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BREVIA tergum in males) is undamaged (Fig. 1B). The specimen bears a well-developed pygidial plate (Fig. 1A) on T7, a character that unites bees with crabronid wasps (5). Cerci are absent. Analysis of available morphological data indicates that Melittosphex represents an extinct lineage of pollen-collecting Apoidea sister to the modern bees [Supporting Online Material (SOM) text]. M. burmensis establishes that many traits of extant bees were present by ~100 Ma, near the time of the origin of the eudicots [120 to 125 Ma (3)]. Other known bee fossils are 35 to 45 million years younger. The small size of Melittosphex indicates that at least some of the earliest bees were minute. This is consistent with the small sizes reported for some Early Cretaceous flowers (6). Several extant lineages of bees include small species (~3 mm in length), including Colletidae (some Euryglossinae), Halictidae (Nomioidinae), Andrenidae (some Panurginae), and Apidae (Meliponini and Neolarrini) (1). M. burmensis exhibits traits unique to bees (branched hairs, absence of hind-leg strigil, and absence of hind-tibial spines) as well as groundplan features of apoid wasps (paired mid-tibial spurs and slender hind basitarsus). This mosaic of wasp and bee traits is to be expected from an early, transitional form that bridges the gap between extant bees and crabronid wasps. A Fossil Bee from Early Cretaceous Burmese Amber G. O. Poinar Jr.1 and B. N. Danforth2* ees are among the most important insect distinct posterolateral tubercles (Fig. 1, A and B) pollinators (1). The origin of bees, with with scattered branched hairs. The forewing their numerous morphological and behav- venation is typical of many small bees, with a ioral adaptations for pollen collection and transport (2), contributed to the rapid diversification of angiosperms in the Early to midCretaceous (3). Understanding the role that bee pollination played in angiosperm diversification requires an accurate estimate of bee antiquity as well as an understanding of the early evolutionary history of bees. We report here fossil evidence of bees in the Early Cretaceous. The fossil bears several derived features of bees as well as morphological structures (e.g., branched hairs) presumed to be associated with pollen collection. The specimen originated from an amber mine in the Hukawng Valley (26°20´N, 96°36´E), Kachin state, northern Myanmar (Burma). Palynomorphs obtained from the amber beds where the fossil References and Notes originated have been assigned to 1. C. D. Michener, The Bees of the World (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, the Upper Albian [~100 million Baltimore, MD, 2000). years ago (Ma)] of the Early 2. R. W. Thorp, Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. Cretaceous (4). The male holo66, 788 (1979). type is deposited in the Poinar Fig. 1. Melittosphex burmensis. (A) Ventral view of fossil with key features labeled. 3. D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, P. K. amber collection (accession (B) Photograph of fossil as seen in ventral view. (C) Reconstruction of head based on Endress, M. W. Chase, Phylogeny and Evolution of Angiosperms no. B-Hy-7) maintained at the details visible in fossil and information from modern bees. (D) Morphology of (Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, 2005). Oregon State University Insect branched hairs on the hind femur. 4. R. D. Cruickshank, K. Ko, J. Asian Earth Collection. Sci. 21, 441 (2003). distinct stigma, two submarginal cells, and a Superfamily Apoidea 5. G. A. R. Melo, Sci. Pap. Nat. Hist. Mus. Univ. Kans. 14, 1 (1999). 6. W. L. Crepet, K. C. Nixon, M. A. Gandolfo, Am. J. Bot. 91, weakly arcuate basal vein (Fig. 1A), and is unlike Melittosphecidae new family 1666 (2004). that of any extant or fossil apoid wasps. The Type genus: Melittosphex 7. We thank M. Prentice and M. Burgett for discussions and Type species: Melittosphex burmensis hindwing is not visible. The hind leg has an A. Boucot, R. Poinar, E. Almeida, S. Cardinal, C. Michener, and Melittosphex burmensis new species elongate, slender hind tibia [lacking distinct J. Liebherr for comments. This project was partially supported by an NSF Research Grant in Systematic Biology to B.N.D. The male specimen of Melittosphex burmensis tibial spines characteristic of apoid wasps (Fig. (DEB-0412176). F. Fawcett prepared the illustrations. measures 2.95 mm in length (Fig. 1B) and bears 1A)], a narrow hind basitarsus [a characteristic of branched, plumose hairs on the undamaged apoid wasps (Fig. 1A)], and a weakly developed Supporting Online Material portions of the thorax, legs, abdomen, and head basitibial plate. The hindleg strigil is absent (Fig. www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/314/5799/614/DC1 SOM Text (Fig. 1, A and D). The heart-shaped head (0.24 mm 1A). There are two hind-tibial spurs [as in most Fig. S1 in length) bears antennae that originate low on the bees (1)]. The midtibia bears two spurs [a References face [below the midline (Fig. 1A)]. Each antenna groundplan feature of apoid wasps (1) (Fig. 1A)]. 21 August 2006; accepted 2 October 2006 bears 11 flagellomeres, establishing that this is a The male specimen bears several pollen grains 10.1126/science.1134103 male. The mandibles are elongate and acutely between the hairs on the first and second meta- 1 Department of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, tarsal segments and adjacent to the antennal OR 97331–2907, USA. 2Department of Entomology, Cornell tridentate (Fig. 1, A and C). The mesosoma (1.45 mm in length) is cleaner on the left foretarsus. University, Ithaca, NY 14853–0901, USA. The metasoma (1.26 mm in length) is slightly *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: partially compressed, but the legs and wings are clearly visible. The propodeum bears two compressed, but T7 (the last visible metasomal bnd1@cornell.edu B 614 27 OCTOBER 2006 VOL 314 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org