vlask wrote:Is there any software way to dump them without rom programmer? Have many cards, but no Eprom programmer.
Not with CGA/MDA as far as I know (no BIOS, ROM not mapped to the CPU's addressable space).

keropi wrote:interesting... what is this project? is it just cool or super-cool?

It's "cool" only for a very narrow/nerdy defintion of "cool" - think something like
this project, but for PC fonts instead of Amiga ones.

Already got some Cyrillic ones and Danish/Norwegian/Portuguese (over at VCF), and now Greek from you -- I have a Hebrew CGA font from IBM, but only the 'normal' 8x8 chars (no 'thin' version or 9x14/MDA glyphs). EGA/VGA are much easier, since the fonts can simply be extracted from DOS codepages, but for CGA/MDA/Herc the only way to get the "authentic" international fonts is from the ROMs.
Anyway, thanks for those dumps! Here are the bitmaps-

- greek.png (8.68 KiB) Viewed 311 times
A bit odd that those MDA clones don't have IBM-style 8K ROMS and with the 8x8 fonts included... but I guess that part was simply stripped out since it's never used on MDA anyway.
BTW, I think you should be able to burn a Greek ROM for your IBM CGA using the Acer one as a base? unless you want a 'thin' font as well?