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Section: Entomology Bibliography


This represents one of several sections of "A Bibliography Related to Crime Scene Interpretation with Emphases in Geotaphonomic and Forensic Archaeological Field Techniques, Nineteenth Edition" (The complete bibliography is also included at Academia.edu.). This is the most recent edition of a bibliography containing resources for multiple areas of crime scene, and particularly outdoor crime scene, investigations. It replaces the prior edition and contains approximately 10,000 additional citations. As an ongoing project, additional references, as encountered, will be added to future editions. The collection and analyses of insects, or invertebrates, from crime scenes is generally well known among homicide investigators and death scene investigators. It has been the compiler’s experience, however, that the actual practice of such collection, outside the presence of a forensic entomologist, is still overlooked or avoided. Often, an attitude prevails that that level of information is not necessary given the investigator’s knowledge of when an abduction took place, or a subject’s confession. In other situations, collections are not made simply because the investigators are not properly equipped with tools, chemicals, and packaging materials to collect and kill samples, or are not sure of what to do with, or how to store, live specimens. Entomological evidence is unique in that it is, in most criminal investigations, the only type of non-human evidence consisting of living, moving species. It is the hope of the compiler that this section will offer some answers toward appropriate collection procedures and equipment which are not expensive, do not involve a lot of time, or the need for additional manpower. The proper collection of entomological samples combined with accurate spatial, temporal, and environmental data, can yield valuable information toward determining postmortem intervals (Taphonomy - Decomposition and Time Since Death). Subject/Witness statements might be supported or disproved. Works such as Catts and Haskell (1990), and Lord and Burger (1983) have become standards in the field of forensic entomological procedures. In recent years compilations such as that by Byrd and Castner (2010) have demonstrated the increasing interest in forensic applications of a science which otherwise serves advancements in health and agriculture. Amendt, et al. (2007) offer "Standards and Guidelines" for this field of study. Entomology, as a means of determining post-mortem interval, continues to be scrutinized. This is not a bad thing. Any validation, clarification, or revocation of a forensic technique benefit crime scene interpretation. Many of the works below include laboratory analyses and research. That research goes beyond addressing the timing of a death or deposition (post-mortem interval) to toxicological determinations, interpretations of death scene versus depositional environments, et cetera. Like virtually every category in this bibliography, the study of entomology is contingent upon so many factors at a scene that an understanding of other disciplines is a neccessity. Obviously, taphonomy and pathology are directly related to insect activity on discovered remains. Environmental characteristics such as soils and plants, as well as body position either by accident or intentional, could influence the impact of insects in peri- and post-mortem activity. Again, the reader is refered to other categories such as Taphonomy, Geoarchaeology and Soil Science, and Criminal and Cultural Behavior. (2552 citations)

(Source: Olean Times, Wednesday, September 2, 1931, Page 2) Entomology The collection and analyses of insects, or invertebrates, from crime scenes is generally well known among homicide investigators and death scene investigators. It has been the compiler’s experience, however, that the actual practice of such collection, outside the presence of a forensic entomologist, is still overlooked or avoided. Often, an attitude prevails that that level of information is not necessary given the investigator’s knowledge of when an abduction took place, or a subject’s confession. In other situations, collections are not made simply because the investigators are not properly equipped with tools, chemicals, and packaging materials to collect and kill samples, or are not sure of what to do with, or how to store, live specimens. Entomological evidence is unique in that it is, in most criminal investigations, the only type of non-human evidence consisting of living, moving species. It is the hope of the compiler that this section will offer some answers toward appropriate collection procedures and equipment which are not expensive, do not involve a lot of time, or the need for additional manpower. The proper collection of entomological samples combined with accurate spatial, temporal, and environmental data, can yield valuable information toward determining postmortem intervals (Taphonomy - Decomposition and Time Since Death). Subject/Witness statements might be supported or disproved. Works such as Catts and Haskell (1990), and Lord and Burger (1983) have become standards in the field of forensic entomological procedures. In recent years compilations such as that by Byrd and Castner (2010) have demonstrated the increasing interest in forensic applications of a science which otherwise serves advancements in health and agriculture. Amendt, et al. (2007) offer "Standards and Guidelines" for this field of study. Entomology, as a means of determining post-mortem interval, continues to be scrutinized. This is not a bad thing. Any validation, clarification, or revocation of a forensic technique benefit crime scene interpretation. 1263 Many of the works below include laboratory analyses and research. That research goes beyond addressing the timing of a death or deposition (post-mortem interval) to toxicological determinations, interpretations of death scene versus depositional environments, et cetera. Like virtually every category in this bibliography, the study of entomology is contingent upon so many factors at a scene that an understanding of other disciplines is a neccessity. Obviously, taphonomy and pathology are directly related to insect activity on discovered remains. Environmental characteristics such as soils and plants, as well as body position either by accident or intentional, could influence the impact of insects in peri- and post-mortem activity. Again, the reader is refered to other categories such as Taphonomy, Geoarchaeology and Soil Science, and Criminal and Cultural Behavior. (2552 citations) Aak, A., G.K. Knudsen, and A. Soleng 2010 Wind Tunnel Behavioural Response and Field Trapping of the Blowfly Calliphora vicina. Med Vet Entomol, 24:25-257. Aballay, Fernando H., M. Cecilia Dominguez, and Florencia Fernandez Campón 2012 Adult Fanniidae Associated to Pig Carcasses during the Winter Season in a Semiarid Environment: Initial Examination of Their Potential as Complementary PMI Indicators. Forensic Science International, 219:284.e1-284.e4. Abd El-Bar, Marah Mohammad, Rabab Fathy Sawaby, Hayam El-Hamouly, and Reham Hamdy 2016 A Preliminary Identification of Insect Successive Wave in Egypt on Control and Zing Phosphide Intoxicated Animals in Different Seasons. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 6(2):223-234. Abell, D.H., S.S. Wasti, and G.C. Artmann 1982 Saprophagous Arthropod Fauna Associated with Turtle Carrion. Applied Entomological Zoology, 17(3):301-307. Abbott, A. 2001 Earliest Malaria DNA Found in Roman Baby Graveyard. Nature, 412:847. Abbott, C.E. 1937 The Necrophilous Habit of Coleoptera. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society, 32:202-204. Abd El-bar, M.M., and R.F. Sawaby 2011 A Preliminary Investigation of Insect Colonization and Succession on Remains of Rabbits Treated with an Organophosphate Insecticide in ElQalyubiya Governorate of Egypt. Forensic Science International, 208:e26-e30. Abdel-Ghaffer, H., Mennatallah Abd-Elmottelband, and Amira Zaky 2014 Age-Dependent Expression of Blow Fly Lucilla cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) during Egg Development Improving Age Estimation in Forensic Entomology. Journal of Forensic Research, 5(5):238 Abell, D.H., S.S. Wasti, and G. Hartmann 1982 Saprophagous Arthropod Fauna Associated with Turtle Carrion. Applied Entomological Zoology, 17: 301-307. Abouzied, E.M. 2014 Insect Colonization and Succession on Rabbit Carcasses in Southwestern Mountains of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Medical Entomology, 51:1168-1174. Acikgoz, H.N., I.H. Hanci, and G. Cetin 2002 How Can We Make Use of Insects in Forensic Cases? Ankara University Law Journal, 51(3):117-125. Adair, Thomas, W. 1999a Three Species of Blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Collected from a Human Stillborn Infant in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. J. Med. Entomol. 36(3):236-237. 1999b Chain of Custody in the University Setting: Considerations for Entomologists. antenna, 23(3):140-143. 1999c Arapahoe County Colorado: A Field Manual for the Collection and Preservation of Entomological Evidence, Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office Crime Laboratory, Colorado. 2000 Long-Term Storage of Entomological Evidence. Police Chief, April, pp.180-184. 2004 Aspects of Forensic Entomology. Masters Thesis, Department of Bioagricultura Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 2008 Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Collected from a Human Corpse Above 3400m in Elevation. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 53(5):12121213. 1264 2012 Aspects Influencing the Entomological Postmortem Interval in Crime Scene Reconstruction. Journal of the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction, 18(3):17-19. Adair, Thomas W., and Boris C. Kondratieff 1996 The Occurrence of Nitidula Flavomaculata (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) on a Human Corpse. Entomological News, 107(4):233-236. 2006 Three Species of Insects Collected from an Adult Human Corpse Above 3300m in Elevation: A Review of a Case from Colorado. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51(5):1164-1165. Adams, D.B. 1984 Fossil Hunters Best Friend is an Ant Called Pogo: Paleontologists Use Insects to Find Small Bones.Smithsonian, 15:99-104. Adams, K. 1984 Evidence of Wood-Dwelling Termites in Archaeological Sites in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Ethnobiology, 4:29-43. Adams, Zoe J.O., and Martin J.R. Hall 2003a Seasonal Flight Activity and Reproductive Status of Calliphora vicina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and Other Calliphoridsw in Central London. A paper presented at the First Meeting of the European Association of Forensic Entomologists, April, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany. 2003b Methods Used for the Killing and Preservation of Blowfly Larvae, and Their Effect on Post-mortem Larval Length. Forensic Science International, 138(1-3):50-61. Adebote, D.A., D.S. Abolude, S.J. Oniye, D.D. Olododo, and M.M Hassan 2006 Larvicidal and Repellent Actions of Detarium microcarpum Seed Oil Against the Larvae of Dermestes Lardarius (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) in Dried Clarias gariepinus Fish. Journal of Entomology, 3(3):248-253. Adkins, T.R. 1988 Investigations of the Diptera Infesting Three Human Corpses of Known Postmortem Interval. Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress on Entomology, Vancouver, p.267. Ahadizadeh, Emily N., Heather R. Ketchum, and Russell Wheeler 2015 Human Cutaneous Myiasis by the Australian Sheep Blowfly, Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae), in Oklahoma. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 60(4):1099-1100. Ahmad, A., and A.H. Ahmad 2009 A Preliminary Study on the Decomposition and Dipteran Associated with Exposed Carcasses in an Oil Plantation in Bandar Baharu, Kedah, Malaysia. Trop Biomed, 26:1-10. Ahmad, A., A.H. Ahmad, H. Dieng, T. Satho, H. Ahmad, A.T. Aziz, and M. Boots 2011 Cadaver Wrapping and Arrival Performance of Adult Flies in an Oil Palm Plantation in Northern Peninsular Malysia. Journal of Medical Entomology, 48: 1236-1246. Ahmad, A., A. Broce, and L. Zurek 2006 Evaluation of Significance of Bacteria in Larval Development of Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Journal of Medical Entomology, 43:1129-1133. Ahmad, N.W., L, H, Lim, C.C. Dhang, H.C. Chi, A.G. Abdullah, W.N.W. Mustafa, C.W. Kian, J. Jeffrey, R. Hashim, and S.M. Azirum 2011 Comparative Insect Fauna Succession on Indoor and Outdoor Monkey Carrions in a Semi-forested Area in Malaysia. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, __: S232-S238. Ahmad, N.W., H. Norraidah, J. Jeffrey, et al. 2007 Distribution and Abundance of Diurnal and Nocturnal Dipterous Flies in the Federal Territory, Putrajaya. Tropical Biomedicine, 24(2):61-66. Aitkenhead-Peterson, J.A., M.B. Alexander, A. Bytheway, D.A. Carter, and D.J. Westcott 2015 Applications of Soil Chemistry in Forensic Entomology. In J.K. Tomberlin, and M.E. Benbo, editors, Forensic Entomology: International Dimensions and Frontiers, Taylor and Francis Group/CRC Press, London, UK. Aldrich, J.M. 1916 Sarcophaga and Allies in North America. Thomas Say Foundation, LaFayette, IN. Alexander, M.B. 2009 Factors Involved in Search Dog Training. Thesis, Texas A&M University Alexis, Jason C., and Wayne D. Lord 1998 Differences in Larval Development When Subjected to Environmental Influences. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, San Francisco, CA., pp.39-40. Alfieri, A. 1265 1931 Les Insectes de la Tombe de Toutankhamon. Bulletin de la Société Royale Entomologique  Égypte, 3/4: 188-189. Allen, Douglas C. 1984 Principles of Forest Entomology: Laboratory Manual. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY. Allen, E.R., and W.T. Neill 1950 Cleaning Mammal Skeletons with Meal Worms. Journal of Mammalogy, 31(4):464. Allen, Jon C. 1976 A Modified Sine Wave Method for Calculating Degree Days. Environmental Entomology, 5:388-396. Allen, Jon C. and Jason H. Byrd 1999 Computer Modeling of Insect Growth and Its Application to Forensic Entomolology, Grant No.: 97-LB-VX-0001. United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C. Alluaud, C. 1908 Notesdur les coléoptères trouvés dans les momies  Égypte. Bulletin de la Société Royale Entomologique  Égypte, 1: 29-36. Almeida, L.M., and K.M. Mise 2009 Diagnosis and Key of the Main Families and Species of South American Coleoptera of Forensic Importance. Rev Bras Entomol, 53(2):227-244. Al-Mesbah, H., Z. Al-Osaimi, and O.M. El-Azazy 2011 Forensic Entomology in Kuwait: The First Case Report. Forensic Science International, 206:e25-e26. Al-Mesbah, Hanadi, Colin Moffatt, Osama M.E. ElpAzazy, and Qais A.H. Maleed 2012 The Decomposition of Rabbit Carcasses and Associated Necrophagous Dipera in Kuwait. Forensic Science International, 217:27-31. Al-Shareef, Layla A.H., and Shaza I.D. Al-Qurashi 2016 Study of Some Biological Aspects of the Blowfly Chrysomya Albiceps (Wiedemann 1819) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 6(1):11-16. Altamura, B.M., and F. Introna Jr. 1982 A New Possibility of Applying the Entomological Method in Forensic Medicine: Age Determination of Postmortem Mutilation. Med. Leg. Quad. Cam., 4:127-130. Altunsoy, F., F.H. Akay, and Önsoy, C. 2014 Preliminary observations of the effects of lorazepam on the development of Calliphora vicina and Calliphora loewi (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and PMI estimation. Anadolu University J Sci Technol -C Life Sci Biotechnol, 3(2):45–52. Aly, Sanaa Mohamed, Jifang Wen, and Xiang Wang 2013 Identification of Forensically Important Sarcophagidae (Diptera) Based on Partial Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I and II Genes. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 34(2):159-163. Amaldos, M.I., M.D. Garcia, E. Romera, J.J. Presa, and A. Luna 2005 Estimation of Postmortem Interval in Real Cases Based on Experimentally Obtained Entomological Evidence. Forensic Science International, 149:57-65. Amaldos, M.I., E. Romera, M.D. Garcia, and A. Luna 2001 An Initial Study on the Succession of Sarcosaprophagous Diptera (Insecta) on Carrion in the Southeastern Iberian Peninsula. Internaitonal Journal of Legal Medicine,114:156-162. 2004 Studies on Seasonal Arthropod Succession on Carrion in the Southeastern Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 188:197-205. Amaldos, M.I., F. Sanchez, P. Alvarez, and M.D. Garcia 2004 A Forensic Entomology Case from the Southern Iberian Peninsula. Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 5(1):22-25. Amaldos, Maria-Isabel, Nicolas Ubero-Pascal, Rafael Garcia, Miguel Carles-Toira, Juan-Jose Presa, and Maria-Dolores Garcia 2014 The First Report of Telomerina flavipes ((Meigen, 1830) (diptera, Spaeroceridae) in a Forensic Case, with Redescription of its Pupa. Forensic Science International, 242:e22-e30. Amendt, Jens, Carlo P. Campobasso, Emmanuel Gaudry, Christian Reiter, Hélène N. LeBlanc, and Martin J.R. Hall 2007 Best Practice in Forensic Entomology – Standards and Guidelines. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 121(2):90-104. Amendt, J., M.L. Goff, C.P. Campobasso, and M. Grassberger 2010 Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology, Springer, Dordrecht, Germany. 1266 Amendt, J., R. Krettek, and H. Bratzke 1999 Praxis der Forensischen Insektenkunde. Teil 1: Insektenaufsammlung am Fundort Einer Leiche. Arch. Kriminol., 204(3-6):106-114. Amendt, Jens, Roman Krettek, Constanze Niess, Richard Zehner, and Hansjürgen Bratzke 2000 Forensic Entomology in Germany. Forensic Science International, 113(1-3):309-314. Amendt, J., R. Kretteck, and R. Zehner 2004 Forensic Entomology. Naturwissenschaften, 91:51-65. Amendt, J., C.S. Richards, C.P. Campobasso, R. Zehner, and M.J.R. Hall 2011 Forensic Entomology: Applications and Limitations. Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology, 7(4):379-392. Amendt, J., R. Zehner, and R. Krettek (also cited as Amendt, Krettek, and Zehner) 2004 Forensic Entomology, Naturwissenschaften, 91(2):51-65. Amendt, J., R. Zehner, and F. Reckel 2008 The Nocturnal Oviposition Behavior of Blow Flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Central Europe and Its Foensic Implications. Forensic Science International, 175:61-64. American Board of Forensic Entomology 1997 Welcome to the World of Forensic Entomology. http://www.missouri.edu/cafnr/entomology/index.html Ames, Carole, and Bryan Turner 2003a Low Temperature Episodes in the Development of Blowflies: Implications for Post Mortem Interval Estimation. Presented at the First Meeting of the European Association of Forensic Entomologists, April, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany. 2003b Low Temperature Episodes in Development of Blowflies: Implications for Postmortem Interval Estimation. Med Vet Entomol, 17(2):178-186. Ames, C., B. Turner, and B. Daniel 2006 The Use of Mitochondiral Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene (COI) to Differentiate Two UK Blowfly Species -- Calliphora vicina and Calliphora Vomitoria. Forensic Science International, 3:179-182. Anderson, Gail S. 1993 Collecting, Preserving and Packaging Specimens. Identification Canada, 16(3): 1995 The Use of Insects in Death Investigations: An Analysis of Forensic Entomology Cases in British Columbia over a Five Year Period. Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences Journal, 28(4): 277-292. 1996 Practical Exercise in Forensic Entomology. Gazette, 58(9):3-6. 1997 The Use of Insects to Determine Time of Decapitation: A Case Study from British Columbia. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 42(5): 947950. 1998a Forensic Entomology: The Use of Insects in Death Investigations. http://www.rcmp-learning.org/docs/ecdd0030.htm 1998b Wildlife Forensics: Using Forensic Entomology in the Investigation of Illegally Killed Black Bears. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 4:45. 1999a Wildlife Forensic Entomology: Determining Time of Death in Two Illegally Killed Black Bear Clubs. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44(4):856-859. 1999b Forensic Entomology: The Use of Insects in Death Investigations, in Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology, S. Fairgreave, Charles C. Thomas, Toronto, Ontario, (Unpuiblished data, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia. 2000a Minimum and Maximum Development Rates of Some Forensically Important Calliphoridae (Diptera). Journal of Forensic Sciences, 45(4):824-832. 2000b Forensic Entomology in British Columbia: A Brief History. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 98:127-135. 2001 Insect Succession on Carrion and Its Relationship to Determining Time of Death. in Entomological Evidence: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. Jason H. Byrd and James L. Castner, editors, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.pp. 143-175. 2004 Determining the Time Since Death Using Blow Fly Eggs in the Early Post Mortem Interval. Journal of Legal Medicine, 118(4):240-241. 2005a Forensic Entomology, In Stuart H. James and Jon J. Nordby, editors, Forensic Science, An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp.135-164. 1267 2005b Effects of Arson on Forensic Entomology Evidence. Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences, 38(2): 2009 Wildlife Forensic Entomology: Determining Time of Death in Two Illegally Killed Black Bear Cubs. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 44:856-859. 2010a Factors that Influence Insect Succession. In J.H. Byrd and J.L. Castner, editors, Forensic Entomology: The Utilit of Arhropods in Legal Investigations, Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp.201-250. 2010b Decomposition and Invertebrate Colonization of Cadavers in Coastal Marine Environments. In Amendt, J., et al., editors, Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology, Springer, The Netherlands, pp.223-272. 2011 Comparison of Decomposition Rates and Faunal Colonization of Carrion in Indoor and Outdoor Environments. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 56(1):136-142. Anderson, Gail S., and Valerie J. Cervenka 2001 Insects Associated with the Body: Their Use and Analysis. In W. Haglund and M. Sorg, editors, Advances in Forensic Taphonomy: Method, Theory, and Archaeological Perspectives, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp:173-200. Anderson, Gail S., John J. Gaudet, and A. Brian Yamashita 1996 A Practical Exercise in Forensic Entomology. RCMP Gazette 59(9):3-6. (also cited as 58(9):3-6) http://www.rcmp-gic.gc.ca/html.bugs.htm Anderson, Gail S., W. Graneli, and J. Stenson 1988 The Influence of Animals on Phosphorous Cycling in Lake Ecosystems. Hydrobiologia, 170: 267-284. Anderson, Gail S., and Niki Hobischak 2001 Effects of Marine Submergence on Pig Decomposition and Faunal Colonization in British Columbia. A Paper Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 53rd Annual Meeting, February 19-24, 2001, Seattle, Washington. 2003 Effects of Season, Depth and Sediment Type on Faunal Succession and Decompositional Rates of Carrion in the Marine Environment. Presented at the First Meeting of the European Association of Forensic Entomologists, April, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany. Anderson, G.S., N.R. Hobischak, O. Beattie, and C. Samborski 2002 Structure of Carrion Ecosystems in Alberta. Canadian Police Research Center, TR-02. Anderson G.S., and N.R. Huitson 2003 Use of Insect Evidence in Animal Abuse Cases. Presented at the First Meeting of the European Association of Forensic Entomologists, April, 2003, Frankfurt, Germany. 2004 Occurrence of Myiasis in Pet Animals in British Colombia and Some Recommendations for Treatment and Determining Length of Time of Abuse or Neglect. Canadian Society of Veterinary Medicine, Anderson, Gail S., and S.B. Peck 1985 The Carrion Beetles of Canada and Alaska: Coleoptera: Silphidae and Agyrtidae. In The Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Part 13, Biosystematics Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp.44-45. Anderson, Gail S. and Sherah L. Van Laerhoven 1996 Initial Studies on Insect Succession on Carrion in Southwestern British Columbia. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 41(4): 617-625. Anderson, R.S. 1982a Resource Partitioning in the Carrion Beetle (Coleoptera: Silphidae) Fauna of Sotuhern Ontario: Ecological and Evolutionary Considerations. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 60(6):1314-1325. 1982b On the Decreasing Abundance of Nicrophorus americanus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in Eastern North America. Coleopt. Bull., 36(2):362-365. Anderson, R.S. and S.B. Peck 1985 Carrion Beetles of Canada and Alaska, Publication 1778 edition, in The Insects and Arachnids of Canada, Volume 13, Biosystematics Research Institute, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada. Anonymous 1883 Report on P. Mégnin, Préparations, en Partie Microscopiques, de Tous es Restes d'Insects Trouvès Sur ou Dans un Cadavre. Rev. Hyg. Pol. San., 5:203-204. 1945a Report on J.C. Bequaert, Some Observations on the Fauna of Puterfaction and Its Potential Value in Establishing the Tme of Death. New England Journal of Medicine, 227:856. 1945b Report on Pemberton, Fly Control in Carrion. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 12:213-214. 1268 2002 Entomology Guidelines for Police Crime Scene Investigators http://www.Insectinvestigations@sympatico.ca Ansell, J., J.T. Hu, S.C. Gilbert, K.A. Hamilton, A.V. Hill, and S.W. Lindsay 2000 Improved Method for Distinguishing the Human Source of Mosquito Blood Meals Between Close Family Members. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 94(5):572-574. Anton, E., S. Niederegger, and R.G. Beutel 2011 Beetles and Flies Collected on Pig Carrion in a Experimental Setting in Thuringia and Their Forensic Implications. Med Vet Entomol, 25(4):353-364. Archer, Mel S. 2002 The Ecology of Invertebrate Associations with Vertebrate Carrion in Victoria, with Reference to Forensic Entomology, PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. 2003 Annual Variation and Departre Times of Carrion Insects at Carcasses: Implications for Succession Studies in Forensic Entomology. Australian Journal of Zoology, 51:569-576. 2004a The Effect of Time After Body Discovery on the Accuracy of Retrospective Weather Station Ambient Temperature Corrections in Forensic Entomology. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(3):553-559. 2004b Rainfall and Temperature Effects on the Decomposition Rate of Exposed Neonatal Remains. Science & Justice, 44(1):35-41. 2014 Comparative Analysis of Insect Succession Data from Victoria (Australia) Using Summary Statisticsversus Preceding Mean Ambient Temperature Models. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59(2):404-412. Archer, M.S., R.B. Bassed, C.A. Briggs, and M.J. Lynch 2005 Social Isolation and Delayed Discovery of Bodies in Houses: The Value of Forensic Pathology, Anthropology, Odontology and Entomology in the Medico-Legal Investigation. Forensic Science International, 151(2-3):259-265. (also cited as volume 15) Archer, M.S., and M.A. Elgar (also cited as .... A.A. Elgar) 1998 Cannibalism and Delayed Pupation in Hide Beetles, Dermestes maculates DeGeer (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Australian Journal of Entomology, 37:158-161. 2003a Yearly Activity Patterns in Southern Victoria (Australia) of Seasonally Active Carrion Insects. Forensic Science International, 132(3):173-176. 2003b Female Breeding-Site Preferences and Larval Feeding Strategies of Carrion-Breeding Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae (Diptera): A Quantitative Analysis. Australian Journal of Zoology, 51(2):165-174. 2003c Effects of Decomposition on Carcass Attendance in a Guild of Carrion-Breeding Flies. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 17(3):263271. Archer, M.S., M.A. Elgar, C.A. Briggs, and D.L. Ranson 2006 Fly Pupae and Puparia as Potential Contaminants of Forensic Entomology Samples from Sites of Body Discovery. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 120(6):364-368. Archer, M.S., and D.L. Ranson 2005 Potential Contamination of Forensic Entomology Samples in the Mortuary: A Case Report. Medicine Science and the Law, 45:89-91. Archer, Melanie S., and James F. Wallman 2016 Context Effects in Forensic Entomology and Use of Sequential Unmasking in Casework. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61(5):12701277. 2017 The Development of Forensic Entomology in Australia and New Zealand: An Overview of Casework Practice, Quality Control and Standards. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 49(2):125-133. Armitage, P., P.S. Cranston, and L.C.V. Pinder (editors) 1995 The Chrionomidae: The Biology and Ecology of Nonbiting Midges. Chapman and Hall, London. Arnaldos, M.I., M.D. Garcia, E. Romera, J.J. Presa, and A Luna 2005 Estimation of Postmortem Interval in Real Cases Based on Experimentally Obtained Entomological Evidence. Forensic Science International, 149(1):57-65. Arnaldos, M. 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