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Local Bending Stresses in Stay Cables with an Elastic Guide

2010, Structural Engineering International

Local Bending Stresses in Stay Cables with an Elastic Guide Antonio Caballero, Dr., Head of Research and Development; Marcel Poser, CEO; BBR VT International Ltd, Schwerzenbach, Switzerland. Contact: info@bbrnetwork.com Abstract Cable-stayed bridges, like no other civil engineering structure, combine functionality and exotic architectural design that are often used as a symbol of distinction for the city or even for the region where they are situated. However, their attractive design requires special attention for multiple factors such as the occurrence of bending stresses in the stay cables due to vibration phenomena, displacements and rotations at the deck or pylon and construction tolerances. Therefore, in this scenario, stay cables are normally subjected to bending stresses at the anchorages or when passing through a saddle. In this paper both fixed end and elastic guide are considered and a set of analytical solutions is given. The development of the analytical solutions is accompanied by a detailed description and thorough discussion of some particular observations. Keywords: bending; stay cable; elastic-guide; guide deviator. Introduction In comparison with other structural elements, stay cables are characterised by possessing a very large structural slenderness ~ A I , in which A is the area and I is the inertia. This particularity makes them very flexible under the action of distributed loading normal to their axial configuration, and almost precludes the appearance of bending stresses under moderate rotations of their cross section. However, stay cables might exhibit local bending stresses at certain points—at anchorages—or when passing through a saddle. In these situations, bending stresses might be of the same order of magnitude as the axial stresses and require a specific analysis. The fib bulletin1 and PTI2 specify some recommendations with respect to admissible angular deviations but do not provide any tool to evaluate bending stresses in stay cables. The evaluation of the bending stresses is the responsibility of the designer, who for the simplest cases, such as that of a cable attached to a fixed end or a cable going through a saddle, might find specific formulas in Refs. [3–5]. In Peer-reviewed by international experts and accepted for publication by SEI Editorial Board Paper received: July 12, 2009 Paper accepted: March 27, 2010 254 Scientific Paper the particular case of a cable attached to a fixed end without a guide, bending stresses are usually evaluated using the expression, σ Bmax = 2α λ E fUTS , where a represents the angular deviation, E the elastic modulus of the stay cable, l a loading parameter and fUTS the ultimate tensile strength of the stay cable material. In this context, it is very important to note that, as shown in Fig. 1, a correct evaluation of the bending phenomenon in stay cable systems should be performed taking into consideration the deviation angle due to construction tolerances, deviation angle due to loading and the most unfavourable local deviation angle. The stay cables to which the derived theories are directly applicable are the so-called parallel strand stay cables, where the cables are made up of a bundle of parallel seven-wire strands, enclosed in a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sheath of circular cross section. The individual strands generally have a diameter of 15,7 mm (0,62′′) and are of low-relaxation grade, with a nominal cross-sectional area of 150 mm2 and a minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile strength (GUTS) of 1860 MPa. The strands are individually galvanised, waxed or greased and individually sheathed with an HDPE coating, providing each strand with an individual multilayer protection system. Furthermore, the strands remain independent of each other, as the remaining free space inside the round HDPE sheath is not injected. However, the theories can be equally applied to other types of stay cables, such as parallel wire systems, stress bar as well as bonded-type stay cables, where the individual tensile elements are bonded to each other. In the case of bonded cables, the applicable moment of inertia for the complete cable has to be chosen appropriately. Cable Attached to a Fixed End Figure 2 shows the configuration of an inclined cable anchored to a fixed end. The stay cable is considered to be loaded only in the axial direction T, whereby its self-weight is neglected. The displacements at the anchorage are assumed to be fully restrained. The reactions at the anchorage are the horizontal force H, the vertical force VFE, and the moment MFE, where the suffix FE refers to the fixed end. Note that the structure shown in Fig. 2 is non-isostatic owing to the forced cable inclination. The solution for this configuration is given in the Appendix, Eqs. (A1–A6). However, here the final solutions for the forces at the anchorage are given: Single strand/wire Most unfavorable local deviation angle Fixed end Deviation angle due to tolerance Guide Deviation angle due to loading Fig. 1: Typical configuration at an anchorage when the cable is conducted by a fixed guide Structural Engineering International 3/2010 – Under the effect of loading that causes small curvatures to the strand, i.e. a small, wires do not slip with respect to each other and, therefore, the overall global stiffness approximately is the one defined by the entire cross section as a single unit. From now on, this will be referred to as a strand configuration. – Under the effect of loading that causes large curvatures (i.e. near anchorages), the wires might slip with respect to each other. In this situation, all wires behave independently of each other and the overall global stiffness is the one defined by the individual contribution of all wires as independent elements. From now on, this will be referred to as a wire configuration. T y y(x) H a MFE x VFE Fig. 2: Geometrical configuration and forces for an inclined cable anchored to a fixed end H = T cos (α ) VFE = T sin (α ) MFE = EIT sin (α ) tan (α ) = EIT f (α ) (1) All the force components are expressed in terms of the inclination of the stay cable a. In Fig. 3 (left), the normalised moment at the anchorage is plotted versus the inclination of the cable. The diagram in the figure shows that MFE varies linearly up to ~75°, after which the moment at the anchorage increases exponentially. In the linear region, the increase of the moment can be roughly estimated as 30% for every 15°. Figure 3 (right) shows the distribution of moment normalised by MFE along the length of the stay cable. The curve has been obtained for a single wire loaded up to 30% of its maximum tensile strength and an inclination of 3°. This change in the mechanical behaviour from strand configuration to wire configuration leads to differences in terms of the normal stress distribution and maximum bending stress. In order to evaluate the effect on the maximum bending stress, a seven-wire strand cross section is analysed under the effect of pure flexure. For the sake of simplicity, the analysis only considers normal stresses caused by the bending moment, whereas other possible sources such as the effect of the helical curvature of the external wires or the frictional contact between the external and the centred wire have been disregarded.6–8 The inertia of the strand configuration, being hexagonlike, is known to be independent of the helical angle q of the external wires around the centred one. However, the distance from the extreme external fibre to the neutral axis varies with the angle, leading to the scaling function s(q), Fig. 4. The bending moment is shown to decrease exponentially with distance. In particular, at a distance of 100 mm from the anchorage, the moment is only 1,5% of MFE, reflecting the local nature of bending stresses in cable-like elements. Equation (1) also shows that the bending moment, and hence the bending stress as well, is a function of the global stiffness EI, which in a parallel strand stay cable might also depend on the deviation angle a: The maximum bending stress for both strand configuration and wire configuration are given by the expression in Fig. 4. In the expression, s(q) is a scaling function that depends on 8 the local rotation of the cross section with respect to the axis. The maximum bending stress for the strand configuration, the red line, is shown to be dependent on q, whereas the maximum bending stress for the wire configuration, the blue line, is shown to be independent of it. Furthermore, for the strand configuration, the helical rotation of the external wires around the centred one leads to an increase of the maximum bending stress compared to wire configuration. In particular, for the most unfavourable angle, q = 30º, the maximum bending stress is shown to be 13,5% higher. On the other hand, it can be seen that the commonly used expression given in the introduction agrees with the wire configuration, which according to the expression in Fig. 4 might underestimate the real bending stress for small deviation angles. However, common stay cables are often waxed or greased—and are prone to slip with respect to each other—which might make it difficult to preserve the strand configuration under the effect of even small/moderate deviation angles. Finally, establishing the limiting deviation angle at which the transition from one configuration to the other takes place would require very complex expressions and is beyond the scope of this work. Hence, for the sake of simplicity and also to present the results in an objective manner, from now on bending stresses will always be referred to as a single wire. Subsequent to this assumption, the bending stress in a wire is: s Bmax = 2 lEfUTS sin α tan α (2) in which fUTS is the steel’s ultimate tensile strength and λ is the axial loading parameter: s T λ= T = (3) fUTS A fUTS Note that for a single wire s(θ) is constant and is equal to 2. From Eq. (2), it can be seen that the maximum bending 1 7 0,8 6 M(x) MFE MFE EIT 5 4 3 2 0,6 0,4 0,2 1 0 0 15 30 45 a 60 75 90 0 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 x (m) Fig. 3: Evolution of the normalised moment versus inclination of the stay cable (left); normalised moment distribution (right) Structural Engineering International 3/2010 Scientific Paper 255 2,2 y’ θ x’ s(q) 2,1 2 sBmax = s(q) lEs fUTS 1,9 sin a tan a Strand configuration Wire configuration 1,8 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 (°) Fig. 4: Representative strand cross section stress is independent of the size of the wire and only depends on the loading parameter and on the deviation angle. Similar to Eq. (3) , the bending loading parameter can be defined as: σ max β= B fUTS (4) By definition, g = λ + β ≤ 1 (normalised total stress). Figure 5 plots the evolution of the normalised total stress versus the factored axial loading (Lf × l) for a set of deviation angles, a ∈ [0°–3°] according to Eq. (2), where Lf is the load factor that, depending on the national standards and on the final load combination, typically ranges between 1,35 and 1,50. Axial service loads for a stay cable range typically between 30 and 50% of the ultimate tensile strength, with, for example, 50% being the service limit states (SLS) stipulated by fib. When verifying the ultimate limit state (ULS), typical factored axial loads range between 40 and 70%. fUTS for the tensile element can typically be considered as the characteristic tensile strength of the stay cable, and From Fig. 5, it can be seen that γ increases very quickly for relatively small angles. Angles that are beyond ~1,0° (for Rf = 1,50) or ~1,5° (for Rf = 1,35) lead to an inadmissible stress level if no action is taken (the use of a cable guide). Note that this graph is universal for any stay cable consisting of a set of circular wires that work separately. Since the admissible stress region leads to very small angles, Eq. (2) can be further simplified : (5) σ Bmax = 2α l E fUTS From this equation, the maximum possible angle can be easily obtained: α max ≤ γ −λ 2 λ E fUTS (6) Limiting the axial loading parameter from the range of 65% (Rf = 1,5) to 75% (Rf = 1,35), Eq. (6), leads to the range of maximum angles. Figure 6 plots the maximum rotation angle for a wire in terms of the axial stress at which the cable is loaded. The lowest safety factor, Rf = 1,35, might be interpreted as the delimiting boundary between admissible and inadmissible rotation angle region. Accordingly, the maximum rotation angle for a fixed-end configuration might be established as ~1,25° to 1,5°, depending on the axial stress and on the safety factor chosen at the project design stage. Cable through an Elastic Guide In the previous section, it was shown that, when attaching an inclined stay cable to a fixed end, the bending moment at the anchorage grows quickly, with the inclination of the cable generating a concentration of bending stresses near the anchoring zone. To reduce these bending stresses, the cable might be passed through a guide system. Generally, guide systems have been considered to have infinite stiffness (i.e. the guide system does not experience any displacement because of the interaction with the stay cable). However, this assumption may not be correct in certain circumstances in which the guide, coupled to a damper, is placed in a steel pipe and far from the anchorage. In such a scenario, the flexibility of the entire set-up might lead to non-negligible movements, which may affect the performance of the guide. In this section, the entire guide system—guide + support (steel pipe)—is analysed. In particular, the behaviour of the whole system is assumed to be always elastic and conceptually similar to a vertical spring of stiffness S. Figure 7 shows the configuration of 5 Rf = 1,35 4,5 Rf = 1,50 4 Inadmissible 3,5 3 amax resistance factors in accordance with national standards shall be applied to find the limiting design strength. Such resistance factors (Rf) depend on national regulations, but usually take values between 1,35 and 1,50. The combination of both boundaries leads to an admissible stress region, which is depicted with blue shading in Fig. 5. 2,3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 Admissible 0 0 1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 Lf ⋅l 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 Fig. 6: Maximum angle versus the loading parameter for a given maximum normalised stress 0,8 Rf = 1,3 Rf = 1,5 0,6 0° g 0,1° 0,2° 0,4 T y 0,5° 1° 0,2 2° 3° H 0 min 0 0,2 max 0,4 0,6 0,8 VBG 1 Lf ⋅l Fig. 5: Evolution of the normalised total stress versus the loading parameter for different angles 256 Scientific Paper y(x) MEG MBG a S ex x VEG Fig. 7: Geometrical configuration and forces for an inclined cable passing through a guide Structural Engineering International 3/2010 the cable and the location of the elastic guide system. The stay cable has a fixed inclination far from the guide, and the displacements at the anchorage are fully impeded. The vertical displacement of the stay cable at the guide is unknown and controlled by the stiffness of the fixing system used to attach the guide. The cable, however, is still free to rotate and to move axially through the guide. Under these considerations, the reactions at the anchorage and at the guide are H, VBG, MBG and VEG, respectively. Suffixes BG and EG refer to the beginning and end of the guide. The solution for this configuration is given in the Appendix, Eqs. (A7–A13), where finally the forces at the anchorage and at the guide, Eqs. (A11) and (A13), have been expressed in terms of the forces at the anchorage for the fixed-end configuration and the scaling functions β ey , β MS and β MS ′ . The evolution of the relative shear forces in the stay cable at the location of the anchorage VBG VFE and at the guide VEG VFE is shown in Fig. 8 (left and right, respectively). Plots are obtained for a single wire of diameter 5,2 mm, l = 0,3 and a = 3°. Both the diagrams are plotted in terms of the horizontal distance between the anchorage and the guide ex for different stiffness relations between the guide support and the cable, S/EI = [0, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 5e5 and 1e8]. In general, the vertical reaction at the location of the anchorage decreases as the distance between the guide and the anchorage increases. The opposite behaviour is noticed at the location of the guide. In terms of the stiffness of the support of the guide, the presence of the guide does not have any influence when the stiffness is set to zero. In this specific case, the shear force at the anchorage is equal to that in the fixed-end configuration, and at the location of the guide there is no force. With subsequent increase of the values of S/EI, the relative vertical reaction at the anchorage decreases but increases at the guide. For very high stiffness, 1,2 S/EI > 5e5, the values of the reaction at the anchorage might reverse its sense of actuation. The bending moments in the stay cable at the location of the anchorage and the guide are given in Fig. 9, left and right, respectively. Similar to the beha– viour explained above, the presence of the guide reduces the moment at the anchorage. All the curves show that the bending moment at the anchorage decreases as the distance between the guide and the anchorage increases. This reduction is very pronounced when the distance is short and tends to stabilise for long distances. The final value of the bending moment at the anchorage also depends on the stiffness of the guide’s support. In general, the stiffer the support, the smaller the bending moment at the anchorage. In particular, for very stiff supports, the sign of the moment at the anchorage might reverse. However, for very flexible supports, the efficiency of the guide might be very poor. 1,6 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+05 5,E+05 1,E+08 0 1,0 1,4 0,8 1,2 0,6 0,2 VFE VEG VBG VFE 1,0 0,4 0,6 0,0 0,4 −0,2 −0,4 −0,6 0,00 0,8 0,20 0,40 0,60 0 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+05 5,E+05 1,E+08 0,80 0,2 0,0 0,00 1,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 ex (m) ex (m) 0,8 1,0 0,7 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,5 MEG 1,2 0,4 0,2 0 1,E+04 5,E+05 1,E+03 1,E+05 1,E+08 0,4 0,3 0,0 0,2 −0,2 −0,4 0,00 MFE MBG MFE Fig. 8: Evolution of the relative reactions at the anchorage location (left) and guide (right) 0,20 0,40 0,60 0 1,E+04 1,E+03 1,E+05 5,E+05 1,E+08 0,80 1,00 0,1 0,0 0,00 0,20 0,40 ex (m) 0,60 0,80 1,00 ex (m) Fig. 9: Evolution of the relative bending moments at the anchorage location (left) and guide (right) Structural Engineering International 3/2010 Scientific Paper 257 1,2 0,5 0,8 0,4 0,6 0,3 MEG MFE MBG MFE 0,6 ex = 0,25 m ex = 0,50 m ex = 1,0 m 1 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,1 0 0 −0,2 1,0E–09 1,0E–06 1,0E–03 1,0E+00 1,0E+03 1,0E+06 1,0E+09 −0,1 1,0E–09 ex = 0,25 m ex = 0,50 m ex = 1,0 m 1,0E–06 1,0E–03 Relative stiffness (S/EI) 1,0E+00 1,0E+03 1,0E+06 1,0E+09 Relative stiffness (S/EI) Fig. 10: Evolution of the relative moments at the anchorage (left) and at the guide (right) In particular, for a guide located 1 m from the anchorage and a relative stiffness of S/EI = 1e3, the final bending moment in the cable at the location of the anchorage will still be 60% of that for the fixed-end configuration. The bending moment at the location of the guide exhibits a tendency to increase with increase in both distance ex and S/EI. For very stiff supports (S/EI > 1e5) and conventional guide installation distances (ex ≥ 0,5 m), the bending moment at the location of the guide is shown to be always not less than 50% of the bending moment for the fixed-end configuration. A more flexible support might lead to smaller bending moments at the guide, but there will be an increase of bending stresses at the anchorage. Note that the moment at the location of the guide, for very flexible supports, might increase when ex is very small (<100 mm) owing to the bending moment at the anchorage. Finally, although not shown here, the evolution of the previous diagrams seems to be independent of the loading parameter l, and identical tendencies and similar values are obtained for normal stress values in the range of 0,4 ≤ l ≤ 0,5.9 Figure 10 plots the evolution of the normalised bending moment at the anchorage (left) and at the guide (right). The evolution is plotted against the relative stiffness S/EI. Curves were obtained for the parameters l = 0,3 and a = 3°. In both the diagrams, three different locations of the guide were considered: 0,25, 0,50 and 1,0 m. In general, the following tendencies might be observed: – When S/EI ≤ 1e2, it can be considered that the guide system is fully flexible and the solution of the fixed end without guide is valid. The 258 Scientific Paper error of this approximation, for the examples presented here, is less than 1,4%. – When S/EI ≥ 1e7, it can be considered that the guide system behaves as a fixed support. The error of this approximation is always less than 1,3%. – The behaviour between the above limits might be considered linear in a logarithmic plot as seen in Fig. 10. Regression analysis has shown that all curves exhibit a similar slope (positive or negative values are the same), with slight differences depending on the horizontal position of the guide. Normal values of the slope for a logarithmic plot in the linear region are ~0,18 ± 0,02. Discussion and Conclusions The first section of this paper, for the fixed-end configuration, showed the relevance of bending stresses in stay cables when no action is taken. It has been shown that small angular deviations of 1° or 1,5° are sufficient to cause yielding of the material. A new formulation to evaluate bending stresses at a stay cable with an elastic support at the guide is also given. The results obtained from this new formulation may be summarised as follows: – When the stiffness of the support is very high (S/EI→ ∞), the bending stresses in the cable at the anchorage might be reduced to below 5% of that for the fixed-end configuration. Simultaneously, local bending stresses in the cable start to emerge at the location of the guide. The values of the new bending stresses decrease with the distance between the anchorage and the guide, but they were shown to have a minimum near to 50% of the bending stresses obtained at the fixed-end configuration. Therefore, the installation of a stiff guide reduces the bending stresses in a stay cable by up to 50% at most. The above results are independent of the deviation angle and of the axial loading in the cable. – If the guide is assumed to have a finite stiffness, the bending moment at the guide might be smaller than 50%, but always at the cost of an increase of the bending stresses at the anchorage. Appendix Cable Attached to a Fixed End To solve this structure, first the distribution of moment M (x) is formulated in terms of the forces at the anchorage: M ( x ) = Hy ( x ) − VFE x + MFE . (A1) Exploiting the relationship between the moment and the curvature Eq. (A1) can be rewritten as follows: M ( x) V M H y ( x ) − FE x + FE = y′′ ( x ) = EI EI EI EI (A2) and also obtains a second-order differential equation (A3): y′′ ( x ) = Ay ( x ) + Bx + C (A3) Equation (A3) leads to the following general solution in terms of the constant coefficients, A, B and C: ( Ax) + C B b cosh ( Ax ) − x − A A y ( x ) = a sinh (A4) where a and b can be obtained by imposing the boundary conditions: a= M −VFE ; b = FE H H H EI (A5) Structural Engineering International 3/2010 Finally, the forces at the anchorage can be recovered: H = T cos (α ) where aL, bL, aR and bR can be obtained by imposing the corresponding boundary conditions: VFE = T sin (α ) aL = (A6) MFE = EIT sin (α ) tan (α ) = EIT f (α ) aR = Cable through an Elastic Guide M A cosh K − VBG sinh K ; A AEI (sinh K − cosh K ) [3] SETRA. Cable Stays. Recommendations of French Interministerial Commission on Prestressing. Bagneux Cedex: France, 2002. (A10) in which, in order to simplify the expressions, K = λ x H EI . Finally, the forces at the anchorage can be recovered: Following a similar strategy as in the previous section, the moment distribution is first formulated in terms of the forces at the anchorage and at the guide. Note that, because of the presence of the guide, M(x) is split into two parts ML(x) and MR(x) corresponding to the left and right side ends of the guide. ( ) H = T cos (α ) ; VBG = VFE 1 − Sβey ; MBG = MFE βMS (A11) ) M L ( x ) = T cos (α ) y ( x ) − T sin (α ) − S ey x + MBG M R ( x ) = T cos (α ) y ( x ) − T sin (α ) x + MBG + S ey ex As in the previous section, two second-order differential equations can be obtained in terms of the constants A, BL, CL, BR and CR: yL ″ ( x ) = Ay ( x ) + BL x + CL yR ″ x = Ay x + B x + C ( ) ( ) R (A8) R Equation (A8) leads to the following general solution: ( Ax) + B C + b sinh ( Ax ) − x− A A y ( x) = a sinh ( Ax ) + B C + b sinh ( Ax ) − x− A A yL ( x) = aL sinh L L L R R R R R (A9) [1] fib. Acceptance of Stay Cable Systems Using Prestressing Steels. International Federation for Structural Concrete: Lausanne, 2005. [2] PTI. Recommendation for Stay Cable Design, Testing and Installation. Post-Tensioning Institute: Phoenix, Arizona, 2001. bR = − aR The reactions at the anchorage and at the guide are H, VBG, MBG and VEG, respectively. Suffixes BG and EG refer to the beginning and the end of the guide. ( −VBG M ; bL = BG ; H H H EI References (A7) and at the end of the guide: [4] Gimsing NJ. Cable Supported Bridges: Concept and Design, 2nd edn. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1997. [5] Timoshenko S. Strength of Materials. Part II – Advanced Theory and Problems, 1976, Lancaster press Inc, New York. [6] Raoof M, Kraincanic I. Simple derivation of the stiffness matrix for axial/torsional coupling of spiral strands. Comput. Struct. 1993; 55: 589–600. [7] Kunoh T, Leech CM. Curvature effects on contact position of wire strands. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 1985; 27: 465–470. [8] Jolicouer C. Comparative study of two semicontinuous models for wire strand analysis. J. Eng. Mech. 1997; 123: 792–799. [9] Caballero A, Poser M. Bending of Stay Cables: Analytical Verification. Version 1.0. Internal Report BBR VT Int., 2009. VEG = VFE S βey ; MEG = MFE β MS ′ (A12) Forces at the anchorage and at the guide (A11) and (A12) have been expressed in terms of the forces at the anchorage for the fixed-end configuration. The new scaling functions are given by the following expressions: βey [ K ] = (1 − K ) ( cosh K + sinh K ) − 1 ((2 − K )cosh K + (1 − K )ssinh K − 2 ) S − A cosh K + sinh K − 1 βey cosh K + sinh K ⎛H ⎞ β ′ MS [ K ] = βMS + K ⎜ + S⎟ βey − K e ⎠ ⎝ x AEI ( cosh K + sinh K ) βMS [ K ] = 1 − S Structural Engineering International 3/2010 (A13) Scientific Paper 259