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A stick figure smiling

Here's a preview from my zine, Bite Size Networking!! If you want to see more comics like this, sign up for my saturday comics newsletter or browse more comics!

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(Linux only)

lets you view + change network configuration.


(OBJECT = addr, link neigh, etc)
(COMMAND = add, show, delete, etc)

Here are some ways to use it!

ip addr list

shows ip addresses your devices. Look for something like this:

2: eth0:
   link/ether 3c:97... 

ip route list

displays the route table.

default via (my router) dev docker

to see all route tables: ip route list table all

change your MAC address

good for cafés with time limits (devil face emoji)

$ ip link set wlan0 down 
$ ip link set eth0 address 
$ ip link set wlan0 up 
$ service network-manager 

(or whatever you use)

network devices! (like eth0)

ip neigh

view/edit the ARP table

ip xfrm

is for IPsec

ip route get IP

what route will packets with $IP take?


(the letters of “color” are in various rainbow colours)
pretty colourful output!

-- brief

show a summary

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© Julia Evans 2024 | All rights reserved (see the FAQ for notes about licensing)