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Pāli and Buddhism List of Errata (as of December 2023) If you find any other mistakes/typos, please inform the author at bryan.levman @utoronto.ca Page ix: Madhev should be Madhav Page 81, 8th line from the bottom Vin-a-ṭ should be Vin-vn-ṭ Page 88 footnote 121 Burrow derives kaṭi < Dravidian kaṭi … etc. should read Burrow dervies kaṭi < Dravidian kaṟi, cp Tamil “long pepper, curry”; Malayalam, Kannada kaṟi, “curry” (1948: 368) Page 108, footnote 180 DED #4537 > DED #4547 Page 130 seventh line from the bottom, “Vipassi’s Brahmanical ancestry” should read “the Buddhas Kakusandha, Koṇāgamana and Kassapa’s Brahmanical ancestry.” Page 134, eighth line from the bottom, Sv 6 should be Sp 6 Page 300 line 2, abhidvaḍḍhaṃ should be adhivaḍḍhaṃ Page 362, line 5, Sumaṅgalvilāsinī should be Samantapāsādikā Page 362, line 7, Sv should be Sp Page 363, line 20, Sv should be Sp Page 363, footnote 494, Sv 7 should be Sp 7 Page 369, line 1 “…dans l”inde.” should be “…dans l’Inde.” Page 372, fourth line from the bottom (of the text), Sv should be Sp Page 373, line 3 Sv prescription should be Sp prescription page 373 line 6 Sv should be Sp Page 383, 13th line from the bottom, Samantalapāsādikā should be Samantapāsādikā Page 386, after 2nd line. Add in a citation which was missed: Allen, W. S. 1953. Phonetics in Ancient India. London: Oxford University Press. Page 395, line 2 …Studies, Oxford (2005): 76–90. Pali Text Society, should be Studies, (2005): 76–90. Oxford: Pali Text Society. Page 386, line 14. Anālayo, Bh. should say Anālayo, Ven. Bhikkhu. Page 388, line 7, no. 4: 719–56 should be vol. 5, no. 4: 719–56. Page 395, lines 5, 12, 19, 38, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag. should be Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. (change of comma to colon in four places). Page 395, line 10: change “K. R. u. W. Venker: 27–34” should be “Klaus Röhrborn and Wolfgang Veenker, eds: 27–34“ Page 396, seventh line from the bottom, Jamison, S. W. and J.P. Brereton (date omitted), should be Jamison, S. W. and J.P. Brereton. 2014. Page 403, line 26, “Tdext” should be “Text” Page 407, second line from the bottom, change “Fouth” to “South” Page 407, 8th line from the bottom Sjoberg, Andrée F. should be Sjoberg, A. F. Page 408, line 2, “Converence” should be “Convergence” Page 413, left column, 3rd line from the bottom, abhidvaḍḍhaṃ should be adhivaḍḍhaṃ Page 417, sixth line, left column brāhmaṇa should be italicized > brāhmaṇa