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Exome sequencing and the genetic basis of complex traits

2012, Nature Genetics

PERSPECTIVE Exome sequencing and the genetic basis of complex traits npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. Adam Kiezun1,2,16, Kiran Garimella2,16, Ron Do2,3,16, Nathan O Stitziel2,4,16, Benjamin M Neale2,3,5, Paul J McLaren1,2, Namrata Gupta2, Pamela Sklar6,7, Patrick F Sullivan8, Jennifer L Moran2, Christina M Hultman9, Paul Lichtenstein9, Patrik Magnusson9, Thomas Lehner10, Yin Yao Shugart11, Alkes L Price2,12,13,17, Paul I W de Bakker1,2,14,15,17, Shaun M Purcell5,17 & Shamil R Sunyaev1,2,17 Exome sequencing–based studies are emerging as a popular approach to test for association of rare coding variants with complex phenotypes. The promise of exome sequencing is grounded in theoretical population genetics and in the empirical successes of candidate gene sequencing studies. We discuss here several aspects of exome sequencing studies that we view as particularly important. We analyze exome sequencing data from 438 individuals and use this as a basis to review processing and quality control of raw sequence data, evaluate the statistical properties of exome sequencing studies, discuss rare variant burden tests to detect association to phenotypes and show the importance of accounting for population stratification in the analysis of rare variants. We conclude that enthusiasm for exome sequencing studies to identify the genetic basis of complex traits should be combined with caution stemming from the observation that on the order of over 10,000 samples may be required to reach sufficient statistical power. Next-generation sequencing1–5 coupled with efficient DNA capture6–8 enables the use of exome sequencing as a new approach to study the genetic basis of human phenotypes. A number of genes underlying Mendelian diseases have been mapped using this approach6,9–15. Exome sequencing has also been applied to tumors16–20, where sample purity, read mapping and chromosomal rearrangements are critical and form a very distinctive set of issues. Here, we restrict our focus to complex traits. 1Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 2The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 3The Center for Human Genetic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 4Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 5Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 6Department of Psychiatry, Friedman Brain Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA. 7Institute for Genomics and Multi-scale Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York, USA. 8Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. 9Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 10Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 11Division of Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 12Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 13Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. 14Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 15Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 16These authors contributed equally to this work. 17These authors jointly directed this work. Correspondence should be addressed to S.R.S. (ssunyaev@rics.bwh.harvard.edu). Published online 29 May 2012; doi:10.1038/ng.2303 NATURE GENETICS | VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 In complex trait genetics, exome sequencing studies can be used to identify rare coding variants that are not detected by microarray-based genomewide association studies (GWAS). The promise of exome sequencing studies of complex traits has its basis in the success of candidate gene studies21–26 and has firm roots in population genetic theory27–35. Large-scale GWAS of complex traits have consistently shown, with few exceptions, that common variants have modest effects, often requiring over 10,000 samples for their detection. Exome sequencing provides a complementary approach by comprehensively assessing the role of all coding variation, both common and rare. With mutations continually occurring in each protein-coding gene (at a rate of ~1 × 10-5 per gene per generation for nonsynonymous variants)36–39 and fitness losses of less than 1% for most novel nonsynonymous mutations29–31,34, almost every gene is expected to harbor functionally important variants that can be tested through sequencing, even if these variants are rare. Therefore, the strong interest in exome sequencing stems from three factors: the potential to identify many genes underlying complex traits, straightforward functional annotation of coding variation and a substantially lower cost (approximately five times lower) than that of whole-genome sequencing. We evaluate the extent of rare coding variation in empirical data, discuss data processing and quality control of raw sequence data and review analytical methods for detecting genotype-phenotype associations, their expected statistical power and the potential for confounding due to population stratification. To illustrate our analyses, we used empirical whole-exome sequence data from 184 individuals from the International HIV Controllers Study (HIV)40 and 254 control individuals from the Schizophrenia (SCZ) exome sequencing study (Supplementary Note). Assessment of rare coding variation in empirical data Exome sequencing data contain an abundance of rare coding variation and indicate that a large fraction of this variation is functional. Not only are there many more rare variants than common ones, but sequencing additional samples continues to uncover additional rare variants. In fact, as sample size increases, the number of observed variants grows much faster than is predicted by the neutral model with constant population size41,42 (Fig. 1). This relative excess of rare variants can, in part, be attributed to recent population expansion43–45 but is also likely to be due to purifying selection. As a consequence, rare variation is enriched for evolutionarily deleterious, and thus functional, variants. Additionally, the proportion of nonsynonymous variants is higher among rare than among common variants45. Finally, among rare variants, missense variants predicted46 to be damaging are more prevalent than variants predicted to be benign (Fig. 1). These findings are consistent with studies that showed that rare 623 PERSPECTIVE Novel variants discovered by class (Fold increase over within-class baseline) 50 40 Functional class Nonsense Probably damaging Possibly damaging Missense Benign Synonymous Theoretical 30 20 Effect of population growth 10 © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. 0 npg Effect of purifying selection 100 200 300 400 Cumulative number of samples Figure 1 Discovery of novel variants for increasing numbers of samples. For each functional class, the fold increase over the number of variants in one sample for that class is plotted as a function of the number of samples in a sequencing experiment. For example, the number of nonsense variants discovered in 300 samples is 40 times greater than the average number discovered in a single sample, whereas the number of synonymous variants is only 10 times greater (although the absolute number of nonsense variants is a relatively minor proportion of the total variation discovered); this effect is due to purifying selection. All classes of variants are discovered at rates exceeding what would be predicted under a neutral model of evolution in a population of constant size, an effect of population growth. The crossing between curves for synonymous variants and the theoretical prediction most likely is a signature of the out-of-Africa bottleneck. Additional details are provided in Methods. variants in protein-coding regions are under purifying selection35,47–51. Because sequencing larger samples continuously uncovers functionally relevant variants, exome sequencing studies enable the direct identification of causal variants (in contrast to GWAS that use linkage disequilibrium patterns between common markers). Variant calling and quality control filtering An exome sequencing study starts with exome capture and sequencing of DNA samples followed by the identification of sequence variants. Exome capture may be realized on many platforms (for example, Illumina HiSeq, Roche 454 and ABI SOLiD) and through a variety of probe definitions (for example, Agilent SureSelect and Nimblegen SeqCap EZ). Recent advances have made it possible to sequence an entire exome or even several exomes at deep coverage in a single run of the sequencing instrument. However, exome capture technologies differ in what they target, how much they capture and how consistently they do so8. Moreover, only 80–90% of the targeted regions are covered by greater than 10×, which may leave 4–8 Mb (or 1,000–2,000 genes) without sufficient coverage for variant detection. Exome sequencing coverage shows tremendous regional variation8. Some regions may be over-covered, representing true structural variation (for example, segmental duplications for which only one copy of the region exists in the reference genome) or technical artifacts (for example, greater abundance of capture probes or overlapping probe definitions resulting in ‘double capturing’). Similarly, some areas may be under-covered for biological reasons (for example, segmental duplications where more than one copy exists in the reference sequence, preventing the aligner from placing the read uniquely) or for technical reasons (for example, high GC content or density of variation, which impair hybridization of probes). Furthermore, some near-target regions within 50 bp of the target boundary can have sufficient coverage to warrant inclusion in variant calling. Critically, whichever capture technology is used, either all samples should be processed using the same technology or the variability should be 624 accounted for, for example, by stratifying the study by technology. We generated whole-exome data (targeting 28 Mb) from 438 samples (Methods) using a two-stage approach52,53. First, we applied a data processing and variant calling protocol described previously54. Second, we applied post–SNP calling quality control filters. For quality control of the resulting SNPs, we used population genetic statistics and properties of human genetic variation. Using those statistics helps to identify true variants, because the properties of the mutational process37,55 are different from errors of the sequencing technology. We compared statistics computed in the 438-sample data set and in 37 whole-genome data sets released by Complete Genomics, Inc. (CGI; see URLs), focusing only on the same genomic regions as in the exome data. The CGI whole-genome data set is good for comparison, because wholegenome sequencing is not dependent on exome capture technology. We further stratified these per-sample statistics into classes that are biologically interesting (by functional class and CpG status) but may also show different rates of technical artifacts. We show that filtering is critical for achieving high-quality calls (Table 1). Before filtering, the metrics showed significant deviation from their expected values, which may indicate a high false positive rate. After filtering, the statistics converged to those in the CGI data set. The effectiveness of the filters is evident also in comparison of the mutation pattern with human-chimpanzee divergence55. The number of novel variant sites (defined here as those not present in dbSNP 129) is another metric of SNP call quality (Supplementary Table 1). Most novel variants have low frequency and are especially enriched in the singletons and doubletons. Singletons and doubletons are particularly important to distinguish from false positives, because technical artifacts or errors in data processing can easily manifest as novel variation. Statistics such as the transition/transversion ratio (Ti/Tv) and the number of novel variants are useful as broad indicators of the quality of the data set and enable comparison of two sets of calls from the same data. However, precise expectations of these statistics are unknown, because they depend on many factors, including uneven coverage, variability in DNA quality and other sources of technical bias, such as machine error. Therefore, interpreting small differences from expectation in these statistics is nontrivial. Genotyping validation provides an additional measure of call set quality, independent of the population genetics statistics. Comparing genotyping data to sequencing data makes it possible to directly measure call set quality by calculating non-reference sensitivity (NRS—the rate at which non-reference sites in the genotyping data are recovered in the sequencing data) and non-reference discrepancy rate (NRD—the rate at which genotypes from sequencing and genotyping data differ). A genotyping assay should include sites at various allele frequencies, especially at low frequencies (~1%). When available, data from families, particularly from parent-child trios, can also be useful in assessing call set quality. Comparing our call set with GWAS data in the same samples at overlapping sites suggested high sensitivity for common variants (98.6% NRS). To assess the quality of low-frequency variant calls in a comparable sequencing data set, we compared CGI data to that generated with the HumanOmni2.5-8 (Omni2.5) BeadChip for the 1000 Genomes Project (Supplementary Table 2). This comparison resulted in 95.65% NRS, 1.79% NRD and 1.12% NRD for novel variants. Despite stringent quality control, genotyping and sequencing errors are still present. Unfortunately, when stratifying variants on the basis of putative functional consequences, the class of variation that is annotated to be most deleterious is also more heavily enriched for errors56. This underscores the importance of rigorous quality control. It is critical that great care is taken to prevent technical biases and confounding in sequencing to avoid distorting association results. For VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | NATURE GENETICS PERSPECTIVE npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. instance, differences in how (rare and precious) case samples are handled compared to control samples may lead to systematic false positives that masquerade as interesting associations. Likewise, simultaneous multisample variant calling on only cases or only controls may lead to differential detection of variants across batches, negatively impacting the accuracy of allele frequency estimates and association analyses. Many other, often poorly understood or hidden, technical confounders (for example, in DNA preparation, exome capture technology, machine type, read length, depth of coverage, SNP calling algorithm or quality control filters) may influence the properties of exome sequencing data. Therefore, although the use of shared controls (for example, from the 1000 Genomes Project) has been helpful in filtering approaches applied to Mendelian disorders6,9, it is not likely to be applicable to association analysis of complex diseases. There are numerous other statistical tests for rare variants in complex traits (reviewed in refs. 62–65). In simulation studies64, most tests behave similarly in many situations. However, the results may depend on assumptions used in simulated data. The relative power to detect association depends on factors such as the number and proportion of causal variants, their population frequencies and their effect sizes, as well as the directionality of effects, the number of genes contributing to the trait and the fraction of causal genetic variation located in the exome. Statistical tests were developed with various combinations of these factors in mind and therefore are likely to be sensitive to different disease architectures. For example, the simulation framework used in the development of the WSS test assumes effect size proportional to 1/x(1 - x) (where x is the population frequency of the causal allele), the sequence kernel association test (SKAT)66 simulation framework uses effect size proportional to -log(x), and the VT test simulations use a demographic history model with a range of possible values of strength of selection leading to different relationships between effect size and x. These simulations were designed to show the strengths of each method under different effect size distributions: the WSS test is designed for effect sizes proportional to 1/x(1 - x), SKAT is designed for effect sizes proportional to b density b(x; a1, a2) for prespecified a1 and a2, the C-alpha test67 is designed for Statistical methods for the analysis of rare variants Analysis of rare variants requires statistical methods that are fundamentally different from association statistics used for testing common variants. There are two reasons for this. First, rare variants have to be combined in a gene (or pathway) for an association test to reach sufficient power57. For example, a causal SNP at a frequency of 1 in 500 and genotype relative risk of 10 in a sample of 200 cases and 200 controls has 0.2% power to be detected at a conventional significance threshold for GWAS (P < 5 × 10-8). Second, functional and population genetics information can be added to the Table 1 SNP counts per Illumina-sequenced sample testing approach, because exome sequencing Counts Number of heterozygotes Number of homozygotes comprehensively captures variation that can be Filter (% filtered) (% filtered) (% filtered) Ti/Tv annotated with such information. Total Early candidate gene sequencing studies for Unfiltered 18,626 11,761 3,007 2.92 complex traits were based on comparison of the Filtered 16,776 10,242 2,785 3.21 numbers of nonsynonymous alleles exclusive to (10%) (13%) (7%) cases or controls (or samples at the extremes of Comparison 16,914 10,464 2,492 3.31 the trait distribution)21,26. This approach has By functional class limited power, because it ignores common and Unfiltered 9,536 5,933 1,601 4.80 low-frequency polymorphisms, as most such Silent Filtered 8,845 5,372 1,514 5.10 variants would be present both in cases and (7%) (9%) (5%) controls. Recently, a number of statistical tests Comparison 8,987 5,514 1,352 5.22 have been designed for rare variant analysis. Missense Unfiltered 8,698 5,557 1,350 1.92 The Combined Multivariate and Collapsing Filtered 7,644 4,685 1,220 2.11 (CMC) test58 jointly assesses the role of rare (12%) (16%) (10%) and common variation. For common variComparison 7,723 4,772 1,095 2.17 ants, traditional regression-based association Nonsense Unfiltered 70 60 9 1.31 is applied. For rare variation, an individual’s Filtered 48 39 8 1.65 predictor in a regression model is defined as 1 (31%) (35%) (11%) if the individual possesses at least one rare variComparison 46 38 6 2.00 ant in the region (for example, a gene) and 0 By CpG status otherwise. The weighted-sum statistic (WSS) CpG Unfiltered 2,213 1,539 422 4.82 test59 creates a composite genotype score for all Filtered 2,030 1,390 397 5.12 individuals. This score is the sum of alternate (8%) (10%) (6%) alleles weighted by the inverse of the binomial Comparison 2,098 1,448 350 5.44 variance. A rank-sum test is then performed on 16,415 10,218 2,585 2.75 the genotype scores between phenotypic groups. Non-CpG Unfiltered Filtered 14,752 8,852 2,338 3.03 The kernel-based adaptive cluster (KBAC) test60 (10%) (13%) (10%) also uses a weighting scheme that reflects apparComparison 14,822 9,901 2,145 3.11 ent effect sizes of individual variants. An alternative approach to combine rare variants into a SNP counts (computed as the median of the metrics value in each sample over 438 samples) were localized to the single test selects an allele frequency threshold exome, stratified by functional and biological criteria and compared to SNP counts per the Complete Genomics– sequenced sample (computed as the median of the metrics value in each sample over 37 samples). Before the on the basis of the observed data. The develop- application of filters, counts significantly differed from the expectations derived from the independently obtained 61 ment of this variable threshold (VT) approach comparison set, indicating the presence of many false positives. For example, the SNPs identified as nonsense was motivated by population genetics simula- mutations initially appeared to be enriched by 1.5-fold for false positives. As nonsense variants are rare, an unfiltered call set may contain many artifactual events that masquerade as nonsense variants. Quality control filters helped to tions that showed that there is no single optimal align the metrics with the comparison set and the data from human-chimpanzee divergence. Number of homozygotes weighting scheme or allele frequency threshold. includes only homozygotes of the derived allele. NATURE GENETICS | VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 625 PERSPECTIVE for all possible missense changes in humans, making these scores readily applicable. An important consideration for exome Triglycerides ANGPTL4 Fisher’s exact 13 2 1,775 0.016b 26 b sequencing studies is selecting the significance Triglycerides ANGPTL5 Fisher’s exact 9 1 1,775 0.022 threshold that accounts for multiple testing. A HDL ABCA1 RVE 28 4 519 <0.0001b 21 simple way of doing this is to adopt a Bonferroni APOA1 1 0 519 correction for 20,000 independent tests (1 test LCAT 6 1 519 for each gene), which, for an experiment-wide Blood pressure SLC12A1, Fisher’s exact 9 1 626 0.02 22 significance of 0.05 gives a P-value threshold of SLC12A3, KCNJ1 2.5 × 10-6 per gene. However, such a threshold Obesity Obesityc Fisher’s exact 73 97 757 0.061 25 may be overly conservative, because it assumes Type 1 diabetes IFIH1 Fisher’s exact 21 39 960 0.025 24 that each tested gene has sufficient variation to Triglycerides APOA5 Fisher’s exact 1 5 765 0.25 23 achieve the asymptotic properties for the test GCKR Fisher’s exact 5 20 765 0.024 statistic. For example, if only two individu-5 LPL Fisher’s exact 8 44 765 2.47 × 10 als carry nonsynonymous variants in a given APOB Fisher’s exact 39 85 765 0.008 gene, the difference between cases and controls Gene burden test results are summarized from published candidate gene resequencing studies. Only one signal for the never exceeds two total observations—thus, the LPL gene is strongly associated (P = 2.47 × 10-5) but does not attain a genome-wide significance of P < 2.5 × 10-6 (P < 0.05 after applying a Bonferroni correction for 20,000 genes tested). This highlights the importance of most significant P value that can be achieved is sequencing large numbers of samples. Counts for refs. 21 and 26 are as reported in the published studies. Counts for approximately 0.25, assuming that these two ref. 22 are based on functional mutation carriers, as described in the published study. Counts for refs. 24 and 25 are variants are independent. Therefore, unless the based on SNPs with minor allele frequency (MAF) < 0.01. Counts for ref. 23 are based on SNPs with MAF < 0.01 in controls only. All P values are from two-sided tests unless reported otherwise in the published study. RVE, rare variant study is large, association P values will generally exclusive test; HDL, high-density lipoprotein. be less significant than expected under the null aAllele count for non-reference allele. bAs reported in the published study. cObesity refers to a combination of 21 candidate genes. hypothesis of no association. This deficiency of significant P values is apparent in the 438 whole effects in opposite directions in the same region, and the VT test makes exomes (Fig. 2a). The PLINK/SEQ suite computes from data the i-stat, which is an estimate of the minimal achievable P value for a gene. The no assumptions about effect size distributions. When combining rare variants, all functional variants may either be i-stat can be used by setting a threshold (for example, 1 × 10-3) and only assumed to influence the trait in the same direction, or some may be correcting for the number of genes that have an i-stat value below the allowed to have opposite directions of effect. A biochemical argument can threshold, in agreement with the idea that, for the genes with an i-stat value be made that most nonsynonymous variants are loss-of-function hypo- above the threshold, there is no power to detect an association. Another morphs, whereas gain-of-function variants are infrequent. However, some way to correct for multiple testing is to compute an experiment-wide siggenes (for example, PCSK9)68 have variants of both kinds. Several tests nificance threshold by permutations of phenotype labels, create the empirallow for rare variants to have opposite effects on the trait (for example, ical distribution of minimal P values for all genes across permutations Step-up69, C-alpha, the replication-based test70 and SKAT). These tests are and compare the minimal P value from the real data to that distribution based either on the analysis of over-dispersion or on explicit linear models (Fig. 2b). This approach efficiently controls type 1 error (the probability that determine the contribution of a variant to a score on the basis of the of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true) and is less conservative than the Bonferroni correction. Notably, the P-value threshold computed direction of effect observed in the data. Rare variant tests can benefit from stratifying or weighting rare alleles by permutations is dependent on both the study and the statistical test. by functional significance, as evidenced by simulations and sequencing However, the experiment-wide correction via permutation is not robust to studies of candidate genes61,64,71–73. The power of rare variant tests is confounding, and it is essential to assess the quality of the distribution of strongly influenced by the fraction of causal variants among all variants test statistics for those genes that have i-stat values less than the threshold analyzed, and using functional information is an effective way to give to ensure appropriate calibration of the distribution. Nevertheless, with greater weight to likely causal variants. For example, nonsense variants increasing sample sizes, the dimensionality of the tests will also increase, should be prioritized above non-conserved missense variants. Similarly, and studies will be assessing close to 20,000 tests. Therefore, for large studmissense variants should be prioritized above synonymous variants. ies, we consider the Bonferroni threshold to be preferable. Functional consequences of variants can be predicted by examining the effects of amino-acid changes using comparative sequence and protein Statistical power of exome sequencing studies structure analyses. Many computational prediction and conservation The power of an exome sequencing study is limited by the amount of methods74,75 are available (reviewed in refs. 76–79). The accuracy of variation in a gene. Therefore, power is higher for genes with more varithose methods is approximately 80% (ref. 80), and it is likely highest ants, for example, larger genes or genes in regions with elevated mutation for rare variants. (Truly functional variants are most likely deleterious rate. Additionally, genes in which most variants are causal are easier to and are kept at low frequencies by purifying selection, and, so, com- identify than those in which few variants are causal. In individual candimon variants are most likely neutral and nonfunctional.) Therefore, date gene sequencing studies, estimates of this proportion ranged from using prediction methods enriches for functional variants and thereby 30–70% (refs. 21,22,26). Consequently, the effect size is not only a property boosts the power of association tests. Because such predictions are not of an individual variant but rather a reflection of the distribution of effects perfect, however, they should be used quantitatively by weighing vari- coupled with how those effects are interpreted via the test. Some statistical ants rather than qualitatively by filtering out variants. A number of tests explicitly account for differences in power when evaluating evidence tests allow the inclusion of prediction scores in test statistics, including of association81. the VT test, KBAC, SKAT, the rare variant weighted aggregate statistic Given the sample sizes, the likely effect sizes and frequencies of causal (RWAS)72 and the likelihood ratio test (LRT)73. The PLINK/SEQ suite variants and the proportion of causal variants in a gene, do current exome includes previously computed PolyPhen-2 (ref. 46) prediction scores sequencing studies have sufficient power to detect genes underlying Table 2 Summary of gene burden test results for rare variant studies npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. Trait 626 Gene Test ACa low ACa high n P Ref. VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | NATURE GENETICS complex phenotypes? Enthusiasm for exome sequencing studies stems, in part, from successful candidate gene sequencing studies, and, so, we sought to test whether exome sequencing would be expected to have sufficient power to detect genes discovered by the candidate gene approach. To date, no published candidate gene study reported P values that would be significant in the context of the complete exome (Table 2). This is particularly notable, because some candidate gene studies used much larger sample sizes (thousands of individuals) than ongoing exome sequencing studies (hundreds of individuals). This shows that current exome sequencing studies are underpowered to detect genes with the allelic distribution and effect sizes similar to those in the published examples. Indeed, extrapolation of effect sizes and frequencies from published studies shows that thousands of individuals are required to reach acceptable statistical power (Fig. 3). This analysis is consistent with an earlier study based on population genetics simulations that concluded that as many as 10,000 individuals at phenotypic extremes would be needed to achieve satisfactory power30. The very first GWAS82–84 were also highly underpowered, but falling costs and the ability to combine studies in meta-analyses have enabled the rapid creation of well-powered studies and have resulted in many discoveries. Similarly, with the falling cost of sequencing and targeted enrichment85, exome sequencing will soon be affordable to many research groups, and we expect that consortia will form to facilitate the pooling of exome sequencing data, thus enabling better-powered studies and a new wave of discoveries. Replication to confirm association To discover robust associations, replication in exome sequencing studies will be critical. Because small early studies will inevitably be underpowered, no gene may achieve exome-wide statistical significance. In such cases, unless strict correction for multiple tests is performed, researchers should resist the temptation to apply a battery of statistical tests, each with various weighing schemes and variant selection. We strongly argue that an association can only be considered real if it has been replicated. A reasonable replication strategy is to select a few genes (for example, ten) from the discovery stage on the basis of the strength of association86 and biological plausibility. Sequencing and rare variant associations must then be performed on new samples using a multiple test correction threshold applied only to the (smaller) set of candidate genes. southern European ancestry in European-Americans) may have different allele frequency spectra due to their different demographic histories. For example, in an exome sequencing study in African-Americans in which disease cases have more African ancestry than controls, one expects to see an excess of rare variants in cases, because African chromosomes carry more rare variants92. We created a hypothetical case-control exome sequencing study involving real sequencing data and simulated phenotype data using 438 individuals divided into two populations (Methods). To induce population stratification, we assigned case or control status to each sample randomly, with a bias whereby more cases were taken from one population and more controls were taken from the other population. Association tests indicated inflated rates of spurious statistically significant P values. We corrected for population stratification by modifying the permutation scheme to account for subpopulations. This correction was effective at controlling type 1 errors in all association tests. Our simulations show that exome sequencing studies for complex traits can be affected by population stratification, which may produce spurious associations. We have shown that a simple permutation scheme is sufficient to correct for population stratification when discrete clusters corresponding to genome-wide ancestry are known or can be inferred by applying standard methods to GWAS chip data88,89,93. The permutation scheme is appealing in that it generalizes most burden of multiple rare variants tests; however, some tests may also be amenable to the use of PCA covariates in instances in which population structure is best described by continuous clines rather than discrete clusters89. Discussion Exome sequencing studies enable the unbiased discovery of coding variations for subsequent association testing for complex traits. However, we expect that initial studies will be underpowered, and we have highlighted a number of technical issues that could bias the interpretation and analysis of rare variant data, especially for novel variants. We expect that over 10,000 exomes will be required to achieve sufficient statistical power to robustly detect associations of rare variation with complex traits. Issues affecting the design of exome sequencing studies that we have discussed here are also relevant to whole-genome sequencing studies, in which the analysis of protein-coding variation will remain the same as in exome sequencing studies. Focusing exclusively on the exome sequence is a limitation in complex trait genetics, where noncoding genetic variation is believed to Population stratification Population stratification—systematic ancestry differences between cases and controls—is a well-studied confounder in genetic association studies87. In GWAS, comb 1.0 a monly used approaches to correct for stratifica4 tion include stratifying by population cluster 0.8 (structured association), principal-components analysis (PCA) and mixed models87–90. 3 0.6 Genomic control may also be applied, but it is generally more useful for assessing stratifica2 tion than correcting for it87,91. 0.4 An important question is whether population stratification can confound exome 0.2 sequencing studies, and, if so, how should stratification be corrected for in this con0.0 text? Although excess of rare variant tests 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 are fundamentally different from single−log (best P−value) Expected –log (P) variant tests, the possibility of stratificaFigure 2 Association analysis. (a) Quantile-quantile plot of association P values under the null tion still exists, because different ancestries hypothesis. (b) Distributions of lowest P values under whole-exome permutations. Histograms show the within a structured population sample (for distributions of the lowest P values across permutations for the T5 test. The red vertical line indicates example, African and European ances- the exome-wide significance level of 0.05 for the most significant gene (the most significant gene try in African-Americans or northern and reaches exome-wide significance if its P value is lower that the level indicated by the red line). Density Observed –log10(P) npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. PERSPECTIVE 10 NATURE GENETICS | VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 10 627 PERSPECTIVE Data generation Reads were aligned to the reference genome using the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA)94, duplicate PCR reads were removed using Picard (see URLs), base quality scores were recalibrated using the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK), and alignments near putative indels were refined using GATK. The resulting data were run through GATK to discover and genotype SNP candidates. 6 5 −log10 (P) 4 3 Gene LPL APOB GCKR IFIH1 Obesity APOA5 2 1 0 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. Sample size Figure 3 Extrapolation of gene burden results. Horizontal solid red line shows Bonferroni genome-wide significance threshold of P = 2.5 × 10-6. Horizontal dashed line shows the threshold derived from whole-exome permutations (Fig. 2b). For larger sample sizes, the permutation threshold would be closer to the Bonferroni threshold, asymptotically approaching it as the sample sizes increase. Obesity refers to a combination of 21 candidate genes. have a larger role than in Mendelian genetics or in somatic cancer genetics. However, there are several reasons to perform exome sequencing. First, statistical approaches combining multiple rare variants are problematic in noncoding regions, because there is no easily identifiable set of sites harboring variants with unidirectional phenotypic effects. Second, variants in regulatory regions are likely to have smaller effect sizes. In contrast, protein-coding genes provide a well-defined and interpretable target for mutations in the locus. These mutations create variants at this locus that, in a well-powered study, can be identified as being associated with the trait. Thus, although the associated variants identified by focusing on the exome sequence alone are unlikely to explain all of the heritability for a complex trait, this approach does have the potential to highlight the genes involved. Despite the challenges in the design of exome sequencing studies of complex traits discussed here, the observation that a large number of functionally significant coding variants exist in the human population brings hope that the exome sequencing approach will be useful in identifying loci important for complex traits and diseases. Methods Simulating discovery of novel variants To calculate the discovery rate of novel variants for increasing numbers of samples, first, all exome samples were arranged in a random order. Then, samples were analyzed sequentially, starting with the first sample, and the cumulative set of identified variants was computed. For every subsequent sample, a variant site was considered novel if that site had not been identified as a variant in the cumulative set of the preceding samples. The fold increase over baseline (where the baseline for each class was the number of variants discovered in the first sample) was plotted (Fig. 1). To avoid sampling bias, random resampling was performed, and the overall mean was calculated. Nonsense, missense and synonymous classes were defined on the basis of RefSeq annotations. The missense class was further divided into probably damaging, possibly damaging and benign subclasses according to PolyPhen-2 predictions46. The theoretical line plotted the expected number of segregating sites under a neutral model of evolution in a population of constant size41. 628 Quality control filters We used the following quality control filters: (i) a quality score versus depth filter that excluded variants whose depth-normalized discovery confidence did not exceed 2.0; (ii) a homopolymer run filter that excluded variants that had an alternate allele that matched the allele in an immediately adjacent homopolymer run of greater than five nucleotides; (iii) a strand bias filter that excluded variants whose alternate allele was preferentially found on one of the two available read orientations at the site, and (iv) an indel mask filter that excluded variants discovered at sites that overlap with indels. Association analysis Case-control status was assigned randomly, and a T5 test for burden of rare variants was executed on all genes (T5 is a variant of the CMC test58 that considers only nonsynonymous variants with MAFs less than 5%, uses the total count of alternative minor alleles in cases as the test statistic and assigns significance by permuting phenotype labels). The overall deflation in significant P values (fewer genes associated at any significance level than expected by chance) was due to low counts of variants in genes. Results were similar for the T1 version of CMC, as well as for WSS59 and the VT test61. This pattern is expected in studies with small sample sizes (with fewer than approximately 1,000 individuals). Whole-exome permutations can be used to establish exome-wide significance in such cases. Whole-exome permutations Phenotype labels of full exomes were permuted 1 million times, that is, permuted phenotype affected all genes in an individual. In each permutation, the lowest exome-wide P value was computed. It took fewer than 1,000 computing hours to run 8 statistical tests on the 1 million wholeexome permutations of 15,122 genes in 438 individuals. The computation was very easy to parallelize and was thus quite affordable using cluster or cloud computing. Power calculations Data were extrapolated from results from five candidate genes and one obesity gene set from published studies (Table 2). Fisher ’s exact test was used to calculate P values after sample size extrapolations. Population stratification We induced population stratification in a hypothetical exome sequencing study involving real sequencing data and simulated phenotype data using 184 individuals from the HIV and 254 individuals from the SCZ exome sequencing studies. We observed that there were exome-wide differences in allele frequencies between the populations, which we quantified by estimating the FST between HIV and SCZ samples using exome sequencing data95. FST was estimated using EIGENSOFT software. Using variants with MAFs of at least 5%, we observed an FST value of 0.003, which is consistent with the different European ancestries of the HIV (European-American) and SCZ (Swedish) samples and with previous estimates of genetic distances between European populations96. We considered the possibility that the observed differences between HIV and SCZ samples could be due to differential bias resulting from differences in sample collection, sequencing or data processing97, but we view this as unlikely because we VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | NATURE GENETICS npg © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved. PERSPECTIVE applied identical data processing and quality control procedures to both sample sets and because quality control metrics revealed no systematic differences between the sample sets. To induce population stratification, we randomly assigned 80% of the HIV samples and 20% of the SCZ samples as cases and assigned the remaining samples as controls. We then used case-control labels to run four association tests: two fixed-threshold approaches (T1 and T5 versions of the CMC test58), WSS59 and the VT test61. We quantified the evidence of population stratification by considering the most significant P value (of 15,122 genes) and the proportion of P values < 0.05 and < 0.01. As seen in the null distribution (Fig. 2), it is expected that, due to low counts, P values will have a deficiency of statistically significant signals. Before correction for population stratification, however, our metrics indicated an excess of statistically significant signals. For example, for T5, the most significant P value was < 0.000001, and the proportions of P values were 0.0595 at the 0.05 level and 0.0136 at the 0.01 level. Results were similar for the other statistical tests and for other proportions of HIV samples assigned as cases (we experimented with 90%, 80% and 70%, as well as 30%, 20% and 10%). We note that, when the proportion of HIV individuals assigned as cases was above 50%, the induced inflation was higher than when the proportion was below 50%, which could be due to a population genetic excess of rare variants in Swiss and European-American samples relative to Swedish samples. To correct for stratification, we modified the script that implements association tests (see URLs) to employ a permutation scheme in which case-control status was permuted within each population (HIV and SCZ), assuming known population labels. This permutation scheme does not change the computational cost of the study. The results show that the permutation procedure adequately controlled for population stratification, removing the excess of significant signals. For example, for T5, the most significant P value after correction was 0.0001, and the proportions of P values were 0.0340 at the 0.05 level and 0.0060 at the 0.01 level. The deficiency of statistically significant signals is due to low counts and is consistent with the null distribution (Fig. 2). Results were similar for the other statistical tests and for other proportions of HIV samples assigned as cases. These results show that the permutation-based correction was effective at controlling type 1 errors. Data access SCZ control data can be accessed via the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGAP; phs000473.v1.p1). To access the HIV data, investigators can submit a brief concept sheet detailing their study design, research questions and other needs. The concept sheet with detailed instructions can be downloaded (see URLs). Please send completed forms to P. Richtmyer (prichtmyer@partners.org). Requests will be reviewed on the basis of scientific merit, feasibility and overlap with ongoing concept sheets and investigations. URLs. Complete Genomics data set, http://www.completegenomics.com/sequencedata/download-data/; R script used for all association analyses (contains T1, T5, WSS and VT tests and optionally weighted PolyPhen-2 predictions), http://genetics. bwh.harvard.edu/rare_variants/; EIGENSOFT, http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/faculty/alkes-price/software/; Picard utilities for manipulation of Sequence Alignment/ Map (SAM) files, http://picard.sourceforge.net/index.shtml; Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA), http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/; Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) suite, http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsa/wiki/index.php/Home_Page; PLINK/SEQ library for management, quality control and analysis of exome sequencing data, including several statistical tests, http://atgu.mgh.harvard.edu/plinkseq/; sample repository research concept sheet, http://cfar.globalhealth.harvard.edu/fs/docs/ icb.topic938249.files/Harvard%20CFAR%20Concept%20Sheet%20Template%20. docx. Note: Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. NATURE GENETICS | VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are grateful to S. Pollack for assistance with EIGENSOFT. This work was made possible, in part, by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH; grant 5R01 MH084676) and, in part, by the International HIV Controllers Study, supported by the Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (to P.I.W.d.B.), and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group, supported by the NIH (grants AI069513, AI34835, AI069432, AI069423, AI069477, AI069501, AI069474, AI069428, AI69467, AI069415, Al32782, AI27661, AI25859, AI28568, AI30914, AI069495, AI069471, AI069532, AI069452, AI069450, AI069556, AI069484, AI069472, AI34853, AI069465, AI069511, AI38844, AI069424, AI069434, AI46370, AI68634, AI069502, AI069419, AI068636, RR024975 and AI077505). Sequencing of the SCZ control individuals was funded by the NIH (grant RC2MH089905), the Herman Foundation and the Stanley Medical Research Institute. N.O.S. was supported, in part, by an NIH Training Grant (T32-HL07604-25; Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital). B.M.N. was supported by a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) grant (1R01MH089208-01). R.D. is supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily represent the views of the NIMH, NIH, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) or the US government. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS A.K. developed the computational analysis pipeline and analyzed data, K.G. performed upstream quality control and analysis of sequencing data, R.D. performed the power analysis, N.O.S. performed the assessment of rare variants in empirical data, B.M.N. contributed to statistical analyses, and P.J.M. assisted with data analysis. T.L. participated in designing the study. P.S., P.F.S., J.L.M., C.M.H., P.L., P.M., P.I.W.d.B., N.G. and S.M.P. contributed data. A.L.P., P.I.W.d.B. and S.R.S. conceived and designed the study. A.L.P., P.I.W.d.B., S.M.P. and S.R.S. supervised the work. A.K., K.G., R.D., N.O.S., B.M.N., Y.Y.S., A.L.P., P.I.W.d.B. and S.R.S. wrote the manuscript. All authors approved the manuscript. COMPETING FINANCIAL INTERESTS The authors declare no competing financial interests. Published online at http://www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ng.2303. Reprints and permissions information is available online at http://www.nature.com/ reprints/index.html. 1. Fuller, C.W. et al. The challenges of sequencing by synthesis. Nat. Biotechnol. 27, 1013–1023 (2009). 2. Rusk, N. & Kiermer, V. Primer: Sequencing—the next generation. Nat. Methods 5, 15 (2008). 3. Metzker, M.L. Sequencing technologies the next generation. Nat. Rev. Genet. 11, 31–46 (2010). 4. Shendure, J. & Ji, H. Next-generation DNA sequencing. Nat. 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