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In Cambridge Companion to Law and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Bruce Wells, 300-17. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024
10 pages
1 file
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
The literature base on the effectiveness of treatment for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is scarce with few empirically sound studies and no systematic review in over a decade. The authors conducted a systematic review to analyse the outcome trials measuring the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions in improving NPD symptoms. A systematic search was conducted on Medline, Embase and PsychINFO electronic databases. Eligible studies were selected based on a pre-written inclusion criteria and their methodological quality was assessed using the Jadad scale. The literature search resulted in eight eligible studies, including six randomised controlled trials (RCT), a non-randomised clinical trial and a quasi-experimental study. The types of psychotherapeutic interventions examined were Schema therapy, Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, and Supportive-Expressive Psychotherapy. Six studies compared the outcomes of these interventions against one another or a control group (treatment as usual or waiting list). Two studies compared the efficacy of different settings including inpatient, outpatient, and day hospital treatment. Seven studies found that psychotherapeutic interventions resulted in a significant improvement of NPD and related symptoms. Schema therapy was shown to be more efficient than treatment as usual and clarification-oriented therapy. There was no consistent evidence of the other intervention types outperforming one another and therefore further RCTs are needed to confirm whether any of them are superior.
Academia Letters, 2021
The books of Genesis and Exodus of the Bible deal with the achievements and vicissitudes of a pastoral family (or clan) descended from the patriarch Abraham, their stay in Egypt, initially as guests and later oppressed and enslaved, and their epic departure from Egypt led by Moses. Their God Yahweh provides them with prophecies, promises, alliances, blessings and curses, punishments for disobedience and forgiveness. The main objective of this article is to propose perhaps the only theory to reconcile the 400-year (or 430) hiatus of oppression and slavery in Egypt of the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 15:13-14), considering that in this story, there are two escapes or exoduses from Egypt, remembered and merged as one. Furthermore, the interpretation of Yahweh´s “prophecy” (invented by the scribes long after it had occurred) of the 400 years of stay in Egypt of Abraham's descendants (oppressed and enslaved), must be considered from Abraham's arrival to Canaan (c.1870 BC), tributary of Egypt, until the liberating Exodus (c.1447 BC). Indeed, the Bible text based on the Septuagint establishes it: 430 years in a strange land, Canaan and Egypt (Exodus 12:40-41). The genealogy defined in the book of Exodus points to four generations from Joseph (c.1720 BC) to Moses, so the Exodus led by Moses would occur around 1620 BC, with the total departure of the descendants of Israel. However, the book 1 Kings 6:1 says that the Exodus occurred 480 years before the construction of Solomon's temple began (967 BC), that is, in 1447 BC, during the reign of Thutmose III and his co-regency with Amenophis II. On this occasion, the exodus would be the escape of enslaved prisoners taken to Egypt from Canaan by the conquering pharaohs. In fact, Bible scholars have identified two versions of Exodus and the miracle at the Sea; in one Moses (empowered by Jehovah) parts the waters of the Sea to let the Israelites pass (c.1620 BC), and in the other Moses is not mentioned (because he was not present) and the fleeing slaves watch as a gigantic wave drowns Pharaoh's army. The memory of this exodus or escape merges with a previous one and is remembered as if it had only happened once, 480 years before the construction of Solomon's temple began, that is, 1447 BC.
The purpose of this report is to present theoretical concepts and developments in the concept of " marketing communication mix". This article explains what is the marketing communication mix, describing its nature, importance, types of instruments and efficiency. Designing the right marketing mix involves the four P's i.e. Product, Price, Place and Promotion. In the field of marketing communications, must be coordinate efforts towards the last P of the marketing mix – Promotion. And need to develop strong sales and advertising messages that will connect with your customers instantly and effectively highlight product's quality and brand`s differentiation from others. Successful marketing communication relies on a combination of tools called the " promotional mix ". These tools include: Advertising, Public relations, Sales promotion, Direct marketing, Personal selling, and are used to describe the set of tools that a business can use to communicate effectively the benefits of your products or services to its customers.
Analisis Permasalahan Sosial terhadap Dampak Covid-19, 2020
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan dan menggambarkan kondisi permasalahan sosial dan tekanan sosial yang terjadi di tengah pandemik Covid-19. Tulisan ini merupakan studi deskriftif yang difokuskan untuk menganalisis kasus yang terjadi pada permasalahan sosial terkait dampak Covid-19 yang diperoleh dari media cetak, internet dan sumber lainnya.
Language is a human attribution which allows communication among us. However, how language is acquired is a mystery which several theories have tried to decipher. Noam Chomsky proposed the theory of Universal Grammar which produced a remarkable impact in the study of language acquisition both L1 and L2. The influence has reached other fields such as psychology and computer parsing of language. (Cook & Newson, 2007:1). This essay supports the idea the UG has a major influence in second language acquisition based on the evidence some researchers have found considering that research conducted on UG is more accurate than other kinds of SLA investigation (Krashen, 2009: 260). Nevertheless, this does not mean that UG is the only factor which is involved in second language acquisition but the most significant.
Autori: Tudorie Anamaria Florentin Perianu Răzvan-Nicolae Mareș Cristinel Fântâneanu
Cahiers Numismatiques de la SENA, n° 239, p. 19-20, 2024
Particulièrement marquée par la profusion des types « multiples » qui la caractérise, la période postarchaïque de la cité ibéro-grecque d’Emporion s’enrichit peu à peu de nouveaux groupes. La fraction étudiée ici, en provenance du Languedoc occidental ou du Roussillon (France), présente toutes les spécificités d’un hémiobole inédit à associer, de par sa typologie, aux oboles au protomé de taureau androcéphale émises au cours des années 480/470-440.
This thesis on the study of the efficacy of orthopaedic manual therapy (OMT) for patients with nonspecific low back pain (LBP) was developed by following the steps of an evidence-based practice process through three major sections. The Introduction defines the debilitating disorder of LBP and OMT, and describes an integrative approach for the stratification of care in LBP patients. Section 1 presents a systematic review that updates the best evidence of OMT efficacy in terms of pain, functions, activities and participation. The findings allow us: (I) to establish different levels of evidence for this form of therapy, (II) to understand the complexity of LBP and (III) to affirm the importance of the study design quality in OMT trials (e.g. splitting design, complexity of the placebo procedure and integration of clinical reasoning). Section 2, which is composed of three studies, investigates a kinematic model of the spine to help in the diagnosis of LBP patients, as well as outcome measures for future investigations of OMT in LBP patients. This kinematic tool permits a valid assessment of body structures (lumbopelvic and thoracic vertebral column, muscles of the trunk and pelvic regions), body functions (mobility in a vertebral segment, control of complex voluntary movements, proprioceptive function) and activities (bending, maintaining a body position). Finally, Section 3 presents two clinical studies. The first is a reliability study on a standardised and original pain provocation examination of the lumbar spine in a combined movement fashion. This examination provides the direction and vertebral level(s) of treatment. On the basis of this reliable objective examination and evidence described throughout this thesis, a randomised controlled trial was conducted. This last study questions the short-term efficacy of a novel form of OMT, namely mobilisation with movement, on primary kinematic outcome measures (kinematic algorithms for range of motion and speed) and secondary self-reported outcome measures (pain, function, activities and participation) in LBP patients with a mechanical pain pattern in flexion. The results of this investigation raise the overall level of evidence from limited to moderate in favour of using central sustained natural apophyseal glides in LBP patients. In conclusion, the different points and perspectives developed along this thesis contribute towards solving the complex puzzle of LBP within a patient-centred approach. Manual therapy is an art developed through clinical practice, as well as a science developed through fundamental and clinical research. Clinical research is of major importance because it directly drives clinical practice and education towards an evidence-based OMT practice within the biopsychosocial framework, thereby aiding many patients, students and health professionals.
Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2024, 575 old. ISBN 978-963-456-148-4
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Πρακτικά της επιστημονικής ημερίδας Χαμένοι στη μετάφραση ή (δι)ερευνώντας τις αδημοσίευτες μεταφράσεις αρχαίου δράματος, Κ. Διαμαντάκου (επιμ.), Αθήνα: Κάπα εκδοτική, 177-189., 2024
Firenze University Press, 2023
Plan de Manejo y Conservación de la Zona de Monumentos Históricos de Querétaro y Barrios Tradicionales, 2010
Ghendtsche Tydinghen
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), 2022
Revista de Negócios, 2010
Scientific Reports, 2019