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Vulonkaaz's website

Je suis un Γͺtre d'amour pur, les malheurs de ce monde ne peuvent m'atteindre.

Current mood : The current mood of vulonkaaz at www.imood.com (powered by imood.com)

Welcome to my website, most of what i make on the internet can be found here

20€ off for a KuKirin scooter : https://loox.io/z/ha6ALJyai
JMP.chat referal code: BTJRR2AA (I think you get one month free using it)




I rarely open the mailbox or the xmpp client, only way to reach me fast is Matrix and social media


Click on an arrow to get lost on the Internet

<-- Retronaut -->

<-- Hotline -->

<-- Fediring -->

<-- Travelers of Agora Road -->

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