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I just finished playing the beta and it's amazing. I'm very attached to all the characters and it really feels as if I were the one in the story. I love Jack so much he's the best.

Thank you so much!

will there be a part 2?

This is just a demo of the game, so yes!


Its a cute visual novel~


Thank you!


its so gooooooodddddddddddddd, +-+

U really know how 2 make a person attached 2 the story. U have been blessed with the power of  UwUs and OwO's.

Thank you!

Will this be available on steam when it is done? I would love to be able to support this game as what I played so far was amazing!

It will eventually! Thank you so much!

Howdy! I loved the story so far! Is Alistar's route going to be available any time in the near future? Could you possibly give an estimate? Also when are you going to update dietrich's route I AM IN LOVE

HI there! COVID sort of threw a curve ball into our plans, so I'm not sure about any concrete timeline about when the routes will be completed.

This game is so amazing! I saw that the game would be free when the full version is released so I was wondering if you had a estimate of how much it will cause? :)

December we are planning a partial release/early access version that will likely be around 10$! 

(1 edit)

I just finished it today and I'm hooked on the plot of the story. It's very engaging and enjoyable, I love Dietrich's character and his relationship development with the MC. 

May I just say the MC is one sassy, well-spoken lady? She's super yappy about everything about Dietrich in the first days of his route (because they're starting to get warm with eachother hehehhe) . It's so moving when they were infront of the fire place and talking pleasantly. Oh gods, the art is also attractive! I look forward to the next chapter and update :>>


Whoa! Awesome game! I'll definitely by the full version. So far Dietrich is my fav, i almost cried playing his route. Thank you for a great 2 hours))

Also, I have a few questions:

1) Can i hope on Steam release when the game is complete?
2) Do you have any plans on R-rated version or dlc?


Hi there! Thank you for the kind words!

Yes, we will have a Steam release! No, there will not be a NSFW version of the game. As for DLC, we aren't sure yet. :)

I really liked this! One of those visual novels where your perspective varies depending on the route. 

Dietrich secured a place in my heart. And the MC is so adorable!

Hello, just dropping by again to share this fan art of Azra. I also have one of Marz in the works. Hope you're doing great, devs!
(1 edit)

Is there an estimated release date for the final game?

We're working towards December. :)

Oh yay! Thank you, I really enjoyed the demo btw C:

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(1 edit) (+2)

Yes, I totally love this. Dietrich in particular. (I know he's a fan fave. But hey, we like our grumpy but sweet boys. Don't we? *snuggles to death a certain Sergio from Dead Wishes*) I was so heartbroken when it ended where it did. I must return to my precious rat and his birbles. <3

Now to play Jack's route. God, I get the feeling it will be so hard to ever choose between them. I've such a thing for grumpy boys and childhood sweeties. xD


Aw, thank you for the kind words!! I'm glad you're enjoying the demo!!

Hey! First of all game is awesome. Secondly I have a queston will the game be free when fully released and when it will be realised?

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply - I've been sort of in a tizzy with the current lock down situation.  Thank you for the kind words! It will not be free at release, which is projected for December 2020. I would like to keep that date stable, but the COVID-19 stuff is sort of throwing off development as I've been busy with adjusting to my day job. 

i just finished playing jack's and dietrich's route. im absolutely in love with dietrich. the artstyle is cute, and the plot is really amazing. im really looking forward for the  full release!

Thank you very much!


I just finished Jack's and Dietrich's routes. It was so adorable, especially Jack's route.

I wish MC can gain control of their magic powers and save everyone from the winter. 

Thank you for the kind words! MC has quite the storm ahead of them.


This was so much fun to play! I just finished Jack's route and it was so adorable :> I'll definitely buy the visual novel on it's full release!

Thank you, we're glad you enjoyed it!!

this is absolutely adorable <3 thank you for putting so much work into it^^


You are very welcome!! 

I am absolutely in LOVE with this visual novel! It made me squeel so much from the cuteness of both Jack's and Dietrich's routes! I have no idea which one I like more <3 

I'm looking forward for Fae's and Alistair's route! <33


Aww, thank you so much!! We hope to keep making you SQUEEEE in the finished game! 

this really incredible i really enjoy playing so much thank for creating this gam

So glad you enjoy it! <3

I checked this game out because Im a huge fan of dead wishes.  I wasnt sure if Id like this one since its sort of a different genre, but Im so in love with it! Dietrich checks all my boxes. Hes soooo cute. I really love this story and Im incredibly excited for the full release! Amazing!

Aww, thank you so much!!

Oh my gosh! I just played through Dietrich's route and it was so sweet. The romance between the two of them feels incredibly organic and genuine. There were so many moments where I stopped and smiled because the moment was just so cute. 

This game is so well made! I so appreciate the pronoun and appearance options! Thank you for making such a lovely game. I look forward to seeing how it continues!

You are so very welcome, and thank YOU for all the kind words! We will keep working to make this a magical experience for players when the full version is complete!

Of course! I am so excited to see what you all do with it :)

Also, will the final game be free or will it cost money?

It will cost money, but we are not yet sure the exact price. :)

Gotcha! Thank you.

I just end Dietrich's Route and I was "HOW DARE YOU!!!" My brother look an me like I'm crazy ^^'  Evrything is beatifull and I want more. For now I know I will have a problem Dietrich or Alistair (Long hair <3). English is not my first language but it was nice and easy read text

I send you motivation and succes for end this vn ^^

Thank you for all the kind words! It's especially nice to hear that the story was easy to read! We're going to keep working hard to deliver something special and magical for all of you.

This game is fantastic! I really loved it! Can't wait for the full release, best of luck

Thank you so much!!


Went ahead with Dietrich's Route, and I absolutely loved it! I'm still trying to find ways to get in Alistair's Route before I really head off with Jack and possibly Fae.

Really wondering if Alistair's route can't be found until certain things happen, but still very good! Keep up the good work!

Hi there! To save you some potential headache - Fae and Alistair's routes are not available yet! 

I've played this beta multiple times because I couldn't get enough of it ;o; !! This looks absolutely amazing! I loved the designs, story and music! All fits so well together. ( And I love the story of The Nutcracker in itself )

I gotta admit I ran for Dietrich's route first because I loved him on sight, and then went to try out Jack's ( poor thing when I realised how much he cared, and then remembering that I completely ditched him and Fae on my first run to go after Dietrich ).

Loved Dietrich's route! I can't wait for the rest and to explore the other's route as well! I'm thinking Alistair's one will be pretty intriguing! Thought I believe all the routes are necessary in to understanding everything ^^

I wish you the best for this project!! And I'll be following excitedly all the update owo/ Will there be a Patreon? A Discord? A Kickstarter maybe?

Hi there! Thank you so much for all the kind words! 

We used to have a Patreon, but closed it because we were so busy keeping up with work on the game and posting updates on all our other social media.

There is also a discord server for our studio! Here is an invite link if you would like to join. We do not post terribly often (so we won't spam you with notifications), lol. 

As for a Kickstarter.... we haven't decided yet. As of now it is not necessary, but we may later choose to add more content and a KS may become an option. We'll make announcements about all of that if it comes to pass! 

Playing the game! Heads up for dietrich route there's an error with the text after he feeds you 'just because he feeds his me"! I'll keep on the look out for any more errors!

None so far on Jack's route! Excited for fae and Alistair! Sad no tempo tho :cc He is a cutie!

Ah! Thank you very much for noting the error! 

Tempo is indeed a cutie. You will certainly be seeing more of him and his backstory in the expanded routes. ;)

Nice!! Can't wait to see more!  I'm sure I'll love the cutie to bits, right after I finish setting up Mars, no one has needed a wingman more.

Also ngl lowkey shipping Jack and Dietrich, I love some rat man/big puppy dynamic!

Oh, poor Marz. He needs some help... he's stumbling hard... this poor lad...

And, well. ; ) Ship away!

He just wants to be loved and darnit I'll support him in this endeavor!!!

;) I shall write fanfics for the occasion! (if that's okay once the game is out--)

Of course! We'd love to spark your imagination! 


AAAHHHHHH!!!!! I LOVE DIETRICH SO MUCH!!!! This whole thing was so good! It was such a sweet little story, and it made me feel like a kid again!

I can't wait for more, but I do hope you don't push yourself too much. I could tell you guys really wanted to get this beta out fast, so try not to put too much pressure on yourself for the full release of the first episode.


Also, I didn't include this in the first post, but the stopping point felt very natural. I know you guys didn't plan on making two parts at first, so I thought I'd mention that.


Thank you!! Yes, when we decided to split up the game, we knew just the perfect place in the story!! (•̀⌄•́)

Dietrich seems to be quite popular thus far! Glad he's getting some love from the players. 


He is a good boy who loves his birbs <3


The rat man and his birbs. A love story for the ages.

This is so good! I love the art, the soundtrack and the characters! (especially Dietrich) I'm SO glad I found this game, cant wait for more!

Thank you so much!! We're glad you're enjoying it! 

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