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s; Curriculum Vitae & Professional Profile of Prof. Anil K. Gupta Contents RESUME 2 CURRICUMUL VITAE 2 2 2 3 4 4 Roles Held Professional Skills & Competencies Employment & Job Profile History Educational Qualification & Training Other Relevant Information Annexure (i) MAJOR PROJECTS & ASSIGNMENTS 5 Annexure (ii) MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS /STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTIONS 9 10 10 11 11 International Cooperation Research & Development, Innovations & Field Work Knowledge Building & Dissemination Capacity Building, Training & Education Annexure (iii) ADMINISTRATIVE & MANAGERIAL ROLES 13 Annexure (iv) Other relevant details 14 Annexure (v) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 22 22 25 27 29 Books Manuals and Modules Knowledge / Case Study Compendium Research Reports & Monographs Technical Reports & Plans Policy Papers/Thematic Papers Papers in Journals Refereed Journals Non-Refereed Journals/Other Periodicals Book Chapters Conference Papers, other Articles, etc. 1 Anil Kumar Gupta Email: envirosafe2007@gmail.com | Mobile (0091)- 9868207006, 8800481329 —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESUME Summary: Anil is a resilience and sustainability strategist. His competencies and skills include leadership, vision planning and execution, policy advocacy, communication, networking, resource mobilization. He possess excellent administrative, managerial and institution/portfolio building abilities. Anil is excellent team player, organizer and motivator, and implemented several projects/ programmes with diverse partners including Government, international, corporate, NGOs and academia, etc. ❖ Present Roles & Affiliation: Head of Division, Director of Projects, International Cooperation, Advisory Services, Nodal Officer for Central Ministries, Full Professor of Policy-Planning & Strategies at NIDM Delhi (Govt. of India Ministry of Home Affairs) ❖ Experience: Over 29 years’ in diverse environments - Government, Industry, Institute, University and International cooperation. In professional & administrative capacities. Lead strategic roles in the fields of DRR, Resilience, Adaptation, Safety, Sustainability ❖ Key Skills & Competencies: Policy-planning & Strategies, Networking & Cooperation, Communication, Consortium Leader & Team-player, Programme / Project management, Research, Capacity Building, Guiding, Knowledge Management, Strategic vision planning & execution, Portfolio development, Organization, Administration & management. ❖ Qualifications: M.Sc. MPhil, PhD. (Environment/Resources/EIA, Health), L.L.B. (Law), PGD, Trained on Training Management, Project Management, Adaptation & DRR DSS. www.linkedin.com/in/envirosafeanilg/ www.researchgate.net/profile/Anil_Gupta15 www.facebook.com/anilkumar.gupta.92 https://twitter.com/envirosafe2007 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hDIVB4AAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1 —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CURRICUMUL VITAE Roles Held Director of Projects, Director I/c, Chief Technical Advisor, Head of Division/Department, Principal Investigator, Programme Director, Nodal Officer, Superintendent, Chairperson, Convenor, Group Lead, Area Lead, Area Coordinator. Theme-Lead. Professor, Mentor, Scientist, Editor, Speaker, Research Fellow, Author. Professional Skills & Competencies  Policy-Planning and implementation/implementation support. International & national cooperation. Institutions, resources and experts networking.  Training Management: Human resource capacity development including - Training strategic planning & management, Impact assessment. Conduct of trainings.  Project – Proposal/design, Resource mobilization, Implementation, Assessment.  Research – Planning/design & execution, Technical reports, Lessons based advocacy.  Field studies – visits, consultations, data collection, and documentation.  Knowledge management - Publications, Social & news media, IEC, Periodicals, Databases and Web-portals. Workshops, Conferences, Dialogues.  Leadership – Team player, Motivator, Consortium organizer/leader.  Vision-planning, Action plan for sector/domain/organization, Portfolio development.  Administration/management including technical, finance, HR/hiring, law-making. Supervision & guidance. 2 Employment & Job Profile History Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), New Delhi, India, 2006 – Present ✔ Leadership and administration, coordination [Director of Projects, Head of Division, Coordinator – International & National Cooperation, Advisory Services, Nodal Officer for Central Ministries (Since 2018), Head - Division of Policy Planning (2012-2018), Head of Training (2011-12, 2017-18), Coordinator – Technical Advisory]. ✔ Development and execution of Strategic Vision & Action Plan, Networking & Cooperation, Resource Mobilization. Consortium Lead. Projects, International cooperation, Policy & communication, Schemes and programmes. ✔ Provide professional expertise and guidance/mentorship (NIDM Full Professor of Policy-Planning & Strategy, since 2019. Associate Professor, since 2006 & Portfolio Lead of DM Planning & Impact Evaluation, Human Capacity Development, Resilience and Adaptation, Safety & Sustainability Strategies). ✔ Planning and implementing programmes including externally funded, for Action research, policy research, and pilots, human capacity building - training or knowledge management, etc. ✔ Cooperation programme management including projects – funds, technical cooperation, flagship schemes, etc. with UN, iNGOs, networks, Corporate, Government, etc. ✔ Representing the country & organization internationally, and at national and other forums. ✔ Organizing large conferences, policy forum, Trainings at international, national and regional/state levels. ✔ Developing or facilitating National, Sectoral, Regional plans, National Human Resource Capacity Development Plan, Strategies & innovations. ✔ Supporting States, Corporate, Civil society & local institutions. Capacity development, knowledge & system strengthening. Training Strategic planning, execution and Impact Evaluation. ✔ Guiding the drafting, and inputs to, making of Guidelines, Manuals, etc. ✔ Writing and guiding making of, and inputs to, Policy papers & briefs, Knowledge compendium, Edited and authored Books and Reports, Articles, and Chapters. ✔ Guide research programmes/projects, Interns, research fellows and associates. Bundelkhand University (Govt. of Uttar Pradesh), Jhansi, India, 2002-2006 ✔ Head of Departments (P.G. Environment Sciences; Natural Resources Management), Director i/c, of Institute of Environment & Development Studies, Reader (Associate Professor) 2002-2006, including Coordinator/Lecturer till January 2003. ✔ Organization’s Strategic vision & development planning, academic planning, Administration, Project management. Guided/supervised team of professionals, administrative & technical staff, and research fellows. ✔ Networking & cooperation with research institutes, Government agencies, Cooperation with Industry and NGOs. ✔ Mobilized & implemented externally funded projects & outreach programmes. 3 ✔ Mobilized UGC Innovative programmes grant, Accreditation - assessment & recognition; ✔ Developed & launched new programmes M.Tech.-NRM, M.Phil., Master’s in NRM, Environment Planning & Taught courses. ✔ Guided Ph.D. research treatise, PG research. ✔ Developed technical reports, publications, ✔ Organized outreach, conferences, workshops. Previous Employments: 1994-2002 ✔ Pool Scientist (Senior Research Associate) Environment & Disasters. Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) at Central University Lucknow 1999-2002. ✔ Environment Officer (Industry EIA & Safety Risk Management). CICON Environment Technologies Ltd. Bhopal, 1998-99. ✔ Assistant Director (NORAD Support). Disaster Management Institute, Govt. of MP, Housing & Environment Dept., Bhopal, 1996-1998. ✔ Jr. Manager (Environment Engg.). National Mineral Development Corporation, Govt. of India, Hyderabad, 1996. ✔ Senior Project Fellow in Land-Environment Management & EIA. CSIR-National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, 1994-96. Educational Qualification & Training ✔ Post-Doc/SPF (Land Environment Management) 1994-96 at CSIR – NEERI Nagpur, India. L.L.B. Legislative 2001, Barkatullah University Bhopal, India. ✔ Ph.D. Environment/EIA 1994, M.Phil. Environmental-Health 1991, M.Sc. Environment/Resource Management 1990 APSU Rewa, India. ✔ PG Diploma (Management – Industrial) 1992 NIE Lucknow, India. ✔ Trainings: DSS for CCA & DRR (Potsdam University Germany), Risk Sensitive Landuse Planning (World Bank Institute), Risk Assessment (World Bank Institute), Mine Environment (Ecole Des Mines D’ales France), ✔ Project Formulation & Appraisal (ISTM, DOPT-GOI), Management of Training, Management of Trainer’s Training (Thames Valley University UK modules, at ISTM, DOPT-GOI). Other Relevant Information Publication and Documentation Over 180, including books, reports, manuals, compendium, articles, policy papers, etc. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anil_Gupta15 https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=hDIVB4AAAAAJ&hl=en Personal Born on 29thJuly 1970. Male, Married. Present Office Address: National Institute of Disaster Management (Ministry of Home Affairs), Sector 29 Rohini, Delhi – 110042, India, Email: envirosafe2007@gmail.com Further details in Annexures (i - v). Major Projects & Assignments, Major Achievements & Strategic Contributions, Administrative/Managerial Roles, Other relevant details, List of Selected Publications. 4 Annexure (i) MAJOR PROJECTS & ASSIGNMENTS As Director of Project/ Principal Investigator/ Coordinator/ Chief Technical Advisor ✔ Adaptation and DRR strategies including Guidelines and action plan for Highway and Road Transport sector HIGH-CAP (MoRTH, Govt. of India) 2023-25 (in pipeline). ✔ Capacities and Strategies for Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction mainstreaming into S&T Sector in India (CAS-DST). Funded by DST-Govt. of India (2023-25). ✔ Climate Resilient Infrastructure for DRR at local levels. Cooperation with GIZ, project for National Adaptation Fund (NAFCC) with MOEFCC/NABARD. 2023/25 (in pipeline). ✔ Development of National Disaster Management Plan including Climate Change Adaptation for Food Corporation of India / Food & PD Sector (NFPS-DMP), funded by Food Corporation of India (2023-24). ✔ Climate Adaptive Planning for Resilience and Sustainability in Multi-hazard Settings (CAP-RES), as part of National Knowledge Mission on Climate Change. Funded by DSTGovt. of India (2018-23). ✔ Development of National AYUSH Disaster Management Plan (NAyush-DMP), funded by MoAyush-GOI (2022-23). ✔ 1st Adaptation Communication (of India) to UNFCCC by MoEFCC (Anchored for DRR sector). (2022). ✔ Disaster Damages and Losses: Study of Underlying Causes: Case Study on Cyclone Tautae and Yaas, in 4 states. Institutional study (2021-22). ✔ Institutional Mechanism for Evaluating Human Deaths from Disasters. Institutional study/Policy research. (2021-22). ✔ Multi-hazard Disaster Risk and Resilience Practical Learning and Step-by-Step Guide to Improve Disaster Resilience at City Levels. Jointly with IIT Indore. (2021-23). ✔ Development of National Environment, Forests and Climate Disaster Management Plan (NEFC-DMP), funded by MOEFCC (2021-22). ✔ Mapping Climatic and Biological Disaster Risks in India for Strengthening Resilience. Funded by GIZ Germany with OHS-MCS (2021-22). ✔ Development of National Chemical and Petrochemicals Disaster Management Plan (NCP-DMP), funded by MOCF (2021-22). ✔ Health Resilience and Capacity Building (HER-CAP) funded by WHO India (2019-21). ✔ Crisis Management Plan to Deal with Contamination of Water Bodies (CMP-WB) funded by CPCB/MOEFCC (2020-21). ✔ Development of National Agriculture Disaster Management Plan (NADMP) funded by MOAG&FW (2019-20). ✔ Knowledge based edited volume on Climate change and disaster risk management (MOEFCC) 2019-20. ✔ Capacity toolkit for Integrating Climate Resilience into DM Training Programmes and Case Study Compendium (Oxford Policy Management) 2018. ✔ Drafting of the National DM Plan (NDMP) for the National Executive Committee on DM Chaired by Union Home Secretary, 2013, Project Coordinator. 5 ✔ Impact Evaluation of NIDM’s Training Programmes (with TERI), 2013-14. ✔ Drought Risk - Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Analysis for Bundelkhand Region, funded by ICSSR (2011-13). ✔ ekDRM, Indo-German Cooperation, funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Germany 2010-2014. ✔ Urban Flood Case Studies Project: Coordinated national project covering 08 major cities in India (NIDM funded), 2006-2009. ✔ Land-use & Land Resources Management (National Consultation for Perspective Planning, w.r.t drought, and Bundelkhand) Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Planning Board funded 2005. ✔ Air Quality Monitoring Station, Jhansi (under National Ambient Air Quality Network), 2005-6...., CPCB/SPCB. Coordinator - Major Cooperation Programmes ✔ Upscaling Ecosystem Based Approaches (2021-22, Joint work plan with UNEP Geneva), following the technical cooperation with UNEP on Ecosystem Approach to DRR (ecoDRR) promotion in India and the region since 2010. ✔ Responsible Care Promotion in Industry and Businesses for Safety, Disaster Resilience and Adaptation. With FICCI & CIDM. 2020-22. Programme Lead. ✔ Strengthening Disaster Management Institute Bhopal, 1996-98 (Supported by NORAD). As Co- Principal Investigator Or Theme Lead /Area Leader ✔ Corporate Social Responsibility interventions in disaster response and resilience – Study of Reliance Foundation’s role and lessons. ✔ Peri-urban Ecosystems and Urban Climate Resilience: Addressing Knowledge and Capacity Gaps. Jointly with GEAG (funded by CDKN, 2020-21). ✔ Up-scaling Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management at Sub-national and Urban Body context (Odisha and Uttarakhand), funded by CDKN, with ISET USA, GEAG, 2015-16. ✔ Climate Resilience Flood Risk Management in Eastern Uttar Pradesh – Study of Gorakhpur (CDKN-START), with ISET USA and GEAG (2012-14). ✔ Integrating Climate-change adaptation with Disaster Management Planning – Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, European Commission (EU) funded, with GIZ (2012-13). ✔ Guidelines/Tools and Modules on Mainstreaming DRR and Long-term Recovery (UNDP-DRR project 2011-13). ✔ Climate Resilient Development & Adaptation, GEF-FSP (UNDP funded) with MoEF, TERI, Winrock International. 2007-2008. ✔ Govt. of India Central Sector Scheme on Disaster Management Capacity Building (for States of Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh 2006-2012). ✔ Disaster Management Plan for Noida (Environment; Chemical-industrial hazards. Funded by Noida Authority) 2007-08. ✔ Status of Solid Waste Disposal in Uttar Pradesh (research project funded by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India) 2002-03. ✔ Trainings on Natural Disaster Management (funded by Ministry of Agriculture, NORAD, State Govt.), Chemical disasters (Ministry of Environment& Forests, the World Bank). 1996-98. 6 As Core Team Member ✔ Developed Himalayan Environment Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Building Programme (HIMCAP) for ICIMOD, 2008. ✔ Comprehensive Risk Assessment of LPG Bottling Unit of IOCL (Balmer Lawrie Project) ✔ EIA of ACC Kymore Plant and ACC Mining (Cement Factory) 1998-99. ✔ Suitability of Landfill for Flyash Dumping, HEG Ltd Durg (Sponge Iron Plant) 1998-99. ✔ EIA incl. Disaster Management Plan for Nicolas Piramal (India) Ltd., Ujjain 1998-99 ✔ EIA including Disaster Management Plan for Eternit Everest Ltd., Kymore 1998-99 ✔ EIA of LG-Hotline Industries (Colour Picture Tube) at Malanpur, MP 1998-99. ✔ India’s First State level Environment Policy (of Madhya Pradesh) 1997-98, and First State of Environment Report (SOE, MP), 1997-98, and Awareness Programme Charters of Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhopal. ✔ Computer Simulation Modeling of Greenhouse Effect (Deptt. of Ocean Development) 1994-96. ✔ Carrying Capacity Based Developmental Planning for Doon Valley Region and National Capital Region (MoEF GoI Project) 1994-96. ✔ Quantification of Ecosystem-Health and Preparation of Environment Management Plan for 08 Hilly Districts of Uttarakhand (Govt. of UP Project) 1995-96. ✔ Community Interaction Studies for Ecological Green-Belt Design & Impact Analysis (NEERI Project) 1994-96. ✔ Calibration-Validation of Mathematical Models Used in EIA at Select Industries (MoEF) (i) National Fertilizers Ltd. Vijaipur, MP, (ii) Reliance Petrochemicals, Hazira, Gujarat 1994-96. ✔ REACT (Regional Environment Action Centred Task), DoEN/MoEF at APS University, Rewa, India. 1991-94. Member – Information & Communication. Other important assignments ✔ Anchoring Nodal Officer- National Adaptation Communication to UNFCCC (on DRR). ✔ Member – National Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework, NIUA, since 2019. ✔ Expert Member – Adaptation Codes/Standards. BIS 2019-2 ✔ National Human Resource Plan for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction, as mandated under the Disaster Management Act 2005 (2011-12). ✔ Consultation for National Action Plan for Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management (Ministry of Environment & Forests, GoI). 2008. ✔ Technical Advisory Member - Making of National Heat Wave Management Action Plan (TARU Leading Edge, Climate Development Knowledge Network) 2016. ✔ Member, Special Committee on Disaster Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, constituted by the VC, 2018-21. ✔ Expert - Evaluation of Implementation and Impact of District Disaster Management Plan of Gorakhpur (CDKN, ISET) 2016. ✔ Member of Govt. of India delegation (led by Hon’ble MOS-Home) to 6th Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR, Bangkok 2014 June, Drafting HFA-2 inputs and Bangkok declaration on DRR in Asia-Pacific, organised special Policy Dialogue during AMCDRR in Bangkok, in collaboration with UNEP; 7 ✔ Nodal Member on Drought (on behalf of Ministry of Home Affairs/NIDM) in MoEFCC Coordination Committee for National Reporting to UN Convention on Desertification; ✔ Evaluation of Projects/Entries for Prime Minister’s Civil Services Award for Excellence in Public Administration to Government Departments / Officials 2013-14 (Ministry of Personnel & Grievances, India); ✔ Expert Member of Committee for guiding the Training Need Analysis for integrating DRR into development plans/schemes and other activities/sectors at State levels (Tripura State Government and UNDP) 2014. ✔ Member, Expert Committee for Development of Curriculum on Disaster Management,. University Grants Commission of India, 2010-11. ✔ Development of India Disaster Knowledge Network (Web-portal) 2009 (under SAARC Disaster Knowledge Network - SDKN). ✔ Organized India Disaster Management Congress (IDMC 2006), 2nd IDMC 2009, National Platform for DRR 2012, all three large conferences Inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister, East Asia Summit-ASEM Meetings Conference 2012, 2014, etc. ✔ Technical Review of ‘Role of Policy in Influencing Local Responses to Too Much and Too Little Water in HKH Region’, ICIMOD, Kathmandu, 2011; ✔ Strategy Document on “Adaptation and DRR” under Climate-change Adaptation in Rural Areas and India – Published by GIZ Germany & MoEF New Delhi, 2011. ✔ Drafting Sub-Committee Member - National Strategy on Climate-change (under Planning Commission) 2007, led to National Action Plan on Climate Change. 8 Annexure (ii) MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS /STRATEGIC CONTRIBUTIONS Policy Planning, Advocacy & Strategic Implementation ✔ Anchored National Adaptation Communication and BUR on climate change (including DRR & Resilient Infrastructure) with multi-Ministry/Sectoral coordination. Approach paper on Prime Minister’s 10 Point Agenda on DRM, fostering its implementation, through an illustrative and strategic process. National Communication to UNCCD, Drafting inputs/review of HFA-2 input document of Asia-Pacific, Bangkok declaration (6th AMCDRR), Inputs towards drafting of Sendai Framework. East Asia Summit EASASEM Outcome document, Sendai monitoring framework, etc. Contributed to making of first-ever State environmental policy (Madhya Pradesh), and other national policy/ regulations on resilience, environment, and safety/DRR issues. ✔ Implementing project on Climate Adaptive Planning for Resilience and Sustainability (CAP-RES, under National Knowledge Mission on Climate Change/DST-GOI, themes – resilient agriculture, resilient health, green growth for DRR, carbon neutrality in relief & recovery, policy instruments in CCA-DRR). Process Framework for Climate Resilient and Disaster Safe Development (Synergizing Paris Climate Agreement and SDGs with Sendai Framework of DRR, for Sub-national & Urban Contexts); Mainstreaming CCA DRR into planning at Sub-national and district/local levels and scaling up; Inputs/as Member to drafting of Adaptation Standards (BIS). Climate resilient development and adaptation through regional strategies (GEF/UNDP). Supported making of State Action Plans on Climate Change (SAPCC), needs assessments and implementation. Climate Resilient Smart City Assessment Framework (MoHUA/NIUA). Member of the Drafting Sub-committee on National Strategy on Climate Change, leading to the National Action Plan on Climate Change. ✔ National, Sectoral and disaster-specific planning: Developed National Disaster Management Plan (final draft for NEC, Govt. of India); Developed National Human Resource & Capacity Development Plan for DM & DRR. National Disaster Management Plan for Ministries/Sectors – Food & Public Distribution Sector (Food Corporation of India) NFPD-DMP, Ayush Sector (NAyush-DMP), Agriculture & Farmers Welfare sector (NADMP), Environment Forests & Climate change Sector (NEFC-DMP), Chemicals & Petrochemicals Sector (NCPC-DMP); National Health Adaptation Plan (NHAP, under NAPCC/Health Mission), Crisis Management Plan to Deal with Sudden Contamination of Water Bodies (CPCB), National Manual for Drought Management (MoAg) on directive of Hon’ble Supreme Court; Sectoral coordination guidelines for civil societies in humanitarian relief and preparedness (SPHERE). National action plan on chemical-industrial disaster risk management (MoEF). Project for Climate resilient infrastructure through pilots in 3 states of India (with GIZ, NABARD and MOEFCC under National Adaptation Fund project, in DPR state). Supporting Ministry of Road Transport & Highways for comprehensive HRVCA Climate Adaptation and DRR Policy & Guidelines, under Green Corridor Project supported by The World Bank. ✔ Concept & advocacy on: 2nd paradigm shift in disaster management – sustainability inclusive, prevention and mitigation oriented; Climate smart disaster risk management (CSDRM), Ecosystem approach to DRR (ecoDRR), adaptation (eBA) and nature based solutions (NBS) & Green-growth, resource efficiency; Role of environment laws; Indicator based system to risk/vulnerability analysis; Mitigation Analysis, Scorecard based approach to city risk/resilience; Role of EIA/SEA – integrating DRR and adaptation in project management cycle/decisions; Risk based land-use planning. Integrating off-site emergency plans with DM plans, Peri-urban systems for urban resilience, Sectoral plans at national/Ministry levels, Loss & 9 Damage, PDNA, etc. Adaptation Standards – development at BIS. Guidelines on institutional mechanism for disaster related death audit at States/districts. International Cooperation ✔ Established/maintained partnership with wide ranging organizations including UN (like UNDP, UNEP, WHO, UNDRR, UNICEF, ESCAP, WFP, UNESCO, UNU), IUCN, GIZ Germany, inWEnt and GTZ, Ifanos C&P Germany, academic institutions (like Keio University, Kyoto University, IGES Japan, Potsdam University Germany, ITC & University of Twente Netherlands; ISET USA; Huddersfield University UK, York University Toronto, Charles Darwin University & ANU Australia, World Bank Institute Washington DC), other institutions (the World Bank, NORAD, Climate Development Knowledge Network CDKN UK; DFID, Rockefeller Foundations, EU, ICIMOD Kathmandu Nepal, SAARC etc.) for wider range of activities including research, capacity building and pilot projects in DRR, related CCA, environment, health, sustainability and safety issues. ✔ Organized capacity building programmes for officials of African countries, AsiaPacific, SAARC nations, AARDO, EAS-Europe Summit Meetings, etc. Invited by World Water Forum(s) (France, Korea), Asia Pacific Adaptation Forum (Malaysia), UNOCHA/UNEP Joint Environment Unit, UNESCO International Hydrology Programme (France), IUCN, UNDP, UNEP, UNU-EHS (at Germany), Italian Trade Commission, Climate Development Knowledge Network, GIZ (Germany), York University Canada, COMSTECH (Pakistan), IGES Japan, etc., to deliver talk /presentation, chair/ coordinate session, contribute to outcome drafting or negotiations. Research & Development, Innovations & Field Work ✔ Undertook and guided researches related to policy processes and approaches, methodological frameworks including field works, mapping, consultations and policy analysis. Some are: Environmental risk mapping approach to disaster risk reduction in industrial areas (published in JCP, IF=9.8). Life cycle analysis approach to dealing with disaster wastes from solar PV cells (Published in RCR, IF=14.8). “Drought risk and vulnerability assessment and mitigation analysis for Bundelkhand region” (ICSSR funded). Drought risk assessment for different river basins of India (with IIT Indore, under DST project). Climatic and social aspects of Covid pandemic spread in India (with IIT Indore, published in Technological Forecasting & Social Change, IF=4.8), approaches in social prevention of Covid 19 (IJDRR, IF=4.5). Perception analysis of official stakeholders in CCA-DRR issues and implementation (Published in Emerald JDRBE). Loss and Damage (L&D) - Going beyond PDNA, Study of underlying causes Analysis of 2 major cyclones in 4 states, towards localization of DRR agenda. ✔ Addressing loss & damage (underlying causes) through analysis of recent disasters. Approaches, pathways and entry points for integrating CCA-DRR and mainstreaming into planning at District levels and lessons for state level, Micro-level Vulnerability analysis for climatic disaster risk resilience in Sundarbans, Drought indices - review and comparative account (published in Journal D&D), Understanding natural hazard risk and resilience for disaster management plan for Zoo (published in IJDRR, IF=4.5). ✔ Process framework and techno-scientific and policy aspects for peri-urban systems in city resilience to climatic and disaster risks, Vulnerability of peri-urban children, poor children to impact of climate change (under UNICEF, Rockefeller, CDKN, GEAG cooperation). Climate and disaster risk resilience scoring at city level (jointly with IIT Indore for prototype development - case of 4 major cities). Losses and Damages due to disasters: Study of underlying causes (jointly with Sphere India). Study on 10 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ institutional mechanisms for disaster related death-audit framework. Mapping of climatic and biological disasters in India over different policy regimes (with GIZ Germany). Integration of nature based solutions and ecoDRR into district disaster management plans (with Wetland International). Study of urban floods – events, causes, failures and future strategies for 8 major cities. Flyash (power plant waste) utilization in agriculture and forestry. Industrial air pollution transport and impact assessment on health and vegetation. Steering the making of S&T and Innovation Policy Framework for India for DRR and CCA, integrated resilience framework, integration with research and technical educational systems at all levels (with DST-GOI). Field works; For documentation, situational, site observations, interventions, discussions, etc. (for e.g. Uttarakhand flood 2013, Train Tragedy Odisha 2021, Heatwave 2016), action research projects (e.g. district and state level – Odisha, UP, Uttarakhand, Village level – districts in AP and TN), Analytical & social research – Bundelkhand districts & villages, field visits, industrial visits, Mock drills, conducting training, study visits, etc. Guided research treatise including PhDs: in area of DRR, Adaptation, Resilience & sustainability, Policy planning & governance. Knowledge Building & Dissemination ✔ Promotion of disaster related databases at various levels, and knowledge networks India Disaster Knowledge Network IDKN, India Disaster Resource Network IDRN, Trainee Databases, Web-based Training Management Platform. India’s 1st SOE (State of Environment Report ENVIS) of MP); Disaster Management in India (National referral book) 2022; Annual Reports, Journals, Blogs, Newsletters, IEC materials; Organized international/national & policy dialogues, conferences, workshops, India Disaster Management Congress, National Platform on DRR meetings. Climate and adaptation knowledge platform (CAD-Plat). ✔ Compendium(s) of Case Studies – Climate Change Adaptation Mainstreaming with DRR (ProACT/OPM), Ecosystem Approach to Adaptation & DRR (UNEP/PEDRR), Nature Based Solutions in Asia-Pacific (IUCN-CEM, Springer), Environment and Sustainability (CAP-RES, DST), Health Adaptation & Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters (WHO). Documentation of disasters, viz. Covid-19 Pandemic, Heat Wave 2015-2016, Uttarakhand flood disaster 2013, Gorakhpur Floods 2007, Bundelkhand Drought 2002-2011. ✔ Climate change –Adaptation and Disaster Resilience Network Programme for Knowledge and Capacities, under Consortium strategy. ✔ Publications >180 (Books, Compendium, Manuals, Articles, Research or Policy papers, Reports). Capacity Building, Training & Education ✔ Developed National Human Resource & Capacity Development Plan (NHRCDP) for Disaster Management. Developed Perspective Plan for strengthening and expansion of NIDM (Institute), in consultative / systemic process; Support/guidance to States for Gaps & Needs Assessment and developing training strategies. DPR for establishment & functioning of ecoDRR Centre at Chandrapur (Maharashtra). Supported institutions in India/region in establishing Centres or Programmes in DRR, Sustainability, Climate resilience and environment health issues. 11 ✔ Developed and implemented national level training strategy and schemes for capacity building with Strategic Approach to Training – Module Based & Sector based programmes. Technology mediated learning: Online courses in collaboration with World Bank Institute & GFDRR on Web-platform Moodle, SATCOM (Edu-sat) courses with state institutes. Blended Learning Courses (with GIZ Germany) on Global Campus GC-21. MOOC programmes of UNEP/PEDRR. Developed 15 Comprehensive Training manuals (with modules, exercises and readings). Guidance/facilitation of training toolkit for integrating CCA into DRR programmes (OPML). ✔ International/national training: >600 courses including for Officials of African Countries, AARDO, SAARC, EAS, Asia-Pacific nations, with over 60000 participants. ✔ Facilitated curriculum on disaster management under interdisciplinary and professional streams, and Climate change and sustainability studies, environment courses, in Universities/colleges under AICTE/UGC including at M.Tech/M.Phil., M.Sc./M.A., Ph.D. Capacity building programmes/series jointly with international agencies, Sectoral national institutes, State government, Corporate/FICCI, Institution of Engineers, iNGO/NGOs, etc. ✔ Courses (developed/guided/taught): Governance, Policy-planning and Tools. Climate change - Adaptation, Resilience and DRR. Disaster Management and Risk Reduction. Environmental Impact Assessment & Policy Instruments. Environmental Law & Policy. Industrial-chemical Safety and Disaster Management. Environment & Occupational-health, Ecosystem based Adaptation - ecoDRR and NBS. Resilience and Sustainable City & Rural Planning, Health and Agriculture Sectors. Sustainability & Green Growth in Disaster Management & Long-term Recovery. Ecology-ecosystems and Resources Management. ✔ Guided research treatise including for PhDs: in area of DRR, Environment, natural resources, Adaptation, , Resilience & sustainability, Policy planning & governance. 12 Annexure (iii) ADMINISTRATIVE & MANAGERIAL ROLES ✔ Regulations and disciplinary - Facilitation in development and implementation of Recruitment & Service Rules, Ordinances of Institute and Programmes, Memorandum of Society & Association, Consultancy & Sponsored Research Guidelines / Manual, Career advancement scheme, Young Professionals Scheme, etc. ✔ Founded the Institute of Environment & Development Studies, with and from Deptt. of Environment Science, and by extending with Deptt. of NRM at BU Jhansi, in 2003 (as founder Head / Director i/c). Established the Centre for Excellence on Climate Resilience “Disaster and Health” at NIDM with support of MoH&FW, processing for Centre of Excellence on Chemical Safety DRR. Executed Central Sector Scheme on DRR for the states of Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh, Daman Diu and DNH. ✔ Portfolio and organizational planning and execution: National Human Resource Plan, Organization’s Perspective Plan, etc. Coordinator of Technical Advisory Committee (Sub-committee of Governing Board), Academic Council. Managed meetings, ATRs and implementation decisions. Infrastructure and Campus planning and development - Technical committee for Rohini campus, and development of Vijaywada campus. ✔ Managed and facilitated the process of hiring including screening, written tests, interviews, etc. for faculty, technical and administrative staff positions at University levels, National institute levels, etc. including as Chair / Member. Support to the process of defreezing of abolished posts (professional & administrative) of institute. ✔ Member of Governing Board of University Institute (Mangalore University SOSW, as UGC nominee), Research Board of Development Alternatives, Research Advisory Committee of ICFRE-TFRI (DG’s nominee), Amity University, BOS of TERI-SAS, Academic Board of SPA Bhopal, Special Committee of JNU (for SCDR), etc. ✔ Convenor of Board of Studies (PG and UG), Convenor of Research Degree Committee, Controller of Examination, Examination Superintendent, at Bundelkhand University, Govt. of UP. ✔ Member/institutional coordinator for UGC team visit for 10th Plan Grant, preparation for NAAC team visit for accreditation and evaluation/rating, etc. Chair of the Committee for ISO certification process at NIDM. ✔ Developed and implemented “Young Professional Programme” scheme to strengthen HR capacity and academic and training endeavours and administration at NIDM. ✔ Held the role of DDO (Finance Officer) of NIDM, and Chaired purchase committees, Auction committees, Selection committees, etc. Held financial administration including budget, general and academic administration of Institute of Environment and Development Studies with 2 PG Departments and 1 UG programme at BU Jhansi. ✔ Managed project administration (25 projects including major projects, international cooperation, consortium projects) and several other endeavours with administrative, HR and financial aspects, at Bundelkhand University, NIDM and DMI. Training administration including logistics, planning, partnership and implementation. ✔ Managed - supervised and guided human resources - faculty, staff, consultants, collaborators and partner institution’s teams, consortium groups, etc. at different levels, and teams, at institute, department, programme or project levels including performance monitoring and appraisal, etc. Managed multiple projects and diverse teams simultaneously and in coherence. 13 Annexure (iv) Other relevant details Professional Recognition, Affiliations and Awards ✔ WMO Expert Team Member on Climate Statement. ✔ South Asia Core Group Member of Commission on Ecosystem Management – IUCN, ✔ Climate Smart City Assessment Framework (MoHUA, Govt of India/NIUA). ✔ Chief Editor, Springer Nature Book Series on Disaster Resilience & Green Growth. ✔ Member of Executive - Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Elected Fellow - Society of Earth Scientists. Elected Fellow - International Society of Environmental Botany. Vicechair - Association of Environmental & Occupational Health. Secretary General – ASURED (Alliance of Sustainability, Resilience and DRR Professionals). ✔ Honorary Adjunct Professor of University of Ladakh, UT, of India. ✔ Member of Research/Academic Board, Governing Board & Thesis examiner Development Alternatives (DA), JNU, School for Planning & Architecture, TERI School of Advanced Studies, IIT Kharagpur, GGSIPU, Mangalore University, etc. ✔ Offered Senior Technical Advisor (Band-5) role at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). ✔ Selected for Senior Fellow of IDRC Canada’s Think Tank Initiative (TTI) on Policy Studies in DRR, at Institute of Economic Growth. ✔ Excellence Award, Indian Environmental & Occupational Health Society 2012, ✔ National Science Day Young Scientist Award, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, India 1996. ✔ Member – Information & Communication, REACT, DoEN/MoEF Project, APSU, India. ✔ Joint Secretary, Environment Biology Society, APS University Rewa, India. Editorial Contributions ✓ Editorial Board Member of Journals: Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment (Emerald, UK); Disaster Prevention and Resilience (China), Environmental Sustainability; Anthropocene Science (Springer), Journal of Spatial Science (UGC-SAP Osmania University), Earth Science Journal (Society for Earth Scientists), Disaster Advances; Journal of Applied Forest Ecology (JAFE), Journal of Hydraulics and Water Engineering, LARYSS Journal (of Science and engineering of water). ✓ Book Series: Advances in Earth Science (Society of Earth Scientists), Chief Editor – Springer Nature Book Series on Green Growth and Disaster Resilience. ✓ Edited NIDM Journal ‘Disaster & Development’, Newsletter ‘Tidings’, Editor: En-Voice: CSIR-NEERI Magazine 1996, XII Annual Session of Academy of Environmental Biology at Rewa, India 1991, Chief Editor: Abhivyakti, CSM Hostel Magazine 1994 APSU Rewa. Ph.D. Research Supervsion ✓ Integrated resilience for water-risks in the mountain city areas: A study from Leh, Ladakh (ongoing) ✓ Land-use and impacts of Climate change – Study of Peri-urban areas in three cities – 14 Gurugram, Dehradun and Chandigarh (ongoing). ✓ Climatic and water resources in urban villages of Delhi: Study of consequent health risk and effects on women (ongoing) ✓ Drought risk, vulnerability and adaptive strategies with reference to natural resources and social capital – A Study from Jharkhand (ongoing). ✓ Fire risk assessment of critical infrastructure buildings in Srinagar, J&K, towards urban resilience (ongoing). ✓ Consideration and gaps in addressing women’s concerns & justice in policies of DRR in South Asia (ongoing). ✓ Climatic change impacts and strategies for adaptation and disaster resilience in Almora (2022). ✓ Micro-level vulnerability analysis for climatic disasters in Indian Sundarbans (2019). ✓ Drought risk and vulnerability under climate change in Bundelkhand and adaptation strategies for mitigation (2017). ✓ EIA as a tool in disaster management – Case analysis of Gorakhpur floods (2013). ✓ Role of secondary decomposers in waste management (2009). ✓ Hepatotoxicity and toxicokinetics of drugs under pesticide exposure in rats (2007). ✓ Ecosystem-health approach to wetland restoration (2008). 15 Annexure (v) LIST OF SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (Books, Manuals & Modules, Knowledge/Case Study Compendium, Technical Reports & Plans, Research Reports & Monographs, Policy Papers & Thematic Papers, Papers in Journals, Chapters in Books & Conferences, Other Articles) Books 1. Disaster Risk and Management under Climate Change. 2023. P380. Springer Nature, Singapore/Berlin. ISBN 978-981-99-4105-6 https://link.springer.com/book/9789819941049 2. River, Sediment and Hydrological Extremes: Causes, Impacts and Management. 2023. P300. Springer Nature, Singapore/Berlin. ISBN 978-981-99-4811-6. https://link.springer.com/book/9789819948109 3. Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Contexts from a Developing Country. 2023. P310. Springer Palgrave Macmillan, Berlin. ISBN 9789819922055. https://www.amazon.com/PalgraveHandbook-Socio-ecological-Resilience-Climate/dp/9819922054 4. Climate Change and Environmental Impacts: Past, Present and Future Perspective. 2022. Springer, Tokyo. P348. Society of Earth Scientists Series. ISBN: 978-3-031-13119-6. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-13119-6 5. Hydro-Meteorological Extremes and Disasters. 2022. Springer Nature. Singapore/Berlin, Germany. P330. ISBN 978-981-19-0724-1. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-0725-8 6. Extremes in Atmospheric Processes and Phenomenon: Assessment, Impacts and Mitigation. Springer Nature, Singapore/Berlin. 2022. ISBN 978-981-16-7727-4. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-7727-4 7. Integrated Risk of Pandemic: Covid-19 Impacts, Resilience and Recommendations 2020. Springer Nature. Singapore/Berlin, Germany. 2020, P350 (ISBN 978-981-15-7678-2) https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811576782 8. Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Ecosystems and Societies (with IUCNCEM), 2020, Springer Nature. Singapore/Berlin, Germany. 2020, P455. (ISBN 978981-15-4712-6). https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811547119 9. Disaster Communication and Early Warning Systems (Foreword - Prof Jorn Birkmann, Univ. of Stuttgart, Germany), 2018, P326. Astral Intl. Publishers, Delhi. ISBN 978-93-5124-961-0. https://www.amazon.in/Disaster-Communication-EarlyWarning-Systems/dp/9351249611 10. Land Use and Environmental Resources - Methods and Management (Foreword – DRR Chief of UNEP), 2016, Astral Publishing Delhi. ISBN 978-93-5124-089-1. P264. https://www.abebooks.com/first-edition/Land-Use-EnvironmentalResources-Methods-Management-Anil/17987424871/bd 11. Disaster Risk and Impact Management: Eco-Hydrological & Strategies Issues (Foreword - Prof. R Shaw, Keio University Japan); 2018, P276, Astral Press, Delhi, ISBN 978-81-7035-852-7. https://www.brooklinebooksmith.com/book/9789351240013 12. Disaster Management and Risk Reduction: Role of Environmental Knowledge (with F. Bemmerlein-lux, eds; Foreword - Prof. M S Swaminathan, FRS), 2013, P380, Narosa Press New Delhi / Alpha Scientific London. ISBN 978-81-8487-251-4. https://www.waterstones.com/book/disaster-management-and-riskreduction/anil-kumar-gupta/sreeja-s-nair/9788184872514 16 Manuals and Modules ● Green Growth & Resource Efficiency for DRR: Towards Green Economy and Resilient Development. Training Manual. NIDM & CAP-RES DST, India 2022. ISBN No: 978-81-960161-3-5. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/Modules/TM_GGRED_23.pdf ● Nature-based Solutions for Reducing Disaster Risks: A Guidebook for District Disaster Management Planning. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27441.04969 WI-SA & NIDM. 2022. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364961235_Naturebased_Solutions_for_Reducing_Disaster_Risks_A_Guidebook_for_District_Disaster_M anagement_Planning#fullTextFileContent ● Climate Proofing Disaster Relief and Recovery. Training Manual. NIDM with DST, India (Under CAP-RES) 2022. Pages 153. ISBN: 978-81-956700-3-1. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/Modules/NIDMCPDRR_22.pdf ● Climate Change and Extreme Events. Training Manual. NIDM with DST, India (Under CAP-RES) 2022. Pages 199. ISBN No.: 987-81-955009-9-4. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363613477_Climate_Change_and_Extre me_Events_Risk_Reduction_Training_Manual ● Climate and Disaster Resilient Agriculture Management. Training Manual, under the NADMP project of MOAF-GOI. March 2021. NIDM New Delhi. P.116 . ISBN 97893-82571-58-2. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/Modules/NIDM_CDRAM2021.pdf ● Health Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Risks. Training Manual, under HERCAP project funded by WHO. June 2021. NIDM New Delhi. P148. ISBN 978-9382571-53-7. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_HealthAdaptation.pdf ● Peri-urban Ecosystems and Urban Resilience. Training Modules, Instructions and Reference Materials. 2021. CDKN UK, GEAG, NIDM-GOI. P100. ISBN 978-93-857147-6. https://geagindia.org/index.php/publications/peri-urban-agriculture-andecosystems/peri-urban-ecosystems-and-urban-resilience-0 ● Developing Disaster-Risk Resilience in Cities. 2019, UNICEF, GEAG, NIDM, P109 (ISBN 978-81-933285-3-8). https://reliefweb.int/report/india/developingdisaster-risk-resilience-cities-training-module-urban-local-bodies-including ● Critical Infrastructure and Disaster Risk Management (with Claudia Batch and John Birckmann), authors), 2013, GIZ Germany, UNU-EHS Germany, P72 (ISBN 9783944152-13-4). https://nidm.gov.in/pdf/modules/cric%20infra.pdf ● Climate Resilient and Disaster Safe Development: Process Framework, 2017, P112. ISET Colorado USA, CDKN London UK (ISBN 978-0-9843616-7-0). http://www.preventionweb.net/educational/view/51472 https://www.preventionweb.net/files/51472_51463lowresclimateresilientanddisa s.pdf ● Urban Resilience and Sustainability through Peri-Urban Ecosystems. 2017, P100. Rockefeller Foundation USA and GEAG India. ISBN: 978-81-933285-0-7. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319877741_Urban_Resilience_and_Sust ainability_Through_Peri-urban_Ecosystems_Integrating_CCA_and_DRR ● National Manual for Drought Management, India, 2016. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer’s Welfare, Govt of India, New Delhi. P154. http://drought.unl.edu/Portals/0/docs/international/India%20Drought%20Manua l%202016.pdf ● Handbook for District Collectors on Climate Smart Disaster Risk Reduction, 17 2016, P26, CDKN London UK, ISET Colorado, USA (ISBN 978-0-9843616-9-7). http://www.preventionweb.net/publications/view/51412 ● Environmental Legislation for Disaster Risk Management, GIZ Germany, 2013. P108. (ISBN 978-3-944152-12-7). http://www.preventionweb.net/educational/view/31949 ● Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (into District Level Development Plans. 2014, P114 ISET, USA and NIDM (ISBN 978-09843616-6-3). http://gbpihedenvis.nic.in/PDFs/Disaster%20Data/Training%20Modules/Mainstre aming_Climate_Change_Adaptation_and_Disaster_Risk_Reduction.pdf ● Flood Disaster Risk Management Case Study Module – Gorakhpur, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Germany, GEAG & NIDM, 2012 (ISBN 978-3-944152-14-1), P 116. http://floodresilience.net/resources/item/flood-disaster-risk-managementgorakhpur-case-study ● Database and Statistics for Disaster Risk Management (with Klaus Roder et al), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Germany, 2013, P228 (ISBN 978-3-944152-11-0). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311370383_Databases_and_Statistics_fo r_Disaster_Risk_Managements ● Geoinformatics Application in Chemical Risk Management. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Germany, ITC University of Twente – The Netherlands, 2013, P200 (ISBN 978-3-944152-33-2). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311370854_Geoinformatics_Application _in_Chemical_Risk_Management ● Chemical (Industrial) Disaster Management, NIDM New Delhi. 2012, P142. (ISBN 978-81-924366-4-6) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311371151_Chemical_Industrial_Disast er_Management Knowledge / Case Study Compendium ● Health Adaptation and Resilience to Climate change and related disasters. Knowledge compendium. March 2021. Under HER-CAP project funded by WHO. NIDM New Delhi. P327 ISBN 978-93-82571-52-0. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_HealthAdaptation.pdf ● Peri-urban Ecosystems and Urban Resilience - Compendium of Case Studies. Feb 2021. P100. CDKN UK, GEAG, NIDM-GOI. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36514.35522, ISBN 978-93-82571-48-3. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/Periurban_Knowledge_Compendium2021.pdf ● Climate Resilient Disaster Risk Management - Best Practices Case Studies Compendium. 2019, Govt. of Maharashtra, Oxford Policy Management, NIDM, Govt. of Maharashtra. P-100. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331074060_CLIMATE_RESILIENT_DISA STER_RISK_MANAGEMENT_Best_Practices_Case_Studies_Compendium ● Ecosystem Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction, NIDM New Delhi with UNEPPEDRR. 2012. P204. (ISBN 978-81-924366-3-9) http://www.evidenceondemand.info/ecosystem-approach-to-disaster-riskreduction 18 Research Reports & Monographs ● Corporate Carbon Management and ESG Reporting: Investments by Technology Industry in Green growth and Climate actions. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18004.27527 NIDM New Delhi. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_CCMESGR22.pdf ● Disaster Damage and Losses: Study of Underlying Causes - Study on Cyclones Tauktae and Yaas. NIDM New Delhi. Oct. 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27342.74566 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364825615_Disaster_Damages_and_Los ses_Study_of_Underlying_Causes ● Institutional mechanism for evaluating human deaths from disasters. July 2022. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16634.16324 NIDM New Delhi https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDMInst_Mech_Deaths2022.pdf ● Mapping Climatic and Biological Disasters in India for Enhancing Resilience: Study of Spatial and Temporal Patterns. 2021. GIZ Germany (India office) and NIDM New Delhi. P220. ISBN: 978-81-955009-1-8. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/GIZNIDM_21.pdf ● Climatic Variations and Agricultural Landscape: A Study on Policies and Practices for Resilience. National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi. P114. ISBN No: 978-93-82571-57-5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357205691_Climatic_Variations_and_Ag ricultural_Landscape_A_Study_on_Policies_and_Practices_for_Resilience ● Development of integrated-farming system for improving food security in Indian Himalayas under Climate Change. NIDM New Delhi, with Kumaon University (Under CAP-RES, DST Project). March 2021. P88. ISBN No.: 978-93-82571-51-3. ● Agriculture Resilience Assessment over Central India under Climate Change. Jan. 2021. NIDM New Delhi, with IIT Indore (Under CAP-RES, DST Project). P96. ISBN 978-93-82571-40-7. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15790.23360 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349278730_Agriculture_Resilience_Ass essment_over_Central_India_under_Climate_Change_Under_CAP-RES ● Change Climate Risk Management Framework for India: Addressing Loss and Damage (L&D) (with Reinhard Mechler, Thomas Schinko et al. 2019), P-64. GIZ Germany and NIDM India (ISBN 978-93-82571-25-4). https://www.preventionweb.net/news/view/69450 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/GIZ_NIDM_Climate%20RiskManagementFramewor k.pdf ● Heat Wave 2016, India: A Documentation Study. 2018. NIDM New Delhi. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13035.23847 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/heat_wave_18.pdf ● Uttarakhand Flood Disaster – 2013. NIDM New Delhi, 2015, P-184 (ISBN 978-9382571-14-8). https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/ukd-p1.pdf https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/ukd-p2.pdf https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/ukdp3.pdf ● Bundelkhand Drought – A Retrospective Analysis and Way Ahead. NIDM, 2014, P148 (ISBN 87893-8257-108-7). https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/Bundelkhand%20Drought%202014.pdf ● Environmental Extremes Disaster Risk Management - Addressing Climate change. NIDM New Delhi, 2012, P 40. (ISBN 978-81-924366-5-3). https://library.wmo.int/opac/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=12183#.Wjqa21W WbIU 19 Technical Reports & Plans ● National Environment Forests & Climate Change Disaster Management Plan (NEFC-DMP). July 2023. For MOEFCC-GOI, as per DM Act 2005 and Policy 2009. To be published/released. ● National Chemical and Petro-chemicals Disaster Management Plan (NECPCDMP). June 2023. For Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, GOI, approved by NDMA. As per DM Act 2005 and Policy 2009. To be published/released. ● National Adaptation Communication (NAC) to UNFCCC – DRR Cross-cutting Sectoral Contribution. To MOEFCC/NDMA. May 2023. ● National Agriculture Disaster Management Plan (NA-DMP). Oct. 2020 (Published March 2021). Developed for MOAF-GOI, approved by NDMA, as per DM Act 2005 and Policy 2009. https://agricoop.nic.in/sites/default/files/NADMP%20%281%29_0.pdf ● National Health Adaptation Plan (for disaster related illnesses and health issues). Under NAPCC - Mission on Health, as the Centre of Excellence of MOH&FW, with support of WHO India and NCDC. 2020. ● Detailed Project Proposal (DPR) for Govt. of Maharashtra for Setting up ecoDRR Centre at Forest Academy at Chandrapur, 2017. ● Training Needs Assessment for CCA-DRR Mainstreaming, 2015 (State of Tripura). ● Impact Evaluation Study (of NIDM’s Training Programmes), 2014. With TERI Bangalore. P67. ● Perspective Plan for Strengthening and Expansion of NIDM (Institute), 2014. ● National Disaster Management Plan (Final Draft, approved by NEC, Oct 2013). Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India. ● National Human Resource and Capacity Development Plan (DM and DRR), Govt. of India, 2012. ● Chemical Disaster Management, NAPCDM Consultation – Detailed Report, Ministry of Environment & Forests & NIDM, 2009, P 71. (ISBN 978-81-924366-0-8). ● Urban Flood Case Study Reports, for each of the 8 Important Indian Cities. 2008, NIDM with City Teams. (Published in Special issues of D&D Journal). ● Climate Resilient Development and Adaptation (FSP Report for GEF), UNDP, MoEFCC, Wintock Intl and TERI, 2007. ● Consultation Workshop on Sustainable Land-use and Land Resources: Perspective Planning (for Drought Resilience and Livelihoods), Planning Board, UP, 2006. ● Status of Solid Waste Disposal in Uttar Pradesh. Technical Final Report of project funded by CPCB/MOEF. 2001. BBA Central University. Policy Papers/Thematic Papers ● Water Crisis in India cities: Systemic failure or wrath of climate change. 97881-957965-33. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_WCIC22.pdf ● Landscape approach and role in disaster management: Moving beyond Conventional concepts towards Implementation frameworks. ISBN 978-81-95796564 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_LARDM22.pdf ● Underground Urbanism: Re-imagining the role of Underground spaces for 20 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● India’s urban future. ISBN 978-81-957965-40 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/NIDM_UURUSIUF22.pdf Regional approach papers: 06: Climate-Related Health Adaptation and Resilience in India: Northern Region. Pages – 18 ISBN - 978-81-956700-2-4 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/HERCAP_NorthernRegion.pdf Southern Region. Pages - 22 ISBN - 978-81-956700-0-0. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/HERCAP_SouthernRegion.pdf , Western Region. Pages – 18 ISBN - 978-81-956700-7-9. https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/HERCAP_WesternRegion.pdf . Eastern and North Eastern Region. Pages - 22. ISBN – 978-81-956700-1-7 https://nidm.gov.in/PDF/pubs/HERCAP_East-NorthEastRegion.pdf Water Related Disasters (Floods & Drought): Implications for Health Adaptation & Resilience. Pages – 34 ISBN - 978-93-82571-54-4 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355095448_Water_Related_Disasters_Fl ood_Drought_Implications_for_Health_Adaptation_Resilience Temperature related Disasters (Heat & Cold Wave): Implications for Health Adaptation & Resilience. Thematic paper. Pages – 32 ISBN - 978-93-82571-55-1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355095451_Temperature_Related_Disa sters_Heat_Cold_Wave_Implications_for_Health_Adaptation_Resilience Air Pollution and Public Health Emergencies. Pages – 28 ISBN - 978-93-8257165-0. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357621064_Air_Pollution_and_Public_H ealth_Emergencies Environmental Services for Health Protection in Disasters and Emergencies. Pages – 32 ISBN - 978-93-82571-66-7 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357621160_Environmental_services_fo r_Health_Protection_in_Disasters_and_Emergencies Green Growth Benefits for Climate and Disaster Resilience: Concerns for Urban and Infrastructure Systems. Global Green Growth Institute GGGI and NIDM. P22. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336485205_Green_Growth_Benefits_for _Climate_and_Disaster_Resilience_Concerns_for_Urban_and_Infrastructure_Systems Roadmap of Resilient Agriculture in India. 2019, P-26, NIDM, CRIDA and ICAR. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336317956_Roadmap_of_Resilient_Agri culture_in_India Urban Poor Children’s Vulnerability and Urban/Peri-urban Ecosystem Based Resilience, Technical Paper. 2017, P20, UNICEF India and GEAG India. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322024616_Vulnerabilities_of_Urban_P oor_Children_and_UrbanPeri-urban_Ecosystem_Based_Resilience Strengthening Climate Resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction - Approach in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu in India (Experience & Lessons) (with Heike Mewas et al.), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Germany, 2014, P36. https://www.preventionweb.net/publications/view/37390 Climate Risk: Critical Challenges, 2013. Yojana, June 2013: 11-17. (0971-8400). http://iasscore.in/pdf/yojna/2.%20Climate%20risk.pdf Children's vulnerability in the context of climate change induced disaster risks in Bihar (India), 6 Policy Briefs -Health, WATSAN, Education, Nutrition, Protection. 2018 UNICEF India and GEAG. 21 ● ● ● ● https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323167082_Children's_vulnerability_in_ the_context_of_climate_change_induced_disaster_risks_in_Bihar_India Climate-Smart District Disaster Management Plan as Effective Tool for Implementing State Action Plan on Climate Change: Lessons from three states in India. Thematic Paper. (2016). 2016, CDKN London UK, ISET Colorado USA, P40. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10640.20481. http://i-s-e-t.org/resources/policy-techreports/climate-smart-districk-disaster-management-plan-as-effective-tool-forimplementing-state-action-plan-on-climate-change.html Unpacking Mainstreaming DRR-CCA in the sub-national level Development Planning: Insights from three states in India. Thematic Paper. (2016). 2016 ISET Colorado USA, CDKN London UK. P10, DOI: 10.13140 /RG.2.2.27417.42081. http://i-s-e-t.org/resources/policy-tech-reports/unpacking-mainstreaming-drrcca-in-the-sub-national-level-development-planning.html Prime Minister's Agenda 10. India's Disaster Risk Management Roadmap to Climate Resilient and Sustainable Development. Policy Analysis Advocacy Paper, 2016, ISET Colorado USA, CDKN London UK. P24. DOI: 10.13140/; RG.2.2.21837.03048. http://i-s-e-t.org/resources/other/prime-ministers-agenda10-indias-disaster-risk-management-roadmap-to-climate-resilient-and-sustainabledevelopment.html Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (India Country paper (with A.K., Jens Etter, and Ilona Porsché) 2011). In: Climate-change Adaptation in Rural Areas (eds: Ilona Porsché, Anna Kalisch, Rosie Füglein), GIZ Germany, MoEF-GoI. 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