.009338) 1.0 (0) 1.006921 (0.003574) 1.000094 (0.000432) 1.0 (0) 1.028939 (0.013368) 1.020562 (0.006543) 1.0 (0) 1.012213 (0.005109) 1.000003 (0.000017) 1.0 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.029234 (0.005282) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030303 (0.003514) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030860 (0.002570) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.030730 (0.002651) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.027762 (0.006115) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) 1.031628 (0) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Ackley RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Griewank RMC GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Camel-Back RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS 4.3. Effect of HMS In this section, the effect of HMS value on the performance of the HS variations proposed is studied. Tables 10–12 show the averages and standard deviations of the results produced by HS variations using the same benchmark functions. These results were produced by using different HMS values with N = 30 dimension (i.e., HMS = 5, 10, 20, 50). 6115 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 Table 18 Effect of PAR (f11, . . . , f14). Shifted Sphere PAR ? 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 RHS 449.817532 (0.234094) 449.439492 (0.369575) 37.711737 (358.606810) 449.955280 (0.092139) 449.976422 (0.063928) 6984.000198 (2120.551452) 449.993429 (0.028288) 449.967505 (0.154257) 44.053145 (297.878663) 449.999864 (0.000032) 449.999853 (0.000035) 5801.689232 (1761.064344) 449.999683 (0.000048) 449.999601 (0.000101) 54.743213 (324.728222) 449.999726 (0.000041) 449.999725 (0.000048) 5611.359802 (2029.422282) 449.999509 (0.000058) 449.999475 (0.000087) 42.311130 (337.906182) 449.999570 (0.000058) 449.999555 (0.000072) 6563.620758 (2078.647603) 448.043796 (0.737213) 449.999324 (0.000122) 74.805037 (367.804507) 449.999374 (0.000073) 449.999409 (0.000077) 6295.249026 (2090.528931) 430.677249 (26.330923) 206.946802 (223.386091) 1949831.02 (3876873.5) 446.761979 (6.951156) 439.332083 (21.626743) 928822.805799 (297973.501687) 448.576769 (2.095817) 445.623957 (4.688459) 7.587749 (363.076144) 449.360161 (0.487774) 449.398467 (0.780534) 962643.859146 (337586.125628) 448.855564 (1.090062) 448.128331 (1.265316) 34.731239 (285.320661) 449.317878 (0.352197) 449.304998 (0.516655) 913914.043670 (290457.800608) 449.403779 (0.380474) 447.770182 (1.133260) 6.275093 (330.687741) 449.238001 (0.494402) 449.290948 (0.393044) 928231.495304 (369320.541721) 83.448795 (275.656180) 448.165192 (1.179430) 12508134.9 (7604780.1) 448.795930 (1.077333) 449.205499 (0.370895) 1041858.849651 (315763.312884) 729.969018 (479.505096) 945.255958 (407.377100) 7059855473.3 (5870384793.6) 674.669203 (432.042375) 1634.948076 (3079.286611) 403156196.65 (235698987.39) 708.424874 (509.815690) 669.236922 (268.145930) 7046753224.5 (5901733106.6) 524.653409 (69.681007) 1084.673868 (1555.891786) 538096756.73 (365049813.89) 620.851587 (352.308319) 694.562404 (462.945336) 6719715916.1 (5693997924.1) 546.944009 (134.985693) 954.953968 (916.290731) 514202831.61 (363572826.43) 695.432182 (526.802690) 549.263488 (170.973270) 6933607565.0 (5898889020.1) 641.791280 (386.548871) 1119.675226 (1702.435563) 429936977.92 (317339159.69) 1531.118485 (888.793809) 712.867623 (509.517215) 7798030788.6 (6093887860.2) 541.736799 (175.120720) 1255.158336 (2476.202130) 541466302.97 (310135184.51) 329.965406 (0.181450) 329.958546 (0.188315) 15.006334 (221.235979) 329.998020 (0.002187) 329.965614 (0.181384) 219.259305 (18.619953) 329.978672 (0.007523) 329.794801 (0.385365) 19.432458 (219.905715) 329.944092 (0.181181) 329.944487 (0.183369) 220.091523 (13.008728) 329.947171 (0.012640) 329.837006 (0.399682) 13.787341 (208.002183) 329.947383 (0.009601) 329.948647 (0.010063) 220.552624 (17.626826) 329.913817 (0.020574) 329.677264 (0.498480) 11.512577 (212.295709) 329.880879 (0.180608) 329.882239 (0.180049) 211.760458 (14.807523) 329.831903 (0.031343) 329.749379 (0.301020) 50.214063 (217.323728) 329.805066 (0.276289) 329.878337 (0.017209) 217.143352 (15.882217) GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Schwefel’s problem 1.2 RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rosenbrock RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS Shifted Rastrigin RHS GHS PHS THS LHS EHS The results demonstrate that the HS variations almost have similar performance with various values of HMS. In other words, The HS variations are not quite sensitive to the HMS setting where no single HMS value is universally recommended for such kind of problems. As observed in [18,16], using HM with a small number of solutions gives a better choice for the HS variations in order to reduce the memory space. This is because it is logical to use a small value of HMS since the short-term memory of the musicians is small and HMS imitates the small size of the human short-term memory. 4.4. Effect of HMCR The performance of the HS variations using different HMCR values is investigated in this section. The results for the same 14 benchmark functions using varying HMCR values (i.e., 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 0.94, 0.99) are summarized in Tables 13–15. Once more, the results are reported in terms of averages and standard deviations of 30 experimental independent replications. In general, the performance of the proposed HS variations is improved by increasing the HMCR value. However HMCR = 0.99 is not recommended. A plausible explanation might rely on exploration and exploitation search concepts. 6116 M.A. Al-Betar et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 6095–6117 The larger value of HMCR means the probability of using the HM is high and thus exploration will be decreased. In contrast, using a small value of HMCR increases the diversity and thus hinders the convergence speed. In the case of HMCR = 0.99, the diversity is almost lost as the HS variations get easily stuck in the local minima. 4.5. Effect of PAR In this section, the performance of the HS variations using different PAR values is studied. The results for all functions using five PAR values (i.e., 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) are summarized in Tables 16–18. The results are summarized in terms of averages and standard deviations of 30 experimental independent replications. The results show that there is no single superior value of PAR applicable to all functions as the HS variations are not sensitive to the PAR. 5. Conclusion and future work This paper proposed new variations of harmony search (HS) based on different selection schemes. Each variation is a HS with a selection scheme incorporated with the memory consideration process. These are Global best Harmony Search (GHS), Proportional Harmony Search (PHS), Tournament Harmony Search (THS), Linear rank Harmony Search (LHS), and Exponential rank Harmony Search (EHS). The proposed HS variations employed the natural selection principle of ‘survival of the fittest’ to generate the new harmony by means of focusing on the better solutions stored in harmony memory (HM). The experiments are conducted using global benchmark functions widely used in the literature. The experimental results show that incorporating the proposed selection scheme to the process of memory consideration gives direct impact to the HS performance. The effect of various parameters on the performance of the HS variations is thoroughly studied where the results show that the HS variations are less parametrically sensitive, specifically HMS and PAR. However, increasing the value of HMCR parameter leads to better solutions in all HS variations. As this study is an initial exploration of selection schemes in HS algorithm, future work can be directed to analyze these selection schemes in terms of takeover time [38], reproduction rate, loss of diversity, selection variance, and selective pressure [31]. The parameters of the rank selection schemes (i.e., k in the tournament selection, g+ in the linear rank, s in the exponential rank selection schemes) can also be studied in terms of the selective pressure provided. In general PHS is not applicable when the negative objective function value is possible. Therefore, a scaling mechanism should be investigated in the future so as to overcome this problem [20]. References [1] Z.W. Geem, J.H. Kim, G.V. Loganathan, A new heuristic optimization algorithm: harmony search, Simulation 76 (2) (2001) 60–68. [2] M. Mahdavi, M. Fesanghary, E. Damangir, An improved harmony search algorithm for solving optimization problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation 188 (2) (2007) 1567–1579. [3] Z.W. Geem, Novel derivative of harmony search algorithm for discrete design variables, Applied Mathematics and Computation 199 (1) (2008) 223– 230. [4] X.-S. Yang, Harmony search as a metaheuristic algorithm, in: Z.W. Geem (Ed.), Music-Inspired Harmony Search Algorithm, SCI, vol. 191, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 1–14. [5] K.S. Lee, Z.W. 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