This plugin adds a post-build step that allows you to upload any fingerprinted artifacts to
Be sure to check the packagecloud Jenkins plugin documentation as well.
Go to 'Manage Jenkins'
Click 'Manage Plugins'
Find the 'packagecloud' plugin under the 'Available' section
From the main page go to 'Credentials'
Click 'Add domain' to create a new domain
Name it whatever you wish, but make sure you add the 'Hostname' specification
Use '' (or your custom packagecloud:enterprise domain name) as the 'Include' domain
Add a 'Username with password' entry using your (or packagecloud:enterprise) username as the username and your API token as the password.
You can get your token via the API Token settings page here: Packagecloud API Token
Ensure that your build job is set to record fingerprints matching the artifacts you wish to upload
For example, given a job that builds an rpm, you'd use this as your
fingerprint regular expression
Refer to this table for what regular expression to use for a particular package type:
Package Type | Fingerprint Expression |
rpm | *.rpm |
dsc | *.dsc, *.bz2, *.gz, *.deb |
deb | *.deb |
gem | *.gem |
node | *.tgz |
python | *.gz, *.bz2, *.z, *.tar, *.egg-info, *.zip, *.whl, *.egg |
Read more about artifact fingerprinting here: Jenkins Fingerprint
Add the post-build step to your build
Set the username, repository and distribution for the artifact:
If using packagecloud:enterprise, enter the hostname (same one used for the credentials step above), port and protocol:
Then build your job as usual, and your artifact will be pushed up to packagecloud!