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LETTERS PUBLISHED ONLINE: 18 SEPTEMBER 2011 | DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1264 Transient metazoan reefs in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction Arnaud Brayard1 *, Emmanuelle Vennin1 , Nicolas Olivier2 , Kevin G. Bylund3 , Jim Jenks4 , Daniel A. Stephen5 , Hugo Bucher6 , Richard Hofmann6 , Nicolas Goudemand6 and Gilles Escarguel2 Recovery from the devastating Permian–Triassic mass extinction about 252 million years ago is usually assumed to have spanned the entire 5 million years of the Early Triassic epoch1,2 . The post-crisis interval was characterized by large-scale fluctuations of the global carbon cycle and harsh marine conditions, including a combination of ocean acidification, euxinia, and fluctuating productivity3 . During this interval, metazoan-dominated reefs are thought to have been replaced by microbial deposits that are considered the hallmark of the Early Triassic4–7 . Here we use field and microscopic investigations to document Early Triassic bioaccumulations and reefs from the western USA that comprise of various sponges and serpulids associated with microbialites and other eukaryotic benthic organisms. These metazoan-rich reefs were formed only 1.5 million years after the extinction, in contrast to previous suggestions of a much delayed recovery of complex benthic communities. We conclude that the predominance of microbial reefs following the mass extinction is restricted to short intervals of the earliest Triassic. We suggest that metazoan reef building continued throughout the Early Triassic wherever permitted by environmental conditions. Contrasting with a delayed recovery paradigm, mostly derived from diversity patterns of benthic organisms (for example, bivalves, gastropods), recent analyses on nekto-pelagic taxa such as ammonoids and conodonts document an explosive Early Triassic rediversification within less than 2 million years (Myr) after the Permian–Triassic (PT) crisis8,9 . Nevertheless, metazoan reefs (see Supplementary Information for definition) formed by organisms such as sponges or corals are still acknowledged to re-establish during the Middle Triassic10–12 . Their reappearance often serves as marker for the end of the recovery. Indeed, reports of welldated Early Triassic metazoan reef builders have been exceptional (Fig. 1). Sponge concentrations are known from the Spathian of Utah and Nevada13,14 . Small bivalve bioherms and a stromatolite– sponge–Tubiphytes association are recognized in the Spathian of Nevada15,16 , and a stromatolite–sponge association is known from the late Lower Triassic of the Germanic basin17 . Some isolated bryozoans and calcareous algae are also reported18,19 . Despite these rare occurrences, a global Early Triassic metazoan reef gap seems remarkable. This gap is often interpreted as the outcome of combined persistent or intermittent harsh environmental conditions and exacerbated biotic competitive pressures6,20 . Here we present new evidence for large, in situ Early Triassic metazoan bioaccumulations and reefs formed by various sponges and serpulids associated with different microbial carbonates and eukaryotic organisms (Fig. 1; Supplementary Fig. S1). The oldest metazoan bioaccumulations and reefs are located near the base of the Thaynes Group in sections of the Pahvant Range (PR) and the Mineral Mountains (MM; Fig. 2). Ammonoid and conodont biostratigraphy indicates an early Smithian age for these levels, occurring within the ‘Meekoceras n. sp. 1 and 2 beds’ and below the ‘Radioceras aff. evolvens bed’ for the PR, and within the ‘Vercherites aff. pulcher bed’ for the MM. U/Pb calibration of the ammonoid zonation indicates that they postdate the PT boundary by only ∼1.5 Myr2 . In the PR, the oldest reefs consist of small (∼5 mm) sponges encrusting thin bivalve shell layers (Figs 2i, 3a), which probably facilitated their settlement and enhanced their preservation. Although these sponges are preserved in life position, their initial essentially globular shape now seems compacted (Supplementary Fig. S2). The sponges are associated with small serpulids within a very abundant micritic matrix, and with common echinoderm plates (probably crinoids) locally reworked as bioclastic accumulations in storm-induced deposits. These biostromes, tens of centimetres thick, are formed by alternating gregarious settling and hydraulic reworking. The latter leads to multiple short-term events of hard-part concentrations in a low to moderate energy mid ramp environment. Isolated sponges are also found within overlying beds, identified only by sparse bundles of spicules. Sponges occur a few metres higher in recurrent large (∼50 m of lateral exposure) lenticular ∼ 5cm-thick layers, throughout a ∼20 m-thick stratigraphic interval (Figs 2ii, 3b,c; Supplementary Figs S4–S6). These sponges are preserved in situ as lenticular reefs composed of small coalesced spheres (≤1 cm in diameter) that resemble lyssacine hexactinellids bound by submillimetre-scale biofilms. Within the lowermost Spathian PR beds, serpulids form small millimetre to centimetre-consortia with abundant ostracods, brachiopods and rare gastropods, alternating with tempestite deposits (Fig. 2iii; Supplementary Fig. S7). Early Smithian reef deposits in the MM are characterized by more diverse sponge morphologies (Figs 2iv–v, 3d–h; Supplementary Figs S8–S22). The oldest sponges are embedded within microbialites forming reefs, tens of centimetres thick, distributed throughout a massive (up to 10 m high) microbial carbonate unit. These microbialites are composed of centimetre-scale stromatolitic domes and thrombolites sealed off by micrite. Complete cup- to flat-shape and dendroid centimetre-scale sponges are preserved, resting on micrite matrix or encrusting microbialitic crusts. They show an internal re-crystallized spiculitic network and are often 1 UMR CNRS 5561 Biogéosciences, Université de Bourgogne, 6 boulevard Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France, 2 UMR CNRS 5276 Laboratoire de géologie de Lyon: Terre, Planètes, Environnement, Université Lyon 1, 27-43 Boulevard du 11 novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France, 3 140 South 700 East, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660, USA, 4 1134 Johnson Ridge Lane, West Jordan, Utah 84084, USA, 5 Department of Earth Science, Utah Valley University, 800 W. University Parkway, Orem, Utah 84058, USA, 6 Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Universität Zürich, Karl-Schmid Strasse 4, CH-8006 Zürich, Switzerland. *e-mail: arnaud.brayard@u-bourgogne.fr. NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2011 | www.nature.com/naturegeoscience © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. 693 LETTERS NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1264 Pahvant Range 145 m BM iii 110 m CR Utah Nevada 37° N Associated organisms 105 m PR MM 100 m HC/BD 95 m Arizona Echinoderms Brachiopods Foraminifers Ostracods Conodonts Microbial dep. O.k. 90 m MM: Mineral M. PR: Pahvant R. BM: Butte M. WM: Wasatch M. b Fle. 110° W 80 m 100 m LCS: Lost Cabin Spring MU: Muddy M. 75 m 90 m 70 m 65 m %) δδ13Ccarb ( % 60 m 248.12 + ¬ 0.28 Thaynes Grp. Smithian HR: Humboldt R. CR: Confusion R. HC: Hurricane Cliffs BD: Beaver Dam M. Limestone Sandy limest. Shelly limest. Calcareous shale Shale See also: vi Figs 3i¬k, S23¬S26 v Figs 3h, S21¬S22 iv Figs 3d¬g, S8¬S20 iii Fig. S7 ii Figs 3b¬c, S4¬S6 i Figs 3a, S2¬S3 Mineral Mountains 85 m 115° W Sandstone Stromatolites Bivalves Serpulids Gastropods Ammonoids MU LCS Lithologies Coalesced spheres Isolated spheres Bivalveencrusted Encrusting or branching Plate A.k. 115 m WM HR Sponge framework 85 m I.n. vi Spathian 100 km 42° N SP. a 80 m Xe. 75 m A.k. K.A. 55 m Spathian Early Triassic 50 m 50 m 45 m 45 m HR 40 m BD HC CR 250.55 + ¬ 0.4 40 m M.2. ii 35 m 30 m Thaynes Grp. Smithian O.k. I.n. 35 m 30 m MM Smithian PR 251.22 + ¬ 0.2 25 m 25 m M.1. R.e. Dienerian 20 m Co 15 m Griesbachian 252.6 + ¬ 0.2 Permian 20 m i 10 m ¬2 0 2 4 v V.p. 15 m iv 10 m ? 5m Figure 1 | Geographic and temporal overview of the studied Early Triassic bioaccumulations and reefs from western USA. a, Present-day location. White and black stars indicate Smithian and Spathian outcrops, respectively (R.: Range; M.: Mountains); black circles indicate previously described Spathian bivalve bioherms in the Muddy Mountains (ref. 15), sponge reef in Lost Cabin Spring (ref. 16), and sponge occurrences in the Butte Mountains and Wasatch Mountains (ref. 14). b, Early Triassic timescale in Myr with simplified global δ 13 C trend (both adapted from ref. 2). New reefs reported in this study are symbolized by grey circles. 5m ? v v v v 0m 0m Red beds Permian Red beds Permian partially to completely dissolved and replaced by calcite-cemented cavities (Fig. 3e; Supplementary Fig. S10). Within the uppermost part of this unit, some cylindrical or branching, imbricated calcite-cemented cavities reach sizes of tens of centimetres. Their external wall contacts are fringed by a complex network made of regular, successive lined micritic pores or larger sprout-like Figure 2 | Simplified litho- and biostratigraphy for the PR and MM sections. Bioaccumulations and reefs with associated benthic and nekto-pelagic organisms. Ammonoid-based biostratigraphy: Xe., Glyptophiceras-Xenoceltites beds; A.k., Anasibirites kingianus beds; O.k., Owenites koeneni beds; Fle., Flemingites beds; I.n., Inyoites n. sp. beds; K.A., Kashmirites-Arctoceras beds; M.2., Meekoceras n. sp.2 bed; M.1., Meekoceras n. sp.1 beds; R.e., Radioceras aff. evolvens bed; V.p., Vercherites aff. pulcher bed. Co: oldest occurrence of the Smithian conodont Furnishius triserratus. Sp.: Spathian. Reefs and bioaccumulations are indicated by the symbols i-vi with a key at the top right to the associated figures in the main paper and the Supplementary Fig. denoted by S. 694 NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2011 | www.nature.com/naturegeoscience © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. LETTERS NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1264 a b c 20 mm 10 mm 2 mm d e f 5 mm 2 mm 5 mm g h Top 10 mm 20 mm i j k 10 mm Figure 3 | Most characteristic features of sponge bioaccumulations or reefs i-ii and iv–vi. a, Abundant sponges encrusting bivalves. b,c,h, Coalesced spheroid sponges identified as lyssacine hexactinellids. d–g, Cavities, chambers or in situ spiculitic networks of various incrusting, planar and branched sponges. i–k, Sponges encrusting bivalves co-occurring with lenticular to irregular sponge structures with centimetre-thick walls. The key to the levels is given in Fig. 2. Level iii is illustrated in Supplementary Fig. S7. openings and early cements (Supplementary Figs S13, S17–S18), closely resembling hypercalcified sponge structures21 . Some sponges clearly showing interconnected, superimposed chambers can be assigned to sphinctozoan demosponges (Supplementary Fig. S15). Isolated or clustered spheroid sponges similar to the PR also occur in this part of the section. However, one spheroid specimen differs by its internal thick labyrinthine structure (Supplementary Fig. S14) and might be assigned to Calcarea. Therefore, at least two different classes of sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida) are identified within the same reef exhibiting different morphologies, thus supporting a multi-species sponge community. Associated organisms include various foraminifers, common gastropods, bivalves, serpulids, ammonoids, abundant ostracods, brachiopods, echinoderms (crinoids and rare urchin spines) and conodonts (Fig. 2iv–v; Supplementary Figs S8–S22). Combined interstitial microbial structures are composed of flat to slightly undulating dark laminae (up to 1 cm thick) with peloids, bounding fenestral-dominant and oncoid–ooid grainstones. Microbialites are frequently reworked under tidal wave influence in clast and centimetre-ooid/oncoid-rich levels (Supplementary Fig. S11). Changes in microbialite morphology, weak organism reworking, complete large sponges and a decrease in ooid–oncoid grainstones NATURE GEOSCIENCE | VOL 4 | OCTOBER 2011 | www.nature.com/naturegeoscience 695 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved. LETTERS NATURE GEOSCIENCE DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1264 indicate variations from high energy inner ramp to moderate energy mid ramp domains, enhancing the settlement and development of sponges tens of centimetres thick (Supplementary Fig. S30). In the MM section, the upper sponge-rich layers are latest Smithian and early Spathian in age (top of and above the ‘Glyptophiceras-Xenoceltites beds’; Figs 2vi, 3i–k; Supplementary Figs S23–S26). They are similar to the lower Smithian PR reef, showing a lenticular and sporadic distribution over a total thickness of ∼15 m. These buildups contain centimetre-scale globular sponges in life-position, encrusting bivalve shells embedded in mud deposited in low to moderate energy environments. Locally, sponges are accompanied by abundant gastropods, brachiopods and moderately common serpulids. Overlying layers contain tens of centimetres thick rolled up, cup-like and branching sponges organized in metre-thick buildups exhibiting flat and dome shapes (Fig. 3j,k; Supplementary Fig. S23). Internal sponge structures are usually poorly preserved and microsparitized. Furthermore, new Spathian sponge bioaccumulations and reefs are reported from the Hurricane Cliffs (HC), Beaver Dam (BD) and Humboldt Range (HR) sections (Fig. 1; Supplementary Figs S27– S28). Based on ammonoids, they are early and middle Spathian in age (HC, BD: Tirolites sp. beds; HR: Prohungarites gustadti beds). Similar to the early Smithian of the PR, sponges (probably lyssacine hexactinellids) are also preserved as small and densely coalesced spheres up to ∼2 cm in diameter, showing a lenticular distribution. We also resampled different sponge accumulations from the Confusion Range (CR; Supplementary Fig. S29). Based on ammonoids, they begin in the early Spathian (Columbites beds) and contain abundant hexactinellid Cypellospongia fimbriartis13,14 associated with diverse and abundant organisms, including coiled and orthoconic nautiloids, ammonoids, bivalves and crinoids. These highly size-variable sponges (few mm up to >30 cm) exhibit goblet-like to platter-like morphologies. These occurrences of in situ sponge, sponge–bivalve and sponge– microbe–bivalve–serpulid consortia associated with diversified benthic and nekto-pelagic faunas provide new insights into the Early Triassic metazoan ‘reef gap’. Indeed, the oldest metazoan reefs illustrated here occur ∼1.5 Myr after the PT boundary, thus drastically shortening the duration of the gap. The tacitly acknowledged exclusive contribution of microbes as main reef builders during the Early Triassic is challenged by these metazoan bioaccumulations and reefs covering large areas within inner/outer ramp settings. Differing from previously described latest Early Triassic bivalve bioherms15 , these transient reefs and benthic communities are ecologically more complex, showing diverse built structures and organism interactions as well as tightly associated growths of their components. Although the pre-extinction diversity of sponges is not reached, different new taxa and morphologies pertaining to various classes are here reported for the Early Triassic, where a single one was previously documented13,14 . These new findings profoundly alter the timing of the microbedominated benthic communities as well as reef reorganization models after the PT mass extinction10,22,23 . It is often hypothesized that the large Early Triassic carbon cycle perturbations are linked with deleterious global oceanic conditions leading to a delayed biotic recovery, at least up to the Spathian, when the amplitude and the number of fluctuations decreased2,3 . However, the reefs described here occur significantly earlier (Fig. 1b), indicating that temporary favourable conditions (absence of anoxic, euxinic or acidic waters) for a broad array of physiologically diverse organisms had already returned, at least regionally. Hence, the Early Triassic metazoan ‘reef gap’ may be better described as a reef low from which a selective preservation bias and insufficient sampling efforts still need to be factored out. The wide distribution of metazoan reefs within eastern Panthalassic equatorial palaeolatitudes also brings a different perspective to the large-scale palaeobiogeographic 696 recovery patterns of the benthos with respect to previous claims of an earlier recovery within the mid/high palaeolatitudes24 . Heterozoans dominate these new benthic communities, among which filter-feeding and usually stress-tolerant sponges, together with serpulids are the main metazoan builders. Such diversified communities probably benefited from varied and abundant food sources and adequate nutrient input from continental weathering and/or regional oceanic currents and sea-level rise25 . During the early Smithian, nutrient fluxes and productivity were effective enough to sustain the development of these bioaccumulations and reefs. This is in agreement with a previous hypothesis favouring a rapidly restored, diversified primary productivity after the PT crisis8 . Ultimately, once re-established, this community, including microbial deposits, was directly affected by water depth and current/wave energy (Supplementary Fig. S30). Sponge–microbe reefs are not exceptional in the geological record20,25 . However, some of these new Early Triassic sponges are morphologically different from those of classical Late Permian reefs but closer to other Mesozoic forms. Therefore, they do not suggest a local survival in climatic or depth refuges but rather the formation of a new reef ecology with different actors and roles. Similar associations are also known in the immediate aftermath of other mass extinctions26,27 , showing that only a short time interval is required to rebuild new reefal communities, even if the main builders differ from pre-crisis assemblages. The absence of corals, or their failure to calcify28 , remains remarkable for the Early Triassic11 and contrasts with their flourishing in later Triassic times. The absence could be due to the impossibility for these stenotypic reef builders to cope with intermittent deleterious conditions. Furthermore, high temperatures could have been a potential cause for the lack of heavily calcified organisms, as they physiologically influence calcification11 . However, temperatures probably fluctuated strongly during the Early Triassic2 . Lowered pH, low O2 and high H2 S concentrations triggered by the Siberian Traps2,29 may all have contributed to the temporary absence of heavily calcified organisms. However, the intense production of CaCO3 tests among Smithian and Spathian heterozoan communities from the western USA, as well as abundant microbialites and micrite mud support a high calcite saturation6 . Ultimately, the observed proliferation of sponges predating the supposed main recovery phase of the siliceous zooplankton30 raises the question of the duration and intensity of the Early Triassic ‘chert gap’. Clearly, our results also call for an in-depth reappraisal of the biotic and abiotic limiting factors for silica biomineralization in the Early Triassic Ocean. Methods summary The two main sections studied are located in the PR and the MM of Utah (Fig. 1; Supplementary Fig. S1). We also report new early and middle Spathian metazoan buildups formed by sponges from the Hurricane Cliffs (HC; Utah), Beaver Dam Mountains (BD; Utah) and Humboldt Range (HR; Nevada), as well as various bioaccumulations of sponges from the early Spathian of the Confusion Range (CR; Utah). ∼300 samples were collected bed-by-bed from these sections. Variably oriented polished slabs and thin sections were prepared from each sample and we chose the best preserved metazoan builders for cathodoluminescence analyses. Thin sections were observed by means of natural and polarized light microscopy using a Leica M205C binocular microscope coupled with a Leica DFC295 digital camera. Received 11 May 2011; accepted 15 August 2011; published online 18 September 2011 References 1. Erwin, D. H. Extinction. How life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago (Princeton Univ. Press, 2006). 2. Galfetti, T. et al. 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Author contributions Fieldwork was carried out by all authors. Thin section studies were performed by E.V., A.B. and N.O. Ammonoid determinations: A.B. and H.B. Conodont determinations: N.G. Manuscript was written by A.B., E.V., N.O, G.E., H.B. with comments on contents from all authors. Additional information The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information accompanies this paper on www.nature.com/naturegeoscience. Reprints and permissions information is available online at http://www.nature.com/reprints. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.B. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.