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JILT 2007 (2) - Editorial

We are pleased to announce that the 2007 (2) issue of the Journal of Information, Law and Technology is now online.

Three of the four refereed articles focus on the problems and challenges of regulating the online environment with regards to content and interaction.

Subhajit Basu and co-author discuss the problem of regulating cyber stalking and compare it vis-à-vis the legal framework regulating the offence in the offline world. Using examples they critically analyse the intellectual frameworks within which cyberspace may be regulated.

Chris Reed analyses the problems of regulating Information Technology (IT), identifies the structural defects in IT regulation and discusses the ways in which these can be addressed. Highlighting the unintended consequences of regulation brought about by embedded business models within regulation he argues for business model neutrality in regulation.

Carlisle George and co-author discuss the difficulties in regulating content developed within the Web 2.0 environment. Web 2.0 has led to an explosion of User Generated Content (UGC) which, on the one hand, provides exciting opportunities to the user but at the same time is tainted by illegal activities and disregard for accepted norms.

The fourth article by Andrew Mowbary and co-authors discusses the need for availability of high quality web based legal information. They highlight the contestation between commercial legal publishers and the free access alternative. The article outlines an initiative funded by the Australian Research Council’s E-Research programme to build a flexible generic set of tools to support and enhance access to WorldLII and, more generally, any network of a geographically distributed set of web-based systems.

We hope you enjoy this latest edition and we look forward to receiving your valuable contributions to the journal.