Text to speech with natural sounding voices.
4.5/520M+ downloads
Read aloud docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — by listening with our leading text-to-speech reader for desktop and mobile devices.
Enjoy text to speech in 30+ languages with multiple voices in each language that sounds natural. You can try it for free, today!
Text to speech demo. See how it works.
Best Text to speech for Chrome, iOS, Android, & Safari
Enjoy text to speech on all your devices, with one subscription. Cloud storage included.
Text to speech Chrome extension
Listen to any text on your laptop or desktop. Read aloud with the Speechify text-to-speech extension for Chrome.
Text to speech for iOS
Get the #1 rated app for text-to-speech in the App Store. Speechify can read books, documents, and articles while you cook, work out, commute, or any other activity you can think of.
Text to speech Android app
Speechify is a text to speech (tts) screen reader that can read any text, PDF, document, book, email, file, or article online out loud on your phone.
Safari TTS extension
Get the #1 rated app for text-to-speech in the App Store. Speechify can read books, documents, and articles while you cook, work out, commute, or any other activity you can think of.
Text to speech API
Speechify powers the Star Tribune, The Direct, and more. Easily add text-to-speech to your website.
How Speechify works
Using Speechify on text-to-speech is a breeze. It takes only a few minutes and you’ll be off, listening to all those words turn into high-quality, natural-sounding audio.
Install it for free on any device
- Select your voice and speed
- Listen to any text
- Scan books to turn them into audiobooks
Learn more about text-to-speech online.
I used to hate school because I’d spend hours just trying to read the assignments. Listening has been totally life changing. This app saved my education.
Ana, student with dyslex
Speechify has made my editing so much faster and easier when I’m writing. I can hear an error and fix it right away. Now I can’t write without it.
Daniel, writer
Speechify makes reading so much easier. English is my second language and listening while I follow along in a book has seriously improved my skills.
Lou, avid reader
Install Speechify anywhere, free
Turn almost any text into natural sounding audio, instantly

Chrome Extension

Android App

Safari Extension

iOS App

What is text to speech
Text to speech is also known as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis. It simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website. There isn’t a voice artist recording phrases or words, or even the entire article. Speech generation is done on-the-fly, in real time, with AI.
And that’s the beauty of it all. You don’t have to wait. You simply press play and artificial intelligence makes the words come alive instantly, in a very natural sounding voice. You can change voices and accents across multiple languages.
Turn every article into a podcast or audiobook. Have hard copies of your favorite books? Easily scan them and turn them into your personal library audiobooks.
You don’t have to rely on other audiobook publishers.
Speechify text to speech reviews
Kate MarforiProduct Manager at The Star Tribune Read More
With Speechify’s API, we can offer our users a new and accessible way to consume our content. We’ve seen that readers who choose to listen to articles with Speechify are on average 20% more engaged than users who choose not to listen.
Susy Botello Read More
Thanks for sharing this.I love this feature. I just tweeted at
you on how much I like it. The voice is great and not at all
like the text-to-speech I am used to listening to. I am a
podcaster and I think this will help a lot of people multitask
a bit, especially if they are interrupted with incoming
emails or whatever. You can read-along but continue
reading if your eyes need to go elsewhere. Hope you keep
this. It’s already in other web publications. I also see it in
some news sites. So I think it could become a standard that
readers expect when they read online. Can I vote twice?
Renato Vargas Read More
I just started using Medium more and I absolutely love this
feature. I’ve listened to my own stories and the Al does the
inflections just as I would. Many complain that they can’t
read their own stories, but let’s be honest. How many
stories would go without an audio version if you had to do
all of them yourself? I certainly appreciate it. Thanks for
Dawn 🙂 Read More
Oh! How cool – I love it 🙂 The voice is surprisingly natural
sounding! My eyes took a much appreciated rest for a bit.
I’ve been a long time subscriber to Audible on Amazon. I
think this is Great 😀 Thank you!
Paola Rios Schaaf Read More
Super excited about this! We are all spending too much
time staring at our screens. Using another sense to take in
the great content at Medium is awesome.
Ananya Read More
Hi Warren, I am one of those small, randomly selected
people, and I ABSOLUTELY love this feature. I have
consumed more ideas than I ever have on Medium. And
also as a non-native English speaker, this is really helping
me to improve my pronunciation. Keep this forevermore!
Love, Ananya:)
Tigonal Read More
This is the single most important feature you can role out
for me. I simply don’t have the time to read all the articles I
would like to on Medium. If I could listen to the articles I
could consume at least 3X the amount of Medium content I
do now.
Andrew Picken Read More
Love this feature Warren. I use it when I’m reading, helps
me churn through reading and also stay focused on the
article (at a good speed) when my willpower is low! Keeping
me more engaged..
Nic E. Read More
I was THRILLED the other day when I saw the audio option.
I didn’t know how it got there, but I pressed play, and then I
was blown away hearing the words that I wrote being
Neeramitra Reddy Read More
LOVE THISSS. As someone who loves audio almost as
much as reading, this is absolute gold
Get started with text to speech
And begin removing barriers to reading
Text to speech features
Listen at any speed
Our high-quality AI voices can read up to 9x faster than the average reading speed, so you can learn even more in less time. While it isn’t easy to listen to 900 words per minute, but who are we to limit what you are capable of? Most other text to speech readers do go that fast. Try us out today. Ease into 380 words per minute and train your ears to listen faster and slowly increase the speed to as fast as you need it to be.
Listen on desktop or mobile devices
Anything you’ve saved to your Speechify library instantly syncs across devices so you can listen to anything, anywhere, anytime.
Natural-sounding human voices
Our reading voices sound more fluid and human-like than any other AI reader so you can understand and remember more.
Listen to any book on your shelf
Use the app to snap a pic of a page in any book and hear it read out loud to you.
Multi lingual and high quality natural sounding voices
Speechify offers high-fidelity, most natural sounding voices that sound very human like. Easily select your language, then the voice in your language and enjoy natural sounding native sounding text to speech. Speechify is available in 30+ languages with multiple voices within each language. Enjoy Speechify in Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, & Ukrainian.
Everything is an audiobook or a podcast
Reading your favorite blog, news article, or a lengthy PDF but it’s time to work out? No problem. Simply press play and Speechify will convert your article into an instant audiobook. You don’t have to be stuck to a screen to read.
Text to speech use cases
Speechify was first built to serve a single purpose; to help with dyslexia. But the use case for text to speech app with the best sounding voice exploded. If you love to read, need to read, or struggle with reading, Speechify is for you.
Students of any grade can benefit from TTS. Read faster and retain much more with Speechify. You can listen to your notes or text book and follow along while stimulating audio and visual inputs.
Those with disabilities
Speechify was created by Cliff Weitzman who struggled with dyslexia. It helped him excel at his studies. Speechify is perfect for those who also struggle with dyslexia. Other disabilities such as dry eyes, migraines, TBIs or any illness thats a barrier to reading. Our mission has been constant – remove barriers to reading.
Professionals like lawyers & doctors
Professions that require an extensive amount of reading such as lawyers, doctors, editors and such can read important case files quickly and become more familiar with their work in shorter amounts of time
Story time
Parents can use text to speech to read their children’s favorite books either at home or those long car rides. You don’t have to turn on an iPad or a movie to entertain your kids. They can listen to their favorite stories over and over again. Reading has proven to have significant results in early childhood development. Let them read, plenty.
Those that love podcasts
Reading your favorite blog, news article, or a lengthy PDF but it’s time to work out? No problem. Simply press play and Speechify will convert your article into an instant audiobook. You don’t have to be stuck to a screen to read.
The use cases are plenty. Try Speechify free and see how it can help you in your use case. Tell us, we’d love to know how.
Speechify pricing.
Upgrade to Speechify Premium and power through your reading with our most advanced tools and features. See pricing.
- 30+ natural, human-like voices
- 15+ exclusive languages
- 5x faster listening speeds
- Advanced highlighting, notetaking, and importing tools
Frequently Asked Questions
What is text-to-speech (TTS)?
Text-to-speech goes by a few names. Some refer to it as TTS, read aloud, or even speech synthesis; for the more engineered name. Today, it simply means using artificial intelligence to read words aloud be; it from a PDF, email, docs, or any website. Instantly turn text into audio. Listen in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or more and choose your accent and character to personalize your experience.
Get started.
How does AI text-to-speech work?
By using speech technology or speech synthesis and machine learning. This works by installing an app like Speechify either on your mobile device or as a browser extension. AI scans the words on the page and reads it out loud in the most natural sounding voices, without any lag, in real-time. Use a custom voice, change accents, languages, and even increase or decrease the speaking rate.
How do I turn text into speech?
Install a text-to-speech app like Speechify on any of your browses or devices. After minor configurations, all you have to do is press “Play”. Text is instantly turned into natural-sounding speech. You can turn any text into an audiobook or a podcast.
What is the best text-to-speech app?
There are quite a few text-to-speech apps for iOS, Android, Chrome and Safari. Speechify is the #1 rated app in the App Store and the subscription is very affordable and with one of the best customer experience. Speechify pays attention to all customer interactions. Impeccable functionality allows you to read web pages, PDFs, Google Docs and more with dozens of text-to-speech voices to choose from. See our pricing page for more info. Speechify customers describe the speech output as almost lifelike.
It must be noted that text-to-speech is not speech recognition. It only works one way: it converts text into audio. Neither does not create audio files.
Who is text-to-speech-software for?
There are many use-cases for TTS, also known as voice generator. From personal to API or SDK for the enterprise. Speech tools are great for anyone with disabilities, help with e-learning, for professionals, productivity and high performance hackers and more.