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American Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology + Volume 4, Issue 1, 1-3 Review Article | Open Access ISSN (Online)- 2572-2921 Assuring Quality in E-learning Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt, nona_nano_1712@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Recently, the acceptance of teaching & learning through electronic media has been common amongst students and teachers all over the world. With the rapid expansion of e-learning especially in higher education during the past years, public demand for quality, policymakers and educators recognize that Quality Assurance (QA) is a key issue that needs to be addressed not only within individual institutions, programs or courses but also jointly in national, regional and global contexts. The existing e-learning system can be further enhanced with new technologies to enhance the experience of learning online. KEYWORDS: e-learning, quality assurance Introduction With the expansion of e-learning during the past years, there has been growing public demand for quality and accountability of e-learning, especially in higher education context. Several scholars and practitioners agree that e-learning quality should be judged by the standards of face-to-face education while factoring in some distinctive features of e-learning such as extended virtual spaces for teaching and learning, flexible operations and interactive course delivery. JISC (2009) suggests that e-learning should really stand for ‘enhanced learning’ and that it can take the following forms: • Alternative modes of study: distance, blended workbased, partially or wholly campus-based • Knowledge-sharing and co-authoring across multiple locations • Opportunities for reflection and planning in personal learning spaces • Rapid feedback on formative assessments • More active learning by means of interactive technologies and multimedia resources • Participation in communities of knowledge, inquiry, and learning • Connectivity to information and to others • 24/7 access to learning resources • Learning by discovery in virtual worlds • Greater choice over the time, place and pace of study • Development of skills for living and working in a digital age. www.arjonline.org 1 Assuring Quality in E-learning With the rapid growth of e-learning in higher education, policymakers and educators recognize that Quality Assurance (QA) is a key issue that needs to be addressed not only within individual institutions, programs or courses but also jointly in national, regional and global contexts. • Learning objectives • Differentiated instruction • Learning materials Approaches to quality assurance in e-learning • Screen layout • User interface 1. Quality as conforming conventional education to standards set for 3. 2. Quality as fitness for purpose 3. Quality as meeting customers’ needs 4. Quality as continuous improvement 5. Quality as compliance with international standards & requirements. The QA Criteria for e-learning content evaluation include 20 criteria across 9 domains: 1. • 2. Needs analysis Analysis of the learning environment Instructional design Learning content • Selection of learning content • Organization of learning content • Difficulty level of learning content • Amount of learning content 4. Teaching-Learning strategy • Selection of teaching-learning strategy • Self-directed learning strategy • Motivational strategy Figure 1: QA policy framework for e-learning at both national and institutional levels Regional QA Framework International QA Framework National QA Policy Framework for Higher Education Integrated QA policies for conventional and e-learning QA standards for conventional higher education QA standards for e-learning Institutional QA Policy Framework Top management QA coordinating body QA planning Promoting a quality culture Stakeholder requirements / Societal needs Internal QA standards Stakeholder satisfaction / Outcomes Concerns of stakeholders Learners www.arjonline.org Providers/Assessors Employers/Graduates 2 Assuring Quality in E-learning 5. • Interaction Interaction between learners and learning content 6. Support system • Learning supports 7. 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Quality assurance in Asian distance education: Diverse approaches and common culture. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(6), 63-83. Retrieved from http://www.irrodl.org/ index.php/irrodl/article/view/991/1953 9. Nor S., Zain Z., Satria M. (2013): A Collaborative Idea Sharing Tool Based on Online Solution for Mobile Application. 3rd International Conference for e-learning & Distance Education. Ethical standards Ethical standards 9. 3. Copyright Copyright References 1. COL (2009). Quality assurance toolkit: Distance higher education institutions and programmes. Vancouver: The Commonwealth of Learning. Retrieved fromhttp://www.col.org/PublicationDocuments/pub_ HE_QA_Toolkit_web.pdf. 2. Hassan H. (2014), Obstacles and challenges facing e-learning in the Arab world. Journal of Distance Learning and Open Learning; 2(3): 335-352. 10. Saito, T. (2009). Quality assurance of distance education/e-learning. 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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. www.arjonline.org 3