Review So far I really love this app. I’m a hobby novelist/writer but I far prefer to hear my draft, rather than reread it. The only improvement it needs to to figure out a setting for novels specifically that could pace breaks between chapters, or even dialogue and the context of it?
Excellent tool over the last year I’ve been using Speechify to proofread my writing and it has been enormously helpful. It has definitely improved the quality of my written communications.
So helpful for my writing! Although we're not all writers, we all need to write. Essays. Reports. A thank you note to Gram and Gramps for the birthday underwear and socks. The Christmas brag sheet you send out with the cards every year. Ever wonder how all that writing sounds to others? Silently reading what you've written is one way to find rough spots in your writing. A better way to do this is to read it aloud -- something to do with using different parts of your brain to read and hear. A much better way to do this is to have somebody else read it to you. That way you can just close your eyes and listen as the words wash over you. But what happens if you don't have somebody to read to you? There are a number of apps nowadays that have text-to-speech capability. I chose Speechify and am delighted that I did. I get great readings where I can simply listen for words that could be improved and for places where my writing, while technically fine, doesn't flow as well as I need it to. Trust me, if the machine stumbles over your words, your readers will, too. This is a great app for students writing essays or businesspeople writing reports. It won't write your paper (sorry). It won't tell you what you've misspelled or where your grammar is wrong. Or will it? I'm a published author, yet English was far and away my least favorite subject in school. How's that saying go -- I hated it with the heat of a thousand suns? You get the idea. But here's a secret. We as native English speakers intuitively *know* how things are supposed to sound. Even if we wouldnt recognize a compound, complex sentence or gerund to save our lives. That's where Speechify can help. Even if you have only a very vague idea of what you're doing, you can rewrite until it sounds right to you. Still not happy? Tweak, paste, and play again. That's how I use it. Best of luck in your writing adventures.
Helps me listen to what I write As a writer, this app helps me write . It has helped me listen and allows me to hear different ways of saying what I have said. It is facilitating my creativity.
As a dyslexic I can’t being to describe how helpful Speechify is. I’m a writer and the irony does not go unnoticed to me. This app makes my edits so much easier. I can focus on the flow of the material and take note of where I hear a stutter. Knowing it’s my typing that messed up and not my brain reading what I already wrote. Thank you!