We’re sorry you didn’t get the service you’d expect from Wise. Everyone has the right to make a complaint if they didn't get the experience they expected — you can find more information below, and what you can do depending on your region.
Before you submit a formal complaint, you may be able to resolve your issue by some of the options below.
Email our Support
The fastest way to solve your issue is through our Customer Support — they might be able to resolve it on the spot by email.
Call our Support
You can also call this number to make a complaint: +44 808 175 1506 (it's toll-free if you call from a local UK number).
If you're in the EU/EEA, you can also call us on this number: +3226203420
In some regions, you may not be able to call us — in that case, you can request a call back.
For region-specific information and additional ways to contact us about a complaint, see below.
Appealing a deactivated account
If your account has been deactivated, you can make an appeal to us, and we'll let you know about next steps.
Learn how you can make an appeal
What happens after I make a complaint?
Wise will:
email you that we got your complaint
ask for any extra information, if we need it
investigate your case and your concerns, referring to the Terms and Conditions
email you to explain what actions we took and why
We’ll look into your case as quickly as possible. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours and send you a final response within 15 calendar days. On rare occasions, we may need to extend the deadline to investigate your case in detail and we’ll let you know if we need more time.
What if I’m not happy with the response?
If you’re not happy with our final response, you can forward your complaint to the dispute body in your region — see the regions below.
United Kingdom, or any region not listed below
If you have a complaint, please use this link to fill out our complaint form, and we'll look into it for you.
If you don't agree with our final response, you can make a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Online complaint form: https://help.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/help
Mail: The Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Phone: 0800 023 4 567 (free), 0300 123 9 123, weekdays from 8:00am–5:00pm (GMT)
If you’re not in the UK, call +44 20 7964 0500.
You have 6 months to make a complaint after we send you a final response.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we’ll extend the deadline to 35 calendar days from the day you complained. If you don’t receive any communication from Wise in regards to your complaint within 15 calendar days, or you're still dissatisfied with our final response, then you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service using the contact details listed above.
In Australia you can make a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
Website: www.afca.org.au
Email: info@afca.org.au
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call)
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Wise Australia Pty Limited, AFCA membership number: 76929
Wise Australia Investments Pty Ltd, AFCA membership number: 106571
The AFCA has time limits for when you can make a complaint. Check these on the AFCA website.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we’ll extend the deadline to 30 calendar days from the day you complained.
If you make a transfer to or from BRL, we provide an Ouvidoria service.
If you have an issue that hasn’t been resolved by our Customer Support team, you can send your case to the Ouvidoria. You’ll get a response within 2 business days, and a final response within 10 business days.
In Canada, no regulatory body is currently available for consumers to submit complaints against payments companies or Payment Service Providers such as Wise. We encourage you to reach out to your local regulator to support the addition of Complaints against Payment Service Providers under the remit of the Canadian government.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 56 calendar days from the day you complained.
If your complaint is related to the financial services regarding a transfer sent from CNY, please contact us first regardless of your address. We'll do our best to resolve your complaint, but we can’t provide you with a final response. If you’re not satisfied with our proposed solution, we'll provide you with the details of our partner so you can escalate this further.
If your address is in China, but your transfer wasn't sent from CNY, we can still send you a final response. You can forward it to our UK arbitration body — find their contact details at the top of this page.
European Economic Area — European Union member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
How you can get in touch depends on what topic your issue relates to.
Wise Account, Wise Card or Send money product
If you're located in the European Economic Area (EEA), then the Wise Account, Wise Card or Send product are provided to you by Wise Europe SA. To submit a complaint about the products provided to you by Wise Europe SA, please reach out to us:
Email our Customer Support
Phone Wise: +3226203420
We encourage you to always first contact us directly to resolve your complaint in the most efficient way. If you’re not satisfied with our final response, or we don’t respond to you within 15 working days (unless we inform you that we extend the response time to up to 35 additional working days), you have the right to escalate your complaint to an independent arbitration body.
Contact details
Please make sure you reached out to Wise first and that no more than one year has passed since your complaint to Wise.
Website: www.ombudsfin.be
Email: ombudsman@ombudsfin.be
Mail: Ombudsfin, North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, n°8, bte. 2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: (+32) 2 545 77 70. Available on weekdays in the morning only for general information
If you live in the European Economic Area (EEA), you can also make a complaint on the European Commission website. When they ask for an email address for us, enter complaints@wise.com.
EEA Personal Customer
If you’re located in the European Economic Area (EEA) and are a consumer, you can reach out to the Ombudsfin in one of these 4 languages: French, Dutch, German and English.
EEA Business Customer
As a company in the EEA, you can also contact the Ombudsfin for certain disputes, namely those concerning credits and cross-border payments within the European Union up to EUR 50,000. Requests can be submitted by email or via the online complaint form available on the Ombudsfin website.
Wise Assets product (Interest, Stocks)
If you’re located in the EEA, the Wise Assets product (Interest, Stocks) is provided to you by Wise Assets Europe AS. To submit a complaint concerning the services provided to you by Wise Assets Europe AS, please reach out to us:
Email our Customer Support
Phone: (+44) 808 175 1506 (it's toll-free if you call from a local UK number).
We encourage you to always first contact us directly to resolve your complaint in the most efficient way. If we can't provide you a final response in 15 working days, for reasons beyond our control, we’ll extend the deadline to up to 35 additional working days. If you don’t receive any communication from Wise in regards to your complaint within 15 calendar days, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the applicable arbitration body.
As an EEA customer of the Wise Assets product you have the right to file a complaint to one of the following authorities:
Estonian residents
You can file a complaint with the Consumer Disputes Committee via:
Email: avaldus@komisjon.ee
Mail: To the secretariat of the Consumer Disputes Committee at Endla 10a, 10122 Tallinn, Estonia.
The complaint can be filed in Estonian.
Other EEA countries
You can file a complaint with the European Consumer Centers Network (ECC Net) in the country where you live. The details about the responsible entities in each member state can be found on the ECC Net website.
A complaint can also be filed via the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution website.
Wise Assets Europe AS is supervised by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority, and a complaint about the firm’s services can also be submitted to the EFSA via this form. The EFSA is not a dispute resolution authority.
If your complaint concerns receiving Rupees as a business in India, make sure you speak with our Customer Support team first. But if they couldn’t resolve your issue, you can use this link to fill out our complaint form, and we'll look into it for you.
If we can't provide you a complaint response in 14 calendar days, we’ll extend the deadline to 30 days from the day you complained.
If you don’t receive any communication from Wise in regards to your complaint within 30 days, or you remain dissatisfied with our complaint response, then you have the right to escalate your complaint to our Principal Nodal Officer.
Please note that escalations to the Nodal Officer will not be processed if customers don’t first seek a resolution with Wise’s Complaints team.
Nodal Officer: Kumar Anubhav Deep nodal.india@wise.com
In case you are not satisfied with the response, you can contact The Reserve Bank of India through their Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021 (RB-IOS, 2021/the Scheme) using the details listed below:
Website: the portal of RBI https://cms.rbi.org.in
Mail: Sending a physical complaint letter in the form on pages 16-19 in the Scheme to
Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre, 4th Floor, Reserve Bank of India, Sector -17, Central Vista, Chandigarh — 160017
Email: crpc@rbi.org.in (refer to Question 17)
You have one year after we send you a complaint response or, where no complaint response is received, no later than one year and 30 days to make a complaint with The Reserve Bank of India.
You can make a complaint to Bank Indonesia if you're unhappy with our final response within 60 days of us sending the response.
If your complaint is about the Wise Account or Wise card product, you should forward the complaint to the dispute body for the Wise Account or Wise card product. To do this, please follow the United Kingdom complaint process.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we’ll extend the deadline to 40 business days from the day you complained.
In Israel, you have multiple options for escalating your complaint further. You can contact the Israel Complaint Officer, Laura Lenihan, at complaints@wise.com. In addition, you have the right to refer your complaint to The Capital Market, Insurance and Savings Authority (CMISA), free of charge. Read about your rights through CMISA here.
CMISA contact details:
Website: https://pe.cma.gov.il/
Online complaint form: https://pe.cma.gov.il/sp/sp
Fax number: 02-5695352
Email: Panats-sh@mof.gov.il
Mail: The Insurance Supervisor, Public Inquiries Unit — The Capital Market, Insurance and Savings Authority, 4 Am v’Olamo St., Jerusalem, Zip Code 9546304, Israel.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we’ll extend the deadline to 21 calendar days from the day you complained for senior citizens or 60 calendar days from the day you complained for everyone else.
For general inquiries, please contact Wise Customer Support.
Phone: 0800 080 4317 (toll-free) or 050-3161-3745 (paid)
If you have a complaint or dispute that can't be resolved by our Customer Support, you can contact these external organisations:
Japan Payment Service Association Customer Service (Japanese only)
Website: https://www.s-kessai.jp/consumer/giftcard_prica_netprica/funds_consumer_inquiry_cg.html
Phone: (+81) 3 3556 6261 (JST)
Complaint Processing Procedures (The financial ADR system)
ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is a system that aims to resolve problems through discussions without trial. If a consultation of a complaint you requested isn't resolved after a considerable period of time, and you wish to have it resolved by a third party organisation, you can contact:
Tokyo Bar Association Dispute Resolution Center
Phone: 03 3581 0031
Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center
Phone: 03 3595 8588
Daini Tokyo Bar Association Arbitration Center
Phone: 03 3581 2249
If we can’t provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 35 calendar days from the day you complained.
In Malaysia, you can make a complaint with the Ombudsman Financial Services (OFS). You have 6 months to make a complaint after we send you a final response. Also, Bank Negara Malaysia Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK) accepts general enquiries and complaints on matters relating to Financial Service Providers (FSPs) which are regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 21 calendar days from the day you complained.
If you're complaining about a transfer sent from MXN, you can raise it through our online complaint form.
If once we've provided our answer, and you have any questions or concerns you feel we haven't covered, then please get in touch.
If your address is in Mexico, but your transfer wasn't sent from MXN, we can still look into your complaint and try to resolve it. In these circumstances, you can escalate to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you're unsatisfied with our response. You can find their contact info listed further up on this page.
New Zealand
In New Zealand, you can make a complaint with the Financial Services Complaints Ltd.
Website: https://fscl.org.nz/
Email: complaints@fscl.org.nz
Phone: 0800 347 257
Mail: FSCL, PO Box 5967, Wellington 6140
Submit an online form through: https://fscl.org.nz/about-us/complaints/complaint-form/
If you filed your complaint with FSCL and we can't provide you a final response in 10 working days, we'll extend the deadline by an additional 10 working days
In the Philippines, you can make a complaint with the Bangko Sentral Consumer Assistance Mechanism.
Website: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Consumer Assistance Mechanism
Email: consumeraffairs@bsp.gov.ph
Phone: (02) 5306 2584, (02) 8708 7087
Mail: Consumer Protection and Market Conduct Office Strategic Communication and Advocacy, 10th Floor Multi-Storey Building, BSP Complex A. Mabini Street Malate, 1004 Manila
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 45 calendar days from the day you complained.
In Singapore, you can make a complaint online with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). You have 6 months to make a complaint after we send you a final response. Also, complaints can be sent to The FIDReC (Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd). Their complaint handling process can be found here.
Evaluate your eligibility to file a complaint
If your complaint is related to Assets, you can make a complaint to Fidrec.
Online: https://www.fidrec.com.sg/
Email: info@fidrec.com.sg
Mail: 36 Robinson Road #15-01 City House Singapore 068877
Phone: (65) 6327 8878, Fax: (65) 6327 8488/ (65) 6327 1089
Opening Hours:
9am–6pm (excluding Public Holidays)
Should you require an officer to assist you, please schedule an appointment with FIDReC to secure a timeslot for consultation.
Assets Customer Agreement (SG)
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 20 business days from the day you complained.
United Arab Emirates
If we couldn't reach a resolution, you can raise a complaint with the ADGM Court.
Website: https://adgmcourts.com/
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 60 calendar days from the day you complained.
United States
In the US, you can make a complaint online with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or your state regulator.
If we can't provide you a final response in 15 calendar days, we'll extend the deadline to 35 calendar days from the day you complained. If this happens, we will contact you by email explaining the reason.