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Introduction to Hamlet’s Nightmare for Microwaves and 5G

Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 1 Introduction to Hamlet’s Nightmare for Microwaves and 5G Christos Mousouliotis https://wifisos.wordpress.com INVESTIGATE EUROPE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKaoLxw0qJI Introduction to Hamlet’s Nightmare for Microwaves and 5G Christos Mousοuliotis 2022 The original translation from Greek to English was done by the artificial intelligence program. Many improvements to this translation and proofreading were made by the author, who is not a native English speaker. This research, «Introduction to Hamlet’s Nightmare for Microwaves and 5G», is the introduction to the book «5G: An Experiment on People and the Environment» and is a copyrighted work. It is therefore subject to relevant national and international laws, which prohibit any partial or total use of it in any way without the author’s written permission. Statement: The information contained in the entire book is for information purpose only. It cannot be used for medical or legal purposes. akodikas@otenet.gr https://wifisos.wordpress.com http”/light1and2life.wordpress.com https://yperthesi.wordpress.com https://www.facebook.com/MOUSOULIOTIS https://www.facebook.com/groups/orgonomygreece Introduction to Hamlet’s Nightmare for Microwaves and 5G In the theater of controversial strangeness that combines the great benefits and potential danger of wireless radiation, we see Shakespeare making Hamlet cry out: ‘‘...Something strange, and rather dangerous, is going on in the realms of wireless Denmark, as he realizes that the environment, the health, and lives of citizens and animals alike depend on organizations, with interlocking members, such as the WHO EMF Project,(I) the supposedly international ICNIRP(II) and the European SCENHIR(III) declare that there is no risk from wireless radiation to humans and the environment. Hamlet’s anguish grows as he observes that the above claims are refuted by other leading organizations such as the IARC(IV) of the WHO, the INTERNATIONAL EMF PROJECT,(V) the European NIRRC(VI) and SCHEER,(VII) the Russian RNCNIRP,(VIII) the Swiss BERENIS,(IX) the international BIoInitiative,(X) and by hundreds of qualified scientists who state that wireless radiation (I) Clarification by author: This project concerns the as yet unfinished effort of the WHO to set globally accepted safety limits for electromagnetic radiation. (II) Clarification by author: The initials ICNIRP correspond to the name International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection. (III) Clarification by author: The initials SCENHIR correspond to the name Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks: Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks. (IV) Clarification by author: The initials IARC correspond to the name of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. (V) WHO South African EMF Project and Optical Radiation National Report 2021 - https://www.emfsa.co. za/wp-content/ uploads/2021/06/Final_2021-WHO-EMF-Project-Report-ZA.pdf (VI) Clarification by author: The initials NIRRC correspond to the name Non-Ionizing Radiation Risk Committee. (VII) Clarification by author: The initials SCHEER correspond to the name Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks. (VIII) Clarification by author: The initials RNCNIRP correspond to the name Russian National Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. (IX) Clarification by author: I have not been able to find the exact correspondence of the original BERENIS. The incomplete interpretation given on the relevant Swiss website is that FOEN, i.e. the Federal Office for the Environment. This organization commissioned the Swiss Group of Experts on Electromagnetic Fields and Non-Ionizing Radiation i.e., BERENIS to check the matter for them. BERENIS has its origins in the name Berenice, a mythical name with references to ancient Macedonia, Egypt and Israel. (X) Clarification by author: In 2006, at the annual conference of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, a mini-symposium on electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation was held, presenting scientific studies showing the biological effects and precautionary measures taken by countries around the world. The Bioinitiative working group emerged from this conference and decided to produce a report on science and health risks with the aim of alerting people who could translate science into public policy. From October 2006 to August 2007, 14 scientists and public health experts, led by Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, worked to come up with recommendations on the effects of electromagnetic fields in the Bioinitiative report. Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 6 poses a potential risk to people and the environment. Hamlet learns that «...The 5G appeal regarding the next generation for wireless communication has been endorsed by 430 scientists and MDs and sent to the EU seven times. These appeals have requested the EU to take appropriate measures to protect humans and the environment from the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields used for wireless communications (wireless EMF). The first appeal was sent in September 2017. The most recent 7th Appeal was sent to the EU January 12, 2023. Unfortunately, there has not been any positive response from the EU to this latest submission or any subsequent preventive measures put in place. Politicians seem to have set their course for deployment of this technology, regardless of detrimental effects. In an email dated January 30, 2023 by Ralph Kuhne regarding the 7th Appeal and on behalf of Ms Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, it was stated that: We take note of your position on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and on the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks – SCHEER (previously SCENHIR). However, we must recall that these bodies are well recognised at national and international level for their scientific excellence and independence from commercial, national, and vested interests.»(I) «Since 2017, the world has not seen any evidence of the EU prioritizing human health protection over economics. In the seven replies to the 5G Appeals there has not been any clear recognition of the need to adhere to the EUs foundational principles. Instead, The EU has continued to consider the flawed International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines as protective of human and environmental health, including children and the most vulnerable. The EU refuses to accept or to even investigate the possibility that these advisory groups are inappropriately limited in their scope. The history of EU responses to consecutive 5G Appeals has been published in recent reviews. The EU continues to refer to the ICNIRP guidelines because ICNIRP was previously endorsed by Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC as the EU’s main external advisory group concerning wireless EMF protection. At that time, in the face of thousands of studies stating the contrary, ICNIRP and Council Recommendation 1999/519/ EC denied that there was enough scientific evidence of non-thermal, biological effects to warrant government intervention. Given the state of play of independent science today, there are increasing questions about the continued legality of Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC when compared with EU EMF-health protection policy in general and with EU primary law.» Hamlet, after the above, is surprised to hear his top, omniscient, and electro-sensitive courtier, Whitelion, list the following strange and alarming phenomena for the health of the citizens and the environment of the European and world Denmark: 1. That no 5G connection is required for any of the advertised 5G goods. No 5G connection is required for the Internet of Things, smart cities, and telesurgery. 5G is not even required for futuristic virtual reality, 4G is sufficient for it, and this knowledge strikes Hamlet like a thunderbolt.(II). 2. That there is a risk from radiation because, the international committee that sets the risk limits, ICNIRP, while it should protect the public by setting the right limits, not only (I) The European Union assessments of radiofrequency radiation health risks – another hard nut to crack (Review). Rainer Nyberg , Julie McCredden and Lennart Hardell From the journal Reviews on Environmental Health - https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2023-0046 (II) «A lot of what is said about 5G is masterful lies?» (on page 449). https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 7 does not offer protection, but has failed to do so, as the European Union’s leading scientific committee, NIRRC, specifies, even giving the heavy reproach that ICNIRP serves the interests of industries, that ICNIRP is not independent of interlocks with telecommunications companies, that its opinions are not objective, unrepresentative of the scientific evidence, and that it is biased in favor of industry.(1) 3. That the leading European scientific committee SCHEER (also in 2018!), declare that there is a potential risk from wireless radiation and that the issue must be urgently examined, while the Commission snores full of ‘‘knowledge’’ and thinks that everything is fine(2) only to wake up three years later and ask for a new conclusion, with an entirely new membership, which, as dozens of scientists argue «...The SCHEER report should be dismissed and a new objective evaluation of the risks to health and the environment must be undertaken by competent experts without conflicts of interests and ties to industry. The report is extremely biased about the current scientific evidence of health risks. It cannot be used as a basis for decisions on new exposure limits for the prevention of harmful health and environmental effects. The relevant EU body to manage the new evaluation procedure is The European Environmental Agency.»(III) 4. The European Parliament,(4) and the Environment Committee of the European Parliament,(5) clearly specifies the danger of radiation. 5. Russia’s leading scientific commission, the RNCNIRP, in tragic contrast to the interlocking organizations ICNIRP, SCENHIR, and the WHO EMF Project, claims that wireless radiation and 5G pose health risks to citizens(6) and that the effects of radiation occur at non-thermal limits or at levels below ionization limits(!) a finding that ICNIRP does not accept. 6. The Dutch health, a top scientific committee, state that it does not comprehend what happens with 5G at high frequencies and suggests that it should not operate at 26 GHz, given that there is complete ignorance of any effects due to the lack of studies on the subject!(7) 7. The leading Swiss experts committee, BERENIS, disagrees with ICNIRP’s claims that the safety limits it has set protect every population group and states that it found that the majority of animal studies and more than half of the cellular studies provided evidence of increased oxidative stress caused by radio-frequency or other radiation even at much lower power levels! In other words, the vast majority of the population is exposed to potential radiation damage.(8) 8. Two Italian courts, one supreme and one higher, issue rulings linking wireless radiation to brain cancer. One of them finds that ICNIRP is not independent,(9)(10)(11) while (III) Disappointing «SCHEER Opinion Report» - https://signstop5g.eu/ga/news/disappointing-scheer-opinion-report Critique of SCHEER Opinion Report on Health Risks from Radiofrequency Radiation - https://signstop5g. eu/media/pages/mediafiles/SCHEER_report_critique.pdf (III) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks SCHEER Statement on emerging health and environmental issues (2018) - https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/scientific_committees/scheer/docs/scheer_s_002.pdf https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 8 five (5) other court decisions confirm the adverse effects of radiation! 9. The leading European committee setting safety or radiation hazard limits, the SCENHIR, was disbanded by the Commission following complaints from scientists and organizations that some of its members maintained links with industry,(12) and had been widely and severely criticized by independent scientists and organizations for the unscientific methodology on which it relied to reach the view that there was no data showing that radio frequencies were dangerous.(13) 10. The largest European scientific study, RFFLEX, finds that wireless radiation causes DNA damage almost identical to X-rays!(14) 11. The largest US scientific study, the NTP Study, finds clear evidence that radiation causes cancer in rodents and beyond!(15) 12. The largest Italian study, Ramazzini, finds that wireless radiation causes the identical type of cancer in the same category of rodents at frequencies much lower than those of the NTP study, i.e., similar to those of mobile phones!(16) 13. The World Health Organization, through its competent scientific committee, the IARC, classifies ALL wireless radiation as potentially carcinogenic, and Wi-Fi, which Hamlet sees children and teenagers using all the time, while no government or other organization warns them that Wi-Fi is dangerous because their brains absorb 10 times more radiation.(17) 14. After some time since the upper categorization of IARC and on the basis of new work indicating an association between cancer and radiation, in animal experiments and epidemiological studies with humans, many scientists, including some who, when they were members of the IARC committee, considered that there is no risk at non-thermal limits, now recommend that the risk level be raised to category 1, the highest risk level where there is a direct association with cancer!(18) 15. The committee that sets radiation safety limits, or rather risk limits, the ICNIRP, is accused of collusion following an investigation by two MEPs. The similar view of this committee has been substantiated by a judgment of the Italian Supreme Court and is supported by many other scientists, researchers, and organizations.(19)(20)(21)(22)(23) Among these is the memo of the Greek academic Mr. Christos Georgiou to the Cypriot Parliament, in which he stresses that the WHO and ICNIRP are operating illegally and in collusion without caring about the health effects on people, even though they know that they are happening, to help the telecommunications industry.(24) 16. The second most powerful US court (after the Supreme Court), namely the Washington Court of Appeals, finds (indirectly) that the ICNIRP’s security limits are problematic, judging that the FCC’s security limits (which are similar to the ICNIRP’s) are ‘‘capricious’’ and ‘‘arbitrary’’(!) and urging the FCC to re-examine the scientific literature and re-evaluate them!(25) (26) 17. Hamlet’s all-knowing courtier, Whitelion, clarifies that the existing ICNIRP safety or risk limits are based on unstable scientific data because they are based on a dangerhttps://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 9 ous and pseudo-scientific doctrine, as many scientists judge it to be,(27) that damage to health occurs only when thermal effects occur.(28) The same doctrine was supported by the European committee SCENHIR, (the committee that was dissolved because of interference), while the same doctrine is supported by ICNIRP, (which is accepted as authoritative by a large part of governments worldwide), while it is denounced by scientists, organizations, MEPs, European committees, and even by courts as a maneuverer and servant of the industries, but is appreciated as validated by the WHO’s branch called ‘‘WHO EMF Project’’, which states that its research did not find that radiation causes adverse effects, without actually basing this research on any solid and existing scientific data! 18. Whitelion clarifies to Hamlet that the WHO EMF Project’s claim of radiation safety is totally misleading and bordering on ridiculous because the scientists who made it are the only ones who are actually using it. They state on their website, (photo on the website) that they have not done a full, not even a partial evaluation of recent work, and when we say recent work, we mean work done after 1993. In other words, the unbelievable has happened, no work of the last three decades or so has been evaluated!(29) 19. Hamlet’s green consciousness is overcome with panic when he learns from the same courtier that the French High Climate Authority has found that 5G will increase greenhouse gases, and this prompts him to look in awe at the intertwined skies of European Denmark, which are becoming brighter from the increasing light pollution of 5G satellites.(30) 20. The pandemic particularly worries the Prince’s mind since his courtier informs him that in addition to coronavirus, which causes blood clots, radiation also causes blood clots, known as the roulette effect.(31)(32) 21. The all-knowing courtier Whitelion wonders how it is possible that the American and European lackeys continue to ‘‘blindly’’ obey the views of the intertwined ICNIRP and install infrastructure for the rather unnecessary, potentially dangerous, and environmentally polluting 5G network.(33)(34)(35) 22. The same courtier quotes the astonishing quote in a study by the WHO, from the INTERNATIONAL EMF PROJECT of 2021 in position 4: ‘‘Radio-frequency electromagnetic fields have been shown to cause oxidative stress in cell cultures and animals. This leads to damage to mitochondrial DNA as it is highly vulnerahttps://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 10 ble to reactive oxygen species (ROS). In addition to the general effect on genome stability, organs affected include the brain and reproductive tract, causing impaired cognitive functions and a decrease in fertility.’’(36) 23. Further icing on the cake of all this widespread uncertainty about the effects on human health and the well-being of the environment is added by a study, resembling a scientific poem of excellence, objectivity, and independence, intended to inform MEPs. This study states unequivocally that radiation at low frequencies (similar to mobile -phone radiation!) causes adverse health effects and that the effect of 5G radiation at higher frequencies above 6 GHz remains completely unknown. For this reason, a moratorium on the deployment of 5G should be put in place!(37) 24. Whitelion cites a study that reveals a link between brain and other tumors and microwave radiation, a study that complements the leading studies by NTP, Ramazzini and the Swedish team of Lennart Hardell, but also the leading study by the German team of Lerchi, a study, which clearly and methodically demonstrates a significant increase in lung tumors, liver tumors, and lymphomas after radiation exposure, many times lower than the ICNIRP safety limits, with the indication that further research should be carried out, not to confirm the data, which have already been adequately established, but to identify the causes of tumors.(38) 25. Whitelion notes that this identification is also made by the leading Greek scientists, Mr. Dimitris Panagopoulos, with a study that will apparently earn him a Nobel Prize. A study, which is the conclusion of a series of similar studies, accordingly putting the scientific tombstone on the mythology of safe wireless radiation, as confirmed by the relevant work of the university scientist (and NASA collaborator in the field of detecting extraterrestrial life), Mr. Christos Georgiou, a study, that deserves special mention and will be analyzed in the chapter ‘‘Are the organizations that set safety limits one-eyed?’’(39) Mr. Panagopoulos’ work demonstrates for the first time mathematically the biophysical mechanism by which polarized electromagnetic fields affect cells, causing violent oscillation of ions, which in turn causes successive opening or closing of electrosensitive cell membranes to activate enzymes that produce free radicals, which in turn damage DNA. This radiation attack causes cell death, mutations, infertility, aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and even cancer. Biophysicist Dimitris Panagopoulos clarifies something even more worrying. All health organizations overlook the fact that non-modulated and non-pulse radio frequency signals alone do not cause biological effects except for heating, when they have a sufficiently high frequency and intensity, while radio frequency signals ONLY cause biological effects if they have embedded and modulated radiation, which, because of their configuration, are the only ones that can carry information, but also cause adverse effects.(40) Mr. Panagopoulos’ excellent study also highlights with full clarity the fact that it is time for the members of ICNIRP, the WHO EMF Project, and all the respective state commithttps://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 11 tees dealing with the issue of health and wireless radiation to resign and go home, adds Whitelion. 26. The above is an easier explanation for the rupture of the blood-brain barrier, resulting in the toxic flow into the brain of various pathogens and large molecule proteins, such as albumin. This influx is associated with a variety of diseases. One of these is Alzheimer’s disease.(41) 27. There are some brave ‘‘Gallic villages’’ located in the USA. In one of them, the state of New Hampshire, a top scientific committee, after about a year of systematic research, has concluded that microwave radiation is not safe! Another galactic village became the state of California, where its governor, like another Asterix and without meaning to, was forced to admit that mobile phone antennas cause health problems for firefighters after the research and action of the pioneering and heroic medical journalist Susan Foster, who made history in 2004 by showing that the damage to firefighters’ brains is probably caused by microwave radiation. The proof came through scientific evidence, including MRI scans. These tests revealed severe brain damage in firefighters, forcing the governor to move forward with legislation that banned the placement of cellular antennas near fire stations! Note that brain injuries occurred with microwave radiation whose power was 1,000 less than safety limits!(I) 28. Science has documented shocking findings accumulated over decades(42)(43)(44) (45)(46)(47)(48) about a largely unknown bioelectric network on the surface and inside cells,(49)(50)(51)(52)(53) which has the power through electrical signals to modulate DNA expression! It has been shown that the external artificial modulation through electrical signals of the function of cellular channels (alterations of ion channel activity) has the same or even greater power(!), confirming the findings and conclusions of Dr. Panagopoulos that polarized electromagnetic waves cause an adverse disturbance in the function of ion channels, which in turn causes disturbances in the health of humans. The omniscient Whitelion tells Hamlet that in cruel reality, the protection of citizens’ health from radiation, and especially with its development, 5G, is in fact based only on the ‘‘guidelines’’ of a closed and opaque German non-governmental scientific organization of 14 members, ICNIRP, which, and this is what Hamlet finds astonishing, not only has self-elected and interlocking members with the telecommunications industry, but declares that it has no legal responsibility if its recommendations are wrong and if they cause or result in various harms to humans and animals. A committee whose several members are also members of the special committee of the WHO, the radiation control committee called the ‘‘WHO EMF Project,’’(54)(55) (56)(57)(58)(59)(60) as well as other similar committees, managing by changing their ‘‘hats’’ or (I) If firefighters don’t want cell towers near their stations, why would you want them near your home? https://wifisos.wordpress.com/2023/03/22/if-firefighters-dont-want-cell-towers-near-their-stations-whywould-you-want-them-near-your-home/ https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 12 chest tabs to ‘‘pass’’ their views to multiple levels and committees influencing governments, pretending to snore and not realizing that in fact, very few people with multiple positions ‘‘planted’’ in different committees give the false impression that there is a broad consensus in the (serious) scientific committees of western states, which is a fairy tale, notes the all-knowing courtier Whitelion. ‘‘The fact that happens and confirms what you stated, that something smells rotten in the kingdoms of European Denmark, is the fact that on the one hand,” says Whitelion in Hamlet, “a scientist, a leading one among the leading ones, Dariusz Leszczynski, describes ICNIRP as a religious sect, and the incredible thing here is that this sect is the committee that sets the safety (or danger) limits for radiation! On the other hand, the governments of the EU Denmark consider this very committee a body of infallible and enlightened scientists!’’(61) Whitelion reminds the Prince of another terribly disturbing fact, although the EU does not mention it clearly, that following allegations of collusion by some of its members, the SCENHIR, the EU’s competent scientific committee that advised the European Commission and set safety limits for wireless radiation, was dissolved. Other the years this committee stressed that there is no risk from radiation, while in 2018, its equally competent successor, SCHEER (Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks), argued exactly the opposite. That there may be a risk, further upsetting Hamlet as he reads, among other things, SCHEER’s original statement, which stated that: «...5G networks will soon be operational for users of mobile phones and smart devices. However, how exposure to electromagnetic fields may affect humans remains a controversial area, and studies have yielded no clear evidence of an impact on mammals, birds, or insects. The lack of clear and up-to-date data on the development of guideline safe exposure limits for 5G technology leaves open the possibility of unanticipated biological effects.’’ (p. 14).(62) The same fate had another leading and so-called independent scientific committee, that of Great Britain with the initials AGNIR, which was dissolved in 2017 with the official excuse that its existence is not necessary,(!!!!) while in the meantime, there had been strong and well-founded reports of interference by its top members and of unscientific citation of papers of AGNIR papers in an attempt to convince the British government (and as many others as possible) that it is scientifically true that the mantra that there are no effects below the warming thresholds is true.(63) The oddity in this story is that eventually the powers of AGNIR (they must have thought about it long enough...) were quietly transferred to a pre-existing state organization with the initials COMARE, which had been living in the “basement” until that moment and emerged after the dissolution of AGNIR, on the 1st floor.(64) Regarding what is happening in the Netherlands, (the courtier continues,) I must tell you that while the Dutch judiciary rejected as unfounded the appeal of an organization requesting a suspension of the installation of 5G until a proper investigation has been carried out to establish whether there are risks,(65) the independent and supreme scientific committee of the Dutch Health Council, established to advise the government and parliament, in 2020 dispels https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 13 the court decision by stating that ‘‘...the development of 5G networks has only just begun. Therefore, there are no studies on health effects,’’ and therefore, ‘‘...the committee is unable to answer the question whether exposure to 5G frequencies poses a risk to human health.’’ And the same Dutch supreme scientific committee, adding a slow-burning “bomb” to this cake of doubts, but also to the verdict of the Dutch court, recommends not to install a 5G network at higher frequencies such as 26 MHz,(66)(67) a recommendation that is repeated the following year with another study aimed at informing MEPs, a study that is far superior in terms of methodology and objectivity to that of the Dutch High Commission,(68) which has interconnected members and whose objectivity is therefore questionable.(69) Hamlet is then overcome by a kind of dizziness as he learns from his all-knowing courtier that in a neighboring state, that of France, the Food, Environment and Health - Occupational Safety and Health Service (ANSES), claims that there is insufficient scientific data on 5G frequencies around 3.5 GHz and so the possible health effects are unknown, while for the frequencies between 20 and 60 GHz, ANSES claims that there is scientific data and these will be analyzed,(70) and then Hamlet, with a sound relay system from distant Greece, hears the (former) Greek Deputy Minister of Digital Governance declare categorically from the floor of the Parliament something truly unbelievable(!), (in stark contrast to the Dutch organizations, the scientific report to MEPs, the decision of the Washington Court of Appeals, the decision of Italian courts, and many other scientific organizations), that there is no question of side effects on human health because ‘‘5G frequencies have been tested for years and their safety has been established since these frequencies have already been ‘tested’...used by ERT and ‘DIGEA’, 2.1 by 4G and 3G, 3.5 by public rural networks, and 26 GHz by fixed wireless access.’’(71) The position of the official above, bypassing his tragic inconsistencies and the fact that the spread of 5G hardly resembles the applications he mentions, is probably based on his ignorance and the fact that some consultants told him that safety measurements and assessments are based (only!) on the thermal effects of wireless radiation, while they overlooked or completely ignored the fact that the radiations that cause adverse effects are not only related to thermal phenomena, but to modulated - polarized fields at much lower and clearly non-thermal levels. This is because the function of cell membranes is disrupted, as assessed in a series of papers(72)(73) and subsequently demonstrated experimentally,(74) when radiation is oscillatory, polarized, and coherent, as noted by biophysicist Dimitris Panagopoulos.(75) Apart from the above, which leaves no doubt about the ignorance or misinformation by sophisticated advisors of the official in question, there is a paper published in a leading scientific journal on 1.7.2022, in which it is stressed that there is no data to know what the effects on human health of 5G radiation are.(76) Hamlet’s vagotonic attack increases when he is informed that the Supreme Court of Italy, having a completely different assessment from that of the Greek government, concluded in a final decision that there is a correlation between the occurrence of brain cancer and wireless radiation, and at the same time rejected the claim of the insurance company (which finally https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 14 compensated the victim), the court not accepting the insurance company’s argument that the radiation levels that affected the plaintiff were within the alleged safety limits of the ICNIRP and therefore could not harm him. ‘‘The Court (his courtier informs him) also considered ICNIRP’s safety limits to be of dubious safety, given that some of its members have covert or overt entangled interests with the telecommunications industry!(77) ICNIRP consists of a Committee of 14 members with a scientific background, most of whom are closely associated with multinational companies having a long history of employment in the telecommunications industry either directly or as consultants, or setting security thresholds that inspire no confidence and are not accepted because those who set them do not inspire confidence.’’ At this moment, another chubby courtier, the Blacklion, intervenes and reports to Hamlet that ‘‘in Australia, ARPANSA, an agency almost equivalent to the Greek National Research Center for Physical Sciences ‘Democritus’, systematically investigating the thousands of scientific papers posted on its website, has found that there are no dangers from wireless radiation.’’ ‘‘Indeed, so it is,’’ says bitterly the awkwardly tall and thin courtier, addressing the chubby one. With clear vitriolic irony in his tone of voice, he indicates to chubby that he does not know or has forgotten to mention to their Lord ‘‘..that another and independent Australian scientific organization, ORSAA, investigating these same papers that ARPANSA investigated found that the state organization ARPANSA concealed the harm to human health, since ORSAA found numerous papers in this same database, papers reporting adverse health effects from the radiation!’’(78) (p. 28). ‘‘Also, (adds the omniscient courtier Whitelion), in the American Denmark of the USA, the facts show that the FCC, i.e. the agency that handles and sets, among other things, the radiation safety data, is a classic example of revolving doors, i.e., the transfer of officials or managers from the private to the public sector and from the public to the private sector. And you did not mention that the head of ARPANSA, that government commission that did not ‘see’ those papers that noted radiation effects, is also a member of ICNIRP, which also did not ‘see’ papers that highlighted health side effects. Another important fact that you have concealed, (Whitelion continues, addressing Blacklion), is a critical revelation by Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, one of the leading scientists in the field of biological effects of radiation, whose biography, when I read it, caused me envy and admiration at the same time. This scientist showed with his research(79) another hidden side of ARPANSA. That’s misinformation. His detailed critique is based on a study by ARPANSA, where he reveals that lies and misinformation in favor of 5G security are naively intertwined, while the study advertises itself in its title as ‘a state-of-the-science review’...’’(80) In addition to this, in American Denmark, we have Dr. Joel Moskowitz, (Professor and Director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of Berkeley School of Public Health,) who, creating a wonderful project, has been providing since 2016 and every month summary of newly published scientific papers on radio-frequencies and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.(81) Its database contains more than 1,700 abstracts and links to more than 1,800 papers, which https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 15 report, what else? The adverse biological effects on humans and animals. And note, my lord, says Whitelion in haste, that these papers, which are in PDF files, are 608 pages in the first volume and 875 in the second, and most importantly, they are open and readily accessible to anyone! Hamlet is astonished to hear that the same courtier then mentions that in American Denmark, people who were previously in top positions in the FCC are appointed to top positions in telecommunications companies to control the same companies they were previously in charge, and then..., those who leave the management of the state FCC are appointed directors of the same telecommunications companies they were previously in charge of!(82) At the same time, in addition to the dizzying change of executive positions with the revolving door system, telecommunications companies are spending huge sums to enforce their will in Congress with lobbyists who also went through revolving doors.(83) Hamlet, after the above, feels more upset and a kind of increased nausea, as Whitelion mentions the fact of the inconceivable brutality of the Polish government which stated that it does not know if 5G can have adverse effects on human health, but.., 5G will be installed anyway (!)... and in a few years, when appropriate research has been carried out, Polish citizens will be informed of the effects on their health!(84) Hamlet’s confusion increases to a critical point, when Whitelion reminds him again that the ICNIRP, the committee that regulates through its recommendations the safety limits and consequently the very life of citizens, disclaims any responsibility(!) for the same safety standards, in case there might be adverse effects on people’s health with the limits it sets!(85) As events unfold, Hamlet is so indescribably embarrassed by what he is informed that he goes so far as to scratch his head with his own sword, because the ICNIRP on the one hand is on the fence, assuring his subjects that they are perfectly safe when they follow the recommendations of its security boundaries, even if they are children, infants, pregnant women, the elderly, the sick or any other vulnerable group,(86) and on the other hand contradicts itself by stating that different groups of citizens may have different reactions and tolerances to radiation...(87) ‘‘The first assertion is scientifically proven not to be true, (notes the same courtier) and constitutes almost criminal negligence, since children’s brains absorb much more wireless radiation, although the ICNIRP, despite the scientific work that has highlighted this dangerous situation for children’s health, seems not to accept it, and perhaps that is why it disclaims any responsibility.’’ As Hamlet reads in a paper given to him by his courtier, ‘‘...the SAR value, i.e. the radiation limit, for children of 10 years of age is 60% higher than the SAR value obtained from a humanoid model,’’ which represented a 75 kg adult.(88) ‘‘And the icing on the cake of dangerous inconsistencies (clarifies the courtier), comes when ICNIRP forgets its assurances about the absolute safety of your nationals, even of sensitive groups, when the safety limits of the emitted radiation are respected, stating that they should take care to reduce their exposure to radiation to avoid stress and excessive warming of their bodies, and not to exceed the limits, an excess which, it stresses, would be harmful, without explaining how it is possible for the impossible to happen, that is, for a citizen to exceed the limits, when companies https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 16 religiously comply with its instructions, as the competent government agencies claim to do, since they assure us that they constantly check whether the limits are being observed and almost swear that these notorious limits are indeed being observed, which, my Lord, this is very important, are completely impossible to exceed, even if one tries.’’(89) On top of all this, the opinion of the Swiss committee of experts on electromagnetic fields, BERENIS, comes like a thorn in Hamlet’s side. This refutes the ICNIRP’s claims that all groups of nationals are safe from radiation if the established limits are respected, stating that there are not enough studies to know what the effects of radiation are on sensitive people, whose immune systems react differently when they have various diseases, such as diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, but also on pregnant women, fetuses, children, and adolescents, and that half of the studies reviewed by BERENIS show that radiation causes a number of reactions in animals, including dangerous oxidative stress,(90) a condition which, as Hamlet learns for the first time, is a factor that opens the door to cancer progression. The fact that the sensitive groups of subjects are much more affected by the radiation Hamlet learns from other studies,(91) that Whitelion has put on the huge oak table. In one of them, it is reported that working nationals who use mobile phones for more than 60 minutes a day have significantly higher systolic blood pressure values, especially when work stress is increased, compared to working nationals who spend less time talking on a mobile phone, while working women in the same stressful environments do not show a significant increase in blood pressure but more disturbances in the electroencephalogram...(92) In another study, it is reported that intraocular pressure in subjects suffering from glaucoma increases significantly when exposed to wireless radiation,(93) a condition one of the main characteristics of which is an already elevated intraocular pressure, to which a new increase is added by wireless radiation!.... The icing on the high-rise cake of surprises is Hamlet’s knowledge that the competent body of the WHO agrees with the above and emphasizes, in direct disagreement with ICNIRP, that the different resistances of people to radiation must be taken seriously into account.(94) Hamlet’s emotional state worsens as he learns from his own courtier that the 2004 European REFLEX study, a three million euro study involving seven countries and 12 institutes, showed that exposure of human cells to non-ionizing mobile phone radiation breaks the double helix of DNA, just as life-threatening gamma ray ionizing radiation does!(95) Then he stops believing what Whitelion says, especially what he was telling him about the REFLEX study, that DNA breakage is happening, because, Blacklion tells him that a team of scientists led by a top scientist of his kind, claims that the DNA breakage findings are the product of scientific fraud, causing Hamlet to glare at Whitelion and think it might be time to imprison him or cut off his head. However, the courtier, seeing Hamlet glaring at him, leaves almost running away and returns in a few minutes holding in his hands a final court decision stating that the allegations that the REFLEX study is a fraud are invalid, that the reports are slanderous, and that the study, based on the data examined by the court, is perfectly valid!(96)(97) https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 17 Hamlet’s situation becomes even worse when the same devilish courtier reminds him that the systematic study, called the NTP Study, conducted in the US, at a cost of almost 30 million dollars, found that non-ionizing radiation from mobile phones causes rare cancers in animals, but for this study, the committee that sets radiation safety limits, the ICNIRP, did something very strange. It did not consider it valid to include it in the new 2020 version of the safety limits (euphemism for risk limits) and discredited it, only to find out that the ICNIRP paper discrediting the NTP Study had authors who were involved with corporations,(98) but also that the rebuttal paper discrediting the NTP Study was full of errors!(99) Hamlet then begins pinching himself as he cannot comprehend in depth what Whitelion says is happening in the East and West, because, he cannot believe, for example, that the respective safety limit setting agency in Russia, the RNCNIRP,(100) Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation), claims that there is a danger from those radiations for which INCIRP stresses that there is no danger! The Russian RNCNIRP believes that adverse biological effects occur at radiation limits below the levels of thermal effects or ionization,(101) as the Greek research institute ‘‘Demokritos’’ states without much comment on its website,(102) while ICNIRP supports the unscientific doctrine that no adverse biological effects occur below the ionization limits and the Danish of the West believe it... The point at which he panics is when his omniscient courtier informs him that a paper has been published, which confirms the findings of hundreds of others who have found that microwave radiation causes infertility problems. ‘‘Do you think such a disaster will happen to me?’’ he wonders, ‘‘and my glorious name will not be passed on to my offspring because I may not have offspring because of radiation?’’(103) Reading another paper, he learns that radiation probably causes problems with immune function and wonders, ‘‘What the hell can happen to people with deficient immune function when they get hit with that damn disease, Covid-19?’’(104) He reads the findings of the prestigious scientific group, BioInitiative, as he entered his gold-encrusted library, and then he was left speechless. Because he learns that this group has examined 1,800 studies and concluded that radiation interferes with the body’s physiological processes. This includes preventing the repair of damaged DNA, creating an imbalance in the immune system, causing poor sperm quality, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, brain cancer, and childhood leukemia, etc.(105) The news from France is causing him to flee because he learns that between 1990 and 2018, the annual number of new cases of glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive types of brain cancer, which has a rapid progression and the lowest average survival rate (half to one year), quadrupled in both sexes,(106) while Santé publique France notes that there are risk factors for solid glioblastoma tumors, stating that ‘‘...the latest epidemiological studies and animal experiments support the carcinogenic role of exposure to electromagnetic fields.’’(107) The increasing trend of such cancer cases and their connection with the use of mobile phones is established in epidemiological studies by the leading oncologist Hardell and colleagues in https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 18 Sweden.(108) These studies show that ICNIRP is again doing its usual sleight of hand. It does not consider them valid and therefore does not include them in the presentation of the new 2020 safety limits, but they were considered valid by the much more authoritative ICNIRP, the body of scientists of the WHO, IARC, which is much more than the more authoritative body of radiation scientists, to include them in its assessment of radiation, concluding that wireless radiation should be categorized as potentially carcinogenic, a categorization that did not even touch the Greek governments, which continued and continue to regard ICNIRP as an authoritative body, despite repeated denunciations against it, blindly, naively and curiously believing that the safety limits it has set - this interlocking body - are valid,(109) making Hamlet’s back shiver and his courtier want to jump over the walls of the kingdom down into the defensive moat. Since 2011, his courtier has been explaining, when the 30 IARC scientists decided to classify all wireless radiation (including Wi-Fi, which the Greek governments are installing in hospitals!) as potentially carcinogenic,(110)(111) the data on the risk of cancer in humans from radio-frequency radiation were greatly enhanced. Specifically: Epidemiological studies have found an increased incidence of cancer among mobile-phone users.(112)(113) Other studies have shown carcinogenicity in animals.(114) Laboratory findings on the oxidative mechanisms process have shown, after analysis of 100 papers, that 93 reported that oxidative processes occur, but also that there is genotoxicity from radiation.(115) All this has prompted scientists, including an expert who was a former member of ICNIRP,(116) to ask the IARC to upgrade the risk of wireless radiation from group 2B to group 1. This category means that wireless radiation is clearly carcinogenic to humans,(!) while the governments of the Danish states continue to snore.(117) ‘‘Apart from all this, my Lord,’’ says Whitelion with an expression of distress, ‘‘a recent meta-analysis of 2020 has put the icing on the bitter cake of side effects. It reported that cancer is likely to be caused by mobile phone use when it is used for only 17 minutes a day,(!)(118) while a series of studies by two of the leading Greek scientists specialized in the field of biophysics and wireless radiation, Loukas Margaritis(119) and Dimitris Panagopoulos, report various damages to DNA and disruption of electrosensitive ion channels, i.e., harmful (and rarely positive) changes in the permeability of cell membranes, with the latter, permeability, being an issue of paramount importance for the health of humans, animals, and even plants.(120)(121)(122)(123)(124)(125)(126) It is of particular importance to mention here that ICNIRP also accepts that radio frequencies ‘... can affect the human body (only) through two main biological effects. By changes in membrane permeability and by an increase in temperature’. ‘‘(127) The above assumption is of the utmost importance since Hamlet knows, from his courtier, that ‘‘membrane permeability’’ means a disturbance on the cell surface where the taseo-dependent or electro-sensitive channels of the cells are located, a disturbance that brings myriad adverse effects to the organism.(128)(129) Meanwhile, the small (14-member) ICNIRP body of scientists(130) continues, with the https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 19 “blessing” of the WHO and the tolerance of governments, to determine the health of the citizens of Europe and the world, claiming that there are no satisfactory findings to show that wireless radiation below the limits of thermal effects or ionization causes problems to human health and the environment. In contrast, a multi-member panel of 215 independent scientists with expertise in the field of electromagnetic radiation and its effects on health and the environment, with peer-reviewed papers, argues that: ‘‘Many recent scientific publications have shown that electromagnetic fields affect living organisms at radiation levels that are at frequencies far below those set by most international and national guidelines. Effects include an increased risk of cancer, cellular stress, an increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes in the reproductive system, learning and memory problems, neurological disorders and negative effects on people’s general well-being. This damage extended beyond the human race. There is increasing evidence of adverse effects in both plants and animals.’’(131)(132) ‘‘Here we observe a curious fact,’’ continues the courtier. ‘‘The scientists’ alarming assessments have been adopted by countries, states, municipalities and counties by imposing restrictions on the reckless expansion of 5G, while thousands of citizens and scientists are calling on governments to impose a moratorium on the expansion of 5G until any effects on people and the environment are investigated.(I) In its recent 2020 assessment of safety limits, the ICNIRP admits that microwave radiation creates tinnitus in the ears, which was already discovered by the American scientist Allan Frey, who claimed that sounds that can be buzzing,(133) is not a phenomenon that occurs only in the ears, but in the brain, i.e., a much heavier effect, since microwave sound is also heard by people who are unable to hear and by animals.’’(134) Astonished Hamlet learns that the mighty World Health Organization makes the same admission (without any Danish ruler seeming to be moved) by stating that ‘‘...people with normal hearing have perceived pulses of radio frequency fields between about 200 MHz and 6.5 GHz. This is called the MICROPHONE HEARING PHENOMENA. The sound has been variously described as a buzzing, crackling, hissing, or banging noise, depending on the characteristics of the radio frequency pulse. Prolonged or repeated exposure may be stressful and should be avoided wherever possible.’’(135) Decades later, it was admitted that the illnesses of American diplomats, CIA agents, and embassy employees were probably caused by microwaves at non-thermal limits and had symptoms similar to the above. In 2016, in Havana, Cuba, CIA agents began to experience strange sensations in their bodies, especially in their heads, such as a feeling of pressure, strong tinnitus, migraines, and a sound that seemed like a swarm of cicadas was next to them. Others felt nauseous or tired, and others found it difficult to recall various events. They also experienced pain in one ear, and some even lost their hearing! The most incredible but absolutely real fact (I) “Citizen uprising in states, regions, and municipalities” on page 565 https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 20 found after medical examinations, was damage to their brain, damage that usually occurs after a car accident or a bomb explosion! The notorious and mysterious Havana Syndrome (Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks) became a law, having as its ancestor the Moscow Syndrome with the microwave irradiation from the then USSR of the American Embassy in Moscow, as the Greek-American CIA agent Mr. Polymeropoulos, who, while in excellent health, suddenly began to collapse with the appearance of terrible nausea, weakness, and wheezing in his hearing.(136) The damage to the health of American citizens working in embassies abroad, such as in China, Austria, Vietnam, Cuba, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Germany, India, Uzbekistan, Colombia, and even Washington, D.C. itself,(137) is - probably - caused by microwaves, as the most authoritative study of a supreme organization of scientists, which brings together three different sciences under the impressive title, has shown: ‘‘The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine!’’(138) The study was readily accepted by Mr. Biden’s administration, resulting in the passage by a large majority of a law providing for compensation for victims and some heavy-handed but incomplete protection measures. The ridiculous follow-up was a classified investigation by five security agencies including the CIA, an investigation that reportedly left no stone unturned to conclude that the (real) symptoms of US diplomats and agents were not caused after an attack by some foreign power, leaving predictably out of discussion and investigation the possibility that these symptoms were caused from their high microwave and other radiation-laden environment.(139) Hamlet then feels shivers around his ears as he is informed that as he talks on his chubby mobile phone, single-stranded DNA fragments in the root cells, there in the hairs around the ears, are likely to increase significantly, only after 15 minutes of use, and that the DNA damage to these roots increases significantly after 30 minutes of use,(140) according to another study, an increase in neuronal degeneration and cellular loss in his auditory system may occur,(141) while the opening of the blood-brain barrier is considered certain. ‘‘I have not explained to you in detail the critical question of the breaking of the blood-brain barrier,” (says Whitelion hesitantly). This barrier acts as a brain shield. It keeps bacteria, viruses, and toxic chemicals out of our brains and keeps the inside of our heads at a constant pressure, preventing us from having a stroke. This function is due to the brain’s capillaries, which, if spread out, are about 6,450 kilometers long. They are the smallest blood vessels in the brain and are made up of thousands of cells that stack up next to each other to form tubes, while other important cells that make up the blood-brain barrier are the endothelial cells, which, unlike in other parts of the body where their connections are loose, in the brain are stuck together by cell adhesion proteins.’’(142) ‘‘My Prince, science knows (the courtier continues) that individual frequencies can affect biological systems through different mechanisms. Some frequencies disrupt the immune system, while others disrupt sleep patterns, others disrupt calcium metabolism, and various ones weaken the blood-brain barrier. This sequence of insults or injuries can accumulate to debilitating levels depending on the frequencies (energy strength), the modulation of radiation, the power patterns, https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 21 and the power density and therefore the corresponding emission technologies, i.e., from a technological electromagnetic set, which is completely different from the time when the (even then flimsy and erroneous) safety limits were set, as explained in a related paper, which reveals the lack of those limits who were set on the basis of work that was either irrelevant or highly misguided and unscientific. For example, 75% of them did not mention the frequency of radiation used or the type of animal exposed to it, and we observe the outrageous fact that people who were irradiated were classified in the groups of those who were not exposed!’’(143) The result of bursting is an increase in the toxic flux of large molecule proteins such as albumin, and this flux increase is associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease according to a paper, which has the feature that it was a prospective epidemiological study, i.e., scientists followed a large number of mobile-phone users for about 20 years!(144) Hamlet also learns from Whitelion that the first scientific work in the West to establish the breaking of the blood-brain barrier was carried out by biologist Frey of the University of Washington. This scientist, who conducted the experiment with its enormous implications, reveals that: ‘‘...Several months after the report was published, I asked for a renewal of government funding, which in part supported research on the blood-brain barrier. I received a letter stating that the funding would not be granted unless I rejected this part of my proposal.’’(145) It has been highlighted in many studies that the brain is not protected from institutionalized safety limits. The work of Leif Salford and his team is particularly impressive. Among other things, they observed that barrier breakdown was sustained for up to eight weeks after exposing test subjects to only two hours of radiation and at non-thermal levels that were one hundred to one thousand times lower than the 2W/kg (two watts per kilogram of body weight) exposure standard recommended by ICNIRP as a safety limit!...(146) The pandemic, on the other hand, is of particular concern to the princely mind since the coronavirus may bring about a reduction in the troops of Denmark, but it may also affect the princely dynasty through infection by the coronavirus of one of its servants. So, he orders the matter to be investigated, and suddenly he hears some facts that make him shudder. That radiation has the power to turn dangerous bacteria into almost invulnerable ones after 24 hours of exposure to 2.4 GHz radiation, the usual radiation of Wi-Fi antennas... That significant change occur in the resistance of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas pyocyaninis to different antibiotics after irradiation, and Staphylococcus aureus was found to be resistant to all antibiotics after 24 hours of exposure to radio-frequency waves. Simultaneously, it was observed to become highly resistant to certain antibiotics, such as ampicillin, amikacin, ceftriaxone, vancomycin and piperacillin. “These results (the courtier informs him) agree with the findings reported by other scientists in many kingdoms, who have shown that static magnetic fields of moderate intensity can reduce the sensitivity of the bacterium Escherichia coli to piperacillin after 45 minutes of exposure and make it more resistant to antibiotics. After that, I think, my Prince, what can happen if someone has such an infection and is in a Greek https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 22 hospital where every Wi-Fi antenna transmits at 2.4 GHz,(147), while we also have another paper that creates chills of concern, by Professor Olle Johansson, in which he mentions the finding that Staphylococcus germs communicate with Wi-Fi frequencies, 3G, 4G, and 5G!’’(148) Hamlet is informed after this shock that the Rouleaux effect,(149)(150) a kind of thrombosis, caused by the Coronavirus to the affected people; in addition to this he learns that vaccines invented to combat the Covid-19 pandemic also cause, in several cases, a similar kind of thrombosis.(151) But what shakes the Prince’s mind is when Whitelion informs him that the wireless radiation also causes a kind of blood clotting, or coagulation. This is known as the Rouleaux effect, which occurs within 10 minutes!(152) Hamlet’s surprise rises sharply when the courtier reports that leading multinational insurance companies are refusing to insure Danish citizens of states in the world against radiation risk. This acknowledges tacitly that there is indeed a risk.(I) Meanwhile, as he looks up at the sky one night, perched on the walls of his castle, he sees a series of strange moving lights, and his courtier informs him that they are a series of low-orbit 5G satellites out over 440.000 that will be launched and will surround the Earth like a blanket. These satellites will irradiate people not only from the sky, but also from the surface of the Earth with the radiation of the countless millions of 5G satellite antennas. These antennas will receive radiation from the 5G satellites and then send it to their mobile phones.(153) As Hamlet hears Whitelion tell him that the American FCC estimates that satellite junk can cause one death for every 10,000 people upon reentry into the atmosphere, he shudders.(154) His palpitations worsen as another advisor whispers in his left ear, (already buzzing from the radiation, a buzz that his court officer assures him is a real condition, as the ICNIRP states, not a fantasy,(155) that the energy expenditure for the operation of 5G, is much higher than other networks, making this network a kind of energy vampire, as the High Authority for the Environment of the neighboring Kingdom of France asserts,(156) and other studies,(157) including one of the most nightmarish, which estimates that in 2030 5G energy consumption will increase by 130%, the same as Sweden’s energy consumption,(158) while there is already a problem of atmospheric pollution from other space waste from commercial and military satellites, and light pollution of 5G satellites, which is already causing problems for astronomers, which are expected to increase dramatically with the launch of several hundred thousand low-orbit satellites with a yield of several hundred thousand tonnes of energy.(159)(160)(161)(162) In addition, he is informed that millions of new 5G antennas will be installed even in front of the windows of his palace, which, apart from the risks to his own health, the health of other paladins, his subjects, and his bees (due to an increase in radiation), will also cause a decrease in the value of his meadows and towers, a fact that fills him with anxiety about the possibility of being forced to leave the leadership of the kingdom of Denmark due to mismanagement and at the same time to find itself at the nonexistent mercy of other richer and more powerful kingdoms and to suffer a memorandum, because the real estate of the whole kingdom will (I) ‘‘The insurers recommend refusal of insurance for potential risks from radiation and 5G’’. (On page 547). https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 23 lose a considerable part of its value.(163) He learns from a report by a private company paid for by the Danish Commission that the general background level of radiation has risen just a little, and he feels a lump in his throat. On the other hand, if this statement is considered to have even a hint of reality, then the WHO has set the risk and possible carcinogenicity limit at 6-27 volts per meter(164) and in Greece, for example, is 33-51 volts per meter and wonders whether ‘‘with even a moderate increase in radiation the risk will rise, and God knows how much it will go up, if the calculations in this report, made by people with telecommunications connections, are true...’’ Hamlet asks why the governments of European Denmark are so interested in 5G. He is told that they want 5G because it will give them a new way of communicating. And not only that. They say that 5G will be the new digital Eldorado with huge gold reserves that will be reaped by states, multinationals, ordinary businesses, and even freelancers, while solving countless problems that plague humanity, from reducing air pollution, enabling surgeries anywhere on Earth, increasing knowledge, improving the efficiency of agriculture, improving the electronic security of citizens, the best way to pay taxes, personal safety and security. However, the all-knowing courtly Whitelion, who suffers from electro-sensitivity(165)(166) provides him with a study from an EU Think Tank(167) in which it appears that there is no need for 5G infrastructure for almost none of the promises of the multinationals, because no connection to the 5G network is required for new, even so-called futuristic applications of 5G, but the existing 4G network and older wireless infrastructure networks will suffice. This report clarifies that the Internet of Things works even with the older 3G network! High-definition video conferencing operates at much slower speeds than 5G. Telemedicine requires speeds of 21 to 40 Mbps per second, so 5G speeds, which can reach over 1,000 Mbps per second, are unnecessary. Autonomous cars move better without 5G and then they are only autonomous. Smart grids in cities can work without 5G speeds. Drones do not need 5G and have already been operating without it for years. Also, the most exotic feature of 5G, virtual reality, already works with 4G since it only needs 4 Mbps per second and not the 1,000 Mbps of 5G,(168) as mentioned in a similar study in which even the further expansion of underground communication networks with fiber optics is considered unnecessary.(169) On the other hand, Hamlet’s well-concealed insecurity comes to the surface when he learns that behind the huge advertisement for the goodies of 5G there is a new hidden and fierce race for geostrategic dominance, but also for absolute control of the citizens, with 5G as its vehicle and spearhead,(170)(171) in which race, to hide it, the world’s tycoons are giving their naive or ignorant subjects shiny mirrors with promises of faster video downloads and autonomous driving, while the distant kingdoms of Russia and the Far East, the so-called BRICS countries,(172) unite for a commercial and electronic war against European(173)(174) and American Denmark,(175) both seeking geostrategic and space dominance, where 5G satellites will play https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 24 a dominant role on the battlefields(176) as the war in Ukraine has shown.(177)(178) The pursuit of dominance and absolute control prophetically described in literature,(179) seems to be a sad replica of the previous and highly insane nuclear arms race, which brought humanity to the brink of destruction, broke up the Eastern bloc and instead of bringing peace and prosperity, created a new world more insecure and inhuman, but also total control over the lives of its subjects, something that China is already doing, as the American Denmark side claims, stating without looking at its own reflection in the mirror, that China is building the world’s first digital totalitarian state using 5G, a system of unimaginable mass surveillance and social control where Big Brother devours and rules with Big Data.(180) On the other hand, the nightmarish prospect of losing the warmth of the fireplace suddenly appears before Hamlet, as he is informed that a top scientist who is among the leaders in the field of the most powerful electromagnetism club,(181) who gives guidelines for the safe use of microwaves in ICNIRP and in the world’s Danish states, suggested in the near past (and several of her colleagues agreed) that people should be heated with microwaves instead of spending money on heating their homes!(182) On top of all this shock, the smart courtier whispers in his right ear, the one that has not started buzzing yet, that his lazy cell phone can make him sick because he puts it on his ear and when that happens, the safety limits of the radiation his wise head receives (related to SAR limits, a term he does not know what it means), are no longer within the safety limits, if there are any! Whitelion wonders whether the companies that made the phones were probably living in a transcendental world because they thought that when users talked on them, they would have kept their phones at a distance rather than glued to their ears and that they would have found a futuristic or quantum way to keep them at a distance from their bodies when not in use, rather than having them glued to the body, like men in their pockets or tucked under their bras for women. That’s why they had them made with increased radiation. Probably, he thinks, they created them for hardy earth aliens who would use cell phones from afar. Hamlet realizes that direct contact between mobile phones and the body is a major problem that was highlighted in the neighboring kingdoms of France(183) and the USA and was almost sadly accepted by the coterie of electromagnetism scientists, but kept a very low profile by the media, despite the fact that a book was written in which its author, Dr. Mark Arazi, explains in detail this dirty situation in the French kingdom of Denmark. (184) Hamlet is then plunged into great reflection as he cannot understand why these strange things are happening in the realms of European and American Denmark, when despite the constant complaints against the ICNIRP and all the other particularly disturbing facts, governments continue to base the safety of their citizens from radiation on the recommendations of an industry-interlocked committee,(185) which even leading scientists describe using heavy-handed terms,(186) and on the paleolithic views of the WHO, paleolithic because it bases its claims of radiation safety on studies of generator-generated radiation (not conducted with mobile phones), and because they were carried out before 1993, when mobile phones https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 25 had a lifespan of only 10 years and both their use and users were few and consequently, research on them was non-existent. The following is stated about the alleged safety of wireless radiation on the “WHO EMF Project” website: ‘‘...An assessment of the risks to human health from electromagnetic fields in the radio frequency spectrum is being carried out, and this assessment will be published as a monograph in the “Environmental Health Criteria” series. This (future!!!) publication will update the 1993 monograph on radio-frequency fields!’’(187)(I) Looking at the World Bank’s data,(188) it found that in 1990, only 0.2% of the world’s population subscribed to a mobile-phone company, rising to just 12% in 2000. These facts make the WHO EMF Project scientists’ claim that they carried out studies before 1993 (when there were very few mobile phones) and their blatantly ridiculous finding that no contraindications to mobile phone use were found, outrageously ridiculous! ‘‘On the issue that directly concerns the health of your people and the well-being of the forests, animals, and the general environment of your kingdom, namely whether 5G is safe, the WHO’s answer is extremely disturbing, (whispers Whitelion, raising and slightly furrowing his thick eyebrows). This is because the WHO states on its website that it has not carried out any research on the subject, has no opinion, and will express a position after 2022, when it will carry out the relevant research on this new form of wireless communication. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride...’’ (189) Hamlet learns much more from his courtier about this notorious subject of inquiry, which ended in 1993 and the organization that proposed it, the WHO EMF Project” as proof of radiation safety. One of its members was the person who founded it and it was revealed that he was taking money from industry through a university. However, his successor, Emilie van Deventer, is involved with industry and at the same time has no medical or other scientific credentials of the expertise required for the position.(190) Additionally, a leading scientist, Dr. Martin Pall, reviewed the pre-1993 papers, especially those based on the WHO’s thermal effects doctrine alone and especially the WHO EMF Project committee, and found that there are no papers supporting the view that mobile-phone (I) Clarification by author: The inexplicable thing about this bizarre story is that the operators of the WHO website, where the funny claim about safety from mobile phone radio frequency fields, a claim based on work up to 1993, was listed, may have seen the comments on my blog regarding their ridiculous claims. If this was the case then the timing of the events can be explained. That is, my own critical reference and their «improvement», as they wrote, which they did on the website with those incredible bullshit, which was even presented as the WHO’s position. The «improvement» of course resulted in the disappearance of their «nonsense». The photo I cited on page 8 as evidence of the events concerns their unscientific and apparently propagandistic claims in favour of the multinational telecommunications companies and the photo on page 25 concerns the announcement of the «improvement». . . which will probably disappear after a while - https://www.who.int/home/cms-decommissioning https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 26 radiation is safe. On the other hand, the ‘‘informants’’ of public opinion in European Denmark and elsewhere, ‘‘forget’’ or downplay the conclusions of the other, non-dependent committee of the WHO, the IARC, which found that ALL TYPES OF WIRELESS RADIATION and that of Wi-Fi of course, (which is used continuously and daily by all ages of the studying youth), is potentially carcinogenic to humans, such as certain car exhaust fumes, lead, thalidomide, the two very toxic insecticides parathion and DDT, chloroform and the classification in group 2B. However, the other chubby courtier, with slightly https://corporateeurope.org/en/revolving-doors/2017/12/ pink cheeks and a permanent goofy smile, Blackjuncker-unremarkable-reform-commissioners-ethics-rules lion, reassures Hamlet. He strongly supports the view that ‘‘radiation causes no health effects even in sensitive population groups when its emission does not produce thermal effects. The side effects, (he clarifies), only occur when the microwaves are at the ionization threshold, i.e., when the photons have enough energy to ionize atoms, and then, only then, do they cause a measurable increase in tissue temperature and damage, ‘a view that is not mine alone,’ (Blacklion stresses, rolling his eyes in a muffled voice full of importance to understand the gravity of his views to Hamlet,) but it is similar to that of the international organizations ICNIRP and WHO EMF Project’ and the European SCENHIR, and is based on the science of physics.’’ But how is it possible, thinks Hamlet, that my temperature should not rise to 1 degree Celsius for my whole body or 4 degrees Celsius for the tissues and at the same time my ear should buzz with the so-called ‘‘microwave hearing effect’’ which is said to produce a thermoelastic interaction at the site of the auditory cortex of the brain(191) and then transmit this to the auditory nerve to sound like a buzz or a hiss, when, according to the theory, the radiation is non-ionized, i.e. the photons do not have enough energy to ionize atoms and the heat produced is so only slightly greater than normal that the rise is only 0.0001 degrees Celsius, as Wikipedia states,(192) i.e. an infinitesimal fraction of an infinitesimal fraction greater than normal? Hamlet cannot find any logical answer to the question of how it is that microwaves can affect his brain and in turn affect his ears without a sufficient temperature rise as a driving force, all interactions remain - supposedly - confined to this hum, and ICNIRP claims that microwaves do not create any adverse effects if there is no temperature rise in the tissues above 4 degrees Celsius. Whitelion announces that in addition to the Havana syndrome, (in which one of the main disturbances is a strange and annoying buzzing sound), a syndrome that has been admitted to be caused by microwave radiation, there are thousands of papers available in the palace basements reporting adverse effects and a few fewer reporting positive effects(193)(194) at levels https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 27 far below ionization levels, a fact that shows that certain specific microwave frequencies positively affect the physiology of the organism, especially when their use is significantly limited in time, and negatively affect it most of the time when it is increased, in spite of ICNIRP, WHO EMF Project, SCENHIR and the one-eyed physics of some scientists, because there is different physics and especially biophysics of other more specialized scientists that explains more broadly and more accurately the facts.(I) Meanwhile, in the USA, the FDA, with the https://corporateeurope.org/en/news/banking-revolving-door-rules-fullright hemisphere of logic, states that microloopholes-former-finance-officials waves do not cause effects, while with the left hemisphere it has given permission for the use of microwaves emitting devices below the thermal limits (ionization), which in spite of the same logic of the right hemisphere which states that no effects occur, there are medical microwave emitting devices do cause effects by helping sufferers(!) and…, as is self-evident, but largely unknown, they have effects at levels far below thermal or ionization limits. ‘‘My opinion (explains Whitelion, whose roots are in Greek Denmark), is that the prime ministers and presidents of the states of European Denmark, as well as their top officials, such as ministers, deputy ministers, and others, have little responsibility for this strange situation. This is because the telecommunications multinationals ‘‘created’’ favorable situations in scientific organizations that influenced and inevitably shaped the policy of the governments, whose officials ‘‘lawfully’’ followed their instructions. See, for example, what happened to the former Health Commissioner, Mr. Vitennis Andreukaitis. In 2020, two scientists in a paper in the prestigious journal ‘Molecular and Clinical Oncology’ highlighted the complete ignorance or misinformation of former Health Commissioner Vitennis Andreukaitis and heavily criticized the scientific committees on which he relied to support his proponent views on 5G, leaving clear accusations that he is completely irrelevant, as is the European Commission in general! Specifically, Drs. Hardell and Nyberg emphasized, among other things, the following: ‘‘...The Commission seems to be poorly informed or even misinformed. This is because the EU appears to receive information mainly from two fraudulent organizations, ICNIRP and SCENHIR, but not from independent investigators. The EU does not seem to rely on credible science and therefore downplays the risks associated with radio frequencies.’’(195) ‘‘To create a favorable climate for multinationals (Whitelion continues), three scientific centers were targeted. (I) «The effects of radiation and 5G on DNA, skin, blood and cell surface» (on page 275). https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 28 The WHO and especially its interlocking committee, the ‘WHO EMF Project.’ The SCENHIR, denounced as corrupt and dismantled; the international commission ICNIRP, for which there is a rich collection of unfavorable papers and articles on its activities, as well as numerous complaints. See also a fact, striking in its absurdity. ICNIRP accepts without the usual ‘yes buts’ that wireless radiation affects brain waves, both during wakefulness and during sleep. However, this terribly inconceivable fact is not harmful in her view. And the question arises whether it is possible that the rhythm of brain waves can be altered by radiation day and night and a scientist or ordinary citizen can regard this frightening fact as perfectly safe.(196) In all this, there is also a filthy camarilla of the countries of the American and European Denmark, who make extensive use of ‘revolving doors,’ i.e. moving from private companies to public organizations or else from where the E.E. has placed them in top positions, they jump to high-paying positions in the private sector and vice versa, both in the American(197)(198) and in the European kingdoms of Denmark, as for example did the decade-long President of the European Commission, José Barroso, who, upon leaving the Commission, immediately found not one, not two, but twenty-two jobs, as did five of his thirteen Commissioners and Commissioners’ assistants, who served the Commission in key positions, such as the then Competition Commissioner Joaquín Almunia, the then Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding, while the Estonian Sim Kalas became a consultant to the Nortal IT group, and former Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht found a job at the telecoms company Proximus and at the same time found a few other additional positions to fill his time and fill his wallet.(199) The revolving doors have never stopped, (the Whitelion points this out to Hamlet.) See for example, that of the seven accredited lobbyists in the European Parliament in 2019, four are from people who previously held top positions in the EU.(200) 99% of the requests from top EU bureaucrats, who asked for permission to work in the private sector, were accepted by the EU without any real control, almost blindfolded, (whispers the same courtier). For example, the Finnish Aura Salla(201), having learned all the tricks by working alongside top EU officials, three months after leaving the EU, took leave from the EU and was hired by Facebook as the Public Relations Director, while according to the internal rules, EU officials who leave cannot work in areas adjacent to their responsibilities for two years.(202) Note also, (continues the dry courtier, whom Hamlet suspects has a great deal of anger in him because of his Mediterranean torments), that Facebook has been named a ‘digital gangster’ by the British Parliament, following an inquiry.(203) Your Majesty (continues the same courtier) should also note what is happening with the French Commissioner Thierry Breton, as a minimum example of revolving doors, who is responsible for the internal market and among other things for digital Europe, which means that he regulates or has a say on wireless issue and of course those related to the new 5G technology. Mr. Breton used to work for a company, Atos, that promoted and promoted 5G having received hundreds of millions from the EU for this work. Today, Commissioner Breton regulates and controls 5G issues! https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 29 Atos has received €67 million since 2014 alone from the Horizon2020 research fund. The two main areas funded are high-tech projects (e.g., 5G, massive data) and security, including cybersecurity and border controls. In 2018, the same multinational received funding of around €107 million from the EU Commission. These contracts cover projects in 5G networks, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, massive data, high-performance computing, and financial security. As the CEO of Atos, Breton himself was often at the forefront of the lobbying to influence EU decisions! He met twice with former President Juncker to support Atos’ positions, a meeting that is considered to have been extremely privileged, as President Juncker held few meetings during his entire term of office. The social media used by Breton also revealed that he met with then Vice President of the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip and the Commissioner between 2017-2019 Digital Economy and Society Marilla Gabrielle. Gabrielle was not the only person Breton put pressure on. She would become a colleague in his new role after 2019. The French media reported that he also knew Ursula von der Leyen from her time as Germany’s defense minister and EU presidential candidate.(204) This, and much more, was written about my Lord Breton,’’ (says with feigned humility and a bowed head, as Whitelion glances at Hamlet, trying to understand how everything he mentions affects him). Simultaneously, questions arise in the Prince’s mind when he is informed by the same courtier that the protector of Health in European Denmark, Commissioner Stella Kyriakidou,(205) to strengthen her support for 5G, invokes the 2015 study of the abolished European committee SCENHIR,(206) a study that has been deemed unscientific and flawed by several important scientists,(207)(208)(209) while Mrs. Kyriakidou, who has no knowledge in the field of biophysics and telecommunications, seems to consider what is said by SCENHIR, the committee that the Commission itself dissolved(!) and replaced it with another similar committee, most probably because of allegations of interference by its members! Whitelion informs Hamlet that he considers Mrs. Kyriakidou is a person of excellent morals who ‘‘adorns politics and the Commission, but is apparently completely unaware of the health effects of radiation and the question (apart from her husband’s extensive activities in the oil market and oil refining(210)), that he is a top executive of a telecommunications company EPIC,(211) that has branches in other Asian and European countries, such as Cyprus, and in 2019 installed a 5G network throughout Monaco.(212)(213) Of course, I am not correlating the support provided to 5G by the highly ethical Mrs. Kyriakidou, with the support provided to 5G by the reportedly intertwined Commissioner Breton, I am simply mentioning that one area of Mrs. Kyriakidou’s husband’s business is the support provided to 5G. Kyriakidou’s business concerns mobile telephony and 5G and this may constitute a conflict of interest,’’ the courtier understates and continues by stating that ‘‘as confirmation of the safety of radiation from 5G, it is proposed by Mrs. Kyriakidou, in addition to the SCENHIR study denounced as flimsy, a technical study by French scientists who were paid to write a study for the trade shows, since it was ambiguous and clearly wrong.(214) These gentlemen, after clarifying that they are not https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 30 aware of the health - 5G radiation issue, and pointing out that some scientists researching it have dependencies with industry, (so they are not objective...,) note that their role is to shed light on this issue (which they are not aware of) and then negate the shedding of light on our ignorance by stating that it is not their role to shed light on it. And while at the end of their study, they make their recommendations for the steps that the EU should take and while they have not conducted any work in the field of 5G radiation - health, and without belonging to the field of biophysical sciences or similar, they recommend that the research in the field of 5G radiation - health should be done by the relevant scientific committee of the EU SCHEER, the one that succeeded the SCENHIR, which has been dissolved due to the complexities of the SCENHIR research that has not yet been carried out and should have been carried out in 2018! I have the feeling, (the courtier continues), that there are big games being played in the Brussels Denmark at the expense of our health. An example: Many years ago, some Brussels officials chose, as members of the SCENHIR committee, scientists who knew that they had only one opinion. That view was that wireless radiation was harmless. The Danish mayors knew this view because the scientists selected had already made it known in papers and other ways! Only ONE member of the committee had a different view that wireless radiation is dangerous, and unfortunately, in the process, his view was ‘buried.’ What was the health-risk continuum? (The courtier poses the rhetorical question to Hamlet). The final SCENHIR conclusion came out in 2015, which, although strongly disputed by other scientists, has since been regurgitated as persuasive gum by EU Health Commissioners as well as government and other officials in every state of European Denmark, telling us ... ‘you see’, SCENHIR said, so ‘shut up’ and do not ask for further studies because they have been done and show that all is well and good.... The strange thing is that a year after this finding, in 2016, the European Commissioners quietly disbanded the SCENHIR, apparently because of complaints against it, and knowing that if scientists (out of hundreds) had been selected who believed that radiation was dangerous and only ONE member had the opinion that it was harmless, then we would have had a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FINDING today, stating that radiation is potentially dangerous! What is the lesson of this grim reality? (The courtier repeats this rhetorical question, only to state immediately). Scientific findings are directly related to the MAJORITIES in scientific committees! The scientists who are selected in the EU (and in other state or non-state committees) are those who have certain opinions. So it is known in advance what they will ‘vote’ on as to what is dangerous to the military-industrial complex and what is not and they serve it up as science. But this is not an independent science. It is biased science. Independent science would be if there were people on these committees with diverse views. Do you have the courage to investigate one more small part of this strange continuum? (poses a real and not a rhetorical question to Hamlet the courtier, who shakes his wise Princely head in https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 31 the affirmative). The successor to the defunct SCENHIR, as I mentioned before, was SCHEER, which, when it was set up in 2016, spoiled the soup of the EU Commission and the SCENHIR, because it declared in 2018 that 5G is potentially dangerous and that it is urgent to investigate the issue immediately. And what did the Commission do? The duck!.... Instead of ordering SCHEER to immediately check the 5G issue on the basis of existing work and to give a few tens of millions for systematic laboratory tests with 5G radiation, it did nothing and at the same time did a lot in the wrong direction. He gave hundreds of millions to companies to develop only the technical part of 5G! Here is a small body of work describing this situation, which has a single explanation. What can the Commissioners do when they must deal with 25 000 highly paid lobbyists who are committed to serving the interests of the industry, which spends EUR 1.5 billion every year for this purpose?’’ (says the courtier in a dramatic tone. And with a theatrical gesture, he leaves a large packet of papers on the Prince oak table.)(215)(216)(217)(218)(219)(220)(221)(222)(223)(224)(225)(226)(227) (228)(229)(230) ‘‘The second committee (the courtier continues) that supports the unscientific claim that radiation effects are generated only at thermal levels is the WHO EMF Project’, which bases, its claims on a flimsy foundation. On work carried out up to 1993(!) i.e., work that does not involve mobile phones!’’ The most important tragic and at the same time comic events, especially for this notorious and pivotal year 1993, which show that the assurances of the ‘‘WHO EMF Project’’ are dangerous fairy tales, are revealed by a leading scientist, Dr. Martin Pall, who, in his thorough work which he sent to the WHO, and the E.E., in the form of an appeal representing dozens of scientists calling for a halt to the installation of 5G, situations that make Hamlet listen to them from his courtier, almost wide-eyed, and in the end he burst into that paroxysm of laughter and weeps that portend nothing good. ‘‘...In the early days of the mobile phone controversy, in 1993, (writes Dr. Pall), the industry put enormous effort into its public relations with the media, despite lawsuits and unfavorable reports that crippled it. Paul Staiano, President of Motorola General Systems, stated in an interview with ABC on 20/20 1993(231) that ‘Forty years of research and more than ten thousand studies have proven that cell phones are safe.’ So, I wondered how many studies on mobile-phone safety, or lack of safety had been published by the end of 1993. The way I did this was to search the PubMed database using keywords (cell or cellular phones or mobile phones). I found about 11,000 results, 99% of which had nothing to do with health and safety, and then I looked at the few studies published before the end of 1993. The only study that I found that had any relevance to health or safety was on safety when driving using a mobile phone, giving inconclusive results on driving safety. Apparently, there were no studies on mobile-phone safety at the time. Moreover, even if there were studies, they could not prove that ‘‘mobile phones are safe.’’ https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 32 At best, they would show that there was no statistically significant evidence of an effect, but that only suggests that you have not confirmed an effect, not that you have proved otherwise. This propaganda statement is pure nonsense. Furthermore, we know that the review study by Panagopoulos et al, (232) showed that 46 out of 48 studies using genuine mobile phones showed effects. The data are exactly the opposite of what the industry propaganda claims.’’(233) And so, ‘‘the naive or ignorant subjects of European Denmark,’’ thinks Hamlet, who cannot yet recover from what has gone before, ‘‘believe unscientific claims presented as valid and valid today, carried over from the distant 1993(234) of non-existent relevant research. And what makes me particularly worried is that the new and recent preliminary study by this group of scientists for the WHO EMF Project is judged to be completely biased and full of ‘strange’ conclusions by another leading scientist, Dariusz Leszczynski.’’(235) ‘‘The third committee (continues Whitelion), on which the governments of the world’s Denmark have based their assessments and decisions, is the ICNIRP, for which there is extensive and highly unfavorable criticism of its activities. A study by the European Parliament’s Environment Committee states that the safety limits set by ICNIRP are unsafe and that ‘the origins and structure of ICNIRP are not at all clear, and we suspect that it has rather close links with industry,’(236) while the report of two MEPs on ICNIRP suggests that the European Parliament should not rely on the recommendations of this corrupt committee, and that the European Union should create its own committee.’’(237) Hamlet, because of his indecisiveness and the mania that has possessed him in his search for truth since the murder of his King father, falls into a long and prolonged meditation. After some time, he comes to the conclusion that something strange is indeed happening in the kingdoms of Denmark. All the governors, the relevant ministers, the relevant agencies, and perhaps the media should listen carefully, evaluate the data objectively, and take seriously the 29 scientists of the IARC, the WHO’s top committee, who have classified wireless radiation as potentially carcinogenic. Instead, they choose to blindly follow the suggestions of a small, denounced as an interlocking non-governmental organization, the ICNIRP of 14 members,(238) whose views are far removed from those of the majority of the hundreds of members of the scientific community specializing in this field.(I) Despite the documented and clear statements of independent scientists, despite the confessions of ICNIRP, and the WHO of the by no means negligible and unpleasant effects of radio frequencies, despite the fact that the ICNIRP disclaims any responsibility for any adverse effects of the safety instructions it gives for radiation protection, despite the blatant interlocking of the US FCC with telecommunications multinationals, despite the revolving doors of interests of top officials in the EU, and the United States, despite the fact that major insurance companies refuse to provide insurance for radiation risks or damage,(II) despite the potential reduction in property values with the immediate proximity of antennas, despite the coming (I) «Are the agencies that set safety limits one-eyed?» (on page 91). (II) «Aesthetic degradation and the potential reduction in rental value» (on page 629). https://wifisos.wordpress.com biblical pollution in the earth’s environment with the Internet of Things,(III)(239) and the Internet of Bodies, while pollution will increase sharply in the skies with the Internet of Satellites and in the seas it is predicted that pollution will become nightmarish with the Internet of the Oceans,(IV) despite the possible damage to the health of humans,(V) animals and plants,(VI) despite the final confirmation of the REFLEX scientific work by the German judiciary,(240) a work which found that radiation causes DNA breakage, (and not only)(241) despite the fact that in South Africa it has been accepted that biological and even adverse influence of electromagnetic fields and this has been recorded by the Ombudsman, as well as in the Supreme and High Court of the country, through the respective petitions filed by the head of the branch of the WHO (International EMF Project & Optical Radiation,(242) James Lech,(VII) and despite the fact that 5G is a powerful geopolitical weapon for the buffalo states fighting in the swamp and almost useless for the citizen-frogs, who are usually squashed by the buffaloes, despite possible intertwining of scientists and officials in the U.S. and Europe, European Danish leaders and other local leaders are cheering and rubbing their hands in favor of 5G, while the Media supports them because they are increasing their revenue with ads for 5G. Hamlet, seeing all this, exclaims in despair: ‘‘To live or not to live when the brakes of 5G are broken and rotten?’’ At this point, Shakespeare, the author of Hamlet, decides to intervene because he sees that his hero is in possible suicidal danger, and unable to cope with living in a strange, suffocating, and erratic situation. He tenderly urges him to depart immediately from this bizarre, absurd, and perhaps dangerous theatrical stage flooded with the wireless radiation of trillions of antennas... We will continue to deal with all these strange and pollution data and looking much deeper analysis of the scientific issues. (III) «Many claims about 5G are masterful lies?» (on page 447). (IV) «5G an environmental disaster» (on page 487). (V) «The effects of radiation and 5G on DNA, blood and cell surface» (on page 275). (VI) «The effects of radiation and 5G on plants, animals and especially bees» (on page 207). (VII) James Lech, Chair & Director, World Health Organization, International EMF Project & Optical Radiation at The National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameslech/ Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 34 NOTES (1) ECRR Non-Ionizing Radiation Risk Committee - Proposed Unit to quantify exposure. Proposed Exposure Limits - https://euradcom.eu/ecrr/ (2) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks SCHEER Statement on emerging health and environmental issues (2018) - https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/scientific_committees/ scheer/docs/ scheer_s_002.pdf (3) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) Request for a scientific Opinion on Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) - https://health.ec.europa.eu/ system/files/2021-07/ scheer_q_023_0.pdf https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAMQw7AJahcKEwi A77P36bH5AhUAAAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg&url=https%3A%2F%2Fec.europa. eu%2Fhealth%2Fdocument%2Fdownload%2F 98a4fdeb-ed7d-4571-9373-46dad2a4c637_en&psig=AOvVaw0WupOUAsN-1r8cblj35obi&ust=1659861418491981 (4) Resolution 1815 (2011) - The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment - Parliamentary Assembly - http://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/XRef/Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid=17994& (5) The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment Report. Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs Rapporteur: Mr Jean HUSS, Luxembourg, Socialist Group. Doc. 12608 6 May 2011 - http://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/xref/xref-xml2html-en.asp?fileid=13137 (6) Electromagnetic fields and the public: EMF standards and estimation of risk, by Yury Grigoriev, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, RNCNIRP, and Federal Medical Biophysical Centre, FMBA, Moscow, Russia. 2010 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 10 012003 - https://iopscience.iop.org/ article/10.1088/1755-1315/10/1/012003/ pdf0from%20wireless%20devices%20and%20mobile%20phones%20 -%20JRS%20E.webarchive (7) 5G and health - https://www.healthcouncil.nl/documents/advisory-reports/2020/09/02/5g-and-health (8) Is there evidence for oxidative stress caused by electromagnetic fields? A summary of relevant observations in experimental animal and cell experiments related to health effects in the last ten years Prof Meike Mevissen, University of Bern Dr David Schürmann, University of Basel BERENIS - BERENIS - The Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields and non-ionising radiation Newsletter - Special Issue January 2021 (9) The Court of Appeal of Turin confirms the link between a head tumour and mobile phone use - https://www. phonegatealert.org/en/the-court-of-appeal-of-turin-confirms-the-link-between-a-head-tumour-and-mobilephone- use (10) (50) ICEMS Position Paper on the Cerebral Tumor Court Case - Final Paper - http://www.icems.eu/docs/ ICEMS_ Position_paper.pdf?f=/c/a/2009/12/15/MNHJ1B49KH.DTL (11) Italian court finds link between cell phone use and tumor, by COLLEEN BARRY - Associated Press - Thursday, April 20, 2017 - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/20/italian-court-finds-link-between-cell-phone-use-an/Italian court rules cellphone use linked to tumor - https://www.dw.com/en/italiancourt-rules-cellphone-use-linked-to- tumor/a-38527193 https://www.bc-legal.co.uk/bcdn/1036-298-italian-court-of-appeal-upholds-unique-precedent-that-mobilephones- cause-brain-tumours (12) BioInitiative Working Group Comments on 2014 SCENHIR Preliminary Opinion on Potential Health Effects of EMF. April 12th, 2014 - https://bioinitiative.org/potential-health-effects-emf/ Further critique of the SCENHIR spin - https://www.emfacts.com/2014/05/further-critique-of-the-SCENHIRspin/ Complaint to the European Commission concerning the 2015 SCENHIR opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields - http://www.iemfa.org/wp-content/pdf/Complaint-to-the-European-Commission- SCENHIR-2015-08-31.pdf 2/03/2015 - New SCENHIR opinion on EMFs - https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/2015-03-02-SCENHIRprocess.pdf https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 35 Comment] Health risks from radiofrequency radiation, including 5G, should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest - Lennart Hardell Michael Carlberg July 15, 2020 - https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2020.11876 Else K. Nordhagen* and Einar Flydal. self-referencing authorships behind the ICNIRP 2020 radiation protection guidelines. June 27, 2022. reviews on environmental health - https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2022-0037 Call for an overhaul of SCENHIR membership, by Dariusz Leszczynksi - https://betweenrockandhardplace. wordpress. com/2014/05/09/call-for-an-overhaul-of-SCENHIR-membership/ Very problematic SCENHIR Report, by Dariusz Leszczynksi - https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress. com/2014/03/07/very-problematic-SCENHIR-report/ Eileen O’Connor on SCENHIR: Is Science Being Hidden from the Public? By Eileen O’Connor, Director, Radiation Research Trust - https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/eileen-oconnor-onSCENHIR-is-science-being- hidden-from-the-public/ Breaking News: Industry bias exposed in SCENHIR’s scientific assessment From Eileen OConnor, UK Radiation Research Trust. 01 MAY 14 - breaking-news-industry-bias-exposed-in-SCENHIRs-scientific-assessment Susan D. Foster, MSW: SCENHIR Preliminary Report on Potential Health Effects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields. Domingo 18 de mayo de 2014 - 3319 lecturas - spip.php HOW EXACTLY ARE WIRELESS RADIATION STUDIES FALSIFIED AND MADE TO APPEAR INCONSISTENT AND INCONCLUSIVE? Excerpt from Chapter 5 of: 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them. Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences Washington State University - how exactly are wireless radiation studiesNew York (.gov)https://documents.dps.ny.gov ‘ public ‘ ViewDoc The EU-report SCENHIR a scientific fraud paving the way for business as usual. By Mona Nilsson, 2015 https://www. stralskyddsstiftelsen.se/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/SCENHIR_danishcohort_2015.pdf To Dr Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner of Health cc: EU Commission for Health and Food Safety, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, European Council and EU President Donald Tusk. cc: Council of Europe - Respectfully submitted Rainer Nyberg EdD, Professor Emeritus. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Oncologist - https://environmentandcancer. com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/2018-01-17_5G_Letter_ Vytenis_Andriukaitis_Donald_Tusk.pdf Exhibit F: An Update on Physical and Biological Variables, Cancer and Safety Standards by Igor Belyaev, Dr.Sc., Cancer Research Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic - https://www.albany.edu/ihe/ assets/Exhibit_F_-_ Belyaev_ELF_RFR_SCENHIR_IB.pdf John F. Ryan, Acting Director, Public Health Directorate, Health and Consumers Directorate General European Commission, L-2920 Luxembourg Sent Via Email. Subject: SCENHIR conflicts of interests, by Iris Atzmon atzmonh@ bezeqint.net - 25 August 2014 - Iris.Atzmon,25.09.2014.pdf Aspects on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 2020 Guidelines on Radiofrequency Radiation by Lennart Hardell, Mona Nilsson, Tarmo Koppel, Michael Carlberg - J Cancer Sci Clin Ther 2021; 5 (2): 250-285 DOI: 10.26502/jcsct.5079117 - https://www.fortunejournals.com/articles/aspects-on-the-international- commission-on-nonionizing-radiation-protection-icnirp-2020-guidelines-on-radiofrequency-radiation.pdf PUC Docket 2011-262 Friedman et al, On Remand Intervenor DW et al, 3rd Revision Evidence 2 - Eyes March 5, 2013 - 2.0 Evidence That Exposure to EMF Radiation Can Cause Adverse Biological Effects to Eyes - http:// www. mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/EV2-Eyes-Revised-List3-5-13PUC-411.pdf The SCENHIR Report 2014 and The Suppression of Dr. Lennart Hardell’s Science From Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director, Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley Center: http://cfch.berkeley.edu - https://www.emfacts.com/2014/09/the-SCENHIR-report-2014-andthe-suppression- of-dr-lennart-hardells-science/ (13) COMMISSION DECISION of 7.8.2015 on establishing Scientific Committees in the field of public health, consumer safety and the environment - Brussels, 7.8.2015 C(2015) 5383 final - call_2015_5383_decision_with_ https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 36 annexes_en.pdf (14) Adlkofer F., Tauber R.W., Rüdiger H.G., Wobus A.M., Trillo A., Leszczynski D., Kolb H.A., Bersani F., Lagroye I., Kuster N., et al. Bioelectromagnetics Current Concepts. Springer; Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 2004. [Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods. Final Report of a Project Funded by the European Union under the Programme Quality of Life and Manage- ment of Living Resources. Available online: https://itis.swiss/assets/ Downloads/Papers-Reports/Reports/REFLEXFinal-Re- port171104.pdf. (15) Evaluation of the genotoxicity of cell phone radiofrequency radiation in male and female rats and mice following subchronic exposure, by Stephanie L Smith-Roe , Michael E Wyde, Matthew D Stout, John W Winters, Cheryl A Hobbs, Kim G Shepard, Amanda S Green, Grace E Kissling, Keith R Shockley, Raymond R Tice, John R Bucher, Kristine L Witt. Envi- ronmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, Volume 61, Issue 2. PMID: 31633839 PMCID: PMC7027901 DOI: 10.1002/em.22343 - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ em.22343 (16) Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natu- ral death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission, by Falcioni L, Bua L, Tibaldi E, Lauriola M, De Angelis L, Gnudi F, Mandrioli D, Manservigi M, Manservisi F, Manzoli I, Menghet- ti I, Montella R, Panzacchi S, Sgargi D, Strollo V, Vornoli A, Belpoggi F. 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Starkey - https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2016-0060 (21) The Lies Must Stop Disband ICNIRP- Facts Matter, Now More Than Ever. April 9, 2020 - https://microwavenews.com/ news-center/time-clean-house (22) complaint on behalf of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation - https://www.google.com/ url?sa=t&rct=- j& q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiCl7XBjObpAhUICewKHfzYCL0QFjAAegQIBRAB&url=https%3A%2F%2F(23) Assessment of the public health effects of exposure to EM radiation from 5G wireless communications (and supporting 3G, 4G) - https://wifisos.wordpress.com/2023/02/03/αξιολόγηση-των-επιπτώσεωνστη- public/ (24) ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields, by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Director Center for Family and Community Health School of Public Health. University of California, Berkeley -https://www. saferemr.com/2018/07/ ICNIRPs-exposure-guidelines-for-radio.html World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health - a hard nut to crack (Review), by Lennart Hardell. June 21 ICNIRP’s Exposure Guidelines for Radio Frequency Fields, 2017 - https://doi.org/10.3892/ ijo.2017.4046 (25) EHT WINS IN HISTORIC DECISION, FEDERAL COURT ORDERS FCC TO EXPLAIN WHY IT IGNORED SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE SHOWING HARM FROM WIRELESS RADIATION. Aug 16, 2021 - https://ehtrust.org/in-historic-decision-federal-court-finds- fcc-failed-to-explain-why-it-ignored-scientific-evidence-showing-harm-from-wireless-radiation/ (26) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST ET AL. V. FCC KEY DOCUMENTS Jan 18, 2021 - https:// https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 37 ehtrust.org/environmental- health-trust-et-al-v.../ (27) In his shocking analysis of the repeated and dangerous fairy tale that non- ionizing mobile phone radiation does not cause health problems, academic Denis Henshaw concludes in his paper by stating the following: ‘‘It is a fallacy to think that because mobile phone radio waves do not have the quantum energy necessary to damage DNA, they cannot cause adverse health effects. This position is problematic on several levels. It is contradicted by the very science of physics on which it is supposed to be based, is disproved by chemistry and biology. Above all, this theory does not derive from the tens of thousands of peer-reviewed studies reporting biological effects due to exposure to electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation, including those associated with radio wave frequencies emitted by cell phones.’’ https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/.../guest.../ An even more shocking one, precisely because it is highly documented, is the interpretation of University Professor Loukas Margaritis, Professor Emeritus of Cell Biology, Cell Differentiation, Radiobiology and Electron Microscopy, with more published papers in the field of radiation than any other Greek scientist, on how non-thermal tissue damage occurs from microwave radiation: In answering a physicist’s question, he accepted that microwave photons have less energy than that of visible light. But his clarifications subsequently created a strong shock to the scientific weight of claims that no tissue damage occurs at non-ionization (non-thermal) limits. As he stated: ‘‘...indeed microwave photons have extremely lower energy than infrared and visible light. But any biological effect is a function of other factors such as penetration, resonance, etc. For example, a beam of light does not penetrate paper or cloth or even skin, while lower energy radio frequency does. In another area we observe that photosynthesis is carried out by visible light, which has higher energy, and not by ultraviolet radiation. Microwave penetration depends on the formula σE^2/ρ where σ = the specific conductivity of the material, E = the field strength in V/m and ρ = the density of the material. In contrast, the absorption of visible light follows Lambert Beer’s law with optical properties. In addition to the above, communication frequencies are pulsed because they carry information. These pulses are bio-active and regardless of thermal damage, they act non-thermally by forming free radicals, which indirectly can break chemical bonds. Through oxidative stress and disruption of the movement of ions in cell membranes, they cause many side effects, such as memory disorders, headaches, immune disorders, skin allergies, carcinogenesis, etc. Now regarding the 5G millimetric waves above 5GHz theoretically the penetration will be limited to the skin with unknown effects on long exposure since there are no studies. Moreover the new type of MIMO antennas we do not know exactly what beams they will send.’’ Margaritis Lukas, Prof Emeritus of Cell Biology, Electron Microscopy, Faculty of Biology, Athens University https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=L4QhXW8AAAAJ&hl=el (29) Article from the WHO EMF Project - full of bias and oddities creating more questions than giving answers.pdf (30) 5G: une empreinte carbone pas neutre, alerte le Haut Conseil pour le climat, Par Stéphane Mandard. Publié le 19 décembre 2020 - https://www.lemonde.fr/climat/article/2020/12/19/5g-une-empreinte-carbone-pas-neutre-alerte-le- haut-conseil-pour-le-climat_6063923_1652612.html (31) Radiation from wireless technology affects the blood, the heart, and the autonomic nervous system1), by Magda Havas. Reviews on Environmental Health. 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This study has been written by Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, BSC, PhD, International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology Fellow (IATPF), Ramazzini Institute, Bologna (Italy), at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate- General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament. The scoping review search was performed by Dr Daria Sgargi, PhD, Master in Biostatistics, and Dr Andrea Vornoli, PhD in Cancer Research, Ramazzini Institute, Bologna - https://www.europarl.europa. eu/thinktank/et/document.html?reference=EPRS_ STU%282021%29690012 (38) Lerchl A, Klose M, Grote K, Wilhelm AF, Spathmann O, Fiedler T, Streckert J, Hansen V, Clemens M. Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Apr 17;459(4):585-90. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.02.151. Epub 2015 Mar 6. PMID: 25749340. (39) Georgiou, C.D.; Kalaitzopoulou, E.; Skipitari, M.; Papadea, P.; Varemmenou, A.; Gavriil, V.; Sarantopoulou, E.; Kollia, Z.; Cefalas, A.-C. Physical Differences between Man-Made and Cosmic Microwave Electromagnetic Radiation and Their Exposure Limits, and Radiofrequencies as Generators of Biotoxic Free Radicals. Radiation 2022,2,285-302. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/radiation2040022 (40) Human-made electromagnetic fields: ion forced-oscillation and voltage-gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage (Review) Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, Andreas Karabarbounis, Igor Yakymenko, and George P. Chrousos. Int J Oncol. 2021 Nov; 59(5): 92. 2021 Oct 6. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2021.5272 - https:// pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/34617575/ (41) Increased blood-brain barrier permeability in mammalian brain 7 days after exposure to the radiation from a GSM- 900 mobile phone, by Henrietta Nittby, Arne Brun, Jacob Eberhardt, Lars Malmgren, Bertil R.R. Persson, Leif G. Salford - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pathophys.2009.01.001 Nerve Cell Damage in Mammalian Brain after Exposure to Microwaves from GSM Mobile Phones, by Leif G. Salford, Arne E. Brun, Jacob L. Eberhardt, Lars Malmgren, and Bertil R. R. Persson. June 2003 - https://doi. org/10.1289/ehp.6039 - https:// ehp.niehs.nih.gov/doi/pdf/10.1289/ehp.6039 (42) Brown, F.A. (1962) Response of the planarian, Dugesia, to very weak horizontal electrostatic fields. Biol Bullet, 123, 282-294. (43) Brown, F.A. (1966). effects and after-effects on planarians of reversals of the horizontal magnetic vector. nature, 209, 533-535. (44) Stewart, S., Rojas-Munoz, A. & Izpisua Belmonte, J.C. (2007). bioelectricity and epimorphic regeneration. BioEssays, 29, 1133-1137. (45) Adams, D.S. (2008). A new tool for tissue engineers: ions as regulators of morphogenesis during development and regeneration.Tissue Eng, 14, 1461-1468. (46) Barghouth, P.G., Thiruvalluvan, M. & Oviedo, N.J. 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International Journal of Oncology. June 2017 DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2017.4046 - https://www.researchgate. net/ publication/317799918_World_Health_Organization_radiofrequency_radiation_and_health_-_a_hard_nut_ to_crack_ Review (55) SCIENTISTS CALL FOR TRANSPARENCY AT THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EMF PROJECT. Dec 10, 2019 - https://ehtrust.org/scientists-call-for-transparency-at-the-world-health-organizationemf-project/ (56) Letter sent on November 1, 2020 after numerous emails that went unanswered - https://ehtrust.org/willthe-world- health-organization-dr-van-deventer-answer-questions-on-transparency/ (57) WHO and Electric Utilities: A Partnership on EMFs. October 1, 2005 - https://microwavenews.com/ news-center/ who-and-electric-utilities-partnership-emfs (58) Criticism of ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) & WHO International EMF Project: Criticism of the health assessment in the ICNIRP guidelines for radiofrequency and microwave radiation (100 kHz - 300 GHz) by Neil Cherry (2000) - https://www.chronicexposure.org/limitsICNIRP. html (59) CRITICISM OF THE HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN THE ICNIRP GUIDELINES FOR RADIOFREQUENCY AND MICROWAVE RADIATION (100 kHz - 300 GHz), by Dr Neil Cherry, Associate Professor of Environmental Health. 21st September 2002 - https://researcharchive.lincoln.ac.nz/bitstream/ handle/10182/3933/90_m4_EMR_ICNIRP_critique_09-02.pdf;jsessionid= 8E70E0A3E52B8390384A8C74E3C2F9D3?sequence=1 (60) Column 21. “IN EXPERTS WE TRUST” ...OR SHOULD WE? First published in The Washington Times Communities, by Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski - https://betweenrockandhardplace.files.wordpress. com/2012/09/21-in-experts-we-trust-or- should-we.pdf (61) Warning signs of a [ICNIRP] Cult... - https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/.../warnin.../ (62) Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks - SCHEER - Statement on emerging health and environmental issues (2018) - https://ec.europa.eu/health/sites/health/files/scientific_committees/ scheer/docs/ scheer_s_002.pdf (63) Starkey, Sarah J.. “Inaccurate official assessment of radiofrequency safety by the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation” Reviews on Environmental Health, vol. 31, no. 4, 2016, pp. 493-503. https://doi. org/10.1515/reveh-2016-0060 Mobile Phone Cover-up? Gov’t advisory body disbanded - inaccurate and misleading conclusions remain. 17th October 2018 / United Kingdom. By Annelie Fitzgerald - https://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/mobilephone-cover-up- govt-advisory-body-disbanded-inaccurate-and-misleading-conclusions-remain/SSITA Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance - Open letter to The Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education, Department for Education, 20 Great Smith St, Westminster, London SW1P 3BT. - https://ssita.org. uk/wp- content/uploads/2018/06/Open-letter-to-Rt-Hon-Damian-Hinds-June-Ist-2018.pdf (64) Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) - https://www.gov.uk/government/groups/committee-on-medical-aspects-of-radiation-in-the-environment-comare (65) https://www.onafhankelijkpapendrecht.nl/2020/01/30/motie-onderzoek-naar-gezondheidseffecten-v%C3%B3%C3%B3r-uitrol-5g/ (66) Significant discrepancy of opinions on 5G and health between ICNIRP and the Health Council of the Netherlands, by Dariusz Leszczynski. September 5, 2020 - https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress. com/2020/09/05/significant- discrepancy-of-opinions-on-5g-and-health-between-icnirp-and-the-health-councilof-the-netherlands/ (67) 5G and health - https://www.healthcouncil.nl/documents/advisory-reports/2020/09/02/5g-and-health https://wifisos.wordpress.com Introduction to Hamlet’s nightmare for microwaves and 5G - 40 (68) Health Impact of 5G. Study 22-07-2021. This study has been written by Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, BSC, PhD, International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology Fellow (IATPF), Ramazzini Institute, Bologna (Italy), at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament. The scoping review search was performed by Dr Daria Sgargi, PhD, Master in Biostatistics, and Dr Andrea Vornoli, PhD in Cancer Research, Ramazzini Institute, Bologna. - https://www.google. com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj6jsLSvrDzA hUqsKQKHYO8C1sQFnoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.europarl.europa.eu%2Fstoa%2Fen%2Fdocument%2FE PRS_ STU(2021)690012&usg=AOvVaw2nrHl1G1DfKuvOry5tiS8U (69) Health Council of the Netherlands and evaluation of the fifth generation, 5G, for wireless communication and cancer risks.Lennart Hardell.World J Clin Oncol.Jun 24, 2021; 12(6): 393-403 Published online Jun 24, 2021. doi: 10.5306/ wjco.v12.i6.393 - https://www.wjgnet.com/2218-4333/full/v12/i6/393.htm (70) 5G deployment in France: ANSES takes action to assess the health risks News of 26/01/2020 - https:// www.anses.fr/ en/content/5g-deployment-france-anses-takes-action-assess-health-risks The relevant reference is linked to the following quotation from an ANSES text: “The Agency identified two separate risk assessment fields corresponding to the two new 5G frequency bands (around 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz), which involve different modes of exposure. It highlighted a lack of scientific data on the potential biological and health effects associated with exposure to frequencies around 3.5 GHz. The experts will therefore assess the possibility of extrapolating the results of the Agency’s previous expert appraisal on the health impacts of the various existing communications technologies (3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc.).), which use frequencies close to the 3.5 GHz band, from 0.8 to 2.45 GHz. For the higher frequencies, between 20 and 60 GHz, there are more data available in the literature, so the expert appraisal work will focus on analysing them to assess the possible health impacts associated with exposure in the 26 GHz band”. (71) SESSION I - SESSION A - SESSION B - Tuesday 22 September 2020 - https://www.google. com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjI9YPZtd DtAhVMMewKHbITCZQQFjAKegQICBAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hellenicparliament.gr%2FUserFiles%2Fa08fc2dd61a9-4a83-b09a-09f4c564609d%2F%25CE%25A3%25CE%2598%25CE%2584%252022-9-2020_1.docx&usg=AOvVaw0ys U43gKK7N1dZdopeMFJR (72) Panagopoulos DJ, Johansson O, Carlo GL. Polarization: a key difference between man-made and natural electromagnetic fields, in regard to biological activity. Sci Rep. 2015;5:14914. doi: 10.1038/srep14914. doi: 10.1038/srep14914. Panagopoulos DJ, Messini N, Karabarbounis A, Filippetis AL, Margaritis LH. A mechanism for action of oscillating electric fields on cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000;272:634-640. doi: 10.1006/bbrc.2000.2746. Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, Margaritis LH. Mechanism for action of electromagnetic fields on cells. 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