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Univerzita Hradec Kn31ove Fakulta informatiky a managementu Vedecka konference Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Ekonomicky rozvoj a management regionu Hradec Kralove 3. a 4. unora 2009 Sbornfk vybranych prfspevku Hradec Kralove Gaudeamus 2009 Vykonny redaktor: Ing. Pavel Jedli<!ka, CSc. Tato publikace nepfosla jazykovou upravou. Za obsahovou spnivnost odpovidaji autofi pfispevkii. ISBN 978-80-7041-443-9 2 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 OBSAH PREDMLUVA································ ······································ ··················· ························ 5 PRINOS ENVIRONMENTALNYCH PROJEKTOV PREDVSTUPOvEHO OBDOBlA K ZNIZOVANIU REGIONALNYCH DISP ARiT CONTRIBUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS IN PRE-ACCESSION PERIOD TO REDUCTION OF REGIONAL DISPARITIES ............... ..... ............... .. .... 7 Peter Adamisin E-GOVERNMENT AS THE FORM OF REGIONS' INNOVATION BASED ON THE EXAMPLE OF LOWER SILESIA REGION ........ ........ ....... ........... 12 Aneta Salus, Beata Bal-Domailska ZDANENi FIREM V PODMiNKACH CESKE REPUBLIKY CORPORATE TAXATION IN CONDITION OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC ............. 19 Ivana Barteczkova K PROBLEMATIKE PODPORNEJ INFRASTRUKnJRY POZNATKOVEJ EKONOMIKY ON THE PROBLEM OF SUPPORT INFRASTRUCTURE OF KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY ............ ............ .. .................. ... ... ........... ........... ..... ..... .. ..... ....... .......... ....... ... 27 Tatiana Corejova, Maria Rostasova METODY A PRfSTUPY KE KOMP ARACI EFEKTIVNOSTI VARIANT ENVIRONMENTALNICH INVESTIC METHODS AND APPROACHES TO COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENTS VARIANTS .......... ...... ...... ..... ........................ 33 Miroslav Farsicy, Libor Mesicek OPRAVNE POLOZKY K POHLEDA VKAM U PODNIKA TELSKYCH SUBJEKTU VCETNE BANK - UCETNi A DANOvY POHLED BAD DEBTS IMPAIRMENT (AT PROFIT- ORIENTED ORGANIZATIONS) .. .. .. 39 Jana Glaserova, Milena Otavova METODICKE PRfSTUPY KOMPARACE OKRES0 Z POHLEDU ROZVOJE VENKOVA A ZEMEDELSTVi METHODICAL APPROCHES FOR DISTRICT COMPARISON IN THE REGARD OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND AGRICULTURE .......... ........ ....... .......... ............ 46 Tomas Hlavsa, Gabriela Cervena IMPORTANCE OF SPA INDUSTRY IN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT ....... ... ....... 55 Milos Cbarbusicy, Martin Smld, Ivana Kraftova, Jaroslav Kovamik KOMUNALNi POD PO RA EKONOMIKY V MALYCH MESTECH CESKE REPUBLIKY LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT OF SMALL TOWNS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC ......................................................................................... 61 Jii'i Jezek CZECH ORGANIC FARMING DEVELOPMENT AND ITS REGIONAL DIFFERENCES .............................. ........................................... ............. ............. ........... 70 Zdeiika Kroupova, Micbaela Antouskova ------ --- - -· 3 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 OBSAH NEDOSTA TEK PRACOVNi SILY V CESKE EKONOMICE A MIGRACNi TENDENCE V RAMCI EVROPSKE UNIE SHORTAGE OF LABOUR IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND THE MIGRATION TENDENCIES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION .. ........................................................... 76 Pave) Kaczor, Libuse Macakova PUBLIC AID FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN POLAND IN THE PERIOD OF 2004-2006 ................... ......... ...................... .... ...... ..... .................. 84 Marian Maciejuk INPUT AND OUTPUT INNOVATION TYPE IN CZECH, POLISH AND SLOVAK REGIONS AT THE BACKGROUND OF THE EUROPEAN SPACE .. .... .............. .. .. 93 Malgorzata Markowska INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY IN PRACTICE: A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKS ..... .. ... ........ ... .. ..... ....... ............... ..... .... ... ......... .... .... .. 102 Andreia Minulescu FAKTORY OVLIVNUJiCi PRODUKTIVITU PRACE YE FIRMACH S DOMACiM A ZAHRANICNIM VLASTNIKEM - vYSLEDKY PRIMARNIHO vYZKUMU THE FACTORS INFLUENCING LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN FIRMS WITH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OWNER - THE RESULTS OF PRIMARY RESEARCH ................................................ ........................................................... ...... 109 Marta Necadova, Lubomira Brenova APLIKACE KONCEPTU BSC, EFQM A ABC/M PRO EFEKTIVNi VYUZITI INVESTIC DO VYSPELYCH TECHNOLOGII V OBLASTI INTERNICH PROCESO FIREM LINKING BALANCED SCORECARD, EFQM AND ABC/M TO EFFECTIVE ADOPTION OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES WITHIN PERSPECTIVE OF COMPANY'S INTERNAL PROCESSES ... ...... .... .......... .. ........ 116 Drabomira Pavelkov:i, Miroslav Cbodfu, Pfemysl Palka DIRECTIONS OF CHANGES IN TOURISM IN LOWER SILESIA IN THE YEARS 2005-2007 ........................................... ..... .................................................... ............ ..... 125 Arkadiusz Piwowar REGIONAL SEGMENTATION OF EUROPEAN SPACE WITH REGARD TO THE LEVEL AND GROWTH RATE OF DEVELOPMENT .. .......... ............. .. ... 133 Eli:bieta Sobczak EKONOMICKA EFEKTIVNOSt PLATENIA DANE Z PRIDANEJ HODNOTY Z HEADISKA PODNIKATEESKYCH SUBJEKTOV THE IMPACT OF VALUE ADDED-TAX:TO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES ............. ............. ...... ........ .. .... ...................... ....... ............... ............ 142 Eva Sopkova SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY -POLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS .......................................................... 148 Andrzej Sztando INVENTIVENESS IN POLAND AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE ECONOMY ...... .. ........ ..... ..... ........................................ ............ ............. ..... 156 Stanislaw Urban 4 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYPOLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS Andrzej Sztando Wroclaw University of Economics Andrzej@Sztando.com Keywords: Self-government- corrunune- strategy- local development- planning Abstract: The article is devoted to problems of defining the subject and objects of local development strategy. In its first part the author presents planning processes typical for local self-governments, as well as frequently made mistakes while preparing them. Next he concentrates on difficulties in defining the mentioned above subject and objects, pointing to the consequences of choosing improper solutions. Such criticism results in the author' s suggestion of a solution to the discussed problem, supported by practical and verified recorrunendations referring to defining strategic objectives. Polish local self-governments prepare and implement numerous plans which cover in their merits either a part or an overall range of their activities and sometimes even reach outside this scope. Some of these plans are characteristic for all three levels of selfgovernment authorities, others occur only at one of them. The first of the above two groups includes: strategy of development; budget; long-term investment programme; waste management plan; environment protection plan; promotion plan; public safety plan; ecological education plan; plan of cooperation with non-governmental organizations and entities conducting public utility activities. In case of corrununal self-governments the typical plans are as follows: local development plan; long-term financial plan; study of determinants and directions for spatial planning; local spatial development plan; prevention and alcohol problems solving prograrrune; drug addiction counteracting prograrrune; revitalization programme (usually refers to a town quarter); farming-facility plan; education development plan; local economic policy plan; project of assumptions for heat, electric power and gas fuel supply plan; development plans for particular rural areas. District self-governments prepare plans of local development; programmes of entrepreneurship development; unemployment counteracting plans, as well as plans directed towards the disabled. In case of regions, the characteristic for them plans providing documents are: innovation strategy; social integration strategy; health care plan; the plan for equalizing opportunities of the disabled and counteracting their social exclusion; spatial management plan for the region; small water retention prograrrune; farming and food sector development prograrrune; strategy for rural areas development; regional operation programme; regional plan of activities for enhancing job market, as well as the regional power supply strategy. The above lists do not present the overall and final set of planning processes carried out by local self-governments. In practice there are many more of them since both the preparation and application of a specific plan by a given local self-government may result not just from due legislation, but also become an optional choice, resulting from its ------- -- ------- - - ------ --- -··---- - -- - 148 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 - - - - - - -- Andrzej Sztando Mセ@ SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY- POliSH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS specific conditions, needs and intentions. The aim of preparing such lists is to arise awareness regarding the extensive range of self-government activities they refer to, and what goes with it, how significantly important for social, economic and environmental results becomes their broadly understood quality, efficiency and effectiveness of their implementation. One of such plans prepared almost commonly by all local self-governments is of a particular significance. It covers the most extensive spectrum of self-government's activity, its time span is usually the longest and its role, with reference to all other plans, is of primary nature. It obviously refers to the strategy of development. Professional literature devoted to strategic planning in local self-government units seems to be exceptionally rich. It consists in not only national and foreign book publications, but also in numerous research articles [2, 61; 4, 401; 8, 261] as well as press releases which popularize this subject matter, still completed by many handbooks, guidebooks, directories, registers and the Internet information compendia released and run by foundations or state institutions popularizing knowledge related to the problem of planning with reference to self-governments. Such abundance of literature may result in an opinion that almost everything has already been said about strategic planning, the recipients of which, i.e. self-government authorities, should just resort to the application of due recommendations. However, the gap between solutions depicted in theory and practical application of the prepared plans turns out to be big. Having applied the assessment criteria based on planning principles included in professional literature, the quality of many, if not most strategies of communes and districts development and even some regions, has to be assessed as presenting poor quality or even worse than that. The discrepancies between theory and practice refer to almost all stages of strategic planning, which results in extensive disadvantages occurring in almost every part of a given development strategy. The author's observations conducted in this domain during the period of several years facilitate the opinion that the most frequently encountered failures are as follows: - Incorrectly conducted diagnosis. Most of diagnoses are based on data collected by the entity preparing the strategy form such sources as public statistics, monographs, registers and files kept by the local self-government and its units, as well as plans prepared by the self-government in the past. However, the scope of data collected in this way is, in many cases, incomplete and therefore many phenomena or processes pass unnoticed, especially these causing the biggest problems. Besides it often turns out that data originating from the above sources are incomplete, outdated, or even deprived of the credibility value. - Lack of forecasts. Strategic planning represents, among others, the method of preparing economy, society and environment of the local self-government for taking up most important future tasks, the occurrence of which is highly likely. In spite of the fact that this statement is widely acceptable, the preparation of forecasts in the process of local self-government unit development strategy construction represents rather rare activity. - The application of strategic analysis methods elaborated for the construction of enterprises' development strategy. One of the most frequently applied strategic analytic procedures is the "SWOT" analysis, since it represents the procedure created at the background of economic entities' strategic planning, but also widely applied by other organizations. However, its application without any modifications in the 149 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Amirzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY- POLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS process of local self-government development strategy does not seem fully correct, owing to many serious differences between the analysis and an enterprise [9, 113159]. - Incorrectly conducted social consultancy and overestimation of its results. The frequently made mistake is conducting consultancy based on totally unrepresented social group for the local community. It is a commonly applied rule that "the absent are not right", and emphasizing these directions of strategic activities development which were suggested (enforced) by these present during strategic workshops, even if they were only entitled to express the opinion of a minor part of the above mentioned community. It also happens that while striving to provide social acceptance for a given strategy it is constructed exclusively as a compilation of suggestions collected from the social consultancy participants. - Lack of choices. Strategy represents the choice of such activities regarding which there is an assurance among local authorities' representatives that they will stimulate many positive developmental impulses, facilitating, or making it significantly easier to take advantage of all strong points and opportunities and eliminating or extensively diminishing possible problems, as well as protecting the strategy against potential threats. However, there is an abundance of strategies passed in line with the legislation in force, in which self-government authorities promise to meet almost all needs of both present and future residents, as well as legal entities, and even carry this all out in a surprisingly short time. An interesting aspect of the issue is, that the unrealistic nature of such plans is often substantiated by the need to create a strategy oriented towards such broad spectrum of tasks that their scope reflects the substance of almost all present and potential aid programmes addressed towards the selfgovernment beneficiaries. - Lack of or an improper implementation system. One of the most frequently occurring mistakes is depriving the strategy of the correct implementation procedure. Therefore this, most important for the self-government, document immediately after having been passed ceases to fulfill any role in the activities of its authorities. This is because it lacks indications who, when and how is supposed to make use of it, how it should be implemented, or its implementation monitored, as well as corrected if the need arises. It also happens that the system of implementation is defined, but it may not be applied because it does not match the self-government legal, fmancial, human resources or time span conditions. The latter case usually occurs in small, rural communes. - Incorrect specification of the subject and objects of the strategy. Further considerations are devoted to the latter of the above mentioned mistakes and limited to communal self-governments. However, before they are presented it is worth mentioning that the practice of abandoning arrangements set out in literature may not be regarded, in all cases, as mistakes resulting from the ignorance of individuals responsible for planning. Among the reasons one cannot ignore the discrepancy between some theoretical recommendations and the conditions in which self-governments actually function. It mainly refers to legal and financial determinants and therefore also the human resources, which significantly curb the possibilities for conducting a model type of strategic planning and substantially decrease its broadly understood quality. Therefore, !50 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Andrzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY- POLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS there is a constant need for supporting real application processes by the research component, using such concepts which are better adjusted to practical reality and, at the same time, do not neglect the already well proven theories. The hereby study represents an attempt of a reaction to such demand regarding the problems of defming the key category, from the point of view of the whole strategy content, namely the category of its subject and objects. Commune categories may be perceived in two ways. On the one hand a commune represents the unit of a local self-government appointed in order to carry out tasks defined by due legislation (in this context it is a territorial corporation performing, according to the legislator's objective, the assigned tasks), however, on the other hand, it is a multilevel economic, social and environmental system confmed by limitations defined by law. In this second respect it represents a much broader category than self-governments structures. Its evolution, in many time points, is not related to tasks imposed on local selfgovernment by law. Therefore, one may ask a question what should become the subject of communal self-government strategic planning? The following three カ。イゥョエセ@ of strategic subject-object combinations seem to be the potential answers: - these material and immaterial components of a commune and the processes occurring between them, which are covered by the scope of self-government tasks, as the substance of its strategy and self-government authorities as its object; - all material and immaterial elements of a commune and processes taking place between them as the strategy object and the set of organizations, institutions, enterprises, individuals etc., influencing it to a great extend as its subject; - these material and immaterial elements of a commune and the due processes which are included in the scope of self-government competencies, as well as the cooperating partners as the strategy object and self-government authorities, plus their strategic, cooperating partners as its subject. The first combination is based on the legal regulation stating that communes' selfgovernments were appointed in order to carry out tasks defined by the due Act or resulting from the needs of local residents, on condition that they are not reserved for other public bodies. The acceptance of such standpoint by the strategy authors has to influence its contents. If the resolution by the self-government appointing body, regarding the strategy passing, imposes an obligation on the executive body to implement its arrangements, then it should include only these tasks which are within its scope of competencies 1• In other case the strategy subject, represented in this variant by self-government authorities, will not have any influence on its realization. Therefore who, if not them, should be implementing it? How to assess the level of obtained goals as compared to the ones set? Why should one create a strategy if there in no influence on its realization or this influence turns out to be limited? From the position of the above presented standpoint it is difficult to find answers to these questions. On the other hand, in the contemporary reality of rapidly developing theories regarding territorial development it is expected form a commune's self-government to be the driving force, stimulating local development and, at the same time, representing the most extensive 1 Within the competencies of both bodies since, as opposed to most other resolutions, there is no possibility for implementing the strategy arrangements exclusively by the executive body without its cooperating with the appointing body. 151 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Amfrzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY- POLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS interests of the local community. Such interest means no longer just meeting the current needs - i.e. executing the obligations resulting from due Acts. This formula, owing to its limitations, is regarded as a historical one [10, 12-29]. Today such interest lies in creating and maintaining the development of the whole complex of utility oriented advantages and the production force of the local system. It is even expected that communal authorities will become involved in the provision of favourable decisions included in the exclusive competencies of other organs of public authorities, e.g. by taking up lobbing activities. As the result, in spite of the quoted arguments, the first variant has to be rejected. This decision is also supported by the activity of selfgovernment strategic cooperation partners, like e.g. non-governmental organizations and legal entities. Does this automatically mean that the second variant is the proper one, in which the strategy subject takes the form of all the components of a commune and the object is represented by the set of endogenic centres exerting bigger influence on them? Despite the fact that such an approach has its advocates putting forward logical arguments, it has to be assumed that it is characterized by even more disadvantages than the previous one, out of which the basic becomes the lack of realistic opportunities for all these entities and individuals who exert an influence on economic, social and environmental development of a commune in getting engaged in the strategy realization. Literature touches upon the need to construct such multi-objective and complete, from the point of view of territorial development, backup for development strategy realization, however, the reality transforms this guideline into an idealistic direction of desires and not the sufficient condition for obtaining success. It is also due to a frequent contrast of interests represented by the main actors of the local arena, their big number, their non-homogenous inclination towards conducting activities for the sake of a self-government, or a dynamic changeability of the group they form. This problem is not solved by a frequently applied, in cases choosing the discussed variant, emphasizing that the development strategy is the one aimed at the overall unit of local self-government and that its implementing agent will not be just its main creator, i.e. self-government authorities, but also other entities like e.g.: enterprises, other selfgovernments, social organizations etc. The majority of these eo-implementing agents neither participate in creating a strategy nor in its implementation, nor even ever find out about its existence and keep realizing their own activities, which turn out not to be in line with or even be contradictory to these planned in it. Among the disadvantages of such solution one should also point to diluted responsibility for strategy realization, lack of opportunities for establishing a decisive centre covering such a diversified set of entities, as well as the execution of arrangements and also no possibility of specifying clearly which entity is responsible for monitoring and assessment processes. In conclusion, the choice of first or second alternative is associated with an extensive limitation of the strategy substantiated scope or its unexcused abundance. In the first case it results in losing a significant part of advantages which can be obtained by strategic management, but such strategies do present the advantage of being realistic. In the second case, the probability of obtaining the set goals is significantly decreased, despite them being not only methodologically correct, but also desirable by the society. The solution to such difficult situation may be offered by the third variant. In comparison to the previous ones it is characterized by some strong points. It facilitates the extension of the strategy subjective range into many areas which happen to be crucial for the development of a commune and which are outside legislative regulations directed to its self-government. Positive consequences of carrying out such defined strategy may therefore cover a major !52 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 l J .1 Andrzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY - POUSH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS -- ----- ----- - - - - - -- - - - -- - · --- ---- - - -- - - -- - ---- - - - -· - - part of local economy. Additionally, it offers a chance of broadening self-government opportunities for its realization by the potential of strategic cooperation partners realistically interested in working together. As the result, it is not only the scope of the strategy subject matter which becomes widened, but efficiency and effectiveness of activities carried out within its framework as well. It is also of significant importance to extend the potential of monetary and staff resources engaged in the process of implementation. Another profit is bigger probability for consequent strategy realization by self-governement authorities who take future term of office, since it has to be the effect of multilevel implementation and the participation of non-governmental entities in it. Having taken into consideration and also expanding the content of the third variant one may claim that an optimum solution would be to accept as the strategy object such components of 2 4 local economy as material objects , intangible assets3 , human resources , legal entities and 5 public institutions etc., and also external factors , which influence or may influence local economy and are (may be) under the direct or indirect influence of the commune's selfgovernment, as well as its strategic cooperation partners. On the other hand, as strategy objects one should always consider self-government authorities and the authorities representing strategic cooperation entities, however, their role is highly diversified. The leading object becomes self-government authorities. They take the responsibility for tasks implementation and achieving strategic goals. They are also obliged to win, keep and stimulate cooperation partners named above. The consequence of accepting such assumptions turns out to be the fact of taking the main responsibility for proper strategy implementation by both the legislative and executive body of a self-government. Any limitations to it may take place only in the following cases: covered by the strategy activities of authorities consist in providing support for a given object, while its functioning depends not only on such support, activities of authorities, included in the strategy, consist in cooperation with a given entity, while its management does not present sufficient interest in this cooperation, or is not enough active, effective and efficient in it, realization of the whole project was fully passed over to strategic cooperation partners. The second, extremely important and therefore worth discussing consequence is the need of defming strategic objectives6 in the way which is specified by the objective scope of the strategy and at the same time refers to its subjective scope. One of the possible solutions is to distinguish four groups including: tasks corresponding to legislative objectives; optional tasks of which the only or main executor will be the communal selfgovernment; optional tasks in which the communal self-government will perform the role of a eo-executive body; other monitored tasks. 2 E.g. : technical infrastructure, real estate, components of ecosystems. 3 E.g.: landscape, culture, knowledge represented by inhabitants. 4 E.g.: inhabitants of a commune and their organizations. ' That is these outside the area of a commune. 6 That is organization, modernization, investment, law establishing and restructuring projects, the realization of which becomes the condition for obtaining operational objectives and indirectly the strategic ones. 153 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Antirzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY- POLISH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS Tasks corresponding with legislative objectives are the ones the implementation of which will, at the same time, consist in fulfilling legal obligations (e.g. tasks referring to water supply-sewage system). For obvious reasons the only, or the main implementing body here will be the communal self-government7• But this does not mean that the strategy should include just tasks referring to all legislative objectives. It does not pose a threat if any strategic task, referring to a given legislative objective, is missing since it does not mean that its implementation will be abandoned. Quite the contrary. It is indispensable to carry on with its regular implementation, however, in case of a particular commune this fact will not present any strategic significance. On the other hand, optional tasks of which the only or main executive body will be the commune's self-government, represent the objectives not provided for in the Acts regulating the functioning of such self-government, however, crucial from the perspective of the commune's proper development as the multidimensional socialeconomic system. The legal basis for such tasks realization is the general competence included in the Act on a communal self-govemment8. Both the subject matter and the scale of these tasks result from the role which the authorities intend to play in supporting commune's development, the amount of means at the self-government disposal, the capacity of the said authorities in the sphere of obtaining outside budget means and the forecasts for this process. Optional tasks regarding which the communal self-government will act as a eoexecutive bodl are these, which are important for the commune's development, but for some reasons involving self-government in their implementation should be limited. Depending on the conditions and the taken up decisions its role may consist in performing the function of: an initiator of task implementation; a coordinator of tasks implementation; an intermediary in negotiations referring to the task; main or additional source of task implementation fmancing; the source of support in the merits for the object (objects) carrying out the task; the source of support in the form of providing staff for the object (objects) carrying out the task; the source of information for the object (objects) carrying out the task; eo-executive body in task implementation; a partner in the process of obtaining outside budget means. Introducing every such tasks into the strategy has to be preceded by the verification of the objects-co-executors existence, management of which expresses the intention to take up strategic cooperation with community authorities, or when the probability of their involvement in strategy realization is high. Other monitored tasks represent a special group. These are tasks the realization of which is very important form the point of view of the commune's development, but they are within the exclusive competencies of authorities other than the communal ones. It refers to eg. regional, district authorities, social organizations, due governmental institutions and economic entities. Such tasks are introduced into a strategy in order to rank them properly, for the needs of due objects, eg. in case of their applying for public assistance. At the same time the commune's self-government does not take the responsibility for 7 Directly or by means of a specialized unit. 8 Art.6 Act I on the self-government of a commune dated 08 March 1990, uniform text (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 142, item 1591 with later amendments). 9 E.g. when the implementation of a given task is a statutory obligation of another entity. 154 - Hradecke ekonomicke dny 2009 Amirzej Sztando SUBJECT AND OBJECTS OF A COMMUNE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY - POliSH EXPERIENCES AND CONCEPTS their implementation, but just has an obligation to monitor them and provide periodical analysis of reasons for supporting them. Finally it should be mentioned that the solution to the problem presented by the author and related to defining the subject and object of local development strategy has already been successfully applied. So far the results are promising and there exists significant acceptance among self-government authorities, since it provides them with realistic opportunity for performing the obligations included in the strategy for the benefit of local community. On the other hand, it facilitates covering possibly broad spectrum of local development components by the strategy merits and, what is crucial, it brings the strategy closer to the recommended in literature ideal of covering all of them. The author presents the standpoint that there also exist other ways of solving the discussed issues and the research over their identification and their practical utility verification are awaited by self-government environments. This also refers to district and regional selfgovernments. References: [I] BERMAN, N. Strategiczne planowanie rozwoju gospodarczego- budowanie lepszej przyszlosci gospodarczej w po/skich gminach, Municipum, Warszawa 2000. [2] BIENIECKI, J., SZCZUPAK, B. Strategia rozwoju lokalnego. ZarzqJizanie strategiczne rozwojem Joka/nym i regiona/nym. Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Katowicach, Katowice 200 l. [3] BINIECKI, J., SZCZUPAK, B. Strategiczne myslenie o przyszlosci gminy. Akademia Ekonomiczna w Katowicach, Katowice 2004. [4] BROL, R. Teoria i praktyka planowania strategicznego na szczeblu lokalnym. Problemy polityki gospodarczej i gospodarki regiona/nej w procesie integracji z UE. Walkowska, Szczecin 1999. [5] KLASIK, A. Strategie regionalne. Formulowanie i wprowadzanie w iycie. Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Katowicach, Katowice 2002. [6] NOWINSKA, E. Strategia rozwoju gmin na przykladzie gmin przygranicznych., Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu, Poznan 1997. [7] PAWELSKA-SKRZYPEK, G., BIENKOWSK.A, D., POCZJ\TEK, K., PALUCHA, K., ULASrNSKI, C., SUCHANEK, I., LEHAN, E. A. P/anowanie i zarzqJ}zanie strategiczne. Wydawnictwo SamorZitdowe Fundac]i Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej, W arszawa 1997. [8] PRUSEK, A. 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