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78 SEASONA.L DEVELOPMENT OF A YOUNG PLANTATION Of EUCAlYPTUS NITENS D. J. FREDERICK School of Forest Resources, North Carolina State University, Box 8002, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695, United States H. A. I. MADGWICK Forest Research Institute, New Zealand Forest Service, Private Bag, Rotorua, New Zealand M. F. JURGENSEN Department of Forestry, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931, United States and G. R. OLIVER Forest Research Institute, New Zealand Forest Service, Private Bag, Rotorua, New Zealand (Received for publication 27 November 1985; revision 10 March 1986) ABSTRACT A 5-year-old plantation of Eucalyptus. nitens Maid. grew over 4 m in height and added basal area of 4.6 m2/ha in 12 months. Production of dry matter in the above-ground portion of the stand averaged 36 tonnes/ha/annum over a 2-year period with over 70% in bole material. The season of sampling was unimportant in determining the biomass of stand components since foliage production was closely linked with leaf litterfall. Branch and stem mass increased with time as woody litterfall was small compared with production. Nutrient concentrations in living tissue tended to decrease with increased tree size and often varied among seasons. Although season of sampling affected estimates of stand nutrient content, no simple pattern of change was observed. Calorific values of foliage and live branches were highest in summer or autumn but seasonal differences in stem components were not statistically significant. Keywords: biomass; litterfall; nutrients; energy; Eucalyptus nitens. INTROOUCTION Numerous studies of forest biomass and nutrient content have been published in recent years. Few of these consider effects of season of sampling. Canopy weight of pines changes systematically throughout the year (Madgwick 1983) but few data are available for hardwoods (Langkamp et al. 1982; Satoo & Madgwick 1982). A knowledge of seasonal changes is important both for theoretical studies of dry matter production and for applied studies of the implications of whole-tree harvesting for such uses as energy. We wished to determine whether season of sampling influenced biomass, energy, or nutrient contents of Eucalyptus in the central North Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Fo•restry Science 16(1): 78-86 (1986) Frederick et al. - Seasonal development of Eucalyptus nitem 79 MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample Stand A 5-year-old E. nitens plantation located in Cpt 905 of Kaingaroa. State Forest was chosen for study. The site is flat and is at an altitude of 550 m. The soil is derived from Taupo ash overlain with Kaingaroa silty sand (Frederick et· al. 1984). Previous cover was a Pinus nigra Arn. plantation which had been clearfelled. Site preparation included ripping, double disdng, and V-blading into beds 75 to 90 cm high at 3-m intervals. Eucalyptus nitem was planted in 1975 at a 3 X 2-m spacing using 1/0 bare-rooted stock grown at the Forest Research Institute nursery from seed collected from Nimmitabel, New South Wales. Seedlings were planted on top of the beds. Field Sampling During October 1980, when the plantation was 5 years old, a permanent sample plot 20 X 20 m (0.04 ha) was randomly located for sampling stand structure and stocking. In October 1980 and at three successive 3-month intervals ail trees in the permanent plot were measured for diameter at breast height (dbh). A final measure· ment was made in October 1982 shortly before the stand was clearfei!ed to establish a coppice study. At each measurement date a stratified random sample of nine trees was selected based on dbh. The first four such selections were taken from the stand around the permanent plot and the fifth from within the permanent plot. Methods for handling sample trees followed those detailed earlier (Frederick et al. 1984, 1985). In addition the height of the lowest leaf-bearing branch on the stem was recorded. For each tree the dry weight of leaves, twigs, live branches, dead branches, stem wood, and stem bark were determined. No reproductive structures were found on any sample tree. All foliage was of the adult form. Stem diameters were measured, but no sample trees taken, 1 year after the start of observations. Stand weights were independently estimated at each sampling date using the basal area ratio method (Madgwick 1981). Accurate error estimates for calculated stand -.:omponent weights cannot be obtained with "small" numbers of sample trees using the basal area ratio method. However, replicated sampling of known populations suggests that such errors are likely to be about 12% of the calculated stand weights (Madgwick 1981). This level of error was also indicated using estimates of stand weight based on logarithmic regressions of weight on size. In December 1980, ten 1-m2 litter traps were located randomly within the permanent plot. Litterfall was collected at 4- to 6-week intervals for the next 13 months. Litterfall was separated into leaves, woody material, and miscellaneous litter prior to oven-drying at 70°C Laboratory Analyses Chemical analyses were made on the first four tree samplings and litterfall. Stem wood samples were chipped and all tree samples were ground to pass 2-mm and 1-mm-mesh sieves for wood and foliage components respectively. Samples of rree material and litterfall were sent to Analytical Services Limited for chemical analysis. Nitrogen was determined using Kjeldahl digestion with selenium catalyst followed by colorimetry. After wet digestion with nitric and perchloric acid, potassium and calcium 80 New Zealand Journal o.f Forestry Science 16(1) were determined by flame emission; magnesium, manganese, zinc, a:nd copper by atomic absorption; phosphorus by colorimetry, and sulphur turbidimetrically. Calorific values were determined using a bomb calorimeter (Leith 1965). The relationships between nutrient concentrations, tree dbh, and season o.f sampling were examined using covariance analysis. Sampling times were represented by dummy variables. RESULTS At the beginning of observations the E. nitens stand had attained a top height o.f 12.5 m and contained 72 tonnes ~ry matter/ha in above-ground parts of trees (Table 1). Substantial growth occurred in height, basal area, volume, and stem weight in each season of the year .from October 1980 to July 1981. Top height increased almost 4 m, basal area 3.7 m 2 /ha, and stem weight by 25 tonnes/ha. A further 0.9 m 2 basal area/ha was added between July and October 1981. Neither leaf material nor live branch weight showed any clear seasonal trend, with changes between sampling dates being masked by sampling variation. Foliage mean weight was 6.9 tonnes/ha and live branch weight 12.6 tonnes/ha. Over the same period the weight of dead branches on the trees doubled .from 5 to 10 tonnes/ha. TABLE 1-Stand characteristics and dry matter content of a stand of Eucalyptus nitens sampled at five dates Oct 1980 Jan 1981 Apr 1981 July 1981 Oct 19'82. Stocking (stems/ha) Basal area (m2Jha) 1675 1675 1675 1675 1675 2.3.4 2.6.7 2.7.1 32.5 Mean diameter (cm) Average height (m) 13.0 2.5.4 13.5 13.9 14.0 15.2. 11.1 12.5 13.7 14.0 15.6 Top height (m) 12..5 14.4 15.9 16.3> 18.4 Height to lowest live branch (m) 2.7 3.4 5.0 5.0 7.2 Volume under bark (m3Jha) Dry weight (tonnes /ha) 102 12.6 140 155 2.09 6.3 11.3 7.0 15.9 6.4 10.4 8.0 12.9 5.3 6.3 7.8 10.6 9.4 14.4 0.0 64.8 90.9 Trees Leaves Live branches Dead branches 7.2 Fruits Stem wood 0.0 0.0 42..6 50.8 0.0 53.7 Stem bark 6.2 7.1 7.8 9.2 10.8 71.6 87.0 86.1 105.5 132.6 Tree above-ground 0.0 Frederick et al. - Seasonal development of Eucalyptus nitens 81 Litterfall collections commenced in January 1981 and showed a marked seasonal trend with leaves making up almost 90% of the total litterfall over 13 months of observation (Fig. 1). Maximum leaf fall occurred in summer but in late winter leaf fall was negligible. Annual leaf litterfall amounted to 77% of mean foliage weight on the stand, suggesting an average leaf life of between 1 and 2 years. Rate of branch []FOLIAGE ):' D WOODY <( 0 MATERIAL "E .!!} " (') f- I C) w s: 0 s M 0 DATE (MONTH) FIG. !-Seasonal pattern of litterfall in a 5-year-old E. nitens plantation. fall was similar for all months except for November when over one-quarter of total branch fall occurred. Total litterfall over the first 12 months of observation was 5.3 and 0.7 tonnes/ha of leaves and woody material, respectively (Table 2). The base of the live crown rose 2.3 m from October 1980 to July 1981. Most branches dying within this period remained on the trees. Branch litterfall represented only about 10% of increment of dead branches on the trees. TABLE 2-Annual dry matter and nutrient content of litterfall in a Eucalyptus nitens plantation, January 1981-January 1982, and the weight and nutrient content of the forest floor <n.d. not determined) Component Litterfall Leaves Woody Forest floor Dry matter (t/hal N P K S Ca --------(kg/ha) Mg Mn Cu Zn 0.06 n.d. 11.5 4.1 32.3 5.0 4.5 3.4 2.7 0.2 0.9 0.4 4.0 0.8 0.3 0.03 0.01 121 8 13 n.d. 181 11 n.d. n.d. 5.3 46.7 0.7 11.7 0.01 82 New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16(1) Total nutrient content of the stand was closely related to dry weight (Table 3). Thus the content of most nutrients in the stand increased from the first to the fourth sampling. This trend was clearest for dead branches,. which doubled in total dry weight over the period, and for elements such as calcium which were relatively more important in the woody material. Weights of nutrients in foliage were greatest for the fourth sampling when estimated dry weight was also highest. TABLE. 3-Total nutrient content of a stand of Eucalyptus nitens (kg/ha) N p K s ea Mg Mn October Leaves Twigs Branches Live Dead Cu Zn - (g/ha)- <kg/ha) 7.1 4.5 6.4 28 2.6 35 2.1 3.0 16 30 7.1 2.6 13 94 216 563 99 34 7.3 4.2 39 39 9.1 4.0 37 43 14 9 1.7 18 2.8 7 2.4 2.3 23 0.5 61 5.2 22 2.4 11.9 82 8.5 8.7 36.7 23.9 102 85 65 80 Stem Bark Wood Total January Leaves Twigs Branches Live Dead Stem Bark Wood Total 35 27.9 103 241 3.5 15.3 36.6 6.8 52 8.7 46 1.8 25 6.5 1.1 100 19 9.5 2.4 26 1.8 11 39 53 6.1 2.9 79 75 8.9 6.2 4.9 3.5 49 16 160 111 2.5 47 105 35 72 365 125 273 233 309 9.5 44.8 7.1 2.5 25.7 23 122 3.0 20.4 43.0 8.3 13.7 30.4 714 43 12 9'.7 1.2 31 14 1.6 5.2 0.8 24 5 100 26 38 3.7 3.3 43 97 5.6 7.4 3.1 5.2 23 37 116 160 2.6 15.2 35.7 124 35 345 10.0 9.8 42.6 8.7 3.4 26.3 15 83 81 185 274 760 10.4 2.6 49 31 9.7 6.8 35 3.2 1.6 14 118 56 4.0 4.9 45 117 4.7 3.0 5.7 36 57 90 144 3.7 18.6 44.1 154 10.7 44 440 11.8 11.1 4.3 32.4 17 110 270 212 64 244 97 13 30 11 4.7 0.9 24 57 233 107 7.2 10 1.3 28 20 3.4 1.1 25 271 39 47 188 April Leaves Twigs Branches Live Dead Stem Bark Wood Total 14 28 2.8 46 70 120 263 13.9 29.5 273 120 20 8.8 2.4 21 25 20 3.1 32 0.8 12 33 2.9 17.5 35.5 47 139 8.1 July Leaves Twigs Branches Live Dead Stem Bark Wood Total 78 296 48 299 8.7 48.7 81 702 Frederick et al. - Seasonal development of Eucalyptus nitens 83 Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, magnesium, and copper within each living component all tended to decrease with increased dbh at each sampling (Table 4). The effect of sampling date on the slope of the relationship between nutrient concentrations was not statistically significant. Nutrient concentrations varied among sampling occasions but trends with time were not consistent. TABLE 4-The effects of dbh and time of sampling on nutrient concentrations in tissues of Eucalyptus nitens. For dbh, - means a significant negative correlation with nutrient concentration. For time, the symbol indicates direction of effect. One symbol means significant at the 5'% level, double symbols at the 1% level assuming all tests independent. E'ffects of sampling da.te are relative to October 1980 (ns = not significant) Nutrient Variable N d.b.h. January April July p K s ea ns ns ns ns ns + ++ ns + ++ + ns ns ns + ns ns + ns ns ns + ++ ns ns Mg Cu ns ns ns + ++ ns ns ns + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Zn ns ns ns ns ns Live branches d.b.h. January + April + ++ + July ns ns ns ns ++ ns ns ns '15 + ns ns ns + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns + ns ns ns ns ns ns ++ ns ns + ns ns + ns Dead branches d.b.h. January April July ns Stem bark d.b.h. January April July ns ns ns ns + H + ns ns ns ns ns Stem wood d.b.h. January April July ns ns ns ns ns ns ns + + ++ + ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 84 New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16(1) Calorific values of leaves and live branches were significantly different among sample dates with minimum values in October (Table 5). Effect of sampling date on calorific values in stem components was not statistically significant, though for stem bark there was a consistent decline in value throughout the period of observation. TABLE 5-Calorific values (kJ/g) of components of a Eucalyptus nitens stand Component s.e. Sampling date October January April July Leaves 22.2 23.0 22.7 22.5 0.09 Live branches Dead branches 19.2 19.5 19.7 19.4 0.08 18.8 19.1 18.9 19.2 0.17 Stem bark 18.0 19.4 18.0 17.9 19.5 17.6 19.3 0.13 Stem wood 19.3 0.09 DISCUSSION Eucalyptus nitens is noted for its fast early growth and in Australia has been found out-produce E. regnans F. Muell. up to 15 years of age on a number of E. regnans sites (Pederick 1979). Lack of an adequate growth and yield model for E. nitens prevents an accurate assessment of relative productivity of our study plot but growth in height and basal area was less than that found for a range of E. regnans stands also growing in the central North Island of New Zealand (Frederick et a'l. 1985). Differences in over-all performance could be due to seed source of the E. nitens which has proved of poor to average performance in provenance trials (Pederick 1979; Franklin 1980). At age 5 the Nimmitabel provenance in Pederick's study had a dominant height close to that of our stand, while the best-producing provenances were 15% taller and dominant trees had 60% more volume than the Nimmitabel provenance. In contrast, seed collected from the area including our E. regnans sample plots has performed better than average in provenance trials (Griffin et a,z. 1982; Wilcox 1982). Differences in basal area growth could partly reflect the lower stocking of the B. nitens stand. Mean annual increment at age 5 years was 14 tonnes/ha compared with 20 tonnes/ha in a close-spaced, 4-year-old stand which contained almost four times as many stems per hectare (Madgwick et al. 1981). Foliage mass on the present stand was lower than that on either E. regnans plantations or the close-spaced E. nitens. to 1 Litterfall patterns in the B. nitens stand were similar to those found in a wide range of Bucalyp,tus species with a summer maximum and a winter minimum (Baker 1983; Frederick et al. 1985 ). Lack of a discernible seasonal trend in total foliage mass on the stand suggests that leaf production and abscission follow similar seasonal trends. This hypothesis would be extremely difficult to test on a stand basis since conventional biomass sampling would require a large number of sample trees, while direct observation of leaf initiation and development on a sufficient scale to determine precise relationships would appear infeasible given the size of the trees. Frederick et al. - Seasonal development of Eucalyptus nitens 85 Nutrient pools in woody tissue were strongly dependent on total dry weight so that time trends were dominated by the accumulating woody biomass in the stand. Detecting seasonal changes in nutrient pools in foliage and live branch components does not appear amenable to conventional biomass sampling because of variability among individual trees. Even when foliage nutrients are monitored a:t monthly intervals, and maturation state of individual leaves is taken into account, foliage nutrients in Eucalyptus spp. tend to vary considerably (Bell & Ward 1984) and may be related to rainfall (Schonau 1983 ). In our stand maturation state of the leaves will have varied throughout the canopy especially during the season of maximum leaf fall and production. Variability from whole-tree sampling was more important than season of sampling m the determination of biomass and nutrient content of canopy components of this E. nitens stand. If our findings are confirmed in other environments the omission of information on sampling date in studies of eucalypt stand weights would be of little importance. Data on nutrient contents of other stands are required to determine whether there is a consistent pattern of seasonal change in this genus. Over the 2-year period in which dry-matter measurements were made, the aboveground portion of the stand increased by 61 tonnes/ha or 30 tonnes/ha/annum. In addition, litter production was 6 tonnes/ha/annum giving a current annual increment of 36 tonnes/ha/annum. This annual increment is comparable to that found in dosespaced Pinus radiata D. Don also growing in the central North Island of New Zealand (Madgwick & Oliver 1985). ACKNOWLEDGMENT'S This research was made possib:e with the aid of Senior Research Fellowships for D. J. Frederick and M.. F. Jurgensen. Completion of the manuscript was expedited through a Forest Service Study Award to H. A. I. M.adgwick, and the hospitality of North Carolina State University. We thank all the organisations and individuals whose help made this research possible. REFERENCES BAKER, T'. G. 1983: Dry matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus content of litterfall and branchfall in Pinus rad:ia:ta and Euca,lyptus forests. New Zea,land Journal o,f Forestry Science 13: 205-2,1. BELL, D. T.; WARD, S. C. 1984: Seasonal changes in foliar macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in Eucalyptus sa,ligna, Sm. and E. wandoo Blakely growing in rehabilitated bauxite mine soils of the Darling Range, Western Australia. Plant and Soil 81: 377-88. FRANKLIN, D. A. 1980: Early performance of some Eucalyptus. nitens provenances on the West Coast. In "Plantation Forestry, What Future?" ANZIF Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 12-16 May 1980. (s.n.) FREDERICK, D. J.; MADGWICK, H. A. I.; OLIVER, G. R.; JURGENSEN, M. F. 1984: Dry matter production and nutrient content of 5-year-old Euca·lyptus nitens growing on soil mounds in New Zealand. Pp. 589-96 in Grey, D. C.; SchOnau, A. P. G.; Schutz, C. J.; van Laar, A. (Ed.) Proceedings of Symposium on "Site and Productivity of Fast Growing Plantations", Pretoria and Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 16(1) 86 FREDERICK, D. J.; MADGWICK, H. A. I.; JURGENSEN, M. F.; OLIVER, 1985: Dry matter content and nutrient distribution in an age series of Euca.lyptus. regnans plantations in New Zealand. New Zea.land Journal of Forestry Science 15: 158-79. GRIFFIN, A. R.; WILLIAMS, E. R.; JOHNSON, K. W. 1982: Early height growth and frost hardiness of Euca.lyptus regnans provenances in twelve field trials in southeast Australia. Australian Forest Research 12(4): 263-79. LANGKAMP, P. J.; FARNELL, G. K.; DALLING, M. J. 1982: Nutrient cycling in a stand of Acacia· hclosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don. I. 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