Alphabetical clock, it orders the hours in alphabetical order, depending on the language you use in your browser.
Greek time, the exact time, give or take an hour.
Geek time, the time to, or the time since 13:37.
Binary clock, the time in binary.
Wowclock, completely based on this incredible idea by Humans since 1982.
Decimal clock, the time if we used the metric system for time as well.
Oulipo clock, a clock in British words. In this clock no fifth glyph is shown.
HSL clock, the background colour changes based on time and the HSL colour notation.
RGB clock, the background colour changes based on time and the RGB colour notation. (Looks best in your Firefox browser.)
Dave clock, a single arm, pointing up at noon, and down at midnight.
- Jasperklok, it always says “Ja hoor, het is weer zo laat!”, which means something like “Right, it’s that time again”.
- Arduenn clock, it shows the correct time, regardless of timezone, only twice every 24 hours.
- The Pix Clock, it shows the time on a picture with a clock that shows the time. Read more about it here, and please contribute of you want to.
- The OBA Clock, a 24 hour clock divided into three hour segments. Explanation here.
- Jasper’s about clock shows the exact time, but feels like pointing at an about time. This is done by moving the hour indicators 2.5 minutes.
- De Diek en Joke klok, a clock that’s a complete rip-off from a work of art at Diek and Joke’s house: four clocks on a square, each turned 90 degrees more than the others.
- De klokkenklok, a clock with a clock on each hour. The clocks turn counterclockwise.
- A variant of the klokkenklok, with again a clock on each hour. The clocks again turn counterclockwise, they’re just rotated in a different way. There are three clocks on each side of the square, they all three point in the same direction in this one.
- ISO format square clocks. These are clocks where the hands always touch the outside of a square.
Trixie NCND Typewriter clocks. Inspired by Erik van Blokland’s variable typewriter font I made a few clocks.
- A wandering hour clock. An ingenious mechanism translated to CSS.
- A few anti-clocks to solve a few important problems.
- A political clock. A clock reflecting on the 2023 elections in the Netherlands.
- An abstract alternative to the sun. While working on some nice geometric off clocks I stumbled upon this alternative for the sun.